Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1938, p. 2

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Richmond Hill ratepayers almost have come to the stage where they take tax reductions as a matter of course. However announcement in this issue of a further reduction of one mill in the rate for the current year is a notable achievement worthy of note and one which will meet with‘ the whole-hearted approval of the ratepayers. Ten years is not a long time in the life of a municipality yet in the year 1928 Richmond Hill’s tax rate was fifty- five mills, just ten mills higher than it is todav. The constantly diminishing tax rate and the corresponding im- provement in the financial position of the town is grati- fying to all citizens, and reflects credit on those who have been‘charged with the responsibility of administering the public affairs of this municipality. Ten mills reduction in tax rate in a ten year period does not happen by chance. Rather it is the result of careful business-like adminis- tration which it has been Richmond Hill’s good fortune to enjoy. Dairying in Canada has come to be one of our largest industries. It employs far more people than mining, autoâ€" motiVe manufacture. steel of the pulp and paper business. Starting on the farm and continuing to the doorstep in the town or city, milk and its products provide employ- ment for more than 300,000 people. The depression showed conclusively that economic setbacks in other lines do not stop the flow of milk. The fourteen and a quarter billion pounds of milk produced in 1929 increased by the time the depth of the depression was reached in 1932 to nearly sixteen billion. And by last 'year this had further advanced to about sixteen and three-quarter billion â€" as the following table from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics illustrates: 1929 . . . . . . . . . . 14,349,023,000 pounds 1930 . . . .‘ . . . . . . 15,126,459000 pounds 1931 . . . . . . . . . . 15,772,852,000 pounds 1932 .' . . . . . . . . . 15,917,868,000 pounds 1933 . . . . . . . . . . 15.048,724.900 pounds 1934 . . . . . . . . . . 16,329,285,400 pounds 1935 . . . . . . . . . . 16,356,661,300 pounds 1936 . . . . . . ’. . . . 16,741,613,100 pounds Milk and its products brought last year to Canadian farmers more than two hundred million dollars â€"â€" $208,â€" 238,128, to be exact. As the total gross annual agricul- tural is around nine hundred and fifty million dollars it is seen that more than a fifth of all agricultural income is derived from the milch cow. This was not so a decade ago when milk was only an eighth of total farm income. Compared to all other products of the Canadian farm, milk is today the largest single course of revenue. This statement is not true for the chief wheat-growing pro- vinces, but it is true for Canada as a whole, although wheat ran a close second last year, being only four million dol- lars behind. It will probably pass milk in a year of good Canadian crops and high world prices, but wheat is large- ly dependent on market variations outside of this country. There are a number of reasons for the enhanced posi- tion which dairying has assumed in this Country in the past few decades. One reason is the great strides which have been made in sanitary control of fluid milk. Through the co-operation of the dairy farmers, the municipal health authorities and the distributing companies, epidemics, caused by milkâ€"borne diseases have largely disappeared, and an increasing public confidence in fluid mill: has been developed. This is the most important feature of the pre- sent situation for no amount of sales effort by the dairies, and no amount of lecturing by the medical profession a- ' bout the food value of milk would be of any real use if people were not satisfied that this milk were pure. Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District r*~x 7 Half a century ago, when Canada was still more or less a country of neighborhoods, when the family cow was the source of most townspeople’s milk, the problem of pure milk had not emerged to trouble our minds. It was when the cities grew that the problem of safe fluid milk distribution became acute. The remedy has been ex- pensive and will continue to be expensive. But in dollars and cents it is worth while to the industry to spend money for sanitary assurance. Great credit is due to the leading distributing companies that pioneered in purveying safe milk, for they built up a justly-placed public confidence that has allowed Canadians to increase their consumption of milk by one-third in the last generation. Contrasting the interest shown in the case of the four Russian scientists drifting on an ice floe near Greenland and the seeming indifference to the thousands slaughtered in China and Spain, the Christian Science Monitor says: “Four men on an ice floe, and nations turn their best ef- forts toward saving them. But in Japan and Spain new battle-fields are carved out in the day’s fighting and what is described as a “veritable butchery” goes on. By what process of reasoning does mankind arrive at the apparent conclusion that men are less worth saving from the dan- gers of war than from the dangers of arctic ice?” It is true that most of the Iow-salaried‘i teachers are engaged in rural schools but there are eight teachers in cities who are not paid more than $600 per annum, 20 others in towns and 41 more in Villages. And the Min- ister’s report further states that there are a few women teachers in city schools paid as low as $400 per year.” In discussing the question of under-paid school teach- ers in a recent editorial, the Brockville Recorder and Times strikes a real point When it says: “As long as there are 5,000 school teachers through- out Canada on salaries of less than $500 a year, the ac- cusation that those engaged in the profession are over- paid will scarcely hold water. 7 “The President of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation has pointed out that, according to the annual report of the Minister of Education of Ontario, there are 3,329 tea- chers in this Province paid less than the minimum wage set for girls engaged in factory work. And, believe it or not, 518 of these teachers are men. PAGE TWO THURSDAY: FEBRUARY 24th, Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachern Smith, Manager THE UNDER-PAID TEACHERS A REDUCED TAX RATE “THE LIBERAL” OUR DAIRY INDUSTRY 1 showed conclusively that economic nes do not stop the flow of milk. The arter billion pounds of milk produced IV the time the depth of the depression A CONTRAST 1938 The North Yc ciety held its re ing last Monday Hall with a ve ful address on “The Cultivation of Lilies,” how to grow, where to grow and what to grow. He also showed very beautiful lantern slides of the National Flower arid Garden Show held) in Milwaukee last year, 'also some outstanding displays at the Baltimore National Flower Show. This is the greatest Flower Show iin the world and incidentally it is icoming to Toronto for this year’s i Show and Convention. It will be held‘ in» the Automotive Building, C.N.E. from March 24 to April 2. Carloads of flowers have already reached To- ronto and are put in storage readly to be put in place for the opening. The regular admission fee is: 75‘ cents to the National Show but Horticul- i tural Societies are allotted a quantity- nf Honmts at 45 cents. So get Your to the National Show but Horticul- tural Societies are allotted a quantity of tickets at 45 cents. So get your tickets in good time. Eleven newj members joined. This year, to the eligible for a premium your fee must be paid or! or before April 25th as ' dealers refuse to deliver or guaranâ€" . tee-premiums after the original list has been sent in. The list of pre- miums will include a good selection.‘ Mr. A. W. Galbraith moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Hall for his very informative address and beautiful? lante’rn slides after which the meet- ing closed with the National Anthem. The Young People’s Union of the United Church met last Monday ev- ening with a large attendianCe. Mr. Jack Duggan presided. The guest speaker was Mr. Harris. principal of Queen» Mary Public School. Willow- diale. who spoke on Christian Citi- zenshirp.” Hist address was very much worth while and appreciated- by all. He also brought a String Or- chestra from his school who gave several selections which added very much to the evenling’s program. Miss Beatrice Johnston, convener of Chris- tian Culture will be in charge of the Y.P.U. meeting next Monday even- THE LIBERAL, ing Rev. J. R. Mc‘Crimmon of Maple occupied the pulpit of the United Church last Sunday evening and gave a very interesting message of his' missionary work in' British Cob Iumbia. We are sorry to hear of the sen- ous illness of Roberta Johnson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson who is very ill at present with bronchial pnleumonia. We sincerely hope she will have a speedy recovery. bcLljJLuxc mam,” An]... ..-..-V. _- was read by Jean Stephensm after which all recitedl the memory verses. [The leader, Miss Lever, told the Misâ€" lsionary Story from the study book. A representative committee from the various local churches met last Tuesday afternoon and made plans for the World! Day of Prayer which will be observed on Friday, March 4th. NEWTONBROOK EDO YOU CHARGE The} Mission Band‘ met last Sat- urday at 2.30 pm. in the 8.8. hall of the United Church with Robert Walterhouse presiding. There was an attendance of thirty-one. The scripture lesson from Matt. 25 chap. Rev. J. R. and' Mrs. McCrimmon of Maple were guest; last Sunday of Rev. and Mrs‘. Halbert. A vocal number was contril“~uted by the Mission Band officers and Joan Walterhouse gave a recitation. The minutes of last meeting were read by Rita Hurd. The meeting was followed: by a St. Valentine Party. The mailman arrived with Valentines for everybody and each member re- ceived a bag of candy attractively wrapped in red‘ paper. A number from here initendi going to the Temperance Rally to be held in Richmond Hill United- Church next Tuesday, March lst at 7 p.m. Mrs. Haroldl Summers and son Bruce of Ai'vida, Quebec, arrived here last week and are staying with Mr. and~ Mrs. Frank Sumlme‘rs. The Y.P.U. of the Sub-ufiban Area are invited to attend a Y.P.U. Rally im Richmond Hill. United Church on Tuesday evening, March 8th at 7.45 l o’clock. MT. John S. Hall of Toronto will show beautiful lantern slides in the United Chuwh S. S. hall next Wed- nesday evening, March 2nd at 8 o’- clock. Everylbody‘ welc0me. A sil- ver collection will be taken. BROTHERTON’S Steamship38§§§iaÂ¥ Special Sailings to the Homeland by Canadian Pacific, Cunard and Anchor-Dmmldson lines at Lowest Rates. Photos and Passports Secured All enquiries confidential We look after your wants right from your home. Phone Willowdale 63J Office Stop 6l‘Yonge St., Lansing The gues1 Hall who York Horticultural Sov- regular monthly meet- ;y evening in the Town? l l very good attendance. rtis, the president, preâ€" :uest speaker was Mr. who gave a very help- n “The Cultivation of to hear of the seri- Roberta Johnson, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO men‘ an notlces sion fee Possessed of a voice that at any time cannot be said to have that silvery ring spoken of in novels, we informed our friend at the other end of the wire in our best and softest English" that is not up to much at any time, that we could not help that, but with wages, taxes, paper and ink bills and the like to look after, we did not see how we could do anything else but charge for that which was pure advertising whether an admission fee was charged or not. We intimated that the Review was running its own‘business, and if it was the desire of the manage- ment to make a free publicity sheet ‘Iouit of it, there was little we could ‘do about it. Personally ' “free” stuff. should be, e If we give z “free” advel hard for us Ices the 'e received a publicity announce- ,‘t a. few days ago. It was for affair at which there was to be admission charge and after we written the announcement down, were asked if we charged for it. ‘ppointed and tom us I, iew made no charge f‘ ces when there was no FOR THIS ? (Durham told that We her end of t are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First 7 Orders taken at THE LIBERAL OFFICE ear Sales 306%“ :‘ the line seemed old us that The @J/ no admis- the party such HARRY R. ROSE TELEPHONE TALKS IN 4O Yonge St., Richmond Hill Telephon Office Hoursâ€"Every Monday and Thursday Afte ‘ and by appointment Toronto Offices: 1'00 Adelaide Street West - Avvv. THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL AW Richmond Hill Bow RETURN FARES LEAVE RI( “."x can talk farther than QUOTATIONS ON BONDS, INDUSTRIALS AND MINING STOCKS. Investment Securities DAILY SERVICE Bekween TORONTO and NEW YORK - - - $15.05 MIAMI - - - ~ - 40.70 CHICAGO - - - 15.15 LOS ANGELES \ 62.55 EQUALLY LOW RATES TO OTHER POINTS Dominion Bank Building, Toronto “MY DAD . R. HERRINGTON LANGSTAFF SUPPLY is nature’s finest fueiâ€"our Reading Anthracite. Phoneâ€" m ’PHONE THORNHILL 73 ALBERTA COAL ROSE & HERMAN Barristers-At-Law THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 193% Representative When Donnie Watson’s father greeted him over the telephone from 500 miles away, Donnie was impressed no end. He couldn’t resist boasting a bit to his next-door neigh- bour and playmate. Whenever you’re called out of town, (10 as Bob Watson does â€"â€" telephone home. It brings peace of mind at a trifling cost. LIMITED Reductions in telephone ratesâ€"40ml and long distance â€"â€" in 1935, ’36 and ’37 have effected savings to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec 0] nearly one million dollars yearly. x~Connecfion y-Also lo- -M: Gruvenhur: THE WATSON FAMILY DAIL x-9.18 a $2.42} p Telephone 133 day Afternoon CHMOND HILL Y SERVICE YOURS!” LOUIS HERMAN Phone 87

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