Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1937, p. 5

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i ADMISSION 35c. _ DANCING 9 . 1 g WW0»...on CANADIAN NATIONAL TIME TABLE CHANGE Anyone not obeying this ruling will be prosecuted. By Order, Richmond Hill Board of Health. Dump‘in‘g of refuse of any kind on the waterworks property is strictly forbidden. a sort of scare in the morning, by sending a heavy shower of rain. But you cannot daunt our ladies with a little thing like that, and before they were very far on the journey Oldl Sol decided to shine and everyâ€" body was happy. The program was a full schedule, and the ladies were very appreciative of the hospitality shorwn. Mr. Smith, on behalf Of the Seed Company, gave a very cordial welcome and deputated guides to show the ladies over the premises. Tomatoes in the process of canning, from the wagon up, until safely seal- ed im the tins; etchup, in all stages of the pi aration; a visit to the Chemistsr shop; the vast rose garden etc, all of equal interest to their guests. Through the courtesy of Mr. Smith, tables were erected on the lawns that were very at‘ 'active ini floral beauty, and the ladies enjoyed’l‘ a real picnic meal, that was wel-i come to appetites, caused by the longr I drive. Then the drive back through the fruit district, baskets of peaches. stowed away in every car (don’t be misled, they were paid for) and the: ladies arrived home feeling that the day had indeed been most delightful l and educational. This is the second! I tnip that this branch have made this year, in carrying out the Institute project of Studying Canadian Indus- tries. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY Sept. 26th, 1937 Can you imagine a more enjoyable outing, commencing with a delight- ful drive through the fruit district and teuminating at the extensive n‘ur- series and- canning factories of E. D. Smith and! Sons, Winona? Well. those who were along when the 10- cal branch of the Women’s Institute made this trip, can vouch for the splendid time the ladies had Wed- nesday last. The weatherman staged Full Information from Agents Announcement of the Annual Har- vest Home Festival] of St. Philip’s Anglican Church that will be held on Sun-day next, September 26 with morning and evening services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Holy Comâ€" munion will] be dispensed with at the morning service with the rector, Rev. Herman in charge, while Rev. G. B. Anms-trong of Toronto will officiate in the evening. The choir, with Miss Ila Weighill, A.T.C.M. prganist, and‘ the soloists, Mrs. A. K. Harrington and Mrs. R. B. Rae, will present spe- cial musical selections. A cordial in- vitation is given to attend these ser- vices. in the evening. This congregation under the leadership of the resident pastor have made a splendid record, and have many splendid worthwnile activties; to their credit in the comâ€" munrity. Bethesda Lutheran Church cele- brated the Annual Harvest Festival with appropriate services on Sunday last. The chancel decorations of fruit, vegetables and flewers made an ideal setting and- the attendance was very gratifying. The absence of the midister, Rev. E. Huenergard, owing to illness was sincerely reâ€" gretted by his many friends in this vicinity, and a warm welcome will await him when he returns from a much needed holiday. Dr. Little of Waterloo College brought splendid inspirational mes-sages to both ser- vices and special musical selections were contributed by Mrs. W. J. Rus- sell and Mr. Walter Kerr in the morning andl by the Sherwood choir THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1937. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT NOTICE N 0 Services BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"Harvest Home Festival. Holy Communion. Re'v. Herman. 7 pm. â€"â€" Harvest Home Festival. Rev. G. B. Armstrong, Toron-to. 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.1m.â€"â€"Men1’sv Service. Speaker, Mr. A. E. McBride of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer GaLbraith and Mrs. Pringle of Port Cobborne, who 'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ’Milnuér have returned home. l lR-ev. Cooke of Thornhill was the ; west of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Jas. Camqflin ' )1 Friday. I An impressive service was held in {Central United Church on Sunday 1215?; when the rife of Baptism was 1administered by Rev. A. E. Owen to ’little Margaret Jean, infant daugh- It-er of Mr. and Mrs. M. Armadale. Q 0” Unioxm’lle » Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.‘m.â€"Chu1‘ch‘ School. 11 a.m.â€"“Life’s Dangerous Cha-p- tens.” 7 p.m.â€"“The Young People’s Chapâ€" ter.” NOTEâ€"Men’s Service at Ebenezer. The regular meeting of the Lad- ies’ Aid‘ of Bethesda Lutheran church was held in the church on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. E. J. Stiver and! Mrs. E. Harper as hostesses. A de- lightful supper was served the ladies following a very profitable meeting. I. Mrs. Brian and family and friends Senjoyed a Corn Roaslt; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muirhead last 'Trid‘ay evening. 4 Miss Effie Stiv'em' is spending two 'weeks" holidays in Timmins. Mrs. N. Ogden and Mrs. A. Ken- nedy are attending the Sch-001 of Missions in Toronto this week. Miss E. Thomas of Markham was *the guest of Mrs. G. R. Whal-ey on Thursday: Mr. and Mrs. N. Eckhrardt of To- ronto visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Harâ€" rington on Sunday. Mrs. W. Hawkins: and daughter Lillie of Stcele’s Corner-Si visited friends in town Friday. Miss Brown of London, England has been the guest of Miss. Marion Hood. “ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Braith-waite of Chicago returned home on Monday after spending- htolid‘ays, the ‘guests‘ of Mrs. E. E. Braithywai‘te. Mr. and Mrs. Cl'ifzf SaLmon' are holidaying at Hall’s Lauke. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Muirhead- of ‘Toronto weré guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muirhead on Sunday. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Mrs. Ellen Kempâ€"Little and Mrs. ‘A. K. Harrington and son have re- turned from their summer home at "Sparrow Lake. ‘ Mr. Walter Kerr of Brougham was» the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stiver on Sunday. Miss Effie Miller of Beeville, Texas was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young on Tuesday. Mr. and- Mrs. Alvin Wray of T0- ronvto spent the week-end with Mrs. E. Harper. Rally Day Service at 'Cendzral Unitâ€" ed Church Sunday‘ School was well attended, Miss Shirley Brown telling the story “Sing Bryan/’ and. Rev. A. E. Owen addressing the young peo- ple. l The bowling tournament for the Business Men’s cup was held on the local green on Friday last with Bob Machnald’s rink, Markham, holding high score and capturing the trophy. The other members of the rink were Archie Empringham and Ed. Wurm. Second prize went to Wm. Summer- feldt, R. J. Allan, W. Hiltz; 3rd prize, Gordon Brown, Norman Heisey and Percy Payne. A decision to continue howling aotivities another month was granted, with mixed doulbles tourna- ments- every Saturday afternoon, all evening games withdrawn. The final tournament and annual Fowl Tour- nament is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 9th. l CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. Huenergard, B.D. Pastor IN MEMORIAM 'COUPElRiTHWAITEâ€"In loving me- ‘mory of a dear wife and mother ‘(Harriert Dean) who passed away 'Sept. 24, 1936. 'Neep not for me. nor Wish me back, I now from pain am, free, And in my Jesus? arms I rest Where I have longed to be. You watched for me beside my loed, Now I will! watch, for you. And when you reath the golden gate, I’ll! come and lead\ you through. Calm and peaceful she is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who lovedI her, sadly miss her, And trust in God. to meet again. â€"Ever remembered by On sale until October 2nd, forty- five day limit round trip low fares to points in Western Canada includ- ing Pacific C‘o‘asrt. Real Low rates at coach, tourist, or puilman accom- mod‘ation cla-s‘s. Apply to any C.N. R. ticket office. BARGAIN FA RES TO CANADA The United Church choir has re- sumed; activities for the season. Pro- granname comprises an ail-Mozart ev- ening, a service devoted to Mendelsâ€" sohn entirely, and other works in prospect. There are vacancies for all voice-s and persons interested in choir membership are invited to get in touch with Mr. Melecci on Friday or Sundays. On Sunday the Presbyterian Church of Richmond Hill celebrates its 120th Anniversary with fitting services. Rev. E. C. Currie, who usedI to be the Minister here some twenty-five years ago will be the guest preacher. A social will be held in the Hall on Monday evening to which all old’ friends are cordially invited. Rev. C. W. Follett. Messrs. George Gee and W. A. Wright were in! at- tendance at the opening meeting for the Fall season of the Toronto Cenâ€" tre Presbytery of the Unfite-d Church- which met in Westminster C'envtral‘ Church on Tuesday Iavst. The W.A. of the Richmond! Hill; United- Church announce that theirl annual bazaar will be held flhis year on November 18. Further announoe- ‘ .fmenlt later. Mr. James J. Carroll, Chicago, was ‘the guest of James E. Snkeele last ‘week. Congratulations and best wishes are extendedl to Mr. William T. Gra- ham, Church Street, who on Wednes- day of this week celebrated his 87‘Uh ‘birthday. Mr. Graham is enjoying good health and takes a keen inter- est in all the happenings of the day. Mrs‘. George Coo}: and Mr. Bar- well Bennett attended tihe funeral of their brother, Mr. Francis Bennett,’ in. Dunedin on Tuesday. ‘ Everyone is imvitnl to hear Mor- gan Baker, Liberal candidate in North York, and Arthur G. Slaght, K.C., in Mechanics Hal], Aurora, next Tuesd’ay evening, September 28th. Mr. Fred Greene left Tuesday for Dayton, Ohio where he has been transferred by the Canada Life As- surance Co. with which he has been associated for a number of years. Mr. Jack Berescford left this week to attend the 0.A.C. at Guelph. Social and Personal Husband and' Daughter MORGAN ' BAKER THIE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO WESTERN Liberal Candidate in North York Mr. E. J. Brett and Rev, A. H. Halbert attended a meeting of the Toronto Centre Presbytery last “Tuesday held in Westminster Central “Church, Toronto. The death of Mrs. Morris, a form- er resident of Newtonbrook and who 'lived- with her- son, Mr. Herbert James on Centre Ave, occurred in Toronto recently. To the bereaved friends we extend deepest sympathy. Newtonlbrook United Church is- a- gain this fall sending clobhing, vege- tables, fruit and household) articles to the dried' out areas of Western Canada. Anyone wishing to contri- 'oute are asked to Leave donations: at the Parsonage. The Anniversary services of the Newtonbrook United Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 17flh and1 24th with a Supper Concert_and bazaar on Tuesday, Oct. 19th. Keep these dates in mind and plan to come. The United Church Sunday School Hall, Kitchen, etc. is' being decorated this week. Mr. Joseph Smith of Wiu - Iowda‘le has‘ the contract. Mr. N. Bagg leaves on Monday to attend: Guelph College for 6 months. We wish him success. Mr. and Mrs. W. Olmston visitedI friends at Oshawa om: Sunday. Mr. A. Baggs was a very success- ful winner in the Jersey class at Lindsay Fair, carrying off all the first prizes besides several other prizes, also winning lst with his 1- year-old colt. Edgerlley W.A. met at the home of Mrs. H. Smith on Thursday after- noon: to complete plans for their Fall Anniversary. A group of 15 Y.P.U. members journeyed to Beaveivton on Sunday moming. After attending church all enjoyed a. picnic lunch at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Partridge. Those who Went were: Jack McCallum, Gladys Smith, Jean Dalziel, Charlie Agnew, Ervin Smirth, Donald and Marie Giffen, Kathleen Whitmore, Eldon Fierl‘ue‘ller, Mrs. Bagg and Donald, Mr. anti Mrs. Watson and John. All report having a good time. Edgelley W.A. met at the home of The Anniversary Services of Carr- ville Chfirch will [be held on Oct. 3rd. In the alfternbon Mr. Halbent of Newtonbrook will take the service. In the evening Mr. McCrimlmon of Maple will preach and the McDonald qual'rtette will sing. Messrs. Elgin and Bill Banks of 'Hazenumore, Sask., spent Sunday with Mr. W. Reaman. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Mr. Harry Middleton and son Ern- es‘t‘, Mr-s. Jack Middleton and‘ d-‘augh- ter Mary visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Middleton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schell and fam~ ily of Toronto spent Sum-Cray with Mr. W. and Miss M. Reaman. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny and Miss Kenmry' of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Read, Miss Jessie Wark and Mr. Stan. Dew visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn on: Sunday. ‘ Mr. Geo. Prentice of Millikan vis~ ited' Mr. W. Reaman last Friday. Dealers in Lumber, Lath. Shingles Ashphalt Roofing. Gyproc Telephone 27 NEWTONBROOK RICHMOND HILL CARRVILLE EDGELEY VOTE FOR Jones Coal Companj} Also CLAUDE’ITE COLBER'IV‘V- ME’LVYN'fiOUGLAs ROBERT YOUNG in “ I MET HIM IN PARIS ” A gay_ pleasant comedy, it is entertaining- because of many amusing situatlons and good pictures of snow sports. A heart warming picture of the charming story of family life, full with human interest. Based on the story “The Last Slaver” by sea picture you'll long remember. MONDAY & TUESDAY SEPT. 27 - 28 SPECIAL A’I'I'RACTION “ CORONATION PARADE ” in TECHNICOLOR ‘ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 - 30 WARNER BAXTER - MICKEY ROONEY - WALLACE BEERY in “ SLAVE SHIP ” SPECIAL ADDED‘ ATTRACTION ‘ World’s Heavyweight Championship Bout pictures, taken at ringslde, Yankee Stadium, New York. TOMMY FARR Undefeated Champion of Great Britain, vs. JOE LOUIS Champion Heavyweight of the World. FRIDAY & SATURDAY. SEPT. 24 - 25 TWO FEATURES JOE 'E. BROWN - FLORENCE RICE in “ RIDING ON AIR ” TO-DAY. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 WILL ROGERS in “ DAVID HARUM ” We are again proud to present the late Will Rogers in th pictureâ€"one that all will enjoy, especially horse lovers. PROPERLY AIR CONDITIONED - TIME OF SHOWS â€" 8 p.m- and 10 p.m. I Saturday & HelidayS. 7.30 and 9-30, Daylight Saving Time You too will find HAMCO the ideal fuelâ€" dustless. stnoke- lese. longer-lasting. And easy to regulate â€" HAMCO delivers just the measure of warmth you want. regardless of the weather. Besides . it‘s cl pleusuxe to useâ€"so light, so clean and leaves far less ash. Order from you! local HAMCO dealer - he deserves your fuel business. Alsoâ€" L‘Ibififfiflififiiofiia I‘EEEZ'I‘L‘IXFXIYKER ERIC LINDEN - MICKEY ROONEY in “ A FAMILY AFFAIR ” Entertaining Comedyifor the whole family‘ See it in the natural color and beauty to present the late Will Rogers in this great} yi_11_ enjgyi, §§peci§1Lv hqrsg Lovers. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, l.le HAMILYON, CANAISA images "Ah Wilderness” type. A most of pathos, tenderness and teeming George S. King. A grand PAGE FIVE RICHMOND I H-ILL Phone 188 SS=

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