Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1938, p. 1

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Jim Cummings was the locals’ high scorer, notching two out of the four. Murray and Boake secured one each. Richmond Hill were defeated in their return visit to the strong East York team on Monday night by the score of 7-4. The local kids went dowx' fighting and never once did they quit trying. In the dying min- utes of the game Red- Murray, the big red head wing 'man of the Hill team, took a dislike to Francis/ slugging and a free-for-all fight was started, neither man taking a penâ€" alty for their part in the fight. Don Grosskurth, the leading goal- getter for the local team for the sea- bon was held scoreless, being out- lucked on several shots. Losing this game (1095 not by any chance put the locals out of the playâ€" offs as they have yet to play Stouff- ville on FridayI night. Everything depends on this game so load up your car and driVe to Stouffville on Friday night. In an endeavour to raise money for the Junior team an Amateur Show will be held on Monday, Feb. 215t. Reserve this date. The Y.P.S. will be held Friday evâ€" ening at the home of Mrs. Clark. Next week the Y.P. intend holding a Valentine party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton. Mr. Sydney Baker spent the week- end with friends in. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood's at Maple. Miss Louise Delbrocco spent Sun- day at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Kerswill and Miss Ruth Kerswill of Temperanceville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Rumble. Mr. Bert Banks of Toronto is spending- a few days with Mr. W. Reaman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vanderberg and family of Toronto visited Mr. andl Mrs. J. Vanderberg on Sunday. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alderton of Owen Sound announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Eleanor Hilda, to Frank Wilkins, son of Mr. and Mrs.’ Stephen Francis Wilkins of Oak Ridges, the marriage to take place in Owen Sound on» February 14th. VOL. LVII. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” NEW SOUND Sport Notes. THIS WAY PLEASE MARY LIVINGSTONE NED SPARKS BETTY GRABLE _ 1N _ CONQUEST ‘The Women Men Marry TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 8 - 9 MCARNIVALWE In PRIZES wed" Feb. 9th In PRIZES g GRETA GARBO CHARLES BOYER _ 1N _ CARRVILLE .“GET THE CAPITOL HABIT” rosby Memorial Rink TO-DAY AND FRIDAY UNIONVILLE The weather remains cold but pleaâ€" sant. Winter sports have come into their own and are being indulged in to the full. A skating carnival under the ausâ€" pices of the North Presbytery was held in Newmarket rink on Tuesday night and was enjoyed by quite a number of the young people of this place. - Mr. R. Robertson, after working for “Christie Biscuits” for thirty- five years, has retired and will now take up permanent residence at Vic- toria Square. Just prior to leaving, the staff and heads presented him with a beautiful upholstered chair as a token of their appreciation of his worth. The residents of Victoria Square realize that “Christie Bis- cuits’" less will be their gain. Mrs. Florence Jaques visited her brother, Mr. Robert Agar, at the Western hospital last Saturday and foundv him as usual, not much chant,- ed in: his condition. His friends are anxiously awaiting a decided‘ change for the better. Mrs‘. B. Haydon and Miss Wark of Hamilton visited Mrs. Hayden’s little son, Bobby, on Sunday at the home of Mrs. O. Mortson. Miss Pat Kay was the speaker at Young People’s on Sunday evening. A trio consisting of Harold Klinck, Donaldi Forsan and Ike Williamson sang. Owing to the icy condition of the roads many of the members were not able to be present. In spite of this handicap Miss Alma Attwood put on the program and conducted it in- a very capable manner. Mrs. R. F. Klinck and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Millicent Avison, visited Mrfand Mrs. Carl Roesch and fam- ily in Erie, Pennsylvania last week. Mrs. Roesch is a sister of Mrs. Klinck and spent her girlhood» in this place. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Roesch and her husband and family are well. We regret that Miss Holden of S. S. No. 6 is still under the doctor’s care. Miss E. DeMommorency of Markham is very- ably carrying on her work until she is able to return to her duties. VICTORIA SQUARE WARNING Parents are asked to warn child- ren of the danger of sleigh-riding on the village streets and sidewaLks. This is a very dangerous, practice in some sections and should be discourâ€" aged. MELVYN DOUGLAS MARLENE DIETRICH HERBERT MARSHALL GEORGE MURPHY CLAIRE DODD ANGEL ._.IN_ IN By Order, Village Council. _]N__ "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essgiti Yonge at Castlefield MO. 2172 RICHMONDi 31114, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1938 The annual meeting of the Richâ€" mond Hill Agricultural Society was held in the Municipal Hall last Sat- urday afternoon and was featured by splendid reports on the past year’s activities and keen enthusiasm among the officers, directors and members for the year ahead. Robert W. Scott who has served as president for the past two years announced that he wished to retire from that office and Harry Charles was elected. president for the coming year. Alex Little of 'Richmond Hill was elected viceâ€"president and Major G. H. Basher was chosen as 2nd vice-president. Directors elected‘uwere as follows: J. S. McNair, T. H. ITrench, J. A. Greene, F. S. Tyndall, L. H. Clement, Evan Morris, Mor- gan Boyle, R. L. Stiver, Wesley Mid- dleton, W; Neal, Wesley Palmer, James; Ellis, Frank Graham, A. Mc- Taggart. The executive will include the officers and the following direc- tors: T. H. Trench, F. S. Tyndall, W. Middleton, J. S. MoNair, L. H. Clement, R. L. Stiver and J. E. Smith. Harry Charles lilichmond Hill Heads Richmaml l Public Schwl Hill Fair Baard January Report The Society d‘ecidedl to co-operate with the other Societies of the Coun- ty in holding the annual County Seed Fair and it also was decided to hold a crop improvement day early in March when outstanding speakers will conduct an educational program. The directors will consider at a fu- ture date the holding of the annual field crop competition. Reports on the activities of the past year showed the Society to be in a healthy financial pcsition and the officers and directors are looking forward with confidence to the fu- ture and look for the 1938 Fair on May 24th to be the biggest and best in history. VETERANS‘ AUXILIARY ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the W0- men’s Auxiliary of the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans was held on Tuesday afternoon, when Mrs. E. An- drews was elected president for the coming year. Other officers elected were as follows: vice-president, Mrs. M. Donaldson; secretary, Mrs. J. Butler; treasurer, Mrs. G. Masters; committee, Mrs. Adams (convener); Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Eve- lyn, Mrs. Paterson, Mrs. Masters, Mrs. Leroux, Mrs. Jarvis; Sick Com- mittee, Mrs. Healy, Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Ad‘ams. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held in the. Municipal Hall, Thursday, FequaI'y 10th at 8 pm. A demonstration by the Women’s League of Health and Beauty will be the feature of the meeting. The demonstration- will be by the group which represented Canada overseas last summer. All members are urged to be present and if possible bring along a friend. (REV. T. G. McATEER PASSES The death occurred suddenly: on Tuesday of Rev. T. G. McAteer, B.D., who, for the past eight years had been the pastor of Lansing United Church. Mr. McAteer retired from the active ministry a few months ago and had made his home at 368 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto. He leaves to mourn his passing his widow and two sons], Dr. McAteer of Lansing and B. McA’ceer of Mon- treal. Interment takes place in Stayner today. Agricultural Srciety Holds Annual Meeting Non-essentials, Liberty ROOM I l Sr. IVâ€"Bob Carpenter, Ernest Burnie, Helen Whitten, Gloria Andâ€" erson, Joan Carr, Bernice Cook, Kenâ€" neth Shields, Deane Wellmau, Lenore Dewsbwry and William White equal, Marie Paxton and Edward Healey equal, Elizabeth Elliott, Effie Jar-| vis, Mary. MegDonal, Lloyd Sander-l son, Earl Tilley, Bill Murray, Harold’ Ressor, Morley Hillaby, Marjorie Pattenden, Frrank Young, Garth Pal- mer, Donald Reid”. v DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO¢ Jr. IVâ€"Donald Smith, Lorna Webb, Harold Henshaw, Donald Wolfreys, Esther Morrison, Douglas Manley, Leonard Lu~nau, Vernon Mitchell. ROOM II Jr. IVâ€"Margaret Allison, Betty Smith, Marie Brillinger, Robert En- dean, Stanley Baker, John Smith, Donald Glenn, Betty Mansrbridge, Irving Ross,’ AEileen Cook, Gladys Chedzoy and June Davis equal, Annie Wawlin, Olive Ross, Dorothy Hicks and Helen Ransom equal, John Cur- zon Sr. IIIâ€"Verna Musson, Lily 0’- Brady, Sheila Hamilton, GeOrgina Pattenden ,Mary Burnett, Margaret Carpenter, Richard Baker, John Tay- lor, John White, Dorothy Carr and Vera Evison equal, Willie Kanis, Ted- Evelyn and Jean McCartney equal; Marie Deferral-i, Merlyn Graham and 'Peter Kozak equal, Albert Fish, James Hicks. . Absenf from examsâ€"Stuart Well- man, Mary B. Morris, Ken. Woods. RO-O‘M III Jr. IIIâ€"Esther Tilley, Baden Tilâ€" ley, Francis Mackey, Arthur Barra- clough, Philip Mihorea-nr, Allan Hor- wood, Lorna Baker and Murray Bow- en equal, Florence Allan, Bill Shear- down, Margaret Ransom, Arthur Wolfreys, Charles Srigley, Mary Brock, Leonard lRichardson, Henry Richardson, George Loughlin, Viola Woods, Clarence Wade, Mabel Leigh- Gralle 2â€"E1izabeth Hunt, Ruth Clubine and Norman Stunden equal, Helen Li'nlstead‘, Sandy Neal, Eric Fish and Doreen Pattenden equal, Albert Taylor, Eunice Sanders, Roy McGan‘n, Anne Davis, Ruth Sanders, Frank Evison, Donald Chedzoy, Bud Bowen, Winnie Butler“. Absentâ€"Joan Meyers. ROOM VI First Book, ClaSS Aâ€"Betty Mc- Nabb, Violet Mihorean, Keith Doher- ty, John Atkinson and Dorothy Bowes equal, James Monkmanl, Margarett Pickett and Everett Baker equal, June Hicks, Bill White, May White, Shirley Linstead, Bill Abbott, Henry Kanis, Shirley, Mylks, Stanley Ran- som, Ted Tilley, Ronald Sanders, Bill McIntyre, Fred Broad”, Marion Little**“*. First Book, Cl‘as's Bâ€"Eugene Hilliard, Jack Bowdei’y, Marie Allen, Sheila Sanders, Kenneth Moore. Murâ€" iel Mallory. Madplino Evelyn. Shirley Deferrari, Norman Stasyna and Ver- non Wood equal, Janet Anderson, J-im Allen, Lloyd Wolfreys“, Joan Murphy, Fred Brock, Barbara Mur- Sr. IIIâ€"Murray. Bowes, Margau‘et Brown, Irene Rose, Norman Tyndall and Tom Mcleod equal, Charles Well- man, Howard White and Bill Neal equal, Jean Scott, Jean Baker, Eric Upton, Eileen Carr, Kathleen Butler, Joan Paxton, Foss Mallory, Alex lin. Spears. ROOM IV Grade 5â€"Milberge Gibbons, Eric (hiuickshank, Francis Perl-in, Alex Clarke, Muriel Megdonal, Shirley Burt, Shirley Paris, Alverna Smith, Peter Kanis, Peggy McKenzie, Bobby Kidd, Elinor Patiend‘en, ,Freddy W'llSe’*, Jean Kerr*. Grade 4â€"â€"Nancy Donaldson and Lorne Musson equal, Victor Richard- son, Douglas MansLbridge, Joyce Barraclough, Jea-n Henshaw, Isobel White, Bert Hunt, Melbourne New- ton, Reta Mallory, Freddy Kozak, Shirley Healey, Keith Myton, Ernest Wade, Jimmy Barker and Hazel Ree- sor equal, Stanley White, Bill Bow- dery, Henry Fish, Herbert Resei‘, Lolu Saunders, Florence Durrant. ROOM V Grad‘e 3â€"Donald Little, Nancy Austin and Clarence Perrin equal, Mack Clement, Harry Hill, Betty: Carr, Ray Charles, Robert Stasyna, Gordon Taylor, Kathleen Stunden, Ernesrt Wolfreyis, Isobel MacFarlane, ROlbert Butler, Albert Wilson, Cecil Espey, Jack Eviso‘ng Janet Atkinâ€" son“, Hugh Kerr", Delbert Hull*, Robert Pattenden, George Collins. Albsent â€" Eleanor YOung, Fox. In All Things, Charity Doris CONRAD VEIDT VIVIEN LEIGH in i OSWALD CARTOON â€" “LOVE SICK” : Mwuoomomo “M phy*, Paul 'Reardom*, Jean McFar- Iane*. Primer Aâ€"Allan Hill, Douglas Moore, Betty Beresford, Sally Hogg, James Mlanisl‘aridLge, Lorne: S-‘hear- down, Gerry Paris, Verna McGann, Betty Clubine, Keith Teetzel, L10yd.’ Bond*, Joyce Payne’i‘, Margaret Scott’“, Verna Stewanfi, Phyllis Case- ment*, Wanda Smith". Primer Bâ€"Mad-elivne Stephenson, Billy Stasyna, Willis Stephenson, Betty Rose, Bill Brignall, Lois Doherty, Gordon Bowen, Warren Hall, Ivan rBowen, P‘eter Curzon", Ray Stimaen, Ellen Warringwm Bobby Smith, Jannette White, Jean Abbott“. Primer Gâ€"Olarence Kozak, Mary DeSante*, Jean Cooper, Jack Kidd, Doreen Bond*, Kenneth Bennettfl George Doherty, Raphael Perrin", Eric Hillaby, Douglas Allen‘1", Gordon Leece“, Laura Loughlin*. County Seed Fair March 17th At the annual meeting of the York County Seed Fair Board held in the office of the Agricultural Represent- ative at Newmarket on Monday, Jan.- 3ilst, plans were made to hold the second! annual County Seed Fair for 1938 at Markham on invitation of the Markham Agricultural Society, Sutton and Richmond Hill Societies both expressing their wish to have the 1939 Fair. Organized last"'year with the Ag- ricultural Societies and Junior Far- mer Clubs co-operating, the Fair with the accompanying educational programme proved exceedingly popu- lar and successful. All the Agricul- tural Societies were represented at the re-organization meeting except Woodbridge which has not yet held their annual meeting. The financial statement presented by W. M. Cock- burn, Sec.-Treas. of the Fair, was very encouraging and present indi- cations are still more attractive prizes will be offered- this year for the farmers of York, to whom com- petition is limited. a class for Fall Wheat. The date selected for the Fair is Thursday,. March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. A} '1 number of educational displays are'Da: being arranged, dealing with weeds Tu‘ and treating of seed, proven newam varieties, etc. and an address by one = ity The chief change in the classes is the dropping of spring wheat other than Goose or Dul'um and! putting in Canada’s Fawmm te Tea ROOM VII SINGLE COPIES 50. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE outstanding speaker. There will be a supply of famuning mi-ll screens on hand where farmers will be able to avail themselves of the service which proved so popular last year, enabling those Wishing to rejuvenate their fanning mills to se- cure repairs at the Fair. The Directors appointed by the various (no-operating organizations to date, are as follows, other 8pâ€" pointments are yet to‘ be made:' Agricuftural Societies: , Auroraâ€"L. P. Evam-s, Gormley Markhamâ€"Maurice Hamil}, Mark ham Richmomi Hillâ€"Harry- C’haries. [Richmond Hill Schombergâ€"Thos. Blackburn, Ket- ' tleby Suttonâ€"Frank Marritt, Keswick Junior Farmers’ Cluibs: Mt. Albertâ€"Russell Harrison, Mt Albert UnionvilIe-â€"Murray Macklin, Milli. ken Victoria Square â€" Jack Frisby Gormley E DANCE AT MAPLE } There will 'be a St. Valentine’s ' Dance in the Community Hall, Maple, (Tuesday, February 15th. Catania’s E Orchestra. Under auspices Commun- !ity Hall Executive. Officers: Presidentâ€"L. P. Evans Vice-PresidentAMaurice Hamill Sec.-'I‘reas.â€"W. M. Cocktburn Newmax-ket Auditorâ€"D. R. McCamn, Newmar- ket Following last year’s plan, it was decided to secure two judges from the Dominion Seed Branch and two from the Ontario Agricultural Coll‘ ege. Junior 0.H.A. Team Amateur Show February. 2191: will be the night of the great Blue Line Amaxteun‘ Show in aid 0f the Junior O.H.A. Hockey Club. One great night of talent, musicians, singers, imperson- ators, dancers, au‘unuunc'ers, a host of entertainers from all over the coun- try. A well known sports announc- er is expected to offlciate as Master of Ceremonies. ~ Everyone line up behind this great show and help the Juniors to make the grade in O.H.A. Send your entry in early to Jas. Grainger, c/o Lib- eral Office. 507

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