u.---___ _ under the auspices of Edgeley Young ' People’s Union ’In EDGELEY HALL FEBRUARY 14TH Three classesâ€"Jr. under 10; Inter- mediate under 20, ami Senior 20 and over. A prize given for oldest, and youngest to enter. CASH PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN Send entries on or before February 12 to Eldon Fierheller, Secretary, maple RR. 1, phone Maple 2257 or Mrs. W. Watson, President, Edgciey, phone Maple 1930. Admissionâ€"Adults 25c, Children 15c Jones Coal Co. Phone 188 Wowom 9963mm BROLEYâ€"MAW ~ Adm \The wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse in Bolton on January 3151: of ‘Ralph Broiey and Eleanor Maw. Rev. J. C. Ross of- ï¬ciéted. PAGE EIGHT ST. VALENTINE’S AMATEUR EIGHT Jehigh Valley ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies†OOMOMOQWNNNO lit-sit; ER: ’ Larger interiorsâ€"lightâ€" er, brighter colorsâ€"and Unisteel construction with Safety glass for mm“ FIRST THREE WAI‘N‘NERSI‘in Lhe Sainsbury Competi- ,,| 1n:_4-.. Dah- “yarn I‘IIVDI. Lxxuuu uuu‘u--u -- tion for Wiltshire Sides at the Royal Winter Fair were raised by Master Feeders â€"- MASTER PIG FEED CONCENTRATE and MASTER PIG STARTER! MASTER DAIRY FEEDS are being used by more and more feeders every day. MASTER GAINMAKER DAIRY FEED (24%) and MASTER DAIRY CONCEN- TRATE (32%) are ideal for long-time. trouble-free milk production. MASTER DRY AND FRESHENING FEED is the NEW and BETTER feed for dry and freshening dairy cows! MASTER POULTRY FEEDS are setting new records this year. The highest record for a year’s production ever made in Canada (all breeds considered) was pro- duced by birds started on MASTER CHICK STARTER and grown on MASTER GROWING MASH! THIRTY BIRDS owned by L. F. Bevan of Thornhill, 0nt., qualified in Official R.O.P. this year with records from 207 to 313 eggs per bird per year on MASTER RED HEAD EGG MASH C.L.O.! Get on to MASTER Feeds NOW! FOR BETTER RESULTS Wilfred R. Dean THORi‘ï¬ilLL MOTORS, Sunday charge of on Fellow bv GladyS Ruth SmitY reading by speak on me u interesting. Rel week in charge Mzssions. Also Amateur Night ther notice else mon ' came Missions. Also remember 1. r. u Amateur Night or.2 February 14. Fui ther notice elsewhere in this issue On Monday night lthe communit gave a miscellaneous shower for Mis Mabel Walk-er, a brideâ€"to-be, thi week. Many useful and lovely gift were ' held Uu A yuan...†held a party. at the home of Mrs. Chas. Agnew at Woodbridve when the afternoon was spent playing Court Whist and later the girls pre- sented Mabel with a breakfast set of black and white plaid. Mr. Dan Stong is now able to be up again. - ‘ ~71 ~M'n 'T‘uH- Frank L are also on the s given. Tuesday after a party: at the Agnew at W< EDGELEY the night Miss hip. Smi Lith and explanation by solo by Bertha Stong, Lathleen. Rev. McCrimâ€" own after service to topic which was very Remember mee‘ing next 2e of Marie Giffen on 1k Locke and Mr the sick list. the Y.P.U. was in Kathleen Whitmore Scripture was read and explanation by temoon the the home of THE SYMBOL OF SAVINGS Q Thornhill nunity r Miss this r gifts girls ONTARIO we CO“ The J. W. I. and the .1 met in the Community Ha day evening. Mrs. Collar short talk, “Should the r head of the house and ti tent†and gave those gir contemplating matrimony lightening information. mproving fl LIBERAL. RICHMOND Mrs. Florence Jaques tOOK tea 31. the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Maple. Miss Dorothy Valliere of Markham spent Tuesday afternoon at her home and took part in the program at the Jr. Institute in the evening. Miss Mable Sanderson took tea with Miss Ethel Mortson on Sunday 1 evening. Miss Marjory Hart was a Sunday guest at Miss Margaret Avison’s and iMiss Myrtle Avison of Toronto spent ithe week-end at home. aAuJ “‘4 Mr. John Wirlhramson has returned to Pickering College after spending the weekâ€"end at his home. If you want to have a good. crowd at your farm sale advertise list in The Liberal. n, rain and stlll ' the weatherman ranks this year- ars when they 9 the ice. But t1 11 FURL! 2T6 frien 1t 3W3. i still more I‘a #77 -\ SQUARE \ WOODBRIDGE Mr m has been play- Likéwise have came in contact the weather has ith that danger- an come back to his home. Jaques took tea at sister, Mr. and Mrs. the man be and to what se girls who 1a tha for Jr rogram at the Jening. son took tea son on Sunday was a SundaI‘y lt Avison’s and 501118 611' The paper to be 100k 'lu Farmers ; HILL. 'UN'L'AMG (2-Passenger Master Business Coupe) Musler De luxo Models From $392 Delivered at factory. Oshawa, Ont. Government tax, freight and licensf extrq. ‘ . , _______ A “nun-ah "exam. aunu nun»; VAilu. Convenient terms arranged through the General Motors Instalmcm Plan but the the are PRICED FROM Annual Meeting of Woodbridge neau; I 1. Agricultural Society B “The annual meeting of Woodbridge reedei Agricultural Society held in the Pubâ€" lic LibraryI on Saturday last was Attended by thel well attended when the Secretary the history of the ( and Treasurer submitted the report 1neeting of the Yo] for last year’s Fair which, although stein Breiders’ Club 7 «A 1.1.." for qu dat and Monday, October 1, zs uuu m. If Thanksgiving should not fall on Monday, October 10th, the Fair will end on Saturday, October 8th. Offiâ€"l cers elected are: Honorary Presi- dents, A. J. H. Eckhardt, Garfield Weston, George Kellam; Honorary Viceâ€"Presidents, J. T. Saigeon, Ell- erby Farr; President, William Clarkâ€" son; 1st Vice-President, Alf. Thomp- son; 2nd Vice-President, Wilbert ;(Cuddy) Cousins; Secretary, N. Geo. lWallace; Treasurer, Ed. W. Brown; Auditors, J. Carl Saigeon, Major A. 1A. McKenzie; Directors, Berwick Weldrick, George Brownlee, Fred ’Cousins, Alf. Bagg, A. J. Wither- 1spoon, James Cameron, Alex. Cam- }eron, Eb. Smith, Robert Dooks, W. (J. Rowntree, W. J. Gardhouse, W. . 1vv,,: _‘L‘. l 1d Woodbridge Board of Trade hav- nt - ing been restored to alertness foll- lowing a ten years period spent in a trance recently met at the home of H. N. Smith and reorganized with . [officers as follows: President, Dr. G. m 1 D. McLean; Vice-President, Major A. nA. McKenzie; Secretary-treasurer, H. N. Smith ~., re, January Thaw Causes Little Damage In Humber Valley Woodbridge proved to be in the safety zone again on Saturday when numerous streams in the province were flooded by overflowing streams caused by a downpour of rain al- most approaching a deluge. The Humber although overflowing caused little damage to dwellers close to the banks. Woodbridge Board of Trade Reorganized 1y was 3.1 atisfa inclement r ‘tory with : are my October, 3g shouh :er 10th, ay, Octok n‘e: H01 Honorary Pres» Eckhardt, Garfield Kellam; Ho\10rary J. T. Saigeon, Ell- lent, William Clark- asident. Alf. Thomp- of Nashville, was the fea- United Church In! on Monday ficers. The , Saturday 8 and 10. o-t fall on 5 Fair will 8th. Offiâ€" ipts were 11-p1us on less was )1 in was reâ€"electe Meeting later ley Watson of President; Ge morden, lst Vice-Pres; 'lx’oy barker. Woodbridge, 2nd Viceâ€"Pres; and Frank Ramsay, Sec.-Treas. John Graham of Locust Hill, salesman for the Club, spoke briefly. The Chairman called on Agricul- tural Representative W. M. Cockâ€" burn, to introduce the guest speaker, Dr. W.I R. Graham of Guelph who spoke on “Factors other than breedâ€" ing influencing Milk Production.†The speaker pointed out the relation of the various organs of the body to each other and the necessity of proper feeding to enable all parts to function properly. Dr. Graham has had a very interesting and wide‘ experience in research work pertain- ing to the dairy cow and his address was full of valuable ideas for the dairyman and breeders iof puredbred cattle. Byron Jenvey of Ingersoll, field- man for the Canadian Holstein Breeders’ Assoc., was also present and spoke briefly on the accomp- ‘ lishments of the parent society. sin Breeders’ Club ta: g capacity of the Ma chmond Hill almost t ‘ A delightful tea was held by Trin- ity Church W.A. at the Rectory last Friday afternoon. The artis‘s werel Miss Cook aid Miss Rash of Toronâ€" to, Miss Doreen Johnson, Richmond Hill, Mrs. Charles Harding, Richmond Hill and Miss Mary Murdison. About‘ fifty were present and enioyed the music and readings also the social time at the tea hour when Mrs. Tassie and Mrs. Ball poured tea. I The Teen-age branch of Trinity W.A. will meet on Saturday at the ‘Rectory at 2.30. ‘ The annual meet'ng of Thornhill Public Library. was held last Friday night in the Librarv at the Public School. All officers and directors were re-elected with Mrs. J. A. Thompson presideit Practice of the United Church choir will be held next Friday night at the home of Mrs. F. Echlin, Yonge St. The Young Ladies’ Class of the United Church met last Thursday night at the home of Mrs. R. W. . Wesley. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. D. Hoffman. Mrs. Jarvis of Toronto gave a very fine talk on “How to win friends and in flu-ence people," by Dale Carnegie. Mrs. R. W. and W. J. Wesley served refreshments at the close. Miss Helen Edmonson of Toronto spent the week-end with Miss Lilian Francis. __ u .. ‘,J u__ An..nnl Heads Holstem- 1 TH Breeders Assoc. 1i mm I‘l‘auluo. Miss sabel Ball attended the dancei of Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph last Friday night. The Ladies‘ Bridge Club met last Thursday n’ght at the homeof Mrs. F. Farr, Centre St. Sixteen were present. Mrs. Talbot Findlay played for Mrs. Brillinger and won thel prize. The hostess served light re- freshments at the close. Next Mon- day night the Ladies’ Euchre Club will meet at Mrs. Farr’s home. Th4: Orange Lodge are holding: a 3.37 O. C. James gave an interesting mm on Missions. Marion Halfyard read a poem. The usual eames and sing- song‘ were enjoyed. Rev. E. R. Cooke closed with prayer. The first big: night at the new Rink at Thornhill Public School was held last Friday when a Carnival was put on by the village and a number of prizes given. Mr. Neil McDonald L. “A “AA-AA N. Lu. [:1 lbbo 5,. v v... and Mr. Tom Jackson acted as judges. The children were treated to cake and hot cocoa during the evening._ ‘ “AL. A: Hm evening. A well attended meeting of the WA. of .the United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Fisher. Mrs. R. Simpson presided. Mrs. Bone, Miss A. Boyle and Miss Bowes gave their monthly reports. Mrs. Bone read several let- ters from sick members who had kindly been remembered by the W.A. Mrs. Morton took the devotional per- iod. The .topic was “Love.†Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Bone gave short papers on St. Valentine. Mrs. Smellie, Temperance secretary. gave a paper on the work. Mrs. J. Thompson clos- ed the meeting with the Miznah Benediction. Mrs. Fisher served a dainty lunch and Mrs. Riddel‘ poured tea. Mrs. R. Thompson. north Yonee Street. is oneni-n'sz her home on Wed- nesdav. Februarv 16th, to the WA. to hold a musical and tea from 3 to 6 when everyone will 'be made cor- diallv welcome. The regular monthly meeting ofl‘ Thornhill Women's Insfitute will be! held at the home of Mrs. P. Bonc,‘ Yonge Street, on Thursday, Febru- ary 17th. An addreSS will be given by Mr. J. M. Armstrong onl “Laws Relating. to Women and Children." ng Dar THORNHILL 11' ast week n the )I 1‘ e ncourt W8 V'. Henry Clu a]: if at nt 1‘ n the nty the THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1938 Hal Tl‘ A word of thanks also is small army of willing h quickly arrived on the see ently the old communitg still there in an emergenc Mrs. Hanson joins with ing sincerely, thank you : Letters from The People For best results try a classified “ad†in The Liberal. THANKS TO FIRE BRIGADE Ela'in Mills P.O., Ont FUNERAL il FOOTPRINTS 1 GF SERVICE Sir ay we thrOL -ibera1 expre Wiirnd R. beau Successor to J. J. Deane Dinctor of INERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO The threater This is a reproduction of a picture taken in sub-zero tem- perature the morning after a severe snow storm. It shows footprints of a telephone operator leading to the tele- phone office. They are mute evidence of the “spirit of service†that is back of your telephone. Blocked streets and high- ways seldom keep telephone employees from the job. If humanly possible, they are at work ready to do their part in providing service. The management of this Company is proud of the fine "spirit of service†shown by employees and we feel sure that our customers appreciate it. Because of it, your tele- phone service is maintained at a constantly high standard. their an emergency. n joins with me in say- thank you all. Yours gratefully, C. A. HANSON PTOP your telephone 5061' 1 the fire ;he sï¬â€˜ength 1d, and the right at us. 5‘ due to thé ielnzrs who n appre :ht, Feb. umns of rty was spirit in pre- a. few of Appar ll‘e