1 Gray Gelding, H.D. 1 Bay Geiding, H.D. 1 Bay Gelding, H.D. CATTLE 1' Black Heifer, due time of sale 1 Red grid White part Ayrshire Heif er, full flow v 1 Black and White Cow, milking 1 Red andl White part Ayrshire Cow supposed to calf in May 1 Red ané White pal-t Ayrshire Cow in full flow 1 Red and White part Ayrshire Cow in full flow lz'Black Cow, due time of sale PIGS l "Brood Sow, bred: IMPLEMENTS 1 Hand Cutting Box or Power 1 Root Pulper 1 Common Sense Fanning Mill with Bagger and‘ Wild Oats Cleaner I Set Platform Scales l Set Farm Trucks 1 Bay Rack 2 No. 21 Fleury Walking Plows with i’ Turnip Drill ! (“rarer l "Buggy LDraw Rope; 160 ft I‘Bay Horse, Agriculture 1 Bay Horse, Coach 1'Bay Mare, Coach 1 Brown Mare, Coach 1 Percheron: Mare, rising 4 years CATTLE 2| Holstein Cow. 5 vears, bred July 1 '1 Roan Heifer, fat Number Ewes, bred CITIES SERVECE GARAGE wheels Double Mould Plow Masseyâ€"Harris Seuffler, nearly! new '1' Bey-Harris 6 ft. Binder, truck and carrier Massey-Harris 5 ft. Mower "LEE. 2%WH.P. Gas Engine .nnvy VVagon, good envy Wagon Buggie ‘ugon Box 1 Deuu Set two ton Springs Way Rack. good Stock and Hay Rack combined, 'Root Drill, good HHHHHHH> 21mm Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs Auction Sale of Farm Stock THOMAS THGMSON Lot 18, Concession 3, Markham Township at Headford WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ND IMPLEMEN’I‘S Massey-Harris Binder, six foot Masseyâ€"Harris Mower Deering Mower Corn Cultivator, Oliver Disc Han-ow, Vessols Spring Tooth_Harrow PAGE Set 12 foot Harrows Set 9 foot Harrows Steel Roller, 3 drums twoâ€"furrow Plow Gang Plow 'Fleury Plow, 21 Fleury Plow with wheels, 21 Fleury Plow with wheels attached Threshing Machine ‘Ton Scale, platform Ton Scale Beam Scale, 400 lbs. 'Massey-Harris Cutting- Box ‘Fanning' Mill. Chatham ‘Fnrse Rake. 12 foot Sale Commences at 1 p.m. TERMS:â€"CASH No Reserve PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers 'T'Ucoibarfoir Slush Scraper '-c:‘or Engine, 5 HP. AUCTION SALE F arm Stock, Implements Giving up Farming and Housekeeping Permszâ€"Cash Sale at 1 pm. 'A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer Lot 1, Concession 2. Vaughan Township 2 Miles West of Steele‘s Corners at Fisherville Towing Anywhere Harvester Hay, HARNESS, FURNITURE, Etc. The Property of THURSDAY, MARCH 10TH HORSED HORSES Grain, Tools, Furniture, etc. The Property of RICHMOND HILL JAMES HILL ANY TIME Phone 12 for Buggies _ 1 Democrat ATâ€" in. thick 2 Iron Bars, wagon tire size Number of Wagon Wheels Forks, shovels, rakes, hoes, Whiffle- trees, etc. HARNESS 1 Set Chain Team Harness 1 Set Double Harness Number of Br'dles and Horse Collars FURNITURE 1 Extension Dining-room Table 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 Dresser 1 Engine, 1 H.P., air cooled 1 Vessot Grinder,-61/2 inch 1 Power Emery Grinder 2 Hangers 1 Seed Drill, Peter Hamilton 1‘Steel Split Pulley, 5x20 1 Steel Split Pulley, 4x20 1 Wood Split Pulley, 5x15 1 Wood Split Pulley, 8x8 1 Line Shaft, 11/2 inch Quantity of Belting ’1 Sheep Shearing Machine ,1 Spraying Outfit for Potatoes, Mus- tard and Trees, 50 lbs. Blue- stone 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Long Sleigh and Box '1 Cutter, good 1 Cultivator 1 Buzz Saw, 28 inch 1 Stone Boat Lot of Harness Grain Bags 2 Iron. Kettles ’ 3 One Hundred Gal. Barrels 2 50 gal. Barrels Number of good Log Chains 2 Pig Crates 1 Melotte Separator 1 Long Ladder _ __ ._-.‘ “A'Y' nm‘r Hay Fork Sling Chain Car for Beatty Hay new Grindstones Inthrow, Disc Harrow Bob Sleigh Set of Sloop Sleighs Steel Roller, 3 drum 17-toobh Cultivator 13â€"disc Drill 12-ft. Steel Rake Set of Drag Harrows, 16 ft. Heavy Farm Wagon Heavy Spring Wagon Riding Plow, 1 furrow Hayl Tedder Harrow Cart Forecarriag‘e for Binder White Oak Plank, 16 ft. long, 2% Kitchen Cupboard Gramophone Bedsteads with Springs Washing Machine Refrigerator Cream Separator Saws. Planes, Squares, Cress-Cut ‘ ‘ Saw 1 Dehorning Clipper 1 Bull Ringing Outfit Horse Tooth RasD FURNITURE Beds. Cupboards, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Washing Machine. Stoves, Sofas, Couches, Meat Choppers, Meat Saw, Claver. Other articles too numerous to memion. °HKY3§ND POULTRY Quantity of Hav 40 Leghorn Hens TOOLS Fork Track, Soil DEficiency Prof. G. N. Ruhnke told the Field .‘ Crcp convention in Toronto thati ‘many soils in Ontario were showingl ‘signs of mineral deficiency and this lwas reflected in the crops and live Istock. Fertility is lost in» the or- ;dinary course of farming. It canâ€" | not be replaced by the manure alone l and there is a demand for fertilizers lto bring back farms to full pro-ducâ€" tive capacity. Before applying these ‘commercial mixtuures it is necessary to determine if drainage is required ‘ and to test for acidity. Where there i is an acid condition lime is the remâ€" ‘edy. In choosing a fertilizer a soil itest is the best guide though the crop history is also to be taken into M consideration. 'Field Crop Convention used for Onganization of district assolciaâ€" the logs l tions to promote the growing of bet- ;ter seed in.- Omtario was urged by ‘Alex M. Stewart, president of the The D Field Crop Association at the annual 5 rule in I meeting in Toronto. With the pro- logs cut Vince divided into zones the particu- ured by 'lar prdble‘ms of soil and climate 1leW' 'could be studied by local groups. Reâ€" diametei ‘presentatives from these grOupsi Could then discuss at the general The 'convemtion the larger problems of lhigher sale and distribution of seed. It was i logs in decided to ask for greater ï¬nancial" aid to carry out experimental work. The x ' One of the matters demanding atâ€" used f0: ‘tention is a method 0f controlling‘meter a I seedâ€"lborne diseases. l ner val ohhu luv... Dr. G. P. M‘cRostie Outlined the crop testing program which had been proposed a year ago and on which some progress has been made. Based on soil surveys made in Western Ontario and the counties between To- ronto and Kingston a numbe" of zones have been marked off. 1 en- tion has been given to differences of climate so that some uniformity of conditions in each zone can be depended upon. The corn growing area of Essex and Kent and the Nia- gara fruit belt are striking examples of crops adopted to certain areas. Dr. MdRostie thinks there is a poss- ibility of producing turnip seed in a strip of land bordering on Lake Hu- ron and Georgiamv Bay where condi- tions are similar to those in. Nova ‘Scotia. Much dependence has been placed on the thousands of tests conducted on small plot-s throughout Ontario. These have indicated in a general way the best yielding varieties. To. L get more accurate data twenty-five larger plots were tried last year by students of the Agricultural College. Results so far have been satisfac- tory and obtained at moderate cost. There were also fourteen supervised tests with fertilizers which cost a- bout $30 each and were 85 per cent reliaible. Rust of oats has become one of the major enemies of the grain grow- er in Eastern Canada. There were heavy losses in the harvest of 1937, some fields being reduced to ten bushels or less per acre. Fortun- ately there are a few’varieties that are resistant to the disease which may show itself either on the stem or leaf. Dr. L. H. Newman, Domin- ion 'Cerealist of the Central Experi- mental Farm has collected results of supervised tests on farms in East- ern Ontario and finds that the old verieties are susceptible and; may have to be discarded, at least in areas where this disease is a con- As rust, rather than soil, seems» to be the determining factor in obtain- ing good crops in many districts, Dr. Newman has taken steps to map out the areas where the stems are attacked and where the leaf is afâ€" fected‘. With this information it will be pOSSible to recommend varieties that may be grown with relative safety. How great a gain may re- trolling factor, and rust-free roots grown in their place. sult is seen in a case at Winchester where a. variety: resistanlt to leaf rust went 60 bushels to the acre, while Victory gave only 8 bushels. At the Ottawa Experimental Farm it is planned to drop Victory for Vanguard and at the Kemptville School Erban is recommended. Even outside the districts affected with rust Lanark and Erban have given better results in yields than other lsorts. Spring wheat which is grown to a limited extent in Eastern Canada, chiefly for poultry feed, also needs to be rust resistant. Huron and Marquis, so well known to Eastern farmers, cannot be depended upOn as they are both susceptible to stem rust Measuritng the Board-foot Contents of Logs The number of board feet in logs is computed from a 10g rule that gives the number of board feet for logs of different diameters and lengths. There are many log rules in use and the number of board feet assigned by the various rules to logs of the same size vary considerably. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER The buyer naturally wishes to use a log rule that give-s low values and the seller prefers one that gives high values. The diameter of the log is meas- ured inside the bark at the small end. The diameters are rounded! to whole inches; that is, an 8.8 inch log: is entered as 9 inches and an 8.3 inch log as 8 inches. The length is measured and logs are usually cut in 8, 10, 12, 14 or 16 foot lengths. Logs should be cut 3 to 4 inches longer in order that the boards may be squared to the even foot lengths. The number of board feet in the log is taken from the log rule. Dedvuc- tions for defects such as crook rot etc. are made for each log when- it is measured. A scale stick has the log scale printed on it, and it is used for measuring the diameters of when he attended the ( shire Breeders Associ convention in the Roya Toronto, on February Susan†No. 174586, tn the record, produced milk on a twice-adv.- dule over a 305 day. milk showed an averag P.C. producing 507 lbs. for a total of 12,205 13 tion to this champion has many other animz which made enviable government R.O.P. te Doyle Rule The Doyle rule has been the legal- l'uIe in Ontario since 1879 and most I logs cut on farm woodlots are meas- l ured by this rule. It gives extremeâ€" 1 1y low values for logs in the lower diameter classes. Diameter inside bark Inches ~~""‘LfoiitN A. LEEK. !three miles from Richmond Hill, On- |tario, the following property; nvame- NOT MUCH An American staying in a Londion hotel was introduced to an Aberdon- ian, who asked him: “And what coun- try do you belong- tae?†“The greatest country in- the world!†repli-m the American. “Man! So dae I,†replied Sandy, “but you dinna speak like a Scots- man.†UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers! of Sale contained in a cert- ain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by at the hour of one-thirty o’clock in the afternocn at _the fargx of pc1 allnunnx. For further particulars and Condi- tions of Sale ref-er to W. ERIC STEWART, K.C., ' East Block. Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Morbgwagee. DATED at Toronto this 19th day of February, 1938. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that WIL- FRED AUGUSTUS COTTLE STE_AD of the City of Montreal, in the Coumâ€" ty of Hochelaga, in the Province of Quebec, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or next- session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife ELSIE MAY STEAD of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. DATED at Montreal, in the Prov- ince of Quebec, the 8th day of Feb- ruary, AD. 1938. MORTGAGE SALE FRIDAY, THE 11TH DAY OF MARCH. 1938 30 G. PHILLIPS. b'sMOND F. HOWE, 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario. at PUBLIC AUCTION 16 36 121 256 441 676 961 Boa rd Foot Contents 18 4 3‘2 16 54 36 142 121 280 256 459 441 657 657 876 W 876 [ontrea1, in the Count 1, in the Province of 31y to the Parliament the present or next- Rulle A uct is‘ne‘er, 16 36 121 256 441 657 876 19 39 64 157 290 462 674 930 Local Farmer Takes Canadian Champ. Owner of the 1937 Canadian Cham pion 2-year-old Ayrshire cow, Mr James Elliot of Woodbridge receive PURE BRED HOLSTEINS Flossie Echo Pluto Model, No. 305957 calf by side Air-Lea Susie Vale. No. 335780, calf bv side Una Haggie Echo. No. 218246, due Feb. 13th, 1938 Pietertje Iosco Walker. No. 252490, due April 26th Morningside Lassie Cohantha, No. 287596, (lue Feb. 19th - Cora Lassie Burke. No. 335779, due A e». Cora Kcrfidyke Echo Lassie, No.4 191152, due Feb. 28th Daisy Alcartra Echo De K01, No. 263766, due March 23rd Margaret Semis Canada, No. 180439, due April 29th Empress Johanna Alcartra, No. 335- 778. due July 10th Bell Pietje Creator, No. 385777, due June 12th Hilda Blanche, No. 313011, fresh . Heifer Princess Alcartra Posch Echo, No. 371577 Heifer Cora Korndyke Tnssie, No‘ 371578 Heifer Ladv Alcartra Segis Canada No. 371579 Heifer Abbekexjt De K01 Rag Apple NO. 364204 Heifer pure bred. 6 months Sire A1cartra Sylvius Posch. No 113954 Sire Brookholm Pluto Model No 120372. horn Sent. ?5’th. 1936 GRADE HOLSTEINnS‘ u.-A..,_ Holsteinl Cow, 7 years, calf Holstein Cow, milking well Ayrshire Cow. due Aoril, 3 The above cattle are fully a and blood tested This is an exceptionally f of Pure Breds HORSES 1 Grey Horse, Percheron 1 Grey Horse, Percheron 1 Bay Mare, 7 years, Clyde 1 Grey Mare. 9 years 1 Colt, 7 months ‘OI‘R IMPORTANT SALE OF Horses, Hogs, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc. THE PROPERTY OF 1 Bay Mare, H.D., in foal, purchaser to pay for services of horse at time of foal. 1 Bay Horse, H.D., 7 years old 1 Bay Colt, rising 2 years old, G.P. 1 Bay Colt, rising 1 year old, G.P. The above colts are well matched 1 Holstein J O H N T E B B U T T Lot 31, Concession 8, Vaughan Township Two Miles East of Kleinburg THURSDAY, MARCH 3RD No Reserve as J. ALEX WALLACE in Quantity of Hay Quantity of Potatoes IMPLEMEN'I‘S Cultivator, M.-H., 17 tooth, nearly new Hay Tedder, McCormick, 8 fork Disc Harrow 2-furrowed Sulkv Plow. No. 9 Dick 2-furrowed Gang Plow, No. 8 Verit" Walking Plow, No. 3 Verity Cockshubt Harrow Scuffler Iron Edge Potato Digger and Lot 1, Con. Tested Terms: â€"Cash Edward Kyle, clerk 27th Farm Stock, Implements and Hay THE PROPERTY OF CATTLE and Ayrshire Co-w, due PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of HORSES Con. .5, 'King Township, Town Line between King and Vaughan uesday, March lst, 1938 EORGE ROWNTREE HAY anadian Chamâ€" THURSDAY" FEBRUARY 24th, 119383.. 3 years accredlted fine herd Sale starts at 12 sharp as Farm has been rented by side Sale Will start at 1 pm. No Reserve charge of pedigrees. 3. E. WALKINGTON, Auctioneer Quantit) 1 U bag \30 bags 1 Gasol nat-i 1 Tractt ‘1 Tract 1 Set S} 1 Grain 1 Binds 1 Corn HOGS and FOWL 1 Berkshire Sow with 11 pigs 1 Yorkshire Sow with 10 pigs 20 Hens 1 Rooster, Barred Rock HAY, GRAIN and POTATOES 200 bu. Banner Oats Seed 50 bu. Victory Oa‘s Seed About 10 ton Mixed Hay 100 bags Cobbler Potatoes 30 bags Dooley Potatoes Quantity of Apples . TIN SMITHING FURNACES - PLUMBWG HEATING Septic Tanks Installed Pumps Barn & Stable Equipment 74 Yonge Street Phone 92F 1 Set Double Harmless 1 Set Single Harness A Number of Collars Gasoline L'WgLne, 1*'~ n.r., ulwr national Tractor. Fordson, in good condition Tractor Plow. Oliver, 2â€"fur1jow Set Spring Tooth Harrorvvs, 25 tooth Grain Grinder, 10 in. *late Binder, 6 foot. Deering Corn Binder, Johnson Mower. 5 foot, DEering Sulky Rake, 10 foot. McCormick Drill. McCormick, 15 disk Cultivator. Peter Hamilton Corn Cultivator. Massey-Harris Manure Spreader, Cockshu’ct Roller. Masseyâ€"Harris, 2 drums Set Harrows 14-Disc Harrow Fleurv Plowsv. No. 12“ Planter, nearly new _ 1 Paris Greener, 4 rows, combine With orchard sprayer 1 Speight Wagon, 2 sets of wheels 1 Wagon Box 1 McLaughlin. Light Wagon 1 Set Heavy Sleighs, Speight 1 Set small Bob Sleighs 1 Large Beatty grain Grinder, 12 in. __ -4..‘|.. “nu-1 row Gang Plow. 2-furrow Fanning Mill and Bagger, Chatham HeaVV Wagon Hav Rack Bag Truck Potato Planter Cutting Box, Blizzard Root Pulner Small Cutting Box Set Sleizhs. heavy Set Light Sleighs Cutter 1 Hotato Plow Cream Separator HARNESS 1 Large Beatty Grain Grinder, 12 in. with 2 sets Elevators, nearly new 1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. 1 Cutting Box, Fleury 59 ft. of Tracks and Rope 2 Wheelbarro'ws 1 Grain Cradle 1 Blacksmith Bellows 1 Hay Rack, 15 ft. 1 Emery Stone 1 Melotte Separator, 800 capacity 1 Ford Engine 1 Pump Jack A Number of Cow Chains Forks and Shovels and other articles too numerous to mention HARNESS 1 Double Set of Harness 1 Single Set Sulkv E’ï¬Ã©ï¬sion Tables Incubator, Chatham, 100 egg capac- ity Hall Hanging- Lamp Bedstead _ PIGS Red Sow due beginning of April Shoats Sucking Pigs Tamworth Boar Organ R. H.KANE 33:51])??? of Pictures Churn, No. 3 Screen Doors Insuranee Conveyancing Estates Managed Rents Collected Plow: ArMé‘sis'eylâ€"Harris, 2-fur- IMPLEMENTS . Saigeon, Auct. FURNITURE 1714 HR, Inter