Wednesday evening of last week tabe- air rescunded to the musical serenade given the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wellman. Be- tWPen thirty and forty friends joined long?†After concluded the Mrs. Acreman The Mission Band under the 1ead~ ership of Mrs. Wm. Wellman won the Banner this year. Congratula- tion‘s. H‘EADFORD EDNEENTRATE andVMA'STER PIG STARTER! MASTER DAIRY FEEDS are being used by more and more feeders every day. MASTER GAINMAKER DAIRY FEED (21%) and MASTER DAIRY CONCEN- TRATE (32%) are ideal for long-time. trouble-free milk production. MASTER DRY AND FRESHENING FEED is the NEW and BETTER feed for dry and freshening dairy cows! MASTER POULTRY FEEDS are setting new records this year. The highest record for a year’s production ever made in Canada (all breeds considered) was pro- duced by birds started on MASTER CHICK STARTER and grown on MASTER GROWING MASH! THIRTY BIRDS owned by L. F. Bevan of Thornhill, 0nt., qualified in Official R.O.P. this year with records from 207 to 313 eggs per bird per year on MASTER RED HEAD EGG MASH C.L.0.:! Get on to MASTER Feeds NOW! FIRST THREE WINNERS in the Sainsbury Competi- tion for Wiltshire Sides at the Royal Winter Fair were raised by Master Feeders â€" MASTER PIG FEED 777 __~ Nmnv‘mv‘“ PAGE EIGHT FOR BETTER RESULTS Wilfred R. Dean Missionary THORNHILL MOTORS, Thornhill, Ontario EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Church School. 2.30 pm. and! 7.30 p.m.â€"Anniversary Services. Prof. Geo. MoMullen of Toronto in charge. We are glad to report that Mr. C. R. James is recovering satisfac- torily after quite a lengthy illness. in the fun 11 a.m.â€""'1‘he cross 0 b‘ztlst an. Outcast.†Evening service withdrawn on count of 60th anniversary at enezer. The 60th Church, Mi on Sunday, and 7.30 p the day, I Emman Qper and Program on Monday oruary 28th. TAckets 40c. and 20c CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Umonvule Pastor â€" Rev. A. E. Owen .m.â€"Church School. .m.â€"“The Cross 0" Christ UNIONVILLE forme Colle me ll'll Guest I0 Ebenezer Thornhill ONTARIO its 3T ichildren. This literature is all tree [for the asking. The parents of iThornlea and Lan‘zstaff school pupâ€" ils. also parents of proâ€"age school Ichildrer‘» are cord"ally invited to meet ’with the parents at Thornhill on v Monday night. I Next Sunday evening, February ‘27th, Trinity Anelican Church will celebrate their 10-8th anniversary and Rev. Canon R. H. A. Haslam, M.A_.. gD.D. of Toronto will have charge of ‘the service and will nrcach. Every- 'body is cordially invited. to attend. The Senior Branch of Trinity] W.A. Emet at the Rectory on Thursday af- Eternoonl (to-day) for their regular ‘meeting‘ and on Saturday at 2.30 the lTeen-age Branch of the W. A. will ,hold their meeting at the Rectory. Mrs. H. M. Aitken. internationally well known cook, will demonstrate -many appetizing dishes on Wednesâ€" dlay, April 6th at 2.30 in the Law- rence Memorial Hall. Ladies of the community are asked to keep the date open, April 6th. This will be under the auspicns of Trinity Wo- men’s Club. The Trinity Women’s Club will hold a bridge and eu-chre at the home of Mrs. W. Ball on Tues-day evening, March 151:. Ever‘q‘oody welcome. A meeting of the Wom’n's Misâ€" sionary Society of the United Church will’ be held1 on Tuesday afternoon, March 1st at the home of Mrs. where the parents will find many: interesting pamphlets pertaining to health, habit training, and diet for children. This literature is all free for the asking. The parents of Thornlea and Langstaff school pupâ€" ils, also parents of Dre-age schOOl children are cordially invited to meet with the parents at Th-ornhill on A meeting of sion-ary Society c will be held‘ on March lst at t]: Mr. Fred Wesley. who has been spending a few weeks at his home, Seturned- to Kirkland» Lake last Mon- ay. Amu‘al Entertainment of United Church Choir The fourth annual entertainment by the United Church choir will be held on Friday evening, March 4 at 8.15 sharp. A fine program of in- strumental, vocal and elonution num- bers' has been arranged for your enâ€" joyment. Ed‘na Harris Wh-eatlev, violinist and John Turney, elocution- ist will assist the choir. 'Melrl‘iers of the choir will also appear in solos J. Smellie. A sewing meeting: will be held at 2 o’clo;k and the regular meeting will commence at 3. Mrs. James will continue her talk on the Study Book. The ladies of the con- gregation are invited to attend. The World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, March 4th at 3 o’- clock in the United Church. The ladies of the community. are invited to attend. Mrs. J. E. H. McDonald, Centre St., is spending this week with friends in- Preston. Mrs. G. Lowry of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs. J. Wells and Misses Clubine. Mr. Munro and? family who have occupied the McDonald home, are leaving on Monday to take up resi- dence at Niagara. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND 1-] Lu. ONTARIO 11‘ i‘HORNHILL M r 31 iome aing, Feobrum'v an Church will ar-mversary and ave Wom‘n's Misâ€" United Church flay afternoon, me of Mrs. N. an) and School ï¬rst meet- ' 28th at 8 wonderfu rents am han Rot able 0: Kirby PRICED FROM (2 Pass. Muster Business Coupe) Mauer De luxo Models from $892 Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Govern- ment tax. freight and license extra. Easy pay- ments on the General Motors lnsralment Plan. teach )berts n the arents has nion and be taken. Plan now to attend. Thï¬rnhill \Vfl-men's Institute The regular montth meeting of Thornhill Women‘s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Bone on Thurs- -day, February 17sh, Mrs. J. Pear- son presiding. An address was giv- en by Mr. J. M. Armstrong, B.A., on “Laws Pertaining to Women and Children.†He briefly traced the course of legislation referring to wo- man’s capacity to deal with prop- erty. He also explained woman’s right of dower and distribution of property. when a husband died with- out a will. Other tOnics touched on were adoption, guardianship, moth- er’s allowance, old age pensions, and the minimum wage act. This ad- dress was much oppreciatedl and a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Armstrong- and also Miss Em'ma Bar- ker of Richmond Hill who gracious- _ly contributed two delightful solos, “Homeland†and “Perfect Day." The ‘branch plans to present a play in the near future, arrangements for *which are being made by the foll- owing committee Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Bone, ‘ Mrs. Ball. At the close of the meet- ing a social half hour was spent the hostesses being Mrs. J. Pearson, Miss Pearson and Mrs. Mizen. Our idea of a perfect h0me is- one where clothes flop on the line on Monday and the kitchen is filled with the scent of baking things on Saturday“. Money can no more make a home than it cant make happiness. The big potatoes get to the top of the heap, but they wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for the little fellows at the bottom. ' and duets be taken. EEWH RANQ EflRN EYREBF TheCANADA STARCII COMPANYLimited TORONTO F2 THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD “How to Become a Hockey Star" by that great authority T. P. “Tommy†Gorman, a Great Book profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES 0! GREAT PLAYERS EDV‘IARDSBURG $820 (mountedfor framing Group Montreal "Maroor A silver c M )Ilect will Shlp, on 'l'c Terms cash THURS., MARCH 3â€"Impo1~':ant auc- tion sale of registered Holstein Cat- tle, fully accredited, farm stock, im- plements, etc., the property of John Tebbutt, Lot 31, Con. 8, Vaughan Township, 2 miles north east of Kleinburg. Sale at 12 o’c10ck sharp. Terms cash. Nu xcacr‘ve as farm is rented. C. E. Walking-ton, auction- WED., MARCH 2â€"Auction Sale of farm stock and implements, hay, grain, etc., the property of Thomas Thomson, lot 18, coh. 3, Markham at Headford. A. S. Farmer, auc- tioneer. SATURDAY, MAR. 5â€"Aucti0n sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain and furniture the property of Harry D. Wood, lot 3, con. 8, Vaughan Twp., just west of Woodbridge and south of No. 7 Highway. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms cash. J. C. Saigeon, Auctioneer. eer‘ SATURDAY, MARCH 5 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stOCK, implements, etc., the property of George Kaiser, rear Lot 72, Con. 1, King. Sale at one o’clock. Terms cash. F. N. Smith, Auctioneer. ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16thâ€"Auc- tion sale of Herd of Dairy Cattle, Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, etc. Implements all nearly new, on Dawes Road. just, south of Wexford, in North York Township. Property of Ken. Kingden'. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. _ No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. ‘ sale of entire household furniture at Victoria Square on 4th Concession o-f Markham, the property of the late Robert Agar. Terms cash. Sale at 2 p.m. A. S. Farmer, Auction- eel THURSDAY, MA'RJCH 10th#Aucti0n THURSDAY, MARCH 17â€"Extensive Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Hay, Grain, Roots, Furniture and other effects, on Dawes Road a little south of O‘Sullivan’s Corn- ers. Property of James White. Sale will commenca at 12.00. No reserve as farm is sold. Prentice & Prentâ€" ice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, MARCH 5thâ€"Auction WEDNESDAY, MAR. 9â€"Imiportant auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, roots, furniture and other effects on Lot 13, rear of Con. 5, Markham Township (at Unâ€" ionville), the property belonging to the estate of the late Richard: Ash. No reserve as farm is old. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 p.m. sharp. Prefltice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Sale of farm stock, implements, etc. on' Lot 1, Con. 2, Vaughan, (at Fish- erville) 2 miles west of Steele’s Cor- ners. Property of Jas. Hill. No re- serve. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. FRIDAY, MARCH 11â€"Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots and other effects be- longing to .Sam Harper on Lot 9, the 4th Con. of Markham (Brown’s Corners). Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Prentice & Pren- tice, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, MA‘R. l FRIDAY, MARCH 18â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Roots, Furniture, etc., on Lot 18, 4th Line, Markham Township, north of Buttonville. Property of James Couperth‘waite. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. TUESDAY, MARCH 29 â€" Auction sale of (35 acre farm), fanm stock and implemmts on Lot 6, Con. 9, Markham Township. The farm is a good clay loam in good condition all under cultivation, good bank (barn, drive shed, pig- pen, drive house, and first class dwelling, never failing well, property of George Bennett. Terms for Chattels cash. Terms for farm made known on day of sale. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice and Prent- ice, Auctioneers. MONDAY, MARCH letâ€"Extensive Auction Sale of a Choice Herd of Dairy, Cattle, Farm Stock, Imple- ments and other effects, belonging to George May, on Lot 33, Con. 4, Scanboro, Farm known as “Christie Farmâ€. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. No reserve as farm is sold. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 23 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, household furniture at Lot 64, 1st Concession of Whitchurch, 1 mile from Yonge Street on Wilcox Lake Road, the prOperty of Wm. Smith. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. wntree of farm L, valuat Sale Register â€"Public implem THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th JC and Mrs. William Truxton and’ Mr. William Burton of Kansas City, U. S. A., who attended the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Robert Burton, left for their home on Wednesday of last week. Bachelors and Benedicts Anniversary Grows in Popularity “The Bachelors avndi Benedicts†of ithe United Church, organized thirty- five years ago. and who have carried on ever since with an annual “Knife and Fork" Supper always held at this time of year at which the lead“- ing items of food are pork and beans, is the outstanding church event of the season. The services last Sun- day sponsored by them reached ca- pacity proportions when Rev. W. Magwood of Toronto was in charge of both services in the absence of the Pastor. Rev. C. W. Barrett whq ‘is in Peel Memorial Hospital with a fractured arm as the result of a fall on the ice. The choir composed _entirely of men conducted by Dr. G. D. McLean with Mrs. A. E. Kearney ‘as organist provided a program of I music suitable to the occasion. These iyanniversary services were followed ‘rb‘n a “Knife and Fork†supper on Tuesday evening at which most of the homes for a distance around _were represented. The program fol- lowing the supper was given by the ‘Woodibridge Women’s Choral Society ;directed by Madam E. Holland, of rWoodbrid‘ge, and soloist of Parkdale [Presbyterian Church. Mrs Levi Elli- lott, one of the few original members of the organization left, is president land much 0f the success of this anâ€" nual event is due to the keen inter- est taken by him. pal form of entertainment. Mfmmial Euchre Club Renews Activities Memorial Euchre Club, organized nearly twenty years ago, following the World War, and had for its pur- pose the raising of funds for the permanent upkeep of Memorial Park, has started activities again when members and friends numbering a- bout fifty met at Belfry’s Drug Hall on Thursday night of last week. Win- ners of the evening were, Mns. Har- veyi Robertson, Mrs. Joe Weatherill, Louis Whitfield and Dr. G. D. Mcâ€" Lean. The next club party is an- nounced for Thursday night, March 3rd. A numb.e1' of Woodlbrid-ge young folk attended the shower given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- Neil, Vellore, in honor of Miss Elma Farr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wat- son Farr, Wood'bridlge, a bri‘de-to-be. Miss Farr was principal of Vellore Public School for ten years. The bakery building owned by J. E. Harris that for many years serv- ed the comrï¬unity, has just gone through a wrecking process. Just anobher evidence of the march of time. The death occurred suddenly at Erin on Tuesday, February 22nd of Rev. J. Aquila Evans in his 75th year. Surviving, are his wife, one daughter Mrs. W. R. Scott of Wood»- bridge and two sons, Lorne of Guelph and Dwight of Toronto. Funeral took place on Thursday with inter- ment at Till'soniburg. TUESDAY, MARCH 22â€"Important Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Furniture, Hay, Roots, Lum- ber, Grain, etc., on Lot 5, Con. 3, King, 1 mile east of King City. Sale at 12 noon. No eserve. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Snow removal and sanding in the month of January in Barrie cost over $1758.00. TUES., MAR. 22â€"Important auction sale of farm stock, implements, fum- iture, lumber, hay, roots, grain, etc. will be sold by public auction on: lot 5, con. 3, King, 1 mile east of King City, the property of Walter Lloyd. Sale at 12.30 sharp. rivo reserve. Giving up farming on account of ill health. J. H. and K. G. Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 23â€"Auction’ sale of farm stock, implements, household furniture and other ef- fects on Lot 5, con. 9. Markham Township, half mile Paw of Box Grove, the property, of W. H. Walk- er. Terms- cash. No reserve as pro- prietor is quitting. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Woodbridge Young People Enter- tained by Brampton Young People The Young People of the Wood- ‘ridge Presbyterian Church with Successor to J. J. Deane Dirsctor of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE. ONTARIO WOODBRIDGE Wilfrid R. Scott REV. J. A. EVANS 1‘11 tte Mlle the 1938 ty and guests p149 at of the princi- accom 11 mg