Concession 5. North Half of Lot 48. Concession 1. North West quarter of Lot 13, Con- cession 2. Applications for building permits to be made to WILLIAM YOUNG, Gormley, RE. No. 2, Out. 1, Concession 5. Easterly part of Lot 1, lying be~ tween the Canadian National Rail- way rig'ht-of-way and the Kennedy Road, Concession 5. East Half Lot 2, Concession 5. Westerly five hundred feet of Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, Concession 6. Southerly five hundred feet of Lm 1, Concession 6. Easterly Half of Lots 9, 10 and 11 1, 2, 3, and 4, Concession 2. West Half Lot 5, Concession 2. Southerly five hundred feet of Lot 11, Concession 6. Westenly one quarter of Lot 10, Con- cession 7. Wesberly five hundred feet of Lot The area to which this By-Law shall apply will be those included in the Village of Thornhill and Union- ville and covered by Registered Plans Numbers 2446, 2426, 2368, 2260, 2383, 2367, 2460, 2440, 2196, 2489, 2382, 2113, 2687, 2607, 2766, and the fol- lowing parts of Township Lots: Southerly parts of Lot 29, Conces- sion 1, between the north limit of Lot 28 and the south limit of John St. Easterly. one thousand feet of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 6. East Half Lot 6, Concession 6. West Half Lot 10, Concession 6. Southerly five hundred feet of Lot All prospective builders in Markâ€" ham 'Powlship are asked to take notice that a Building Permit is re- quired for all erection of buildings and remodelling and repairing of buil’dings in certain specified areas. Building permits are required by Township By~law in the] following areas: Markham Township Re Building By-Law 'Ihvo sons, Harry of Toronto, Briar of Unionville, and one daughter, Mrs. G. Russell-Brown, M.B.E. of London, England, survive. The funeral service was he‘ld on Tuesday on the lawn under the trees that she admired so much and was conducted by Rev. Herman. rector of St. Phillip’s Anglican Church, Union- ville. Interment was made in the family pdot at Montreal on Wednes- day. Many friends in Un-ionville sincere- ly regret the passing- of Mrs. Annie Gilles Tandy, whose death occurred on- Sunday afternoon at her residence, South Main St. Born in Kingston, Mrs. Tan-d3" was in her 84th year and has resided in Unionville since May. 1933, and although in delicate health, made many friends here. Highly intellechzal and a charming person- ality, friends always found a warm welcome in her home, and she will indeed be greatly missed. The roof of the Bethesda Lutheran church was ignited but was extin- quishe'd berfore any damage was done. Fortunately the heavy wind of the previous evening had ceased, or fire would not have been as easily con- trolled. Hot coffee and sandwiches and hot biscuits were served the fire- men and helpers when the danger was over. Some thoughtful ladies of the village were responsible for this needful courtesy. The screaming of the fire siren at 11 p.m. on Sunday warned the citi- zens that the Maynard elevator was on fire and presently perhaps the largest crowd on record were wit- nessing the largest fire on record in this village. Maynard’s elevator and chopping mill and Stiver Bros. coal sheds and C.N.R. cattle yards being totally demolished by the flames. Owing to the efficient ser- vice given by the local fire brigade, and also Markham, S‘touffville and Richmond Hill brigades, StiVer Bros. elevator and' mill and nearby resi- dences were saved. Two streams of water played continuously on the flames until 3.30 in. the morning. ‘This water was drawn from two tanks that had been installed by the village council and any doubt as to their efficiency in such a serious time has been forever removed from the minds of doubting citizens. The fire brigades certainly did a grand job and; the citizens at the south end of the village especially appreciate and express gratitude for the protecâ€" tion given. Any needi'ul demands to further this efficiency should be unâ€" animously supported by our citizens. ‘Mr. Albert Maynard estimates the loss at $10,000. while eighty tons of‘ coal owned by Stiver Bros. were deâ€"' stroyed'. Mr. D. Harrington was the first to notice the outbreak and gave the alarm. The cause of the fire has not yet been ascertained. Disastrous Fire Causes Big Loss at Uhionviflleé‘ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1937. NOTICE BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. E. Huenergard, RD. Pastor 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Harvest Home Festival. 7.30 p.m.â€"Harvest Home Festival. ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Rally Day. 2.30 p.m.â€"“Life’s Seven Chapters.†A corn roast added to the enter- tainment on Monday evening last. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Uniouville Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Rally Day. 11 a.m.â€"â€"“L-ife"s Seven Chapters.†7 p.m.â€"-“Life’s Seven Chapters,†con- timued‘. Activities continue on the local Bowling Green. P. J. Dixon, Mrs. F. Pollard and Miss E‘mprinrzham were tJh-e lucky first prize winners in the 10 cent tournament on MOnday night, writh W. Summent'eldt, Kate Craig and Mrs. Freeman :1 close secâ€" ond. The Tournament fer the Busi- ness Menv’s cup postponed on account of rain will be held: on Friday next, and the annual Turkey: Tournament is scheduled for the Saturday preced- ing Thanksgiving. Under the skill- ful workmanship of P. J. Dixon var- ious improvements have been made on the club house, now, a coat of paint would complete the job. Messrs. Howard, Dillworthy and Ecksley of High Park, Toronto, mot- ored to Unionvvi‘lle last Saturday with high hopes to win the tournament scheduled for that day. But no such luck. the weatherman sent rain, post- poned the game, etc. However as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Croft they spent a most enjoyable aftemOOn and will plan to win the tournament at some later date. Mrs. D. Coulson is spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coulson. Milliken. Mrs. E. Bewell and‘ Miss Margaret Collins visited friends at Good-wood on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Gibson is visiting her niece, Miss Mary Gibson of Toronto. A large representation of members of the local W.I. attended the meetâ€" ing held on Wedn-esinv to Winona, when they were guests of E. D. Smith and Sons. visiï¬n" their fam- ous nurseries. E. D. Smith and Sons are especially famnus for their roses and had an extensive exhibit at T0- ronto Exhibition. Miss Marion McCrowan and Miss Effie St'iver of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver. Rev. Gordon Duncan and Miss An- nie Duncan of Warkworï¬h Were guests of Mrs. R. A. Stiver last week. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH ,Mr. and Mrs. E. Dixon motored t0 Vinreland on Mondan’. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Galbraith of Port Colborne is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner. Mrs. Coreyell and Mrs. Gerry Gray and: son Freddie of Toronto vicited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russ-t-ll on Sur- day. Mrs. F. Roadway is visiting her sister Mrs. 0. M-C'Cro'wan of Tor- onto. .Miss Margaret Collins of Toronto is visiting Mrs. V; Wag-g and Mrs. Bewell. Mr. T‘hos. Berry of Toronto visirt- ed Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington on Sunday. Miss Grace Harrington of Toronto is spending holidays at her home hem. Mrs. Murray Sumrmerfeldft and Mr. John Summerfeldt of Cannington called on friends in town on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Cora Caldwell visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Summerfeldt of Ringwood on Tuesday last. Mrs. E. Harper, Miss Mary Har- per and Mr. Frank Harper visited Mrs. J. Watts of Aurora on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Davison of Sand- ford were guests of Mrs. Annie Gray on Sunday. Announcement is made of the an- nual Harvest Home Festival to be held under the auspices of Bethesda Lutheran Church on next Sunday. Special morning and evening services are planned. Sherwood choir will supply the special music at the even- ing- service. A cordial invitation is given to attend these services. The annual Harvest Festival Win 1 of Saskatohewan was a atfl-ih‘e be held in Bethesda Lutheran church 1 home of the Rev. Md Mm w_ R on Sunday. The morning service at i Wrixon over the week-end. 11 o’clock and the evening serviceJ at 730’ Standard time» Mrs. J. M. Waterman of Timmins, The local W0†CU-b Pack got away * Mrs. Charles Tocher of Sudbury and to a good start at the opening meet- l Mr. Bartlett Smith 0; Niagara Falls ing on Tuesday last in the Publicrvisited with their parents, Mr. and th001. Cubmaster Fred Robinsoni‘ Mm Jerry Smith this week was in charge. Saturday next being I the Oubmaster's birthday a real cele- ’ bration is planned that will] include a marshmallow roast and lots of fun beside. Don’t miss it Cubs! Mr. C. A. McConaglly, B.A., A.S.A., F.A.S., and family from Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A., spent their holidays in Ontario. Part of th firm: with A hick town is‘ a place where main street is maintained by the state and the others by, cows. 7 p.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. Sermon Subject, “The Best Testâ€"“Come and See.†Inspiring music under leadership of Mr. M-elecci and a hearty welcome. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., pastor Sunday, September 19th 11 a.m.â€"Public Worship. Sermon Subject, “The Good Part.†‘ HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES Friday, Sept. 17, 8 p.m.â€"Preacher, Rev. J. H. Kidd of Woodbridge, Rural Dean of West York. Sunday, Sept. 19thâ€" 11 a.m.-Harvest Communion; Preach»- er, The Rector. 7 p.m.â€"Preacher, Bishop Lucas, D.D. of Toronto. All invited to attend these importâ€" ant services. Gifts of fruit, vegeâ€" tables, etc. received fOr the Orange Home. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, September 19th 11 a.m.â€"“Two Voices.†Sunday, Sept. 26th the 120th An- niversary will be observed in a suit- able way. Fuller announcement will be made next week. Dr. Mabel Cartwright, President of the W0. of the diocese of Toron- to gave a very inspiring address at the opening meeting of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church W.A. held at the home of Mrs. R. S. Mason on Tues- day afternoon at which all the women of the parish were in- vited. Miss Cartwright has the dis- tinction of being the first woman. in America to graduate at Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tun-iff, Miss S. Woodlay, Mr. Gerald Caldwell of Ban- croft, Mr. Clarence Adams and Miss Elsie Adams of Bellville visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George CaldWell. Mr. and Mrs. K. Blanchard, Miss M. Ireland, M'iss Emma Barker and Mr. Bruce Murray visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Groskurth, also Mrs. J05. Atkinson and Mrs. J. Ings at Nia- gara Falls on Sunday. Dr. W. N. G. Ferguscn opened his office this week in Richmonl Hill and has commenced the general practice of dentistry here. His office is lo- cated over the Dominion Store. F.A.S., and family from Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A., spent their holidays in Ontario. Part of th time with Mrs. M. L. McConaghy, Centre St. W. The Right Rev. W. Burd, Bishop of Saskatchewan was a guest at the home of the Rev. 9nd Mrs. W. F. Wrixon over the weekâ€"end. Miss L. B. Dickinson, Toronto, spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs. S. A. Ransom. Social and Personal ST. MARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL (Anglicar) VOTE FOR MORGAN BAKER Issued by North York Liberal Association LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Liberal Candidate in North York CARD OF THANKS Stiver Bros. wish to thank all those who so willingly helped to fight the‘ fire that occurred in, Albert Mayw nard‘s premises next door to ours... The timely assistance of Unionville, ,Richmond Hill, Markham and Stout‘f- ville Fire Brigades and the willing‘ ness of everybody to help reduced our. loss to a minimum. We are truly: thankful for this. « BIRTH HOGGâ€"On Sunday, September 12th, at the home of Mrs. H. Stanford, 11 Yonge Street, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hogg, Richmond Hill, a son. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Oak Ridges Sunday, September 19th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sundam School. 11.10 a.m. Morning Service, Preach- .er, Rev. W. E. Kibblewhite, B.A. HAROLD KIRBY, K.C. Member of the last Legislature for. Eglinton riding- and definitely slated for a s-eat in Hon. Mitchell F. Hep- burn’s next cabinet who will be heard over radio station: CFRB tonight, Thursday and tomorrow, Friday from 7.45 to 8 p.m. D.S.T. Mr. Kirby is well known in this district having been born in Vaughan Township. Don’t miss the special fountain pen- offer at Austin’s Drug Store. See advertisement in- this issue. This Pen holds 200% more ink than any ordinary fountain pen on the market! You can write for Three Months on One Filling! No Repair Bills! No Pressure Bar! Every pen tested and guaran- teed to be unbreakable for life. Get yours Now. THIS PEN GIVEN FREE if you can buy one in the city for leSS than THREE DOLLARS! This certificate good only while advertising sale is on, Also $1.00 and $1.50 Pencils to Match Above Pens, 39c. This certificate and 69c. entitles the beargy ï¬g oge_oi: our: Geppine indes_tru¢tjb_le $3199 VACUUM DTTTDD C‘ADT’Y nan nn'v‘vmnv‘v n n . c N . ____ FILLER SACKLESS 'Fbuï¬ï¬‚iix 'ï¬'EriéT’Visi'ï¬le V'I'Bkv‘SuBE‘Iy." ‘iï¬msii'ï¬vgï¬Ã©ui‘riiï¬m XvinVeti'é‘eUE-uar- nut-n†"45L --AL .0... antee with each pen to 8 RM 69c. Each Certificate 3 Pens to LIMIT This CERTIFICATE is WORTH $2.31 Richmond Hill PLUNGER FILLERâ€"ZIPâ€"ONE PULL AND IT'S FULL Introductory Offerâ€"This Pen Will be 53.00 After Sale Good - - Friday and Saturday AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE ‘ Special Harvest Thanksgiving and Rally Day services will be held at ‘All Saint’s Church, King City, Sun- day, September 26th. At 11 a.m. the speaker will be Rev. B. W. Horan and in the evening Rev. William Prior of the Peace River district. At 3 pm. there will be a special rally service for the children with a selected‘ speaker. There will be special music by the choir. The Rec, tor, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall will be in charge of all services. V LIBRARIAN RESIGNS At a meeting of the Richmond Hill Library Board held 'I\iesday evening the resignation of Mr. Rand* Phipps, Librarian for the past. year was reâ€" ceived. An- advertisement for a suc- cessor to Mr. Phipps appears in this issue World's Yankee WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22 - 23 WILL ROGERS in “ DAVID HARUM †We are again proud to present the late Will Rogers in thiS'g'reah pictureâ€"one that? 3111 ivgilli enjoy. especially horse lovers. A merry. melodious assortment of variety; acts, specialty dances! and clever comedy. The style of comedy that made the boys famous, the piece is so fun. of laughs that the end‘ comes too soon. Laurel and Hardy are swell and theirA _sing_ing am} dgngipgrgreat. It is a gripping story. The acting of Ann Harding is excellent and! Basil Rathbone outstanding. A beautiful thriller. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17 - 18 TWO FEATURFS' LAUREL AND HARDY in “ WAY OUT WEST †TOMMY FARR JOE LOUIS TIME OF SHOWS â€" 8 p.m- and 10 p.m. Saturday & HolidayS, 7.30 and 930, Daylight Saving Time K lNG CITY SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION . Heavyweight Championship Bout pictures, taken at ringside, Stadium, New York. _ Also‘JA‘NE DAREW‘ELL - SIGML‘ND RUMANN in “ THE GREAT HOSPITAL MYSTERY †TO-DAY. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16TH CHARLES RUGGLES - ELEANORE WHITNEY“ PHIL HARRIS AND BAND in “ TURN OFF THE MOON †MONDAY 8: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20 - 21 ANN HARDING - BASIL RATHBONE in “ LOVE FROM A STRANGER †Undefeated Champion of Great Britain, vs. Champion Heavyweight of. the World. A Mystery Melodrama At a largely attended m held Monday evening H. J. m was chosen as Liberal caniï¬ï¬‚nth East York riding. He viii he ’- posed by Hon. G. 8. Henry, M premier and present mm hr“ riding and Arthur William, m. candidate and former reams of _ township of East York. Mr. Mi.- nell was chosen on a hall-oi; h four stood for nomination. Ontario H. J. McC-ONNELL IS m CANDIDATE IN. E. YM At a largely attendetï¬ m SHEPPARD & GILI‘L LUMBER CO. Lumber, Lath. Shinglesss AshphaH: Roofing, Gyproe‘; Telephone 27 RICHMOND HILL Deders in PAGE FIVE; 6c. Extra For Mail Orders ADD £08 69c.