Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1938, p. 6

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i“ Gray Gelding, H.D. 1 Bay Gelding, H.D. ~{Ray Gelding, H.D. CATTLE l-Black Heifer, due time of sale 1 Red and White part Ayrshire Heifâ€" er, full flow 1' Black and White COW, milking: 1 Red and White part Ayrshire COW, supposed to calf in May 1. Red and White part Ayrshire COW, in full flow lined and White part Ayrshire Cow, in full flow l‘Black Cow, dufei’gime of sale Lfirgghope, 160 ft. ‘ matched, GP. 1 Grey Mar? in foal, 10 yrs., G.P. -1.Grey Mare, 9 years, ED. 1 Grey Gelding, 7 years, ED. 1 ,Grey- Gelding, 12 years, ED. 1, Grey Gelding, 8 years, G.P. , ‘1 Brown Gelding, 10 years, H.D. 1 Roan Gelding, 9 years, ED. 1 Brown Mare in foal, 9 yrs, ED. 1 Sorrell Geldiing,__9_ years, G.P. W. H. ANDERSON Lot 23, Concession 3 North York Township Dufferin St. south of Fisherville, west of Yonge THURSDAY, MARCH 17TH HORSES 1,Team Grqy Mgres, 8 and 9 years, L Grey Gel‘ ‘ Brown Gt Roan Gel‘ Brown M Sorrell G 1 1 i 1 1 Black 00‘ 1 Black 00‘ 1 Red and: 1 Black Jer 1 Red 00w 1 Red Cow1 1 1 1 1 I l l Fordson M.-H. T lift, in 2â€"Furrovx tional, ‘ Manure new Hay Loa n1 â€"h. 5133 tor hit: 1 M.-d. é fractor 1 M.-H. St 1" M.-H. S} 1 2-F‘urr0v 1 i 1 CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Bagger and Wild Oats Cleaner Set Platform Scales Set Farm Trucks Hay Rack No. 21 Fleury Walking Plows with wheels Double Mould Plow M -zey-Harris Scuffler, Wearlyy new MaSSeyâ€"Harris‘ 6 ft. Binder, truck TERMS:â€"CASH No Reserve as farm rented “0‘0 at 1 pm. A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer and carrier Massey-Harris- 5 ft. Mower THC. 21/2 H.P. Gas Engine Turnip Drill Cutter CATTLE Black Cow, calf by side Black Cow, calf by side Red and: White Cow, caLf by side Black Jersey Cow, caLf M1 Side Red Cow, calf by side Red Cow, fill} flow Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs I'MPLEMENTS. Fordson Tractor, new M.-H. Tractor Cultivator, power 9.1.51??wi Cockshutt Riding Plow S“ 4 Section Barrows S.“ of low Wagon Gears in good lift, in good shape 2â€"Furrow Tractor Plow, Interna- tional, in good shape ' Manure Spreader, Intematlonal, new Hay Loader, International, new 31â€"h. Stiff Tooth Cultivator, trac- M.:fi: 'S’tiff Tooth Cultivator M.-H. Spring Tooth Cultivator 2-F‘urr0w Walking- Plow. Wilkin- Sale Commences at 1 p.m. TERMS:â€"-CASH No Reserve PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers tor hitch Mai. Spring Tooth Cultivator hector hitch 7 . AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements PAGE SIX Lot '1, Concession 2, Vaughan Township 2 Miles West of Steele’s Corners at Fisherville Towing Anywhera HARNESS, FURNITURE, Etc. The Property of THURSDAY, MARCH 10TH HORSES RICHMOND HILL JAMES HILL ANY TIME Phone‘ 12 for THE PROPERTY OF in. thick 2 Iron Bars, wagon tire size Number of Wagon Wheels Forks, sh-ovels, rakes, hoes, Whiffle- HARNESS 1 Set Chain Team Harness 1 Set Double Harness Number of Br‘dles and Horse Collars FURNITURE # 1 Extension Dining-room Table 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 Dresser 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Gramophone 2 Bedsteads with Springs 1 VVasl=1i-rugr Machine 1 Refrigerator 1 Cream Separator Hay Fork Sling Chain Car for Beatty Hay Fork Track, new Grindstones Inthrow Disc Harrow Bob Sleigh Set of Sloop Sleighs Steel Roller, 3 drum 17-toobh Cultivator 13â€"disc Drill 12-ft. Steel Rake Set of Drag Harrows, 16 ft. Heavy Farm Wagon Heavy Spring Wagon Riding Plow, 1 furrow Hay» Tedder Harrow Cart Forecarriage for Binder White Oak Plank, 16 ft. Iong,’ 214 track 1 Set Platform Scales 1 Milk Cart 1 Small Vega Separator 1 De Laval Cream Separator Number of Steel Barrels 1 Grind) Stone 1 Wagon Box 2 Potato Paris Green Sprayers 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Vessot Grinder 1 Coal Oil Heater 2 Tab] 2 Stovw, heaters Corn Cultivators Hay Wagon and Rack 16-ft. Hay Rack 1â€"Horse Wagon and Rack Scufflers 16-ft. Ladder Model A Ford Cab 200-g-al. Wooden Tank host and Wood: '6 ft. Mower M.â€"H. Disc HalTOWS M.-H. Hay Rake M.â€"H. 3 Section Roller M.-H. 13 Hoe Drill Hoover Potato Planter” fertilizer tfees, etc attachment, in good.| shape Hoover Digger, in good shape Peter Hamiltont 13 Disc Dril‘l Frost and Wood 13 Hoe Drill Fanning Mill Flat Hag Rack__ _ _ oifflfierévy Sleighs Set of Light Sleighs Hay Fork and Car for wooden HARNESS Sets Team Breeching Harness, brass mounted Set Team Breeching Harness 2 Tables a ready market in the hotel and res- taurant trade, but, as they require a temperature of about zero they cannot be offered to the general pub- lic until proper storage facilities are available in the retail trade. Starters and Cheese One of the most important factors in determining the quality of the‘ cheese is the starter which is used to hasten and control the acid fer- mentation of the milk, and it is, therefore, highly important that uni- form starters of high quality he used. A starter correctly made and handled cannot harm the product in any way; ratheer should improve it, whatever the quality of the milk may be. The question of starters is wholly under the control of the maker, and he has only himself to blame if the quality of his‘ product is injured by the use of a poor starter. In nine breeding station districts in Canada, saddle and hunter horses, and horses for police, remount, and light delivery purroses, are being produced in considerable numbers. This type of horse is in keen demand in Canada and in the United States, and there is little likelihood of am“ decline in popularity. Horse breed- ing clubs among Canadian farmers increased from 125 in 1983 to 264 in 1937, while the number of pureâ€" bred stallions qualifying for approv- al in 1937 showed an increase of 21 per cent over 1936. Seed Growers' Convention The next annual meeting of the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association will be held at the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, Ontario. The dates set for the meetings are June 15th, 16th and! 17th, 1938, and plans are under way for a busy three days. It is expected that workers in the promotion of improved seed produc- tion from coast to coast will be in attendance. Officers coming from the west‘will include the President, Mr. F. W. Townley-Sm-ith, Lashburn, Sask, and the Vice-President, Mr. F. L. Dickinson, from Winnipeg, Man. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Asâ€" sociation is Mr. W. T. G. Wiener, Ottawa. Ont. Movement of the 1937 bumper crop of alfalfa hay from Haldimand‘ County is now in full swing. It is estimated that last year‘s crop of 3,000 tons will be exceeded. t] ' A larg'é portion of the crop is mov- ing to the large dairy herds in the Eastern States. ‘Considueralble alfalfa is being ground into meal for export and do- mestic consumption. Up to eight alfalfa meal mills have been grimlâ€" ing in the Caledonia district at one time. Another new outlet may be provided as result of a test shipment just made to Nova Scotia for a De- partment of Agriculture exneriment in feeding young deer for the first time. Althcugph the plant is one of the oldest under cultivation, it is only in recent years that it has been grown here generally, and it seems to thrive on the heavy clay land. Hald’imand and Peel are two of the banner producing counties in the Pro- Vince. Current Farm Report Bruce Ccunty reports a smaller mortality in pigs this winter than is usually experienced. Wellington County reports that fall wheat is showing uq) particularly well as‘it has been covered with a nice blanket of snow during most of the winter. The high prices of alfalfa and clover seed prevailing there are diverting farmers’ attention to timothy which has the advantage of being considâ€" erably cheaper and at the same time a home-grown product. In Halton and some other counties livestock breeders are reported as disappoint- ed at prevailing market prices for their cattle. In Haldimand a defi- nite move has been made towards having the county declared as a tub- erculosisâ€"free area. c The county council has already approved the movement and the Livestock Im- provement Association is proceeding :c.'ith the passing of petitions. Mid- dflesex has experienced some floods in low areas due to heavy rains. Wheat: is still green there and in good condition though fear has been expressed because of lack of snow. Quite a demand for horses has been noticed among the tobacco growers of Norfolk county and good: teams are bringing from $300 to $450. Deâ€" mand for springers and new milkers in Prince Edward County appears to be a little brisket, both from Amer- ican and other outside buyers, at Alfalfa Hay Crop Moves THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Frc zen Ve geflables Horses In Demand AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARM‘ER i Records Reveal Cost of Raising Pullets '1 In order to ascertain the cost of raising pullets to maturity, that is I the age at which they lay their first fairly satisfactory; prices. Horses l are also selling well there. Livestock in Eastern Ontario is in fairly good condition considering the scarcity of home-grown feeds and the hfgh price of commercial feeding stuffs. eggsia record of all feed, coal, and litter used was kept during the 1937 season at the experimental station, Summerland, B.C. Starting with 680 White Wyan- dotte chicks hatched on three differ- ent dates, April 6, 14, and 29, re- s'pectively, and brooded‘ under coal brood-61's, 391 were sold as broilers and roasters, and a few as ready to-lay pullets. These latter have been included for purposes of ex- periment at their actual weights and the prevailing live price per pound. Mortality, caused mostly by hawks and coyotes, accounted for 48 )birds. 2 The balance of 241 represents the‘ number of pullets coming- into lay-l ,ing from September 2 onwards. No, eggs laid by these birds have been! credited, as such inclusion would only i create a fictitious profit or unfairly reduce the cost of rearing. The number of chicks brocded might easily have been cared for by two brooders instead; of three if hatchirg dates allorww this, thereby reducing the amount and cost of coal used. As anyone knows who kept poul- try in 1937 feed prices were high. Wheat for this experiment cost $50 per ton, home-mixedv developer mash of which large quantities were con- sumed cost $40 per ton. In order that the figures may be of some benefit to those poultry- keerpers who raise their pullets fro/m purchased day-01d chicks, the cost of the original 680 chicks has been; reck- oned at $14 per hundred, the ap- proximate price of heavy ’breed‘s in the Okanagan Valley. In calculat- ing the cost of raising the birds, no charge has been made for labour. Costhof Raising Pullets to Maturity Estimated cost 680 chicks (.3 95.20 Breeder coal, 1900 lb. . . . . . 14.01 Litter, 800 1b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Chick feed, 784 1b. . . . . . . . . 24.43 Developer mash, 8398 lb. 167.96 Whole grain, 4600 lb. . . . . . . 105.00 ‘I "JOHN A. LEEK, lthree miles from Richmond Hill, On- itario, the following property; name- Sale of broilers and masters, 1602 lb. Cost of raising 241 pullets ..$106.98 COST PER PULLETâ€"44.39 gents. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certâ€" ain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by G. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, at the hour of once-thirty o’clock in the a‘fternocn at the far-131 of ALL AND SINGULAR that cert,- ain parcel or tract of land and prem- ises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham. in the Coun- ty of York, being composed of the East half of Lot 16, in the Second Concession of the said Township of Markham, containing 100 acres more or less. ,0) LA TERMS OF SALE:â€"Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale, the balance to be secured by a mort- gage with im‘terest at four per cent per annum. __ ,. .. _,‘L:-‘_1-..- nu”! anzh'- UA Anne. On the. said farm there is said to be erected a barn. The lands will \be sold subject to a reserve bid“ 4 _ .. . n. V “A” tions of Sale ref-er to W. ERIC STEWART, K.C.. East Block. Parliament Bldgs Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Morbgagee. DATED at Toronto this 19th day 0 Febmary, 1938. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR “\ DIVORCE ‘NO’I‘ICE is hereby given that WIL- FRED AUGUSTUS COTTLE STEAD of the City of Montreal, in the Conni- t_v of anhelaga. in the Province of Quebec, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or next session thcreof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife ELSIE MAY STEAD of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, on] the ground of adultery. ‘ DATED at Montreal, in the Prov- lince of Quebec, the 8th day of Feb- ‘ruary, AD. 1938. OSMOND F. HOWE, MORTGAGE SALE FRIDAY, THE 11TH DAY OF MARCH, 1938 'l' annulu. For furthgr particulars and Condi- 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario. PUBLIC AUCTION at :â€"Twenty-five p_er $410.60 303.62 “Yezp,” said the farmer. “When a seller has to know the botanical name of what he raises, and the entomological name of the «bugs that eat it and- the pharmaceutical ,name of what. he sprays on it ~â€" .‘things is bound to cost more of Widéfi‘fufié aid Boiler 1 Electric Refrigerator, new 1 Large Wooden Ice Refrigerator 1 Good Kitchen Stove. coal 1 Coal Stove and Gas attachment 2 Stoves, old 1 Kitchen Buffet 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 Kitchen Table 1 Davenport 1 Wardrobe Beds, Dressers and Wash Stands Hanging Lamps 1 Fat Sow 4 Growing- Hogs 150 Laydng Hens Positiwlv N0 Resérve as Farm is Sold TERMS:â€"CASH Sale starts at 12 sharp Percheron Mare, 5 years Percheron Mare, 6 years HARNESS Set Brass Mounted Harness and 415 Balliol St, N. Toronto, HY. 0834 Bay Horse, aged Bay Mare, aged Collars, new Set of Old H Set Fly Nets .-',_-,, to calf May 12, 1938 Ayrshire Cow, milking Holstein Cow, fresh Holstein Cow, supposecl to calf April 8th Holstein Cow, full flow Roan Cow, supposed. to calf time CATTLE Guernsey Cow, supposed to April 3 Holstein Cow, milking, bred 18, 1937 A Ayr'shire Cow time of sale Ayrshire Cow of sale Red and White Cow. supposed to calf April 12. 1938 Red Heifer, full flow Ayrshire Cow, milking, bred Oct. 28, 1937 Holstein Cow, milking, bred Dec. 15, 1937 Holstein Cow, milking, bred Oct. 1 Sow, bred Jan. 17 10 Shoats , 1937 Ayrshire Cow, bred Oct. 2'7. 1937 Red Heifer, bred Oct. 29, 1937 Ayrshire Cow, supposed due time 7 Hampshire Ewes, due early in Apr FOWL 40» Plymouth Rock Hens IMPLEMENTS 1 Massey-Harris Binder, 6 ft. 1 Mower, Deering, 5 ft. 1 Massey-Harris Drill. 11 Hoe 1 Rake, Deering‘, 310 ft. 1 Masseyâ€"Harris Cultivator 1 Disc . 1 Set Heavy Han'ows, 4 section 1 Turnip Drill, Pefer Hamilton 1 Heavy Wagon, 3 in. tire, Bain 1 Wagon Box 1 Hay; Rack, good as new 1 Gravel Box 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Plow, 21 Fleury 1 Plow, 12 Fleury tinklet 1 Mould Plow. Lea '13, 1938 Black Heifer. bred Oct. 21, 1937 Red Cow, milking Yearling Ayrshire Heifers Bull, Ayrshire. 4 years, registered "of sale Red Cow, supposed due April 14 1938 Ayrshire Cow, milking, bred Jan Potato Shear for Plow Scufflerrs Gang Plow Set Wagon Springs. Trench Cutter, Trench, good Platform Scales Water Trough ' Quantity 21/2 in. Tile Quantity White Oak Doublehees HHHHDâ€"‘NHD TERMS:â€"â€"CASH Jas. Smith, Clerk HORSES Grey Horse, 11 years Bay Horse, 10 years CATTLE Black ang White Cow, bred Dec. 21 Blue Cow, milkiqg good Dairy Cattle, Implements HORSES, PIGS, FURNITURE, Etc. JAMES WHITE Lot 11, Concession 4, North York Twp. DAWES AND YORK MILLS ROAD One Mile South of Lansing Road THURSDAY, MARCH 17TH Lot 18, Concession 4, Markham Township 1 Mile North of Buttonville FRIDAY, MARCH 18TH JAMES COUPERTHWAITE fifé's 1ND (“HICKAENS Farm Stock, Implements FURNITURE, Etc. “aldmfiarness and Collars y Nets . H. PRENECE & K. PRENTICEtAuqts. FURNITURE Cow, milking, supposed HORSES SHEEP PIGS supposed to 1 Fat Sow AUCTION SALE of AUCTION SALE of THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1938 THE PROPERTY OF Fruit Jars Roosters THE PROPERTY OF Oct calf calf SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. 1 Set Pea Harvesters 1 Set Grain Lifters 1 Set Platform Weigh Scales 1 Rubber Belt, 50 ft. 1 Hav Rope, Pulleys and Hay Fork 1 Set Slings and Ropes 2 MISCELLANEOUS Brooder Stoves and Pipes, good shape Water Fountains and Feeding Troughs 1'2 Barrels 1 Cress-cut Saw 1 Cream Separator 1 Churn 1 Hand Sprayer 1 Set Pots 1 Planet Land Drill Quantity of Cedar Posts 1 Set Fence Stretchers Quantity of Baskets and Hampers Ladders 1 Wire Cable 2 Sets Doubletrees Shovels, Forks and Quantity of Bags and other articles too numerous Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone 27 IMPLEMENTS Masseyâ€"Harris 8 ft. Binder and forecarriage McCormick Deermg Mower Massey Harris Cylinder Loader Massey-I‘larfis N0. 19, 17-Tooth Tractor Cultivator Massey-Harris Corn Cultivator, 2-1‘0w Massey-Harris 13 HoeAGl'ainl‘ Dyill new Massey-Harris Rake, 12 ft Masseyâ€"Harris Tedder Masseyâ€"Harris _Si_¢e . Ralfe Ma Ma Mas Fanning Mill Lanzl Roller, 9 ft. International Double Disc Harrow Turnip Drill, 2 row Grain Grinder and Bagger, 11 in. Iniernational Ensllage Cutter and Pipes Set of; Sleighs, 3 Knee Morth Wagon, good shape Circular Saw, wood frame Set 4 Section Drag Harrov Evener Set ‘Spring Tooth Harrov Evener Farm Wagon, 3 in. The Farm Wagon, 3 m. '1'11'e Ha}; Rack 1 Flat Rack Walking: Plows Cutter Mnssey-Harris 2-furrow Tractor Plow McCormick Deering 10-20 Tractor Drill Plow and Marker Bag Truck 1 Pulper Potato Digger, 2-horse HHDâ€"‘bâ€"‘râ€"‘WHHHlâ€"H Post Hole Auger Grind Stone Heavy Logging Chain, 16 ft. Pipe Wrench Pick Neckyokes Set Doubletrees Cream Separator, Renfrew Hay Knife 1 Scoop Sh0ve1 Plough Wheel Hay Fork 1 Crowbar 5 Sling Ropes Quantity of Grain Bags 1 Chicken Crateâ€"coups HARNESS GRAIN Quantity of Seed Potatoes, Hustlers Quantity of Eating Potatoes Quantity of Seed Oats, Improved Banner Quantity of Barlev Quantity of Buckwheat Quantity of Hay 1 Wooden Single Bed 1 Bedroom Suite 1 Kitchen Table ’ 6 Kitchen Chairs Quantity of Rag Carpet 2 Table Lamps 1 Beattv Churn, No. 3, nearly new 1 Butter Print 2-Bumer Oil Stove 1 Lawn Swing 1 Incubator, Little Daniels, 80 eggs 1 Incubator, 160 eggs to mention Set Heavw Harness Set Single Harness Horse Blankets Sale at 1 pm. K. PRENTICE, Auct. RICHMOND HILL Harris N0. 4 Low Spreader Harris Harms Phone 3900, Markham, Ont arms FURNITURE 13 Hoe Grainl Drill 13 Tooth Cultivator Power Sprayer, 11/2 ‘ Tire 1 Flat Rack Harrows and Harrow and truck 5 ft»

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