“YORK COUNTY'S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER â€"â€" VOL. LVII. MUSICAL / Adelmo M elecci From the Toronto Conservatory .0 Music, will accept a number of pupil in Piano, Organ and Theory. ' d Hillâ€"Tuesday Rmhmon MRS. MYLKS George W. Cross Piano Tuner Thirty Ytars Experience FO‘merly wit-h _ Leilve Orders at Austln'_s Drugr Stor Richmond Hlll BUSINESS Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS . q ‘ AMBULANCE SEngICEd 142 Walter S. Jenklns 50f “51.00% I; has two Stoge‘ys 3 Richmond limb Pilggnesâ€"is 2‘ ' Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public lbascmen . t V‘con ams’ t lee ar-ge I, 31:33.31: Ofgirzis at Room 66, 18 Torontlo St., Toronto {class rooms, with cigal‘ rem: Badjaâ€"1 NIONVILLE .Plione “YAVer ey 2321 :cent, a commorlous l l'ary an oart l THORNHILL AND U Resulenceâ€"‘Zl Hollywood Ave. lmom and capacious hang and stair-y r J. Carl Saigeon AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctione r fOr the County of York 53193 attend“ to 0“ Shortest nOtice[James A. Bolts, B.A. and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIGEON & SON Insurance FIRE -â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE Preht’ice & Prentice AUCTIONEE’RS I J. H. Plantice. 415 Balllol St. K. C. Prentice. Markham Toronto, HYland 0834 We are prepared t «every description. stoek sales a speClalty. Far and sold on commisswn. All sales at tended to on shortest notice and con ducted by the mos C. E. Walkington Licensed Auctioneer Counties of York and Simcoe Sales of all descriptions conduct upon shortest notice and at reasonable ratts No sal King, Ont. Phone King 42-12 ====================== MEDICAL Dr. R. A. Bigford Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m., 12â€"2 .8: 6â€"â€"-8 pan. and by appointment MAPLE Drs. Langstaff 122 Yonge St. Richmond Hi1 DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF Office Hours 10 â€" 12 am. DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF Office Hours 8 â€" 10 a.m.; DR. LILLIAN C. LANG (Womm and Children) Office Hours 1 - 3 p.m. Appointments made Dr. J. P. Wilson Office Hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appomtment Office: Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill Dr. Charles C. Collins DENTIST At Dr. Bigford‘s Office Tuesdays 9-12 am. Thursdays 124.30 p.m. Maple, Ont. Dr. W. N. G. Ferguson Dentist RICHMOND HILL PHONE 32 Office over Dominion Store _â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“-â€"â€" l I Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET PHONE '70 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Dr. C. A. MacDonald DENTIST Successor to DR. M. C. MacLACHLAN Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenlngs Other Evenings by Appointment Office over the Post Otflce Woodbridgc Phone 77 Bank of Commerce Building THORNHILL Dr. M. .3 Quigiey DENTIST Telephone 30 I.FOX ALL KINDS 0i: ‘\ (“\Ix Furnaces. l‘Iavc Troughs. Metal ’ooflng Garages. It. Jobbini: I‘l'olnptly Attended to and Friday Res. Eigin Mills. Heintzman Company o conduct sales of Farms and farm ms bought t approved methods ._____________'___-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ed Henry E. Redman e too large and none too small Phone 3 6 - 8 p.m. STAFF Phone 100 Phone 24 Phone Maple 3 SHEET METAL , BACK IN LIBERAL FILES FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of January 6th, 1898 l " . Pho 147J ~ NaUghton Block Aurom ne Thursday. December ITOth, 1897. Richmond Hill 127 I ‘11 1 1 I d , Rkh and ’ ' z . y h 0nd I \Yl (lllg‘ )0 London] Iolip in ' III 50mm m Am)†“c m ‘Hill. It saw the fulfillment of the ' ' ‘ h M kham, North ‘ _ _ Klgiin‘yniuicrlluinzl T2: Board of livellcst hopes of the frlends of edu- ‘ ‘cation here. It saw the opening of a Examiners. t . , . __ ___.___..____ handsome new blllldlng whlch, as a High School, is not surpassed by any- 00.0,: &Q Gibson i‘thing in the province. The new buildâ€" Barn‘séfnmidg‘wgoré' etc' ling is situated on Yonge Street, at Ralph B. Gibson, K. c. ‘ Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. pics the front of a lot one and a 35 Richmond St- WeSt‘ liqual‘ter acres in extent. It is the Riclianoed Tdhursdgze forfnwn "third High School building that. has ap‘e' “rs 8y 8‘ m0 n b i t i the Villa" since 10' t C rrent Rate , 0‘“ m up n‘ f"“ ' money to an a u [-1853, and cost in the ne ghborhood J. H. Naughton, K.C. WA Y .BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ‘ Offices 85 Richmond St. W., Toronto Waverley 5701 f s e Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 McGuire, Boles & Co. Barristers and Solicitors Hon. W. H. McGuire . Percy Blggs l ways. The basement has ample room Efor gymnasium. There are, in all, labout twenty rooms in the building. _ The exterior of the building presents la handsome appearance. It is red AD. 21;? k E'OIEOMQR $230178 The mason work was done by Mr. J. 131 an ' 0 an“ on 1“ mg Kell ' and the wood work b L Innes __ T to’ y y . . . Y_omre Street own 3& Sons. The building was erected from the designs of Mr. J. Francis Brown, architect, Toronto, who was selected from many competitors to prepare plans and super'ntend the work. The completed building is a monument to both builders and archi- tect. The exercises on the afternoon of December 30th were such as befitted the opening of this institution of learning. The Board of Education consists of the following gentlemen: M. Naughton, (chairman); J. A. E. Switzer, (secretary-treasurer); J. N. Hutchinson, M.D., A. Newton, W. T. Storey, M. McNair. J. Boyle, D. Lyn- ett, W. H. Clubine, G. McDonald, W. Harrison and F. McConaghy. These were nearly all present at the re- ception at 1 pm. when the new school was for the first time thrown open for inspection. M. Naughton, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Edu- cation. called the assemblage to order at 2.30 p.m. Around the chair were seated Mr. Teefy, postmaster; Mr. A. Thomas Delany formerly of Wm. Cook, Cook & Delany BARRISTER - SOLICITOR NOTARY 1008 Federal Building 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Telephone AD. 1948 Mulock, Maureen, Clark & Redman Barristers, Solicitors, etc. _ Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building, southwest corner of King and Yonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K.C. Herb A. Clark] W. P. Mulock' A. Cameron lVlacNaughtnn, KC. BARRISTER 1711 Star Building 80 King Street West, Toronto Phone: ELgin 4879 l T. C. Newman BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street G. F. Lawrence, Revs. Grant and ImIr’rillediatse'izy North of Masonic Hail McCulloch, and Principal A. E. one â€" Ric mond Hill Coo b_, A l ' t Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto Street m g p easmg fea ure 0f the program was the presentation of a handsome flag 9 ft. x 41/.» ft., to the ’Board of Education. The flag was bought by the pupils of the schOOI and was presented on their behalf by Mr. Coombs. Speeches were made and diplomas presented to successful l pupils. ' At the public meeting held in the Telephones evening the Masonic Hall was crowd- Residence 148 ‘ ed to the doors and many were not ' ’able to gain admission. Mr. Naugh; .ton again presided. Interesting speeches were given interspersed with music. Before separating a vote of thanks moved and seconded by Messrs Harrison and Switzer was tendered the speakers of the evening. The President vs. Vice-President’s curling match was won on Saturday by the latter. 1 Phone WAverlcy Z321 B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Richmond Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 tO' 12 2 to 5 Office 229 At Maple Tuesday Afternoon Bank of Commerce Building Alexander MacGregor K. Cd BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 614 Confederation Life Bldg. Toronto The plant of the Stouffville Free Phone: Office EL. 5029 Press has been purchased by Mr. R. Res. MO. 2856 P. Coulson, who will continue the ;paper under the name of the Stouffâ€" ville Sentinel. Establiohed 1880 Bowden Lumber &' Coal, co.. LTD ' LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Insulex, Donnacona Board. etc. ing, the officers and teachers of the Methodist Sabbath School were elect- 's%;ved the school to he in excellent 'st' ding in numbers, attendance and regularity. The treasurer’s report showed receipts amounting to 8166.88; expenditure $126.40 during the year, leaving a balance of 840.48. Mr. W. ‘ LANSING WILLOWDALE 42 HUDSON 0234 .tendent making 38 years of success- ive service in that capacity. This, with two previous years as assistant, INSURANCE LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS PLATE GLASS. AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF CO'S A. G. SAVAGE the lllanagement of the same school, an experience of but few. 'l‘I-IIRTY Y EA RS .\ (£0 The station at West Gol'lnley pre- sents a busy scene when the mornâ€" .i twin nulls ill. About sixty cans p- I; Old Post Office "of lucteal fluid are rapidly hustled Richmond Hill on board by the (‘ll‘i‘l'fl't‘tii‘ farmers of V this locality. The elevator at this ’ :place is a marvel of its kind. From _ ‘ the cupolll, which is reached by a fire-escape staircase on the outside. ‘ _ . ‘a c‘l'I‘nd view may be obtained of the 1 thnzneys bunt and fepflll'ed iwhele llr\'\'l‘.\llil) of l‘dal'lt‘l‘r'm. Esumates Cheerfuuy Given l At tlu- llitl'lillfltiml held at Union- iville on llwuhly Jonathan Nigh was ll'cilll'llml lll‘Dlll_\'â€"I'CL'VU ,BRIC l W. 0. WHITE & SON Contractors 19 Benson Ave. act-lama- itior. Tl'tr‘l'i will be a contest for Phone 153 1 room and three councillors. The nom- . by i RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY. JANUARYâ€"(3th."1958 -====Z:=:2:ZZ::======:=======:Z==:ZZ==:Z:2::::::::::::=:=:::::== the corner of Mill Street, and occu-. " "h r ' .tn f0 It .- . . buck “It gel :0 e um‘ Ion lservcd agaln as councdlor in 1933,. On Watch Night, last’ijriday even- . - BOYNTON WELDRICK , Rcâ€"clccted by acclamation Deputy- ‘ Reeve of Vaughan Township for 1938. Mr. Weldrick first entered municipal - ,life in June 1932 when he was electâ€" ed by acclamation as a member of council to fill the vacancy caused by : :the resignation of .I. T. Saigeon. He 1934 and 1935. He was elected by Lacclamation as deputy-reeve for 1936 ‘and 1937 and now has been honored [with his third acclamation. General News & Views New Year's Eve will he remember- ed for the worst blizzard of the sea- son. A driving snow storm made traffic conditions very dangerous and very few motorists ventured out on the highways. How are your New Year’s Resolu- tions standing up under the test? The Montreal Star says a gossip is one who talks to you about others; a bore is one who talks about him- self; and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about your- self. "I‘ain‘t what we have, But what we give; ’Tain’t where We are, But how 'we‘.1ive; "I‘ain't what we do, ' " But how we do it; ' tThat makes this life Worth going through it. I A friend :emarked to us the other day: “I never used the public library until I broke my leg a couple of years ago. Then I found out about it and have been using it ever since." It would be too bad if We had to get ;our legs broken to find out what a fine asset the library can be to all of us. It is a fact that those who don’t iuse the library, cannot realize what ‘they are missingâ€"St. Mary’s Jour- nal-Argus; A motor car may be assembled in a half hour in some factories. but a railway engine can knock it into a cocked hat in about half a second.â€" Kingston Whigâ€"Standard. The old proverb told about “killing two birds with one stone.†You do ‘that when you buy off the home istore, as you supply your own need at the bottom price, and help build up home business. obvious to even suggest public indifâ€" ference. Just what ally local comâ€" munity would do without its weekly paper is a matter upon which less' public thought is given that might be expected. Its place in community de- velopment, in social and personal re- Hal‘rlson was agaln elected superln- ‘lationships; its leadership in matters- of prime interests to the citizens at ,large, and its place as a business builder in the locality it Serves all (,>.L ~~.._: c . . y .y ' . _ . - -- mak S m ’8Ԡ0f ‘te“‘l-‘ “01k m v1tally connect it wlth the lli-dlvulual ; l. . .- . {Interests of every ('1tlZOll.’~rIllfl'(‘l'- ' sell Tribune. For linations are as follows: ’teeve. i :me “‘1' Issue Of JWIUHI'Y 21111. 1908 icillol's. George I’adgct. W. Ol‘lllel'od. l ;T. liagerman. (i, Morrison, A. \V'llle» ‘ lman, 0. Kestcl'. ‘ Mr. T, II. Keys of )lflllll' \\"l>‘ :m« jpoillttd .IIZISiL‘l‘ of Masonic 1.’ due. Ill , honour of the event Mr. and Mrs. Keys entertained :1 large rulllhcl' of lthc members and their \‘.’i\’l‘s it: a lSlllllwl' at their home last Friday night. At the Yllll'rllau nomination llu'etâ€" ‘gml- Tilt-,ml-w ut'tornol u lill Hitrlltlllin‘S i wore received on n petition remu'st- lllEZ' the Ilrli'wzii' ('Ml“:l'i-~Xll‘. E.- r‘ "1' ‘thw CUR. to cl'cc‘ :1 suit-way u":lel" tthe company‘s tl-zu-k wt '4 puint nt‘ill" Ithe Village of Woodlll'idgc. ‘ “Public relationship to the welfare , ed“ The report 0f the SPCTetaTy and 1of the local paper is too vital and l treasurer read by Mr. A. J. Hume,‘ lVValtcr Scott. W. II. Lapp. For t-olllt- 1 SINGLE COPIES 50. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE N0. 28. Dependable i Milk for Your Table Milk is one commodity you cannot afford to take chances on. You are wise to demand that your milk supply reaches you in the best possible condition. MAGWOOD DEFEATED IN YORK TOWNSHIP Marsh Magwood, defeated as the conservative candidate in West York ,in the October provincial elections ’took his second defeat New Year's Day when he was beaten by F. J. MacRac for the Reeveship of York ‘Township by a majority of alnlOst l1000. Col. R. J. Stewart was elect- ed deputy -reeve in Ward one defeat- ing James Crane; and R. Troman. l Even Santa Claus is not immune from a certain class of people whose fingers are sticky and who seem to be unable to resist the temptation to pick up something that doesn’t belong to them providing the owner ‘is not looking. Some time during the late hours of Saturday night or the early hours of Sunday morning, at Durham, lthieves robbed the community- Christ- mas tree at the main corner of sev- eral sections of electric lights. Who ithey were has not been learned, but if they are caught we hope they get all that is coming to them, and it will avail them little, if picked up, to call around to this office with the request that their “Name be kept out ‘of the paper." The tree this year was particularly well decorated and it seems too bad that the Christmas season has to be marred by those petty thieves who are of no particular credit to them- selves or their communityâ€"Durham Chronicle. You can be assured of a dependable supply by hav- ing our driver call daily. Richmond Hill Dairy G. S. WALWIN, Prop. Dependable Milk & Dairy ' Produce Phone 42 Richmond Hill % i E i i g i WOW «0W ' , The peoples of democratic nations . should realize that without co-opera- tion based on a mutual respect and understanding of individual view- points and problems, democracy is in i grave danger of being crushed be~ heath the marching feet of dictatorial powersâ€"The Labour Leader. i DECORATING Natural Wood Finishing. Graining. Etc. ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN L. W. Zuefelt REASONABLE Plum Richmond Hill Climb Joek: “And how do you like your radio, Mac?" Mac: “Mom, it's grand! But the wee light’s hard tae read by." SKATING ENJOY THIS INVIGORATING HEALTH RECREATION AT Richmond Hill Arena EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY THROUGHOUT THE SEASON Good Music ADMISSION Children 14 and under 10c. Children 14 and under 15c. Wednesday 15c., Saturday 25c., Special arrangements for parties and carnivals: Apply to H. J. MILLS. Chairman Parks Commission z Tailored Clothes 3 are not expenswe Many people may hesitate to order a tailored suit because they have the erroneous impression that they are high priced. I Richmond Tailors clothes may be had at no more than you will pay for a readyumade suit. And you have clothes hand-tailored to your measure in the latest style and from highest. quality ma- terial. This year be sure to see our samples and get our prices before buying that suit or overcoat. RECHMOND TritlLORS J. A. GREENE Richmond Hill Phone 49.] DON‘T ()YI'TRIJ WK Ill'R DiCl’iCNlLUllE t LICANING \‘a ,h...‘ ,'_. x I 1‘ ANl) i‘lLl-LbStht . l... I 660909000990®®00900C>0’00Gï¬0009090000OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOQQQQOO ¢‘.4§090006000000004000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. in.“ wnooowooeowcoqeoeeo»ooooooewoeooom