ST. PATRICK’S EUCHRE St. Patrick’s Euchre at St. Mary’s R.C. Rectory on Thursday, March 17, at 8.30 p.m. under the auspices of the W.A. Special attractions, good prizes. This euchre is included in the series. Tickets 25c. Mrs.Alfred Rumble MAPLE Sat, Marqh 12 Auction Sale of 2 1 1 1 new Kitchen Chairs, new Quebec Cook Stove, new Pair Lace Curtains Stove Board, new 10 lengths stove pipe, 3 elbows, new 1 2 1 Pair Pillows NHHHHIâ€"‘NHHHNN Carpet rug green, 9 by 10%. Hooked Rugs Number of Quilts 1 Serving Tray Pairs Net Curtains, new Pairs Cottage Curtains, new Carpet Sweeper Pair over-curtains, rose Cushion Oil Cloth Mats, new Electric Table Lamp, new Bed and Springs Mattress 1 Dresser Washstand 1 Bookcase Child’s Bed‘ and MattreSS Rugs, 6 by 9 2 Pail/s Quantity of Fruit 1 D02. Pint Jars, new And other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE HOUSE AND LOT Also at the same time and place the property will ‘be offered for sale. Includes frame dwelling, with hydro, new furnace, all in first class condi- tion, newly decorated. Termszâ€"IO per cent at time of sale, balance in 30 days. Possession immediately. No reserve as proprietor is giv- ing up housekeeping TERMS:â€"CASH Farm Stock, ' Implements WILLIAM SMITH Lot 64, Rear of 1st Concession, Whitchurch Twp. 1 Mile East of Yonge St., at Wilcox Lake WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23RD Breakfast Room Suite, new Green Linoleum Rug, 9 by'101/2 Bed, springs and mattress, near 1 Frost & Wood Binder, 6 ft. cut Deerin‘g Mower, 5 ft. cut Horse Rake Deering Drill, 13 Disc Stiff Tooth Cultivator, I.H.C. Spring Tooth Cultivator Disc Harrow, M.-H., Inthrow, near- Milk is one commodity you; cannot afford to take: chances on. You are Wise. to demand that your milk supply reaches you in the best possible condition. . You can be assured of a dependable supply by hav- ing our driver call daily. ing Phone 42 Richmond Hill; Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce Brown Gelding Black Mare Bay Mare ale at 1 Red Cow Black Cow 1y new No. 21 Fleury Plow, good No. 21 Fleury Plow HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ETC. The Broperty of Black Cow due March 25 J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. Richmond Hill Dairy PAGE FOUR SALE AT 1.30 PM. S. WALWIN, PrOP- I MPLEMENTS HORSES CATTLE AUCTION SALE of 500, THE PROPERTY OF Sister Sherman Is Moving To' R? The address was reatt by Sistel Allen and the presentation by Siste‘. Westlake and Sister Watson. Following is the copy of the ad: Following is 'dressI: 'Dear Sister Sh 'Dear Sister Sherman:â€" As old friends and’ as members of L.O.B.A. No. 407, Beeton, we wish- to convey to you some expression of our appreciation| of your untiring and faithfï¬l services among us and, also to voice our sincere regret, oc- casionedl by your withdrawal from our village. ‘ LA-“ Saturday, March 26 Studentâ€"Teacher, will me with this problem? Teacherâ€"I would, only think it would be right. FURNITURE, G Piano _ Atwater Kent Battery Radio in good shape ‘ 1 Low Dresser 1 Cupboard 1 Single Brass Bed, Springs and HHHHHlâ€"‘HNHHHH Mattress Steel Bed Folding Stretcher Pull-out. Couch 2 Bookcases Chesterfield . 1 Stand Kitchen Tables Steel Bed, Springs & Mattress Large Chair 1 Cook Stove Quebec Cook Stove High Chair Baby Crib Springs and Mattress Clothes Horse Sewing Machine, Domestic Quantity of Linoleum Electric ‘Table Lamp ' Deering Mower, 5 ft. cut Gasoline Well Pump Lawn Mower 2 1 Curtains Wheel Garden Hoe, good Wheel Gard‘en Hoe Pick, Shovels, Hoes Other articles too numerous to men- tion Also the material of a two story house, complete with joist, scantlinlg, doors, windows, lath and plumbing will be Offered for sale. No. 3 Wilkinson Plow Gang Plow, No. 5, Dick Set Harrows, 4 section Set Harrows Souffler Heavy _Wagon Set Wagon Springs Truck Wagon, iron wheels Hay Rack Top Buggy 1 Cut Set Sleighs Set Scales, cap. 2000 lbs. ‘ Set Team Harness, nearly n-ew Set Plow Harness 1 Set Single Harness Number of Horse Collars Number of Grain Bags Number of Sacks 1 Separator, Vega 1 Kitchen Table 1 Kitchen Cupboard Numerous other articles HHHHHHHHDâ€"‘HHHPâ€"‘râ€"I Village of Maple A. S. FARMER, Auct. Auction Sale F. W. DEAN TERMS:â€"CASH J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer (RE, GARDEN TOOLS etc. The property 01' PERHAPS NOT man Is Remembered 0“ g T6 Richmond Hi“ From Beeton NORTH END and’ as members ‘7, Beeton, we wish- 1 some expression W of your untiring re: among: us and: will you help I don’t‘ 1 Cutter Sister Sister W. M. Cockibuirnv, Agricultural Re- presentative for York County, re- ports that during the mornings when fanning mill screens were being re- paired, over sixty farmers took ad- vantage of this opportunity to get new material for their frames. Mr. 1Cock1burn is arranging to take his isupply of screens to a potato meet- ing at Mount Allbert on Friday, Mar. ' 11th, and to .the Seed Fair at Mark- ham on Thursday, March 17th, to *save the farmers coming to his of- fice for them. . ‘The afternoon programme featurâ€" ed addresses and discussions on seed and soil prdblenis. G. A. Scott of the Experimental Farm, Ottawa, re- ported on- the wonderful results Olb- tained by treating seed with the new mercury dusts to prevent not only smuts (except loose smut) but also bligh‘ts, root and foot rot, the or- ganisms of which are carried on the surface of the seed. John D. Mc- Leod of the Ontario Crops Branch discussed seed cleaning, making re- ference to the proper use of fanning mills, power seed cleaning plants and also the threshing machine. Soil fertility was the subject taken by R. J. Bryden of the Chemistry Dept. of the Ontario Agricultural College. His talk, most practical throughout, urged farmers to put their soil in good physical condition by drainage, tillage and the addition of organic matter such .as clovers or manures. Decomposition of this humus pro- vides nitrogen and aids in the libera- tion of phosphates and potash. Com- mercial fertilizers should then ‘be used to provide any deficiencies in these elements. Brod Improvement Meetings Useful The Crop Improvement meetings held undeu‘ the joint auspices of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Societies at Sutton, Richmond Hill, AurOra and Schom~ berg, proved most instructive and were well attended by interested farmers of tljge respective communiâ€" farmer ties. A very successful meeting of St. John’s A.Y.P.A. was held in» the Parish Hall on Monday evening. The main feature of the evening was a debate, “Resolved that success in life depends more 0in opportunity than ability.†The affirmative side won, and was wpheld by Helen Whitten and James Kerswill. The Misses- Thelma and June Wood upheld the negative side. The judges, Rev. E. W. G. Worrall, Mr. M. B. Beynon- and Mrs. W. N. Th-ompson- offered constructive criticism. After the de- bate a box social was held. Bidding was brisk reflecting a good demand. Rev. Worrall handled the sale as auctioneer. Gertrude Hensh‘aw and Helen Whitten deserve credit for making- two of the most beautiful boxes. Arrangements have been made to have these speakers at the York County Seed Fair at Markham. TEMPERANCEVILLE 'The W. A. held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd at the home of the sec- retary, Mrs. Norman Chatterly. Mrs. Illaines of Queensville, president of West York Deanery W.A. was the guest speaker. She spoke on the lives of seven great women mention- ed in the New Testament, and who devoted their lives to the work of the early church. Members from Maple and King W.A.’s were .also guests. All are invited to a Supper to be served at the United Church on Monday evening, March let. A lec- ture will be given by Rev. J. D. Parks of Carlton United Church, To- ronto. Mr. Benny Wilson, channrpion and inspired leader of exâ€"convict men, will be heard in St. John’s Parish on Monday, March 2lst. Lanltern slides will be shown. The C.G.I.T. will hold a supper meeting on- Saturday, March 12th at the home of the leadier, Mrs. Leonard Harman. There will be a speaker at this meeting. ’The Robertson Lodge, King City, will hold a euchre and danCe on Fri- d‘ay evening, March 11th\ at 8 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Everyvbody welcome. A. progressive euchre and dance will be held on Wednesday evening, March 16th in McDonald & Wells Hall, King, under the auspices of the U.F.O. Sir James MadBrien, head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police died on Saturday, March 5th after an illâ€" ness of several weeks. Sir James was one of the most outstanding of Canadian“ officers who servedI in France during the war and where he rose from a major to a major-gen- eral. He was born at Myrtle 59 years ago. In earlier years he served in the North West Mounted Police and also in South Africa. If sert eral you have something to sell, in- a classified “Ad†in The Lib- THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ The editor of The Liberal alongv with about a dozen other newspaper Irepresentatives had the privilege of linterviewing this .mind wiz-ard last Monday, and we were astounded with the many marvelous features of l his work. We entered a private of- fice with him, wrote a question on va piecelof paper, folded it several :times and handed it to the great 1 Temple. He tore it into many pieces 1 and we burned it. This wonder man whose uncanny gifts have made him . ia sensation wherever he has per- ]formed told us our question, gave a idetailedi description of the party we ' asked about and while we wondered lat his wonder power he answered 1 our query. Only the passing of time I will tell whether or not he was corâ€"' i rect, but he did give us a very likely answer, and it was one not suggest-' ‘ed in any way ‘by the question. I There is no extra charge for an linterview with this wonder man. It iis free to all who go to the Capitol ‘theatre next week, and in addition to the regular evening shows‘ there [will be a matinee every day. “THE GREAT TEMPLE†Sensational mind wizard, who will be at the Capitol theatre next week from Monday until Friday, to an- swer any questions which may ‘be troulbling you. He does not perform on the stage but will meet you in a specially built compartment in the Capitol foyer and answer your quesâ€" tion in private. The great Temple has: worked in many of Canada’s best known theatres and everywhere he has gone he has been a sensaâ€" tion. RE COLLECTION OF REFUSE 1938 The Council has decided that peri- odical collections of refuse will be made as follows: On the second Tuesday in April, on the second and fourth Tuesdays in May, June, July, August and September and on the second Tuesday in each: month there- after until fu-rther notice. Whether or not you believe suchl things are possible, we suggest anl interview with the great Temtple as! highly interesting. Meet him at the Capitol theatre next week. TENDERS for the performance of this Collecâ€" ti‘on Service will be received at rthe clerk's office up to twelve o’clock noon on April 4th next. The lowest or any tender nc't neâ€" ccstarily accepted. Richmond Hill, March 10, 1938. UNDE‘R AND BY VllElTUE OF THE POWERS OF SALE (entail-tied in a certain mortgage, which will ‘be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered‘ for sale by G. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer at CAPITOL THEATRE PUBLIC AUCTION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 29th, 1938, at the hour of two o’clock in: the afternoon at the farm of WILFRED F. KIRK, RR. N03. 2, Maple, Ontario, the following prop‘ertv-U namely: ALL AND SIN‘GULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town'- ship of Vaughan, in the County f York, and being composed of part of Lotl Number 27, in the Second Concession of the said Township, containing ten acres. More particuâ€" larly described in the above menâ€" tioned: mortgage. On the said farm there is said’ to be erected! a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. The lands will ‘be sold sutbjecitl to a reserve bid. ' TERMS OF SALE of farm: TWenty- five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mort- gage with interest atl four per cent per annum. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to ' W. ERIC STEWART. K.C.. East Block, Parliament Bld‘gs., ‘ TORONTO, Ontario. ,Dated‘ at: Toronto, this 4th day of iMarchi. 1938. OMOMOONWOOOOW“ Res. 82W ' Mill 139 OWQOOWMOWWOOMWQ Hatching Mash, Chick Starter Developing Mash and Laying Mash Royal Richmond Brand All Feeds and Tonics for Stock and Poultry Bring your seed grain to clean before the rush WEGRTGAGE THE MILL NOTICE WE BUY OATS Telephones A. J. HUME, Clerk-4 IBABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- l ing. Apply for prices and further : particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge § Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, I phone 1021'13. FRESH COWS, close springers and backward springers, all eastern cows. Also brown mare in foal. Apply Ed. Irish, Stop 9, Willowdale, ph'one 369J. EBROODER STOVE and hover, 500 chick size, Buckeye, in good condi- tion, half price. Apfply Mrs. Free- man Barker, Headford, phone Rich- mond Hill 4713. MIXED HAY, Timothy and Alfalfa J. Kerswill, Jefferson. ALFALFA lis, c/o H 1.1:“. _-___â€"_ lBOARD AND ROOM, in Richmond: 2 HOLSTEIN SP‘RIN‘GERS. APPIYl Hill by gentleman. Box 444, The Lot 15, Con. 3, Vaughan TWD- J-§Li‘beral. A. Baker. ‘ GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 Hill. perr cord delivered, cut any length. Langstaff Supply Co., phone Thornâ€" \hill 73. PLATFORM spring wagon, 1 rubber tire buggy, 1 set single harness. All in good condition. D. Jarrett, phone Maple 457. 36 LEGHORN hens, also 12 pullets, laying, Vanderbilt strain. Apply Bagg, RR. No. 1, Richmond‘rHill or phone 46-12. nINCUBATOR, Buckeye, 120 egg .size; Acme Brooder 500 chick size; ,Temperolator for heating poultry ‘house. Apply R. Harman, Stop 20, (Yonge Street. 3-YEAR-O'LD PERCVHEIRON, price reasonable; 2-year-old Clyde filly and mare in foal. Phone Richmond Hill 4632. J 3 CLOSE SPRINGE‘RS, Holsteins, accredited and blood tested, 11 to pick from, 1 fresh onle. Phil Payne, R.R. No. 2, Weston, telephone Wood- bri‘dge 91r3. FOUR MAMMOTH Bronze Turkey Hens and one Gobbler. One pure bred white Emb-den» Gander. Leo Burton, Carrville Rd., phone Maple 764. SPARTAN RADIO 1937 .model, '15 tubes, 4 wave bands, solid walnut cabinet, regular price $269.50. Must be sold, a real bargain. Phone Maple SEVEN young Yorkshire sows, due in March. Apply Nelson Boynton, R.R. No. 2, Gormley, lot 26, rear con. 2, Markham, or phone Rich- mond' Hill 46-04. 1 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN cow, 6 years old, in full flow, also 1 bay horse 9 years old weighing 1800 lbs. Will deliver. L. H. Gane, Maple R. R. 2, Phone 6414. FARMS FOR SALE or RENT: 70' acres of land, wonderful soil, spring creek, large barns, eight roomed brick housé, Unionville, Ontario. Ap- TWO H‘O‘LS-TEIN COWS, fresh de- 1'ua1'y 3, 1‘ Holsrtein Cow fresh‘ Feb. 10th, 2 Holstein Cows fresh Feb. 27, 1 Jersey Cow fresh Feb. 20, 5 H01- stein Sp-ringers. A11 cattle negative to blood test. J. S. Honey & Son. ply ‘ tario 1 REG. MARE, Percheron, 2 years old; 1 reg. mare, Percheron, 5 years old; 3 year old‘ GP. mare; 10 year old Percheron mare. Priced to sell. Apply to Leechwood‘ Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of NO. 7 Highway. TEAM, perfect match, seal brown _mare and gelding, 5 and 6 years lold, weighing 3400 lbs., percherons, clean legged, a show team, price l$450.00, also will part with a few pure bred Guernseys, fully accredh ited. Hatfields, Guernsey Farm, lEdgeley, P.O. address Maple ‘R. R. lNo. 1. 50 AORE FARM in Township of Pickering, near Stouffville, splendid buildings, land plowed, some wheat. Possession April 1, 1938. Must be sold to close out an Estate. Apply McCullough & Button, Sitourffville, Ontario. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Riphmond Hill, phone 102113. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Captainâ€"Have you cleaned the deck and polished the Masses? Sailorâ€"Yes, sir, and the horizon with my tel 240 Jarvis Street, Toronto, On- FOR SALE HAY. Apply James El- J. Mills Ltd†Richmond- 331. Phone W. Palmer THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, 1938. swept G ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 C‘ tre Street East, Richmond Hill. SINGLE MAN for dairy farm. Must be good milker and good with horses». Apply Liberal Office. ‘ WANTED AT ONCE. Bob Calf few weeks old. Mrs. A. Wright, Stop 17A, Thornhill. PARTY wants to rent house with some land, buildings, hydro. Pos- session April lst. Apply Box 12, The Liberal Office. GIRL, 20, wants work, experienced in general housework, -by week or month. Phone Richmond Hill 248r4 or write Box 124, Richmond Hill. SMALL FARM wanted to rent or purchase, 25 acres or less with buildings suitable for poultry. Ap- ply giving particulars to Box 767, Liberal Office. SHEDS FOR SALE Tenders will be i'eceived up to 12 o’clock noon, March 15th, 1938 by the undersigned for Presbyterian church sheds, Woodbridge. Shed No. 1, 18 ft. by 40 ft. Shed No. 2, 20 ft. \by 88 ft. Highest or : arin accepted Used Cars (Reconditioned and Guaranteed): 1936 FORD V-8 2-TON TRUCK. 7- 1937 FORD V18 DeLUXE COUPE-â€" Ford Heater and Defroster. A smart car. 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk â€"Heater. Very nice. 1935 FORD V-8 TOURING TUDOR (with Trunk). Heater. Splendid Value. 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN; 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROAD~ STER. Rumble Seat Heater- Very Nice. 1930 FORD TUDOR â€" Thoroughly RecOnditioned. 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Tovn). Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W Ton License». Thoroughly recondi- tioned. with Trunk. Good value. Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Charles Graham TU REL YT MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT TENDERS WANTED $595.00 $650.00 $695.00 $650.00 $525.00 $475.00 $195.00 $375.00 $175.00 GEORGE HUGILL, Box 2, Woodbridge. any ten-der no-t necess- ,en.