Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1938, p. 5

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ORATORICAL CONTEST FEATURE lFarm Course Prizes OF NORTH YORK TEMPER- . ANCE FEDERATION : .leen At Bolton CONVENTION | ~â€" "‘ ' ~ ---~â€"Aâ€" Hummus: 4n km“. 9.1,: THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1% Richmond! Hill United Church School room was crowded to capac- ity Tuesday evening for the annual convention of the North York Temp- erance Federation. The convention was featured by an oratorical conâ€" test to determine the North York representatives in the provincial contest and the oratorical efforts of the young people brought rounds of applause from the appreciative au- dience. A sumptuous banquet was served by the ladies of the Rich- mond Hill Church and singing by a group of C.G.I.T. girls under the leadership of Miss Jean Middleton and several numbers by an orchestra added: to the enjoyment of the even- ing. Dr. J. P. Wilson of Richmond Hill, president of the Federation, presided and a welcome to the visit. ors representing all sections of the county was extended by Rev. J. D. Cunningham. Mrs. Pugsley, past president of the Provincial W.C.T.U. and" Mrs. A. L. Phipps, president of the York County W.C.T.U. spoke briefly and extended the best wishes of the women’s organizations. Gor- d-on Cunningham, president of the local Y.P.B. spoke for the junior or- ganization. The devotional exer- cises were conducted by Rev. Byron Snell of Aurora. In the oratorical contest to deter- ~mine the winners of North York who will compete in the provincial contest in Toronto soon resulted in the following being declared the champions, junior group, Miss Norma Graham. of Wesley church, winner of the T. Eaton trophy; intermedi- ate, Miss Fanny Hudyma of Wesley church, winner of the Col. W. P. Mulock trophy; senior, Thomas Sheridan, also of Wesley church, Winner of the Dr. Boyd cup. The special trophy for the best oratori- cal delivery in the competition was awarded to Miss Madeline Rumble of Richmond Hill and another spe- cial award to the youngest contest- ant went to Miss Norma Graham. Other speakers were Rev. Whatâ€" WOOWNW vvvv i fibTWSUPPER O 2 ADMISSION 25 Cents 3 wwonowwmouououwo Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church FROM 5 O’CLOCK Tuesday, March 8th When you place your insurance through this office you are assured of real service from Companies long estab- lished in business with plenty of reserves to meet all contingencies, and who settle claims satisfactorily and promptly. Get our rates on Fire, Automobile, House- hold Burglary, Plate Glass, Accident & Sickness, etc. Sun Insurance Office Limited . . . . . . Established 1710 The “BLUE” color is your guarantee of quality â€" of a warmth and comfort you have never known before at such low cost. Order “Blue Coal” today. A size to suit every furnace. (The oldest insurance office in the world) British American Assurance Co. . . . . Established 1833 Waterloo Fire Insurance Co. Established 1863 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. . . . . . Established 1810 Liverpool &_London & Globe . . . . . Established 1836 Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co. Ltd. Established 1872 Assets, $75,287,934 (Strongest purely casualty company in the world) Wellington Fire Insurance Co. . .. Established 1840 A policy in any of the above Companies is your guarantee of service and security Office 93 Yonge St., Telephone 87 Phones â€" Yard 10 BLUE COAL fl IN RICHMOND HILL THE BEST COAL IS I. D. RAMER & SON THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT INSURANCE 0=0=O=0 ROY HERRINGTON By the Women’s Association Everyone Cordially Invited will be served in the 0:0 , Prizes were presented to boys and girls taking high standing at the Bolton Short Course in Agriculture, Friday night, by C. D. Graham, agri- cultural representative for Peel, who was chairman of the dinner which wound up the course. The winners were: Boys’ Class, general profici- ency, Bert Westlake; judging, live- stock and seed, Oswald McAllister; best notebook on the course, Lorne Mashinter. Girls’ Class, high stand- ing, Alma Downey and Pearl Cham- ing, Ah berlain. Speakers at the dinner, which was held in the Bolton Town Hall, were Margaret Anderson, Gordon Gray- don, M.P., Mrs. A. B. Smith, presi: dent of the Peel Women's Institute; W. A. Wilson, reeve of Albion Townâ€" ship; P. W. McMurter, Bolton reeve; O. H. Downey, ex-reeve of Albion; and J. E. Houck, chairman of the Milk Control Board. Speaking to toasts to the two classes were Alan Boyce, Kathleen Magin-n, Miss E. Wallace, Miss E. Frisch, Mary Bagu- ley, Bert Westlake, J. A,. Berry. Music was provided by Mrs. Lloyd Limburner, Bolton, and choruses of the two classes were directed by G. L. Bender, BramptOn. (Mrs. Jennie Barr of King celeâ€" ubrated her 90th birthday on- Febru- ary 26th. tam, organizer for the Ontario Fedâ€" eration, Mr, Noah Pitcher of Tor- onto, and Rev. C. W. Follett of Rich- mond Hill. Election of officers for the com- ing year resulted 'n the re-election of the following: Honorary Presi- dJents, J‘ M. Walton, Aurora and Dr. Boyd, Newmarket; president, Dr. J. P. Wilson, Richmond Hill; assistant president, Rev. Byron Snell, Au- rora; viceâ€"president, I. Mortson, Nemmarket; secretary, W. J. Mc- Allister of King. Read Kerr Bros. specials in this issue. BLUE Distriét Representative Richmond Hill, Ont. Residence 85 0:0) ‘ Mdssrs. A. E. Glass and J. A. M'ablexy returnedi last Friday after a delightful six weeks spent in Cali- fomia. Kerr Brothers weekly specials save you money. Read the “ad” on this page. All are invited to a Hot Supper to be served at the Richmond Hill Pre§byterian church Tuesday even- ing, March 8th, from five o'clock. Admission is twentyâ€"five cents. At the recent examinations held‘ at the Toronto Conservatory of Mu- sic, Master Harry Hill, a pupil of Mr. Melecci, was successful in pass- ing Grade I Piano with honors. Mrs. Joseph Graham, Arnold St, celebrated her eighty-fifth birthday on Friday, February 25th when she was the recirpient of flowers, cards- and congratulations of many friends who called: during the day. ing One of the most delightful social events of the year was the annual “At Home” held Wednesday evening by Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. The hundred and twenty-five guests were received in the Lodge room by J. G. Murphy, ruling master, and 'Mrs. Murphy, assisted by Rdbert ‘Endean, immediate past master and 'Mrs. Endean. Supper was served at six-thirty followed by bridge and dancing. Everyone reports a most enjoyable time and the event was 'unanim'ously voted one of the most successful in- the history of the .Lodge. BOWLING MEETING AN IMPOIRII‘ANT MEETING OF THE RICHMOND HILL BOWLING CLUB WILL BE HELD NEXT WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9TH. ALL INTERESTED ARE URGED TO BE PRESENT. THE MEETING WILL BE IN THE MUNICIPAL HALL AT Congratulations to Sid Dexter of Richmond Hill and his Hill Billies orchestra on their success in winâ€" ning a prize on Ken. Suble’s ama- teur radio hour. Since then the or- chestra has made a hit playing at the Lans‘downe theatre, Toronto. ‘The United Church Young Peo- ple’s Unions are holding a Rally in Richmond- Hill United Church on Tuesday}, March 8th at 7.45 p.m. The}? have a very interesting pro- gram planned, and have been: able to get Rev. Kenneth Prior of Angola, W. Africa, as speaker. Mr. Prior is an excellent speaker andJ will biilig with him 125 coloured! slides "brought home from Angola. Rir‘hs- mond Hill is expecting to have 2.11 the young people of Centre Subur- Iban Area up for the evening. Come along and have a good time with them. BIRTHS DENNIEâ€"At Unionville Nursing Home, Saturday, February 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Dennie, (nee Gladys Stiver) a daughter, (Marie Evelyn). COOKâ€"At York County! Hospital, NeWmai‘ket, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook (nee Eleanor Atkinson) of Richmond Hill, a daughtef'. The second Annual Hobby Show under the management of an active committee will be held. in the Easter holiday week. Outlines for effort especially from boys and girls of the community and- district will be available early. Further announceâ€" ments later. PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST The annual Public Speaking Con.â€" test for the pupils of the Public School will be held in ¢he High School Gymnasium on ‘he evening of Tuesday, March 8th at 8 p.m. An interesting feature of this year’s contest will be the impromptu spee- ches which are being judged‘ separ- ately from the prepared speeches and’ for which special prizes are be- ing given. The school choir also has some delightful new numbers readlyl. Give the children your supâ€" port. Silver collection. RAIL BARGAIN FARES This week-end to Lindsay, Hali- burton. Campibellford, Belleville and Smiths Falls districts. Week-end of March 11th to num- erous points in Ontario including Ijindjsay, Haliburton, districts east, Windsor and Detroit, also to points in Northern Ontario west to and in- cluding Nipigon districts. Particu- lars from C.N.R. ticket agents. Order for seedling trees should be placed with the Forestry Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, early this month. Application form will be furnished on request. Social and Personal WILL HOLD HOBBY SHOW ORDER TREES NOW THE LIBERAL‘, RICHMOND HILL, 7 ONTABJ'Ll A large crowd attended! the Euâ€" chre and Dance held under the aus- pices of 'Rlichvale Social Club. 13 tables of euchre were played and» prize winners were, ladies, 151: Mrs. Hill, 2nd Mrs. Norris; gents, lst Mr. Norris, 2nd Mr. J. Elliott. The auction sale of Geo. Rown- tree, lot 1, con. 5, King was held Tuesday and was featured by a large crowd and good' prices. Live- stock and implements (brought exâ€" ceptionally good figures and» bidding was brisk reflecting a good demand. Euchre and Dancing every Wed~ nesdiay evening. Euchre at 8.30 sharp. Good prizes. HORTICULTURAL NOTES “Dick” the Amateur Gardene'l~ will be here on March 23rd. He will give a demonstration [of “Bottle- Gardfiening” as well as answer ques- tions on your troubles in the gar- den. Send in your questions to the secretary. J. Carl Saigeon handled the sale as auctioneer. Have -you sent in yourr choice of premiums for this year. See last week’s Liberal. VOLLEY BALL CLUB NOTES Clwb activities have been carried on this winter on each Tuesday evâ€" ening, Particular attention has been given to the junior element, and several youthful memlbers have come in and are .showing advance- ment in play. The Club aims to be of service not only to steadily at- tending members but to those who come occasionally and any othersV who may like to take advantage of the physical and social benefits this class of recreation effort affords. Through the kind'ness of Mr. Fred Graham, Secretary, St. Clair Y.M. C.A., arrangements have been made to accommodate two teams for prac- tice with groups of the “Y” this (Thursday) evening. The York-Simcoe committee are planning a tournament similar to that held last year, which will prob- ably be held at Newmarket early in April. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAMS COM- PETE IN HOCKEY TOURNA- MENT TO-NIGHT Pulblic school teams from Rich- mond Hill, Aurora, Maple and Lang- staff will compete in a hockey tour- nament at Richmond Hill arena toâ€" night (Thunsdiay) and some thrilling hockey is assured the fans. The firs'hgame starts at 7 pmi. with lRichmond Hill and Aurora as op- ponents. In the next encounter Langstaff and Maple meet and the third game will be between the win- ners. This looks like a tempting hockey menu anti it is hoped a good crowd of fans Will be on hand. . Death plays strange tricks with ‘.human lives. The passing of Will- fiam G. Cave, founder and for 37 (years publisher of the Midland A'r- .g-us, was marked by one of the old- iesvt coincidences in. newspaper his- tory. Just a week ago he sold: The Argus to the Midland Free Press, Ltd'. and almost at the very momâ€" ent on Saturday last that the new proprietors were to take possession .of thJe plant, the grim reaper sud- denly claimed the soul of Mr. Cave. The last printing job to be done in the office which he loved, and whene 'he had done the major part of his life work, was his own death notice and funeral card. It was a perfect “30" to a long newspaper career. SALE BROUGHT GOOD PRICES St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church at Newmarket observed its 104th an< niversm'y Friday a game was held\ in the local arena ‘rbetween Richmond Hill and- De La Salle. The score was 8-1 for the visitors. The local boys have nothing to worry about as the De La Salle Tboys were all from high school. The be La Salle line-up: Goal, Ryan; Defense, Tardiville, Fletcher; Forwards, Neville. O’Riley. Mell- rooney; second line, Philban. Tovp‘ey, Prow, Gelineas, Boyce. The scorers were O’Riley, Tardi- ville, Philhan, Prow, O’Riley and Prow scored the last three. Richmond Hill’s line-up: Goal, M. Hunt; Defense, T. Evelyn, V. Mitchâ€" ell; Forwards, B. White, 1. Ross, M. Hillaby; second line, John White, E. Burnie, Leonard Lunau, K. Shields. L, Lunau scored the lone counter for Richmond Hill. Monday night Richmond Hill play- ed Aurora the score being 3-0 for Aurora. The Aurora line-up is as follows: Goal, W. Saygle; Defense, H. Pattington, O. Gilhert; Forwards, K. Jones, T. Bowl, B. Hillis; second line, S. Edwards, I. Anderson, B. Seton, B. Griffith, K. Harman. Richmond Hill’s‘line-wp was the same as that in the game with De La Salle. In the game Monday night Irving Ross received» a slight injury in the back but nothing serious. The Aurora scorers were K. Har- man and B. Seton scored the last two. RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB EXPRESS THANKS R. B. Banks, Maple, wishes to ex- press his thanks to the neighbours and‘ friends for their help and many kind acts at the time of his} recent fire, also the Maple Fire Brigade. for their timely assistance. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Frank French and family wish to .thank their many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent s-ad be- reavement in the loss of a loving wife and mother. CARD 0F THANKS To all the kind friends who so thoughtfully sent such beautiful flowers, cards and messages of good cheer, during her recent illness, Mrs. Crockett Wishes to extend her sin- cere gratitude and heartfelt thanks. She wishes them to know too, that while it is not possible for her to write to each one separately this in no way lessens her deep sense of appreciation. WMONMOMNONWOM “W WEEK-END SPECIALS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MARCH 9 - 10 TWO FEATURES EDWARD EVERETT HORTON â€" GENEVIVE TOBIN in» “ THE MAN IN THE‘ MIRROR ” Based on the novel. Return of Bulldog Dq‘ummond 'by H. C. Sapper McNeil‘e. A mystery story. A superior production with beauty of color and thrilling story of romance and adventure. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 4 - 5 TWO F GILBERT ROLAND â€" MARSHA HUNT in “ THUNDER TRAIL ” Based on the novel, Arizona Ames by Zane Grey. A'Wexsvtern melo- drama, far above the average. Also ROBERT YOUNG â€"â€" FLORENCE RICE in “ MARRIED BEFORE BREAKFAST ” And JACKfi‘iiifilih'l‘ifiwxirfifié Wâ€"PMIQRVYV CARLISLE in “ HOLD ’EM NAVY ” Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adanac Orange Pekoe Tea, '/2 lb. . . . . . . . Ogilvie Oats, large pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tiger Salmon, large tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles, lge. jar Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxydol Soap Powder, 1 lge. and 1 small . Comfort Soap, 5 bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandwich Biscuits, 1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chocolate Cakes, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ginger Snaps, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone 117 Crisp and amusing; comedy drama Also JOHN BARRYMORE LOUISE CAMPBELL in “ BULLDOG DRUMMOND’S REVENGE ” clever combinatién of comedy, romance and: football KERR BROTHERS iqupfiefiryse jg the keynote Aof this mystflry thtriqur; BAKERS â€" BUTCHERS â€" GROCE‘RS MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 7 - 8 FRANCES FARMFR â€" RAY MILLAND in “ EBBTIDE ” TO-DAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 4TH GEO. MURPHY â€" RITA JOHNSON in “ LONDON BY NIGHT ” A laugh-crammed! comedy dirama COMPARE OUR PRICES Mr. Wm. T. Grahama Church St.“ desires to express his deep appreci‘ Bation to the many friends, relativea ;and‘ neighboum for their kindness, :S'ympathy and-florahtributes in his |recent bereavemem‘ }‘What is it?” he asked a little boy standing outside. There was a loud knock at door, and the doctor, who had jud settled down for a nap, god: up in- di gnanztly. Q‘I’ve been bitten by a. dog," 1:}!!- lad- answered. “Well, don’t you know that my Surgery hours are from three w seven?” asked the doctor, crossly. “Yes,” replied the boy sad-1y. “But the dog didn’t.” Jones Coal Co. Lehigh Valley ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies’ CARI) 'OF THANKS Richmond Hill Phone 188 TWO FEATURE-S {At-3!)

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