This community was indeed sad- dened by the death of one of its best known citizens, Mr. Robert Agar. On the 26th of November Mr. and Mrs.- Agar motored to Toronto to Visit Mrs. Agar’s daughter, Mrs. Stanley Young, when Mr. Agar was almost overcome by a severe heart attack before they reached their destination. For a few weeks he was at death’s door and then he seemed to take a ldecided turn for the better. But lonl'y, for a short time when the fam- ily’s hopes were dashed and he took a relapse. Circulation ceased to function in his foot and gangrene set in. He immediately went to the Western hospital and finally had our toes amputated in an effort-to save his life. But, unfortunately, the operation was of no avail and on Felbruary 16th Mr. Agar passed a- way after weeks of intense suffer- nlg. In the year 1900 Mr. Agar was married to Miss Maria Hulan-d. RN. and by this marriage George and Marion (Mrs. Jack Frisby) were ~0rn. When the infant daughter was u-t two weeks old Mrs. Agar died. 11 1906 Mr. Augar married Janet Mc- en-zie (Wilson) who mourns his loss long with his son and: daughter and hree stepâ€"children, Mr. Jack Wilson f Sutton, Mrs. Florence Bruce of elville and Mrs. Stanley. Young of oronto. His many friends join with the Family in mourning the loss of a true meig‘hbor and friend. On March 4th the “Day of Prayer†is being recognized in the United Church and the Headford, Brethren in Christ and Mennonite friends are worshipping with the friends here. The W. A. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Klinck .ast Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Macdonald gave a splendid paper and )ther interesting contributions made 'he program mest helpful. Mrs. linc‘k and her group were respons- ble for the excellent program. All members of the community are nvitedu to participate in this worthy service. On March 3rd an oyster supper s being held under the auspices of :he W. A. Please keep this date n mind as a splendid evening is VOL. LVII. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†News â€" AL BERNIE “RHYTHM IN A NITE COURT†SAT., MON., TUES., FEB. 26 - 28 - MAR. 1 PAT O’BRIEN, GEORGE BRENT, CHESTER MORRIS 300 SEATS 25 CENTS VICTORIA THE GREAT VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Added Hitâ€"Richard Arlen “PARK AVENUE GIRL†When you place your insurance through this office you are assured of real service from Companies long estab- lished in business with plenty of reserves to meet all contingencies, and who settle claims satisfactorily and promptly. Get our rates on Fire, Automobile, House- hold Burglary, Plate Glass, Accident & Sickness, etc. Sun Insurance Office Limited . . . . . . Established 1710 (The oldest insurance office in the world) British American Assurance Co. . . . . Established 1833 Waterloo Fire Insurance Co. Established 1863 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Established 1810 Liverpool & London is; Globe . . . . . Established 1836 (The oldest insurance office in the world) British American Assurance Co. . . . . Established 1833 Waterloo Fire Insurance Co. Established 1863 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Established 1810 Liverpool & London 3); Globe . . . . . Established 1836 Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co. Ltd. Established 1872 Assets, $75,287,934 (Strongest purely casualty company in the world) Wellington Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840 A policy in any of the above Companies is your guarantee of service and security Office 93 Yonge St., Telephone 87 WED., THURS, FRI., MARCH 2 - 3 - 4 RONALD COLEMAN - MADELEINE CARROLL The Prisoner of Zenda TO-DAY AND FRIDAY ONLY THE SCREEN’S GREATEST LOVE STORY ANNA NEAGLE â€" H. B. WARNER _ _ 1N _ _ J. ROY HERRINGTON SUBMARINE .D-l INSURANCE “GET THE CAPITOL HABIT†__._1N_‘__ in Or» Wednesday, March 23rd ‘Dick’ the Amateur Gardener will be here to address the Horticultural Society andI friends. You are permitted to send. in questions on any of yOur troubles with house plants or in the garden, all of whfch ‘Diek’ will an- swer. Phone the Secretary. 'The community Is at present ex- periencing an epidemic of measles, and a large number of 10ca1 homes are now under quarantine. Fortun- ately practically all are very mild: cases. promised Rev. and Mrs. Crossleyl King took tea at the home of Mrs. Annie Mort- son and in the evening Mr. King addressed the Y.P.S. m a very anle manner on the sulbject, “Christian Citizenship.†The Victoria Square male qvartette also contributed a couple of selections. Mr. Amos Agar, Mr. and Mrs. Adiam Agar of Nashville and Mr. Watson Farr of Woodbrid'ge attend-- ed the funeral last Friday of Mr. Rubert Agar. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace are the proud parents of a young son, John Keith. Mr. and Mrs. P. Willows spent Sunday afternoon with friend-s at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark of Toâ€" ronto spent Saturday at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley chnton. Don’t forget the regular monthly meeting of the Horticultural Society to-night in the Municipal Hall at 8 o’clock. Reports of the delegates to the convention of the Ontario Horti- cultural Association held last week will be given by Mrs. R. D. Little, Mr. P. E. Angle and Mr. James Skeele. Mr. Walter 'Rid‘ley motored to Galt on Sunday to visit his parents. Premiums for this year include new Russell Lupin seeds which are expensive, or named- Iris root, or named Glad'ioli Scorm. Let the sec- retary know your choice as soon as possible. Any of these must be 01'- dered‘ early to secure a bargain. District Representative Richmond Hill, Ont. HORTICULTURAL NOTES MEASLES EPIDEMIC Yonge at Castlefield MO. 2172 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1938 "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All BANQUET AND O‘RATORICAL CONTEST The Annual Convention of the North York Temperance Federation will be held in the Sunday School jroom of the Richmond Hill United Church on Tuesday, March 1st. A ibanquet will be served at 7 pm. ‘Ifor which the charge will be thirty- ‘five cents. Following the banquet ani Oratorical contest will be heard, the contestants being the prize win- ning speakers from the local con- tests held recently in various points- in North York. The trophies for this contest are, the Dr. S. J. Boyd silver cup, the '001. W. P. Mulock ‘silver cup and the T. Eaton silver bovvl for senior, intermediate and junior classes, respectively. Scott Mcflair ls Honored By Fair Directors Thirty-TWo Years :1 Member of Fair Board, Presented With Gold Headed Cane Township was honored by his asso- ciates on: the directorate of the Rich- mond' Hill Agricultural Society Tues- day evening, when he was present- ed with a gold headed cane suitably inscribed. The presentation was a feature of the banquet held at the Eglinton Hunt Club when H. R, Bain, of Eglinrton Hunt and offi- cers of the York Kennel club were guests of the Richmomi Hill Board. The presentation was made by president Harry Charles who paid sincere tribute to the long years of faithful service rendered to the So- ciety by Mr. McNair who has been a director of the organization since 1902. Taken completely by surprise Mr. McNair expressed his heartfelt thanks to his friends for the honor conferred on him and recalled in- teresting‘ events in the long history of the Agricultural Society which will hold its 89th annual Fair next May 24th. ‘The toast to the Agricultural Soâ€" ciety was proposed by ‘R‘eeve‘ Robert W. Scott of Vaughan, a past presi- dent of the Society and responded to by T. H. Trench another past president. “The Guests" was pro- posed by Major G. H. Basher and respondâ€"ed to by H. R. Bain, M.F.H. Eglinton Hunt and E. A. Reiswick of the York Kennel Club. Public School team at the local a- rena Friday afternoon at 4.30. The local squad will be minus the ser- vices of Morley Hillaby who is quar- antined. I 8 p.m. Admission 25c. Everybody welcome. (By Sam Macdonald’) The possibilities for either the Senior or Junior teams capturing first place are not looking so prom- ising. Last Tuesday Aurora. beat both teams and so Richmond Hill will have to step lively to win first place and \beat Newmarket for the cup. EUCHRE Robertson Lodge, King City, will hold a Euchre on Friday evening at The De La Salle school team from Aurora will play the Richmond Hill 'Th‘is promises to :be a meeting of intense interest. You are cordially invited. Mr. Noah Pitcher will ‘be the guest speaker. The school is preparing for the commencement which. will be held in two more weeks. The program will consist of two one-act plays and songs from the Glee Club. The Glee Club was formed this week But unfortunately consis’ts mostly of girls. We will be looking forward for you all at the comb mencemen't and hope you will all enjoy yourselves. DE LA SALLE PLAY PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAM HERE FRIDAY REV. EDWARD KEANE HON- - ORED ON TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY At the morningservice at St. :' Mary‘s R.C. Church last Sunday * Rev. Edward Keane was honored ‘ :by the members of his parish on the occasion of the twenty-fifth ' anniversary of his ordination as " Mr. J. Scott McNair of Vaughan a priest. A purse of gold was presented to him by Mr. J. A. Greene and Mr. W. J. McQuillen on behalf of the parish. R'ev. Keane has been in Richmond Hill since 1931. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ,Tax Rate is ' Down ï¬neï¬iliw For Year 1938 At a special meeting of the mun- icipal conncil of Richmond Hill Vil- lage held Monday evening the tax rate for the year 1938 was struck at 45 mills, which is a reduction of one mill from last year. Reeve J. A. Greene presidedi at the meeting and all the members attended, coun- cillor H. J. Mills receiving a hearty welcome after his holiday trip south. Previous to the meeting of the coun- cil the finance committee had care- fully gone over the estimates for the year and with well sharpened pencils council members pared as low as possible all estimated ex- penditure. No extensive new work is planned for in the coming year. Ten years ago the total tax rate was 55 mills, and in adidiitirn to re- ducing the rate by ten mills to the present level of 45 mills the sub- stantial overdraft has been reduced almost to the vanishing point and the village financial pesition con- sistently improved during the per- iod. Crop Impmvement Meeting Here Next Tuesday March lst The week commencing February 28th, might be termed “Crop Imp provement Week" in York County when the Agricultural Societies are holding a series of very seasonable educational meetings with speakers to discuss crop and soil problems. Outstanding authorities have been secured for the afternoon addresses which will begin at 2 o’clock. A. G. Scott of the Experimental Farm at Ottawa who has discover- ed that diseases can be prevented by the dust. treatment of seed, will deal with this work, illustrating with interesting specimens. John D. Mc- Rate Cut Ten Mills In Period While the lectures will be given in the afternoon, the program will get under 'way at 10.30 when farms ers can have samples of soil tested to guide them in selecting proper fertilizers for their crops. During the morning, Agricultural Representâ€" ative W. M. Cockburn is arranging to have a supply of screen material on hand for farmers wishing to re- pair their old fanning mill frames. Those interested are advised to bring in their old frames and samples of the seed they wish to clean. deal with this work, illustrating with interesting specimens. John D. Mc- Leod of the Ontario Crops Branch, Toronto, who supervises the seed cleaning plants of the Province, will discuss seed cleaning and fanning mill repairs. ‘To complete the pro- gramme, R. J. Bryden of the Chem- istry; Dept. of the Ontario Agricul- tural College, will speak on fertility problems and soil testing. onto spent last Saturday Wim rm. and Mrs. W. Woods. A Pancake Supper will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, March ‘ lst, from 5 to 8 pm. under the ausâ€" pices of St. Stephen‘s W.A. THORNHILL LIBRARY ASSOC. Additions, February 18, 1938 NON-FICTION These meetings will be held as follows: Sutton, St. James Hall, Monday, February 28. Richmond Hill, Masonic Hall, Tuesday, March 1. Aurora, Mechanics Hall, Wednesâ€" day, March 2. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Baker spend: Tues- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilâ€" fred Keffer. :Mr. and Mrs. J. Vand'enberg spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vanderberg in Toronto. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Delkirocco, Philip and Josephine spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Schomb erg, dvayl, March 3 The Y.P. meeting will be Friday evening at the home J. Barton. 7 Mr. amd Mrs. Brock Rear of rie spent Sunday with Mr. and C. Clark. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Spence Bone and! family of Maple spent Tuesday ev- ennin‘g' with Mr. and. Mrs. DeL‘brocco. Mr. anti Mrs. E. Durie and family spent Sunday with friends in Tor- Mr. spent onto. ‘ ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. Summerfeldt of Unionrville wish to announcg the en- gagememt of their youngest daugh- ter, Sarah Darlene, to Howard‘ Chas. LazRose, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. LaRose of Markham. Wedding will take place in March. CARRVILLE Market, Hall, Thurs- Things, Charity†Ten Year held on of Mrs- Mrs. and! NON-FICTION Barrie, The Greenwood Hat; Crow, ,400 MillionI Customers; Day, Life {With Mother; H. S. Edwards, Eneas iAfricanus; Ludwig. The Nile; Marie, , GrandI-Duchess, Education of a Prin- ,cess; Sheehan, Personal History. i ADULT FICTION ! Bridge, Illyu'ian Spring; Chapman, ;The Homesteaders; Gibbs, Cities: of “Refuge; Loring, The Solitarv Horseâ€" man; Maughan, Of Human Bondage; ‘Norris, The American Flaggs'; C. lRoberts, Victoria 4.30; K. Roberts, ‘Northwest Passage; Sayers, The |Ninle Tailors; Tarkington, The Lor- lenzo Bunch. At the February meeting of the United Church W.M.S. the ladies as- sembled at the home of Mr. George Merricrk, the President, Mrs. J. R. Me‘Crimmon occupying the chair. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. G. W. Bailey. Mrs. McCrimmon broug‘ht interesting reports from the annual meeting of Cemtre Presbyter- ial. Mrs. N. Lund gave a synopsis on the medical missionary work in Hm nm-anm area. of the Western Mr. and M‘rs. J. D. Stollery, Missv Stockdale and Mr. KundelI of Tor- onto spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods. $00.90000 999609000909OQQOO°¢OOOO©OOOOOOMNO§W on the medical missionary the northern area. of the Provinces. ‘ JUVENILE FICTION Ballantyne, The Coral Island; Burâ€" roughs, Tarzan Triumphant, also Tarzan and the Jewel of Opan; Cleaver, Jean Valjean; French, Famâ€" ous Canadian Stories; Klng‘stonl, Peter the Whaler; Kipling, Kim; Lang, The Blue Fairy Book; Mont- gomery, A Tangled Web; Hull and Whitlock, The Far Distant Oxus; Rans‘owme, We Didn’t Mean to go to Sea; Verne, The Island Home. peter the Whaler; Lang, The B1119 Fai' gomery, A Tangled Whitlock, The Far Rans‘owme, We Didn’t PRESBYTERIAN W. A. The monthly meeting of the Pres- byterian W.A. was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. F. Schissler, the president, Mrs. Moore, presiding. There was a record attendance de- spite the weather. It was decided to have a supper at the church on March 8th. When the business was concluded dainty refreshments were served \by the hostess. The World Day of Prayer will be held this year in the United Church with Mrs. Fris'by, president of the Anglican Women’s Society presiding. Mrs. John Martin will be soloist for the afternoon. It is hoped there, will be a large number of ladies present. Kindly keep Friday, March 4th free The mildest February in many years, is the almost unanimous wea- ther comment these days. in order pray WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOY in Yonge St. a! Glenforest Rd. 181‘. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER TEXAS TRAIL The Missing ‘Witrcmss gggcg}? Novelty â€" MILT BRITTON & HIS ORCHESTRA OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND BRIAN AHERN in â€"-â€"-ALSOâ€"â€"â€" The Missing Witness MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEB. 28 - MARCH 1 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 - 26 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 2 - 3 with POLLY MORAN - ALISON SKIPWORTH {o attenvdv' this service of BACK IN CIRCULATION MA P LE with PAT O’BRIEN & JOAN BLONDELL ADDED COMEDY HIT TWO WISE MAIDS “THE BIG APPLE†THE DANCE SENSATION OF THE AGE ADDED ATTRACTION 'th WILLIAM BOYS TRAIL W1 GEORGE HAYES PARAMOUNT NEWS DOUBLE WEDDING SINGLE COPIES 50. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The W. A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will hold a sale of Baking. Aprons and Afternoon Tea in the [basement of the church Saturday, February; 26th from 3 to 6 pm. We hope that a large number of the ladies of the community will a- vail themselves of this opportunity to hear this talented speaker. (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, Feb. 27 Quinquagesima 11 a.m.â€"~Morr.ring Prayer and Ser- mon. ' 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. Subject, “The Ten Com- mandmentsâ€. 4th Commandment. “The Sacredness of the Sabbath,†Exodus 20:8. Choir practice at home of Mrs. J. Clark, Bond Lake, Thursday. Cars leave P.O. 7.45 p.m. Ash Wednesday, March 2nd}â€"Ser- vice 8 p.m. A11 invited. Our physical health is not improved by membership in an athletic club we never use. The exercises to which the Church calls us during Lent are a king of spiritual “sett- in-g qu process." 'I‘heir effective- ness depends upon our personal response. Let us start Wednesâ€" day and- keep it up. The local Union has secured as guest speaker Mrs. W. H. Pugsley. one of Canada’s foremost temper- ance workers. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunning-ham. B.D., Minister Sunday, February 27th 11 a.m.â€"â€"“The Bible Our Heritage.†2.30 p.m.â€"-Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"â€"“What will become of His Dreams?â€"†The truest end of life is to know that life never ends. W. C. T. U. MEETING The regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. O. L. Wright on Wednesday, March 2nd at 3 1mm. Window.†2.45 p.m.â€"-Sunday School. All De- 10.30 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11.10 a.m.â€"Morn-ing Service. Subâ€" ject, “Blow Ye Breezes.†Bus leaves the corner at 10.16. ST. MARY’S “CA. WILL HOLD SALE AND AFTERNOON TEA partments ~a~vir‘ uf "mg a: 7. Old favorites for fifteen minutes. You’ll enjoy! it. Come and bring your family and friends. The pastor in charge ~ at both services. Rev ‘p.m.â€"“Bethesdaâ€"Man’s Inhuman- ity to Man." ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Oak Ridges Rev. E. W. G. Worrell, Rector Sunday. February 27th GREAT GARREGK ST. MA RY‘S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH C. W. Follett, B.D.. Pastor Sunday, February 27th r‘L'o'oking Through Job’s lll’dson 5-137 No. 35