Jester-son school which has been «closed. due to Paralysis epidemic will re-open Monday, September 27th. Dairy Field Day_ Wilfrid Ii. 5cm: 1937. Born at Richmond Hill. Mrs. Cas-e- Successbr to J. J. Deane 1 th M t d hm f th -_v was- e e es augl r 0 e Dma" °f late William and Mary Harding. She FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE was married in Richmond Hill in SERViCE 1879. w ) . m The funeral service was held‘ on 00‘ BRIDGE OMAR Tuesday afternoon, September let Tuesday, September 28 VanPelt is Coming back ! [ï¬leâ€"6iw MORGAN BAKER for NORTH YORK COUSINS’ DAIRY FARM PAGE EIGHT. Wilfrid R. Scott LUNCH may be obtained on the grounds PLAN NOW TO COME! The day’s programme Will be held rain or shine THE DAIRY MEETINGS conducted by VanPelt last fall were the outstanding Sairy event of the year. Dairymen who heard him are still talking about the wealth of practical help given in his lecture and demon- stration. If you were one of the fortunate ones to hear him, we know you will want to hear him again. If you missed out last year. you will certainly want to hear him this time. HERE ARE just a few of the many problems he will Show you how to solve: COWS THAT DON’T CALVE PROPERLY _ HOW TO PREVENT QUARTERS FROM GOING BAD ELIMINATING SCOURS IN CALVES MAKING THE MOST PROFITABLE USE OF YOUR HOME GRAIN ‘ MASTITIS AND CONTAGIOUS ABORTION HOW TO CORRECT THE HARD MILKER COWS THAT FAIL TO GET WITH CALF HOW TO DRY OFF A HIGH PRODUCER JEFFERSON Mark the date on your calendar so you won’t overlook it. HEAR HIM AT THE PURINA LORNE COUSINS, Proprietor 10.30'aLm. Sta'ndard Time AURORA Ravageme m Ewmw [sued by Ontario Liberal Asxociation‘ HEPURN HELPS HGUSEHQLD HAPPNESS Elect H. J. MCCONNEL, Liberal Candidate for EAST YORK MRS. RICHARD CASELY LAID TO REST Following- a’s illness, Fran- cis Elizabeth Harding, beloved wife of Richard Casely, nassed to her rest on Sunday morning, September 19, THORNHILL Besides her husband she is sun vived vbv three daughters, Mrs. W D-ean‘, Thornhilll. Mrs. L. Valliere Toronto, Mrs. Bert Oke, Ththip one son Ernest Casely, Victoria Square, one sister, Mrs. James Bowes of Toronto, 19 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. Interment took place at Thprnhill .Cemetery.‘ ,,,:11 at her home, Colborne St. Rev. E. B. Cooke and Rev. John Oke of Toâ€" ronto conducted the service. “Abide With Me,†a favorite h'YIIml of Mrs. Casely’s was sung: by Mr. Flovd Davies at the service. ‘The pallbearers were Messrs. Chas. Bowe's. Wilfred Dean. Alvin Casely, Ross Dean. Leslie Valliere Jr. and Floyd' Davies. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in Trinity Church. Thornâ€" hill on Thursday evening, (to-night) at 8 o’clock D.S.’T. The Right Rev. Bishop Beverlev will m'each. Harâ€" v- Thanksgiving Services will also be held; at Trinity Church on Sunday, Sept. 26 (Standard Time). In the evening- the Rev. Canon G. S. King:â€" ston. M.A.. B.D.. Phd.. of Trinity College will preach. There will be special music. a n 1-11 .,,, ............. The opening meeting of the fall season of Trinity A.Y.P.A. will be held in the Parish Hall at 8.15 on Tuesday, September 28. All the young neople are invited. Mr. John Clu‘bin-e of Orillia visited' on Saturday at Loourst Lawn. ' A meeting of the Women’s Auin- iary of Trinity Anglican Church will ‘be held at the Rectory on Thursday, September 30th, at 3 pm. sharp. All rhemvbers are urgently requested to attend this meeting. â€"Miggmia033131;;de 70f Churchill is» star-vine: with her grandnarents Mr. and Mrs. Connell, JohngSIt. Mrs. J. Wells and| Mr. andI Mrs. Frank Harrison are snendinm: a few daivs this week, visiting friends in leyra, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs‘. Wi‘frecl Ball spent the week-end wi’rh Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelles. in Hamilton. Do mt forget fhe Sund‘av School Rallv Service at the Unilted Church on Sundav, September 26 at. 11 am. (Standard Time). Rev. E. B. Cooke will sneak to the ch=lrjren. _ Trinity Women’s Club will hold' a Bridge and Euchre at the home of Mrs. W. Ball, Yonge Street, on Fri- day evening, October lst, at 8 o’ clock. Everybody welcome. be held at St. John's Church, Oak Ridges Friday evening, October 8th at 8 pan. The Rt. Rev. Bishop Reni- son the very distinguished Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Toronto will be ‘the preacher. The annual Sunday service will be on October 10th at 11.10 a.m. The choir will render special music and the Rector Rev. E. W. G. Worrall will be in charge of both services. A teaching mission will be con- ducted at St. John‘s, Oak Ridges from Sunday, October 24th to Sunâ€" day, October 3lst when the mission- er Wild be Rev. T. W. Isrsvherwood, ‘M,A., a widely recognized teacher and a great preacher. Services each night at 8 pm. Everyone is» cordialâ€" Ly invited to these special services. Harvest Thanksgiving services will OAK RIDGES THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIG MT. Kenneth Foreman celebrated "his 18th birthday last Thursday. A number of young people met at his 'home on Thursday evening and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Rev. A. H. Halbert is attending bhe Annual Conference of Victoria University Alumni Association this week held in Emmanuel College, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and- Mrs. G the weekend Ia. near Beaverton. Misses Eleanor and Meryl Cum- mings and Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Lawrence of Toronto were guests at the Parsonage last Monday. the Parsonage last Monday. The taggers for the Children’s Aid of York County were out bright and early last Saturday morning. The young ladies in this: district who as- sisted were Misses Ruth Douglas, Evelyn Cornves, Lorna Anderson, Al- ice Wiltshire and Doris Van-Luven. A School of ReligiOus Training is again being held by the Young Peoâ€" ple’s Union cf the Suburban Area of Toronto Centre Presbytery this au- tumn commencing next Tuesday ev- ening, Sept. 28 at 6.45 at Thornhill United Church with a supper meet- ing. A large representation from Newtonbrook United Church Y.P.U. expect to attend. The speaker will be Rev. J. D. Parks, M.A., B.D., of Toronto who will‘ speak on “Citizen‘- ship.†While this school is being held the local Y‘P.U. will withdraw their weekly meeting so there will be no excuse for not being present at the school» each Tuesday evening. Reeve and Mrs. R. E. Bales re- turned last Saturday from a delight- ful trip to the Maritimes. ‘The regular monthly meeting andl final Flower Show of the North York Horticultural Society was held at the Township Hall on Monday night. (In the absence of the’President Mr. J. A. Bathg‘ate, the chair was taken by Mrs. Donald Wheel-er, first vice- president. The speaker was Mr. C. A. Cruicksflianlk of Toronto who gave a. very excellent illustrated lecture on the growing and planting- of Fall Bulbs. He had some beautiful col- ored slides of the choicest kinds of tulips, crocus, iris, snrOWd’rOpS, etc. Kinds worth planting to get best re- sults. He also had sample bu-lbs of all descriptions which he had on ex- hibit which he named so that his hearers would get a better idea what various types looked like. Mr. l’Cruickshan-k visits Holland frequent- ‘ly and is an expert horticulturist. He ‘also judged the flowers on exhibit which included dahlias, zinnias, ast- ers, stocks, gladioli, snapdra-gon, sca- biosa, roses, petunias and) salpiglosis. Thé Auxiliary of fine W.M.S last Tuesday aftemoom at the sonage with a large attendance. NEWTONBROOK rank Summers and 0rd Summers spent week with friends is attending- met Par- Mrs. Halbert, the president, presided. Af- ter the business period the meeting was handed over to Mrs. A. W. Ste- phenson, the Strangers Secretary. who presided for the remaining part of the meeting. Mrs. James Murray conducted a very inspiring devotion- al service on the Beatitudes. This was followed by a vocal duet by Mrs. Harold Moore and Mrs. Walter John- son. The new Study Book, “A new church faces a new w0rld," by Dr. Jesse H. Arnup, was introduced which promises to be most interesting. It presents something of the great story of our United Church, its be- ginning, its growth and its present missionary task at home and abroad. Mrs. L. C. Washington, Strangers secretary of the Toronto Centre Presbyterial, was the guest speaker and spoke of the work connected with this department. She stressed 'the need of more friendliness to the stranger and new comer in our com- munity. So often they are overlook- ed and not invited to attend the var- ious organizations of the church. A shower of household articles was held with a very generOus re- sponse, for the Western bale. ' It was decided to hold the Thank< offering meeting on October 26th. Also an Autumn Tea will be held at the home of Mrs. A. W. Stephen50n| on Tuesday, November 9. The meetâ€" ing closed with prayer by Rev. A. H. Halbert. ‘ AND I UNDERSTAND †i HE HAS MADE IT 7; POSSIBLE FOR ALL DESTITUTE MOTHERS TO GET ALLOWANCES -â€" THAT'S GOOD r THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1937. HE