Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1937, p. 1

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Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrie and fam~ ily visited on Sunday with‘ friends in Tiverton. 'The WM.S. of St. Andrew’s Presâ€" byterian Church met in the Sunday School room on Wednesday afternoon Sept. 1. After the usual business and devotional exercises the bale conâ€" taining eight quilts was packed. Re- fres'hments were served by the .c0m~ mittee. Mr. and Mrs. E. Palmer and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson, Caledon East. Miss Phydlis Padgett of Headford spent several days last week with her friend, Miss Jean Park. Mrs. C. G. Barkeytmyer and Mr. Bob Bark‘eyvmyer of McKeesport, Pa. spent several days last week with Mrs. H. C. Bailey. Miss V. Kipling of Hamilton spent last week with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robeson. Mrs. Geo. 'I‘isdall and son Mr. Geo. Tisdall of Aurora spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys. The annual Harvest Home Festival will be held in Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 26. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. Special music at both ser- vices. All are cordially invited. Members and friends of Zion Lut’h- eran Church gave their Pastor and Mrs. Huenerg‘ard a Welcome Home Party last week when they returned from their vacation spent on Mani- toulin IsLand. There will be no church service in Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 19th, on account of the annual Harvest Home Festival in Bethesda Lutheran Church, Union- ville, when services will be held at 11 mm. and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. The Sunday School at Zion Luth- eran Church will meet on Sunday af- ternoon at 1.30 o‘clock. Miss Maud Kellough of Toronto is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. A. Kellough. Master Bill McCutcheon returned to his home in White Plains, New York, on Sunday after spending two months’ vacation with Mr. and Mrs. E. Matheson. Miss Dora. Lloyd of New Toronto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Matheson. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Fan- of Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lotan of Pontiac, Michigan, visited last week with Mrs. S. Egan. Mrs. S. Egan who has resided in Maple for several years has sold her home and intends to take up resi- dence in Toronto. A sale of house~ hold furniture will be held’ on Oc- tober 2nd. Th'e Sund‘ay Schools will re-open again on Sunday. September 19th. ,United Church S. S. at 10 am. Pres- b=o=o=m VOL. LVII. “YOR‘K COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER" N Yonge at Castlefield ‘ I , Mo. 2172 In the Laugh Hit! EVER SINCE EVE SMOKING PERMITTED IN LOGES ROBERT MONTGOMERY - MARION DAVIES FRANK McHUGH - PATSY KELLY LOUISE FAZENDA FRIDAY-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 - 18 MAPLE NEWSY NOTES Continuous Saturday from 1.30 [0:0] 0:0] ‘ School children resumed their studâ€" ies on Monday under the leadership of Mr. Henry McDonald, principal, ,and the new junior teacher, Miss Dorothy Keffer. A rink from Richmond Hill won first prize at Agincourt last Thurs- ’day night. The rink was composed of G. Willis, skip, Mrs. R. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens. byberian Church 8.8.. at 1.30 p.m. S.T. Only ten rinks took part in the local fall tournament Wednesday af- ternoon, five" rinks beng Richmond Hill entries. Skip Harry Marshall of Newmarket won first prize with 3 wins and a score of 59 and a plus of 8. Skip Budd of Newmarket won second prize and skip Gid‘ Moodie won the prize for high with one win. A. A. Eden and Morley Hall won first priZe in the doubles tournaâ€" ment at Newmarket Monday ev'em ing. OIAL HARVEST SERVICES, to be held at ST. MARY’S CHURCH, RICHMOND HILL, to which one and all are invited. And that we might be given an opportunity to show our thanks in a practical way, the Rec- tor invites all to bring some gift of fruit or vegetable or other produce, to be taken to the ORANGE HOME at the close of the services Ser- vices as follows: Skip George Walwin won the Greene Cup at the annual local tour- nament held here Monday evening. Skip L. H. Clement won second. The rinks were: Walker 3113]], George Fuller, George Walwin skip; J. Mar- tin, W. W. Trench, L. H. Clement skip. ‘ Members of Vaughan Lodge A.F. & A.M. will attend divine service at Maple United Church next Sunday evening. Brethren from the district are cordially invited to attend. How fortunate we are that we live in the County of York Where HAR- VESTS ARE USUALLY GOOD. When we hear of conditions as they are in other parts of Canada, espe- cially in parts of the WEST, how thankful we should be to ALMIGHTY GOKD. That we might be able to show our thanks, the Rev. W. F. Wrixon has arranged THREE SPE- FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK, Sept. 17 8 p.m.-â€"â€"Preach»er, Rev. J. H. Kidd of Woodbridge. SUNDAY NEXT, Sept. 19â€" 11 a.m.â€"Preacher, Rev. W. F. Wrixâ€" 7 p.m.â€"Preacher, Bighop Lucas, D.D., of Toronto. BOWLING NOTES HARVEST AGAIN {0:0 0:0] 10:0] 0:6 RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1937. "In Essentials, Unity; In Nongsiefltjak‘, Vaughan Receives Provincial Subsidy Amounts to $4,200 The Hepburn government subsidsy for municipalities became a reality for Vaughan township ratepayers on Wednesday when clerk and treasurer James M. McDonald received a cheque from the Ontario governmenlt signed by Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn as treasurer for $4,202.52. This grant from] the provincial government a- mounts to one mill on the tax bills of every taxpayer in the township. Clerk and Treasurer McDonald sub- mitted his official statement of total assessment and- tax rates to the (lee partment on September 13th, the On- ‘tario governmeth cheque for the a- mount of the subsidy was made out on the 14th, and received and! de posited to the credit of Vaughan twp. taxpayers on September 15. Vaughan township taxpayers along with felâ€" low taxpayers throughout Ontario say, “Thank you, Mr. Hepburn.” The School Board Invites Citizens Inspect School Editor, The Liberal, Dear Sir:â€" This school was erected 24 years ago. It is Well built and generously design-ed, but the sanitary and heat- ing equipment has for some years been mosrt unsatisfactory. May I utilize the columns of your valuable paper to extend to the citi- zens of Richmond Hill Public School Section a cordial invitation to visit and inspect the school. Owing to the depressed conditions of the past; five or six years the renovation of this equipment has been postponed from year to year. This year however the Board of Trustees considered that funther delay was both unwise and unnecessary, and during the last two months, new equipment has been installed which will place our school amOng‘ the best in the province. Extensive decora- tion of the interior has also been done. We believe that the public in gen- eral would appreciate an opportun- ity to inspect these improvements, and for this purpose the doors will be open between the hours of 8 and 10 pm. on Friday, Sept. 17th. All are welcome. PURSE-SNATCHER ATTACKS WIFE OF COUNTY CONSTABLE When a Large transformer was out of commission last Saturday evening and the town was in darkness Mrs. S. A. Barraclough, wife of S. A. Barraclough of the County police force was the victim of a. sneak thief of the purseâ€"snatching variety. As Mrs. Barraclough walked by the High School on Mill Street near her home a man crept up behind her and grabb- ed her shopping bag. As she en- deavoured to hold on to the bag she was forcibly thrown in the ditch and the thief made away with the bag which contained a pair of shoes and some groceries but no money. In the darkness it was impossible to secure much idea of the assailant but the police are working on ~.ome clues which have come to light. PAUL E. ANGLE, Chairman, Richmond Hill Board of Public School Trusrtees. F-ire, which broke out early Sunday morning, completely destroyed three buildings and partly damaged anoth- er in the business section of the vi11L age of Sutton. The blaze is believed to have start- ‘ed in a house occupied by George Thompson and his family. It spread quickly to the next house, owuedi by 'Chesley Scott, and burned the struc- 'ture to the ground., A machine shop, at the rear of his residence was not damaged. The exceptionally high wind fanned the flames and carried sparks over a greater part of the village, menacing stores and residences. Heat given off by the fire was so intense that windows in stores across the street were cracked and broken. Handsome Cheque Received This Week by Townghip Treasurer BAD FIRE AT SUTTON Although there are no new cases ‘of Infantile Paralysis in Richmond Hill village two cases have develop- ed‘ recently in the immediate district and! in View of these developments Richmond Hill Board of Health in special session this morning ordered Richmond Hill schools to remain closed until September 27. The same ruling of the Board also closes» all Sunday Schools, and\ play grounds until after this date and; the arena Will remain closed. All under twenm tyâ€"one years of age are also prohib- ited from attending at the public "library. N. New Cases in Village But Some in The District Schools to Stay €losed Until 27th in the village it was very necessary that parents continue to observe ev- ery precaution and keep children; at home in their own .yards and away from other playmates. Dr. Lan'gstaff, while there hadJ York County Juniors Win The junior judges of York Counlty made a nemarkably good showing in the Judging Competitions at the Can- adian National Exhibition for Junior Farmers and Junior Institutes, while the Boy-s’ Calf Club members all fea- tured in the prize winners. Ln the livestock and poultry judg- ing, nineteen of the York Junior Far- mers were prize winners, the next highest County having thirteen in the money. The County team of young ladies consisting of Sarah McNeil, Woodbridge, Dorothy Hewitt, Scar- boro and Gertrude Coakwell, Stouff- ville, in the contest on “Dressing up Home Grown Vegetables”, won first prize standing lst, 2nd, and 8th re- spectively: in their individual scores. The York Demonstration team stood 3rd being outscored by Durham and Hastings teams. The boys representing the Boys’ Calf Club sponsored by Uhe Wood- bridvge Agricultural Society and sup- ervised by W. M. Cockburn, Agricul- tural Representative, have reason to be proud of their succeSS‘. With thir- tyi-five Holstein calves competing, the four Woodbridvg‘e calves won 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th and- were keen competi- tors for the lst prize group. In the Jersey class, the boys captured lst, 2nd and; 4th, as well as lst for a group of three calves and lst for Showmanship. While the Calf Club show drew the largest ringside of the livestock show, the most interesting feature to the spectators was eight-year old Allan Bagg showing the winning Club jer- sey for his brother James who was ill. Unfortunately, he is too young for club work so while his showman- ship was outstanding, he was not eligible for that contest. Aidan had assisted his father in the breeders’ class the week previous by: showing a. prize winning calf. Swine judgingâ€"Donald W. Pear- son, Agincourt, 5th; Frank Codang, Malton, 10th. Calf Club, Holsteinsâ€"Bert Living- ston, Wood/bridge, 2nd; Thomas Whit- taker, Downsview, 3rd; Allan Boake, Downsview, 6th. Showmanship (Jerseys) â€" Cameron McNeil, Woodbridge, 15$. Poultry judging â€"â€" Newmarket, 4th; Lav Queensville, 7th; W1 Scarboro Bluffs, 10th Dairy Cattle judging â€" Norman Bagg, Edgeley, 3rd; Mac Freeman, Markham, 8th; Ronald Bagg, Union- ville, 12th. County, winners in the various classes were: Sheep judgingâ€"Earl Gardhouse, Weston, RR. 3, lst; Wallace R. Jen- nings, King, RR. 3, 2nd; W. J. Bro- die, Stouffville, 3rd; Wilbert Jenn~ ings, King, 4th; Russell Little, A-gin» court, 7th. Heavy Horses judging â€" Albert Rutherfovl, Woodybridge, 151:; Ray Downey, Toronto, 5th; Canmam Liv- ingston, Woodbridge, 14th. Beef Cattle Judging â€"‘ Reford Gardhouse, Weston, lst; Fergus Mc- Taggart, Nobleton, 11th. Calf Club, Jerseysâ€"James Baggy Edgeley, lst; Donal-d BaggLEdgeley, 2nd; Cameron McNeil, Wood-bridge, 4th. Percheron C.N.E. Award iberty; In All Things, Charity: FoaIâ€"Carm‘an Living- M.O.H., stated that been no new cases was very necessary r â€"- Ray» Lawrence Deavitt1 Folliott“ Harris; om ston, Woodbridge, lst. Girlsâ€"Individual Competition Dressing up Home Grown Vegeâ€" tablesâ€"Pearl Chamberlain, Lloydâ€" town, 8th; Bess'ie Valliere, UniOnville, R.R. 1, 9th; Sadie Wind‘as, Wood- bridge, RR. 2, 12th. Clothes Closets Up to Dateâ€"Mar- jory Hart, Gormley, R.R. 2, 6th; Mar bel Rumble, King City, 7th; Eleanor Heacock, Maple, 8th; Bessie Valliere, Unionville, 8th. Brampton Fall Fair this year is conducting- a Junior Dept. and fany of the Juniors from York are plann- ing to compete there on: Sept. 28th and 29th. MORGAN BAKER HELD MEETING AT VANDORF Morgan Baker, Liberal candidate for North York opened his campaign with an enthusiastic meeting at Vandorf Wednesday evening. Coun- cillor Herman Kidd of Whitchurch acted. as chairman and the other speakers were W. S. Cameron of To- ronto and James Butler of Richmond Hill. All speakers received a splenâ€" did hearing- and the record of the Hepburn government and of Mr. Baker as the representative for North York were endorsed by hearty ap- plause of the audience. UNITED CHURCH EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary of United Church are holding their first meet- ing after the holiday season on Tues- d‘ay evening, Sept. 2151: at: the home of Mrs. W. Welhman, 92 Yonge St. This will be a. work and discussion meeting for the baiaar in. October. New members welcomed. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. Vote for Morgan Baker, LiberaI candidate in North York. is delicious SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Mrs. F. Fisk, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. ‘J. Brown, Miss Mina and Mr. Jack iBrown of Toronto visited Mr. and L'Mrs. L. Burton on Wednesday. BAKERâ€"BALES A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Mennonite parsonage at Gormley by the Rev. H. Shantz, of Elsie Bales, youngest daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bales of Jeffer- json to George Arthur Baker, son of Mr. Nathaniel Baker and the late ers. Baker of second concession of Markham. The Anniversary of the Can-ville .Church will be held on Sunday, 0c- tober 3rd. Rev. Howard and Mrs. King and "Mrs. Grafton of Toronto visited. Mr. land- Mrs. Vanderburg Monday afterâ€" ’noot.. Mrs. W. Wynn of Carl-ville and! Miss Eva Aberham formerly of ‘Carr'villae attended a. shower Thurs- day in Toronto at the home of Miss Madelene Higgins for Miss Margaret Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peddlar of Fleshâ€" erton and Mrs. Lues-by of Thornhill visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Clement On Monday. 5 Mr. W. Wynn attendeti the fun. eral of Paul Gifford at Oshawa on Monday morning. Mrs. Stan findall and: Miss Richâ€" ardson of Richmond Hill visited Miss M. Reaman on Friday afternoon. Miss Ruth Rumble andI Mr. Wilâ€" bert Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker on Sunday evening. Mrs. Bert MiddletOn and Marion spent last week with Mrs. Armitage in Orillia CARRVILLE WEDDING N0. 12.

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