Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jan 1938, p. 4

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£47577 I'll/FT 6541? 6' 011’ka WWOOWOO¢ WW i SEBEEHCBfiééfi? : § Admission 2513. Reserved Seats 350. Mon., Feb. 7th Roiiing Motor Sales IN AID 0F BALMORAL PIPE BAND 0F RICH- MOND HILL UNIFORM BAND. FIRST THREE WINNERS in the Sainsbury Competi- tion for Wiltshire Sides at the Royal Winter Fair were raised by Master Feeders â€" MASTER PIG FEED CONCENTRATE’ and MASTER PIG STARTER! MASTER DAIRY FEEDS are being used by more and more feeders every day. MASTER GAINMAKER DAIRY FEED (24%) and MASTER DAIRY CONCEN- TRATE (32%) are ideal for long-time, trouble-free milk production. MASTER DRY AND FRESHENING FEED is the NEW and BETTER feed for dry and freshening dairy cows! MASTER POULTRY FEEDS are setting new records this year. The highest record for a year’s production ever made in Canada (all breeds considered) was pro- duced by birds started on MASTER CHICK STARTER and grown on MASTER GROWING MASH! THIRTY BIRDS owned by L. F. Bevan of Thornhill, Ont, qualified in Official R.O.P. this year with records from 207 to 313 eggs per bird per year on MASTER RED HEAD EGG MASH C.L.O.! Get on to MASTER Feeds NOW! aster FOR BETTER RESULTS Wilfred R. Dean COME AND HEAR THE PIPES AND SCOTCH 'COMIC SONGS AND THE GAELIC SINGER. SEE THE SCOTCH DANCERS AND THE CLOWNS PAGE FOUR MASONIC HALL Plan of Hall at Glenn’s Drug Store Thorn hill, 0 ntario Richmond Hill UST-step into Pontiacâ€"sit three in the f rontâ€"and the car will win you in a mile. For SAFETY SHIFT Gear Control makes a big difference. It’s right on the steering column -â€" where it belongs. Because SAFETY SHIFT clears the floor there’s more leg room and elbow room for everyone. And the driver can settle back and relaxâ€"change gears with a flick of a fingerâ€"without taking a hand from the wheel. Today’s the day to try it! p.58 AT 8 P.M. Richmond Hill ONTARIO 1 » nmrsqumi We regret that Mast/er Ian Mac- donald is confined. to his bed with that good old-fashioned disease known as “Measles”. We wi'sh him a speedy recovery but hope he is not too gen- erous with this disease. Mrs. Macdonald is visiting her mo- ther at Grimsby who is ill. Miss Bonnie Robertson is still con- fined 10 her home through illness. Miss Thelma Hart has taken a position in Toronto. Mrs. Bert Haydon and Miss Wark of Hamilton visited at thg home of Mrs. Annie Mortson on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Forster is also on the sick list and unable to leave her home. Mr. Fraser Gee, Mrs. P. Willows and Mrs. Herman Mortson were dele- gates of this Sunday School at the S. S. convention held at Stouffville on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mortson gave her report of the mornâ€" ing session on Sunday and the after- noon report will be given next Sun- day. Mrs. Mortson left nothing out and much good should be derived from it. Mrs. Grace Boynton is still mak- ing steady progress toward recov- The Rev. Mr. Haig, Mr. Herman Mortson, Mrs. Jack Frisby, accomâ€" panied Mr. Gordon Mortson and» his mother when they visited Mrs. Fris- by’s father on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Fred Constable, Miss Bessie Valliere and Mr. Harry Forster and Mr. Jim Smith were also guests of Mr. Agar on Sunday. The trustees of the Community Hall invite the community to the an- nual meeting of the Hall on Satur- day night. Stop! Look! Listen: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. are three red letter days of this year. Why? Be- cause these three days mark the opening of Don Pickering’s “Red and White" grocery store. Master Joe Cherry of Gormley spent last week-end with Isaac Wil- liamson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fiegel are the proud parents of a little daughter, Marilyn Wanda LOuxse. Congratuâ€" Iations. Mrs. Florence Jaques visited with friends in Allandale on Sunday and- also called on her sister Mrs. Thomas at Maple. The many friends of Mr. Robert Agar regret that Mr. Agar is not making the rapid progress for which they hoped. But time will, we hope, bring about the desired result. He is still in the Western Hospital. We regret that Miss Holden, the teacher of S. S. No. 6, is ill with the flu. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO WED., MARCH 2â€"Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Thomas Thomson, lot 18, con. 3, Markham 'at Headford. A. S. Farmer, auc- ltioneer. V ID. Wood, lot 3 IUD The Woodtbridge team lined up as follows: Goal, Cameron Frankum; de- fence, Don McKenzie, Jack Carroll, Gord. 'Bagg; forwards, Jack Hall, Lyness Glass, Bill Robb, Charlie Mc- Lean, Lorne Sutton, A. Hollingshead. Referee, Bill Hollingshead. Arrange- ments are under way to play a re- turn match in Woodbridge at an early date. Friends Honour Miss Marjorie Blake was the re- cipient of beautiful gifts at the partâ€" ies staged in her honor last week. On Wednesday, January 19 she was guest of honor when- a number of Woodbrid-ge and Weston friends gath- ered at the home of Miss Marie A1- len, Weston, to present her with a silver relish dish. Court Whist was played during the evening. On Fri- day, January 2:lst the popular bride- to-be was again honored when she received an electric toaster during a gathering at the home of Mrs. John Dea, New Toronto. Card playing was also a feature of this gathering. THURSDAY, FEB. 10â€"Clearing auc- tion sale of farm property, stock, implements, etc., fthe property of Robert Campbell, lot 16, concession 9, Vaughan, at Elder. Sale at 1 pm. See full list in this issue. Manning McEwen, Auctioneer. ' Aurora ................ 7 6 Stouffville .......... 7 5 East York 7 4 "Richmond Hill 8 4 Scanboro .............. 7 2 8 0 January 28â€"St0uffville at Aurora Woodbridge Defeats Cannington 10-8 Woodbridge hockey boys proved themselves to be of O.H.A. Inter- mediate calibre last week when they defeated Cannington 10 goals to 8 in a game played at Beaverton on Thursday night. Canning‘ton is the leading team in that district’s O.H.A. Intermediate group. A bus was chartered to carry many local en- thusiasts to the game. TUESDAY, MA‘R. 1â€"Public Auction sale of farm stock, implements and grain, valuable property of George Rown’oree, Lot 1, Con. 5, King Town- ship, on Town line. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon, Auction- eer. East York at Scarboro 31â€"Richmond Hill at East York Scarboro at Stouffville February Zâ€"Aurora aft East York Scanboro at Markham 4â€"Markham at Aurora Richmond Hill at Stouffville To pick the stars on the Hill team is nearly impossible but special men- tion must be given Grosskurth, Lau- rie Jones and Ernie White while Frank Carr played a great game in goal. Frank Carr with good coach- ing will make some senior team in a few years and I don’t mean maybe. Richmond Hill Intermediates who are right in the hunt for the T.H.L. Intermediate Champions‘hiip play Bayview A.C. in the 10¢a1 arena to- night Come out and bring your twenty-five cents with you. We need it. In the second period Richmond Hill made it 3-0 with East York getting their first counter. There was a free-for-all in this period. In the third period Richmond Hill increased their lead to 3 goals only to have East York reduce it to 2. Richmond Hill scored 3 goals by quick break-aways when East York threw the game wide open in trying to tie it up. Richmond Hill have a great Junior team and deserve more support than they are getting. It only costs tWen- ty-fiyve cents to see these boys play and it is a quarter well spent. In the first period Richmond Hill scored twice without a reply from East York. of‘f‘ SATI ar Sport Notes. arm st‘ furnit u. '( Highway. b‘ale at 1 p.m. ‘eserve as proprietor‘is giving farming. Terms cash. J. C. RDAY Sale Register stock League Standing Auctioneer Il‘e MAR. 5â€"Auction sale implements, hay, grain the property of Harry , con. 8, Vaughan: Twp., Woodbridge and south Bride-To-Be IFO‘R SALE OR RENT farm of 115 acres. Mrs. D. Kerswill, Elgin Mills. ICE CUTTING on Bond Lake 3c. 3 block on lake. Estimates given on hauling and filling ice houses. Percy Ash, RE. No. 2, Aurora, telephone Stouffville 4220. LET US CUT and load your ice for 3:. per block. First class road into pond, at Almira. Phone your orders 612 Bethesda and Stouffville. S. B. Lehman. and Sons. WE BUY old, healthy cows and horses, bloated, lightning struck or broken limbs. No poisoned animals. Phone Kenwood 6413, Toronto on re- verse charge or see Mr. Taylor, Langstaff Fur Farm, Langstaff. CUSTOM SAWING. Sawing of lum- ber at J. Constable’s on Maple side- road between the 6th and 7th con- cessions. Logs may be left at any time. Evans and Ireland. ICE HAULING and general ing, prices reasonable. Apply Bennett, telephone' Stouffville HOLSTEIN COWS, 2 purebreds, 2 grades, accredited, blood tested, mas- titas free, your choice at $75 each. Percheron mare 10 yrs. old, $75.00. Cutter, $15.00. Set of farm sleighs needing repairs, $5.00. Apply Mgr., Leechwood Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. DANCE AT VELLORE Vellore W. I. will hold a dance at the Township Hall, Vellore, Friday, February 18th. Catania’s orchestra, A golfer was driving off about a foot in front of the teeing mark. The club secretary happened Ito come a- long. 25 WORK HORSES just arrived from Drinkwater, Sask. Percherons, Belgians and Clydus. Good quiet horses, well broken, at reasonable prices. Oscar Cox, Unionville, on No. 7 Highway. Club Secretary (Indignantly) â€"- “Here! You can’t do that. You’re dis- qualified!” Golf Playerâ€"“What for?” Club Secretaryâ€"“You’re driving off in front of the mark!” Golf Player (tersely)â€"â€"”Away with 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE. $75, or nearest offer. Joe Gage, Broqkside Rd., E1gin» Mills. GOOD TIMOTHY HAY. Apply Lot 14, Con. 3, Vaughan. Telephone Maple 463. FRESH COW, part Holstein and Durham. Apply Geo. Park, Rich~ mond Hill, phone 451'14. GRANDFATHER CLOCK. antique, made in Perth, Scotland in 1816 and in good condition. Apply Mrs. Macâ€" nab, 8 Catharine Ave., Aurora. E. Evans, floor manager. Progress- ive Euchre. Lunch provided. Ad- mission 35 cents. ICE cut and loaded. Don Head Farms, Phone Maple 241'2. ONE PAIR GOO‘D SKIIS and har- ness, 61,4: feet. A bargain. Eliza- beth Smellie, Thornhill, phone 42J. TWO HOLSTEIN BULLS 10 months old, of Rag Apple breeding vdhose nearest dams average 4 per cent for the year by R.0.P. test. George Cooper & Sons, Willowdale. STOVE with oil burner, Kitchen Utensils and Chatham Incubator No. 2, cheap. Apply T. Bainbridge, Goulding Ave. Step 12 Yonge St. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. you! A man with a big went on his chin dropped into a docrtor’s office to have it removed. When he failâ€" Ed) to return for additional treat- ments, the doctor phoned him to ask how the want was getting a- long. “Just fine,” replied the pa- tient. “My face is gone, but the wart is still there. MISCELLANEOUS THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first Insertion and. 15 cents for each subsequentiijsertion. Over 5 Imes 5 cents per line extra ‘ _ A--.‘ _ A..-va nu“ «rv‘vn each inse Classified Advs. Farm Impleme Telephone Richmond Hill Beatty Farm Equipment Charies Graham I’m playing my third stroke.” FOR SALE MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT rtionfifbfiARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE Machinery H THURSDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1938. truck- Frank 6114. 6 ROOMED‘ HOUSE. Apply 15 Gem tre Street East, Richmond Hill. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) HOUSE 9n Centre Street East ply Rustic Inn, Richmond Hill. ences. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, all conveni- Hill EIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 1 12, concession 6, Markham Township, available immediately. Apply Ernest Snowball, Cedarbrook Farms, Union- ville, or Westminster Hotel, 240 Jar- vis Street, Toronto. PASTURE LAND with good wate for cattle, lot 12, concession 6, Mark- ham Township. Apply Ernest Snow- ball, Cedarhrook Farms, Unionville, or Westminster Hotel, 240 Jarvis Street, Toronto. BEAUTIFUL HOME on Thornhill Golf Links, exceptionally large liv- ing room with stone fireplace and sun room attached; 3 bedrooms, all conveniences, hot water with blower, garage. Possession March lst. This exceptional home must be seen to be appreciated. Apply R. C. Nelles, MOhawk 6468, Office at Stop 6A, Yonge Street, Lansing. FARMER, married, fully experienced in dairy and mixed farming, accus- tomed to taking full charge, present position four years, free Feb. lat, as owner returning to farm. Wm. Bodfish, RR. No. 2, Weston. WORK ON FARM by experienced farmer and wife. Available March 15th. Wife to keep house. Two peo- ple in family. Apply to Box 12, The Liberal Office. PENSIONER wants to rent farm suitable for market garden. Good orchard or small fruits. Careful ten- ant. Long lease if satisfied". State full particulars in first letter to Box 42, The Mberal Office. Used Cars EXPERIENCED FARAMER, Danish, 11 years in Canada, wants to rent good dairy farm near Toronto, fully equipped preferred. Apply to Box 55, The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN bull a- bout 1 year old, must be from R.O.P. dam. Apply Box 72 The Liberal Office. 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk â€"-Heater. Very nice. 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING TUDOR (with Trunk). Heater. Splendid Value. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPE-â€" Rumble Seat. New Tires. 1933 FORD V-8 CABRIOLET (Con- Little Brothers‘ Ford Sales .& Service RICHMOND HILL .4 ONTARIO PHONE 174-W Above prices include 1938 licenses. 1935 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN with Trunk -â€" Good value. vertible). Excellent. condition 1929 FORD TUDOR â€" Nice 1932 CHEVROLET COACH $595000 TU RENT $550.00 $325.00 $525.00 $425.00 $375.00 WANTED $165.00 lot

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