With the advent of the holiday season, the members of the Women’s Institute made merrv at the annual Christmas party held at the home of Mrs. Edwin Diron on Thursday afternoon last. The rooms were cheerful in their Yuletide decorations and favors and thirty. ladies enjoyed the gay party. During the program Mrs. W. Young expressed gratitude to the ladies on behalf of the Library Board for their co-operation at the Ploughmen’s Banquet that proved a profitable success. An interesting account of the “Hard Time†party held in November was given by Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite, also reports of the Convention of Women’s Institutes held in the Royal York Hotel at which Lady Tweedsmuir was present and certainly proved a very charm- ing“ and interesting person, were preâ€" sented by Mrs. E. E. Braithwaite and Mrs. A. E. Milner. Group singing, featuring Christmas carols proved a delightful part of the afternoon’s enâ€" tertainment and vocal solos by Miss Erma Court, accompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dixon were very pleasing. A mysterious large white snowbank in one corner of the r00m revealed gifts for everyone present and the surprise packets made everybody1 happy. A delightful luncheon served by the hostesses, Mrs.. T. Burnett, Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. G. Whaley', MrsI C. Salmon and Mrs. A. Ken: nedv concluded this happy occasionfl WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM a THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT Ten Geese A very pretty wedding was quietly solemnized at “Rowanwoodâ€, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hood, Milliken, when their elder daughter, Allison Sommerville, became the' bride of Mr. David Russell Little, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little of Agincourt, on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Crawford Jamison assisted by Rev. M. McGinnis of West Hill offi- ciated. Wedding music was played by Mr. Donald Kennedy. The bride, given away by her father, was lovely I in white taffeta embroidered in gold with seed pearls. Juliet cap and short veil and carried Ophelia roses and. lily of the valley. She was attended by her sister, Ainslie, gowned in shell pink lace over taffeta, with Talisman roses bouquet. The groomsman was Mr. George Little. brother of the bridegroom. At the reception foll-l owing the ceremony. the bride’s mo-l ther wore black silk velvet with shoulder bouquet of red roses and‘ the bridegroom’s mother was in wine sheer with corsage of orchids. Chrysanthemums and roses in proâ€"' fusion decorated the drawing room and- dining room and a buffet lun- cheon was served to sixty guests. Mr. and Little left bv motor to spend the honeymoon in Virginia, ‘ the bride travelling in a green em- broidered wool costume with English tweed coat. On return they will re- | There was no lack of enthusiasm at the final meeting- in the year of the Junior Farmers and Girls’ Clubs that convened at the Township Hall on Monday evening. The guest speak- er, Mr. Aubrey Bond, K.C., in- troduced by Mr. Alex. MacGregor, gave an educational talk on the 8th wonder of the world, the Welland Canal'. The humorous skit. produced and directed by Elliot Harrington, was a side-splitter each character funnier than the other. The cast in- cluded Frank Dimma, Ida Reesor, Tom RJowland. Wall‘v- Reesor, Marâ€" garet Stibbard, Clayton Reesor, En- och MacIntosh, - .A. .., Officers for 1938 include: Hon. Pres, Kenneth Deacon; Pres., Cam- eron Kennedy; Vice-Pres, Bill Cham- pion; Sec.â€"Treas., Jim Darlington; Directors, Jerry Walker, Alex. Davidâ€" son, Frank Dimma, Maurice Hamâ€" mill, Lorne Dimma and Wally Ree- sor. Two more'directors will be ap- pointed by the Executive and the Program and Finance Committees will be chosen from this group. Jack MacIntosh and Bruce Davidson are the Auditors. __l - .. v u sun .......... During the election of officers W. H. Cockburn, O.A.C. representative, was in charge with Elliot Harring- ton as acting secretary. The honor of Life Membership was conferred on Kenneth Deacon, Bill Champion and Lorne Dimma, who have given lavishly of their time and talents to promote the success of the organ- ization. At the joint meeting Art Grange of Goderich was a welcome visitor, and fulfilled his old job of reading the “News Caster.†Wednesday, Dec. 22 8.30 P.M. SHARP THURSDAY; DECEMBER 9th, 1937. Res. 82W Phones Mill 139 Poultry Euchre and Draw Richvale School ' Come and bring your friends Dancing until 1 o’clock Market Prices paid for Oats Royal Richmond Laying Mash is high in hatchabil- ity content, high in vege- table and milk proteins, low in animal proteins. We are giving price reduc- tions on Shur-Gain Poultry and Hog Concentrates. To be given away to lucky winners at the THE MILL Richmond Hill, Ont. Admission 25c. of the holiday] Station Street. Many callers and many messages expressing {elicita- tions were received during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk have made Union- ville their home ï¬or many years and have won for themselves a host of friends. The Liberal joins in wish- ing this, splendid couple many more years of happ-y- Wedded life together. Word was received in Unionville on Tuesday of the passing of Karl B. Hei’sey at St. Michael’s Hospital following a comparatively short ill- |ness that necessitated a serious op- eration. Mr. Heisey was well known and highly respected in this vicinity and sincere sympathy of many friends is extended to the bereaved family. ‘ Mr. Heisey was in his forty-third year. the son of Mrs. Ida Heisey and the late Jacob Heisey. He was born at Markham and received his educa- tion at Markham High School and the Universitv of Toronto. He has been active in mining- circles since “graduation and in his Dassing' a valu- ed consultant engineer has been lost to that industry. court side in their new home near Agin- Congratulations are offered to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirk who on Tues- day celebrated their fifty-sixth wedâ€" ding anniversary _a_t theirhhome on In 1927 he was married to Alice Isabgl Smith, daughter of Mrs. Mil- liken Smith and the late W. M. Smith of Toronto, who along with three sons. Allan, Larry and Kibbie survive him. and Mrs. R Coulson of awa visited Mrs. D. Coulson on day. Mrs. F. Pollard was called to Bell- ville this week on account of the serious illness of her sister. Miss Alice Harris, who is Matron of the Children’s Shelter there. “Tllé-fllllél‘al service will be held on Fridav afternoon. Enid erst. H. Chant. left on Wednesday for Los Angeles. Calif., where the‘v will spend the winter, Betty Brown of Windsor spent the weekâ€"end with her pare’nts Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown. Announcement is made of special service to be held under the auspices of the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Central United Church on Sunday evening next, when Miss Winnifred Thomas, secretarv of the Dominion Board W. M.S. will give the address. A spe- cial invitation is given to all to at- tend this interesting" servLce. w1\r’I1:.Vs».WH.W S. Reive was the guest of Miss M. Sommervville on Sunday. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Chu1‘ch School. 11 a.m.â€"“How Can We Manage Our selves?†ST: ‘PHI’LiP’s ANGLICAN CHURCH 10 a.m.â€"Chu‘rch School.- 11 anxâ€"Mornmp' Prayer. 4 BETHFSDA LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. E. Huenergard, B.D. Pastor 10 3.111 â€"(‘hm‘nh Sï¬honT. 11 a.131.â€"P11Ni(’ Worshin. Mr. an_d:'1\fl:si.mN‘ Ogden snent the week-end in Orillia with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conley. 7 n.m.â€"VV.M.S. Sarvice. Mis: \V‘nni- fred Thomas. Sec. of “ï¬ninjnn Board W M S EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 Innâ€"“How Can We Manage Oursplves ? †The Women’s Association met at Mrs. Keffer’s home on December 1st with sixteen members and two Visitâ€" ors present. van “While Shenâ€" herds watched their flocks by night†was sung, the Lord’s Prayer was said in unison and the twelfth chapter of Romans was read. Mrs. McDonald gave a talk on Christmas and Mis- sions. The minutes of last meeting iWere then read and were declared iadopted, also the roll was called. The business of the meeting transacted, Mr. McDonald took charge of the election of officers. Hon. Pres.‘, Mrs. McDonald; Pres., Mrs. Wzy‘nn; Vice- Pres., Mrs. J. Baker; Secretary, Mrs. Clarke; Treasurer, Mrs. Woolcott; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wark; Organist, Mrs. Vanderburg; assistant, Mrs. Clarke; Flower and Visiting~ Committee, Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Middleton, Mrs. Reed and Miss Reaman; Auditors, Mrs. Barton and Miss Sheppard. Mrs. P. Antonacci and Mrs. Atali and daughters Madelene and Rose spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Delbrocco. ' It was decided the executive meet at Mrs. Clarke’s on Tuesday, Dec. 7th to make out programs for the year. The meeting closed with the benediction. A nice lunch was serv- ed by the hestess assisted by Mrs. H'obday and Mrs. Clarke. Mr. Sydney Baker spent the week- end with his aunt.Mrs. Lewis Cle- ment at Richmond H111. Matthew Henderson Lowe died iii Vancouver on November 14th where he had lived since 1912. He was a native of Chinguacousy township and was born at Snelgrovg 58 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Cavotti‘ and Miss Louise Delbroico of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Delbrocco. Mr. and Mrs. Adkins and children of Toronto spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Vanderberg. The Y.P.U. will meet in the church on Friday evening. This is the an- nual meeting and there will be an election of officers. ' “My ambiigion is to be a great doctor. I want to become a bone specialist.†' “Well, you have a good head for CA RRVILLE Sun- Read the message tisers in this issue. Mrs. Dr. D. Clark of Ottawa and Mrs. J. Husband of Torormo, 'both nieces of Mrs. Hewiékin, were her guests last Friday. Members of Richmond Hill Trumâ€" pet Band had a very,enjoyab1e time last Saturday evening as guests of the Aurora veterans. Mr. W. D. Moyle of Dubroonik (Ragusa) Dalmatia is visiting at, his home here this week. Santa Claus will visit Davies Dry Goods Store, Richmond Hill, Satur- day aftelnnoon. A sale of home baking and candy under the auspices of the afternoon auxiliary of the United Church W.M. S. will be held Saturday afternoon in the school room commencing at 3 Don’t miss the specials offered by Petch’s‘ Sandwich Shoppe‘ in this is- sue. Your patronage will be appreâ€" sue. ciated Rev. S. Scott PMilley, pastor of Palgrave United Church spent Mon- day with Rev. C. W. and Mrs. Folâ€" lett _at the United Church Parson- age Many attractive Christmas presâ€" ents are available at reasonable prices at Richmond Hill SC. to $1.00 store. The Junior Girls Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican: Church will meet at the home of Mrs. R. D. Little, 37 Richmond St. on Saturday at 4 p.m. The Diocesan Secretary ,will speak to the girls, and there will be a tea party. The Evening Auxiliary of the Unit- ed Church are holding their Christ- mas meeting at the home of Miss E. Follett on Tuesday, Dec. 14th at 8 p.m. Mrs. D. Chamney will sing and Mrs. George Gee will give a talk. Everyone welcome. Mem- bers please note change of (late. Mr. and Mrs. George Drury and family who have lived in Richmond Hill for over twenty years moved last week to their new home in Wilâ€" I‘owdale. Prior to their departure several presentations were made to Misses Frances and Eleanor Drury. The Sunday School Teachers and Young Women’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church held a pleasant social evening at the home of Miss Sheila Beresford when .they present- ed Miss Frances Drury with a brace- let and Miss Eleanor Drury a pic- ture. The Presbyterian Church choir at one of their regular practises gave Miss Frances Drury a clock. Also her Sunday School class gave her a surprise party at her home and pre- sented her with a book. The Liberal joins with a host of friends in. ex- tending the best of good wishes. to Mr. and Mrs. Drury and family for every success in their new home. Mr. Norman Bone who is in St. Michael’s Hospital. Toronto suffering from injuries received in a serious car accident last Sunday afternoon is progressing favorably. He has five broken ribs and several bad cuts and bruises but medical attendants are well pleased with his progress and he hopes to return home soon. Mr. Joseph Agar, life-long resident of Vaughan Township celebrated his 87th birthday on December lst. ‘United Church Y.P.S. Miss Mildred Nattress, Devotional Convener, presided at the meeting of the United Church Young People’s Society- held on Monday night. The 'program included topics taken by Mrs. C. W. Barrett, a vocal solo by Miss Mary Bagg, a piano selection by: Miss Constance Ross, and readâ€" ings by Miss Bessie Nattress. The business men of Woodbridge are to be congratulated for the brilâ€" liant lighting system put into effect for the Christmas season. Grace Robb, 6 year old- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Robb, who has taken tap dancing lessons danced at a church concert at Schomberg on Saturday night, December 4th. The “Boys†Club has announced a dance for Friday: evening, December 17th. The committee in charge is composed of Wilfred Maxey, Lorne GlaSS and Gordon Bagg. Good Cheer is the prevailing spirit of everybody during the Yuletide season when families, where it is possible, get together and exchange gifts and feast on the good things, all of which are produced on our farms. If the same spirit prevailed throughout the year and the prac- tice of “Do unto others as 33011 would be done by" was more liberally ob- served, how much easier it would be to move the grade. The Saviour in His Sermon on the Mount provided Owing to increased population and growing factory conditions in the Vil- lage it was feared that the water supply would soon become inadeâ€" quate and a new well is being added to supply the needs. the plan Social and Personal CELEBRATES 87TH BISTHDAY WOODBRIDGE THEE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO of our adver- With the prospect of the cold snap lasting hockey will have its official opening Monday night when there will be two games, exhibition, Can- ada Packers Jrs. vs. Richmond Hill Jrs., and Harris Abbatoir vs. Rich- mond Hill Intermediates. Please watch the board in front of the radial station for definite word on these games. Junior HOckey Richmond Hill under manager W. J. Carr will present to the fans one of the best Jr. teams seen in this district. Your sport reporter hopes that every person in Richmond Hill and district will support this team to the greatest extent possible, be- cause when a team plays before a crowd of fans who are giving them lots of encouragement they play that much better hockey than they could before a rink that is empty: of spec- tators. Should there be hockey on Monday night the Intermediates will organ- ize their club after the game. ANNUAL SALE BY LADIES’ ORANGE LODGE The annual sale of home baking, fancy and useful articles, Afternoon Tea and cup reading: will be held by L.O.B.A. No. 894 in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hall, south entrance, on Saturday, Dec. 18, at, 3 o’clock. York County shivered this morn- ing in the grip of the first real cold spell of the season. Early this morn- ing the temperature nose-dived to 5 above zero and at 8 am. was 8 de- grees above. HALL-REED At 27 Yonge Street on Saturday, December 4th, Winifred Lily Reed, of Richvale, became the wife of Thomas Hall of Langstaff, Ont. The marriage was. solemnized by the Rev. W. F. Wrixon of St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill. ‘ FORMER PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE HERE MARRIED RECENTLY Miss Emma Ross Graham. Bow- manville, daughter of Mr. William John Graham of Almonte, was mar- ried to Mr. David Baxter Lawley of Toronto, in the Chapel of Deer Park United! Church, on November 27th. Rev. Dr. Stanley- Russell performed the ceremony. The bride wore a smart gypsy blue silk brocade tailleur with small matching nat and access- ories, and carried Talisman roses. The marriage was of particular in- terest to those associated with wel- fare work. The bride has held follâ€" owing post-graduate work in' public health at the University of Toronto, positions as public health nurse in Richmond Hill, and more recently in Bowmanville. The bridegroom is well known for his work in promoting the welfare of the blind‘, he himself having lost his sight as a young stu- dent miner as the result of an acci- dent at Hedley, B.C. Since that time he has worked in England and Can- ada in the interests of the social and economic welfare of the blind. He is now supervisor of field services! for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. David Snider and son Elmo wish to extend their deep gratitude to their many friends and neighbors for the assistance, sympathy and floral offerings in the loss of a husâ€" band and father. to those friends who so generously extended sympathy and help in their recent bereavement. Mrs. Geo. Cowie and family wish to express their deep appreciation FIVE ABOVE THIS MORNING Sport Notes Badminton Supplies, Skates, Skies, Etc. PHONE 18 , l~ “ I' ‘ , hop? . WE WILL HELP YOU WITH YOUR SELECTION China- Glass By Bunny White CARD 0F THANKS F. Y. W. Brathwaite’s Hardware Toys for Modern Boys and Girls. A GIFT FROM BRATHWAITE’S IS BOTH USEFUL AND PRACTICAL BE SURE TO COME AND SEE US China, Glass and Silverware (By Sam Macdonald) The first program of the Literary Society was presented by second form and commercial last Friday. The pro- gram took the form of a radio broadâ€" cast with the main item being an address by Rev. David Marshall, forâ€" merly of British Guiana. It was most interesting and thoroughly emâ€" joyed by all. The appreciation of the audience was Shown in prolonged apâ€" plause. Tomorrow two games of basket ball will take place at Pickering with junior and juvenile teams from Richâ€" mond Hill competing with the school at Newmarket. Bill Polilard’s team finished the basket ball schedule with a record of four wins and no losses and will go into the finals with the winners of group B. PRESBYTERIAN CHURW Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Miuilh Sunday, December 12th 11 a.m.â€"“Walking with Memory.†2.340 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"“The Unchanging‘ Rock.†Sunday School Christmas treat â€"â€" VV’THgï¬dav. Dec. 23rd. Charitv should begin at home, but it should not stay there. Life 71's WW MOWOOWWW service, service is a part of,]ife4 WE DELIVER €1§3§W9%%§2%2§E§%W3 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DEC- 10 â€" 11 TWO FEA \VM. BOYD â€" GEO. HAYES in “ HOPALONG CASSIDY RIDES AGAIN †An unusuailrlyi good Western, putting new life into a tale of cattl’s‘a rustling. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Here is a comedy drama of tremendous and moving power that willba make a lasting impression on all who see it. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 - 16 SPENCER TRACY â€"â€" GLADYS GEORGE in “ THEY GAVE HIM A GUN †A first rate farce, with much laughter and music. lively melodrama about newspapers and racketeers MONDAY & TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 - 14 CLARK CABLE CAROL LOMBARD in “ NO MAN OF HER OWN †TO-DAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9TH FRED MacMURRAY - FRANCES FARMER in “ EXCLUSIVE †Also PATSY KELLY â€"â€" LYNNE OVERMAN in “ NOBODY’S BABY †It will pro â€"â€"ALSO‘â€"- ve an evening of lively fun. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH _Rev. C. W. Follett, B.D., Pad. Sunday, December 12th 11 a.m.-â€"Public Worship. The pad-r. Semen Subject, “Giving and Rev- ceiving.†2.4-5 p.m.â€"Suvnday School. All Ileâ€" partments. 7 p.m.â€"Public Worship. The Mr. Sermon Subject, “The Teach?! Authority." A full choir, led by Mr. A. Helen"; will render choice musical seb- tims at. all services. Mental. adherents and friends. cordially ilâ€" ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Lu 27 Yonge Street, Telephone 1% Sunday, Dec. 12 3113 Am 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- men. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School ami Bark: Class. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Serâ€" mon. “A duty dodged is like a debt un- paid; it Is only deferred, an] ill must come back and satin the ac!- count at last.†PAGE TWO FEATURES