Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1937, p. 5

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Vespra . . . . . . . . W. Gwiilimbury- Bradford . . . . . . Sunnidale . . . . . Flos . . . . . . . . . . Penetanguishene Tiny . . . . . . . . . . EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Churc‘h School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Sacrament Service. Mellowness doesn’t prove the fruit ripe. Anything gets soft when thai many customers pinch 'it. Character.” NOTEâ€"Anniversary on October 24 Uniozav'flle Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen Sunday, October 17th 10 aJm.â€"â€"â€"Church “School. 11 a.m.~Sac1~ament Service. 7 p.m.â€"“The Story of a Rugged The funeral was held on urday from the home w1th 'interr in St. Andrew’s cemetery. The vice was conducted by Rev. W. Fuller and was largely attended She was especiafly well known for her musical ability. Before he? mar- riage she was the organist at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church and up to the time of her death continued her interest in si-ng'ing and s'ingert. She is survived by one daughter, Mimi, and two sisters, Mrs. Andrew Boa of Montreal, and Mrs. G. A. M. Davison of Umionv'iTle. Mrs. Sommerville was born in this: vicinrity, on a farm at Hagerman‘s Hill. She passed the greater part of her life here except for a few years spent in Michigan where she went after her marriage in 1878, re- turning to Canada on the death of her husband to live with her brother on the old homestead. In' 1919 she moved to Unionville fully received. Those who have of)”- ered donations are asked to make sure everything is ready when the truck calls. Bring produCe to the car yourself if you possibly can. bit if unable to do so let the committee know and a truck will call.- Unipnville United Church will hold their anniversary on October 24th. Rev. Levi Atkinson of Stouffvill‘e will be in charge. Famous Turkex' Supper “I/lll be held on Tuesday, Ocâ€" tober 26th. Good program. Tickets 50c., only one price. Late Mrs. William Sommerville Mrs. William Sommerville one of Markham township's best-ling)”. residents and a daughter of ‘ one of its early pioneers, died here Thurs- day, October 7th after a prolonged illness. She would have been 84 Fri- day. sure everyu truck calls. car yourself if unable to know and a A car of produce will be loaded Unionville Friday and Saturday this week to be sent to the drou stricken areas in western Canal All contributions, large‘ or sn (clothing excepted) will be\ tlié fully received. Those who have ( ered donations are asked to m: sure everything is ready when Famous Turkey Supper THURSDAY, OCTOBER CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Good Program. Anniversary Services of Central Unit- ed Church on Sunday; Oct. 24th. Rev; Levi Atkinson, Stouffville, Preacher. Under the auspices of Central United Church in the ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART ’ownship Hall, Tues.0ct. 26 All interested are Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill UNIONVILLE ' {Official Count MRS. ISOBEL BANNERMAN Announces the opening of classes in TUESDAY, OCTOBER THE 19TH FROM 4 TO 5 O’CLOCK UNIONVILLE CENTRE SIMCOE VOTE Rowe Simyson 1(Con.) (Liberal) . 2226 ‘2068 . 1109. 904 568 675 594 ‘ 561 341 273 491 628 . 685 981 , 610 1139 545 1216 7169 COME TO THE on Sat- interment 'The ser- invited to meet Mrs. Bannerman at the Hall __AT_ _‘AT_ anad Mt} Simpson (Liberal) ‘ 2068 904 The fiveâ€"year term of Dr. Bzuce as Lieutenantâ€"Governir of Onl91"0 expires on October 25. Among tlmso mentioned as possible succsssors are Albert Matthews, Toronto, Senator Frank O’Connor. Toronto. Senator Hardy, Brockville and William 'H. Wright, Barrie, proprietor of the Globe & Mail. The appointment is made by the Dominion Government. It isn‘t laziness that makes peo- ple dodge hard work. The easier the job, the more it pays. GOVERNOR’S TERM EXPIRES ON OCTOBER 25TH CURLERS’ MEETING A mereting of the Curling Club will be held Momlay evening. October 18 at 8 o‘clock. A11 curlers and those interested are requested to attend as thi.= will be a very important meetâ€" mg. 628 981 1139 1216 Total votes cast were: Henry, 11.- 260; McConnell, 11,051; Arthur 'H. Williams, 6,008, and Dempster 234. Three hundred and fifty votes were rejected, 48 cancelled and 25 declin- ed, making a total vote cast of 28,- 976, compared with 30,082 in the last provincial election. by the returning officer. Checks made by representatives of both Mr. Henry and Mr. McConnell varied little from the figures issued on the night of Oct. 6 that were com~ piled at both Liberal and Conserva- tive committee rooms. Hon; George S, Henry, Conserva- tL‘VQ candidate in» York East riding, was elected by a majority of 209 votes over his Liberal opponent, H. J; McConnell, according to official figures issued Wednesday by Lyman Kmnedy, R.O. _ Unofficial figures furnished by s‘crutineers of Mr. Henry on the night of the election gave Mr. Henry a majority of 239 and H. J. McConnell had refused to concede the election until official figures were announced Gives G. Henry 209 Majority Majority 1276L 1937 158C. 205C. 107L. 33C. 68C. 137L. 296L. 529L. 671L. Majority 3622L 284L. 497L. 642L. 976L. 1934 874L. 300. 3‘15L. 1081.. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, October 17th 11 a.m.â€"“The Song of Victory.” (Communion Service) 2.30 p.m.+Sunday School. 7 p.1n.~â€"“A Perfect Man", Preparatory Service Friday night at 8 pm. When Christ touches a life there is a transformation. Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., pastor Sunday, October 17th 11 a.m.â€"-“Art Thou a King Then” 2.45 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. All young people specially invited. 7 p.m.~“Stonimg Jesus.” The Pastor at both services of wor- ship. A full choir under the lead- ership of Mr. A. Melecci, and a hearty welcome to visitors and friends. TRINITY CHURCH, THORNHILL TO HOLD BANQUET A banquet under the auspices of the WA. of Trinity Anglican Church will be held in Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill on Thursday, October 2151: at 7 o'clock. The guest speaker will be his Grace the Archbishop of Torom’to, Primate of all Canada, who will tell of his visit to Engl'md last summer when he attended th), Cor. onatilon of their Majesties the King and Queen. Tickets: Adults 35 cts., Children 25 cts. A large crowd attended the Euchre last Thursday evening held in the Rectory of St. Marv’s R.C. Church. The prize winners were: Ladies, lst, Mrs. Horton of Richvale; End, a ti: between Mrs. E. Morris and Mrs. S. Dunnett, Mrs. Dunnett being the win. ner. Men, lst, Mr. V. McCullough: 2nd, a tie between Mr. J. Davenport and Mr. Norris of ‘Carrville, Mr. Davenport being the winner. The consolation prizes were won by Miss E. Oosg'rove and Mr. D. Morrison. LARGE CROWD ATTEND EUCHRE A special meeting of the Munici- pal Council and representatives of the Veterans and other organizations will be held at the Municipal Hall to- night, Thursday, to make plans for the annual Armistice Day service here. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Ellen Lecuyer o-f Gormley, Ontario, wishes to announce the enâ€" gagemem of her eldest daughter. Marjory Ellen, to Elmer Roy, son of Mrs. Josephine Yake and the late Mr. George Yake of Aurora, the wedding to take place this month. PLAN FOR ARMISTICE SERVICE Miss Evelyn G. Follett was the guest speaker at the Fall Rally of the Mission Circles of the Tam-onto Centre Presbytery held i1.,St. James- Bond United Church, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Isobel Bannerman announced the opening of a class in Elocution and Dramatic Art at the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. Mrs. Banner- man comes highly recommended and all interested are invited to meet Mrs. Bannerman next Tuesday even- ing. I Misses Shiela Beresford, Jean Mid. dleton, Marjorie Cunningham, and Jean Topper and Mr. Harris Hord and Mr. WiIF-On Beresford were a- monz those who attended the Pres- byterian Young People’s Rally in Otâ€" tawa last weekâ€"end. Friends of Miss Mary Stephenson of Elgin M’ills who underwent an op- ei'ation for appendicitis in Weilesiey Hospital a couple of weeks ago will be pleased to hear she is impr0ving satisfactorily and expects to return home the end of the week. Mrs. J. W. Loveys and Miss Lillian 1 Le Drew 3150 Miss Clara Halfyard of Hamilton spent Sunday in town with Mrs. c. w. Follett. ! The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit ed Church intend holding a Baking Sale and Tea on Saturday, October 23rd in the School Room of the church. Wither notice later. Mr. Herbert Cramm, B.A., of th‘ Fringe of Wales College, St. John’s Newfaundland, was a guest over thc week-end at the Unit-ed Church Par- sonage. Mr. Robert- Casement returned on Wednesday of this week from Wake~ field, Quebec, where he spent sev- eral weeks. _ The Rev. W guest preacher Holy Trinity, giving Sunday Mr. Kenneth Frisby of Si' spent the weekâ€"end and holida his home here. Social and Personal RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH . F. Wx‘iron wa at the Church 0 Toronto, on T3 morning. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thanks Miss M. Love spent the week-end and holiday with her parents at Dresden. ~ Weigh not so much What men say as what they now; remember that truth is simple and naked and needs not invective to apparel her comeâ€" linuess.â€"Sir Philip Sidney. Mrs. E. Hayden called on friends in the community on‘Tuesda‘y. WOMEN’S 'INSTITUTE ‘ About forty members of the W0- men’s Institute enjoyed the first meeting of the season which was held at the home of Mrs. W. Sayers on Friday afternoon. Miss Huntley Duff, stylist of the McCall Corpor- ation, New York, gave a splendid de- monstration illustrating her talk with perfectly gorgeous materials from the DressGoods Department of the Robert Sompson Companv, Ltd. Also h display of made up garments and articles suitable for Christmas gifts, all made from McCall Patterns. The Women’s Institute membership 'has increased so that it is difficult to secure homes large enough to acâ€" commodate the meetings. It has been necessary to apply for permission to hold the meetings in the Municipal Hall. This was graciously granted by the Reeve and Council so the November meeting will be held there. Mrs. John Charles very kindly donat- ed a piano for the Institute’s use in their new quarters. A hearty vote Mr. Watford is improving his farm by extensive draining operations and building. Thanksgiving and Communion Ser- vices were held in the church here on Sunday. There_ was a fine response to the request for vegetables, fruit, etc. last w-eek when a car was loaded for those in need in the West. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirkpatrick of Draytpn, Mrs. George Noble and Mr. Fred Noble of Rothsay visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark on Sunday. Mr. W. Clark intends making a trip to Bracebridge to bring back a load of sheep. Mr. Acreman is remodelling his stabling which will add to the ap- pearance of his barn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, Miss Bertha Lee, Mr. La F-euvre of To- rontoh fiIl‘S. John Munshaw of Lans- ing, Were visitors at the home of MRI/and Mrs. Fred Lee on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Duffy, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Duffv Jr. and 2 sons of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bel-t Ireland over the week-end. Mr. R. Hall paid a visit to his bro- ther at Hrols'teirx, Grey County, last week. Friends of Mrs. McCluskey will be pleased to hear she is recovering and hope she will soon be able to be out again. Mr. Wm. Cooper Sr. is steadily improving friends are glad to hear P,U. was invited and quite a number attended. Rev. Martin gave a very interesting talk on his trip through Austria, England and Scotland illus- trated with slides from his own lanâ€" Mr. Frank Robson presided over a well attended Young People’s Union meeting on Sunday evening. The lesson was read I'esponsively. Irene HadWen read an article on “A Great Sacrifice.” The guest speaker, Mr. Starr, spoke on “International Peace” which was enjoyed by all. Last Tuesday evening the Y.P.U held a social evening when King Y UNITED CHURCH EVENING AUXILIARY The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church are holding their autumn Thankoffering meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Ransom, 63 Yonge St., on Tuesday evening, October 19th at 8 pm. Good programme. Everybody weicovme. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. Sunday, Oct. 17th Trinity 2lst 11 a.m.â€"â€"Hoiy Communion. ' 3 putâ€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer. We cannot be physically fit with-out regular exercises for our bodies, or spiritually fit without regular exercise for our souls. DOW!NIN*Gâ€"-On Saturday, October 9, at the home of Mrs. H. Stanford, Richmond Hill, f0 Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Bruce Downing of Langstaff (nee Margaret Mitchell) a son, Doug- las Derby. ST. JOHN'S, OAK RIDGES Sunday, October 17th Rally Sunday 11 a.m.â€"â€"Children’s service. Comingâ€"Teaching Mission commenc- ine: October 24th. Missioner Prof. .Isherwood. Services for one week each evening at 8 pm. of thanks was extended to Mrs‘ Charles for her most generous gift EI'I' ST. MARY’S CHURCH H‘EADFORD RICHMOND HILL TESTON (Anglicar) BIRTH October 15th, 1936. The end was sudden, The shock severe, To part with one We loved so dear. â€"â€"Ever remembered by Uncle, Am and Cousins Ann, Rose, Edwin Nes No Noise! No Delay I TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 - 15 â€" 16 3 DAYS Freddie Bartholomew â€" Spencer Tracey - Lionel Barrymore in . Based on the story, ‘Too Mai’ cf the Elephants, by Rudyard Kipling. One of the most appealinglyi entertaining pictures ever produced, absorbingly interesting, thrilling and so graphically told one’s inter- est is gripped from the opening to the closing scenes. Referred to the committee on exceptional photnzlays, suggested for schools and libraries, family, juvenile. Out%nding. This certainly :is one of the few pictures thatno one can afford to miss. A fine picture, nobly done, and every boy and girl, as well as their parents, should see it. A story with a fine message to children and gown-ups alike. A story of idealism built upon faith and love. This is a clever comedy well staged, excellently directed and; a)ny cast, in all, highly entertaining. A 5-Station Automatic Standard Band Console at a Popular Price! MARKHAM ROAD MODEL 766 â€" For those who desire the “Automatic” feature without short-wave reception, here is real value“ This Console covers the entire Standard Band from 530 to 1720 Kilocgycles, with a choice of any 5 powerful stations logged automatically for instant re- ception, without inter-station noise. The 6 tubes give 8-tube performance. All other stations, except the 5 secured automatically. are tuned-in manually by turn- ing to opening which has no call letters listed. New- type “Dynamic Speaker”. Front panel is finished in oriental figured walnut, wing panels and top are sliced walnut. Height, 37”; Width, 23”; Depth, 12%”. GARFIELD YEREX WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 - 21 SABU - W. E. HOLLOWAY - WALTER HOOD in “ ELEPHANT BOY ” MONDAY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 - 19 LORETTA YOUNG â€" TYRONE ‘PGWER in “ CAFE METROPDLE ” $94.95 “ CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS ” 1‘0)‘. ank ning, September 30th, MISS Winni- 1 Brown of Schomberg‘ had the fortune to fail] and break an 19. Shemwas first attended by John Graham am} afterwards re- RICHMOND HILL o the General'Hospital in Tb- Bolton oung BOLT( PAGE FIVE mc Miss Wi Dance | Thu ia-Y

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