Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1937, p. 4

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Voters’ List 1937 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN County of York Clerk’s notice of First Posting of R'oters’ List. Notice is hereby given that I have tamplied with Section 10 of the Vot- ars’ List Act and that I have posted \‘p in my office at Maple, on the 7th nay! of September, 1937, the List of :11 persons entitled to vote in the :aid Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elec- iions, and that sudh list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters u take immediate proceedings to ~Hume any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. The last 'ay for filing appeals is September '28, 1937. Dated at Maple, Sept. 7th, 1937. J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk of Vaughan Township. You needn't ask a man’s opinion of any, matter. Just find out how it affects his interests: In addition to being an important factor in your safety, and the protection of your property, Hydro is making every effort to extend the benefits of low cost power throughout the Province of Ontario. These efforts are made in your best interests, and their success will affect your prosperity. You % should. therefore. be vitally interested in Hydro and what it is doing for you. H'I'IJHO ELEGTHIQ POWER COMMISSION 375A Whether you are at home, or on the street, on trains, street cars or motor, in church or theatreâ€"Hydro plays an essential part in your safety and the pro- tection of your property. Police and Fire Department signal systems render immediate service in emer- gency. Traffic lights permit control and safety on our streets. Wig-wag systems flash and signal the danger of approaching trains. Better lighted streets make crime difficult. In addition to these many guardians of your safety, Hydro goes still farther. Every electrical appliance or device must be approved by the H. E. P. C. Testing and Inspection Department before it goes into your homeâ€"every piece of electrical equipment is made as free of hazard as scientific knowledge and highly-trained technicians can make them. PAGE FOUR Debt Pegged As Was Promised Being Paid Off at Substantial Rate by Ontario’s public debt, which was increased at the rate of more than $45,000,000 a year under the Con- servative government cf Hon. G S. Henry, is being paid off at a sub- stantial rate by the Hepburn admin- istration, it is revealed by a perusal of the Public Accounts which will soon be off the press at Queen’s Park. When Mr. Henry vacated the pre- mier’s office, the province’s indebt- edness stood at the stupendous total of $655,000,000. Owing to the many extravagant undertakings that had been entered into, the Liberal gov- ernment was unable at once to check an increase in this debt so that it reached an all-time high of $689,- 000,000 at the end of March, 1936. Since that date the province has been slowly getting out of the red. For the fiscal year 1936-7 some $33,- 000,000 of debt was paid' off, and it is estimated that since the end of the Hepbu‘rn Administration THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO March last, the gross debt has been decreased by several millions more. Today, it is computed, the province owes less than it owed when the Lib- eral government took office just over three years ago. This entitles the Liberal party to lay claim to a record' without paralâ€" lel in the history of Ontario. Under the Conservative government of Sir William Hearst (1914 to 1919) the debt was increased by an average of $11,063,000 every year. Under the Drury regime (1919 to 1923) the huge sum of $48,498,000 was entered in the red each year. With Hon. G. H. Ferguson as prime minister (1923 to 1930) debt was piled up at an averâ€" age rate of $26,049,000 annually, while Mr. Henry ran it up at some $45,000,000 each year. What makes the achievement of the Hepburn government all the more remarkable is that it has pegged the public debt without curtailing any: essential public servrce and without any increases in taxationâ€"in fact, "with decreases in taxation. Unemployment relief has been con- tinued on an even more generous scale than that provided by the pre- ceding government. Health services are unimpaired, and cuts made in hospital grants by the Henry cabinet has been restored. Highway con- struction and maintenance has gone ahead in accordance with traffic re- quirementsâ€"not in accordance with patronage requirements as the Con- servative government did on the eve of the last election by putting thous- ands to work needlessly. filling ditches. Decreases in taxation that have al- ready been put into effect include the complete remission of the amuse- ment tax and a 25 per cent cut in fees for commercial motor vehicles. A further tax decrease promised this fall if the Liberals are re-elected is a “substantial reduction" in fees for passenger cars. Thank God every morning that you have something to do, whether you like it or not. Being forced to work and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheer- fulness, contentment and a hundred other virtues the idle never know. Chas. Kingsley. RICHMOND HILL Dr. W. N. G. Ferguson Dentist Office over Dominion Store PHONE 32 Lionel Conacher, Canada’s premier athlete, and one who has thrilled the hearts of sport fans‘ for many years is a Liberal candidate for the riding of Bracondale in Toronto. The “Big Train” has won many notable victories on the sporting- field and‘ fans are pulling hard‘ for him to come through with a win on October 6th. According to reports from the Queen City he has an excellent chance of winning. While this is a sports column we took the liberty last week when sport news was a little scarce of making a short comment on the po- litical situation. Since then I have been accused of jumping over the political fence, but I can see no great crime in this. I submit it is the independent voter who votes as the issues present themselves who is the safeguard of democracy, and this is ths reason‘ thousands of peo- ple in Ontario who like myself form- erly supported the Conservative party cannot follow the leadership of Mr. Rowe and are supporting Onâ€" tario’s man of Action, Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn. Rodens Lose Final Game Rod‘en A.C. passed out of Inter- mediate Lacrosse Friday night, when they were defeated by Cheltenham 19-12. Cheltenham- fielded one of the nic- est Intermediate teams to play at the local arena for a long time. Their passing plays were nearly perfect and' they had Rodens run ragged. Iioden are talking seriously of en- tering the Senior division next. year. Roden Midtgets combined with Richmond Hill Midgets are in the Midget play-offs which will take place shortly. Every nation needs a strong navy to protect its citizens when they are where they have no business. THURSDAY, SEPT. 23.â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements. Furniture, etc” on Lot 13, Con. 9, Markham Township, 11/; miles east of Markham Village, the property of Wm. D. Forster. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. No Reserve. The- Dairy Cows are a choice herd, heavy milk- ers and: good testers. Ken Prentice, Auctioneer. CattEe, Horses and Sheep FOR SALE Well matched team of Percherons guaranteed to soundneSS and to work weighing about 16010 lbs., $200 for the team. Bay Mare about 1600 lbs. $140. Bay Mare about 1400 lbs. $135. Percheron Mare about 1700 lbs. $100. We still have a number of Breed- ing Ewes for sale. Will sell what are left at $7.75 each, buyer to take the lot. Shorthorn Heifer with calf 3 weeks old $29.00. Well matched team about 1300 lbs. guaranteed sound and good to work in any harness, $180 for the team. Hereford Heifer due now $50.00. This is an exceptionally fine animal. Angus Heifer due now $50.00. Hereford Heifer due in a month $40.00. _ Angus Bull 6 months old $18.00. 17 small Stocker Cattle $220.00 for the lot. con. 1. For full particulars apply J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer or the Pub- lic Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toron/co. SAT., OCT. 9THâ€"Auction Sale of farm stock. implements, furniture, grain, e‘tc. property of R. F. Boynâ€" ton. lot 25, con. 4. Markham Twp. 1% mUPs east of Victoria Square. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. 5 Angus and Hereford COWS with calves at foot from lot recently ar- rived from West, $50.00 each. Geo. Porter, RR. 3, Woodbridge, (at Elders Station) Telephone Woodbridge 51-r-21. WED. SEPT. 29THâ€"Auotion qale of farm propethy... in Twp. of Whit- church, east 64 acres of lot 86 and east 32 acres of 5. half of lot 87, SAT., OCT. 2ND â€" Auction Sale of antique furniture and other house- hold goods, th-e property of Mrs. Ada Egan, Richmond St, Maple. Sale Marts at 12.30. Terms Cash. J. Carl Egan: Richmond St, Maple. starts at 12.30. Terms Cash. J Saigeon, auctioneer. Sport Notes Sale Registers (By Bunny White) 12 PIGS about 75 lbs. each. Apply F. Thompson, Oak Ridges. LARGE CHURN. Apply i Oxford Street, Elgin Mills CAR RADIO, Westinghouse, A1 shape, cheap. All kinds of radio re- pairs. Get your radio fixed now to keep in touch with interesting proâ€" grams now on the air. New and' ‘used! radios. Ask us about the new automatic Rogers-Majestic and De- Forest radios. Apply G. Yerex, Mark- ham Road, Richmond Hill. PLAYER PIANO, Heintzman; oak dining room table. Apply 64 Rich- mond Street. FINDLAY RANGE, in good condiâ€" tion. Apply, phone 68F Richmond Hill. MASSEY-HARRIS CORN BINDER; Massey-Harris Mower. R. D. Mac- Naughton, Maple. THREE PUPS, part Beagle Hound, males. Evenings only. A. V. Rodg- ers, Rumble Ave. like new. Apply Abraham Baker, telephone Maple 1563. WOODEN CHURN, Eatonia No. 2, QUAN’I'I'I‘)v 0F MANIGELS in ground'. Make me an offer. Tele- phone Willowdale 157W. Pigs or Orchard: Office. SOW with 10 pigs six weeks old; young- Sow with first litter; also 'Jight horse for sale or will exchange for heavy horse. Apply John Gau- tier, 4th house past railroad track on road- running- east opposite Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Home, Yonge St. PULLETS, New Hampshires and White Wyandottes. H. Close, cor- ner Markham Road and Bayview Avenue. ette Suite; 1 Walnut Dressing Table; Piano. Apply Young’s Service Sta- tion, Richmond Hill. FRESH D‘EERING COIRN BINDER in work- FINDLAY ELECTRIC RANGE; Din- ing order. Apply T. Thompson, R.R~ No. 2, Gormley, telephone Richmond‘ Hill 47â€"24. Cattle for Sale A NUMBER of Chemical Toilet Un- its, $2.50 each. May be seen at Rich- mond Hill Public School. Richmond Hill Public School Board, R. S. COOp- er, Secretary. MILK COWS, T.B. Tested, four to six years old, fresh cows and close springers; also Heifers. Apply E. Fisher, Langstaff. Phone Thornhill 161‘24. DAWSO-N”S GOLDEN CHAFF Seed Wheat grown from registered seed, grade No. 1, 97% germination. Ce'r- tificate No. 47-218. Price $1.30 per bu. Clark Young, Milliken, phone Agincourt 45-21. SIX CYLINDER. TRACTOR. Pull two furrows in sou; Two Furrow Oliver Tractor Plow, narrow bottom. Will sell cheap or trade for good mrilk cow. Henry Arnold J12, Lot 14, Con. 2, Markham. WOOD, first class hardwood, foot lengths, $10.00 cord, 1/2 cord $5.00; mixed split wood practically all hard- wood $9.00. 1/2 cord $4.50; Limb Hardwood $7.50, 1/2 cord $3.75. Rat- cliffe wood sold by W. H. Frisby, telephone Richmond Hill 228. Eastern cattle (from T. B. Tested Area). Fresh Cows and close-up Springers, Holstein, Aynshire, Jer- seys, Durhams, T.B. tested and blood tested. Purebreds and grades. Jack Devins, RR. 2, Weston, 2 miles south of Woodbridge. Phone Woodbridge 1364. ~ Dumping- of refuse of any kind on the “aterworks‘ property is strictly forbiddIen. Anyone not obeying this ruling will be. prosecuted. By Order, Richmondl Hill Board! of Health. Applications for a Librarian for the Richmond Hill Public Library will be received up unfail the end of September. Full particulars of dutâ€" ies of the position may be obtained on application to Mr. Rand> Phipps, secretary, or to Mr. J. A. Greene, chairman of the Board, Richmond Hill. Librarian Wantedé THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. COW or W111 exchange for what have you. Also small of apples. Apply Liberal FOR SALE NOTICE H. Jones, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1937. 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 Cen- tre Street East, Richmond Hill. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, conveniean modern. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich- mond Hill. FARM, '74 acres, in Markham Town~ ship, possession this fall. Apply at The Liberal Office, Richmond} Hill. GIRL for general housework. Sleep out. Apply Liberal Office. 2 BOARDE-RS, good home, with all conveniences. Apply Box 60, Lib- eral Office. FARM TO RENT, 150 acres, Lot 29, Concession 5, Vaughan: Township. Good water supply. Apply J. G. Mal- on, 761A Euclid Avenue, Toronto, Onfcario. FRUIT SEALERS wanted, any num- ber. Box 85, Liberal Office, Rich:- ‘mond‘ Hill. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Lang. PONY HALTER, bridle s'tyle, on 5th- con., Can-ville sid‘eroad or 2nd to Richmond Hill. Reward. Alfreti‘ Road, c/o me. Young, Unionville. staff Coal and Supply. Phone Thorn- hill 73. R.R. No. 1. Wednesday, Sept. 29 FARM PROPERTY By direction of the Public Trustee of Ontario the under-signed will off- er for sale by Public Auction (on the farm) the following Valuable Farm Prqperty known as the Dodge Trent Fag-m subject to a reserve bid, on 1937, at 2 p.m. E.S.T. East 64 acres more or less of Lot 86 and the E. 32 acres more or less of the S. half of Lot 87, Con. 1, Twp. of Whitchurch. The farm is well located on the First Concession Line east of Aurora, about 2 miles south of Newmarket. There is a brick house containing 10’ rooms, large barn, stables and drive shed. Excellent water supply: from artesian well. The property is par- ticularly adapted for dairy farming and is offered subject to an exist- ing tenancy. Used Cars 10 per cent at time of sale. balance in thirty days on delivery of deed or a mortgage for half purchase price at 5 Der cent and balance in cash. For further particulars apner to J.~‘C‘ARL SAIGEON. 1936 FORD V-8 STANDARD TUD- (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1936 FORD V-S TOURING TUDOR (with Trunk) DeLuxe Model. 1933 FORD V-8 COUPE with Rum- Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W AUCTION SALE MISCELLANEOUS ORPâ€"Small Mileage. Auctioneer. Maple. Ont. ble Seat. 1933 DODGE CABRIOLET T0 RENT 1 930 FORD TUDOR THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Oszoode Hall. Toronto (2) $225.00 $650.00 WANTED 0F VALUABLE $600.00 $375.00 $425.00 LOST TERMS:

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