Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1938, p. 8

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TEMPERANCEVILLE The second line group of the Home Conference Class visitei' the homes (If Mrs. Edward Paxton and Mrs.‘ Roy Folliott last Friday, and a very interesting time was spert arrang- ing the living rooms. Miss Millie Umehara and Mrs. E. Paxton attended the W.M.S. Convenâ€" tiOn in Toronto last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harman, Gertrude Henshaw, Helen Whitte-n, Mr. W. J. Whitten and Mrs. N.‘ Thompson attended the Dramatic In- stitute held in Newmarket Parish Hall last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Harold Palin and daughter Beverley Ann of Downsview spentr last week with Mrs. Palin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Henshaw. l Mrs. Donald Frisby was the guest of Mrs. M. B. Beynon last Tuesday. i The C.G.I.T. will meet 0n Satur-- day, February 5th at the home of: Millie Umehara. ‘lutic stroke three weeks ago. After an illness 01' about tnree weeks, Mrs. Robert Burton passed away in Peel Memorial hospital on January 27. She suffered a para- Form erly Miss Margaret Ann Lawrence she was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. Isaac Lawrence and wa: born at Claireville 76 years ago. She had been a lifelong member of KnO) Presbyterian- church, Elders Mills Mr. Burton passed away about elevei years ago. His father, the late Hen ry Burton, settled at the Tenth con cession in Vaughan Luwnsh p in 1830 It was on this farm in 1930 that tln first Burton reunion was held jus one hundred years to a day afte the farm was settled. Mrs. Burtm is survived by seven sons and: fou daughters. They; are Gideon, Orval and Robert, at home; William, Kan 535 City; Frank, Keewatin; and Al -vin and Charles, at Borssevan, Mani ‘1“, n nnnnnn Wi'nnc Claim: social evening; 0' the home of Mrs The death occurred on January 13 of William Ferguson, SchombeT'g resident, due tOea heart attack. Mr. ‘ Ferguson was 64 years of age, and had spent his life in the vicinity of Schomberg. He is survived by his widow and four daughters, Mrs. Glad- stone Lloyd, of Schomberg, Mrs. F. Evans, of Toronto, Mrs. C. March- ant, of Weston, and Mrs. W. Man, of Exeter; also four sisters, Mrs. Duff, of St. Catharines, Mrs. Blake Wil- son, of Vancouver, Mrs. W. Dennis, of Toronto, and Mrs. R. Wray, of‘ Schomberg'. Interment was made at, Schombeq'g If he is great guy; The ers, he is William Ferguson PAGE EIGHT, RICHVALE PHONE 1114 PHDNE US FOR PICK UP AND DELIVERY OF YOUR CAR Announcement irâ€"conditioned travel on a ne' gm'ueu [routing the piacui waters luxe Canadian Pacific train brings the holiday seeker to Vic- toria. He has passed through all the rigors or. winter, subzero tem- peratures, blizzards and a whole continent swathed in white, but, when the Rockies are behind him and he has traversed the eighty- odd miles of the San Juan de Fuca straits, he enters, at the con- clusion or his trip, a. new landâ€" of Victoria's inner harbor, the Empress Hotel covers such unique features as its Conservatory with fountains playing amid masses oi flowers and the nearby Crystal Garden with glass-enclosed swim- ming pool, palm-bordered prome- nades and warm salt-water bathâ€" ing. The traveller steps into summer at once with new sights, brilliant BARKER’S GARAGE Canada’s Evergreen Playground â€"Yancouver Island with Victoria at its southern tip, and he has exchanged winter at its peak for summer. Fourth largest in the chain of ::reat Canadian Paclfic hotels :cross the Dominion. the Empress lots! at Victoria offers him all aunties. Located in a beautiful Formerly of “Cities Service”, Richmond Hill, wishes to inform his giany friends and patrons he is now located at Our Motto: “SERVICE AS YOU LIKE IT” cemetery generous to us, he is a if he is generous to oth- an easy mark and a sa} ill hold their annual on February 9th at Hen-Shaw. ALAN BAKER , nu, u, ._ 13 to oth-i One of those politicians whose and a sap.greatest asset is his lie-ability. Where The Reign of Winter lyears ago. His father, I ‘ry Burton, settled at th cesskon in Vaughan Luwr It was on this farm in i Azftaer an illness of about. three weeks, Mrs. Robert, Burton passed away an Peel Memorial hospital on Januarv 27. She suffered a para- nisuo'm Streetsville; and Mrs. Thomas Pierson, Weston. The Y.P.U. will hold a Valentine Party on the evening of the 14th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barker. If weather conditions are favourable tobogganiné will be a feature of the evening. Mrs. Robert Burton woodbridge Short The traveller steps into summer at once with new sights, brilliant sunshine and the tang of Pacific breezes, minimum rainfall and ideal temperature variations. Golf is at hand on the championship Royal Colwood Club course where, March 7-1?‘.there will be held the Annual Winter Golf Tournament for the Sir Edward Beatty Challenge Cup. the Cham- ber of Commerce Trophy, Victo- BRADFORD 7 about eleven the late Hen- ne Tenth con- nsh p in 1830. 1930 that the V811 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND fill-L, ONTARIO Fishing. yachting, riding. mo- toring, tennis are available for all, while the environs of Victoria have for major attractions, the Malahat Drive with its everâ€" changing incomparable views; the Butchart Gardens, famous on two continents; and the Dominion Aatroâ€"Physical Observatory. An evergreen playground in the depth of winter is Victoria's gift to Canâ€" adians on their own soil. Layout shows upper left a scene in the Crystal Gardens; upper right. the yacht harbor and the parliament buildings; lower left, a View of the Empress Hotel and lower right a tense moment on one of Victoria's golf courses. The students who for the past month have been attending the four- wz-eks’ Short Courses in Agriculture and Home Economics at Woodbrid'ge, marked the conclusion of their class-es on Friday evening, January 28th, with a banquet, when the Sunday School Hall of the United Church was timed to capacity. The even- ing’s programme. was voted by all to be a most fitting conclusion to a very profitable and enjoyable month of studies and demonstrations. These classes with an average at- tendance of 29 young men and' 37 young ladies in regular attendance, had bccn organized and= supervised by W. M. Coekiburn, Newmarket, Ag- ricultural Representative for York County, who also presided as toast- master at the banquet. The guest speaker, Mr. A. B. Hodgetts of Pick- ering College, gave a most enlight- ening account of his trip to the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, presenting his matcrial in a very interesting manner. nu. liOLai'y L'luu Rose Bowl, the Matson Inter-District Team Cup and other valuable prizes. A1. McTig of one of the Toronto radio stations, entertained with a number of cowboy selections and a hair-splitting whip act, and Mr. Stan- ley Harper was the guest soloist. The toast to the Home Economics class was produced by Cameron Boake, Downsview, and' responded to by Agnes Watson» Woodbridge while the toast to the Agriculture Class was proposed by Mary Bagg, Wnod- bridge and responded to by Everard Kellam, Woodlbridge. The class pap- e1‘, edited by Russell Rowntree, brought_the evening to a close. brought the evening to a close. The members of the staff in' the Home Economics Department were Miss Ethel Rivington of Navan, as- szsted' by Miss Helen E. Hulet of Norwich. The Agricultural class was in charge of W. M. Cock‘aurn, as- sisted by J. W. McCalla of St. Cath- arines. The members of the boys’ Executive were: President, Bruce Watson; Vice-President” Everard Kellam; Sec.-Treas., Clarence Coles, all of Woodbridge. The Executive of the young ladies’ class was: Piesi- dent, Gertrude Frarskum; Vice-Presiâ€" dent, J-nmey Nattress; Sec.-Treas., Sally McNeil, all of Woodbridge. What a world! If you don’t have children, you’re a bad citizen; if you have any, look at the trouble you bring them into. Another reason for the high ‘cost of living is that paying to have the work done is so much easier than doing it yourself. Ends Iourse Closing Banquet. A Home and School Association was organized at Thornhill Public School on Tuesday evening. Three representatives of the Ontario Fed- eration Home and‘ School Association officiated, namely, Mrs. Sutton who read the home and school creed, Mrs. Brackenridge who read the constitu- tion of the association and Mrs. Hall, who gave a brief outline of the his- tory and aim of the association and l'installed the trial executive. This ex- Iecutive will hold office only until May when those who are paid up members of the associatirn will have the opportunity to vote for whom they wish to 'hold office. The offi- cial aim of the association and the day for the monthly meeting will be decided upon at the first executive meeting. The trial executive are as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. H. Hickson; President, Mrs. R. H. Neil; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. A. Stephen-- son; 2nd Vice-Pres'dent, Mrs. C. Jaeger; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Russell; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. Fitzgerald; Treasurer, Mr. C. Jaeger: Conveners, Social Com., iMrs. A. Stephenson: Program Com., {Mrs. W. Howard; MembershipComq ‘Mrs. Farrel; Library Com., MISS M. Kirby; Hospitality Com., M_rs. Findi- llay. Each one of the officersand‘ tconveners will require a committee .5 and it is hoped that those interested lin the association will make them- } selves known to members of the exe- cutive. Armual fee '35 cents. Par- ients of children belonging to other Ischools in the district wll be made I welcome. â€"-- A v 113‘... n 1 Trinity Church W.A. are holding a musical and tea at the Rectory on Friday, February 4th from 3 to 6. Guest artist, Miss Doreen Johnston, Richmond Hill, also pup ls and friends of the Toronto Conservatory of Mu- sic. Everybody welcome. £ SIC. DVCI_y‘uUuJ ........... The regular monthly meeting of the United Church W. A. will be held‘ on Wednesday, February 9th at 3 o’clock at. the home of Mrs. Jim Fisher. Centre St. The ladies of the congregation are cordially invitâ€" e& to amend. -â€"- 1uvn11lAYH.‘ Uu‘ Lu a. v;â€" n I n u . A meeting of Thornhill Public Lib- rary will be held on Friday night, February 4th in the Library at. the Public School._ | erllU muvvn. Mr. Jack Munro, constable, who has been stationed at Thornhill since last fall. received word- this week of his ‘transfer to _Niagara Falls. n -7-1An1â€" On Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock the memJbers of the Women’s Mis-' sionary Society met at the home of. Mrs. O. C. James to sew, in pre- paration. for the hale of clothing, bedding, etc. One quilt was finished and a number of patches put togeth- er for another. At 3 o’clock the meeting was call- ed with Mrs. N. L. Morton, Vice- Pnesident, presiding. Mrs. James continued her interesting talk on the. study book, “A New Church Faces a New World.” The theme for Feb- ruary was .taken. by Mrs. Morton, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Smellie. The devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. Simpson, Supply Seâ€" cretary, read a letter from the Sup- ply Secretary of Toronto Centre Presbytery, naming the articles to be sent in :the bale. Mrs. Morton closed , the meetin with prayer. The next meeting w'l be held at the home of Mrs. N. J. Smellie, I The ammual meeting of Thornhill United Church was held last Thurs-1 day night when interesting and em: couraging reports were presented.i The pastor, Rev. E. B. Cooke, pre-‘ sided over the business session and' Mr. O. C. James, recording secre- tary, took the minutes. The board of stewards elected for 1938 was as follows: Messrs. R. Scott, B. Weld- rick, J. E. Francis, P. Robinson, L. Hicks, 0. C. James, N. J. Smlellie, N. L. Morton, A. Jamieson, J. A. Thompson, A. Royston. The fol-low- ing were elected as elders for the next three years, Charles McGuirl, N. J. Smellie, B. Oke and Neil Mc- Donald. Mr. E. Grainger was pre- sent and gave a very interesting talk on church work, giving some of his own experiences in Yonge St. United Church, where he is an ac- tive member. Mr. Grainger then showed some beautiful new slides of flowers and shrubbery. The execuâ€" tive of the W. A. served refresh- lments at the close. I, uuuw; film W. ~.v_-. The Badminton- Clurb held a de- lightful bridge and euchre Wednesâ€" day evening. There were 16 tables in play and the winners were, ladies bridge, Miss A. Boyle and Mrs. Ball; men, Mr. Chapman and| Mr. Spence. Euchre, ladies, Mrs. B. Hislop and Mr. D. Burltc-n playing as a lady; men, S. S. Findlay and MY. Mar- wood Agricultural Society Officers The annual meeting of the Schom- berg Agricultural Society was held on Saturday, January 22nd, with a good attendance. Reports swbmitted showed that the society had 'had a suCCessful year. The finances of the society are in good’ shape. The elec- tion of officers was as follows: Presi- dent, Kenneth Holmes; 1st Vice- Pres., H. Canter; 2nd Viceâ€"Pres, Clarence Mai-chant; Secretary, Dr. A. H. MacLeod; Treasurer, D. B. Davis; Directors, Gordon Brown, Wm. Ed- wards, Wm. Shaw, H. Brown, Jas. Jardine, Wilfred Altchisoln‘, D. B. Davis, ThOS. Blackburn, Jas. Jefferâ€" son, Herman Kaake, Elijah Wray; Lady Directors, Mary Shaw, Cora Aitchison, Della McKinley. The death of Miss Mary Elizabeth (Minnie) Elliott occurred at her Woodlbridge home on Thursday, Jan- uary 27th. Deceased was daughter of the late George and Elizabeth Elliott. Funeral services were held at her late residence, Clarence eSt., on Saturday afternoon and were at~ tended by many local citizens. Rev. C. W. Birrett Vofficiated. Interment was in Hillcrest Cemetery. THORNHILL Mary E. Elliott um‘O. COHSta'bley Who‘ The Cradle Roll had a membership med at Thomhm Since of 61. There were 5 removals and ~ - h‘ k of _ , :eifi‘ZEIadrat I‘gffEe 16 pro-motlons leavmg 40 now on the afternoon at 2 o’cloekiroll. Mrs. Grisdale made 103 calls. 0f the Women's M15“iA Christmas party was given the gmrggt tit Sta: hizmgrcg ' Cradle Roll members and their moth- the bale of 'Clothing, ers with a short program and. after- One quilt was finished noon tea. The Home Department has 0f DaltCheS PUt togeth' a membership of 26. Miss Street, 'the meeting was can_ the superintendent of this Dept. has N. L. Morton, Vice. two assistants and 63 calls were "Lu-.. Mm Jam“ made. $15.60 was contributed by the Newtonhrook Church Held Annual Meeting orgamza showed the y ear Mr. Harry Sm presented a we which shOWed a receipts from the secretary of the portedl that the wiped off and : treasury. “we-..” ..- ...- _.. . L. portedl that the building debt “as wiped off and a small balance in treasury. Mr. Hicks Smith, secretary of the Sunday School gave a very splendid report of the year’s activities. Some of these were a free supper and concert given the Sunday children in February, the annual pic- nic to Hanlan’s Point the latter part of June, the S. S. anniversary and white gwift service. At the evening service the Young Ladies’ Class pre- sented a Christmas Pageant. Thirty baskets had been given to needy at Christmas. Temperance had been presented on two Sundays and the collections amounting to $9.00 was sent to the Ontario Temperance Fed- eration. The S. S. contributed $40.00 to the Missionary and Maintenance ‘Fund. . l ‘lof 61. There were 5 removals and 16 pro-motions leaving 40 now on the lroll. Mrs. Grisdale made 103 calls. iA Christmas party was given the 'Cradle Roll members and their moth- ers with a short program and. after- noon tea. The Home Department has School ‘ The Cradle Roll had a membership‘ ing‘ followed by 3. Tea in the S. S. 'Hall. Officers from the Presbyterial were guest speakers. Knitting and sewing for the bale, a box of gifts sent to Hearst Hospital at Christ- Qmas and a quilt made for Western relief were some of the activities. The Girls“ Mission Circle also in- creased their g'ivings 10 per cent. Miss Mary Douglas reported 18 members in the C.G.I.T. group which affiliated with the W.M.S. on Deâ€" cember 12th, 1937. They held 36 meetings during the year and had man-5; activities. Mrs. W. T. Wells reported for the Mission Band. 12 meetings were held with average at- terdance of 20. They had met their allocation and also received the Hon- orable Mention. Card from the Tor- onto Centre Presbyterial. The Baby Band has a membership of 49. One life member was promoted to the Mission Band. Rev. A. H. Halbert expressed his appreciatiOn for the co-operation and fellowship. There was much to be done in the com- munity and by all taking their share of responsibility more could be ac- complished. Home tions. The Sunday School was closed for six weeks in the autumn owing to the polio epidemic. Monthly execu- tive meetings were held. Quarterly tests on the S. S. lessons were held and a large number of the scholars received certificates. There are 21 classes. The Sunday school has a membership of 264 and amount rais- ed was $470.00. Ruth Douglas and Clementine Hewitt were present ev- er)? Sunday. ’111e S. S. room, kitchen and vestry were decorated in the autumn and extra. lighting installed which cost $150.00. This was all paid for and a «mall balance left. The Senior Newtonbrook U Mr. Hicks Smith, secretary of the sewing for 1nday School gave a very splendid sent to He port of the year’s activities. Some mas and 3, these were a free supper amdlrelief were Scout Master K. C. Freeman re- ported! that the first meeting of Newâ€" 29th, 1937 with a membership of 8. tonbmok Scout Troop was held Jan. Now the membership is 24. They had» 90 per cent attendance at the meetings. They repaired toys and these were given, to needy children at Christmas. They entertained the parents at a supper meeting anci had a special speaker. The scouts raised $22.87. The report of the choir was given by Mrs. Wiltshire. They held a social evening, also had: a play mu Ijept. to Sunday School collec- Smith, the treasurer, well prepared report a marked increase in the previous year. The the Building Fund re be building debt “as d a small balanca in nited Church held THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1938 these wereii Mrs. James Murray: and Mrs. A. ion with the H. Halbert attended Toronto East VS opposition, Presbyterial annual meeting last ental capaci-|Tuesday which was held in St. ?” in Which Enoch’s United Church, Toronto. ‘ by miSS‘iOn- Miss Ruth Douglas spent last week picnic to Al- end with friends in Toronto. in Jilly and The Woman's Association is hold- ne Credit on ‘ ing a St. Valentine Tea this (Thurs- ) hikes were 1 day) from 3 to 5 pm. in the United Viiltshire gavelChurch Sunday School Hall. 11 the order Wells meet- given by the Glee Club, the proceeds to go towards choir gowns. A vote of appreciation was extended to the choir for their very valuable serâ€" vices. Mrs. W. T. New reported: for Uhe W.M.S. It had an average at- tendance of 23 members and visit- ors. The study book was reviewed. Some of the special speakers were Mrs. T. A. McFarlane, Miss Pitman, Mrs. J. S. MacKay of India and Rev. E. Pug'sley gave a report of the World Peace Congress. The W.M.S. Sunday was held in June with Mrs. Loveys as special speaker. One meetâ€" ing was devoted to Temperance. The Auxiliary and Girls’ Mission Circle sent a bale valued at $87.00 to Head- quarters in‘ May.‘ They had a 10 perocent increase in givings over last year. The Girls’ Circle had an encouraging report. T1hey celebrai:E ed the 5th anniversary of the organ- ization last April with a special meet- E. Pug‘sley World] Peace Sunday was Loveys as sp 1 The pastor reported having made 961 calls and attended 149 meetings. .There was a substantial increase in [church membership. Mr. Frank Summers, Mr. Fred 'Danby, Mr. W. T. New and' Mr. L. l A. Grisdale were re-elected to the ‘ Session. Mr. A. W. Wiltshire and Mr. R. E. Bales were re-elected’ to the com- mittee of Stewards. Mr. J. V. Bat- chelor and Mr. W. J. Smith were new members appointed to the com- mittee of Ste‘wavds. Tribute was paid Rev. and. Mrs. A. H. Halbert for their faithful ser- vices and a unanimous vote of apâ€" preciation was extended to them. Mr. Frank Taylor and" Mrs. Tay- lor of Rochester, N.Y. are spending a couple of weeks with the latter’s brother, Mr. Frank Summers and Mrs. Summers. Miss E guest of I day. Miss Lillian‘steborough, R.N., has been indispOSed for the past \veek or so. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. W. A. Hanna of Barrie was a guest at the Parsonage last Sat- urday. The Monthly Meeting- of the tea- chers and officers of the) United Church will be held in the S. S. hall 01-1m'71‘71r1u1'sday evening, February 3rd at 8 o’clock. The Golden Rule Mission Band will meet next Saturday at 2.30 p.m. in the S. S. Hall. We congratulate the Mission Band on receiving an Honorable Mention Card) from the Toronto Centre Presbyterial which was presented at the annual meet- ing in Eglinton United Church last week A Literary program was enjoyed by a large number of the young peo- ple at the regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. last Monday evening. Miss Beatrice J ohnstone, convener of Christian Culture presided. A numâ€" ber of the young people took part on the program when the biographies of some of our most popular poets amd their writings were presented. The Y.P.U. meeting next week will be in charge of Miss Cora Good, Missionary convener, and a very in- teresting program is planned. A Ukrainian young lady who was a missionary in Western Canada will be the guest speaker. A hearty wel- come to all. A bright song service was held previous to the evening- worship ser- vice last Sunday evening in the Unit- ed Church when special song sheets were used for the occasion and many of the old favorite gospel songs. A fool and his money are some party. :=. E. Mills of Weston was the of Miss Bertha Smith last Sun-

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