__________â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-- “‘YOR‘K COUNTY’S SINGLE COPIES 5c. NEWSIEST $1.50 PER YEAR NEWSPAPER†Q IN ADVANCE W "In Essentials, UNWU: In All Things, Charity" _â€"â€"â€"'â€"-' ___,_ 2‘ ’~ ‘F flawsâ€"ix! VVOL. LVII. RICHMOND HlLL. ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCH 3rd. 1938. No. 36} -_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" _n __ ‘ 2 ‘ _. . . .300 SEATS , . . Yongeat *LIUNS CLUB IS :i-ebruaiy Report A m AT ,_ , ,ï¬. , _, Castlefield , l .l ., 25 ' ORGANIZED HERE R“ h - d it'll ‘ , a. . .. -. i in man i , GET THE CAPITOL HABIT†, ____- ' z "b Phl Sh I TO-DAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 4â€, “mega?11;,‘°T“*;;.c:alm§§r‘;,€f,“" U IC C 00 E __ . . . . . - RONALD me m l m I Yongo SI. :Ii “leniorvst ltd. it fll'dsml 5137 MADELEINE DOUGLAS ’ ' ’ 3 W COLEMAN CARR LL Th ‘ . - f ~ ~ - ~11 b ROOM 1 o . ° FAIRBANKS Jr- : FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 4 - 5 - . ’- Rurnie Bernice Cook, Joan Carr and Q , P f Z d of Lions International, Widely known “ V , v O I AUL “ ‘ ,, COLORED CARnggoner O a service club, has been omanized here HdenM“ THIS“ squire legeshll 2 MUNI in I y .11 l 2 t. _.t . th man, . arle ax on, nn le , . ‘ ’ .__._ UN VERSAL NEWS :Engljeafcggzlice {1:11; elsï¬xberf Gloria Anderson. and William White i POPEYE 1“ ‘I WANNA BE A SAILOR, REVIVAL FR‘IDAY NITE 10.45 ANNABELLA in pas), district govgmm and Bm B05: , equal, Lloyd Sandersoni, Mary Mteg- PARADE“ NT NEWS 5 ‘ , , , . . r . , 1 . GS OF THE MORNING†worth of Newmarket Lions attended Donald" Ltyllofe DmASb‘u‘ly’ Flank 0' EXTRA! Saturday Matinee only SATURDAY & MONDAY MARCH 5 the meeting we M‘m‘dm" “it†and him; “111mm†"Mumy' mm § DICK P K A ' E i l ’ â€" 7 tassisted with the organization, when SC, naman' 11313130110 ' 'Pattendltn’ . PURCELL in l N C. AUBREY JUDY MICKEY the following officers were elected: Elloaietli Eliot. I'lidoi'i’d Hea ey, 7 . SMITH GARLAND ROONEY president. James Stewart; 1st vice- Palmel' Em T1 ‘el' Donald ‘â€" The Racing Picture of the Year! pres, J. E. Smith; 2nd vice-pres.. 'RQJIT‘ IV “wold Mognonal Lorna MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 7 - 8 R. I). Little; secretary, Allan Bales: ' ' 7‘ ‘ i ‘ . ‘ _ treasurer, Ralph Paris; Lion Tamer, 01):). 53:21: glorlcboni 31111312; é “ EDDIE CANTOR ROLAND YOUNG 1n ‘. V. .. I . ; T 'i T ‘st , W. “n- " “Slaw! 90“ r ‘ r » . n o. ADDED HIT v3) 1: Tjenihzlgzrsrect/gg 31‘:er Lunau', Mervin CharltOn, Douglas : L Barbara Stanwyck - Herbert Marshall - Eric Blore in ‘Dr. James Langstaff, (two more to i Manley" 3 __ ; ‘BREAKFAST FOR TWO" the elected). ‘ RhOOM H JIMMY A ‘- ‘ l 1' l , - ‘t' ( , .l ' ‘ Jr. IVâ€"Jo n Smith, Dorothy , TUESDAY, ‘VEDNESDAY’ MARCH 8 ' 9 .cldb10::gaiili::iiloï¬n“glib illodsahilsmi‘i: Hicks, Btl) Emlt‘imv Margaret Am‘ 3 ELLISON m L RICHARD DOLORES CHESTER lbranches located, in all parts Of the 1 son, Marie Brillinger, Betty Smith, : NON'ell-Y -- “CRYSTAL BALLET" DIX DEL RIO MORRIS ,world. Its aimS are com-ml,le $01.. Anne Walwin, Helen Ransom. Olive 0. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"«â€" ’ ' ivice with special emphasis (n work ROSS, Stanley Baker, JOllll CUTZOH, ‘among the under-privileged. Lions Il'Vlng ROSS DU†Glelllb Stuart WEDNESDAY & THURSDAYr 1“ARCH 9 ' 10 '_ _“ clubs in the district are located at Wdlmanv A3119?“ (V‘l‘lk- Absent for PHYLLIS M9915: Brv.‘FFA , V . _> ’Newmarket, Bradford, and Stouffâ€" . testsâ€"Gladys .Chetlzoy, June Davis, BROOKS in Dangerously Yours ,mIâ€"m ,~ .~ . m: â€" - v - A. Vine. BMW Mar-‘t'bl'ldflfl , O ADDED ATTRACTION i ~ t Over twenty local members are al-l S". Illï¬Rlchartll Baker. Sheila § ' ‘ ~ ready enrolled as lions, and an in-LHflmllton. Verna BIUgSOn‘ Ted Eve- ’ ANNA MAX WONG & CHARLES BICKFORD i vitation is extended to all citizenslll'lh Mal‘l‘ Barbara Mm‘l'lsy Wll’lle‘ ‘ ‘ '7 Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods spentl . of the district irterested in asso- Kalli-‘3 JOIm MCCHI‘WGY' Mtl‘llv'll (“Wig “ Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stol-l ciating themselves with this service liiam, Dorothy Carr, Peter Hozak, : TERRY-TOON-THE DOG AND THE BONE†lleiz'y and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ;Cltlil.) to. join the organization. Meet- ‘ Jilmj‘f “VIN-(j, Tal'lllr, illlll' 0" M...â€0‘9..9.â€0¢.°........,oâ€90“000..0“...ou \ ine Lloyd in Toronto. [ ' mgs Will he held twme monthly, the Elm}, \(‘lu Pol-“On, (reorglra Pat- 7- ~--* 7 . . Miss Nora Steele of Inger-5011‘ first being scheduled for next Tues- tendon and John White equal, Mar- , Shirk,“ DeFermr-ï¬yw . _ . . . - - - . t . . .. . . . ~ ‘ ' Victoria Square spent the week-end With Mls.» Ilene , ,day at the Hotel Richmond at 6.15 y‘IdHt Callltlltel- ROOM VII Jones- E - , _, ‘when members of Newmarket clulb All-“flit t'fll' lest-q â€"# Millie Dt" primer A’Alhn Hill Doualaâ€- _W01‘ld's Day of Prayer service ,dulentiptli: (vaargygiil‘ :h20;}(11:_rlecn;::f will pay a Visit and put, on the pm- fei‘rari, AIbcrt Fish, Kenneth VVOOdS, , MOON, Phyllis Casement, Batty ‘ |MI. Hadden of Hamilton. visited 5 will be held in the United Church, .tv Junior Farmemj Cumival‘ Whid gran, Chart“. night We first big SylVia Mecrcdy, Mary Burnett. Beresford, Lloyd, Bond, Betty Ow hIS’SOD Bobby at Mrs. Annie Mortâ€" Maple on Friday, March 4th, at 3 ;“quhe1dlir the Ric‘hmo;d Hm Ar “1 event of the local club‘s program is ROOM III biney Gerry pal-is, Verna Stewart, , sons Over the week'end- ‘ P-m- MI‘S- Huellll‘gal'd “'lll DI‘BSldel" ( i e a - planned for early in April. l Sr. IIIâ€"Eileen Carr, Tom Mcâ€" Wanda smith. Absent fol. tests _ SONY to hear Ml‘- R- Boyn'ton 15 ‘on Thursday night. ipi‘oved to be one 'It is hoped there.will be a larger confined to his home with an: at- i ‘ Cleod, Jean Baker, Irene Rose, Mur- Sallv H0 “Jame. ~13 b M V . ' gg : U n5 1 g'e' 91a tack of shingles. We hope to soon attendance of ladies from all theflvfil‘thteh ni?St.lz_u‘g,;1ell: atteg‘deg rap Bowes, Howard White, Marg- MCGann, Joyce. payne’ Margaret _ _ churches int-the community. \a b e Jumms we con M e i ] aret Brown, Charles \Vellman, Kath- Scott, Lame Sheardhwnv Keizh Teet_ see hlm Ont 383m» 1' . . .-, ‘ ~ 1 l Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmer and ,thitmlgn‘ (:1: Enibnflge: PIveSldfgtlEx-Reeve 1leen Butler, Norman Tyndall, Eric I zel_ MI" and Mrs' Murray Baker and family of Mono Mills spent the ‘9 0â€â€œ 3 'u“ 0’ mme‘s’ “‘ ‘ illn‘ton, Alex Shears. Foss Mallow"~ Primer Bâ€"Madeline Stephenson, daughter Of Gmmley and Mr' and w ek d ,Lth R _. 1‘ l. . ’conied the visitors, members alld‘l h l, .c .11 (1),, c P _ , V ‘ _‘ A. ) M,.S_ \VmowS, took tea at Mr_ and 9 -en w Ii and Iis M judges and called ml Reew J. A} S .Jean Scott , Bi y Nea ,JOan ax :13111.V Smwnav L05 Dohdty, Bktty Palme'. . . ‘ v- - . q , ,_ , Mrs. R. F. Klinck‘s on Sunday. I Greene of Richmond Hill to assistl tor Rose' “11115 Stel‘hemon' Peter cm Mrs. Ann‘e MOrtson, Miss Ethel Twentw. tables of euchre were. , . E Jr. IIIâ€"vEsth‘er Iilley, Frauds zon Jannette White Bobby Sni‘h ‘ . .\\. M. Cockburn Aorlcultui'al Re- . ’ ‘ ’ “‘ v ‘ " ' . - l d t t - ~ ~ ~ _ ' lb y 11 4 B k , . , and Mr. Gordon Mortson, Isaac W11- 9 aye a he Helmculmml Emma presentative, in running off the varâ€" MaCkel’ Baden Tl ey’ Ioma a er ledon Bowen' wane“ Hau’ Ivan Iiamson and Bobby Hadden visited on Friday evening. Prizes were Mus Classes l lorence Allen and Margaret Ran-j‘Bowen, Ellen wanington Absent‘ “ _ _ , won by, ladies, lst Mrs. T. Jackson, With a go'od turnout of cmmmegv IS provincial Representative on Mo- S‘om equal, Viola Wands, Charles ,for teStS_Jean Abbott Bm Brigna“ tlleogl‘lell 0311511313231? at Pld‘ermg 001' , 2nd. Mrs. V. Orr, consolation, Mrs. _ .. therS‘ Allowance Commissmn iSh-Egley and Clarence Wade equal, 1 and Ray stunden, them “as lxom competition but the lLeonard Richmmon’ Murray Bown Primer CHCIarence Kozak’ Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caulfield’ and Davidson; gents, 1st Norman Lund. . d V M. L Qt M. M s. ‘ _ , lKing, 2nd Cal Miller; Freeze-out Ju ges’ 15' Cu †ong‘ Les ‘ 3y Mr. Thomas H. Trench of Rich- en* and Allan HOI'WOOd equal, A1“ l Leece Jack Kidd Pa hael Perrin iJur‘e tonk tea at Mrs' caulflelds ’ Sanderson and Mr. James Butler . . i ’ ‘ v ‘ p ' b. th .i- M W M . R~d1 , S ,_ ’ mond Hill has been named by the thur Barraclough, Henry Richard- Absent for tests__D0uglas Allen, 10 91 ea 1'- a 91 l 93, 1111 1st Mrs. L. Watson and George 11 f R. h d qu d 1 ‘ a 0 m mo“ ‘ ’ ma 9 pOpu 31 Ontario government as a member of son, Mable Loughlin, George Lough- Kenneth Bennett, Doreen Bond. Jean day' Snider, 2nd Art Lawrie and F. Fosâ€" d .q. . v 1., th f H V.“ , . ten Lunch was Sgwed by the com_ ec1.1ons III awarrng e 0 CV†gkthe York County Mothers; Allow_ ling Mary Bl.ock>:=.phi1ip Mihmennee Cooper, Mary DeSnntey George D0_i A number m the community atâ€" mittee pl'izesi' ance Board The new board will Arthur- Wolfr-ey5*** Bill Shear- hert. E - - . ., tended the euchre and dance spon- - - , - . . , t - I v y, no Hillaby. Laura Loueh- . , . “Dick†the Amateur Gardener will hBe?t Timid “I: (:‘osétlgnel'l 1:: .1“? consist of three members appoint- dowri‘i‘*’-‘*. lin. ' O Sored‘ by BUWOYWIHQ Mom’fa)‘ mght be the Special speaker at the Horti- ‘ S a‘l‘ ‘ “\mar et' n ‘ a ames’ ed by the province and two appoint-l ROOM 1V ' ______ ‘and all reported a good time. cu‘ltural meeting on Wednesday, Newma'rket' , ed by. the couniy. The three pro- Grad'e Sâ€"Milberge Gibbons, Eric.‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' l SONY '60 hear MT- AlVln FTlS'bY March 9th. He will give a talk on Best Gen} m cmtume" ISt‘ Gordon vinclal appointees are T. H. Trench Cruickshank, Alverna Smith. Freddy ‘ * EARLY CLOSING EFFECTIVE 3- is confined to his bed and we all Novelties of Recent Years and What H0“'al'd~ Mwmalket‘ 2“ Kenneth of Richmond Hill, Mrs. E. A. Tier Wise, Muriel Megdonal, Elinor Patâ€" ; MARCH 14TH A wish him a speedy recover- to Plant in 1938. He will also de- Howard’ Ne“â€â€œâ€œ?rket' ,of Islington, and W. C. Gohn of tenden, Bobby Kidd, Francis Peri-in. At a special meeting of the MlSS Vera DEMOB'tmOI'EYlCY 0f monslti'ate how to make a Bottle3 BF“ COUDIQ m Crswmef 15t' E' Markham township. The members Peter Kanis, Peggy McKenzie, Shir-ii: municipal council of Richmond * DG’WNSVJC‘V Spent the Week‘end With Garden and will judge Bird Houses [mm‘ M' .Ree'c‘o“ Ummv‘nef .2n‘d’ appointed by the County are Reeve ley Paris’“, Alex Clarke“, Shirley Hill held Monday evening the Mr- and Mrs- Jolm Snider- in the Bird House Competition. Jack MaCkl‘T‘v ,Bett“ Clay‘k‘ Mlmken’ iJames Rennie of Markham township | Burt and Jean Kerr absent. early closing by-law requested ’3 i Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis visit- A high class Scotch concert and fBeFt COTXC m COStume: 15h Tom 1 and Mrs. T. E. Pu-gsley, Sutton. Thel Grade 4â€"Nancy Donaldson, Lorne l \by local merchants was given 1 ed‘ Mr- Dennis, Sister 0“ wednes’ dance sponsored by the Balmoral “atson’ hallmark“; 2nd’ Kenneth i new Board will be responsible for Musson, Isobel White, Joyce Barra- its several readings and passed. * ' day. . Pipe Band of Richmond Hill will be ‘ Demo?" ,Um‘mwue- the administration of the Mothers’ clough, Bert Hunt, Shirley Heelon, , It will become effective Monday, A very good programme at Insti- held in the community Halli Maple, Ifadlés Race: ISt’ Jegin Thonfson’ Allowance Act in this county. Jean Henshawv, Victor Rl'chardson, ‘ * March 14th. The buy-law proâ€" Wte was given- Tuesday night. Mot- Friday, March 18th. Further par- Umonwnei 2nd’ M’ Archlbald’ “ood' T. H. Trench is an ex-reeve of Hazel Reeser‘", Ernest Wade, Jimmy vides for 6.30 closing of grocery, tow Early to bedy early To rise, Was ticulars later. bndge' Richmond Hill and has a long re- Barker, Melbourne Newton, Keith butcher and hardware stores given by MlE'S Mable sandel'son and The Maple UnltEd Young People's (lent?! Race: ISL Clayton Reesor' i cord of public service in many ca- Myton, Billy Bowdery, Herbert Rose, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday the Ila-Per Feeding the family to Union presented a very excellent i Umonvmei 2nd' RandOLph Forsythe’ ‘ pacities in this community and is Freddy Kozak. Stanley Whitle‘t, at 6.30 p.m, A penalty not ex_ >I= keep them well, by Mrs. Alvin Case- play entitled “Adorable†on Wed, Stouffvllle' , well and favorably known through- Henry Fish“, Douglas Manslbridge * ceezding $10 is provided for the 19y “'33 well give“- Felb. 23rd. The Community Hall Fonowmg the _Ska'tmg’ the mem- out the county of York. His many Lolu Sanders*, Reta Mallory’t’i‘, * first offence and not exceeding * Mr. Hogg 0f CFRB also Saw? the was filled to capacity. The players l berg 0f the varwus Unbs formed ‘friends join with The Liberal in ex- Florence Dui'i‘ant***. , 325.00 for subsequent violations ‘5 boys a “fly intereStlng talk 0“ mar' piesented their parts in an excellentlhamy SPOUPS for lumh aha there 'tending congratulations. ROOM V of the regulations, “we intend as keq‘lng prices. 1 manner and were greatly commend- was (“me a High for the coffee cans Grade 3â€"Donald' Little, EleanOr to strictly enforce the provisions * Glad to hear Mrs. Grace Boyn-ton ed by all. The Temple Concert Or- when Fraser Gee ami his helpers at“ Young, Ray, Charles, Nancy Austin, * of the by-law," said Reeve * is able to be up- chestra added greatly towardl mak- l iiived' dAfnumhrbig 0f t2: yoiggpiï¬: PATTERSON LODGE A.F. & A.M. Janet Atkinson. Mac Clement, Harry i Greene. =h Mr. and Mrs. Thoma: and] MT. in the evenin en'o able. “were or a an um H'll Cl ' P Go lo T- vâ€" ‘ ' " " " ‘ ' ' ' ' - 0 t c - I Stong of Maple visited hrs. omas’ all 1 - g J y , -. iup the ice for the rink management AND VICTORIA CHAPTER R-A-M' 1_ ’ alien“: Hellm’ ‘ m n d‘V , ,, - t . Ml.Q Annie Mortson on wed- ape United Y.P.U- desne tot . th . HOLD ‘ LADIES, NIGHT 101, Betty Cali, Riobeit Stasynua, HIGH S(HOOL NOTES 51891. ~- thank all who attended their supperlby dancmg on e lce' “n b th , i l ' ‘Kath'leen Stunden, Ernest Wolfreys, (By Sam Macdonald) neSdaY- ' ' and Play WEleeSdaY EVEnln‘g, Fell-. The neXt county event “I e e The Ofï¬cers and membels 0f PM" ‘Robert Butler, Jack Evison, Delbert Last Tuesday a hockey team from 0“ Fl'ld‘ay 0f thls ‘l'pek you are 23, 1938. Also everyone who helped l inter'dutb °°Wetiï¬Â°n in DramatiFs “1'50†Fogge and “Gloria CthWl’: ‘ Hull, Isobel MacFarlanQ‘ Cecil E5_ the Umth chum}, met a picked invited to attend the “World’s Day when the Junior Farmer Clulbs Will I‘hornhill were hOSts to a large num- pey, Robert Pattendenfl George Col‘ ‘ first form team and the High School of Prayer" in the United Church in any way toward making it a suc- . , . . . each put on a one-act play at Pick ber 01 guests including a numlber‘1ins,..,’ Doris FOX,.,,,,*’ Hugh Kerriwon 8_2_ The game at times was Headzford, Brethren in Christ and cess. Dr. Ellis of Toronto will present fling Conege during EaStel' week- from Toronto on their annual Lad‘ ‘ nothing but, golf and. there were Mennonite friends are worshipping a 'm'OV‘mg Pleture Travebgue 0“ ms, Nightin the Pawrenfe Memomal Grade 4-Helen Linstead, Eliza- times when the excitement was With friends here- Au'Sl-l'alia, (his native COUMI‘Y) and 'Hau Fmday evenmg’ bebruéry 25’ Ebeth Hunt, Ruth Clubine, Doreen itense. The first part of the game 0“ SUDday evening a verb" inter" the Romance of? the South Sea Isles 1938' The gues“ were recalled by I Plattend‘evn, Norman Stunden, Roy 1 one of the first formers played goal estln‘g programme was given at Y' in technicolor, on Wednesday even- the Worshll’ful Master) W- Bl'o- H- McGann, Booton Neal, Frank Evi- ‘with an ordinary stick unm the P. S. Mrs. Macdonald gave 'a paper ing, March 23rd in the church audi- LATE MRS, WILLIAM GRAHAM Sf Sparks and MFS' Sparks) Bw' son, Albert Taylor, Winnie Butler*, goalie arrived. The attendance was 011 “Temperance†and MYS- Ratdiffe torium Of the United Chm‘Ch mlder Elizabeth Snider, beloved wife of Sparks 18.,a150 First Prmmpal .OflAnne Davis‘", Bud Bowen, Eunice small and Donny Graham acted as l‘eYld‘GI‘Ed a Splendid instrumental the ample“ of MTS' Albert Brown’s William T. Graham, Church Street, Vlcwlila (’ha'pteli' The 1'C’ceptlonl Sanders’i‘, Ruth Sanders", Eric Fish referee. which was enjoyed by all those pre- group of the Women’s Association. Richmond Hill, who has been an in_ comnllttee comPI'lsed the Past Mas†Donald Chedzoyss' , All the activities now are focused sent- Au are cordlauy invited to "ï¬end valid for some time, passed away tens Of the lodge' , , ROOM VI 011 the Commencement which takes; â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" at her home on Sunday last. Mr. Mrs' Sparks. was the reclplem’ Of First Book, Class Aâ€"Keith Doâ€"lplace next week. The Glee Clubi The Stl‘angestthing about us mor- and Mrs. Graham have been resi- Shiaf 0f crimsoc? "9565' Foiloghherty, Johlnt Atkinson, Junie Hicks, has rounded up a ~ew more iboyslmls 15' the fa“ that Some Of “5 dents of the village for many years mg‘t ggeclepfiloll ï¬lming fang Latr‘leames Monkman, Shirlem Linstead, so at last it. won’t consist of all l have the gall t0 look down 0n the and have a large circle of friends, :v::d;3fl:g:u;c1(ln dgicesprllzse: p\yi:1ee Everett Baker, Betty McNmbb,,’ Ted girls. ‘Nst of us. . . . . ' ' 'i r y ,a r s . ,., , of i ing- an Amateur Night at their next m“: maze“ tooiei‘in: on' .\. 1d The committee comprised the fol- ihott, H'enw anis, Dorc'dhv ï¬oweï¬ m “mmmy meetings MarCh 8th for H 1 ‘im (9 PM i H - lowirg' Bros A L Francis chair-IT. '. ‘. i ' . ‘ A -i a a . ’ i . . . . 1 v < .a- v ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' I an]: * l . r 7511,13“: . members and ex_mem.be,rs_ Attrac_‘n(\(l<l) afteinoon aid “as hiber man; w. Horwoody W. Simpson, XV. ‘, Bill \Vhltiw: Shirley 21*†e l S 6 ï¬ve prizes Ladies please providelattended. Rev: C. W. Follett con- J. Bailev N. Ma‘bbitt R. J' Chap-;Blll .McIntyvre"l:; Mall White i . lunch Men please bring. milk for ducted the service and spoke of the man C‘has' McGuhhl Geo. Ches-IROHI’IIQ Sanders- - -, Violet MIhOIeanv esteem in which the deceased lady ’ ‘ HM, hot chocolate. Ever 'bodv 'elcome. . r ,_ l 3 l “ was held in the community. Initerâ€" “Ugh?†G' A' PIeSton’ “' R‘ H0“ First Book, Class Bâ€"Marle Allen, lment took place at the Maple Ceme- mid and W' A’ Raberts' Eugene Hilliard, Kenn Moore, Janet ‘VOMEN'S INSTITUTE ’tery. The pallbearers “ere Milton Mflâ€"‘m- Anderson, Jack Bowdery, Madeline The regular meeting of the no ‘ Graham, Harry Charles, William 10 BELOW THIS MORNING Evelyn, Norman Stasyna, Joan Mur- 11191135 Institute will be held in the " Charles Ne‘son Street, Robert Line, The weather +ook a sudden Ill‘op.phy**, Vernon Woods. Muriel Mallâ€" Municipal Hall on Thursday. March Donald McKenzie. We regret to re- Wednesday night and local 1‘esi-i0ry**, Banbara Murphyâ€, Fred 10th at 3 P-m- Dr- Lillian Lang-inert that Mr. Graham is also ill, dents awoke this morning to find'Brock, Paul Reardon and Jean Mc- staff will give an interesting talk ‘but is showing signs of improve- the mercury had dipped to 10 be-Farlane equal, Jim Allenâ€, Sheila at this meeting- ment. low during the night. Sandersâ€â€˜***, Lloyd Wolfreys"*“*, .__-_â€"