P-AGE EIGHT ï¬g EUCHRE Another in the series of Euchres under the auspices of the W. A. of St. Mary’s R. C. Church will be held at the Rectory on Friday, January 7th, at 8 p.m. Good prizes and re- freshments. Wilfrid R. Scott SuCCessor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO THE MILL RICHMOND HILL R. R. Laying Mash and R. R. Hatchability Mash give high returns Hess Stock Tonic will tone up all farm animals H. T. H. â€" 15 will check roup and clear it up Telephones Res. 82W Mill 139 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO TOTTENHAM CA RRVILLE i The WA. ofâ€"Carrville Church will i FOR REEVE Livingstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Wild 3 PM LUCK SUPP†and bazaar: wray , I . , , . , , , , , , , I , I . , , _ _ , . . 117 at the home of Mrs. Delbrocco on lJan. 19. There will be a small ad- FOR COUNCIL ‘ mission charge. McDermott _ _ . I , . , . _ _ i , _ . I _ . . _ 194 i Mr. and Mrs. E. Hancock of Buffâ€" Simpson v . , _ . _ , . i , I _ . . _ I _ , . _ _ I 196 alo spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 ,Mrs. Clark. Jos. Donnan .................. 144; Miss Mary Delhi-om spent New Peter McGoey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '128 Year's at her home here. .__________ Mr. and Mrs. L. Adkins and family . . of Toronto spent New Year's with I AdJala TOWI‘ISI’IID ‘Mr, and Mrs. Vanderburg. - Mrs. J. Clement spent New Year's FOR REEVE - with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowcs of Palmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richmond Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Miss Jean Parker returned to her ‘â€"‘ school after spending the holidays‘ FOR COUNCIL with her mother at Prince Albert. O’Leml/ - ° - - ' ' - - ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' 333 Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker took dinnerI Lawler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 'vvith Mr. and “IFS. N655 at Thorn_ I‘ICKGIVIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . last Thursday evening. Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 # ‘ ‘4 Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Whitchurch Township council has been reâ€"elected by acclamation as fol- A 1ai-g-o crowd attended the weekly . lows: Reeve C. E. T0016. deputY-Yeeve Euchre and Dance under the aus- Jesse 000k. COunCiHOI'S. Herman ‘pices of Richvale Social Club. Prize Kidd, George Leal'yv 311d Herbert winners of the evening were, ladies,' ,Wells. Mrs. V. Woods, Mrs. G. Huestis; gents, Roy Hill. G. Patterson. WWâ€WMWONOMOQOWO§M MONSTER i 3 i 6") k W RlCllliiONl) Thurs. The next Euchre and Dance will be held next Wednesday evening. Euchre sharp at 8.30. GOod prizes. v, Mrs. Alice Estrada, 93 Roslin Aveâ€" , nue. Toronto, and a former resident, of R‘ichvale, died suddenly on Januâ€"i ar‘v 1st at St. Michael’s Hospital.‘ Deceased is survived by her husband,‘ 2 sons, 1 daughter. also her mother,’ 2 sisters and ] brother in England.’ a brother. F.. Lcech of Toronto and 1 a sister, Mrs. J. Bentley of Richvale. l Requiem Mass was held at the. Church of the Blessed Sacrament on: Tuesday, January 4th. Interment followed at Mount Hope cemetery. Bolton Election REEVE P. W. McMurter, (Acclamation) '2 > r“ lill.l. ARENA Jan.13 COUNCIL . i , VVestlake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Skanng from 7'30 to 11 p'm' i Leggett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190‘: _ . »- 7 ~ ; Townrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 ' PROCEEDS IN AID OF SPORTS ‘ Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 CASH PRIZES FOR: Best Couple representative costume Best Gent comic costume. Best Gent fancy costume. Best Boy representative costume Best Girl representative costume ADMIS Buy a. used car 11 Offer expires $850â€"â€",Plrymouth 1937 DeLuxe Coach with Trunk, license and heater. $715â€"Chev. 1937 Coupe with license. $625â€"Chev. 1336 Coach with trunk and license. $550â€"Plymouth 1935 Seat Coupe dual equipped and license. I $515â€"Plymouch 1935 Sedan, heater and license. $435â€"Chev. 1934 Coach with license. S420â€"Chev. 1934 Coach with license. SENSâ€"Dodge 1933 Sedan with license. Coach, heater on O!) $400â€"Dodge 19 license. $350â€"Chev. 1933 Sedan. Master. $275â€"Frontenac 1933 Sedan, license. 1931 Special $275â€"Chev. license. i Armstron l . Toronto Gore Township 1 Charles London was re-elected BeSt Lady comm COStume reeve of the township and Messrs. THURSDAY. JANUARY 6th. 1938. WOODBRIDGE Two Nonegenerians Celebrate Birthdays. There were two nonagcnarian cclcâ€" ion New Year's Day. Mr. Alexander Locke, No. 7 Highway and 8th Aveâ€" lnue, reached hi 92nd birthday and is in fair health. Mr. John Black. . brations in Woodhridge and district. , on M onrla \- JAM ES ROBSON Re-elecied councillOr for Vaughan Township in Monday's municipal elections. He has had a long 9x- periencn in municipal affairs and is an exâ€"reeve of the municipality. TESTON Young PO0Dll".\ Union opened well with a good attendance for the New" {Year which ought to be a good omen ‘for coming meetings. Scripture read- . . , r 1 mg was rcspcnsivc. The subiecti taken by Hattie Diesman was very; appropriate, “In the Beginr‘ing".; .Jean and Marion Robson sang a duct. Miss Mary llait and Mr. nght-‘ body of Toronto \vi‘rc visitors with' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Picrccy lastl weekâ€"Ind. i THORNHiLL l Th annual meeting rf the Thornâ€" hill Horticultural Society will he held night, January imh :i.‘ 8 o'clock in the Lawrence Memorial Hall. Mr. John S. Hall will sneak, and show pictures on the Nationflll Flower and Garden Show to be held in Toronto from March 94 to Anvil 2 in the Automotive Building at the C.N.E. grounds. This is the first time the National FloWer and Gay- HP!" Show has ever been staged in Canada and it presents the oppor- tunity of a lifetime Societies. John S. Hall. Toronto. is; one of the committee in charge of this show. The opening meeting for 1938 of Trinity W.A. will be held next Thurs- day afternoon, January 13. at the home of the president, Mrs. N. H. Noble. . The, Local Councii of West York. A.Y.P.A. will meet on Wednesday evening. January 12th, in the Par- Joe Parr, Ira Champline, John Hoop- er and Amos Pendergast councillors, all by acclamation. Best Lady fancy costume i ! i Tecumseth Township The 1937 council was returned by acclamation. Reeve, N. W. Brawley; Deputy-Reeve, Jas. Henderson: Coun- ‘cillors, Wm. Ritchie, W. A. Apperley, gE. A. Agnew. SION 25c. “MW“NOWâ€OOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOO“OO OOOMOW finance charges on list below January 8, 1938 $175â€"Pontiac 1930 Sedan with license. $150â€"Essex 1930 Special Sedan. motor thoroughly overhauled. $200â€"~1\1arquctte 1930 DeLuxe Rumble Seat, license. $100â€"Essex 1929 Coach. tires. $165â€"Oldsmobile 1929 Sedan. $175â€"Durant 1929 Sedan. S40â€"Studebaker 1927 Sedan. S40â€"Chev. 1927 Coach. 0w and save i Coupe, DeLuxe Rumble almost new and ’ TRUCKS 31100â€"1937 Chev. Maple Leaf 2‘: ton. 174†wheel base, 14‘ body, dual wheels. 11,000 miles. like new. SlSOâ€"Ford 1930 Panel ‘4: ton I license. Sedan with with $250â€"Plymouth 1931 DeLuxe Sedan with } $75â€"Chev. 1929 1 ton stake body. license. Ch Phone V'iliowda Note our new SIIOVV room and gar St. in W illowd ale. STDâ€"Willys-Knight 1929 1 ton dump rysler,Plymouth,Fargo Sales & Service le 442 Yonge St., Newtonbrook at Stop 9, 5389 Yonge Ve will occupy these premises Jan. 1, 1938 n a ‘in a very interesting manner. ' Fi bruai'v iiicct'nu‘. .closcd \\i‘.h prayer. ish Hall. The opening meeting of the year of the A.Y.P.A. was held on Tuesâ€" day night in the Parish Hall. The annual meeting of the Thorn- hill United Church Choir will be held on Friday evening. January the home of Mr. an Davies, Lansing. . The annual meetin hill United Church Sunday School, for teachers and officers, be held at the home of the Supt, Neil McDonald. ParkView Blvd, Wilâ€" lowdale. on Thursday (toâ€"night) at 8 o’clock. . Owing to the annual meeting of the Woman’s Association“ of Toronto Centre Presbytery being ' held on Wednesday, January 12, in Henge St. United Church. the local meet- ing of the W. A. has been pestponed till Wednesday, January 19th. Rebecca A. Miller, eldest daughter of the late Simon and Elizabeth Mil- ler of Unionville, passed away on Monday, at the residence of her sis~ ter, Mrs. Samuel Francis, Thornhill. in her 88th year. Service was held at Mrs. Francis’ home on Wednesâ€" day, January 5th. Rev. J. D, Cunn- ingham had charge. Interment took, place at Knox Cemetery. Agincourt. The local branch of the Thornhill WI. were ertertained on Tuesdav afternoon, January 4th. bv the Scaiu,‘ boro Branch, at the home of thei President. Mrs. Redpath. Toronto. A good program and a dainty tea servâ€" ed bv the host ss and assistants was thoroughly enjoyed by all. _ Misses Emma and Florence Clubine spent a few days last week With Dr. and Mrs. George Beau, Brampton. Miss Lilian Francis visited or: Sun- day with Miss Amy Dove, Toronto. Mrs. Ida Wisncr and Mr. Willie Wisner, Aurora, spent New Years Day with Mrs. J. Wells. _ Mr. A. E. McBride, Chairman of the Toronto Conference Missmnary and Maintenance committee, Will s eak on Sunday at the morning ser- vfce at 11 o’clock in the United Church. Mr. McBride is an excellent speaker and his subject should be 0f great. interest to all. Percv Bone, Henderson won the contest f0 _ tees for Thornhill Police Village. Two new men were elected. We coir- gratulate them all also Robert Scott on his majority. for Reeveship for Vaughan Township. g of the Thorn- r Trusâ€" Christian Stewardship was the topic on Tuesday night at the Young People’s Union meeting of the Unit- ed Church. Mrs. Hoffman, president, presided, and Miss Dorothy Wicehad charge of the program. Readirvgs were given by Thelma Simpkms, Richard Morton and Bert Findlay. The meeting closed with a _lively game. The Young People Will atâ€" tend a rallv at Trinity United Church. (cor. of Bloor and Robert Sts.) next I‘-.'on(lav night. The WMS. met on Tuesday of the United Church afterroon in the Sundav School room. Mrs. wesluy presided and led in the devotional iwi'iozl. Mrs. 0. C. .lanits took up the first chapter of the study book Mrs. the story at the .Inxncs will continue Rev. E. B. CHOIR I~i 'hc recent general election in Australia it took three wi-eks to colâ€" ‘l‘t‘ï¬ï¬. so inacCessible areI some parts ‘and New Years. to Hort‘ ltural; . . . r CU 1a “Friendship Hour“ was given by ‘Helen Stong also Elmer Stong and LOrneJ Robb who also take the collection.l iMeeting‘s held every Sunday evening Wilfred Ball and John i lcct all the votes from the wilder-i Nashville. reached the 90 mark and iSHURT COURSE AT WOUDBRIDGE The Short Course classes in Agri- culture and Home Economics being held in Woodbridgc from Jan. 4th to 25th, are creating an unusual amount of interest and a load of equipment celebrated the event at his daugh- has already come in fol. the class tel‘vs home- Ml‘s- Arthur JOhnStonv rooms. It is thirteen years since the TOI'ONO GOI'C- MY» Blm‘k 15 m 93“ last course of this kind was held in cellcnt health. l Results of Village Vote on Jan. 3rd The Village Council with the EX» , ception of one is as it was in 1937.} Reeve N. George \VallaCe elected by acclamation left six candidates in the ‘ field running for council. Votes poll- ed by each were: ‘ Candidate For Council Town Orange Darker, George Mcchhnic and Alf.‘ McKinnon. who were opei'a'ed on for appendicitis by Dr. W. W. Bartlett in Peel Memorial Hospital. are back and improving satisfactorily. Mr. Johr Dal7icl made a good run for councillor considering that he has been confired to bel for several weeks. Friendship H"ur Givii hy'l'nited Church Choir The service on Sunday night at'the United Church was by Candle light which with seasonable decorations made an ideal setting for Christmas A young people’s ‘choir provided the musical programd Followirg the candle light service the choir and congregation in honour of Miss Marjorie Blake who for many . years was organist and who retiredl as such on Sunday evening. Miss Blake was the recip‘ nt of a valuable writing desk and chair to match, the presentation addresses being made by Dr. G. D. McLean, choirmaster, Bert Shore and Everard Kellam. Miss ‘ Blake made a suitable reply. In addi- - tion to her church activities Miss ‘ Blake was one of the staff of school teachers for 13 years, and resigned at the opening of the holiday Season. EDGELEY The Y.P.U. held their election ofi officers in the Hall on Wednesday, evening last with their pastor Rev. McCrimmon as their chairman. The following, are the list of officers: Hon. Pres. Rev. McCrimmon; Pres, Mrs. W. G. Watson; Vice-Pres, Miss i i l i knots. i helpers. ‘chairlady for the evening. ted to by Rev. Woodbridge and we learn from some ".of the men who attended then, are planning to take up the work again. Many of the former class members ,are now keeping house, and operatâ€" ing farms in the district fOr them- selves but a younger group of splenâ€" ‘did young people in the community no doubt will swell the enrolment to the capacity of the halls. W. M. 4 to be Plectth Ha†Ha“ TOtal Cockburn, Agricultural Representatâ€" A. B. Cous'ns 117 144 261 live, reports the very finest of co-Opâ€" J. Watson . . . - - . 121 128 249 eration from municipal councils, W0- A. Banks . . . . . - . 107 113 220 lmen’s Institutes, Farmers’ Clubs, jJ. Dalziel . . . . . . 97 119 216 Junior Farmers and the Woodibridge C. ShaImOH - . . . . 81 93 174 Agricultural Society, which no doubt F. Al‘mSiY‘mE 51 34 85 accounts for the large number indi- .Fm' Trustee“ cating their intentions to take adâ€" 3 to be elected vantage of this training. R- Byers - - v - - a - ~ m3 152 255 ‘ The ladies’ work will include T. McLean . . . , . 110 134 244 Household Science and clothing 01- R. Dm'ké’l’ - - - - ~ - 106 100 206 Sewing while the Agricultural classes Mrs- J- BMW 72 ‘53 135 lwill include a discussion! of the vari- L. Watson A - . - - . 63 60 126 ous phases of live stock, field crops. Mrs. G. Sirwm'i - 35’ 53 91 plant diseases and pests, poultry. Three Woodhridge i’olk. Miss Velma soils, fertilizers. drainagg farm arithmetic and. practice in judging live stock. seeds, weed identification, rope splicing and tying handy farm The classes will elect their own exrcutive. shorth after opening and arrange their Literary programmes for the latter part of each Friday afternoon. Speaking of short course officers, reminds us that R. N. Mitâ€" chell, Sec. of the Edgeley U.F.0. Club. was President. of the last class held in Woodbridge under R. J. Rogâ€" ers when he was Representative. NEWTONBROOK The Young People’s Union held its first meeting of the New Year last Monday evening and took the form of a banquet meeting at 6.45 with the parents as honored guests and was under the direction of the social couvener, Miss Mary Douglas and her The program was in charge iof the Christian Fellowship Vice-Pre- sident, Miss Margaret Shaw, who was A toast to the King was the first item on the program proposed by Miss Marâ€" garet Shaw. To the church, propos- ed by Mr. Clifford Brett and respondâ€" A. H. Halbert. A toast to the Parents was preposed by Mr. Irwin Brown and responded to by Mr. John Duggan» Sr. To the Young People proposed by the Past President, Mr. W. T. New, and reâ€" sponded to by Mr. Harold Duggan, president of the Y.P.U. After this part of the program there was a brief devotional service. Ruth Smith; Sec.-Treas., Eldon Fier- heller; Asst. Sec.-Treas., Marie Gifâ€" fen; Converters, Kathleen Whitmore,‘ Marie Giffcn, Gladys Smitl'i', Nora‘l i l l .Bagg, and programme committee for , . Miss Bertha l nights: organist, assistant, 5th Sunday Newton; in the church at 7.30 p.m. Mission- ary programme next Sunday in charge of Marie Giffen. \Ve are sorry to learn that Dick Stuart is in bed suffering with pneu- monia. Edgelcy 8.8. No. 8 held their an- nual ratepayers meeting on Decem- ber 29th, 1937. a splendid representâ€" ative number being present. Mr. M. A. Smith occupied the chair and Mr. E. Stong, trustee secretary, acting as secretary. Minutes of previous meetings were read and adopted. Au- ditors Mr. Smith and Mr. Locke and trustee reports were received and adopted. Entire satisfaction was ex- pressed and trustees congratulated on the management of the school dur-. ing the year. The trustee rate was kept below 2 mills, and second to the lowest school rate in the mun- icipality of Vaughan Township. Mr. McCallum was highly mended on his year’s w0rk as teach- COm‘ Mr. Roberts. His report was very gratifying to all concerned. On moâ€" tion Mr. W. Dalziel and Mr. ‘Locke authorized the school board to install Hydro, according to plans presentedâ€"Carried. Retiring trus- tee L. Espey was re-elected for a term of three years the board stand- . ing as follows: R. N. Mitchell, J. J. Greenwood, L. Espey. Ratepayers; Mr. William J. Trustees. VEI .LORE The annual dance and euclire of the Vollcre Old Boys will be held in the Vellore Memorial Hall VVcdi‘esâ€" day, January 19th. This is the 59th ‘annual event sponsored by the ASSO- Cllltiofi. ‘ Smith. Locke. er by the Public School Inspector, W.. Auditors elected were: Mr. M. A.. Two hymns were sung and the Scrip- ture lesson from I Samuel and 1st chapter was read by Miss Doris New- son and prayer was offered by Rev. A. H. Halbert. The guest speaker was Rev. Terry Hart who gave a very inspirational gOSpel meSSage with a strorg appeal to begin the New Year by dedicating our lives lto Christ and His service. , Mr. Harold Duggan announced a .Young People's Inspirational New ,Year Rally to be held next Monday ,at 7.45 p.m. in Trinity United LChurch, Toronto, sponsored by the ‘United Church, Toronrto Young Peo- iple’s Council. It was agreed that the Y.P.U. ‘meeting next Monday night be With- drawn and that the local Y.P.U. at- , As there are five jMondays in January the missionary program will be presented on the ‘third Monday, January 17th. This promises to be a very interesting ‘inieeting with Miss Cora Good in charge. ‘ The Quarterly Communion Service will be held in Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday morning in, conâ€" \ne'CtIOHJ with the regular morning worship service. The G. R. Goulding Memorial Home and School Glee Club will give a concert on Friday, January 14th at 8 p.m. under the auspices of the United Church Choir in the United Church Sunday School Hall. The lproceeds will be in aid of a Fund for Choir Gowns. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wells and Misses Ann and Elise Wells spent New Year’s Day with the foriner’s mother, Mrs. Wells, in Toronto. i» Miss Marion Case is spending a few days with friends a; IC‘ng City. Mr. and Mrs. Rolir. P’ .:'son and Miss Velma Carson spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neal at Eversley. ’ Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbei't were ‘gueï¬e of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Car- son at King City on New Year's. The Gii‘ls’ Mission Circle will hold its January meeting next Tuesday evening at 3 o’clock at the Parson- ‘age. All the members are requested lto be on hand. Visitors welcome. ltend in a body.