Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1938, p. 6

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COUNTRY CONVERSATION Friendly conversation is an art which is rapidly disappearing. In the rush of modern city life, people seem to find little time for a pleasant chat with their neighbours. Indeed, the average city dweller of today scarcely knows the people who live next door. In rural districts the case is different. Country folk are gener- ally more friendly, and find time to exchange more than a casual word of greeting. But, here too, the art is slowly losing ground. The auto- mobile has speeded up the tempo of life. The telephone has reduced the personal element. It is no longer necessary to conduct business face to face. We find it; much easier to reach for the telephone and deal with a somewhat tiny voice. Today We- are seldom content to spend an evening just talking with friends. We cannot enjoy ourselves unless we are going to the movies, bridge, dances, or some other-artificial enâ€" tertainment. We could regain our facility in- conversation by a little practice. Un- less we do, we will lose that common ground which leads to understand‘ ing' and friendship. And we would be losing much. It would be a great insult to one civilization if people should cease altbgether to be mutu- ally interesting. BROTHERTON’S Steamshlpgfil‘ig ; Phone HYland 2081 Open Evenings Res. Phone 9788 MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Special Sailjh‘gs to the Homéland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anehor-Dmmidson lines at Lowest. Rates. Photos and Pa55ports Secured All enquiries confidential We- look after your wants right from your hom'e. Phone .Wiliowdale 63.1 0ffice,.St0p 6 Yonge St.,', Lansing CANADIAN NATIONAL IRAILWAYS FREIGHTâ€"Pick up and delivery om. and Que. stations. C.O.D. shipp- ing afrangements. ' EXPRESSâ€"Rid: .hp‘and delivery all points. Money Orders. TRAVELâ€"Rail Sleaper tickets. Reservations arranged. STEAMSHIPâ€"Reservations arrang- ed, all fines. Passports. TELEGRAPHâ€"A11 lines. Cable ser- vice. Telegraphic money trans- fers. Johnston & Granston Y. B. TRACY. Agent Phone- 169 C.N.R. ‘WQOOQOOOOW TINSMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBING HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F Granite Monuments 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Bet/ween Mertan & Ballicl Sts. PAGE SIX Phone Willowdale 272W Tires from $1.00 up GLASS INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAITâ€"Reasonable Cars and Trucks Wanted “Tony Saves You Money” York Auto Wreckers. R. H. KANE “IF IT’S FOR A CAR OR TRUCK WE HAVE IT” Le 6189 Yonge St. le 272W Newtonbrook Branch, Oak Ridges C.N.R. station Principals of Grading The grading of farm products is based on the principle that it is sound .business to classify live stock in such a way that the consumer will be able to recogn.ze and purchase quality products, and that the price premium which the consumer will pdy for the better grades should be returned to the producer of them. Practice has proven the value of the theory involved in the grading prin- ciple. Grading activities have been a tremendous incentive to quality production, with resultant price bene- fit to producers. NEWS AND INFORMATION Gather Eggs O-fum Eggs should be gathered at least twice a day. and three times daily is better during hot weather. The time of one gathering should be just before dark or as near to it as prac- ticable. This last. gathering may not produce a great number of eggs, but since broody hens will commonly search out the nest containing eggs after the day’s laying has ceased, failure to gather late in the day-is a common source of distinct deteri- oration. Each gathering should be placed in the coolest part of the cellar if no other cool spot is available, as soon as gathered. Eggs should not be put into cartons or cases imme- diately if this can be avoided. The ideal container for cooling eggs is a wire tray. A wire basket is the next best, and perhaps the most practical. These baskets are waste paper conâ€" tainers. Feed a Balanced Ration If there is one thing more than any other .the importance of which is stressed in hog feeding, it is that grains alone are not enough to make good hogs. and that for the produc- tion of the select bacon type hog it is important that a balanced ration be fed. In many parts of Canada, particu- larly throughout the Prairie Prov- inces, there is an abundance of cheap grain feeds which as they stand are unmarketable, but when fed to live stool: quite attractive prices can be realized. W'here grains alone are fed the live stock product is seldom satâ€" isfactory and to get worthwhile re- sults a protein supplement must be included to balance the ration. Skim milk or buttermilk in some form is the ideal protein supplement in hog feeding. These, however, are not>always available but because these are not available is no reason why other equally good forms of protein supplement should not be used. A very fine type of pork can be produced through feeding tankage, a layâ€"product of the packing indus- try. This provides an animal proâ€" tein supplement ideal"'for hOg feed- ing, and at the present time this can be obtained essentially at. cost. _ Breeding Troubles Following long winters with deep snow, as this winter promises to be, a great deal of trouble is usually experienced with hairlessness in young pigs, goitre in calves and lambs, and joint ill in foals. It is suggested that these troubles may be traced to a lack of iodine in. the thvroid gland of the pregnant fe- male, and losses from this cause may be avoided by feeding iodine, in the form. of potassium iodide. Potassium iodide has a generally stimulating effect, toning up the Whole system, and exerts a particu- larly strong influence on the gener- ative organs. Females which are apâ€" parently non-breeders will often be- come pregnant after this drug has been administered for a few months. For cows, dissolve two ounces of potassium iodide in a cup of warm water; sprinkle this solution over 100 pounds of salt spread evenly'and in a thin layer on a clean floor, and mix well. When the salt is dry, place it in a box where the animals have 1free access to it. For ewes, follow lthe same method as for cows. For sows, dissolve one ounce of potassium iodide crystals in. one gal- FOR THE BUSY FARMER I Supply: Red‘ clover, Bellewlle, 70,- ‘000 pounds; Broclrville, 9,000 pounds; Lower Ottawa Valley, 18,000 pounds; .Upper Ottawa Valley, 5,000 pounds; Northern Ontario and Western Que- bec, 6,500 pounds. Total 108,500 pounds. { Alfalfa: Belleville, 200,000 pound; lBrockville, 43,000 pounds; Upper Canada Valley, 10,000 pounds. Total, ; 253,000 pounds. i Alsike: Belleville, 15,000 pounds; ‘Northern Ontario and Western Que- Ibec, 3,500 pounds. Total, 18,500 pounds. . u; water, and mix one tablespoon per sow daily in the feed or drinkâ€" ing; water. For mares, give each mare a half a teaspoonful of potass- ium iodide in the feed grain or water on the first and fifteenth of each month. ’ I1 per pound, Brockville 3 to 4 1/2c; lower Ottawa Valley, 4 to 5 1/2c; certified No. 1, 5 2/5c; Benevmej lcountry run seed, 3 to 4c; 'sweet‘ |clove1', basis N0. 1, per pound. Brock- iville, 10c; country run seed, 5 to 7c; :Belleville country' run seed, 7 to 80; itimothy and alsike mixture, basis N0. ‘1, per pound, Lower Ottawa Valley, 8% alsike, 7c; Northern- Ontario and Western Quebec, country run seed, 7 to 9c per pound; red clover mixture, Northern Ontario and Northwestern Quebec, country run- seed, 18 to 20c | per pound. month“ Meat: prices were unchanged; lamb " selling well and veal scarce, outlet Eastern“ Northern, and Central and 10in offered at 30¢..l~b., roast art Ontano I 18c and 20c and liver, which was Demand: The small crop of alslke snapped up quickly, at 30c 1b.; sans- and red clover is now mostly sold age was 2 lbs. for 25c 18c and 25C and "‘05" 0f the best qualities of lb.“ lard 2 lbs. 25c. Blltter was 35c alfalfa has beenlsold also ,by the 1b.. eggs 25c to 33c dozen. mast_ growers' some “ed Clover has "pt ing chicken, 28c and 30c 1b. Herring yet been threshed but that, remainlng and Whitefish sold well. Rabbits‘ is not extenswe. The demand is very were we each 300d for red Clover’ 300d alfalfa and Mushrooms were on several stands, mmxe, Lan‘ 101‘ sweet. clover and gen- erally poor for timothy although there is some movement of timothy m Lhe Brockville and Belleville areas. Timothy: Believille, 300,000 pounds; Brockville, 480,000 pounds; Lower Ottawa Valley,- 640,000 pounds; Nor- thern Ontario and Northwestern Quebec, 90,000 pounds. Total, 1,510,- 000 pounds. Total, 172,500 Timothy and alsike mixtures: Nor- thern Ontario and Northwestern Quebec, 50,000 pounds. Sweet clover: Belleville, 150,000 pounds; Brockville, 22,500 pounds. Prices: Red clover; basis N0. 1 per pound, Brockville, 21 1/2 to 22 l/Zc; Lower Ottawa Valley, 24 to 26¢; Up- per Ottawa Valley, 24 to 23c. Belle- ville country run seed, 15 to 18c; alfalfa, Ibasis No. 1 per pound, Brock- vil'le, 26 to 28c. Upper Ottawa Val- ley 20 to’ 22c; Belleville country run seed, 13 to 18c; alsike, Belleville, 20 to 25c; Northern Ontario and West- ern Quebec, 20c; timothy basis No. Southwestern Ontario Demand: The situation has not changed much since last month; the demand for all items except timothy is good. Seed merchants are report- ed to be quite active in obtaining supply for the domestic trade and for export. ‘ Supply: Red clover, 116,500; alf- alfa, 385,000 pounds; alsike, 52,000 pounds; sweet clover, 335,000 pounds; timothy, 1,700,000 pounds. Prices: Red clOver, per pound, basis No. 1, 22c; country run, 16 to 200; alfalfa, per .pound, basis No. 1, 25c; country run, 17 1/2 to 22c; al- sike, per pound, basis No. 1, 28c; country run, 17 1/2 to 22c; sweet clover, per pound, basis No. 1, 6 1/2c; country run 3 to 5c; timothy, per pound, basis No. 1, 9c; country run, 6 to 7c. - ODE TO A PUP My dog is a nuisanhe, an absolute ‘pest; ' With him in the house there is truly no rest. He leaves dirty tracks on the mir« rot-bright floor, And scratches the paint from the tidy front doer. He slobbers his water and spills half his food; , ' The rugs are all gnawed and slip- pers are chewed. He sheds tufts of hair and he seat~ ters his fleas; ' He buries his bones under bushes and trees. He keeps us awake every night with his yaps; The neighbors all curse him for spoiling their maps. I’ll stand it no longer; I’m getting fed up. I'won’t be a slave to that bother. some pup! SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt quofingt Gyproc THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL Telephone 27 Spring was in the air at North York Market on Saturday. There were pussy willows there, the first forget-meâ€"nots, a pot, of crocus or hyuacint-hs, and nearby delicious-look- ing pink rhubarb, bunches of crisp, red radishes, and on many stands broiling chickens. Mushrooms were on several stands, prices varying from 29c to 33c 11b. Spinach was 100 and 15c basket] celery 15c bunch, 2 for 25¢; carrots", parsnips, beets and; onions from 5c small box up; turnips 5c each; cab- bage 5c, 8c and 10c each; cauliflow- er 100 to 30c each; leaf lettuce, green onions, watercress and pepper crass, 3 for 10c. Several stands carried home-made salad dressing at prices from 10c to 306 jar. The flower stands were well stock- ed amd sales were good. Tulips were 75c and: $1 bunch, red: roses 2 for 25¢, Talisman 3 for 50c, carnatiOns $1 to $1.50 dozen, daffodils 50c and 60c dozen, Iris $1.60, snapdragons and stocks $1.75, lily-of-the-valley $1.25, ferns 50c up, potted spring flowers from 15c to 500. Pretty novelty Sweetheart bouquets at $1.25 each consisted of pink amid white tulips, forget-me-nots and steevia. Pussy willows were 15c bunch. Nellâ€"“I hear that you and Elmer are engaged. I don’t suppose he told‘ you that he was engaged to me last .Bellâ€"“Well, dear, he did- say some- thing about there being things in his past he was ashamed of, but he didn’t, go into details.” year Res. 82W YORK MARKET RICHMOND HILL R. R. Laying Mash and R. R. Hatchability Mash give high returns Hess Stock Tonic will tone up all farm animals H. T. H. -â€" 15 will check rou-p and clear it up Telephones Ies. 82W Mil] 139 THE MILL 9n Hereford Cow, bred Hereford COW, bred Shorthorn Cow, bred Holstein Cow. due about An Holstein Cow. in full flow Ayrshire Heifer, due time of Four 2-year-old Heifers Three Calves, 4 months old Two Fat Cattle Yc rkshire Yorkshire 103 Ewes in lamb 2 Eegispered Oxford Down Ram Lambs 1 Purebred Hampshire Ram 1 Goat, female About 40 Hens L‘ RC 2 Ducks and a Drake 1 Gander and 2 Geese HAY. GRAIN. ROOTS, SEEDS Quantity of Baled Hay Quantity of Oats 15 Ton Turnips Sntall Quantity of Clover Seeds At Lot 16, Com. 9, Township of Vaughan At ELDER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1938 97 acres more or less farm property; lots of water, good fences, large bank ham, 2 housesâ€"both in good condition, 7 acres seeded to wheat, about 55 acres seeded to alfalfa and sweet clover. TERMS:â€"$3,000 cash. Balance, mortgage at 6% per annum. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM PROPERTY, STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS All must be sold as Mr. The ROBERT CAMPBELL Sow, bred Sow, due time of sale SHEEP undersigned has received instructions from POU LTRY CATTLE bred bred bred due abqut April. 13’: PIGS To Sell by Public Auction sold as Mr. Campbell is ‘giving up farming Sale will start at 1 p.m. MANNING McEWEN, Auctioneer, Weston esters Farm Property TERMS : CASH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1938. IMPLEMENTS Massey-Harris Binder, 7 ft., n-early new Cockshut-t Manure Spreader, nearly new Massey-Harris 13 Hoe Drill, nearly new McCormick-Deming: Horse Rake, new Masseyâ€"Harris 16 Plate Disc, new Frost & W'ood Mower Cultivator Sets Harrmvs Wagon and Box Hay Rack Set Iron Trucks with Gravel Box Turnip Drill, near‘lv new Massey-Harris” Root Pulper, new Scuffler. new VVfllkiwr Plow$ \thllmrrow Rm: Truck Ba: Heidel- Set Short Slings New lmuden Big Lift Hay Car with 2.10 *‘oot new inch rope Sten Ladder, new Fxtension Ladder, new Number of Grain Bags 1 Set Scales 6 Movable Sheep Racks 1 Massey-Harris Cream Separator 1 Oak Barrel i1 Crosscut Saw ‘1 Roll Barbed Wire ’1 Pie: Crate Number of Neckyokes and Whiffle- trees Numer of Logs fer Lumber 1 Water Trough Number of Steel Hog: Troughs, new 1 Set Plow Harness uâ€"«_-.â€"â€"-\-â€"rov-‘r-h->-u-u-‘N 1 Horse Clipper Number of 'Horse Collars 1 Set Breeching Harness, nearly new 4 New Horse Blankets One Enterprise Heater Number of Forks. Shovels, Pailsand other articles too numerous to mention, all new or nearly new

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