Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1937, p. 8

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‘PAGE EIGHT. @ependable lMil‘k for Your Table TMilk is one commodity you 3. cannot afford to take é c-jzhances on. You are wise: tto‘demand that your milk 3 reapply reaches you in the lbest possible condition. WW IX‘nu-can be assured of a dieipendable supply by hav- oonr driver call daily. TRichmond Hill Dairy 1G. S. "WALWIN, Prop. mependable Milk & Dairy Produce 11811031942 Richmond Hill “Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. .l. Deane Director of MHERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO llumlier Summit Gardener “'iiis Many l’rizes e1 ('.N.E. The lluniber Summit area is fast becoming one of the leading vegeâ€" table production sections of Ontario and chiefly because of the progressâ€" iveness of Frank O. Reeve who cul- tivates around 7:”) acres growing ev- ery specie of vegetable that flour- ishes in the temperate zones. His success as an exhibitm' at the (‘an- adian National Exhibition each year is most creditable. This year he was awarded 10 first prizes and a large number of third and fourth prizes. The first prizes were distributed as follows: beets, :2 classes of cabbage, celery, melon, cucumber, turnip, squash and collection of salad vege- tables. In addition he was awarded second prize both weeks for his dis- play of ‘25 varieties. Another important Humber Sumâ€" niit exhibitor was Green and Son, florists, whose display of asters in l health has just been superannuated. ’ 1; .‘x . T $3,098,165.39 year. tthH $2,000,000. a saving t0 6 ru r‘n ' Elect BAKER for NO Mr. Robertson was api‘ointed to the THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WOODBRIDGE DISTRICT NEWS llarvest llinie Service: Held at isr rtzce ti‘riiugh the :nt‘luciice of the (lll‘l.\l (‘hurcli yIzi‘i- 'l‘ (i. \\‘a.i:iiw_- who represented llill'.C.‘l lliin." semiccs \vcre t'elv- \‘C t Yiiil; then :i: (J‘t:i\‘.a. lle liii< bruted at ("hrw ('hurch on Htiiliiuj..‘i!1;iie the round zinp to 'l‘oroii‘o and lSept Wei lflih. with Arcltlleiiion bail; for thir‘ij. years. first by CPR” lAldwroi of Sxiskuzoon. Sasha, and I it en try elccfi c i:i.lw;iy. and for the 1m: .1. ll. Kidd c~ nduiiing the >t‘l‘ first tuclyc year: ‘:vj\ anti mobile l':l\'- vice both mi in in“ arid i-ycnine'. and iii}: his home :it 3 am. and often was \"ictor lltlllllilt‘lflil and Hair, Watts t'iist mukiue‘ the distance and foils reading the iessons’. Special musical owing \‘liii\\'>itlilll.~ otter. had to shoâ€" numbers by the choir and solos by vel his way through yet was only 'Stanley Harper and IS. )ci‘ry. inti- twice in ail those years. His record l> one that may well be called worthwhile and The Liberal scribe offers him congratulations for his record established. Many expressions of regret are heard concerningr the closing of the bakery conducted by Mr. Lorne Os- trander for a number of years on Pine Street. Mr. Ostraiider found it impossible to compete with five Toronto firms who practically got control of the business in the dis- trict. We are fast approaching Vl'ood- bridge Fair on Thanksgiving Day in October and then soon chilly Novemâ€" ber and winter will soon be upon us. THORNHILL A Harvest Thanksgiving Service .will be held in Trinity Church, Thornhill on Thursday evening, Sept. "0 at 8.15 l'l.S.T. The Right Rev. Bishop Beverley of Toronto will preach. basket with 36 1,100,115 won many} A Harvest Thanksgiving Service . Will also be held at Trinity (‘hurcli pnzes‘ ion Sunday, Sept. 20th with special C. E. S. (Charlie) Robertson music and speakers. Everybody is Superannuatcd ‘cr’ii‘Irlially invited to attend. I “ . , ‘ . .‘ V H H ‘ ic (iDtllillQ' lllt’i‘llll‘T o tie , l" E" 5' Rfflmlbon {m “mi-l M?” ‘ 0f Trinity ("hutch was held on Tues- .111 the service of the Registration and 3mm 11 3, ti,“ RMMH.‘ Terminal, Toronto. owing to ill- . Rev. \V, H. Pointon of Noitliport. Prince Edward (‘oiintn will preach o townships of $400,000 per year. u. a . ODAY you have reason to rejoice that y0u voted I ,1 Henry out and Hepburn in. The Hepburn administra- tion has replaced mismanagement with good manage- ment, extravagance with economy. It has replaced the unbalanced budget with a balanced budget, changed the chronic yearly deficit to a surplus of over 9 million dol- lars. It has relieved the drain and strain on taxpayers’ pocketbooks in many ways. In the year that ended March 315t, 1937, it reduced Ontario’s gross debt by How You Have Profited by Hepburn’s Policies Grant, equal to one mill on the dollar, from the Prov- ince to every Municipality, has relieved Municipal taxpayers to the extent of $3,000,000. Cancellation of the amusement tax will save patrons of the theatre, sports and other amusements $3,000,000 a Ontario is granting 21 $5 reduction in Motor Car rates that will save motorists $2,500,000 2 year. The Province has cancelled the 20 per cent. levy for- merly made upon the Counties toward the cost of King’s Highways, 21 saving to Municipalities of over $2,700,000 to date, and a further saving this year of Township Road subsidy was increased to 50 per cent., 9”“ m next Sunday. Sept. l‘fith. Rev. E. B. ('ook. a former pasfor of Northport. will preach .ltibilee Services next Sunday. The opening of the Sunday School will be held on Rally Sunday, Sept. 36 in tire [firti-d Church. Miss llclen llickson. John St. spending this week in Montreal. Miss ii. i'lulrine spent the end \\lll'. her sister. Mrs. Lowry. TOA l‘tillill. .\l1\\' llIIcket of Toronto visited this \\'t‘i'l{ \vith Mrs. F. Simpson, The openincr meeting of the \l'.A. oi' the l'nited ('hurvh was held on \\'cdnesd:iy afternoon at the home of Mrs. .1. Fisher. (‘cntre St. Mrs. Simpâ€" son presided. the devotional period. Mrs. Tnonipsoii. League of Nations retarv. gave an interesting paper on tne work. Mrs. N. J. Sniellie. Tem- perance Secretary. gave a paprr on alcohol and aviation. Mrs. Bone. Miss Boyle and Miss Bowes gove good reports of the past month. Rev. E. B. Cook was present and closed is .T. A. ies for their thoughtfulness and kind- ness since his coming to the Parmn- age. He also extended an invitation to hold the October meeting there. Mrs. Fisher servvd daintv refreshâ€" ments and Mrs. \V. Riddell poured tea. Mr. and Mrs. I.zinv.rford. Toronto visited on Tuesday with Miss Lilian Francis. The home of the late Miss F,. West. Yongc St. is being renovated and will be occupied in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ncss spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Pawson at Oshawa. RICHVALE i The weekly dance held each Thurs. day l the {ichvale Social Club atl Roselaxvn Park will be held on W'ed- , nesday of each week commencing Septi-iizbcr 22nd instead of Thursday. Richy-ah- School opened last. Monâ€" at both services a: the l'nited Church, day vitli a grod attendance. appreciate. 10 ll there . week- 1 Mrs. A. Ri'illiiiger took‘ Sccâ€". the meeting. after thanki g the lady THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16th, 1937. .Knd‘ mi" Infantile Paralysis is the i lsu‘yiec‘c cf ctnvor>ationl We do liope‘ .hat it. will soirn belong to the pas: dldll our sympathy ,s extended to the l ones afflicted. l Next Sunday. September, hope that goodness School.” Community and the public schools are now open so there should be a splen-l attendance. A good programme is being; provided under the direction of Mr. Fraser Gee. ‘ Mr. and P. W. Willows spentiV Sunday in Stouffville. The many friends of Mrs. Egbert regret that she is confined to her bed with a heart condition. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Romney and children have r6- turned after a couple of weeks at i their cottage at Port Stanley. Mrs. Florence Jaques is spending a few days with her sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. R. Thomas. i Mr. and Mrs. Adam Agar and daughters Mary and Alice and Mrs. Annie Mortson and Gordon took tea lwith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson on Sunday evening. ‘ We regret to report that Miss iRonnie Robertson ill again and was compelled to go to the hospital for observation. We hope Bonnie will make a speedy recovery. The Noble‘ton J.W.I. and Jr. Farm- i-rs visited the local societies Tues- lday evening and presented a splen- did programme. In addition to this programme we were visited byi our agricultural representative Mr. Cock- burn, y'l;o discharged the pleasant , duly of presenting Miss Bessie Vall- liero with an Eckard‘t trophy. a sil- ihe nineteenth of Rally Sui day and we ‘ ii will :in li“ilt'>‘l<l0â€" "Rally the Sunday ‘ Encryhody is well in the i :lip to v i . (lltl is Entire cost of Mothers’ Allowances was assumed by the Province, a saving to the Municipal Taxpayers of over $2,100,000 a year. Municipalities’ share of Old Age Pensions was taken over by the Province, saving over $1,000,000 a year. Payment of Pensions to the Blind of $300,000. Abolition of the Students’ examination fees of $170,000 is another worth-while saving that Mothers and Father: Rates for Hydro-Electric Power have been reduced 10 users to the extent of $4,800,000. The Hepburn Government paid relief charges our of current revenue instead of adding them to the Public Debt to be paid for by increased taxes in the future. as was the policy of the former Government. More Sunshine Budgets On October 6th, you will have the opportunity of show- ing Mitchell F. Hepburn how much you appreciate his handling of the Province’s finances and the administra [ion of its government. Mark your ballot for the Liberal Candidate in your constituency and work to elect him a safe majority. That’s the way to show Mr. Hepburn you want him to "Carry On” with his program of tax reductions. He promises another "Sunshine Budget” this your own pocketbookâ€"Vote Liberal. ‘ '3 ‘..;ebu|n I TH Y yearâ€"and you know he keeps his promises. Be kind to ELESTIQN O C "F... a Vli‘TTORIA SQUARE NEVVSY NOTES ver tea service for highest marks won on day, ('ongratula« In :iililltif'ii to this an took place when Miss llorothy Valliere read an address to Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Boyn- married and were piesenteil with a >Olltl walnut table by Mr. Walter Smith, the gift donated to them by their friends of this community. Mr. Boynton re- sponded, expressing his appreciation of the gift and promising to do anyâ€" thing }ie could to furthcr the success of the societies. After lunch the ev- ening was spent in dancing. The Choral Society under the di- rection of Mr. llltyd Harris of New- market has begun to practice in the Sunday School room and all inter- ested are asked to JOIIL The charge is moderate. The course was very much enjoyed last year. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Charles Smith is steadily improving after suffering a stroke about two months ago. A week ago last Monday one of [our oldest and most respected citiâ€" zens was laid to rest in the person of Mr. David Smith at the great old age of ninety-two years. Mr. Smith had been in splendid health with all his faculties as keen as in his youth until a few days previous to his death when the intense heat seemed to be too much for him and he pass- ed away at the end of a week’s ill- ness. Two sons, Edward and Stanley, predeceased him several years ago and Mrs. Smith less than a year ago. He is survived by one son, James, to whom the community extends its deepest sympathiy. (lt‘liit‘yt‘iilx'il‘. tlons. Bessie. interestinu' crreiiiony ion who were recently IT MIGHT BE YOU! Take a good “look” at this pic- ture it‘s a verbal one, but, it tells the story just the same. Even though you won't like it, still it is something you must face if Ontario’s annual highway slaughter is to be stamped out. It is a gruesome pictureâ€"and one that happens every day on our streets and highways. This accident happen~ ed because the driver was careless. He diedihis face a grotesque cari- cature with his skull split open like a coconut, his chest a gaping hole where he had been stabbed by the jagged steering column. His wife was less fortunate â€" she lived. But every time she looks into a mirror she wishes she had died, too. Modern plastic surgery can per- form miracles but it has its limita- tions. When she looks at herself in the mirror with the eye that isn’t glass she still shudders, even though the accident happened three long years ago. Their five-yearâ€"olil daughter lived, too. But she doesn’t realize it. Her skull was fractured and her brain injured. It’s much more difficult to rebuild a brain than a. face. Don't say it can’t happen to youâ€"â€" because it can and you know it! To- day's headlines of dead, dying- and- injured people may be telling a story about y0u in tomorrow’s papers. But lyiou can help to protect yourself. How? DEMAND SANE AND CAREFUL DRIVING FROM EVERY MOTORIST. Report those you see driving dangerously. And more im- portantâ€"drive sanely and carefully yourself. IRISH TRADITION OF KINGS LIVES Dublinâ€"Southern Irelandâ€"though almost a republic within the British Empirehhas been busy choosing itâ€" self a number of “kings” lately. There is now a “king” of the Arans, the wild, storm-lashed islands off the Galway coast. It is reported that a successor is being sought for the late “queen” of Tory Island, off the coast of Donegal. Quite recent- lyi a “king” of Dalkey Island, near Dublin, was crowned publicly in the presence of some of President Eamon de Valera’s staunchest adherents. Finally, during the three-day an- nual fair at Killorglin, County Ker- ry, near Killarney, thousands of far- mers witnessed the centuries-old cus- tom of crowning a goat as “king” of Killorglin. The origin of the latter ceremony is buried in the shades of antiquity. One theory explains, however, that a goat saved the village from de- struction by a marauding' army in the distant past. To commemorate this event the inhabitants are sup- posed to have decreed that a goat should be crowned each year at the fair. , Sneaking submarines, bombing ’planes and poison gas. and we have \the nerve to call primitive people savages. If the world intends to build a fitting monument to the inventors of the aeroplane. it should begin i saving the bones of slaughtered WO- 2 men and children. i l l i A’I'I'E‘N'I'ION MEN! Richmond Tailors have a number of ready made trousers. flannels and others, for sale, to suit everybody.

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