Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTL'E of the Powers 01 bale contained m a lerl'L‘Wlatc of the big carnival to be held on Monday '4)‘ , ain mOr-tgagc, which will be duccd at the time of sale there be oftered for sale by _ A. M. McEwen. Auctioneer ZII PUBLIC AUCTION * on ~â€" WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1938 at the hour of one-thirty o‘clock in the afternoon at the farm of STEPHEN J. HANDS, _ RH. No. l. Unionville, Ontario The following property, namely, ALL AND SINGULAR that certâ€" ain parcel or tract of land and premâ€" ises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham, in the Coun- wrll ty- of York, being composedof the. South half of Lot number Eight. in. the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Markham. containing! EXCEPTâ€"l less, AND THERE- west 100 ING FROM one acres, more or TllEREOUT rod on the north angle of the southâ€"east quarter as' mentioned in Jonathan Leman's deed and ALSO SAVING AND EXCEPTâ€" ING a five~acre parcel more parti- cularly described in Partial Dis- charge of mortgage dated July 26. 1934. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. The lands will he sold subject to a Reserve Bid. TERMS OF SALEzâ€"Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent. per annum. V For further particulars and Con- ditions of Sale refer to W. ERIC STEWART, K.C.. East Block Parliament Bldgs., Torcnto. Ontario, Solicitor to the Mortgagce. DATED at Toronto this 25th day of January, 1938. WWW Lehigh Valley “The Coal That Satisfies” ANTHRACITE Jones Coal Co. Phone 188 1938. UNIONVIL E firth Wednesday, February is the} Memorial Rink. Fifty given away in prizes at ('rosby ldoilai‘s will be land a record crowd is expected tor‘ 01-211. Don't miss the carn- |ival next Wednesday, February filth. l The regular mon hly meeting of‘ lthe Markham council will be hcldi ‘iMonday next, Feb. 7th. r l The Women's Auxiliary of the B r)" rScouts will hold a bridge and euchre 'Thursday evening, February 10 coni- Several splendid | . lmencing at R p.m. and a qudt will. Re- !prizes are offered lbe ruffled the same evening. lfrcshments will be served. Tickets‘ 25 cents. The Auxiliary carry on a nery commendable work and your“ support by patronizing this event will be appreciated. this id: CENTRAL I'NITED CHURCH I‘NIONVIIdrE Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 2.111.7(‘hurch School. 11 a.m.#s“A Woman‘s Prayer for a New Day." p.m.â€"“A Sensitive Mind in a Hard Place." 1 ERENEZER Linnea CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"â€"Church School. 2.30 pansâ€"“A Women's Prayer for a ‘ New Day." Nobleton Students ‘ Among Thriftiest r Noblctcn Public School is one ofrl three schools inithe Province to atâ€"r tain a weekly average percentage of 100, according to .3. R. Little-“proud, Inspector of the Ontario Penrny Bank. It is the only school in York County to attain this figure. Grand Avenue School, Humber Bap, has 98 per cent. and Memorial School, Weston, 60 per cent. All other schools in the county are below 50 per cent. READ IT OR NOTâ€"A horse has no eyebrows. Feed raised by Master Fee MASTER DAIRY F more feeders every day DAIRY FEED (24%) and milk production. FEED is the NEW and freshening dairy cows! MASTER POULTRY FE this year. ever made in Canada (all duced by birds started on and grown on MASTER FIRST THREE WINNERS in the tion for Wiltshire Sides at the ders â€"â€" CONCENTRATE and MAS EEDS are being used by more and TRATE (32%) are ideal f0 MASTER D The highest recor Master |reading. ,in B Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. (Etrl Swanson let: i on a two weeks visit , \\'L‘.ll friends in Saritia, IJet‘r'oit and o t. i- .ll‘ Mmliiu'an. Miss Mary llurnctt, Jefferson, cn- tcrtained a few of her Richmond Hill friends at. a delightful party last Friday. Mr. Ilugh Carter of the Bank of (‘oinmerce staff left this week take up his new duties at West Hill. Mr. Harris Third of town is the new: member of the local staff. ‘t o The Presbyterian w. A. will hold, a Valentine Tca at the Maitse Friâ€"l day afternoon, February llth froml 3 to 6 p.m. Admission There will be tea cup; 25 cents. ‘ There were fifteen tables in play, at. the annual bridge and L'Ilt'l‘ll‘f‘ sponsored by the School and Home“ ‘(‘lnb and held last Friday evening" llll' High School “gym”. Prize winners were as follows: bridge, Mi‘s.‘ ,I.. A. Ilill, Mrs. O. L. Wright. J. R. Ilcrrington, John Martin. 11. V. lienâ€"l lslraw: euclirc. Mrs. G. Bishop. George: Il:1\vkes and Miss G. Lever. Mr. IL} ‘V. Ilciishaw, president of the Schooll and Home (‘lub thanked the fi»llow'«', 1 ~ » , ing who donated prizes, Mrs. Ilt-r~ rington. P. E. Angle, J. A. Greenul lL. lI. Clement. Mrs. R Paris, Mrs. ‘ Evelyn llr-pburn, daugh‘er of Mr. and‘ R. D. Little, Mrs. II. I,. Donaldson. and Mrs. A. linger. Reeve J. A. Greene presented the prizes and paid‘, tribute to thg splendid work carricdl on by the School and Home (‘luh.j The committee in charge are grateâ€", ful to all who provided refreshments} and helped in any way to make thcl event such a fine success. CELEBRATE!) 25TH l ANNIVERSARY The Richmond Hill Womin's In»‘ stitute celebrated its 25th anniversâ€" ary last Thursday evening. The pro-r gram included the presentation of ai oneâ€"act farce comedy and a number of contests and games. Mrs. D. M. Chamney sang and led the gathering in Community singing. Mrs. Fred Lynett and Miss E. McLean, charter members, poured tea. Other chart- cr members present were, Dr. Lillian W. I. i THE LIBERAL‘, RICHMOND HILL, ON _____,â€"_â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘ You :grcencry. 'I‘Alizt‘: th‘IIMOND HILL I’I‘BLIC SFHOOI. l TEAM Wle FROM THORNIIILI. Richmond llill Public School c ‘lcaguc so uts on the lookout tor stars ot the future would be well advzsed to cast a glance at the local Last night they plagâ€" itam and Vere puckâ€"chin: r», ed 'l‘liornhill school ___.___-_,.â€" _ TO PRESENT PLAY “Whispering Walls", a 3-(1"i I!l\‘r* has tcry coined; will be presented in illL ‘t hockey team this year and bit: (‘oniinunity llall, Maple, Fri.. Febru- ary lltl‘. by Victoria Y.I‘.S. of Ti- ronw under the auspicts if Maple XII”. Gull. IN M EMORIAM victorious by a score of S to 1. AMP (‘t)\'I§Ylll'(‘KAAIn lovirg memory of tlrrci- of '.\\'o, lcy atcountcd for the Dying Ross netted Bill White two, and Ken Shields oned (‘lark Smith the nets mi“ Thornhill's lone counter. Tonight uni txhibition game with the High School first form planned and nevt Thursday Aurora's highly rated youngsters will visit here. The ‘eains Wednesday afternoon were: Thornâ€" lliliaby goals. liulgt d is lllllâ€"iUtifll. D. Woodly; dufence, D. Archibald, F. \'arley; forwards. B. , ('olhoun. C. Smith, D. Paislrv; al- ternates. B. Goodchild. A. Daskaluk, F. Teller. Richmond IIillâ€"iGcal, Murray llunt, defence, T. Evelyn and V. Mitt-ht ll; forwards, B. White, M.‘ llillahy. I. Ross; alternates, K. Sthlds. E. Burnic, ll. Ressor. Frank I). Wellinan, I). Wolfreys Palmer. and G. iWEDDTNG 1Hl.l)0(‘l(-IIEI’BI'RN (‘ihahners Presbyterian church. UKâ€" was the background for the‘ Saturday of Helen, brrdu'l', marriage last ‘ Mrs. David T. llepburn. to George \V. Balriock. of Weston. formerly of Hill, srn of Thomas Balâ€" Toi‘onto :1in the late Mrs. Ealrlml-z. Rev. P. ThOrnton Meek of-l firiatcd. with Fred Pollctt of \Ves- ion at the organ. Silver standards of yellow daffodils and hucklcherâ€" used as decorations with The guest pews were de-‘ Riclunond dock of ries were: i _ . . ('rown Dccd given John Dunning, will corath with clusters of the flow- CI‘S. l lohn Thrinas Covcyduck, who died. February illt‘ t'ourtlr. 1‘.l..’.\. Wife and . .. l Pamriy.‘ BIRTH l BOWENâ€"0n January 21st to Mi.l and Mrs. William Bowen, Langstaft. a son, Gerald Douglas. ‘ l V V V N I sT. JOHN'S (‘lII'Rt‘H ‘ Oak Ridges 3 Sunday. February on. ‘ Service at C‘) p.m. ' Sunday School at 13.31) p.m. l The Bus will leave the corner. The “The (A‘rtailelf' _l 3.l.rl r i a. sermon subject; Wooded Area at King To Re Game Sanctuary An area of about 175 acres, part, of the old Dunning estate, establish-l ed more than a century ago by a shortly change hands, following its sale to an unnamed purchaser. Situ-, aierl on the highest level of land be-E tween Lake Ontario and Lake Simw cue, the area wooded, which has remaintd undisturbed for two gent-rations. arid in which deer are riftcn seen. The new owner inâ€" tends to conserve the scenic beauty of the estate and provide protection for game and bird life. densely is Intimates call him Franklin; help- ers call him The Chief; supporters call him Roosevelt; enemies call him ,Sunday, Feb. 6th ratio; FIVE RICHMOND IIILI. I‘RESBI TERIAN (‘HL'RCH .l. D. (‘ui‘nnyv‘hnr B.l)., Minister February 13th Season." ‘ It: Su nday. .â€"w“In Due Sunday School, "(id's Will and Man's \Vitu.» H \s. 11 'I _...r 51.21:: '. 11 L4- in t‘hrr: s l.r.-sp.' ..\ 111 play“ 'i ll':i‘:‘lil,\l.'1t‘>.\ :ind gleam. lilt HMOND HILL I'Nl'l‘El) ('III'RCH (Z W. Foilett. B.l).. Pastor Sunday, February 6th a.mWPubl.c Worship. subject, “Household Foes." 2.43 p.m.r School. All Deâ€" partrncnts. T 1*.Ill.iSlii)_l-'Ci. “The Demoniac â€" 'Fllt‘ FHWc: of Sin.” A brief song service of old favorite tcv. I 11 Sermon Sunday liyi“.'.‘.~ begins at 7 sharp. The pastor at both services. All wel- conic. ST. M .‘vRY 'S CHURCH (Anglican) RIFIIMONI) IIILL W. Wrixorr, L.Th. Epiphany 5. 11 Ll.lll.~*II(£ly Communion and Ser- le\'. 1'. Er't'i or: mon. Subject, “Le/e: Golden Key." 2’. p.m.â€"Sunday School and Bible Class. p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser» mon, “The Sacredness of the Ten (Ionniandnicnts." 1st. Command- lllI‘E‘. The Sexrcdncss Of $06. “Thou shalt have no other gods be- fore me." (Ex. 20:53.) First in a special course to be delivered on Sunday evenings. TESTON Mr. Alvin Walker is recovering from his accident some weeks ago, The Administration. Th0 Mid“ given in marriage ll" WWWWOWWN THE SACREDNESS of The TEN BUMMANDMENTS y her father. wore a gown of calla lily vclvet, cut in moulded silhOuette. Her veil was of egg shell tulle, halo fashion, and caught with orange blossoms, a short veil in front cov- ering the face, and the very long back veil extending into a train. The bride carried lilies of the valley and white carnations showered with carâ€" nation petals, maidenhair fern and gardenias. Langstaff, Mrs. R. S. Cooper, Mrs. Monkman, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. FOR BETTER RESULTS Sainsbury Competi- Royal Winter Fair were MASTER PIG FEED TER PIG STARTER! MASTER GAINMAKER ASTER DAIRY CONCEN- r long-time, trouble-free RY AND FRESHENING TTER feed for dry and M BE EDS are setting new records (I for a year’s production breeds considered) was pro- MASTER CHICK STARTER GROWING MASH! THIRTY BIRDS owned by L. F. Bevan of Thornhill, Ont., qualified in Official R from 207 to 313 eggs per .O.P. this year with records bird per year on MASTER RED HEAD EGG MASH C.L.O.! Get on to MASTER Feeds NOW! Wilfred R. Dean Thornhill, Ontario SEoâ€"té 'Ars COME AND HEAR TH m m“ ... -..._., r â€" Admission‘ 25¢ "a. I .4. .a. l WWWWO’WOWO MASONIC HALL Richmond Hill Mon, Feb. 7th COMIC SONGS AND THE GAELIC SINGER. SEE THE SCOTCH DANCERS AND THE CLOWNS IN AID OF BALMORAL PIPE BAND OF RICH- MOND HILL UNIFORM FUND Resétéd Seats"3 Plan of Hall at Glenn's Drug Store :mâ€" -_ gm“... than; oncert m I P.M. ‘ E PIPES AND SCOTCH an... . runway-aw â€"‘_ 5c- 'York. N. J. Glass, and Miss Moodie, SCOUT CONFERENCE A conference of Scout leaders fol- lowed by a banquet will take place at the Royal York on Saturday next. The guest speaker at. the banquet will be the Governor General, Lord Weedsmuir, P.C., G.C., M.G., CI.H., the Chief Scout of Canada and the President of the Canadian General Council, Sir Edward Beattyi, G.B.E., K.C., L.L.D., will also be present. The afternoon meeting will be held at 3.30 p.m. when a demonstration of Scouting will take place frOm Culbbing into Scouting and Rover-ing. Group committee men are cordially invited to attend. At the banquet 8 scouts are to receive their King Scout badges frOm Lord Tweedismuir and their pictures are to hang in the parliament build- ings, Ottawa. One of the scouts was formerly a Cub in the 48th Pack, Miss M. H. Conner being his former “Cub mistress. DANCE AT VELLORE Vellore W. I. will hold a dance at the Township Hall, Vellore, Friday, February 18fl.. Catania’s orchestra, E. Evans, floor manager. Progress- ive Euchre. Lunch provided. Adâ€" mission 35 cents. HOT SUPPER Hear Toronto Maple Leafs speak about Hockey. Enjoy a hot supper! Support and encourage Our Young People’s Society. Be at the United Church Monday, February 7th at 6 [NHL All for 25c. NUISANCE MUST STOP Jokesters with a distorted) sense of humor who have been ringing Yonge Street door bells are due for a sad awakening one of these days accord- ing to local authorities. Some of the guilt“ parties are known and if the practice is not stopped action will be taken against offenders. Dies At Age Of 99 Years Mrs. Rebecca Pearson, widow of George Pearson, died at the home of her son-in-law, Aaron Goddard. sixth concession, North York, yesterday, in her 99th year. Mrs. Pearsnn was born in Chin- guacousy Township, daughter of pioneer parents who had come to this country from England. When she married George Pearson they took up residence at Etobicoke where they resided for 50 years, later going to the home of her son-in-law in North l Mrs. Pearson was a Presbyterian. The procession» of bridesmaids in- cluded Mrs. Lawrence Newton of To- ronto as matron of honor, Elsie Shier, Elizabeth Shier of Toronto. and; Sheila Croskeryr of Ottawa as junior bridesmaid. Marion Low act- ed as flower girl. The attendants wore velvet frocks all out like that of the bride, but with heart-shaped neckline, the matron of honor in tur- quoise blue and the bridesmaids in American beauty shade. The fIOWâ€" er girl's frock was of calla lily vel- vet. The attendants wore matching Schiaparelli bonnets, with os’trich- tipped. brims and tied‘ under the chin. The ‘matron of honor’s flowers were a colonial bouquet of purple and red anemones, yellow freesias, violets, forgetâ€"me-nots, all edged with scar- let carnation petals. The bridesmaids carried colonial bouquets, variegated flowers, edged with for? get-me-nots. The flower girl’s pen- d'ulum bouquet was a soft rosette of dainty flowers. Jack Low was best man and thel ushers were Walter D. Hepburn, To- ronto, brother of the bride; Charles Hanna, Walter Baldock, Mt. Dennis. brother of the groom, and Ernest Carruthers of Weston... A reception was held at the bride’s home, Uxbridge, the bride‘s mother welcoming-the guests in a gown of parma velvet, matching accessories and) orchid corsage. 'Later the couâ€" ple left by motor for points west. the bride travelling in a smart black crepe dress trimmed with the new Schiaparelli pink, a smart lblack baku straw sailor, with veil, a black seal coat, black accessories and corâ€" sage of gardenias. On their return the couple will live in» Weston. Gardhouse Head; Insurance Board W. J. Gardhouse, M.L.A. of Thistle- town, was named president of the Peel County Farmers’ Mutual Insur- ance Co., and S. O. McDonald, Chel- tenham, was elected vice-president, at the annual meeting of policy-holdL ers, Saturday. Frank Thomson was re-engaged as secretary-treasurer at the meeting of the board of direct- ors. Directors for the following year: J. M. Dolson, Brampton; J. H. Ruth- erford, Bolton; Thomas Bryans, Mal- ton; H. A. Pattinson, Clarkson'; J. A. Fletcher, Brampton, and W. W. Lit- tle, Brampton. Assets of the company, it was re- ported. total $155,028, and liabilities $87,021. There was a small decline in the number of policies in force at the end of the current year, compared to that of December, 1931‘), 8,690 policies, totalling 827,578,673 being in force at the beginning of the current year, and R116 policies in force, representing risks of $27,-‘ She is survived by one son, F. Pearâ€" ‘MWWOO 0096”. son, Malton, and two daughters, Mrs. A. Goddard, North York, and Mrs. Parriel White. Maple. 682,569 at the beginning of 19717. Fire losses during 1037 were 843,303. The company has a cash balance on . hand of 3453114. l also of I A special course of sermons to be delivered by the 3 REV. W. F. WRIXON . ’ , I I Sunday Ev gs, St. Marys Church, Richmond HI“ 1. The Sacredness of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 6th 2. The Sacredness of' Worship . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 13th 3. The Sacredness of the Name . . . . . . . . Feb. 20th 1 4. The Sacredness of the Sabbath . . . . . . Feb. 27th 1 5. The Sacredness of Parenthood . . . . . . . Mar. 6th 6. The Sacredness of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 13th 7. The Sacredness of the Body . . . . . . . . . . Mar. 20th 8. The Sacredness of Property . . . . . . . . . Mar. 27th 9. The Sacredness of Speech . . . . . . . . . . Apr. '3rd 10. The Sacredness of Desire . . . . . . . . . .. Apr. 10th Cut this out and plan to follow this course. Services at 7 p.m. . WEEK-END CAMPBELL’S SOUP, Vegetable, tin . . . . . . . . . 9c. UPTON’S ORANGE MARMALADE, 2 lb. jar . .. 19c. . ORANGES, Sunkist, large, dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c. l JELLY POWDERS, 5 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c. I OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, tin . . . . . . . . . 9c. v JEWEL SHORTENING, 2 lbs. . . . . . 25c. LUX TOILET SOAP, cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6c. MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lb. bag . . . . . . 27c. WHITE BEANS, 3 lbs. .. .. . . . . . . . 13c. PRUNES,3lbs........ . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..25c. PURE CREAM CAKES, each . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 20c. SALMON, large tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c. CRISCO, 1 1b. tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c. Phone 117 l COMPARE OUR PRICES KERR BROTHERS BAKERS â€" BUTCHERS â€" GROCERS SPECIALS Richmond Hill ’1‘ AunonA* LORETTA YONG - WARNER BAXTER - VIG “ WIFE, DOCTOR AND NURSE ” Good emotional drama, with excellent comedy relief. INIA BRCE i “ TEXAS to-goodness Western. Also WM. GARGAN of several passenger planes. MYRNA LOY - C One of the finer productions of its Action is the keynote of this “Hopalong Cassidy”. riding, bronco busting and stampeding horses make it a real honest- MONDAY & TUESDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 - 5 WM. BOYD - JUDITH ALLEN - GEORGE HAYES in TRAIL ” Gun battles, hard - JEAN ROGERS in “ REPORTED MISSING ” An adventure story, about the mystery surrounding the crashing And POPEYE THE SAILORMAN CARTOON FEBRUARY 7 - 8 LARK GABLE in “ PARNELL ” type, it is highly entertaining not only as a love story but as an illuminating historical document. “ WINGS OVER Excellent aviation shots. Also LYNN OVERMAN “ PARTNERS A prixz' t invcstignti r and - " -'.’-p.t'u...'.»..:.'-wm ~\,y l2i: lion's ' A. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 - 10 . TWO FEATURES RJAY MILLANI) â€" WINDY BARRIE in HONOLULU ” thrilling and delightful entertainment. â€" nost‘or. KAR.‘S in IN CRIME ” piper pal. get mide u} I'd-5s I ...y'.;.m'.u.4.=, mag-‘4‘ ...- .- ) in pol:th

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