Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1937, p. 4

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I PAGE FOUR C. Col I 0 Summer seems to have returned . ‘to at least bid us a proper farewell. Explamed _ We were beginning to think it had TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3th taken "French leave." It is. certain- 8 p-m- Sharp ly welcome. Woman‘s Association MASONIC HALL‘ RICHMOND HILL The held |their montth meeting in the Sun- THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO the MiSses Richardson of Richmond Hill spent. the weekâ€"end in Ottawa. 'During Mr. Sioutenburgh‘s absence from his garage Mr. Milton Heise was in charge. Mrs. Martha Storry of Blooming- ton is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Goo. Dennie. The annual Fowl Suprper which or- dinarily takes place in October has until Wednesday. November 17th. owing to health con- . . - g. r ‘ V V - : Speakers. din ‘LhOOI We‘hiegda" e‘gnmg la‘t ioeen postponed REV_ J. RAYMOND BOOTH ’.l..(l€I‘ the direction of Miss NIablg _ and _ ‘Sandr'rson‘s group, An interesting paper on “Visiting the shut-ins” was presented by Miss Thelma Hart. Several matters of business were disposed of by Mrs. R. F. Klinck in 'the absence of Mrs. P. Willows. the communities. KENNETH ROSS ditions in some of the surrounding special services will take place on the one preceding the supper. November 14. This week has been a week of ac- The Sunday Wilfrid R. Scott Successor to J. J. Deane pl‘eSid‘ent‘ in charge of Mrs. Ella Ratcliffe. Director of . FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE ' We regret that Mrs. P. W'illows sERviCE has been extremely indisposed WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO ______________.‘___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- MARGUERITE BOYLE (Graduate of Owen A. Smily Studio) ELOCUTIONIST Studios â€" 2896 Dundas St. W., Toronto “Homewood Hall”, Thornhill ’ Elocution â€" The art of correct intonation. inflection and gesture in public speaking or reading; proper and effective oral deliveryâ€"«Standard Dictionary. O 0 Liberal Meeting In the interests of H. J. McCONNELL The Liberal standard bearer in YORK EAST will be held in the . VICTORIA SQUARE HALL Monday, Oct. 4th, 8 p.m ! SPEAKERS: WALTER C. THOMSON. K.C. AND THE CANDIDATE E A. E. COOMBS E VOTE McCONNELL and HELP HEPBURN CARRY ON! Elect a Man 0 ii? The next meeting will be ‘through an attack of appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stoutenburgh and J. McC .cidents at the school down the fourth. ‘Miss Joy Mortson suffered a sprain- ed wrist. on Tuesday while at play and on Wednesday Isaac Williamson 'hurt his eye while enjoying a vigor- ous game of “Pomper.” Mr. Henry Hill. Miss Thelma Hart ‘and Mr. George VVellman of Nobleâ€" ton took tea at the home of Miss ’Alma Attwood on Sunday evening. Silo filling is the order of the day 'now. Just at present the fifth con- «cession are having their turn. For- tunately the weather is all that can be desired. All dates take second place with the coming election date, October 6. Here's hoping the best man Wins. The Young People's Society visited the Wesley, society on Tuesday even- ing and put on the program. . After a game in which nearly all jomed, a dainty lunch was served. After sing- ing “Blest be the tie that binds." the visiting society left for home feeling that they had spent a profitable and happy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon of New Lowell are spending their vaca- tion at the home of Mrs. F. Nichols. While making Mrs. Nichols’ home their headquarters they are calling .on other friends of the family, taking tea at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson's on Tuesday evening. 1 v Mr. Lorne Morts-on of Tyrone spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Stanley Young and little daughter Shirley are spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agar. The Junior Farmers and Jr. Insti- tute have postponed their meeting until the 2nd Tuesday in October on account of several members of the society taking part in the play “Lona Rivers" which is being given on the Mondav and Tuesdaw nights of that week at Thistletown and Weston. The director. Mrs. Willows. and the mem- bers of the cast are to be congratuâ€" lated on having been asked to give it so often. The September W. BITS meeting was a decided success. 1\ rs. Helmer of Toronto who is the wife of the late Mr. Helmer. the secretary of the China Inland Mission for several \xreai‘s. brought out a missionarv from i i 3 very earnestly and impressiver of Q. r W‘s“ mmmm‘* - Vancouver. Miss Martin. who spoke, i her work among the unfortunate wo- HON. HARRY C. NIXON Provincial Secretary in the Ontario Government and first lieutenant of Premier Heplburn who will be the speaker at a public meeting in New- market Town Hall next Saturday evening, October 2nd along with Morgan Baker, Liberal candidate in North York. ___4______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" men and girls there. Miss Emma Barker of Richmond Hill sang a beautiful solo. Both speaker and soloist made the meeting a verw mis- sionary one. A dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Ida Nichols and Mrs. L. L. Nichols pouring tea. Letters From The People DISLIKES SHIELDS TYPE OF CAMPAIGN ‘Editor, The Liberal. Sir:â€" I am not a partisan 1n arm sense of the term. but as a citizen who takes pride in fairness. and decency I must express my dislike for one feature at least of the present elec- tion campaign. To my mind one of the highlights as far as bitter and vitriolic language is concerned was the recent political sermon delivered by Rev. T. T. Shields of Toronto. His speech if correctly reported in the Toronto press was so full of intem- peratc language that it was positive- ly disgusting to intelligent electors. It sounded all the worse coming from one who at least sometimes professes to preach the gospel. Personally I am an admirer of Mr. Hepburn although I do not agree 'wi’th everything he has done and I recognize that fair criticism is alâ€" ways in order. Tirades of the Rev. Shields type however have no place in a campaign calculated to appeal to decent intelligent voters. Mr. Rowe has many handicaps in this campaign. and one of these is the support of Rev. Shields. INDEPENDENT VOTER. f Action WMWW Liberal Candidate York East McCONNELL’S PROGRAM of ‘CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION Protection of your home and farm equity. Greater assistance in mark- eting of farmer’s produce. Amendmentto Milk Control Act. Investigation into cost of production and distribu- tion of milk. “Bull Bonus” Policy. Farm loans at Hepburn’s low interest rates. Liberal Candidate " M OWMWMO< McCONNELL STANDS BEHIND HEPBURN Hepburn has reduced your Hydro rates. Reduced your motor car li- cense'fees. Lowered the interest rates on farm loans from 6 to 4 per. cent. Given you. a balanced budget. A surplus of over nine mil- lion dollars. Reduced the provincial debt 33 million dollars last year! A PROGRAM WHICH I AM PREPARED TO ADVOCATE CONSTANTLY IF YOU SEE FIT TO ELECT ME ! ! ! THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30th. 1957. Classified Advs. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTI RATES'Five lines or less. SINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 FOR SALE CENTS PER LINE. TO#RE NT TWO VIOLINS, in excellent. condiâ€" 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 Cen. ‘tion. Apply at The Liberal Office. ’75 BARRED ROCK Pullets. Wesley Clark, RR. No. 2. Gormley. phone “Richmond Hill 4704. 10 PUREBRED YORKSHIRE SOWS 5 months old. David Howard, Downs- view, telephone Maple 2461. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COW. fresh. from accredited herd. Gordon Anderson. telephone Maple 446. M”! ___,â€"’â€"-â€"â€"â€" 100 CHOICE LEGHORNS and Rocks, ‘pullets and yearlings. C. Bowel-bank, 'stop 17A. Yonge Street. Thornhill. 5 ROOM FRAME COTTAGE, all conâ€" veniences. Richmond Hill. $2.200. Terms to be arranged. Apply J. R. Herrington. ,__’_'â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘ Chicken House ’MILK HOUSE, new; _ lined. '12 x 14; Work Shop 6 x 12. Fred Wicks, Steele’s Avenue ‘Dufferin Street. _4____..____._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" HOLSTEIN COW due October lst; also 12 small pigs. Herman Mort- son. Lot 21. Con. 4. Victoria Square, telephone Stouffville 4013. _â€"’_'___â€"â€"â€" MILK COWS, T.B. Tested, four to six years old, fresh cows and close springers; also Heifers. Apply E. Fisher, Langstaff. 16r24. _______________â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR SALE OR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE, 19 Centre StreetI East. Apply George Drury, 19 Cen- ‘tre St. East. 1929 DURANT CAR. new paint fob 1938 license. If you want a good car at a real bargain see this one. T. Stephen- son, 112 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Phone 31. 3â€"PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE. 2 double beds. dresser. dressing table and- chair. chiffonier. kitchen table and 2 chairs, sideboard. power electric motor. trailer. Flemish Giant rabbits. Senior and Jurior stock. Reasonable. Smith. 5th heuse east of Yonge St.. Langstaff. Pâ€"â€" LOST 3 WHITE PIGS off truck weighing about 200 lbs. nach. between Toronto Stock Yards and’ Armitage. B. A. Slessor. Hawkestone. Sale Register SATURDAY, OCT. 16THâ€"â€"Auction sale of dwelling and 5 acres of land, also furniture. the property of Mrs. S. F. Simpson. Brookside Road. Lot 6. Con. 1, Vaughan Township. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Prop- erty sold subject to reserve bid par- ticulars of which will be made known on day of sale. J. C. Saigeon, auc- tioneer. SATURDAY. OCT. 30THâ€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements. the property of Mrs. Mary Ann Bril- lingcr. Lot 46, Con. 1. Markham 114 miles east of Richmond Hill. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is rented. J. H. and Ken Prentice. Auctioneers. SAVINGS PASSED ON The benefits of Hepburn financing have not only been seen in the debt reduction, and the surplus of 89,313,- 038. Premier Hepburn has passed‘ on to the people of the province, and particularly to the municipal rate- payers a large share of the money saved bin economies and collected from the wealthy classes. Direct sav- ings to the municipal ratepayers a- mounted to millions of dollars. Here’ are some of them: The province assumed the entire cost of Mothers’ Allowances, saving the municipalities 82,000,000 21 year. The province assumed the munici- ipalities‘ share of old age pensions. a saving of over $1,000,000 2. year. Township road subsidies were in- creased from 40 per cent. to 50 per cent., saving the municipalities $400,- 000 a year. The 20 per Cent. levy formerle made on the counties for provincial highways was abolished. resulting in a saving to the counties to date of over $2,700,000, and a further 32,â€" 000,000 will be saved by them in the fiscal year of 1937-38. In addition. a grant equal to one pull on the dollar was given to every municipal ratepayer in Ontario re- lieving them to the extent of 32,933.- 600. y ‘ In direct tax reductions, Premier 'Hepburn made the following contri- butions for the benefit. of the mass of the peOple: Saved them S3.000.000 per year by cancellation of the provinical amuse~ ‘m'ent tax. Saved‘ them 8170.000 a year by the entire province. The ultimate bore is the enthusiâ€" astic one who gushes all over the place about something that is tripe to you. You can tell which side has con- trol of the air. Just count the oth- er’s losses of women and children. tre Street East, Phon e Thornhill ' v I in excellent cond'tion.| 1/4 horse- I Richmond Hill. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, all conven- iences. Apply H. McMillan. mond Hill. Rich- '6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE. all con- veniences, in Richmond Hill, vacant 1st November. $25.00 per month, Apile J. R. Herrington. FARM TO RENT. 150 acres, Lot 29. Concession 5, Vaughan Township. Good water supply. Apply J. G. Malâ€" loy, 761A Euclid Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. WANTED and MAID to do housework and cook, 'farm experience preferable. ’Mrs. J. A. Caesar, Langstaff Road. Aoplir DIESEL ENGINEERING â€" Diesel iEngines require experienced men; if lyou are ambitious, mechanically in- clined, furnish character reference; expert training given to those 'iiuali- fying, on reasonable mOnthly pay- ments; state age. Write Diesel Ens gineering Institute, 206A Dundas St.. London, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS raised and moved. Lang- staff Coal and Supply. Phone Thorn- hill 73. ,- iii.on WILL CARE for INVALID |’1n her own home. Has best of re- ferences. Apply Liberal Office. 'PAPERHANGING and Painting, by experienced workmen. Estimates given free. Apply P. Ingles & Sons, Jefferson Decorators. Maple Avenue, Jefferson. W tattle, Horses‘ and Sheep FOR SALE Perchenon Team guaranteed sound and good to work, 8270. Clydesdale Team guaranteed in ev- ery way, 3185. Number of breeding Ewes. These ewes have raised early lambs, $7.00 each. 20 Stockers about 475 lbs. each, 8370 for the lot. 40.head of good feeder cattle av- eraging around 700 lbs., priced from $25 to $33 each. 2 Heifers due soon. priced reasonâ€" ably. 2 Holstein Heifers 18 months old, $25.00 each. Ayrshire Cow, fresh, 842.00. Holstein Cow due in a month 860. Angus Cow witlh calf 853.00. 2 Holstein Heifers with calf at foot. Angus Steer and Heifer fit for baby beef by Christmas, $35.00 each. Good Shorthorn Bull 1 year old, $25.00. We have a good: supplu of Stocker Cattle in all weights up to 850 lbs. Geo. Porter, RR. 3. Woodbridge, (at Elders Station) Telephone Woodbridge 51-r-21. ___â€"â€"_ R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 'T [J sed â€" Cars $775.00 1937 FORD TUDOR \VITH TRUNK â€"Only 3000 milesâ€"A Bargain. Woo, 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"- Small Mileage. Exceptionally Nice. $425.00 1933 DODGE CABRIOLET $290.00 1933 TERRAPLANE SEDAN $190.00 1930 ESSEX COACH abolition of examination fees for -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~_. students. $ '3' Saved them $4,800,000 a wear by reductions in hydro rates. over the 1929 BUICK SEDANâ€"1935 License included. Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W ONTARIO

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