Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Nov 1937, p. 5

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Listgn carefully to what your friends say. A CHRISTMAS ALPHABET Answer letters. Buy early. Choose wisely. Dollars help, but are not an abso~ lute necessity. Efficiency counts. Fail not to read the Christmas story in the book of books. Giving cheerfully and willingly helps us most. Happiness depends on each one. Idle hands mean selfishness. Just be a little- more earnest 'er promoting goodwill toward men. Kind thoughts should accompany each gift. Merry Christmas means wisely spent time and money. Neglcot means loss to both giver and recipient. Overcome obstacles. Prolong Christmas by early pre- paration. Zero, the spirit of a forgotten friend. The Veterans Christmas Tree pro- mises to be a decided success this year, judging from the splendid re- sponse to the bi-monthly euchres. Thirty-six tables of players enjoyed the .game last Thursday night and the lucky draw provcd popular, Mrs. Roy Boyington, Mrs. F. Roberts, Col. W. P. Mulock, M.P. and Mrs. '1‘; Wright holding the lucky tickets. Prize Winners at euchre were: Ladâ€" ies, Mrs. Russel Bowington, Miss D. Stephenson, Mrs. Cora Caldwell, and Mrs. L. Couperthwaite. Men, Ro-bt. Lawrie, MilJt. Findlay, Allan Myers, with L. Couperthwaite and H. Nichols tieing for 4th honors. The next event will be- held on Dec. 2nd. WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Queerly wrapped parcels are not pleasing to the eye. Remember the unfortunate. Sincerity is essential. Take time to plan. Usual Christmas rush avoid. Very small gifts are often most appreciated. Write personal messages. Xmas comes but once a year. Make the most of it. Crokinole seems to be gaining popularity in the village. We heard rumors of a keenly contested game on Wednesday evening“. Perhaps by next week we will be able- to tell all about it. Dates are being set for Christmas festivities. The Bethesda Lutheran Sunday School plan the Christmas service for Sunday, Dec. 19th. -St. Philip’s Anglican Church will present a play, Toronto Cast, on Dec. 15th. The Public School plan a concert. Also United Church Sunday School. So, it promises a busy time ahead for everybody. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 19531 Yearn to have the Christ-like spirit. We regret the scarcity of news this week. Mr. Chas. Boadway of Sutton vis- ite-d‘ his mother Mrs. F. BoadwvaJy on Sunday. The W.M.S. Auxiliary of Brown’s Corners United Church will hold the annual meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Craig on Wednesday afternoon next, commvncing at 2.30 o”clock. All members. are invited to be preâ€" sent. Mrs. J. A. Gibson spent the week- end with her niece, Miss Mary Gib- son in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble, Mr.“ and Mrs. R. J. Duffield attended‘ the Royal Winter Fair on Tuesday! Mr. Wm. Flavellve of Lyle is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown. Reading Antht acifie ALBERTA COAL bunny 1 ill“ Ulg t‘IlUng' To run about alone.” So she made a supper FOR THRILLING 3~DAY VISITS In New York - Boston - Washington - Montreal Tickets and Information at For a sly Mung mink, R. PETCH â€" PHONE 177, RICHMOND HILL ’Cause she was so headstron WWW That she wouldn’t think- 960"“. Jang§ta_ff Supply ‘PHONE THORNHILL 73' Good Hardwood Slabs PER CORD DELIVERED CUT ANY LENGTH 1 Mrs. A. E. Milner visited her bro- ther Mr. Guy Galbraith at Port Colâ€" borne this week. Miss Harriet Thompson of Toron- to is in town on account of the seriâ€" ous illness of her sister, Mrs. '0. Crawford. Mrs. Crawford’s many friends wish for her a speedy recov- ery Mrs. Rooney spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. W. Camplrin. Mrs. M. Armitage is visiting rela- tives in Toronto. Dr. A. E. Kennedy was pleasantly surpriscd on Saturday last when a party of friends assembled to‘ extend congratulations on the occasion of his birthday. An enjoyable evening is reported. The Liberal joins in wishing Dr. Kennedy many happy re- turns of the day. Mrs. Fred Northcote of Regina is the guest of her sister Miss Annie Walker of Hagerman. Dr. E. G. Hood of Ottawa visited his brother Mr. C. A. Hood on Tues- daty . The Y.P.S. of Knox United Church Agincourt willv conduct the service at Brown’s Corners United Church on Sunday afternoon next when the guest speaker will be Wm. MacDonâ€" ald, son of Rev. W. D. MacDonald. A cordial invitation is given to at- tend this service. We are pleased to report Rev. W. D. MacDonald making favorable pro- D. MacDonald making favorable con- valescence following a stroke seiz- ure. Dr. C. R. MacKay was called to Port Colborne on Monday last on account of the serious illness of his mother Mrs._ M. MacKay. Brown’s Corners United Church congregation were highly entertained on Tuesday evening last when Mr. and MiSs Strange showed pictures of many beautiful places visited. The story was most interesting and the pictures a delight. Miss Minnie Thomson, of Toronto visited friends ih towfl over the weekâ€"end. A FAVOFRIITE TESTED RECIPE Jellied Cranberry Salad 1 package lime jelly powder, 11/2 cups boiling water, 3 cups of cran- berries, chopped, 1 cup Granulated sugar, 1 cup diced C(lery, 1/3 cup chopped pe/cans, 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Dissolve jelly in boiling weler. 1”" sugar to chopped cranberries. Let stand 15 minutes, then add all in- gredients to lukewarm jelly, stir while setting. Put m mould. Serve- with mayonnaise on lettuce. Serve with celery curl. ' 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p.m.â€"Public Worship CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a._m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Churc~h School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. The marriage is safe if your Wife is the kind of person who would be your best friend if she were a man. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. E. Huenergard, B.D. Pastor 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 7 p.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH For best fuel vaiue ] Ramer & Son, Richmond Don’t overlook the attractive week- end specials advertised in this issue by Kerr Brothers. A car each of Ste berta coal on hand Phone 10. I. D. I Friends of Mrs. N. Wellwood will be glad to hear that she continues to improve and expects to be able to reburn home in the near future. Mrs. Well'wood has been in Wellesley Hospital for several weeks as a re- sult of am accident. The annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea under the auspices of St. Mary’s 'W.A. will be held Satnrday after- noon, November 27th. Miss Margaret Bodmar who is working at Su'tton was home for the week-end. Mrs. C. W. Forll‘ett attended the Ministers’ Wives Association meeting which was held in Westminster Cen- tral Church, Toronto, on Wednesday. The annual Bazaar of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be held under the auspices of the Woman's Auxil- iary on Saturday of this week in the Crypt of the Church. See ad- vertisement in this issue and plan to attend. The regular monthly meeting of the afternoon auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church W.M.S. will be held in the school room of the church Thurs-â€" d‘ay afternoon, December 2nd alt 3 o’clock. All ladies of the congrega- tion are invited to attend. St. Mary’s R. C. annual bazaar will he held in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Saturday, December 4th commencing at 2.3-0 p.m. A hot fowl supper will be served in the evening from 5.30 until 8 pm. There will 1be a dance at night. A car load of Russian Anthracite in stove size. This is a very high grade coal, high in heat units and lower in ash than Welsh. A wonder- ful nice coal and very little ash. At the Elevator. Phone 10. I. D. Rainer & Son. Councillor Alex. Little and Messrs. T. H. Trench, Bill Neal, Evans Mor- ris, and W. H. Miylks of Richmond Hill, and George Hostrawscr of Woodbridge, members of the Sand Bay Hunt Club returned Sunday af- ter hunting on Manitoulin Island. They report deer plentiful. Others who have returned! with their count from the north include Councillor Harold J. Mills, No-man Chatterly and G. S. Walwin. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James W. Camplin desires to express appreciation for the» many acts of kindhess and expressions of sympathy and flowers given by many kind friends and neighbors during the recrumt illness and death of her be- loved husband. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th 27 Yonge Street, Telephone 185, Nov. 28th Advent 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Morriing Prayer and Ser- men. 3 p.m.â€"~Sunday School. Young Peo- plc’s Biblp Class, subject, St. Matthew’s Gospel. 7 p.1n.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Where do you worship? A cordial invitation to worship‘ with us. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham. B.D., Minister 7 p.m.â€"“Men‘ ocf Pluck.” Learn, see, do something beautiful every day is a prescription for happiness. Sunday, November 28th 11 a.m.â€"“The Marks of Christ.” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunda.y School. partments. 7 p.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. The pastor in charge! of [both morn- ing and evening services. A full choir will render helpful musical selections. Members and friends cordially in- vited. Sund‘ay, November 28th 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Pu‘blic Worship. 2.45 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School -â€" All De- VERSE FOR THE Once a little turkey, Fond of her own w Wouldn’t ask the 0} Where to go or Said she: “I’m not Here I am half Surely I am big en To run about alc Social and Personal RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., pastor ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) D. Ramer & Son THEE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1d Lump A1- he Elevator. IDIDIES Minister of Health in the Ontario Government and: representative for Eglinton. Riding who will be tend‘ered a complimentary banquet by North Toronto citizelns tonight at the Eg- l‘inton Hunt Club. Over 5-00 will at- tend and the event will be non-politi- cal, all sections of the community joining together to pay tribute to North Toronto’s popular representa- tive. Hon. Mr. Kirby is well known throughout York County, having been born in Vaughan Township. _ BIRTH 'TEETZELLâ€"In Richmond Hill on Fri- day, November 19th, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Teeutzel, a son (Carl David). WOMEN’S INSTITUTE MEETING TO BEaHELD IN MUNICIPAL HALL The Christmas meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held in the Municipal Hall on Thursday, Decem- iber 9th at 3 p.m. instead of at Mrs. Wm. Cook’s as stated in the pro- gram. Mrs. Chant will bring the Christmas message. Also there will be the usual Caro-l singing. During the month of October 152 cows and heifers Qualified in the R. O. P. In the 305-day divisioln Glen Campbell Fidelia, now owned by W. C. Pitfield, Que., led in the mature class with 15,543 lbs. milk. The lead- er of the four year old class had a record of 13,760 lbs. of milk testing 4.77. She is owned by E. C. Piers & Son, Pugwash, N.S. Another lead- er in the four year old class was’ from the herd of‘E. A. Wells & Sons, Sardis, B.C. with a record of 10,311‘ Lbs. of milk. |Lyissinthoch Audry’ Belle, No. 176878, made a record of 9,900 lbs. of milk testing 4.84, milked' twice daily for 332 days. This heifer was the leader in the three year old class and is owned by I. D. Ramer,‘ Richmond Hill, Onrtario. Thus four provinces are represented in the class leaders of the Ayrshire breed. DEMOCRATIC DENMARK Denmark is very democratic. Its constitution can be readihy changed, not by actions of the COurts for the Courts are merely civil institution's enjoying sruch limitea civil and crimh inal jurisdiction as Parliament sees fit to bestow upon them. The Consti- tution is not a thing to be inter- preted by the King or by the Courts. Parliament is the sole judge of its own powers and when it decides a change should be made they act is final. Denmark has no fears of demo- cracy. She has adopted the propor- tional representation system as to both parliamentary and local elec- tions. Elections» are made from large dJistricts from lists made up of the outstanding men in the respective parties. Menl no longer represent lo- cal constituencies, they represent the State as a whole, and they get into Parliament by having attained a na- tional, rather than a local distinc- tion. There is little opportunity for localsor special interests, there is no spoils system and there is certainlry no such a thing as Patronage Com- mittees or Patronage Lists. There are men in Denmark who are not content even with this ex- treme democracy anti one of the in« teresting things of this little country is the freedom with which men pro- pose and discuss u1.usrual political de- vices. Novelty is invited rather than the reverse. New suggestions make their way as they find adherents. Dcmocraqy, in Denmark is much more than voting, it is something that is going on all the time with the ut- mosrt freedom of discussion and the participation of all classes. W. J. Dunlop, Masonic Grand Mas- ter was guest of honor at a Masonic Banquet in the town hall in Sta!yn9r on Monday evening, November 15th. More than 200 members of the order attended. Mr. Dunlop resided in Stayncr several years ago. Final test )e a gentlem )ody who wc AYRSHIRE LEADERS IN THE NE HON. HAROLD KIRBY CHOW e2. \VO)’ breeding: Tnyi n dealing with let you 'be cute t} mc The picture is excellent entertainment, one of those you 0W9 11: fi yourself to see. A moving and tense drama. of the sea. It is a good robust entertaining knockabout face. It’s a "gay, sprightly breezy slapstick comedy that will tickle your funny- home from beginning to end. WED. & THURS, DECEMBER 1 - 2 TWO FEATURm FORD BANCROFT â€" HELEN BURGESS in A good supporting cast rou’nds Olit this highly entertaining fihm Tense drama of the haspital wards produced with heat and drama Sense of reality is grippineg sustained. Also BILL ROBINSON â€" CLAIRE TREVOR in. “ ONE MILE FROM HEAVEN ” MARKHAM ROAD Sensational Low Price New 1938 Automatic NEWEST INVENTION N0 Tuning, No Dialing. N0 Delay AUTOMATIC MANTEL THURS., FRI., SAT, NOVEMBER 25 â€" 26 - 27 GARY COOPER â€" GEO. RAFT â€" ERANCES DEE in: GARFIELD YEREX 6-Tube Model MONDAY & TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 - 30 JEAN ARTHUR â€" EDWARD ARNOLD in Covers Entire Broadcast Band 8-Tube Performance 5 STATIONS IN 5 SECONDS Without Looking at the Dial ONLY $4.95 CASH AND $1 A WEEK MANTEL RADIO “ A DOCTOR’S DIARY ” “ SOULS AT SEA ” “ EASY LIVING ” PAGE FIVE RICHMOND HIL!

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