Ething :TflAT’S NeWAND 000d DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will be held in th muniuy Hall, Maple, Friday, her 26th under auspices of th Softball Club ITH the greatest roll call of features ever announced in a nnniflar-nrir‘nr‘ v ever announced in a popular-priced car, the new 1938 Oldsmobile stands out as today's smartest buy. Oldsmobile steps ahead with dynamic streamlining that sets the new style ! Its big 95 Horse- power engine gives you flashing action and more miles to the gallon ! And Olds- mobile again provides EVERYTHING that’s new and proved in ï¬ne-car features. The safety of an All-Steel Turret Top Body IDLIDSMOBILE MARKHAM ROAD PAGE FOUR Sensationai Low Price New 1938 Automatic NEWEST INVENTION AUTOMATIC MANTEL N0 Tuning, N0 Dialing, No Delay GARFIELD YEREX 6-Tube Model 5 STATIONS IN 5 SECONDS Without Looking at the Dial ONLY $4.95 CASH AND 81 A WEEK MANTEL RADIO Covers Entire Broadcast [Band 8-Tube Performance in. the Com- iay, Novemt of the Girls The Japs are that one Jap c2 Just give the 'and' let \her Chh soon ‘ ove are right in their belief .p can lick ten Chinamen. “the Jap a machineag'un Chinese have swords, and RICHMOND HILL Safety Glass all aroundâ€"and Center- Control Steering. The comfort of Knee Action Wheelsâ€"Dual Ride Stabilizersâ€" Fisher No-Draft Ventilationâ€"and roomy, luxurious interiors. The economy of the Vacuum Fuel Saverâ€"Automatic Choke â€"and Full-Pressure Lubrication. Never has your money bought so much as in the new 1938 Oldsmobile â€"“The Car That Has Everythingâ€. See it on display . . . and ask about low monthly payments â€"I\Il'otors Instalment Plan. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ’9: models. Thornhill call was answered by naming a traiâ€" fic law. Mrs. Floyd Watson was ap- pointed as deltgate to attend the Inâ€" stitute convention in Toronto this week. Mr. Victor Hall of King was guest speaker and gave an excellent talk on “Insuranceâ€, which was very helpful to all. Mrs. Wilkins read a paper on the topic legislation, which was taken from an address given by Mme. Pierre Casgrain, wife of the Tempcranceville United church An- niversary Services will be held on Sunday, Nov. 21515. In the morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Mr. Atkinson of Stouffville will be the speaker, and spmial music by Laskay choir. In the evening at 7.30 p.m., Rev. C. W. Women home c nesday dent in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Crook of Hope visited Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips on Sunday. TEMPERANCEVILLE ONTARIO afternc a1 1n Jennings With the the meeting he meeting opinâ€" ann‘er. The 11011 ‘y naming a traf- Watson was 311‘ to attend the In- in Toronto this 048C pre f the t the Wed- 'Fouett, B.D., will have charge, with lWesIey choir in attendance. I Mr. Leonard Harman, secretary of Mrs. C. A. Henshaw spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. H. Palin in Toronto. 41 DieFrom New Remedy to try and bring a friend. A number from this community attended the UFO, banquet in King on Tuesday. ’ Mrs. Thos. Beynon of Aurora is spending a few days with her son, M. B. Beynon. Mrs. Donald Frisby returned home on Monday after spending a few days with relatives in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. L. Harman were in Guelph over the week-end attending a convention. The newest and most spectacular specific to come to the aid of ailing man last week caused the death of at least 41 people, the disability of countless more, the probable ruin of a southern drug manufacturer and a nation-wide scare, the like of which had not popped out of medicine cabi- nets since the Jamaica ginger para- lyzed southwestern‘swigg'ers in 1930‘. Mosf victims of last week’s medical catastrophe suffered from gpnorrhea, some bad septic sore throats. Latest remedy for those grave conditionsâ€"â€" and a. good‘remedy in case of scarlet fever, erysipelas and cerebrospinal meningitisâ€"is suflanilamide. Noting come. J: to try ar Many Others Suffered Disability - Had Been Shipped to 37 Retaikk‘s a great demand for suflanilamide, 61- year-old Dr. Samuel Evans Masscn- gill, who compounds veterinary medâ€" icines in a good-sized factory at Bris- tol, Tenn., this summer decided to add that drug to his line. Knowing that his southern customers prefer their medicines in bottles, he sought something in which to dissolve sul- fanilanude, which had hitherto been taken in tablets and in travenous in- jections only. He decided to use die- thylene glycol, a close relative of the alcohol used to keep motorcar radi- ators from freezing, never before put to this purpose. Whether diethy- lene glycol is poisonous by itself or in this solution was not made clear. The one indisputable fact was that S. E. Massengill Co. made up several 80-gal. batches of sulfanilamide so- lution. This "was labeled an elixir, a technical pharmacological term for a drug sweetened and dissolved in a1- cohol, and shipped to 375 retailers. The retailers, one as far away as Puerto Rico, dispensed this “elixir†with and without prescriptions, in reddish brown flasks whose yellow labels read: ‘ Elixir Suifvanilamide, suggesth for the treatment of all conditions in which the hemolytic strepococci ap- pears. Doseâ€"begin with 2 to 3 tea- spoonfnls in water every four hours. Decrease in 24 hours to 1 or 3 tea- spoonfuls and continue at this dose until recovery. S. E. Massengill 00., manufacturing pharmacists. Firs-t warnings of trouble scunded when people who ,took this medicine for sore throats developed nausea, cramps and inability to urinate. First known deaths occurred in Tulsa, Okla.; next in East St. Louis, 111.; next at Mount Olive, Miss.; Copley, Ohio; Clayton, Ala.; and St. Louis, Mo. Autopsies revealed destroyed kidneys and livers. Chief of the Federal Foods & Drug Administration, a pugnacious Ken- tucky lawyer named Walter Gilbert Campbell, has agents p0sted through- out the country watching for just such pharmaceutical accidents. Those men last week confiscated every last flask of the Massengill “elixir†upon which they could lay their hands. A Federal agent at Bristol said to Chief Campbell: “The most amazing thing about the company was the to- tal lack of testing facilities. Appar- ently they just throw drug's together, and if they don’t explode they are placed on sale.’ Dr. Massengill co- operated with the Food & Drug men by sending warning telegrams to all its sulfanilamide customers. The Pure Food & Drug Bill up be- fore the U. S. Congress last session \would have made Dr. Massengill liable to Federal prosecution. But the bill failed and there is no lawlwhich makes' a pharmacist responsible to the Federal Government for selling untested drug‘s. However, Dr. Mass- engill is liable to civil damage suits from relatives of the 41 dead. 3 HOLSTEIN HEIF‘ERS, 1 rising 2 years, 1 one year, 1 rising strayed from lot 26, Con. ham. T. F. Treadwell, Richmond Hill 45-03. T} {‘0 th _0n xtension C( Newmarket a regular 1 Willin clock, at Thompson Each me and bring stud ‘ A.Y.P.A. meeting on An explanation of udy groups was given. good attendance. Workers Mission Band laturday, Nov. Z'lth a1: Lt the homo of Mrs. ;on. All children wel- mem'berr is requested LOST I‘ll’ one year, 2, Mark- telephone Band th at aker FRESH COW. Apply phone Maple 269. LATE 28, FORD ROADS‘TER with rumble seat. A1 shape. L. DeVries, Maple. 2 MARES IN FOAL, also 1 regis- tered Holstein Bull 1 year. Ed. Irish, Willowdale. TUXEDO suit in A1 condition, suit medium size young man, price $10. Apply Box 93, The Liberal Office. FARM, 100 acres, lots of water, fair building's, west half lot 33, con. 5, Vaughan. Apply J. H. Ireland, Woodbridge R.R. No. 2. PARSNIPS, Turnips, Squash, Carrots full line of vegetables and eggs, Richmond Hill Markez. ALL KINDS Iron Steel angle plate, rods, wheels. Langstaff Supply, telephone Thornhill 73. PUREBRED BERKSHIRE S‘OW due December lst. Geo. Tooley & Sons, lot 5, Con. 4, Markham. 50 CHOICE LEG-HORN PULLETS, some laying, or will exchange for fat hens. C. Bowerbank, Stop 17A, Yonge Street, Thornhill. ELECTRIC RANGE, four burner, quite modem. Apply Mrs. M. K. Wirth, Stop 24‘, Yonge Street, phone 238. PULLETS, 140 from 6 to 7 months old, White Leghorns, New Hampshire Reds and Barred Rocks. Apply Mrs. M. K. Wirth, Stop 24, Yonge Street, phone Richmond Hill 238. PUREB‘RED BULL CALF from high producing cow, has milked over 20,,- 000 lbs. on twice a day milking in 10 months. Apply Samuel Winger, Maple. < 40 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, May hatched, bred to lay strain, starting to lay now. Reasonably priced. E. Klinck, Victoria Square. A NUMBER of young we also a few stockers left. er, Wo<odbridge R.R. No. 3 §tation, phone Woodbridge APPLES. Spies, Snows, Balfours Apply George Baker, Lot 14, Com 2 Vaughan, telephone Maple 463. CO‘LLIE PUPPY 5 months old, fe- male, will give to good home for pay- ment of this adveftisement, guaran- teed good farm dog. Apply Liberal Office. 2 6-MxONTH PUREBRED‘ GUERN- SEY BULL CALVES 'by Don. Alda Foremost Boy out of R.O.P. Dams, accredited, very reasonable. D. Mc- Allister, Con. 2, Markham. SPECIAL PRICE APEX WASHER, demonstrator, $59.00. Will give easy tenms. Also special prices in used Electric Radios. Repairs to all makes of Radios. G. Yerex, Mafkham Road, Richmond Hill. At breakfast one morning, the town bachelor noticed some hand- writing on one of his threeâ€"minute eggs. Examining it closely he made out the following message: “This egg was packed by a girl who is prepared to marry the man who notices this message. She is said to be the prettiest girl in this neighborhood.†He wrote: “II would like to corres- pond with youâ€"object matrimony.†Several days later he received a reply: “I am flattered by ypur offer, but I am now married and have three children.†MARKS MAYOR'S WIN BY I-IURLING BOTTLES Rochester Woman Teacher Acts Up on Railway 'I‘rain (Daily Star) So enthused was‘ Mrs. L. Jackson school teacher, of Rochester, N.Y., over the reâ€"election of Mayor F. H. La Guardia that she landed in jail torday, charged with felonious asâ€" sault. Mrs. Jackson allegedly tossed a beer bottle and two glasses at Wil- Liam F. Gos‘smer, 45, while celebrat- ing in the club car of a New York Central train en route from Roches- ter to New York city. Gossmer told police that Mrs. Jackson began toasting the mayor at Poughkeepsieâ€"about 7-0 miles from New York, â€" and became increas- ingly elated as- the train neared GraLd Central terminal. In the tun- nel approach to the station, Mrs. Jackson allegedly concluded her monologue with a barrage of glass- ware. You can still beat the market by starting with a shoestring. Just tie the shoestring around your purse and leave it there. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 celfts for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER. LINE. Classified Advs. FOR. SALE ng work horses, left. Geo. Port- No. 3, at Elder bridge 511'2‘1. J_ W, Constable THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 1937 HOUSE, 4 rooms, g1 tl'icity, 1 acre land Mucklewce, Edgar A HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap. ply Rustic Inn, Richmond Hiii. 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 Cen. 7 RJOOMED brick house, 11 Rich- mond Street, $20.00 per month. Ap- ply J. R. Herrington, Richmond Hill, g Ont. ' 8 RJOOM HOUSE, all modem conr- vem'ences, hardwood: floors, hot air furnace, three quarters acre of land. $20.00 per month. Apply Mrs. M. K. Wirth, Stop 24A, Yonge St, phone Richmond Hil'l 238. SEVEN 'ROOM HOUSE‘ all conven- iences. Apply H. McMillan, Rich mond Hill. tre Street East, Richmond Hill CAPABLE WOMAN for general housework, preferably sleep out. Ap- ply Liberal Office. REGISTERED OXFORD RAM, year old or over, by December lst. Geo McNair, R.R. No. 2, Maple. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Land- staf-f Coal and Supply. Phone Thorn- hill 73. GOOD ROOM AND BOARD, suit 01d ALL KINDS OF KNITTING DONE. age Pensioners. Mrs. Sexton, Mill Road, Stop 23B, Yomge Street. Apply Mrs. Russell, 56 Centre St West, Richmond Hid. , SCEPTIC TANKS cleaned and reâ€" paired, drains renewed. Wells dug and cleaned. H. P. Ingles‘, Jeffer- son. ‘ EXPERIENCED PAJN’TERS AND PAPERHANGERS. Estimates glad- 1y given. H. P. Ingles & Sons, De~ corators, Jefferson. WE BUY old, healthy cows and horses, bloated, lightning struck or broken limbs. No poisoned animals. Phone: Kenwood 6413, Toronto on re- verse charge or see Mr. Taylor, Langstaff Fur Farm, Langstaff. Take notice that it is the inten~ tion of the council of the Municiâ€" pality of the Township of Vaughan to purchase the lands offered for sale in the township orf Vaughan for arrears of taxes, charges and costs, at the adjourned sale to be held- in the Masonic Hall, Maple, on Wed- nesday, November 24th at 10 o’clock TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TAKE NOTICE that the- adjourned sale of property for arrears of taxes in the Township of Markham will be held in the Township Hall, Union- ville, Monday, November 29th at 10 It is the intention of the Town- ship of Markham to purchase any lots for which amount of taxes and costs are not offered. This notice is inserted in‘ accordâ€" ance with the revised statutes of Ontario. TAXES The Third Instalment of the current year’s taxes is due on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH Pay promptly and avoid the pen- alty which must be imposed af. ter TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH Richmond Hill A. J. HUME, MISCELLANEOUS Nov. 11, 1937 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TU RENT Municipality of the WANTED NOTICE J. M. MCDONALD, NOTICE CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk and Treasurer Clerk and Treasurer. sd. App Ave., Ric Treasurer. ale elec Mrs