5 PAGE FOUR ï¬fâ€" MAPLE NEWSY NOTES ST. VALENTINE’S AMATEUR NIGHT under the ausp.ces of Eldizeley Young People’s Union In EDGELEY HALL FEBRI'ARY 14TH Three classes» Jr. under 10; Interâ€" mediate under' 20, and Senior 20 and over. A prize given for oldest and youngest to enter. CASH PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN Send entries on or before February: 12 to Eldon Fierheller, Secretary, Maple R.R. 1. phone Maple 2257 or Mrs. W. Watson, President, Edgeley, phone Maple HBO. Sale Register THURSDAY, FEB. 10â€"Clearing ane- Iion sale of farm prOperty, stock, .mplements, etc., the property of Robert Campbell, lot 16, concession . Sale at 1 pm. , D, Vaughan, at Elder. .s'ee full list in this issue. l’IcEwen, Auctioneer. Manning FRIDAY, FEB. 11â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Fowl, Hay, Grain, Roots, etc. on lot 21, con. D, Scarboro, Eglinton Are, property celonging to the estate of the late Edgar Wilson. Sale at 12.30 sharp. No reserve. Terms cash. Prentice 8; Prentice, Auctioneers. WED., FEB. 16â€"Auction sale Jersey cattle, farm stock and implements, the property of J. W. McGloughlin, lot 30, con. 7, Vaughan Township. Terms cash. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. C. E. Walkington, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, FEB. 17thâ€"â€"Extensive sale of farm stock and implements. antiques and household furniture be- longing to J. W. Watson will be sold at his farm lot 12, con. 4. North York, at entrance to Daws Road, half mile south of Sullivans Cornâ€" ers. This is a large sale and will start sharp at 12 o’clock. No reâ€" serve. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. TUESDAY, MA’R. 1â€"Pub1ic Auction sale of farm stock, implements and grain, valuable property of George Rowntree, Lot 1, Con. 5, King Townâ€" ship, on Town line. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. C. saigeon, Auction- eer. WED., MARCH 2â€"Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Thomas 'Thomson,- lot 18, con. 3, Markham 'at Headford. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer. SATURDAY, MAR. Erâ€"Auction sale of farmstock, implements, hay, grain and furniture the property of Harry D. Wood, lot 3, con. 8, Vaughan Twp., just west of Woodbridge and south of No. 7 Highway. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. TUES, MAR. Zeâ€"Important auction sale of farm stock, implements, furn- iture, lumber, hay, roots, grain, etc. will be sold by public auction on lot 5, con. 3, King, 1 mile east of King City, the property of Walter Lloyd. Sale at 12.30 sharp. No reserve. Givinglup farming on account of ill health. J. H. and K. G. Prentice, auctioneers. \ . \‘N‘ 3w“ 'day School was held on Saturday afâ€" :ternoon. Owing to the lack of snow ithe sleighiudc was cancelled and the smaller children taken for a car ride and the older members en- joyed an aha-noon skating at the Ilocal skating rink. Supper was s '1‘\'â€" ed in the Sunday School room from 5 to 8 aid the mea'. pies and other delicious things served were enjoyed “'(‘l'(‘ which consisted of the openirg hymn, chorus by the primary class. solo las Robeson, fourâ€"year-old grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robeson who recited the twentyâ€"third Psalm. sOlO by Billie Armstrong, due-t by Billie and George Armstrong, recitation by ‘Betty Wilson and accordian solo by Frances Rumble. A travelogue with The annual sleighriding and skatâ€"’ mg party of the United Church Sun-i l THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO in Lindsay. A \‘alentiue 1021 with tea cup readâ€" iI'g. also a baking sale will be held in St. Stcplun's ('hurch Parish Hall on Saturday. l’cbruziry 12th at 3 p.m. Miss Doris Cook. music teacher. ‘held a music i'c.'it‘.11 at her home on by 219 people. A program followed ‘by Agnes Kinuee, recitation by Dou2‘~ , Floyd Perkins of their trip through‘ the Canadian West and the Western States. A vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and the committee in charge of the program and supper was given by Mr. Kiunce and second- ed by Dr. Routlty. The closed with «singing “Abide With Me" and prayer by Rev. fvlcCrimmon. A number of members of 1hc Pres- byterian Church Y.P.U. attended the St. Casino last. Wednesday evening. Ml'. Norman and Harry Robinson. Mrs. Robinson and Miss Ivy IIatw'ood of Guelph visited on Wednesday, January 26th with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Robeson. The regular meeting of the United Church Y.P.U. was held Monday ev- ening, with the president, Mrs. Mer- ritt, in the chair. Joyce Jones op- ened the program with the scripture reading and other numbers wererex- plantation of reading by Mrs. Arm- strong, an interesting talk by Mrs. Merritt, and a delightful solo “My Task" by Miss Marjory Bowes. Reserve the date February 23 for the presentation of “Adorable†by the Y.P.U. Late Christopher Hatwood The death occurred at Toronto General Hospital Wednesday, Janu- ary 26th of Christopher Columbus Hatwood. The deceased, who was in his 77th year, lived ror some twelve years at Concord and is survived by three daughters, Edna of Maple, Ivy of Aylmer and Lillian of Guelpn. His wife predeceased him 19 years ago. The funeral was held from Is- limgton Undertaking Parlors with Rev. J. R. McCrimmon of Maple in charge of the service. Interment followed in Maple cemetgry. Floral tributes included wreaths from Maple Choir and) Sunday School. We extend sympathy to Mrs. P. White in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Pearson of Weston, who died Monday in her year. __ _ 1 Mrs. J. Jollyi pm daughter Edith of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Norman Lund. Mr. Lloyd Pollock has returned to work after spending a month holi- ‘day at his home and his sister’s home s... Ill/Illll/ It 7, ' \RN . evening . of Aylmcr and Miss Lillian Hatwood ‘ pictures was given by Mr. and Mrs. I Vestry clerk. Friday ucnlug of last week. Purâ€" er-ts of the pupils were guests and the pupils who took part were: Lou- ise Mathewson. Betty Jackson, Ruth and Audrey ()liycr. Bruce and Kenâ€" neth Iloiles. Isobel Orr, Marjorie Bailey and Jean \Vilson and Bob Walker of King. A very pleasant evening was spent and the hostess served lunch at the close. The annual vestry meeting of St. Stephen‘s Anglican Church was held in the Parish llull on Monday even- ing with a good attendance. The rector, Rey. Ii. Worrall, was in the chair and Mrs. II. Bryan acted“ as A good financial state- imnt was presented with allotments paid and a balance on hand. Mr. II. Cook was re~electcd rcclr r‘s warden. Mr.lI. Bryan is secretary, Mr. J. Bessant. P. “'utms and J. Cook sidesmcn. Mr. Chas. Jackson delegate to SynOd. A ht’arty vote of thanks was given to Mrs. R. IV. Miller who gave flowers for the alter for the past year. l Mrs. J.. Roller Skating Party at the BloorlCrockcr of Toronto spent the weekâ€" Mrs. Isaac Watson and end at Mrs. Watson‘s home here. A play “\Vhispci‘ing YValls", a 3â€" act mystery,- comedy by Victoria Y. P. S. of Toionto will be given in Maple Community Hall on Friday. February 1th under the auspices of Maple Presliytirian Young People's lGu‘ld. The Horticultural Society annual meeting and election of officers was held in the Masonic Hall on Tues- day evening. Mr. J. Clarke of Torâ€" onto gave a splendid lecture with pictures on home beautification af- ter which he acted as chairman for the election of officers. Officers elected were: President, J. McDonald; i 1st Viceâ€"President, Mr. A. Cameron; 2nd Vice-President, G. Snider; Diâ€" rectors, Mrs. Allen, Mr. H. Bryan, Mr. W. Ingram, Mrs. L. Thompson, Mrs. M. McDonald, Chas. Roberts, Mrs. Bryan; Auditors, Mrs. Camer- on, Rev. Bowman; Delegates to con- vention at Royal York Hotel, Mrs. A. Cameron, Msr. H. Bryan, Mr. G. Snider; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. T. F. Jack- son. ' In 1937 the membership was 100 and the balance on handl $66.08. It was decided to hold a euchre in the Msaonic Hall Friday, February 25th. Good prizes. Services at Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday at 2.30 pm. when the pastor, Rev. E. Huenergard, will re- turn to his pulpit after a six month absence. On Sunday, February 13 Mr. Perli Raphman, a native Hindu of India, will lecture in Zion Lutheran church. M): Ralphman is one of the leading Lutheran laylmen of the church of India, and has been awarded the Sir: Vincent Massey Scholarship in Mathematics, the highest honor in India. All are cordially invited. OW on earth' can they build a car like this to sell at a price like that!†That’s what so many folks are asking us. There‘s something about Pontiac which wins you on sight. And after you’ve settled behind the wheel, right in the lap of luxury â€" . their ?lic RICHMOND HILL and tested all the top-notch'featuresâ€" you’ll be buying Pontiacs for the rest of your life. SAFETY SHIFT Gear Control heads the listâ€"and Pontiac's sure got something there! So get acquainted with this great new Pontiac. Try i out . . today. Pontiac “Special†Business Coupe (De Luxe Model: from $1004), a! factory, Oshawa, Ont. Full catalogue equipment included. Local delivered price determined by adding delay) charges which include: freight, Gmernmen! (a: and license lee. (Prices subyecl Io change without notice.) ONTARIO Rolling Motor Sales P-78 PR ()TESTS R A DIO TA X Letters from The People l l l I’.. R. :2. King. Ont. l l“t‘llil1‘.ll‘A\' lsi. lililg. ‘ Editor, The I.il)t'llll, Dciir Slit; . In ihe editorial columns of The, Libcral lust wcck appears the words. “Listen to the Holler", wherein you seek to justify the suggested raise in the tax on radios. I take issue with you in your attcmpt to condone this pernicious and unjust extra tax upon the radios in the homes of the l l Canadian people. It is like adding; insult to injury upon the already" overburdened taxpa; er, and I for' one, hope that the holler will be that loud and long. with reverberations that uil awalzeu a sense of shame, in the minds of those who are trying to foster this iniquitous tax upon the 1 people. About mile from my home are the great thr<~c hundred foot towers of ('FRB sending forth through the ether programmes that compare favourably with any on the American continent, and without one ï¬ll L‘ cent. of cost. to the Canadian tax- payer. Personally I have yet to see and hear the justll‘icat‘on of the‘. C.B.C. nor yet the princely salaries paid to its officials. The half dollar may seem small in your estimation; Mr. Editor, but may I point Out to you that it \\“\s the last straw that broke the camel's back. and I venâ€" turc to say that the majority of the people of this fair land are not pay- ing this tax without voicing opinion despite what you any one else might say to the con- trary. (-xt m or Vl'm. E. Barker.‘ APPEALS FOR FUNDS Editor, The Liberal Sir:â€" This is an SOS. call for the Pub- School Relicf Fund. There is still much need for this fund and any donation will be greatly appreciated. Many of the children would enjoy skating this fine winter weather but cannot get skates and boots. If any of the readers of your paper have any old pairs around the house, We would be glad to get them and‘ put them to good use. Thanking you in advance. M. L. McConaghy, 3 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill. NO USE FOR COUNTY COUNCIL Editor, The Liberal Sir:â€" I wish to commend you for your many fine editorials drawing atten- tion to the necessity for reform or abolition of our county council. I agree with you that there is no great necessity for a continuance of this expensive administrative body, but as a first step I would. suggest that we impress on our County members the rnecessity for cutting down the size of the York County bodly. Ima- gine fifty men down there for about six weeks in the year. I think half that number would do the work much more efficiently and ec0nomically. CIVIS Large-Crowd See Woodbridge Lose 8-3 Failing to hold a two goal lead the Woodibridge hockey representa- tives were defeated by the Canning- ton O.H.A. Intermediate team 8 goals to 3 in an exciting game played at the Robinson factory rink last Sat- urday night. The large crowd bravâ€" ing unpleasant conditions were treat- ed to a vigorous game of hockey, evi- dence of which is the reported brok- en nose and other injuries suffered The Woodbridge team’s line-up was as follows; Camâ€" by the players. THURSDAY, FEBRL'ARY 3rd, 1938. â€"_â€"â€"â€" Classified Advs. l THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT IlA'I‘ESil‘ i-ve uucs or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents. per line extra each insertion. FOR SALE | 11 FIGS 5 weeks old. Phone King 0231'13. Pyle Bros. ICE cut and loaded. Farms, Phone Maple 241'2. FOR SALE OR RENT farm of 115 acres. Mrs. D. Kerswill, Elgin Mills. II“ CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Don Head 6 ROOMED HOUSE. tre Street East, TO RENT HOUSE 0n Centre Street East. Ap~ ply Rustic Inn. Richmond Hiii. Apply 15 Cen- Richmond Hill. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, all conveni- ences. Hill. Apply II. McMillan, Richmond 1936 G. E. CAR RADIO. in good shape. Apply Liberal Office. GOOD TIMOTHY HAY. Apply Lot WANTED 1A1, Con. 3. Vaughan. Telephone ‘vlople 463. ONE REGISTERED AYRSHIRE bull. good stock getter. 2 apply C. Lee. Oak Ridges. l COOK. Apply Wcodbridge Hotel. ‘ WANTED TO RENT. from 50 to 100 years old, i acres. Apply {#2 Richmond Street. ' V GIRL or woman for general house- GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 I work. Mrs. Roy Bowes, phone Maple per cord delivered, cut any length.;69r14. Langstaff Supply (‘0., phone Thorn-i hill 73. PERCIIERON MARE, 10 years old. Leecthod Farm, 2‘3 miles east of ’l'hornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. AYRSHIRE COW due February 22, l l “m†" l Also 25 coming in with third calf. EXPERIENCED GI‘RL for Hill, phone 107. house- keeping position. Apply Richmond JOB AS C‘HAUFFEUR or truck driv- er. fully experienced. Berwick, Apply to Mr. Langstaff P.O. YOUNG MAN would like work of New Hampshire Pullets, laying. Ivor any kimb Experienced at truck driv- W. Lewis, R.R. 2, York Mills. 100 LEGIIORNS, pullets and year- liugs. Your own price. Must be sold. Apply Bowerbank, Stop 1 Yonge St. l er, ' clerk. station attendant and Phone Richmond'Hill 1r4. service 'HAVE PARTY wants to rent about 7A, ‘ April. * five Modern house with four or bedrooms, Richmond Hill or south, off Yonge on year round good GRANDFATHER CLOCK‘ antiquedroad. Write or phone Nelles, MO. made in Perth, Scotland in 1816 and in good condition. Apply Mrs. Mac- nab, 8 Catharine Ave., Aurora. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. TWO HOLSTEIN BULLS 10 months old, of Rag Apple breeding vdhose nearest dams average 4 per cent for the year by R.O.P. test. George Cooper & Sons, Willowdale. Eastern cattle (from T. B. Tested Area). Fresh cows and close-up Springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jer- seys, Durhams, T.B. tested and bload' tested. Purebreds and grades. Jack Devins, R.R. 2, Weston, 2 miles south of Woodbridge. Phone Woodlbridge 1364. 25 WORK HORSES. One car load select Horses just arrived from Drinkwater. Percherons, Belgians and) Clydesdales, 12 mares in foal, 4 wagon horses, match teams, ages from 3 years to 9 years. Good quiet horses, well broken to harness, at season’s prices. Oscar Cox, Unionâ€" ville, No. 7 Highway. w Progress Reported At Anglican Meeting Increased church . attendance, in- creased donations and satisfactory progress in all- departments was re- ported during the Christ Church, Woodbridge, annual vestrp meeting held in the Sunday School room last Monday evening. Pointing out that he was approaching the com- pletion of nearly 10 years of service in the parish, the rector, Rev. J. H. Kidd, expressed keen appreciation of the support given him in his end‘ea- vours. Financial statements showed' receipts from all sources totalling $4,024.30. Expenditures for the year were $3,272.81. The congregation eron Frankum, Jack Carroll, Lean, Dick Wilcox, Len Pettit. Hollingshead acted as referee. Canada Stock Health Leads icers chosen include: Si-desmen, I‘hos. The health of live stock in Cans Ring, G‘ H_ Maxey, E. Kasey, c. ada is second to none in the world Dr. A. E. Cameron, Chief Veterinary Inspector, Health of Animals Branch, Ottawa, said while in Toronto at tending the sixty-fourth an'nua meeting of the Ontario Veterinary Don McKenzie, Gord Bagg, Lyness Glass, Jack Halli, Bill Robb, Charlie Mc- Bill Association at the Royal York Hotel. ‘ Canada, he pointed out, was prac- tically free from hog cholera, for instance, which is still a menace in the United States. Hoof~and-mouth disease also was almOSt non-existent here, but still a problem in Europe. Canada's main problem continued to be tuberculosis in cattle, he said, but it was being steadily attacked. Already 2,000,000 animals had been examined, and in large areas of the Maritime Provinces and Quebec the incidence of positive reactors had been found to be only one-half of 1 per cent. Regulations, their rigid enforce- lment, and perhaps climatic condiâ€" 'ti0ns were probably responsible, said Dr. Cameron, for the healthy state 30f Canadian live stock. again decided to observe Daylight {Saving Time throughout the period of the changed time in Woodbridge. Mr. H. N. Smith was reâ€"elected Rec- tor’s Warden for the 15th consecu- tive year and Mr. Arthur Weatherill was re-elected People’s Warden for the 9th consecutive year. Other off- Cole, R. T. Wallace, R. Simpson, E. v Darker, Alf. Thompson, Ross Livingâ€" ston, Norman Maynard, Walter Linâ€" gard, N. Wiley, Arthur Chapman, W. ‘ Maxey, F. Golden, Mr. Brough, E. 1 ‘ Simipson, J. Kersey, R. Boynton, Wal- ter Rymill, Frank Reeves, R. Robb, R. Eberle, H. Weatherill; Vestry ‘Council and Cemetery Committee, the Wardens, R. T. Wallace, Ed. W. Brown, Mrs. H. N. Smith, Miss Mary» Wallace, R. Simpson, N. Wiley, A. Thompson, T. Cale, E. Kersey: Lay iDelegates to the Synod, E. Kerscy, 'T. Cole, R. Simpson; Vestry Clerk, Mrs. Ross Livingston; Auditors, W. S. Belfry and Ed. W. Brown. Following the business session lunch was served by the ladies of the congregation. The exâ€"Kaiserof Germany who has been living in exile in Holland since his hasty departure from Germany a few days before the close of the world war was seventy-nine years of age on January 27th. I 6468, Lansing. Monday, February MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM SAWING. Sawing of lum- ber at J. Constable’s on Maple side-- road between the 6th and 7th con- cessions. time. Logs may be left at any Evans and Ireland. Vaughan Council The regular February meeting of the Vaughan Township Coumil will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore 3 th 11.00 A.M. . for the transaction of General Business DATED at Maple this 3rd day of February, 1938. J. M. MCDONALD, Clark. Charles Graham MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farin Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 89 Beatty Farm Equipment R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars $595.00 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk â€"-Heater. Very nice. $550.00 1935 FORD V-S DeLUXE SEDAN with Trunk -â€"- GOOd value. $525.00. 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING TUDOR (with Trunk). Heater. Splendid Value. $425.0?) . 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPE-â€" Rumble Seat. New Tires. $7355.07) 1932 CHEVROLET COACH Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174â€"W .yy..,