Baker’s Repair Shop CALL AND SEE US FOR HARNESS, COLLARS, ETC. ALL REPAIRING PROMP'I'LY ATTENDED TO Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, T0r0n- to, will be answered personally by letter. SAND â€" GRAVEL WM. MCDONALD Telephone 62 Thornhill From Maple Gravel Pit Maple, (_)n_t. In many homes, the floors are cold, and in such homes, the mother who stands for so many hours, doing her housework, develops chilblains on her heels and the sides of her feet. To some" extent, this may be overcome Iby wearing heavier shoes and warm- er stockings, but more attention should be 'given to warming floors. Painting the parts with tincture of iodine will stop the itching at the onset. If an open sore develops, it is well. to remember the danger of infection that attends all open 'sores and secure skilled treatment. Chikblains are not dangerous to life, Abut they may take a great deal of the joy out of life. A poor state of health may be the underlying cause of chilblains, and so it follows that, as a practical mea- sure of prevention, the general health should receive attention through pro- per diet and such hygienic essentials as fresh air, rest, exercise, cleanli- ness and elimination. Under such circumstances, supposâ€" ing- it is the feet which are cold, the proper procedure is to remove shoes and stockings. First of all, the feet should 'be placed in cold water and then given a brisk rub with a rough towel. This treatment restores cir- culation gradually and averts trou- ble. At the point where the chilblain develops, there is, first of all, a tingling sensation, then itching. A blister, which has a purplish tinge, forms over the area. This blister is painful and when'it breaks, an open sore is left which is slow to heaL cape To avoid chilblains, the feet must be protected and kept warm by shoes and stockings which are neither so tight as to interfere with circulation, ’nor so thin as to allow for chilling of the feet. Tightly-fitting shoes, with thin soles, over thin stockings, invite trouble, as do stockings which are so heavy as to cause the feet to perspire. CHILBLAINS When winter comes, chilblains be- gin to afflict those who are not in good health, whose circulation is poor and whose clothing is possibly in- sufficient. By far the most common location for chilblains is the feet, but neither the hands nor the ears es- When the hands and feet are chill- ed, they should .be kept away from open fireâ€"place, stove or radiator. A sudden change from cold to excess- ive warmth causes a rush of blood to the parts which have been chilled, and this leads to irritation, followed by chillblains. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, WOOWW WW†A HEALTH SERVICE or THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND Ll: w<uRAuc5 COMPANI IN CANADA ISAAC BAKER MON., WED., FRI. GENERAL CARTAG‘E Shop Closed 6 p.m. Ont. R. R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 by Truck MEL?) Starting through the door she enâ€" countered Bob, who was hurrying outâ€" doors again. “Hellé sweet," he said, smiling. “Gee, but you look trim and slim in that new spring outfit!†,Sheryl got her hat and walked down to\ the offices of the newsâ€" paper where she inserted an ad in the Lost and Found column. The next evening, just before din- ner time Sher‘yl peered out of the window of her room and saw Bob, tall, broad-shouldered, walking in‘ the deserted little park. Sheryl grabbed her bracelet, hurried downstairs and across the street. She waited in a clump of trees until she 'heard‘ Bob’s footsteps coming along the .path. Then she dropped the braceles and hurried away so he wouldn’t see her. Nor did she see him again until hL was climbing the boarding house steps. Sheryl felt a bit guilty, as later she climbed those same steps. 1938. ways It’s no use, Sheryl,†Bob Hilton was saying moodily. “Oh, we can go and look at apartments like we have been. But you and I know a man should have a little money, at least a job, if he’s going to get married.†“You’ll find a job soon, Bob," the .blonde girl told him. “And when you do, you’ll go places.†. 1 “Thanks a million." Sheryl opened the door and nearly ran into young Millard Kemp who \was retrieving some papers he had dropped. “Sorry!†said Sheryl. “Don’t- be,†replied thin, sleek- haired Mr. Kemp. “I’d rather you’d run into me more than anyone I know. How about that little dine and dance party tonight?†“The answer is still no, Millard. Tonight, tomorrow night...and al- “I should have stayed up north at the lumber camp. It isn’t. over- run with accountants up there. All I can do is go back, sweet. For a year, anyhow.†‘ “But maybe your kid brother out in Detroit can send some of the money he’s borrowed from you, Bob." “He's probably having a tough time too. It’s back to the tall tim- ger for me. I’d rather die than leave you but...†he smiled, swept into her arms. “Come on. Let’s go take a walk. for ourselves in this April night. At least the moonlight does- n’t cost anything.†The next morning Sheryl Went into the' private office of Mr. Bannister, treasurer of the company for which she worked. \“A favor?†Bannister smiled. “For you.l.Certainly.†Sheryl produced a rather expensâ€" ive bracelet inherited from a well- to â€"d‘o aunt. young man. Ana wx this bracelet to â€"â€" ‘ room â€" I hand him dollars." “That’s it. Mr. Bannister.†“Y( young man will find “Positive. Every < dinner he takes a wa little park and alwz by the same path.†out of a job?†Bax “What’s his line?†a “A year!...An eternity, Bobl"... Tears glistened in the girl’s blue eyes. “I make a decent salary fol- low. I could pay your board until little park and always comes ou“ by the Same path.†“This Chan’s out of a job?†Bannister asked. “What’s his line?" “Accounting.†“Hm-m! I only wish we could of- fer him something here. But with Millard Kemp holding down that _end of the work, it couldn’t be done.†“I’m going to lose this tomorrow evening in the little park across the street from my boarding house. A poor but honest; young. man is going: to find it. Then in the Lost and Found columnewhere he’s bound to lookâ€"he’s going to find an offer of a hundred dollars reward.†“I see. You need the services of someone who’s a stranger to the young man. And when he returns this bracelet to â€"â€" well, my hotel room â€" I hand him your hundred dollars." “That’s it. You’re a dear, Mr. Bannister.†“You’re sure this voung‘ man will find it?†‘n THE LIBERAL SHORT STORY a walk LOST â€" ONE HEART By Leona Walters )und “Yeah,†he drawled, grey eyes glinting like steel. “And if you’d 'been a man calling me a ‘liar’ to- night there'd have been a battle as ‘well as a mistake!†“Yes but Iâ€"I’ve got to go down. to the little hotel where I stopped when I first hit your big city. There is a special delivery letter for me down there.†“Thought I heard you talking to him. That’s Why I wondered if he hadn’t overheard our plans and that’s why I made it a point to be over in the park tonight when you planted that bracelet. Kemp sneaked out of the trees and grabbed it. Then I followed Kemp thinking he was play- ing a joke on you. Instead‘ he went to a pawn shop, was trying to hock “Why, the dirty cheating crook.†“I’ll sayl. He saw he was in a mess so xhe yanked me out to the curb and took me for a ride. I fin- ally got away from him and told him he could keep travelling if he’d let me have your bracelet. I did- n’t want you to think your fiance hadâ€"†“0h heavens!†Sheryl was already on her way to Bob’s room. She did- n’t knock. She burs; into that room and saw Bob fastening his last suitâ€" case. “Unpack Bob!†she cried. "‘There has been a terrible mistake!†“Didn’t you leave any forwarding address?†your jewelry him." “Why, the “Thanks, lad. Where to now? Isn’t it nearly dinner time?" “Yes, but the old clerk’s asleep. Didn’t locate my new address until after he’d signed for the letter. But I’ll be back within an hour. See you later.†An hour lateru his face flushed, Bob came hurrying into the “par- lor†where Sheryl was waiting. “Get your letter?†she asked. “And some good news?†“Iâ€"I’m glad, Bob.†Her tone was somehow lacking in enthusiasm “I’ve just been glancing over the Lost and Found column of the paper.†was “Didn’t see any good accountant jobs open, did you?" he laughed. “Well, maybe another month will see a break for me. 'let, Sheryl.†“Whuâ€"â€"where did you get it?†she gasped. “Bob Hilton couldn’t have returned it to you!" “Hilton â€" no!†He chuckled soft- ly. “Bob Hilton never saw it over in the park. You know, Millard Kemp, our accountant, must have ov- erheard you and me planning this lost bracelet. Wasn’t he just out- side my door when. you left the off- “Swell! It was money. I can stay in town another month!†They ate a belated dinner. Sheryl didn’t relish her food. She kept glancing at Bob, wondering why he didn’t mention the bracelet. Final- ly he said. tonight, did you ? “What’s wrong, sweet. You’re down tonight.†Her eyes met his. “You didn’t go to a pawnshop when you went out ice ? †“This!†She leaped from her chair. “I think that a person who finds a valuable article should make some attempt to find the owner. Any hon- est person would. No matter how hard up, how jobless he might be. Did you really get your mOney in a letter?†. “Sure I did! My kid brother up in Detroit got a job. Sent me some of the money he owed me.†“lather providential wasn’t it â€" just when you needed money so bad- ly! I might’ve believed your story, Bob, if I’ didn’t know some things you don’t know. Well, go out' and celebrate if you want to. But I’m not going!†She raced up the stairs; At the first landing she. turned and called. “You better» go touyour tall timber, Bobâ€"if this is what the “PawnshOp? Why, I told you where I went. For heaven’s sake, Sheryl, what‘s ailing you?†“Yuh â€" yes!†Sheryl gulped. “He e as Well 'n was a ‘5 he s: 11, here THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO when I walked in. 0n your I)†precious at sma m the r was bruised his W] brace Gamely she lifted her shapely ’chin. Go ahead and sock, fellow. 'I’ve got it coming!†He grabbed his luggage, started for llhe door; but Sheryl clung des- perately to him; made him listen while she poured out the whole story of Millard Kemp’s treachery. Soon 'Bob’s arms were about her. The 'worldl was turning right side up a- gain. Then old! Mr. Bannister knoak- ed timidly and handed Sheryl the hundred dollars with which the re- ‘ward. was to have been paid. “I couldn’t help overhearing you kid ,†saidl the old man, smiling. “Say, Sheryl! Since Millard Kemp’s had to run, a good accounting job is open down at our office. It’s Hilton's if he wan-ts it.†“Want it!" whooped Boib. “There is only one thing I want more right “now. And that’s this goldâ€"topped girl in my arms and the shine in ’her big- blue eyes!†Cupid has been busy and, as- the Valentine season approaches wed-ding bells will ring. On Monday evening the engage- ment was announced of Mr. Leonard Wellman 10 Marion Walker of Wesâ€" ton, the wedding to take, place Febâ€" ruary 10th. Sunday evening Vic Stephens-on had the misfortune to fall and. in- jure his knee which will necessitate two weeks in bed. The Y.P.U. meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henb Smith Monday evening. The presi- dent opened the meeting with the singing of prayer after which Miss M. Love took charge of the program. Herb Lee read the less-on, Mrs. Free- man Barker gave an interesting topic on “The Life of Rev. Albert Schevertzer", renowned lecturer, mu- sician and missionary, Miss Gwen Smith read' a “poem “You WOn’t be Sorry†and Mr. Herb Smith rend- ered a solo “Life’s Railroad to Hea- ven". After the program a social time was enjoyed and a dainty lunch served. The meeting next Monday evening will he at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl James. H‘EADFORD TESTON GROUP NO. 1 [j MACLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) I Yr. [I CHATELAINE . . . . . I Yr. [:INATIONAL HOME MONTHLY I Yr. [:1 CANADIAN MAGAZINE - - I Yr. [:1 PICTORIAL REV. combined with DELI'NEATOR - - - - - I Yr. [:1 CAN. HORTI'RE 8: HOME MAG. 1 Yr. [:1 ROD AND GUN - - - â€" 1 Yr. 1:] AMERICAN BOY - - - - OMos. [:ISILVER SCREEN - - - - I Yr [3' PARENTS’ MAGAZINE - - BMos. [:IOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - 16 Mos. E] AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER - 1 Yr. YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 3 BIG MAGAZINES iPioneer Feedi g FOR EVERY NEED EDAIRYuPoultryu H( o 9 OMOOWWWOW WOOQOWMWW .‘=!:..:,¢; . “warmer w‘v' ‘43“..«5Wï¬â€˜7314‘ ‘ ' ~ I 34335.13er = Hugfl Dry and Freshing Bulky Sweet 24% Dairy Ration Give yourself and your tamiiy enjéï¬- ment and entertainment the whole year 5 through by selecting one of these special 5..» offers. Either offer permits a choice at 1.; top-notch magazines together with ---v _ THIS 5‘ Western Canada Flour Mills Wish to announce the appointment of Phone 54-J Richmond Hill QUOTATIONS 0N BONDS, INDUSTRIALS AND MINING STOCKS. W. R. DEAN Investment Securities Dominion Bank Building, Toronto J. R. HERRINGTON CHOOSE EITHER OFFER NEWSPAPER for one year DEALER and DISTRIBUTOR THORNHILL GENTLEMEN: | ENCLOSE S . . . . . . . . . . . . PLEASE SEND ME D OFFER NO. | (Indicate whicth OFFER NO. 2. I AM CHECKING THE MAGAZINES DESIRED \MTH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER. » TOWN AND PROVINCE Representative LINXITED GROUP (A) [j MACLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) 1 Yr. DCHATELAINE . . . . . IYr, DNATIONAL HOME MONTHLY IYr. DOANADIAN MAGAZINE - - IYr. D PIOTORIAL REVIEW combined with DELIHEATOR - - - - W. 1:] CAN. HORTI’RE 9. HOME MAG. 1 Yr. DROO&GUN - - - - - IYr. DSILVER SCREEN - - - . lYt. GROUP (B) DTRUE STORY - - - - - er. DOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - - 2Yrs. DAMERIOAN BOY - - - - IYr. [jPARENTS’ MAGAZINE- - - er. DSCREENLAND - â€" - - - er. F’lNEWS-WEEK - (25 issues) OM05. Pork Producer Hog Grower Pig Weaner PAGE SEVEN YOUR NEWSPAPER AND 2 BIG MAGAZENES Yonge St. ‘- - - er. OYS- - 2Yrs. - - -1Yr. E- - -1Yr. - -1Yr. (26 issues) 5Mos. HOG g Phone 87