Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1938, p. 4

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CROP Improvemmt MEETENG Seed Cleaning and Treating Soil Testing and Fertilizers MASONIC HALL, RECEMOND HELL Tuesday, Mar. lst Experimental Farm. Ottawa Ontario Crops brancn “SEED TREATING”“SEED CLEANING” R. J. BRYDEN FanninzMillfl Screen Material Screen material available from 10.30 to 5 p.m. Bring a sample of your seed and your frames and come early. Bring soil samples if possible. “SOIL TESTING AND-FERTILIZERS” Richmond Hill Agricultural Society HARRY CHARLES, Pres. R. s. COOPER. Sec. PAGE FOUR Under the auspices o and the Ontario Molauthin-Buick/ raises > > » 2NEW VALUE [STANHARBS 0U may not care about engine deâ€" sign, or know a shackle from a cylinder»t1ead. But when inventive genius and engineering ski“ combine to raise the value of your automobile dollar wttlat's news you can’t aHorct to skip. McLaughlinâ€"Buick has a double- Ioarrelled news story like that for you this year. . . in two exclusive engineering triumphsâ€"Hie DYNAFLASH Engine and new TORQUEâ€"FREE Springingi The first brings you performance far beyond the â€"â€" SPEAKERS . A. SCOTT J. Rolling Motor Sales SCREEN REPAIRS 10.30 A.M. ON LECTURES AT 2 RM. SHARP 0.A.C., Guelph of the Local Agricultural Society 0 Department of Agriculture Richmond Hill, 0nt., )mtario Crops Branch . D. M cLEOD power of words to paint. The second puts soft but sturdy coil springs on the rear wheelsâ€"«with Knee-Action up in frontâ€"to increase amazingly your riding comfort and your safety. Both these great features are exclusive IVIcLaugHin-Buick advancementsâ€"I found on no other car. That is why we say. “Try the ride, compare the price tags, and you'll say McLaughlin-Buick is the most advanced motor car in the world. . . the smartest‘buy’ in motoringI" er. Jean Robson gave a reading, “Living in a Wheeled Chair.” Chas. Robson also took part. At the annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of North York held recently in Aurora the follow- ing officers were elected: County Master, H. Edwards, King; Dep. County Master, H. Gould, Schomberg; County Chap, W. Bark- er, King; County Rec. Sec., W. H. Taylor, Aurora; County Fin. Sec., George Langridge, Roche’s Point; County Treas., A. Bedlar, Keswick; County, Marshal, J. W. Hurst, Kesâ€" wick; Dept. Lect., M. Gibney, Mount Albert; Dept. Lect., J. Boak, Noble- ‘ro-n; County Aluditors, J. W. Hurst, S. C. Chapman. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO TESTON A. meeting at the home Members of the Council were all His Hadwen was largely" present, and having subscribed to The President, Mrs. E. :sided. There was the ass and a good program. larkstn read the lesson, yle gave an interesting yove” and the hymns and a suitable to the topic, 'son read a pOem, and .vis read a paper on St. A very dainty lunch was oe marl gnnH’. nf Taskav their Declaration and Qualifications of Office took their seats as follows: Reeve, Mr. J. P. Jefferson; Deputy Reeve, Mr. C. E.-Walkingtonv; Coun- cillors, Mr. E. M. Legge, Mr. L. B. Goodrfellow, Mr. Thos. MacMurchy. Beforethe Council went into busi- ness an address was given by Rev. Mr. Bailey of Kleinburg. The Reeve and Members of the Council made short addresses relative to the work M~688 Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by C. E. Walkington, that the clerk be and is hereby authorized to for- ward a cheque to the Richmond Hill Hydro Commission for the sum of $83.59 being arrears paid into our office re Mabel Hulme re Hydro ser- vices. Carried Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by C. E. Walkington, that the Reeve and clerk is hereby instructed to complete the necessary papers re Martin McKirm-on re Committal to the Toronto Hospital for Incurables. The same to be put through hospi- talization account and charged ’n the usual way. Carried' Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by L. B. Good‘fellow, that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to issue a cheque to the Treasurer of the County of York for the sum of $154.25 being our share of Hospital- ization up to am] including Decem- ber Blst, 1937. Carried Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by C. E. Walkington, that the clerk and! solicitor be and are hereby ini- structed‘ to bring in the necessary Byâ€"Law to license dogs within this Municipality in lieu of the present system now in vogue. m Resolutions | Moved by E. M. Legge, s‘econdedll by Thos. MacMurchy, that the clerkl be instructed to issue a cheque to. Mr. H. Edwards for the sum of $2.00: being rebate on dog tax for the yearl 1937. This dog having been killed‘i in April last and' that the seal of] the corporation be attached\ to thisf resolution, and the same b-e writtenl off the collector’s roll also: Mr. 1.; Hollin‘gshead, $2.00; Mr. S. WeirH' $2.00. Carried ; Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by L. B. Goodfellow, that this coun- cil hereby recommends that: the Vill- age of Nobleton be raised to the Statutes of a Police Village within this Municipality and the County of York. And that the Reeve and Dep- uty Reeve be and‘ are hereby author- ized to move the necessary resolu- tions at the January session of the York County Council enabling this council to further enter into agree- ment with the Nobleton P. V. Comâ€" missioners and‘ to pass the necessary Byâ€"Law confirming the same, and that the seal of the corporation: be attached to this resolution. Relief Voucher, $1020.54; Road Voucher N0. 6, $633.05; Road VOuch- er No. 7, $239.05. Moved by Thos. MaoMurchy, sec- onded by C. E. Walkington, that the following be paid the sums opposite their respective names for sheep killed by clogs as per valuator’s certi-‘ fied statement now on file. Wilfred. Broad, $10.00. Carried Moved by L. B. Good-fellow, sec- onded by E. M. Legge, that the clerk be authorized to OK. the charges re Insulin re patients accounts which. are now on. file. Carried Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by L. B. Goodfello‘w, that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise for tenders for the Town--l ship printing for the year 1938, ten-I ders to be received up to 12 o'clock lnoon February 12th, 1938. ( By-Laws Passed By-Law No. 671â€"A By-Law as to payment to relief in the Township of King was read three times and King Twp. Council Carried Carried Carried iFOUR MAMMOTH Bronze Turkey ‘ Hens and; one Gobbler. One pure bred ‘white Embdem Gander. Leo Burton, Carrville Rd., phone Maple 764. QUANTITY OF WHEAT suitable for feed. $27.50 per ton. Apply Walter Realnan, phone Maple 1564. 2 PUKRXEBRED Yorkshire Hogs. W. M. Clack, Maple P.O., Lot 16-17, 5th Concession of Vaughan. ""m” """m"' ‘7' ’ 112, concession 6, Markham Township, GOOD BALED HAY and Wheat favailable immediately. Apply Ernest Straw. Apply R. Rodick, R.R. No. 2 Snowball, Cedarbrook Farms, Union- Gormley, phone Agincourt 42r2. ville, or Westminster Hotel, 240 Jar- __ __~ A A _vis Street, Toronto. 6m: ERLESH cow. High Tester. Leo Burton, Can'ville Rd., phone Maple 764. GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 per cord delivered, cut any length. Langstaff Supply 00., phone Thorn- hill 73. PERJCLHEJRJON MARE, 10 years old, $125.00. Apply Leechwood Farm, 21/.» miles east of ‘Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabred chicks. Our prices are moderate andl our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. FRESH COWS, close springers and backward springers, all eastern cows. Also brown mare in foal. Apply Ed. Irish, Stop 9, Willowdale, phone 369J. 1 BU‘LL, Registered Holstein, Maple Terrace Alcartra Burke, born Aug. 1935. Priced reasonable. Also 50 bags potatoes, culls, @ 20c. per bag. O. L. Heise, Victoria Square, phone Stouffville 6120. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 1021'13. Eastern cattle (from T. B. Tested Area). Fresh cows and close-up Springers, Holstein, Ayrshire, Jer- seys, Durhams, T.B. tested and blood tested. Purebreds and grades. Jack Devins, RR. 2, Weston, 2 miles south of Woodbridge. Phone Woodbridge 1364. 1 GREY MAERE 8 years old and- 1 black mare 10 years old, 2 brood sows and a combination Daniel In- cubator, electric ancl coal oil. Mr. George Kozak, Richmond Hill. REMEMBER your fall egg basket. Will it be full of high quality pro- duce? You can secure that stock to start right at Pyramid» Poultry Farm, where only A large eggs are set, from a flock of selected breed- ers, free from Bacillory White Diar- rhoea for 5 consecutive years. One grade. High quality, Price list on request. Hugh G. Michell, 11/2 mile north of Locust Hill. Claremont R. R. No. 2. FOR CHEAP BROILERS buy flav- old Leghorn cockerels. $2.00 per 100. Early March delivery. William Vand- erbent, Gormley‘RR. No. 2, phone Thornhill 18r21. accredited and blood tested, 11' to pick from, 1 fresh one. ‘Phil Payme, R.R. No. 2, Weston, telephone Wood}- ‘bri‘dge 911‘3. For VanderBent’s ‘Red Label Chicks’, a Government Grade of Quality, they are sired by R.O.P. males whose four nearest dams average over 225 eggs each in pullet year. This is our low- est grade, no outside flocks. “Pur- ple Label Chicks” are from Certi- fied hens with Official Records in- cluding the Highest Pen over all breeds in the 1935 egg laying Con- tests of Ontario and the fourth high- est pen all Canadian Contest Ottawa 1937. Write for catalogue to Van- derBent’s Pedigreed Leghorn Farm, Gormley, Ont. Phone Thornhill 181'21. LOOK AHEAD! BOOK AHEAD} meaning ler Mr. Miller â€" “It’s very stubiborn, Doctor.” - Doctorâ€"“How’s your wife?” same By-Law No. 673 to determine the time and place for holding council meetings was read three times and: passed. passed The meeting then adjourned to meet at Armstrong’s Hotel, King City on the 12th day of February, 1938 THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"I’MAKE THE MOST OF 1T ,, x <r A__5_ ALLAH Lu ALLAâ€"l “4.- v RATESâ€"Five lines 01" 18;,‘23â€"Eénis for _first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. CLO SE SPRINGERS, Holsteins, Doctdrâ€"“How’s your cold, Mr. Milâ€" This appears to have a double Mr. Miller â€"â€" “She’s‘ about the 9n FOR SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 iPASTURE LAND with good water for cattle, lot 12, concession 6, Mark- |ham Township. Apply Ernest Snow- ball, Cedarbrook Farms, Unionvville, or Westminster ‘Hotel, 240 Jarvis 'Street, Toronto. HOUSE on Centre Street East. Ap- 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 Gem tre Street East, Richmond Hill. ply Rustic Inn, Richmond Hi}; BUNGALOW 5 rooms close to Yonge on Yongehurst Road, stop 24 Yonge Street. Apply Stewart Wal‘k. EIGHT ROOM BRICK H‘OUSE, lot 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Apply Box 73, Liib- eral Office. FARM about 100 acres near Rich- mond Hill or Aurora. Apply) Box 64, Liberal Office. FULLY EXPERIENCED farm hand wants work, age 26, monthly or year- 1y engagement. Telephone Richmond Hill 114. SUM OF MONEY on Friday between A. Warring-tom’s barber shop and Wright Street in Richmond Hill. Finder please notify The Liberal 01'- fice. C‘OLLIE DOG, black with white ring around neck and white nose and tail tips. When last seen had license on collar. $5.00 reward for return. For- ester Farm, Steele Road, 3rd con- cession. RJOO‘M AND BOARD. First class room and board, seven dollars a week at the Richmond Hotel. See Mr. Page, Proprietor. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1937 FORD V18 DeLUXE COUPEâ€"â€" Ford Heater and Defroster. A smart car. 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING TUDOR (with Trunk). Heater. Splendid Value. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN. 1930 FORD TUDOR â€" Thoroughly Recénditioned. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Ton). Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W M ISCEL'LA NEOUS with Trunk. Good value. â€"Heater. Very nice. MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Charles Graham TU RENT WANTED $59Sa00 $695.00 $650.00 $195.00 $525.00 $475.00 $175.00 LOST 24th, 1938

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