Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1938, p. 4

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At last County Council joumed. This fmnous British Speci- fic is positive in its results and nevcr fails to give satis- 5 BUY IT FROM 3 OUR NEAREST DEALER Sold at AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Hog Tonic Whenever your hogs show signs of not getting the bene- fits of their feed, then it is time to give them a few days treatment with Pearson’s Hog Tonic. Made by n; maker: a] “CREOLIN” PAGE FOUR HE story of the new McLaughlin-Buick’s outstanding engineering advancements is plain to see in the great new power of its DYNAFLASH Engineâ€"rand the unequalled comfort and safety ol: its revolutionary TORQUEâ€"FREE Springing. Q] But the matchless value McLaughlinâ€"Buick brings you now is something you’ll never really realize until you measure all the great things you get. against the little you pay. Q] So we aslc you not merely to compare the comfort. the performance. the style and safety of the new McLaughlin-Buickâ€"vbut the price tags, too! Many a buyer is paying more. and getting less than McLaughlin-Buick ottersâ€"many another will be pleasantly surprised to learn that the McLaughlin-Buick he always wanted is well within his reach. Call and get the Rolling Motor Sales BUY WEST’S HORSES TO MEE SCARCITY Horses are once mOre in dem: According to horse‘ dealers of To: to there has not been such a scar of horses in Ontario for 20 year To prove th's, dealers point to influx of horses into the prov To prove th s, dealers point to flu influx of horses into the provinm last year. According to W. H. Gib: son of Indian Head, Sask, farmer: of the prairie provinces shipped 41!, 0'00 horses to this part of the coun try. Shipments during January this year were so large it looks as if 1938 is going to be the greatest “horse” year this province has eem for 'long time, Mr. Gibson stated. He was in Toronto a few da_\s ago. The demand from Ontario for work horses has proved‘ to be “ra‘imost manna from heaven" for western farmers, Mr. Gibson enthused. “Most of the farmers out west were doing: a lot 0f worrying about drought cone dritions and- ruined crops,” he ex- plained. "‘Now they are going into the horse business. continues, a lot of wghe are going to tum their 131 fields.” Every week shipments of horses are arriving in Toronto by railway from the western provinces. Other shipments go on to Montreal, where they are quickly snapped up by; Unit- ed States purchasers, according to Reports Prairie Provinces Shippel 42.000 East During Year W. ~IIHStelthens of the Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada. Most of the horses coming to T0- ronto barely have “time to catch their breath” after leaving the train before they are on their way to dozens of small towns in the pro- vince. Group play-offs will most likely commence on Tuesday evening with East York playing RichmOnd Hill in the local arena. Richmond H ill, Ont, during January this large it looks as if 1938 be the greatest “horse” mvincp has new for '1 15iness. If the deman lot of wgheat farmers the demand d into hay the rince Gib- The Y.P.S. held a Valentine Party last at Mr. L. Burton’s evening the meeting Mr. and Mrs. S. War]: are moving: to a farm in the Oakville disttict where Mr. Wark has secured a job as farm manager. Our best wi'srhes go with them. Misses Mary and Louise Delbrocco spent Sunday at their home here. Miss Elma Farr, whose marriage thas been announced for the near future, was honoured by fellow linembers of the Woodbrid‘g‘e United iChuich. Junior Women’s Auxiliary ilast Thursday evening when she was 'presented with an electric wall clock. iThe presmtation took place during i the regular meeting held at. the home of Misses Jean and Anne McLean. Contributions to the meeting’s pro- .gramme included a piano duet by tMisses‘ Agnes and Jean Watson, at recitation by Miss Norma William- ’ son, a vocal solo by Miss Mary Ba‘gg', and readings from the study book :by MiSS Annie McGregar, Miss EBessie Nattress, Miss Reva Nattress ‘and Miss Ellen Wallace. The presiâ€" ‘dent, Mrs. Doan, occupied the chair. ‘Refreshments were served by the I hostesses. No Other Car Can MATCH THE VALUE Only McLaughlin-Buick has all these advanced,proved features . . . DYNA- FLASH Valve-in-Head Straight Eight Engine . . . ,TORQUE-FREE Springing ‘Miss Jessie Mitchell spent the!| week-end with her aunt, Miss M. Reaman. Mrs. Delbrocco spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. . . . Tiptoe Hydraulic Brakes . . . Genuine Knee-Action . . . Unisiee| Turret Top Bodies with Fisher No-Drafl Ventilation . . . Automatic Starling . . . Safety glass . . . Torque Tube Drive and Sealed Chassis. Nation-wide Parts and Service organization. “Hun LLILIIUD u. 4v. Miss Parker spent the week-end at Richmond Hill 2 her home at Prince Albert. I 'The second pe Auxiliary Members Honor Associate THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND W CARRVILLE Richmond Hill Defeat Scarboro In one of the best games ever wit- nessed in the local arena Richmond Hill defeated Scarboro 8-5 in a sud- den death game for 4th place. 'Rich- mond Hill will now meet East York and: the winner will meet the winner of the Auroraâ€"Stouffville games. ing a was off kurth chances on a pass from Cummings, the puck going in off the goalkeeper’s leg. The period ended with score Scarboro 3, 'The second period was wide open with both teams bombarding the goalkeepers with a shower of pucks. Boake tied the score on a pass from Cummings. Scarboro made it 4-3. Then Cummings, who was easily the best man on the ice, scored two} quick goals putting Richmond Hill one up. l In the third period Scarboro kept! every man up and Frank Carr had to play one of his best games to keep them from scoring. He did ev- erything but swallow the puck to keep it out of his» net. Michinick scored for Richmond Hill shooting the puck frOm behind the Scarboro goal. It hit one of the Scarboro players on the leg and went in the net. This made Scarboro play all the harder. While they were all forc- ing the play around the Hill net Laurie Jones got the puck and was away like a flash of lightning. He skated in on the Scarboro goalkeeper With 3 Scarboro men chasing him and scored making the score 7-4. Then Scarboro were able to beat‘ Carr after many attempts, to make the score 7-5. minutes to play and those 5 minutes seemed like 5 hours to the Hill sup- porters. The Hill team kept forcing the play and were rewarded when Red Murray scored making the score . colt. The” were still 53 2 Markham Township. Straw. Apply R. Rodick, R.R. No. 2 l Gormley, phone Agincourt 421‘2. | GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 per cord delivered, cut any length.l Langstaff Supply Co., phone Thorn-‘ hill 73. 5 TON S‘TAJCK Alfalfa Hay; 50 bags - potatoes. Apply James Vander- burgh, R.R. 2, Maple, telephone Maple 964. PEROHEtRON MARE, 10 years old, $50.00. Leechwood Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. 12 PIGS 6 weeks old, 1 five year old mare, 1 two year old Percheron Wesley Palmer, lot 22, con. TWO MODEL Electric Incubators, 400 capacity; 2 electric, 300 Brood- ers; 1 oil 400 Brooder. Cheap. Ap. ply Box 777, The Liberal Office. 8-5. The period ended and Richmond Hill n-ow meet East York. I am not going to pick any: all- stars as Richmond Hill team all de- serve great credit on making a great comeback when Scarboro looked as if they were going to make a run away game of it. Cummings was the main cog in the Hill attack with 2 goals and three assists. A lot of credit must be givenl to P“”““ “’“*"' glanagel Ca’iihand Coach Tlri'l' Saul FOR CHEAP BROILERS buy flaw (.)€ “fork t ey h.ave (lone m proâ€" old Leghorn cockerels. $2.00 per 100. Yld‘lfl‘g RIChmond H111 With a great I Early March delivery. William Vandâ€" Jumor team and the best way to erbent Gormlew RR No 2 phone show your appreciation is to comel Thorngiu 181.2? ' ' ' ’ out to the games. These boys shonld __..__-,, _______.____. be playing before a $50.00 gate in- SPECIAL PRICES on Battery and Stead of an $1800 one' Electric Radios; new and used; hot SPORTING NOTES A special invitation is extended to} every-one in the district to come out. and see the East York games. Itl only costs a quarter and where could you spend a quarter to a better adL vantage. The Heckey Club wants 500 spectators at the next game. They are doing their part to adver- ti'se Richmond Hill. You do yours. The annual dance and euchre un- der the auspices ’of the Vellore Ath- letic Club will be held on Wednes- day, March 9th in the Memorial Hall. Dance and euchre will commence at 8.30 p.m. Catania’s orchestra. E. Evans, floor manager. Admission 35 cents. Lunch. A Cameron, pres-h dent; J. B. Plunkett, secretary. TUBERCULOSIS TEST FOR ALL ADVO‘CATED Doctor Suggests. County Have Every Resident Given X-Ray _ Dr. H. M. Cooke, York county in- spector of hospitalization, urged uni- versal tests by x-ray for York cou‘nrty‘ citizens to detect tuberculosis. His remarks came when county council discussed the 1937 hospitalization re- port. cause we would e costs," he asserted Reeve B. J. Wh “We have universal'test‘s for cattle and» I maintain We should .have the same for human beings,” declared the doctor. “Some patients in sana- toriums are just in the incipienrt stages and should never have been taken to the institutions. If the dis- ease is caught at the beginning the patient just needs to go to bed andv stay there with plenty of good milk vvwwu, Reeve B. J. Wheeler of Scarboro|ply Box 111, The told council all high school pupils in Hill. his municipality had (been x-rayed. The cost had been less than $600, FARM wanted, f he said. good house, large 117111 1......,. “Av”. , and food.” He declared! 90 per cent of 5am- toriwm patients éould' rbe nursed at home. “Even if we had to subsidize some indigent patients at their homes, we would be ahead in the long run, heâ€" Attend the Amateur Show Monday night, February let. VELLORE would escape sanatorium} {10 PIGS seven weeks IE. Walkington, phone lBU‘LL, registered Ayrshire. Apply [Wesley Clark, phone Richmond Hill 4704. {TABLE TUER‘NIPS and POTATOESi l FRESH cow 2 FRESH OOWS with calves; springers. Leo Burton, Car lRoad. Phone Maple 764. WORK HORSE. Apply 9 St, Richmond Hill. 5 TON GOOD RE. No. 2; 1 FRESH COW with heifer calf. High tester. Leo Burton, Carrville Road, phone Maple 764. Apply H. 1 vi-lle 6110 GOOD BALED HAY and Wheat Straw. Apply R. Rodick, RJR. No. 2 Gormley, phone Agincourt 421‘2. GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 per cord delivered, cut any length. Langstaff Supply 00., phone Thorn- hill 73. 5 TON STACK Alfalfa Hay; 50 bags potatoes. Apply James Vander- burgh, RR. 2, Maple, telephone Maple 964. PEROHERON MARE, 10 years old, $50.00. Leechwood Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. 12 PIGS 6 weeks old, 1 five year old mare, 1 two year old Percheron colt. Wesley Palmer, lot 22, c011. 2, Markham Township. FRESH COWS, close springers and backward springers, all eastern cows. Also brown mate in foal. Apply Ed. Irish, Stop 9, Willowdale, phone 369J. ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- SPECIAL PRICES on Battery and' Electric Radios; new and used; hot water incubator, 100 egg, $5.00; spe- cial allowance on Apex double dash- er washers. G. Yerex, Markham Rd.,- Richmond Hill. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Eastern cattle (from T. B. Tested Area). Fresh cows and close-up Springers, Holstei-m, Ayrshire, Jer~ seys, Durhams, T.B. tested and blood tested. Purebreds and grades. Jack Devins, R.R. 2, WestOn, 2 miles south of Woodbridge. Phone Woodbridge 1364. select Horses just arrived from Drinkwater. Percherons, Belgians, and Clydesdales, 12 mares in foal, 4 wagonI horses, match teams, ages from 3 years fo 9 years. Good quiet horses, well broken to harness, at 15 WORK HORSES. One car load seasonl’s prices. Oscar Cox, Union- ville, No. 7 Highway. LOOK AHEAD! BOOK AHEAD! For VanderBent’s ‘Red Label Chicks’, a Government Grade of Quality, they are sired by R.O.P. males whose four nearest dams average over 225 eggs each in pull-et year. This is our low- est grade, no outside flocks. “Pur- ple Label Chicks” are from Certi- fied hens with Official Records in- cluding the Highest Pen over all breeds in the 1935 egg laying Con- tests of Ontario and the fourth high- est pen all Canadian Contest Ottawa ‘19357. -Write for catalogue to Van- derBent’s Pedigreed Leghorn Farm, Gormley, Ont. Phone Thornhill 181‘21. POSITION as farm manager, life ex- perienced. Thoroughly reliable. Ap- n:,1._.__,1 EXPERIENCED good wages to Liberal Office. EGGS, Fatted Poultry, Potatoes, table turnips, baled straw, poultry feed grains. Phone Richmond Hill 234. FARM wanted, five to thirty acres, good house, large poultry or pig pen. Will lease, rent or purchase if suit- able. Give full particulars and besti terms FOR SALE D.7717VIcCague, phone Stouff- > HAY. Apply J- JC- Gormley.‘ ' Apply liox 7, Gomley WANTED ED farm hand, single, to right party. Apply THURSDAY. FEBRU;z old. Apply C- King 4213. â€"Lik;era1, Richmond 92 Richmond- l' 1332;] PUBLIC AUCTION __ on .â€" WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1938 s; also 'at the hour of one-thirty o’clock arrville gin the afternoon at the farm of ‘ STEPHEN J. HANDS, R.R. No. 1, Unionwlle, Ontario- Wheat The following property, namely, L No. 2 ALL AND SINGULAR that cert- ) 2 ain parcel or tract of land amdr prem- ‘r ' lises, situate, lying and. being in the m Township of Markham, in the Coun- ty of York, being composed of the length- l South half of Lot number Eight, in Thom-lthe Fourth Concession of the said lTownship of Markham, containing ‘100 acres, more or less, EXCEPT- _r_ .ING THEREOUT AND Apply HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap- ply Rustic Inn, Richmond Hiii. 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 1 tre Street East, Richmond Hill FARM of 50 or 90 acres. Apply J. Harrison, Bayview Ave.. York Mills Powers of Sale contained in a cert- ain momgage, whlch will be pro- duced: at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by . A. M. McEwen, Auctloneer _at._ FRbMi Hue rod on the north west angle of the south-east quarter as mentioned in Jonathan Leman’s deed ;h'dv’ ALSO VSAV‘ING AND EXCEPT- ING a five-acre parcel more parti- cularly described in Partial Dis- charge of mortgage dated July 26, 1934. On the said! farm there is said .to be erected a dwelling house wlrth suitable, farm bgildimxgs._ _ The lands will be sold subject to a Reserve Bid. TERMS OF SALE:â€"Twenty-five per- cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, the- balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent per annum. For further particulars and Con- ditions of Sale refer to W. ERIC STEWART. K.C., East Block Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Ontario, Solicitor to the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this 25th day of January, 1938. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" with Trunk. Good value. 1936 FORi) V-8 TUDOR with Trunk â€"Heater. Very nice. 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING TUDOR (with Trunk). Heater. Splendid Value. 1934 FORD V-S DeLUXE SEDAN. 1930 FORD TUDOR â€"â€" Thoroughly RecOnditioned. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Ton). Little Brothers RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W Fable: Once upon a time a. man found a clipping in his desk and“ re- membered why he had saved it. MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Let‘us not be too proud of our “progress”. A gorilla with all our machines and gadgets would still be a gorilla. qse ue .uo dn sumq a; ueqm new 51;! safiucqo 91131239 B Alum adv -xa fiugqqfixaAa 5mm} mou aouaps Ford Sales & Service Charles Graham JARY 17th, 1938 TU RENT $59300 $650.00 $525.00 $225.00 $475.00 $175.00 ONTARIO

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