Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1937, p. 1

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Mr. James McNeil was “at home” to his friends and reLatives on Sat- urday of last week on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday. Many telegrams and telephone calls were received from friends who were un- able to attend and during the day about one hundred and fifty signed the register. Mrs. Margaret Duff of Cookstown, cousin of Mr. McNeil who is also eighty-five and Mr. S. Mc- Clare. eighty-two, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys of Maple also attended. The farm on which Ithe celebration was held has been 'Mr. McNeil’s home for sixty years. Mem‘knrs of St. Andrew’s Presby-j A quiet but pretty wedding was solemmized on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathewson when their only daughter, Frances Muriel, was united in marriage to ElWood Warren Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of Toronto, Rev. McCrim~ mon officiating. The wedding music was played .by Miss Margaret Reid, sister of the groom. The bride who was given in marriage by her fath- er, wore a gown of white lace over taffeta and a shoulder veil and car- ried a bouquet of roses. Miss Irene Bancise of Toronto, her only atten- dant, wove pale pink taiffeta with matching hat and carried a bquuet of roses. Campbell Reid was his brother’s best man. After the cere- mony a family reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents Where Mrs. Mathews0n received wearing a black- lace dress and cor-‘ sage of roses. Mrs. Reid, mother of the groom also received wearing crepe with touches of red and gold and corsage of roses. For travelling- the bride wore a ’blue suit with pale blue blouse and black accessories. On their return they will reside in To- ronto. The bride’s cake was cut by the bride with a. family heirloom, a silver knife that originally belong- ed to her great-great grandmother. 'Mr. and: Mrs. W. Griffith spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. T, Griffith at Giflford. Miss Minnie Line is spending this week with Mrs. L. Line in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Woods of Edmonton and his daughter Mrs. S. Basted of Maui- toba. spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys. B=o=o=o ufl=0=0=°=0=0=0=0=0 VOL. LVII. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER" ADDED HIT AKIM TAMIROFF CHARLES WINNINGER‘ - ERIK RHODES LOGAN ' lEONA MAMC‘LE ‘ BRODE’UCK CRAWFORD MAPLE NEWSY NOTES KING OF THE GAMBLERS 0=0==°=0=l0= l MARRIED MO‘ORE-MURPHYâ€"At St. Mary's RC. Church on Wednesday, Sept. 22 Iby Rev. Father Keane, Leila Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murphy, RichmondVHiH, was un'ted in marriage to G. Stanley, son of Mrs. Moore and the late James Moore of Toronto. The annual Festival ocf Harvest will be held in Zion Lutheran church Sunday, Sept. 26th with special ser- vices at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland of Toronto will assist the choir with special music for the day. ° A miscellaneous shower was held 01. Tuesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Warren Reid at the home of the bride’s parenrts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathewson when about ninety at- tended and many beautiful and use- ufl gifts were received. After lunch was served and the pleasant evening brought to a close a charivari was held for the couple by all who had attended. The W.A. of St. Stephen’s Church was held at the home of Mrs. B. W. Miller on Thursday afternoon of last week with seventeen members present. It was- decided to hold a quilt ddsplay in the Parish Hall sometime in the near future. Lunch was served by the hostess and comâ€" mittee in charge. Mr. H. C. Bailey and: Mr. Oscar Mussedman returned last Thursday after a week’s vacation at Sesikanika Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson and son. Douglas of Newmarket and Mr. AI- -1en Gracie and John Weaver of To- Ton’oo visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robeson. - He lives with his daught'er' Mrs. ’1‘. Wirth'ersvpoon. His wife, the forâ€" mer Janet McNaughton, died 8 years ago. Iteriah Church, Maple and St. Paul’s, Vaughan, presented Mr. McNeil with a walking cane being an active mem- ber of the session for many years. RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS H WEWL Mm RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1937. "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentiagstibertiy; In All Things, Charity" The Rector and Officers of St. ’Mary’s Anglican Church wish to take this means of thanking all who- sent in Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables etc. After the Harvest Services a truck [lead of these good things was taken to the Orange Home. A sale of home cooking will be held in United Church School room under the auspices of the W.A. Sat- urday, Sept. 25th at 3.30 pm. Af- ternoon tea. will be served. Mr. and Mrs. David Middleton of Camille wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Sadie to Mr. John Oliver, son of the late Mr. S. Oliver and Mrs. Oliver of Pal- grave. The wedding- to take place early in October. The date of rE-op'ening school hav- ing been again postponed on account of the prevalence of Infantile Par- alysis students of Second and Higher Forms who are anxious not to be de- layed a year in their courses are off- ered suggestions and advice that if followed, should reduce their losses and make their progress more rapid arfter classes assemble. Review the work of the next previous form care- fully and systematically, especially the languages and mathematics, so ’that time need not be spent in re- viewing last year‘s work after the \beginning' of school. Provide the ne- cessary text books before opening day so that there may be a fqu ses- sion on that day. A lengthened school day will be arranged and it is hoped that with this additional time available, and an earnest effort by all concerned, the coming school year may yet be as successful as usual. Women's Institute 'prize for the .best standing by a girl in Form III, won by Marie Haydon who passed all the Jr. Mlatric. papers written with two first and three second class honours; Literary Society prize for best standing in Form I. won by William Hodge who averaged 81%; Mr. Stewart’s Art prize won jointly 1ny Ruth Wellman and Murray Cun- ninghami The report of the operation of the North Yonge Radials for August showed an operating profit of $453.20 compared with an operating profit of $194 for the same month last year. The radial line shows an op- erating profit of $528.12 for the first eight months of this year com« pared with a loss of $3,591.96 for the same eight months in 1936. The marked improvement in the radial showing is taken as an indication of improved economic conditions and ‘also as evidence of the increasing popularity of the car service on Yonge Street. Prize Winners at High School YONGE RADIALS SHOW A PROFIT Board of Education Scholarships, Lower School, won by Gordon Cun- ningham, 85% on all the subjects of his course; Middle School, won by John Hai‘binson who passed all the Jr. Matric. papers written with seven first class honours; Upper School, won by Isabel Oliver who passed all the Hon. Matric. papers written with six ours The foBIowing awards have been made: SUGGESTIONS TO H. S. STUD- ENTS PENDING SCHOOL RE-OPENING Big Improvement Compared With Last Year SALE OF HOME COOKING fir ANNOUNCEMENT THANK YOU and one second class hon- People.” A ful‘L choir Winn render inspiring music, and members and friends of the congregation are urgently requer to be present. All Services on STANDARD TIME. Anniversary social on Monday even- ing at 8 d’clock in' the Hall» All the past and presenrt members, also old friends of Mr. Currie are cor- dially invited to this social. Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, September 26th 11 am. and 7 pm. Special: Preacherâ€"Rev. E. C. Currie, Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, Sept. 26 18 Trinity 8 a.m.â€"Hol:y Communion. 11 a.m.-â€"vMoming Prayer. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. All cordially invited. ~5‘Don’t let us make our religion 3. A tag day for the Children’s Aid Society of York County will be held in Richmond Hill on Saturday, 0c- tober 2nd, under the auspices of the Girl Guides. The committee in charge of these Demonstrations is as follows: Robt. Watson, Boynton Weldrick, George Brownlee, Norman McMurchy, John Lawson, Thos. McMurchy, W. M. Cockburn. The demonstrations and practices will commence at 9.30 standard time and) continue for the day. The Di- rectors would like the fields full of plows, so bring along your outfit, horses or tractor, and the demon- strator with the co-operation of the Directors, will assist you in getting your plows set and with the prac- tice work. There is no! age limit and: remember there will be lots of other beginners. This will not be an annual affair and since one can' only learn by actually doing the work, it is hoped a good many will take ad- vantage of this opportunity. Monday, Sept. 27thâ€"Chas. Ruth- erford’s, Vellore. Thursday, Sept. 30th â€"â€"- Malcolm Wilkie’s, Nobleton. The King and Vaughan Branch of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, Newmarket, has ar- ranged two Plowing Demonstrations for the farmers of King & Vaughan Township‘s. These demonstrations have been arranged as follows: At a special session of the Board of Health this morning ’it was decided to postpone the opening of schools until October 4th. No new cases have devel- oped in the Village but develop- ments in the immediate district 'are such that the M.O.H. and members of the Board deemed Board of Health Urges No Let Up in Precautionary Measures Richmond Hill Schools Close Another Week it most important that all pre- cautions be strictly maintained for at least another week. The public library is closed to all under 21 years of age. The or- der closing schools until October 4th also applies to Sunday Schools and playgrounds and co-operation of all citizens is asked in keeping children off the streets and in their own yards. Attendance at public gatherings is to be discouraged as much as possible. The Board of Health wishes it to be under- stood that the danger period is by no means passed and the strictest precautions on the part of young and old is urged to prevent a spread of the dread epidemic. spare wheel but a steering wheel.” RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., pastor Sunday, Sept. 26, 1937 a.m.â€"â€"The Pastor. Sermon sub- ect: “Destruction at Noonday.” p.m.â€"â€"The Pastor. “Nears'ighted “ANNIVERSARY SERVICES” RICHMOND HILL PRESBYT’ERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglicar) RICHMOND HILL KIN G CITY TAG DAY Reeve Greene announced this morning that the municipality has again commenced giving meals to transients passing through and lod'gâ€" ing here for the night. Constable Casement has been instructed to give meal tickets to those who saw the required amount of wood and citiâ€" zens are asked to refer any requests for meals to the village authorities. it was decided to proceed with the work of putting in nine new win- dows. The old windows are in bad condition and some of them beyond repair. The new windows will be in place by the end of October and the Primate of All Canada will dedi- cate them on Sunday, Oct. 3lst next. At a meeting of a special com- mittee held on Monday of this week, NE‘V \VINDOWS FOR ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH, RICHMOND HILL VILLAGE GIVES MEALS TO TRANSIENTS STANDARD TIME In accordance with resolution of Municipal Council citizens of Richmond Hill are asked to put their clocks back one hour at 2 11.11:. Sunday, September 26th, _and from then on to observe Standard Time. PROCLAMA TION J. A. GREENE. Reeve. SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE HESS. Mr. Harry Hopper of Buffalo is visiting friends in Teston. Miss Miller lately returned from a trip to Ireland was calling ‘on friends last Sunday. , We are pleased to report that Lorne Scott is recovering from an attack of “Polio” and Earl Scott is also making satisfactory progress after suffering from the same i11~ Y.P.U. meeting was well attended this week. Mary Carson presided and \the lesson was: read responsive- ly. Hazel Carson read an excellent paper and Mrs. Taggart gave an inâ€" teresting account of the life of J. Keble who wrote the hymn: “Son ‘of My Soul.” Testo-n seems to be the pioneer in the field to announce a Fowl Supper for November 17th. TESTON

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