All love and mystery in one little' face, All light and beauty in. one single star _ That rose among the shadows, pure and far, Above a humble place; All heaven in song upon a little hill, Earth listening, faint and still; The long years go; the old ‘stars rise BROTHERTON’S , v - BOOKING Steamship OFFICE and set; But still there’s Be forget? Tha’c lovelinessâ€"4h: Shadows there are, ‘ Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured ’ AB enquiries confidential We 409k after yourjwants right from _you_r home. _ Phone Willowdale 63J Office Stop 6 Yonge St, Lansing for them? Still there is Bethlehem Phone-HYland 2081 Open Evenings R'es. Phone 9788 MANUFACTITRERS & IMPORTE OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Ballicl Sts. Three cattle are missing in the Al- listonr district, two from a farm in Tecumseth and one from a Tossoron- tio farm, for which police are keep- ing a watchful eye. It may be that these animals have merer strayed from their pastures. but there are reasons to suspect that they have been taken by cattle rustlers. l m Johnston & G-ranston mm, WMOONOOONWOO SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER (70. RICHMOND HILL Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing. Gyproc Telephone ' 27 Special Sailings to the Homeland by Ishaman Pacific. Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson lines at TRAVEL SERVICE -F-‘ eamship Reservations to great Britain and the ' Continent. Premier service to West Indies PASSPORTS ARRANGED FOP. Rail tickets and sleeper . ‘IReser‘vations Céa.’ National station ._ . Richmond Hill 17- B~ Tracy, Agrent'v Phone 1'69 J. R. HERRINGTON : 93 Yonge St. Richmond Hill C.N.R. Money Order Office A MARKHAM ROAD PAGE, .SIX Real, Estate Insurance ’ Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Collected BETHLEHEM GARFIELD YEREX _Nancy Byrd Turner that light? 9, but who shall fall thlehem ;:::::‘ mwï¬w 1 m % could In- June, Willie Blank, residing in? a town about sixty miles distant from the city in which the hospital is lo- cated, developed a headache and fEV-y er, quickly becoming very i11._A conâ€"i sultanit, was called. He diagnosed the case as meningitis, which in layl language is inflammation of the; membrane around the brain. TheI child was rushed to the hospital} where it was confirmed that he had bovine tuberculous meningitis; but despite all efforts known to scien-, tific medicine to save the life of; this curly-headed three year old boyil tific med this curls he died. Where ch‘tk 3.1142 tio on.» V! y- . Questions céncerning Hialth, ad‘- dressed to the Canadian Medical Asâ€" sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- to. will be answered personally by letter V6 St zens ( defe thrive Safe withir stagements sons who 1 the g“ teuri: the food ada A HEALTH SERVICE 0' THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LI 'NSURANCE COMPANI IN CANADA Six )1) re did he get the bovine tuber- zerm‘? ' From milk most like- ) the Doctors began their inâ€" ition and with little difficulty raced the milk supply of the family to one herd of cows scovered one of the cows to acted. with tuberculosis of the :ype which killed Willie Blank. months previous to the infec- td death of this child, the citiâ€" f the town- in which he lived ed. a Byâ€"Law which, if passed, have made it compulsory for ll; sold within the town to be rized. Pasteurization kills in milk and had the By-Law instead of being defeated, it sonahle to think that Willie would be alive today. 9 pasteurization of all milk or public consumption became lsory in one of Canada’s larg- ties 23 years ago, there has Ien one case of bovine tuber- : traced to the milk supply eurization of milk destroys rms that destroy life and pas- tion makes milk safe for you ur children. Contrary to many ants made by illâ€"informed per- ho for various reasons 6ppose rizaticn of milk, it may be 'ith confidence-born of facts asteurizaticani does not destroy )d value of milk. Childrenâ€"â€" ds of thousands of them â€"â€" on pasteurized milk every day. milk for all children and all should be a goal for all Can- Pasteurization of milk is the THAT CARRIED DEATH a recemt records are stories of life Here is an actual record one of Canada's largest thieving has been so pre- Mulmur and Melanchton +hat law officers recently night patrol of the high- halted cars that they had to suspect. Accosting a recent night, the car re- top and the officers gave . the driver drove into a and then left the car and heels. He was overtaken Lort chase and lodged in gaol. Three bags oi are found in the car. Canada Second Canada is the second largest ex- porter of apples, ranking second only to the United States in this respect. In 1936 Canada exported a total of 96,000 tons of apples, consisting al- most entirely of dessert and cooking apples. l 0 little fown of Bethlehem, How still we see ‘thee lie. lAbove thv dean and (Treamless sleep ‘The silent stars go by: 1Yet in the dark s‘rreets ‘shineth iThle everlasting light: l The hopes and fears of all the years l Are met in thee toâ€"nighst. Value of Ontario Crops The gross value of agricultural production in Ontario for the year 1938 is expected to be about 8365,- 4000,000 as compared with 8358.000.- 000 last year and $248,000,000 in 1932. the low point of the depres- sion. The value 01 field crop pro- duction shows a reduction of 316,- 000,000 as the 11 per cent grain in volume of production was not suffi- cient to offset the sharp decline in prices. Average prices since harvest this season are 19% below the aver- age of prices obtained for the 193â€, field crops. The revenue obtained from livestock, dairy products, to- bacco, poultry, fruits and other agri- ‘ Cultural products is expected to reach $215,000,000 as compared with 3192,â€" 000.000 in 1936. As the bulk of field crop production in Ontario is fed to livestock and marketed in this form, the improvement in total farm pur- lchasing poWer for 1937 probably ap- ‘pi‘oxiniated $20,000,000. The out- Istanding feature of the agricultural 1‘situation this season is the recent j sharp reaction in. prices. Since June, Ethe farm price of oats has declined from 61 cents to 43 cents per bushel; ibarley from 83 cents to 59 cents: gbuck'wheat from 90 to 59 cents, and ifall wheat from $1.24 to 81.01. Hog prices have dropped from $10.52 per wt. in September to 88.00 at the present time, and good steers. over 1050 pounds, from $8.55 to 87.35 per lcwt. Unless prices of farm products 3show some advance from the present ‘vlevel, agricultural income during the first half of 1938 will be consider- I ahlv lower than during the same per- !iod of 1937. lFoi- Christ is born of Mary; And, gather’d all above While mortals sleep, the argels keep Their watch of wondering love. 10 morning stars, together lProciaim the holy Birth And praises sing to God the King. I\ And peace $0 men on earth. Prize-Winning Essay Among the many agricultural stuâ€" dents in the United States and Can- ada, the medal essay competition of the Saddle and Sirloin Club of Chi- cago at the International Hay and Grain Show and International Live Stock Exposition is regarded as a very important event, and to be one of the winners is considered anot- ably high honour. The contest is held every year by the Saddle and Sirloin Club of Chicago for the pur- pOse of encouraging writing on live stock topics and is open to all under- graduates of agricultural colleges in the United States and Canada. As in former years, there were many contestants in the 1937 competition“ The subject selected for this year’s ’ contest was “The Character Contri-' butions of the Live Steak Club." Inf the best twenty essays selected by! the judges, Robert S. Procunier, On- l tari-o Agricultural College, ranked1 third. and thereby gained the bronze medal. L. T. Sonley, also of On- tario Agricultural College, was placâ€" ed ninth. I 0 LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM News and Information tor the Busy Farmer How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is given, So God imparts to human hearts The blessings 01' His heaven. No ear may hear his coming, Where meek souls will receive Him still The dear Christ enters in O Holy Child of'Bethlehem. Descend to us we pray; Cast out our sin, and enter in Be born in us today. We hear ithe Christmas angels The great glad‘tidings tell; 0 come to us, abide with us, Our Lord, Immanuel. MERRY CHRISTMAS we can no more measure Christ- mas by the hour hand of the clock than we can confine its good-will and happiness within the boundaries of a single human beingâ€"Christmas ra- diates its spirit beyond its day and year...Its joy permeates the very air we breatheâ€"abecomes an integral part of ourselves. In wishing you the full happiness that the seasorx heralds, it is our earnest hope that it may remain your personal posses- sion across the busr months to come. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ladys hdkfs she has got for Pa. I think they is meth-ed in her madness as Napoleum sed. Tuesday: The girls in the class are a going to give a Christmas play & the teecher told Jake to set down- to the tiperiter & rite up a item on 'the subjec. Jake did & rote that it are to be a 3-cat show. "& then he turned in his paper. Just thataway. Now then none of the. dames speak to him ,& he wont haft to buy no presence. Mebby he aint so dum' as I thot. Wednesday: I went to sleep in school & dreemed I were going Hug; a bigr forest & the snow was about 1 ft. deep & I got ofer tired & set down on a log to rest. After a while I lookt back & a big black bare were a sn’fliné' at my Tracks. 0 you like them do you sed I. Well, then I will make plenty more for you. Blisters cot me just as I was fallen offen the seet. Thursday: School are out for hollidays. I am xcedinqu hanpy cos. vacashen lasts entil the ; day of next yr. which are 19 an! (lair of next yr. which are 19 and 38. I am wandering if I will becum fed up on it & want to go back to school. The desishen are’ in the neggativ of the queshchen. Friday: Pa‘s editur got slapt by a dame. She Went in to the noosepa- per offis to tell h‘m what to print in the paper & sed she could recall what editurs printed when she was a littel girl. He komplimen‘ted her wanderfle memry & then it hapened. I dont no why but Ma sed theys a very good resen. Witch I will under- stand when I get a big man. Saturday : Nine davs of vacashen will be a offle long time but still I aint intirely happy. They so mutch fun in the world I cant help being scart that I cant have it all in so breef a time. But dont no boddie think I wont stay right in there and pitch. SLATS’ DIARY It’s a funny world. We won’t let an irresponsible child drive a car, but We invent machines for killing and sell them to irresponsible races. “TEES SERVHCE GARAGE MEL. P. MALTBY {ichmond Hill Phone GENERAL REPAIRS GASOLENE & O-ILS arwhair a This Modern Equipment is Now a Permanent Feature of our Service are a 31‘nt. no all but felh no thing but I bet Old Made. thing of says ï¬ï¬g Phone 12 Wm Waywawa E9†' an Egï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬gggg ‘Eiéï¬igigww M %%%%ï¬%%%%%%% Phone 97 Our best wishes for a Merry Christmas, with lots of Health, Happiness and Prosperity for the New Year. ’«m- “ TAKES JUST 30 SECONDS NEW INVENTI r; Richmond Hill w; ï¬aï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ Yuiaï¬ï¬e Greetings â€"â€"tnat intangible, invisible assetâ€" has been the pride of our store for many years. We hope to continue throughout 1938 earning your good friendship gmd patronage. Merry Christmas! YOUR GQOD WILL PURVEYOR Choice Fresh and Cooked and Provisions Have your car tested on the Cities Service Power Proverâ€"the only positive method of determining the efï¬ciency of your motor. A 30-second exhaust-gas analysis will show what’s wrong, and an expert mechanic will immediately correct it. Your motor will have new life. You will get instantaneous pick-up and brilliant road per- formance. And, at the same time, your gasolene and oil bills will be cut from 10% to 30%. GLENN’S DRUG STORE T/ae PGWER PROVER sure you are not paying for gasolene that x. . , . A 15 blown out of your exhaust pipe. Don t nsk y". . .osmg power and mlleage. z%%%%%%ggw%w%%%%%%§g RADIO CONCERTS: Every Friday. 8 P.M., E._D.T. ova WW and 33 associated N. B. C. salient. . MANSBRIDGE THURSDAY, DECEMBER Richmond Hill Meats Ontario 23rd, 1937.