cords 1 Dining Room Table 1 Buffet 6 Chairs 1 Battery Radio 1 Oak Rocking Chair 1 Mahogany Rocking Chair 8 Kitchen Chairs 1 Organ Stool 1 Fernery 1 Living Room Table 1 Small Flower Stand Numerous Pictures 1 Barrymore Rug 9 x 1051/2 1 Linoleum, 7l1/2 x 711/2 1 Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces 1 Mattress and Springs Number of Curtain Poles 2 Toilet Sets Numlbe}; of, Windqw Blinds 1 Can’t Hammock Quantity of Oilcloth Square Linoleum 3’ x 3’ 1 Quebec Heater, 4 holes 1 Quebec Heater, good as new 1 Coal Oil Stove, Premier 1 Large Oven, 1 Small 0‘ 1 Glass Front Kitchen Cuplboard 1 Washing Machine 1 Wringer, good as new Part Jersey C Holstein Cow, Holstein Cow, Holstein Cow, Holstein Cow, Holstein Cow, PIGS and POULTRY Tamworth Brood Sow, bred Jan. 20 6 Shop Hogs 5 Tamworth Chunks 2 Geese and 1 Gander TERMSEâ€"CASH J as. Smith, Clerk Vflow Reg. Holstein Bull, Francy Mercena Pantis Cm‘nuisrpia (121238) 1 yr. Holstein Heifer, 3 yrs, due time of sale Durham Cow, 8 yrs†due time of sale Reg._Holstein C'ow, 8 years, in full HARNESS Set Brass Moun‘ted Breeching Harâ€" ness, nearly new ' 4 Horse Collars IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Massey-Harris Binder, 6 ft. Oockshutt Stiff Tooth Cultivator 13 Spring Tooth Cultivator Cockshutt Manure Spreader Truck Wagon, steel wheels Hay Rack Light Wagon Cutter Harrow Cart TERMS:â€"CASH ' Sale at 1 o’clock sharp No Reserve as Proprietor giving up farming Art. Lawrie, Clerk J. C. SAIGEON,.Auct. Keyes Segis Belle, No. 237441 : 29678 Princess Colantha Dubchland, No. 194-986 = P48433 Utica Pietje Fayne, No. 254564 2 36039 Sylvia Dekol Model, No. 254660 = 29684D Ablbekerk Pontiac Boon, No. 283552 2215001“ Maple Boon Pietertje Moreena, No. 283555221498F Abbekerk Belle Keyes, No. 283553: 9002U Murco Lady Pontiac Burke, No. 259- 767:98711 Pontiac Sylvia Alice, No. 219701 = R98712 Sylvia Alice Dekol Pontiac, No. 254- 659:29685D Joybell Alcartra, No. 219537 : 76166R SallyiAlcartra Mechthilde, No. 222- West Half Lot 3, Cpn.‘ ~221:310’7 Georgina Inka. Model, No. 241945: 29679D Bella Gerben Segis Colantha, No. 211502 Beauty Segis Colantha Genben, No. 246804=23996D Ormsdale Keyes Creator, No. 256734 =P2457 BULL â€" Canary King Abbekerk, NO. 105661 1 Grade Holstein Cow 6 years old, fresh 1 Grade Holstein Cow 6 years old, due March 18th 1 Grade Heifer, 9 months old Organ Brunswick Phonograph] and [Re- Sideboard Extension Oak Table Luau,“ v.4 \Av V. --___, (This Team is we]? matched) Black Percheron Gelding, rising 3 years . Dark Grey Percheron Gelding, 1‘15- ing 3 years Black Percheron Mare, 6 years CATTLE art Jersey Coyv, 8 yrs, b‘1:ed> Nov. 10 7 A: __I, Black Clyde Mare Black Clyde Gelding TERMS :â€"CASH No Reserve as Proprietor has Purchased an Ayrshire Herd A. J. WELLS, Clerk MANNING McEWAN, Auctioneer PAGE FOUR SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS t Half Lot 3, C011. 8, Vaughan Township on Little Concession SATURDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1938 Registered HOLSTEINS Wednesday, March 9th THE LATE ROBERT AGAR Victoria Square SATURDAY, MARCH 5TH IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE WESTON, ONTARIO Corner of Wilson Avenue and Weston Road YORKVIEW FARMS HORSES 6 yrs., 6 yrs., 7 yrs., 6 yrs., 5 CWrS-y 5 53's., CASH AUCTION SALE 0f AND FURNITURE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF Accredited and Blood Tested [ue rue '1'"'Sm'au Qven time of sale time of sale time of sale time of sale time of sale time of sale due time of ,. "HARRY WOOD THE PROPERTY OF 1 Hanging Lamp 2 Electrlc Fixtures Quantity of Fruit Jars 1 Bake Board 1 Gasoline Iron Kitchen Utensils 1 Kitchen Table 1 Porcelain Top Kitchen Table Quantity of Dishes 1 Lounge 1 Sofa Writing Desk Cleaver Screen Door Post Hole Auger Rip Saw 1 8-Day Clock Copper Wash Boiler 1 Galvanized Tub Quantity Chicken Wire Garden Tools 1 Chemical Closet Dishes HHDâ€"‘HHHDâ€"ll 2 Sierm Windows Washstand Ford Car Apples Potatoe Lumber 1 Shl Articles too numerous to Tools 1 Robe 2 Feed Boxes Quantity; of Wood' Stove Pipes and EUbOWS N0. 3 Wilkinson Tinkler Wheel Plow Wilkinson Gang- Plow (shares) Oliver 208A Bottom 2-Furrow Trac- tor Plow Vessott Grinder, 6% in. Root Pulper Cummings Cutting Box Harness Cabinet Wagon Water Tank (300 gals.) fig-“(Image n ‘1 Holstein Calf, registered . . HOLSTEIN HEIFERS Reg'lstered Darky Abbekerk Colantha, No. 347- 909=R98717 Spot Albbekerk Imka, No. 347907 : R98718 Margaret Rese Colantha Abbekerk, No. 363702 Queen Elizabeth Alcartra, N0. 372- 219 Canary Rose Blossom, No. 367905 Princess Gloria Colantha Abbekerk, i>$cifl63eatty Car 175 Ft. Sling Rope Chain Tightener with trip rope 4 Rope Slings No. 19 Masseyâ€"Harris Cultivator, No. 347906 Queen Silver Abbekerk Boon, No. 347908 Yorkview Alice Abbekerk, No. 347- 910 ' Abbekerk Rose Marie, No. 372220 Canary Mary Lou Marcel-a, No. 367- 907 V Yorkview Beauty Abbekerk, No. 367- All by' Cénarv King- AJ’bbekerk GUERNSEYS Bay View Juanita, No. 12288=39648 Bay View Prescious, No. 8246:7826 JERSEYS Sunbeam Golden Rayâ€. No. 97071 = 84559 Sunbeam Golden Sophias, No. 97070 :B32254 Bull Pandora Golden Masterman, No. 74500=51L Golden Rhoka, No. 79919283287 Emily Willonyx, No. 79391:?3262 Golden Bonavista. No. 74528245515 GRADE HEIFERS 5 Grade Jersey Heifers SALE STARTS AT 1 RM. Sale at 2 pm. . S. FARMER, Auct. Potatoes 1 Shuffle Board 2 Small Lamps to mention 2 in. Chisel Coal Defeating Humber Summit 2 games to 1 in the Town Hockey ,League finals during the past week, .the Woodbridge Town Team were proclaimed local champions, a. title which earned them the right to en- ter the Toronto Hockey League In- termediate play-offs. The first off the 3-game series was played on Tuesday of last week. This game, enlivened by several fisrt fights, was taken 'by Wood'bridge 4 goals to 2. The second game, played Thursday, went to Humber Summit by a score of 4 to l, and! the final game, played on Monday last before a large crowd, ended with a final score of Woodbridge 6, Humber Summit 3. Excitement ran high during the serâ€" ies and it was found necessary to import a Toronto referee for the de- ‘ciding game. Only 3 penalties were ,handed out during this encounter. Woodbridge Enters T.H.L. Play-offs Line-ups for the finalists were: Woodlbrid‘geâ€"J. Blake, Hugh Bishop, Edvdie Héyhoe, 'Gord. Bagg, Jack Hall, Bert Shore, Duncan Pollard, Bill Robab. Woodibridige will enter the T.H.L. Intermediate play-offs by: virtue of .an agreement reached‘ with city ofâ€" ficials, the local league being Group .No. 7 of the city league. Humber Summitâ€"Ted Topper, Roy Lockhart, Alf. Castator, Garry Ev- ans, Jones, Banks, Andy Muir, Mac- iMi‘llan. - Teams playing in the local league during the winter were: Woodbridge Town, Humber Summit, Robinson’s Favctomw, Fishlerville, Claireville and Robinson’s Head Office. A stimulant is ilke a whip rto a horse, soon as the effect wears off the condition is worse than ’before. A horse 1196de real food for his ‘body, and man needs it for both body and! mind. Stimulants call for ever increas- ing repetition-s and doses. of Cockshutt Farm Implements will be held in the MASONIC HALL RICHMOND HILL AT 8 RM. Tuesday, March 8th Under the auspices of the Cock- shutt Plow Co. and their local dealer, William Neal Auction Sale of FURNITURE Mrs.Alfred Rumble MAPLE Sat, March 12 SALE AT 1.30 PM. 1 Breakfast Room .Suite, new 1 Green Linoleum Rug, 9 by 101/; 1 Bed, springs and mattress, near new 2 Kitchen Chairs, new 1 Quebec Cook Stove, new 1 Pair Lace Curtains 1 Stove Board, new , 10 lengths stove pipe, 3 elbows, new Carpet rug green, 9 by 101/2 Hooked Rugs Number of Quilts Pair Pillows 1 Sewing Tray Pairs Net Curtains, new Pairs Cottage Curtains, new Carpet Sweeper Pair over-curtains, rose Cushion 2 Pails Oil Cloth Mats, new Electric Table Lamp, new Bed and Springs Mattress 1 Dresser Washsrtand 1 Bookcase Child’s Bed\ and Mattress Rugs, 6 by 9 '- Quantity of Fruit 1 D02. Pint Jars, new And other articles too numerous to NHHHHHNHHHNNHNH Free Moving Picture Show mention. No reserve as proprietor is giv- ing up housekeeping TERMS:â€"CASH J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. Everyone Cordially Invited HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. The Property of THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Foll’ett, B.D.. Pastor Sunday, March 6th 11 aimâ€"Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Members and friends cordially invited. 2.45 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. All De- RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister Sunday, March 6th 11 a.m.â€"â€"“The Dictatorship of Al- mighty God.†2.30 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“Bethelâ€"The Place of De- cision.†Worship lifts a man above the dis- tractions of the world beneath him and' pulls his life together. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, March 6th LENT 1 11 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion ancï¬ Ser- mon; “The Pharisee and the Pub- lican." First in series on The Parables of our Lord‘. 3 p.m.â€"-Sunday School. The Prim- ate’s Annual Letter to the Childâ€" ren of the church will be read and distributed. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. “The SacredneSS of Parent- hood,†the fifth Commandment. Thursday, March 10, Service 8 pm. Speaker, Rev. A. C. MbCollum: of York Mills. All cordially invited. Rev. E. W. G. Worrell, Rector Sunday, March 6th 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 3 p.n;.â€"Service. Sermon, “Rest.†Bus leaves the corner at 2.15. Rev. E. W. G. Worrell, Rector 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m. Service. President Edgar James conducted the opening exercises at the Y.P.U. meeting held at the manse, Victoria Square, on Monday evening. Miés' M. Love convener, then took charge of the meeting. Ruth Bice read! the scripture lesson and Mary Stewart gave the explanation. A very inter- esting and timely talk on alcohol was given by Mrs. McDonald. Afâ€" terwarde games and a very tempt- ing lunch closed the meeting. There will be no Y.P.U. meeting next Monday night owing to the Rally at Richmond Hill next Tues- day evening. Mr. Bell, who received injuries from a fall some time ago, is im- proving very nicely. Miss M. Love spent the week-end at her home in Dresden. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith, Gwen Smith, Miss Love, Mrs. Acreman, Charlie James and Mrs. Stewart at- tended the banquet and public speaking contest at Richmond Hill on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wellman have returned from Montreal where they visited Mrs. Wellman’s sister. partments p.m.â€"“Bethesdaâ€"The Wonder- Working Jesus." Brief song ser- vice at 7 o’clock. Inspiring musi- cal selections at all services. Come and bring your friends. WOULD EXPORT King Farmers’ Club Asks Govern- ment Aid When Price Declines Because the price of imported feeder cattle has continually decreas- ed in price since last autumn, the executive of King United Farmers? Club has forwarded a resolution to the Federal Minister of Agriculture to facilitate the export of surplus cattle to Great Britain. The~resolution states that many Ontario farmers purchased feeder cattle last fall which have declined in price between $2.00 and $3.00 per hundrred pounds, causing- a loss of $15 to $25 per head. It is also pointed out that the Canadian Chamber of Agriculture has ascertained that the situation could) be relieved by the provision of more boat space for cattle going to Great Britain. The Federal Gov- ernment encouraged the movement of these cattle to Ontario from the West, the Telegram. Monday, March 7th for the transaction of General Business DATED at Maple this 3rd day of March, 1938. Vaughan Council The regular March meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellm-e ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple, Ont. ST. MARY‘S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Oak Ridges H'EADFORD resolution also declared.â€" 38. 3 game J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk.‘ score 11.00 A.M. FEEDER CATTLE PIANO, Stevenson player. In good condition. R. Challoner Thomhill. EASY WASHER, vacuum cup, per- fect condition. Apply phone Maple 53. ONE FRESH COW. Leo Burton, Carrville EWES, 60 good ewes in lamib. See Herb. Weatherill, Campbell Farm, Woodbridge RE. No. 3. Maple 764. GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 per cord delivered, cut any length. Langstaff Supply Co., phone Thorn- ‘hill 73. FOUR MAMMOTH Bronze Turkey Hens and one Gobbler. One pure bred white Embdem Gander. Leo Burton, Carl'ville Rd., phone Maple 764. FRESH COWS, close springers and backward springers, all eastern cows. Also brown mare in foal. Apply Ed. Irish, Stop 9, Willowdale, ph'one 369.1. IN‘CUBA'TOR, 120 egg capacity, Buckeye, hot water, used one sea: son; 1 riding saddle in good} condi- tion. AJpply Percy Sparks, Rich- vale. \IN‘CUBATO'R, Buckeye, 120 egg .size; Acme Brooder 500 chick size; .Tenmperolator for heating poultry ‘house. Apply R. Harman, Stop 20, «Yonge Sbreet. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. DOVRlEST RAM, 1 pure bred York- shire hog, number of ganders, pekin drakes. also goats. Fred Johnston, phone Steuffville 5220, lot 29, con. 5, Markham. 3 CLOSE SPRINGERS, Holsteins, accredited and blood tested, 11 to pick from, 1 fresh ome. Phil Payne, RE. No. 2, Weston, telephone Wood- bridge 91r3. a number of sécondl hand doors. Ap- ply C. Bowel-bank, Stop 17A, Yonge Street, Thornhill. 100 CHOICE LEGHORIN PULLETS. Would exchange for old hens. Also FRAME HOUSE, in Sharon Village, one and a half acres, frame house, garage, etc. In good repair. Small fruit, water, hydro. J. Seymour Taylor, Sharon, Ont. SEVEN young Yorkshire sows, due in March. Apply Nelson Boynton, R.R. No. 2, Gormley, lot 26, rear con. 2, Markham, or phOne Richâ€" mond Hill 45â€"04. TWO HOLST'EIN COWS, fresh ruanr 3, 1 Holstein Cow fresh Feb. 10th, 2 Holstein Cows fresh Feb. 2’7, 1 Jersey Cow freshr Feb. 20, 5 H01- stein S'pringersu A11 cattle negative to blood test. J. S. Honey & Son. 1 REG. MARE, Percheron, 2 years old; 1 reg. mare, Percheron, 5 years old; 3 year old‘ G.P. mare; 10 year old Percheron mare. Priced to sell. Apply to Leec‘hwood: Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF'IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cenhs for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra‘ each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. 59 AC‘RE FAR-M in Township of Pickering, near Stouffville, splendid buildings, land plowed, some wheat. Pbssressuioln Amiâ€"1 1, 1938. Must be sold to close out an Estate. Apply McCullough & Button, Sntouffville, Ontario. each insertion BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabredl chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. Classified Advs. REMEMBER your fall egg basket. Will it be full of high quality pro- duce? You can secure that; stock to start right at, Pyramids Poultry Farm, where only A large eggs are set, from a flock of selected breed- ers, free from Bacillory White Diar- rhoea for 5 consecutive years. One grade. High quality]. Price list on request. Hugh G. Michell, 11/; mile north of Locust Hill. Claremont R. R. No. 2. Mrs. Thistlebottom (to family wash woman)â€"“Mand'y, have you seen my daughter Elsie’s fiance?†Mandy (perplexed)â€"â€"“No, ma’am. It ain’t rbeen in the waSh yet.†The Woodbridge entry in the To- ronto Hockey League Bantam series was eliminated last Friday evening when Vaughan Road won the final game of their group play-offs by a score of 1 goal to nil. FOR SALE High Tester. Rd., phone THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 19383 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 1530c!!- tre Street East, Richmond Hill. SIX ROOM HOUSE on Mil] Street; all conveniences, garage, hennhouse, 2 acres land, immedtiate possession; Apply Dr. Smith, Willowdale',.phbne Willowdale 365. PARTY wants to rent about 100’ acres near Richmond Hill'oriAurora‘. Apply Box 64, The Liberal Offiï¬a 'LOSTâ€"Will the party whbuhézs-cane ,belonging to Mrs. Stewart: kindllyjre- turn same at once to ThecLiberal EOfi'fice. PAIRTY wants to buy used» g0â€"cart,. plaup pen, high chair. Must bé‘ good condition. Write Ma‘s. GL.M61- lett, Jefferson P.0. ‘ MARRIED MAN wants work). on: farm, ten years experience, good milker, non-smoker. Appiy BOX“75, The Liberal, Richmond H1111 EXPERIENCED farmer with family wants work on farm as manager, ten-t 011' general farm hamf where .there is separate house“ Bothhman and wife good milkers. Apply Box 101, The Liberal Office, Richinond Hill. Tenders will be received uprto 12‘ o’clock noon, March 15th, 1938 by the undersigned for Presbyterian Church shedss, Woodbridge. $5861 No; 1, 18 ft. by 40 ft. Shed N70...2,.20v ft. by 88 ft. Highest or any tender notznecess- arin accepted. Used Cars, (Reconditioned and Guaranteed)» 1937 FORD V18 DeLUXE COUPE,- Ford Heater and Defroster. A smart car. 1936 FORD V-B DeLUXE SEDANâ€" with Trunk. Good value. 1936 FORb V-8 TUDOR with Frank â€"Heater. Very nice. 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING TUDOR‘ (with Trunk). Heater. Splendid! 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROADâ€" STER. Rumble Seat. Heater. Very Nice. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN. 1930 FORD TUDOR â€" Thoroughly Recdnditioned. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Ton). Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MASSEY-HARRIS" AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment‘ Value. Charles Graham T!) RENT SHEDS FOR SALE WANTED TENDERS $595.00 $69500" $650.00 $525.00 $195.00 $475.00 $375.00 $175.00 LOST GEOYRIGE HUGILL‘, Box 2, WOodbbidge.