Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington visit ed friends in Nashville on Wednes day last. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Maynard left on Thursday on a three months holiâ€" day to England, sailing from Mon- treal on Saturday. IMF. and Mrs. Oscar Cox and Mrs. W. L. Clark attended Acton Fair last week, Mr. Cox acting as judge on Heavy Horses. Central United Church W.A. held the regular monthly meeting Thurs- day afternoon. There was a good attendance and an' interesting pro- gram followed lby a delightful tea served by the hostesses Mrs. James Camplin, Mrs. E. Bewell and Miss Millie Miller. The devotional period included the Bible reading by Mrs. T. Burnett, the Bible talk by Mrs. A. Coulson and prayer by Mrs. A. E. Milner. A reading “The House by the Side of the Road†given by Mrs. F. Pollard, and also one entitled “The Heavenly City†by Miss Lillie Dyke, two guitar solos by Mrs. E. Dixon with Mrs. W. J. Russell as accompanist made a delightful pro- gram. This splendid organization have many worthwhile activities planned for the coming season, in- cluding the Turkey Supper that will follow the Anniversary Services on' October 24th. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner attend- ed Lindsay Fair Iast week. The local Auxiliary will entertain Victoria Square, Melville and Eben~ ezer W.M.S. Auxiliaries at this meet- ing and a cordial invitation is given to all women in the community to attend. 2 President Treasurer Secretary i WOQWW ' Holy Communion was celebrated at the morning service_with Rev. Herman in- charge, while Rev. G. B. Armstrong officiated in: the evening. Special music, with Miss Ila Weigâ€" hill, A.T.C.M., presiding at the orâ€" gan, included the anthems “Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord†and “Ye shall dwell in‘ the Land†with Miss Erma Court as soloist; also the solos, “Open the gates of the ’I‘em- ple†by Mrs. R. B. Rae and “Give Thanks and Sing" by Mrs. A. K. Harrington. These services are alâ€" ways appreciated by- Union'ville and vicinity, the splendid attendance and interest shown, convincing truth of their popularity. The annual Thank-Offering meet- ing of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Gen- tral United Church is annOunced for Thursday, Oct. 14, to be held in the church. A program of special in- terest is being planned with Dr. Mar- garet McKellar as guest speaker. Impressive services in Thanksgivâ€" ing for the abundant Harvest we're held in St. Philip’s Anglican church last Sunday. Many varieties of fruits, flowers and vegetables comâ€" bined to make an: ait’stic and appro- priate setting for the celebration, which was largely attended. The fine feeling of fellowship and co-opveration amongst the local churches was in- dicated by the cancellation of the Central United Church evening ser- vice, enabling the minister and con- to attend this Harvest gregation 70 Festival. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, Township Hall, Tues.0ct. 26 Famous Turkey Supper _AT_ UNIONVILLE Good Program. Anniversary Services of Central Unit- ed Church on Sunday, Oct. 24th. Rev. Levi Atkinson, Stouffville, Preacher. Under the auspices of Central United Church in the COME TO THE Rev. J. A.’ Rikard, Professor of Philosophy at Waterloo Lutheran College, will be the speaker. Thirty guests assembled to offer congratulations to Mr. Harveyv Coul- son on the occasion of his birthday or: Saturday. A delightful dinner party was a part of this happy event. Mr. N. Ogden visited his daughv ter, Mrs. F. Conley in Orillia last week-end. A car of produce such as potatoes, vegetables, apples, fruit etc. for the western victims of drought is being loaded at Unionwille Friday and Sat- urday, ectober 15th and 16th. All contributions gladly received for this worthy cause. Members of Central local committee as follows: Kenneth Deacon, Art Herriington, Ewart Sti- ver, J. McConnell, A. E. Mdlner, A. E. Owen. THE RU NE OF HOSPITALITY I saw a stranger yestereen; I put food in the eating place, Drink in the drinking place, Music in the listening place, And in the sacred name- of the Triuine He blessed myself and my house, My cattle and my dear ones, And the lark said in her song, Often' â€" often - often Goes the Christ in the stranger’s guise, task.†NOTEâ€"Anniversary on October 24 EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"“A Victorious Thanksgiv- Jas. Tricker this week. Mr. Thos. Duncan, Mrs. Russell Boyjngtvon, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sti- var attended the funeral of Mr. Wm. Gooderham of Lansing on Saturday. Misses Hendershott of Toronto are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. F. Boadway. ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"â€"Church School. 11 armâ€"Morning Prayer. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. E:’ Huenergard, B.D. Pastor 10 a.m.-â€"-Church School. 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"-Pub1ic Worship. Often Goes ('ENTRAL'UNITED CHURCH UnionJViHe Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 armâ€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"“A Victorious Thhnksg'iv ing.†7 p.m.â€"“The Churc‘1 he‘s a new guest of her daughter Mrs. W. Latiâ€" Mrs. R. P. Armstrong of Locust Hill visited Mrs. M. C. Sommerville 0;) Friday. guise. â€"â€"Old Gaelic rune recovered by Kenneth McCIeod Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of rora were guests of Mr. and Mrs. - often - often flm Christ in the Stranger’s ‘earse of Markham is the Mrs. K. Rees and little daughter Ann of Winnipeg visited their cousin Mrs. W. Wellman a few days on Jtheir way to England. Special Thanksgiving Services will he held in the local Presbyterian Church on Sunday when the Rev. W. H. Reid, M.A., of Toronto, a noted Bible Scholar, will be 'the guest speaker. Rev. J. D. Cunningham will be in Brampton on Sunday con- ducting Anniversary Services there. Reserve Tuesday, October 19th for the euchre under the auspices of the Girl Guides. Further particulars next week. The many friends of Mr. Geo. Gee will regret to learn of his recent sudâ€" den illness. We are glad to hear, however, that latest replorts show some improvement. A new face and a new voice will be 'seen and heard in’ the United Church on Sunday next when the :Roy Holmes of Lan‘gstaff is at- tending A.P.S. studying mining en- gineering. Rev. George Dorey, D.D. will be the guest preacher. Dr. Doreyl has spent all his ministry in Saskatchewan and knows the conditions tin the “dried out area†better, perhaps, than any other person. He has recently join- ed the staff of Home MiSSion Secre- taries of the United Church in To- ronto. He is an attractive and force- ful speaker. Mr. Garnet A. Archibald and the Misses Kate and Ellincr Archibald of Toronto were guests at the United Church Parsonage on Sunday. RAILWAY BARGAIN FARES Thursday, Oct. 14th to C.N.R. sta- tions in the Maritime Provinces. Fri- day and Saturday, Oct. 15th and 16 from Toronto to all C.N.R. stations north including Lake Simc0e_ Mus- koka, Lake of Bays, Sudbury, dis- tricts west to and including Nipigon and Red Rock. Low fares will also be available to points in Lindsay and Haliburton districts, and to Co‘bourg, Trenton, Belleville, Kingston and Cornwall, and intermediate points. For further particulars apply to tic- ket agents. The Evening Auxiliary of the Unitâ€" ed Church intean holding a Baking Sale and Tea on Saturday, October 23rd in the School Room of the church. Further notice later. IN MEMORIAM VALLIEREâ€"In loving memory of our mother, Elizabeth Valliere, who entered into rest October 8th, 1930. She always leaned to watch for us, Anxious if we were late, In winter by the window, In summer by the gate; Her thoughts were all so full of usâ€" She never could forget! And so I think that where she is She must be watching yet, Waiting till we come home to her, Anxious if we are lateâ€" Watching from Heaven‘s window, Leaning from Heaven’s gate. â€"â€"Ever remembered. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., pastor Sunday, October 10’th Canada’s Thanksgiving Sunday Special Thanksgiving Services at 11 and 7. 11 a.m.â€"Guest Speaker: Rev. George Dorey, D.D., Secretary Home M's- sions Department. 2.45 p.m.â€"Sunday School will re- open. Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, October 10th 11 am. and 7 pm. Thanksgiving Services Special Speakerâ€"Rev. W. H. Reid, M.A. Thankfulness for God’s mercies is sure guarantee against Mackslï¬dâ€" ing. ' RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Thanksgiving Sunday 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Preacher, Rev. F. 0. Jack- son, B.A., L.Th., Assistant Holy Trinity Church, Toronto. A special message to young people. 3 p.m.â€"Sun>day School Rally, claSSes for all. Thanks will be offered for those recovered and protected from Infantile Paralysis. 7 p.m.â€"Preacher, The Rector. Social ‘and Personal p.m.â€"The Pastor. Sermon Subject: “The Folly of a Rich Farmer.†full choir will render choice musi- cal programmes at both services. A hearty welcome to all. Monday, Thanksgiving Day a.m.â€"Holy Communion for A.Y.P. A. of West York Deanery Local Council. Preacher, Rev. H. R. Hunt, M.A., B.D., Rector St. John’s Church, West Toronto. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglicar) THEE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Reâ€"elected in York East by a small majority in one of the closest and most keenly contested cam- paigns of his long political career. TAG DAY The postponed tag day for the Children’s Aid Society of York County will be held in Richmond Hill on Saturday of this week, Oc- tober 9th, under the auspices of the Girl Guides. GILLIES, Margaretâ€"At her home, '18 Lynd Avenue, Toronto, on Friday ev- ening, Oct. lst, Margaret Gillies, daughter of the late Mr. andv Mrs. Archibald Lawri-e Gillies, formerly of King Township, Ontario. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Annie Lecuyer of Gormley, Ontario, wishes to announce the enâ€" gagement of her eldest daughter, Marjorie Ellen, to Elmer Roy, son of Mrs. Josephine Yake zind the late ‘Mr. George Yate of v Aurora, the wedding to take place this month. BIRTH BLAIRâ€"At Chatham General Hos- pital on Wednesday, September 29, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Blair, formerly of Richmond Hill, a daugh- ter (Carol Norine). ‘BR‘ODIEHOn September 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brodie of Markham Township, 3 daughter. / MORTSON, Emma Elizabeth Tranâ€" At Mrs. Dennison’s Rest Home, 30 Gresham Road, Toronto, Friday, Oct. 1, Emma Elizabeth Tran, Widow of the late W. H. Mortson, in her 8lst year. Funeral service was held at above address Monday at 2 p.m. Interment in King City Cemetery. Funeral was held from Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Home on MOnday. Interment Victoria Cemetery. THANKSGIVING RAIL FARES AND SERVICE Fare and one quarter for the round trip going Friday, Oct. 8th until 2 p.m. Monday, return limit leavin‘g ub to midnight Tuesday, October 12th. In addition to regular service C. N. Railways will provide special train over Toronto-Parry Sound line, leav- ing Toronto 1.30 pm. Saturday ar- riving Parry Sound 5.5-0 p.m. Return leave Parry Sound 6.30 pm. Monday, Oct. 11th arriving Toronto 10.40 p.m. RULES OF THE STORK When it is known that the stOrk is going to visit a house the expec- tant parent‘s always wonder just what he is going to leave- them. He seems to them a very whimsical old bird for they never know whether to ex- pect a baby boy or girl, or whether it will [be healthy and strong. Some- times he surprises them with two babies, or even three or more. But when we consider it all from the stork’s own point of view we see that "he works according to quite definite rules; the trouble is that in doing- so much work he pays very! little atten- tion to the Wishes of individual fam- ilies. Year in and year out he brings more boy babies than girls, accord- ing to the Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics. In Canada it is about 105 or 106 boys for every 100 girls. He has to to this to keep the balance even, for the infant boys! are not as strong as the girls, and four of them will die for every three of the girls. The stark has quite a fixed rule, too, about the number of times he brings more than one babï¬ Year after year he refuses to make 100 trips without bringing two babies on one of them. About once in 80 or 85 times it is. And in: the long run, for every 100 times he takes twins he onie takes triplets. On rare oc- casions he carries four or more. Perâ€" haps if we watched him long en- ough, We would find that he brings more than three about once for every 100 times that he brings three. He has done it twice in Canada in ten years, while he has brought triplets 283 times, and 28,400 pairs of twins. To carry out thisvrule he WOUld‘ bring more than three only once in about one million tripsâ€"Exchange. DIED DIED 1% THANK YOU O MMWNOOâ€OOWOâ€W It is an equally thrilling andi terrifying version of the play. If ryfou like a film that wbrks itself up to a high pitch of exciteme..t ‘by slow degrees, here it is waiting for you. One of the strongest: meiodramas of the year. i A fast moving farce comedy» of amusing situations and good perâ€" formances. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 - 9 TWO FEATURES MON., TUES, WED" OCT. 11 - 12 - 13 ThosAe men are here again. The merry, mad Marx Bros. with a bumper crop of gags and laughs. This latest offering tops anythmg' they have ever done. THURS. FRI., SAT“ OCT. 14 - 15 - 16 THREE DAYS Freddie Bartholomew - Spence]: :I‘gxcgy - Lionel Barrymore in This certainly is one of the few pictures that no one can afford to miss. A fine picture, nobly done, and every: 'boy and girl, as well as their parents, should see it. A story with a fine message to children and ggowmups alike. A story of idealism built upon faith and love. TO-DAY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH Robert Montgomery _â€"-â€" Rosalind Russell â€"'_DE{{ne May Whitty in No Noise! No Delay ! A 5-Station Automatic Standard Band Console at a Popular Price ! MODEL 766 â€"- For those who desire the “Automatic†feature without short-wave reception, here ’is real value. This Console covers the entire Standard Band from 530 to 1720 Kilocycles, with a choice of any 5 powerful stations logged automaticafly for instant re- ception, without inter-station noise. The 6 tubes give 8-tube performance. All other stations, except the 5 secured automatically, are tuned-in manually by tum- ing to opening which has no call letters listed. New- type “Dynamic Speakerâ€. Front panel is finished in oriental figured walnut, wing panels and top are sliced walnut. Height, 37â€; Width, 23â€; Depth, 12%". MARKHAM ROAD TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH YORK Sort of fare that action fans of all types will like Also LEO CARRILLO - MARY CARLISLE in “ HOTEL HAYWIRE †GARFIELD YEREX I \VISIâ€"I 'I‘O THANK THE ELECTORS OF NORTH YORK FOR THE SPLEN- DID SUPPfORT GIVEN ME AT THE POLLS ON WEDNESDAY. GEORGE O’BRIEN . CONSTANCE WORTH in “ THE WINDJAMMER †I DEEPLY APPRECIATE YOUR CON- FIDENCE AND I ASSURE YOU THAT AS A MEMBER OF THE LEGISLA- TURE I WILL DEVO’I‘E MY BEST EF- FORTS ON YOUR BEHALF. $94.95 “ CAPTAth COURA'GEOUS †MARX BROS. in “ A DAY AT THE RACES †7‘ NIGHT MUST FALL †MORGAN BAKER RICHMOND HILL PAGE FIVE DAYS