Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1938, p. 5

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The March meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will meet Thursday afternoon, March 17th at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Clark. There Will be an address on Russia. All are cordially invited to attend. Kinsmen Male Quartet to Take Full Charge of Memorial Service A memorial service is to be held in the North Buttonville Cemetery on the third Sunday in June at 7 pm. standard time. The Kinsmen Quartet will take full charge of the service. Anyone who has heard the quartet lead in song and: Mr. Oliver 'Ramer deliver his inspiring messâ€" ages of the word‘ of God1 will not hesitate in keeping this date in mind. THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1938. Unionville Horticultural Society will .hold a public meeting in the Township Hall Wednesday, March 16 at 8 pm. Reports of Ontario Horti- cultural Association will be given. Also lantern slides on “Trees and Flowers” by Leslie Miller and ‘Birds’ by Edwin Dixon. Mrs. Dixon will imitate bird songs on the Hawaiian guitar. Social hour. Members please provide sandwiches. EBENEZER UNITED rHURCH 1.30 p.m.â€"Chu1'ch School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"“The Cross and TWO Re- volutionists.” Pastorâ€"Rev. A. E. Owen 10 a.m.â€"Church School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"“The Cross and Some ‘Re- OEIO 6:0 a.m.â€"â€"“'1'ne bl‘OSS anu Quint: 1 volutionists.” p.m.â€"“Three Young Men and Burning Threat.” CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Unionville Dry, rotted shingles catch fire like kindling! But with Council Standard Tite-Lap roofing you needn’t worry about flying embers or sparks. It is good for a lifetime and is sold with a 25 year guarantee. This guarantee is backed by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agriculture. Ask your banker. 'I‘ite-Lap roofing comes inlarge sheets that are easily handled. Fireproof, weather- proofâ€"does not crack, bulge, shrink or curl. They may be put on right over your old roof. Send ridge and rafter measurements for free cost estimate. Fasten-sated. Masts EDUNEILSTANIIABD \q'h unw calm“ / Eg-GueIph Shae! Preston, OM. BUTTONVTLLE Entries received by ALVIN ROBB. Woodbridge, not later than noon, Monday, March 14th. Phone Wood- bridge 123 Auspices of the Woodbridge Presbyterian Church 4 CLASSES: Junior 10 years and under; Intermediate 18 years and under; Senior over 18 years. Special class, 12 years and under, for those who have never won a prize. Special prize for most outstanding com- petitor, $2.00. When you place your insurance through this office you are assured of real service from Companies long estab- lished in business with plenty of reserves to meet all contingencies, and who settle claims satisfactorily and promptly. Get our rates on Fire, Automobile, House- hold Burglary, Plate Glass, Accident & Sickness, etc. Sun Insurance Office Limited . . . . . . Established 1710 (The oldest insurance office in the world) British American Assurance Co. . . . . Established 1833 Waterloo Fire Insurance Co. Established 1863 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. . . . . . Established 1810 Liverpool & London & Globe . . . . . Established 1836 Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co. Ltd. Established 1872 \ Assets, $75,287,934 (Strongest purely casualty company in the world) Wellington Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840 A policy in any of the above Companies is your guarantee of service and security Office 93 Yonge St., Telephone 87 ADMISSION 25c. UN IONVILLE AMATEUR NIGHT ORANGE HALL, WOODBRIDGE MONDAY, MARCH 14TH AT 8.00 P.M. 110:0 INSURANCE ROY HERRINGTON $27.50 IN CASH PRIZES METAL 7 ROOFING Faderie: also a! Montreal and Toronlo RICHMOND HILL I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Rev. J. D. Cunningham, B.D., Minister | Sunday, March 13th 11 a.m.â€"“Why did they Crucify Christ?” 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. I 3 p.m.â€"â€"Sunday School and] Bible Class. 7 p.m.â€"Evening‘ Prayer and Ser- mon. “The Sacredn-ess of Life,” on: the 6th Commandment. Tuesday next, evening meeting of W. A. at home of Mrs. P. Hill, 8 p.m. Miss Ethel Legge of Toronto will speak on China. Thursday next, Lenlten service 8 p.m. Speaker, Rev. A. C. McCollum of ‘ York Mills. All cordially invited. 7 p.m.â€"“Words of Eternal Life.” Get the pattern of your life from God and then go about your work and 'be yourself. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, March 13th Lent 2 11 a.m.â€"M0rndng Prayer and Ser- mon. “The Prvod:ga1 Son”. Second in series» on The Parables of Our Lord. District Representative Richmond Hill, Ont. STATITE Led-fled Nails CHILDREN 15c. Manufacturers of the famous Preston Steel Truss Bar-as, Tits-Lap meialrooiingandlames- way Poultry Equipment. with Screw Shank Take ten times more force to withdrawthan a t a n d a r d barbed roof‘ ing nails. Best roofing nail on the market. can I 'ozlo' 1 Friends of Mr. Albert Patton who underwent a serious operation in the ,Western Hospital, Toronto, will be Ipleased to hear he is progressing ' favorably. Bill The officers and members of the Social Clwb wish to apologize to the ratepayers and) patrons of the So- cial Clulb for the disturbance caused by three of the patrons at last night’s dance. We wish to state that the three gentlemen in question will not 'be permitted. to attend any fu- ture social events held by this club. SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE & DANCE AT RICHVALE The largest crowd of the season attended the Richvale Social Club last evening. Prize winners were: Mrs. Hall, Miss Messinger, Mr. H. Elliott and Mr. B. Delville. High score for 2 frames, Mrs. Bishop, Mr. H. Elliott. Spot Dances, Miss Hoov- er, Edna Olbee, Miss McNairn, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Archilbald, Mr. R. Burns. Lucky Draw, Mrs. Under- Next week, March 16th will be Irish Night. Numerous prizes and novelties. Euchre at 8.30 sharp. Dancing: to 1 mm. Royal Arcadians, Dr. F. W. Harrison of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, is spending a few days with his sisters, Misses Harri- son, Richmond Street. Mrs. W. F. Wrixon attended they pUBLIC monthly Board meeting of the Dio- HOCKEY cesan W.A. held in Trinity Church, I th 1". Toronto, on Thursday of last week“ " e HSt game of the school ihockey tournament held last, week Messrs. Anth Edmonson of G1 ed 'Reeve and week. The World Day of Prayer held' last Friday afternoon in the United Church was well attended by the ladies of the village. Mrs. Frislby piesided and a special program of prayer was followed by those pre- sent, Mrs. Gee gave a very inter- esting sketch of the history of this particular day. A solo rendered. by Mrs. Martin was very enjoyably re- ceived. G. Yerex last; Thursday. The topic for this meeting on Manchuria was very capably taken by Mrs. Cunn- ingham and Mrs. Alexander. For next month a special Easter program is being prepared. The meeting will be held at the manse and it is hoped all the ladies will keep this diate re- served. The United' Church choir will con- tinue its series of evenings devoted- to a single composer with a Men- delssohn evening next Sunday. The only two hymns contained in the Hymnary written by that composer dill be sung, and the choir will of- fer two Mendelssolm anthems with 9010 parts taken by Mrs. D. Chamn‘ey and Miss Ethel OISOn. of Toronto. Mr. Rand Phipps will sing Men- delssohn’s “If with all your hearts hill. The Archbishop of Toronto! con- ducted a quiet morning for the clergy of the Diocese, in the Catheâ€" dral on Tuesday of last week. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon and the Rev. R. S. Mason attended: The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will meet Tuesday, March 16th at the home of Mrs. H. Cook, 13 Roseview Avenue. This will be a work meeting and all lad~ ies will ‘be made welcome. is the annual High Schol Commence- ment which will \be held in the High School gymnasium Friday and Satâ€" urday evenings. Tickets are now on sale .at Glenn’s Drug- Store. Mrs. Annie Hutchison and daugh- ter Miss Margaret Caldwell of To- ronto spent several days: last week with relatives in. the Village. A group from the United Church Young People’s Union presented their play “Out of the Darkness" at Yonge Street United Church, To- ronto on Monday evening, compet- ing “ith several other groups in a dramatic contést and received class A honours. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Guest artist will be Mr. 0. Swan- son, violinist from Toronto, who will play Mend‘elssohn’s violin concerto, and‘ his “On Wings of Song.” The pastor, Rev. G. W. Follett, will die- vIot:e a few remarks to the life of the great composer. His music comes from the heart andl appeals to all. Come and enjoy an evening with Mende15sohn on Sunday at the usual hour of seven. A meeting of the officers and di- rectors of the Richmohd Hill Agri- cultural Society will be held‘ in: the Municipal H‘all, next Tuesday even- ing, March 15th at 8 pm. Mr. Rand Ph delssohn’s “If ye truly seek Social and Personal The event of the coming weekâ€"end! FAIR BOARD MEETING Anthony Messier and E. of Glassport, Penn, visit- and Mrs. Greene this i LIBERAL‘, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARLQ ~ Langstaff line-up: Goal. C. May; ldefense, J. Reid, J. Ainsworth; for- Iwards, N. Bone, L. Taylor, E. Tay- Elor; sub, Brimicone. J In the play-offs Aurora was vic- ‘torious with a score of 5-1. The Aurora scorers were B. Hillis, I. _McGhee, E. Bil‘borough, T. Bowe, B. Seton. The Maple scorer was K. Jennings. The first meeting of the Lions Club was held at, Hotel Richmond, Tuesday evening when Newmarket’ club under president Bill Boslworth 'had charge of the program. between Aurora and Richmond Hill the score was) 4â€"2 in favor of Auâ€" rora. Richmond Hill was leading until the last period when 'Aurora picked up and doubled Richmond Hill’s score. The scorers for Aurora Aurora line-up was as follows: Goal, W. Saygle; defense. H. Pat- tington. and 0. Gilbert; forwards, K. Jones, T. Rowe, B. Hillis; second' line, S. Edwards, I. Anderson, B. Seton, B. Griffith, K. Harman and Eric Bilborougth. are B. Hillis, T. Bowe, B. Hillis and T. Bowe. Morley Hilla-by sacred «both goals for Richmond Hill. You, Leonard, we have found to be a very willing helper to the COW munity in lending a helping hand whenever needed and.I to the church, in the Sunday School and Young People’s Society, and we were very glad to learn that you had decided to live‘here where you may still 'be called upon when need arises, and you Mabel with your bright cheer- ful disposition have come as another ray of sunshine to our community and: we hope your light may s‘hine forth. to be a great blessing to Head- ford, and so on behalf of the com- munity and Young People’s Society of Headford, a slight token of appreciation, we take great pleasure in presenting- you with this Studio Couch and with it is our most sin~ cere wish that. you both may be spared to enjoy a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. Signed on behalf of the Headford Community and Y.P.S. Richmond Hill line-up: Goal, M. Hunt; defense, T. Evelyn, V. Mitchâ€" ell; forwards, I. Ross, B. White, M. Hillaby; second line, J. White, K. Shields, J. Srmlth. r In the second game between Maple and Langstaff, Maple were the vic- tors with a score of 4-2. The line- up of Maple was as follows: Goal, J. Crooks; defense, Pearson Jones, F. Taylor; forwards, K. Jennings, O. Wilson, J. Witherspoon; seconvd' Mr. Thomas Thomson has given up active farming and the auction sale on Wednesday, March 2nd, drew a large crowd- and was quite suc- cessful. Mr. Alvin S. Farmer was auctioneer and realized good prices for stock and other effects. Mr. Thomson has rented his farm to Mr. Lilley and has retired to his resi- dence on the farm so he will still be a valued resident of the commun- ity. Mr. Lilley is moving into the house on the farm vacated by Mr. Thomson. Aumra is having a Hockey Tour- nament Friday night, March 11 and Richmond Hill Public School has. been asked to play. Irving Rass will be out of the games due to measles. line, Hoiles Thursday evening, March 4th, was the event of the season in our neigh- borhood when over sixty friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellman to do honor to their son, Mr. Leonard Wellman and his bride (nee Miss Mabe’. Walker of Edge- ley). As the guests assembled games were in progress and in due time all were shown through the apart- ment of the young couple where they admired the many and useful gifts of a former shower as well as the cosy rooms. Shortly afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Wellman were brought to the living room where an address was read by Elmer Leek and Wes- ley Clark presented them with a very handsome Studio Couch. Mr. and Mrs._ Wellman replied thanking their friends for the handsome gift. Then the social time was resumed amid showers of confetti on the 'bride and groom as well as on others per- haps as a signal of coming events. A very dainty lunch was served by the ladies and wedding cake distri- buted in nicely wrapped packages. The very best wishes of their friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Well-- man for their future happiness. The following is the address read: Dear Leonard and Mabel:â€" We your friends and neighbors have gathered here this evening to spend a few social hours with you in honor of your recent marriage and to extend our heartiest congra- tulations and best wishes and to welcome Malbel to our neighlborhood. HEADP‘ORD Keffer, D. McCory LIONS MET Elmer Leek Wesley Clark .A reorganization meeting of the Balmoral Pipe Band was held. in the Municipal Hall on Saturday, March l5th when the following officers were :elected for the year ending March Ram, 1939: SCOTCH CONCERT A Scotch concert and dance will be held1 in Maple Community Hall, Friday, March 18th under the ausâ€" pices of Balmoral Pipe Band of Ric " mond Hill. Pipe band, Highlandj idancers, Scotch singers, etc. Old ltime and modern dancing. Concert l250. Dance 15 cents extra. Address all communications ini connection with Band to Peter T.1 'Walker, Sec.â€"Treas., c/o Don HeadE 'Farms, Richmond Hill, phone Maple '24-r-14. l Pipe Major, W. G. Grant; Drum Major, J. B. Ainslie; President, Chris Swallow; Vice-President, Walter Thompson; 7 Sec.-Treas., Peter T. Walker; Executive, Pipe Major Grant, C. Swallow, W. Hampton and Sec.-Treas.; Pulblicity Commitâ€" tee, Frank McGrath, George White and Lance Zuefelt. °=O=O=O 'buoorac‘w‘ QOOOWOOOWOWWOOO¢6M906N®OOO§060M90N W EVERY SEAT RESERVED â€"- 35c. and 25c. Tickets and Plan at Glenn’s Drug Store Get Yours Early TO-DAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 10TH TWO FEATU EDWARD EVERETT HORTON â€" GENEVIVE TOBIN in “ THE MAN IN THE MIRROR ” Crisp and amusing comedy dTama Also JOHN BARRYMORE â€" LOUISE CAMPBELL in “ BULLDOG DRUMMOND’S REVENGE ” This very human story, replete in and heart throb‘s, is highly accepfi‘afl UuIA.’ v Based on the novel, RxefltuEroifâ€"fillfiaog DTummond by H. C. Sappet McNeilve. A mystery story. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 16 â€" 17 LEO CARRILLO -â€" JEAN PARKER â€" JAMES ELLISON in “ THE BARRIER ” . Based on the novel by Rex Beach. It is transferred to the screen with such a fresh, wood’sy atmosphere that it will be enjoyed by all. The scenery is beautiful and so well presented» that it creates a desire to be there and enjoy it first hand. ‘ Laurel and' Hardy Comedy “A PERFECT DAY” It is as a BALMORAL PIPE BAND REORGANIZES Presentation of Prizes and Scholarships Friday Evening ONLY Phones â€" Yard 10 The “BLUE” color is your guarantee of quality â€" of a warmth and comfort you have never known before at such low cost. Order “Blue Coal” today. A size to suit every furnace. LUE COAL a moving tribute to the men who serve in: the British army am! production it is an outstanding achievement. This is the kind} dlrama in which the camera excels. IN RICHMOND HILL THE BEST COAL IS March 11th and.12th VOCAL MUSIC BY THE H.S. GLEE CLUB 2 ONE-ACT PLAYS “OLD MOORE’S ALMANAC” I. D. RAMER & SCN THE‘ SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Friday and Saturday Evenings FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 11 â€"- 12 JACKIE COOPER â€" MAUREEN O’CONNOR in “ BOY OF THE STREETS?» AT 8.00 RM. SHARP EN H. S. GYM. MONDAY & TUESDAY. MARCH 14 â€"- 15 _LESLIE BANKS â€" FLORA ROBSON in “ FAREWELL AGAIN ” “BROTHERS IN ARMS” story, refiletg in dngn to earth human_ elements is highly acceptlaflale material for me entn'e family A so Comedy Mickey Mouse Cartoon DAY” “JUDGMENT DAY” FIFTEENTH ANNUAL By Merrill Dennison By John Pearmain â€" and â€"â€" mouomono H. H. S. The York County Veterans Asso- ciation are holding a Complimentary Banquet in honour of Mr. Benjamin Franklin Cox at the Carls Rite Ho- tel, Toronto, on Saturday evening, April 2nd, 1938. Mr. Cox has served the Association as Secretary for the past seven years. The Committee in charge of the banquet are expect- ing that every Veteran will turn out and show their appreciation of these valuable services to the cause. The tickets are $1.00 and can be obtain»- ed from Mr. Geo. Masters, Chair- man of this Committee for Richmond Hill and Vaughan, Mr. Butler, Richâ€" mond‘ H'ill or Mr. Tim Healey, Elâ€" gin Mills. EXPRESSES THANKS Bertram Banks of Maple Wishes to thank the Angloâ€"Canadian Under- writers, representatives of Lloyds Insurance of London, Eng" through the agents, J. T. Saigeon & Son. Maple for the prompt and. satisfac- tory settlement made after his re- cent fire. ' A car is a menace if it has too much power for its size. This is also true of a man. ~ COMPLIMENTARY BANQUET FOR BEN COX BLUE PAGE FIVE o=o===m=m TW 0 FEA TU RES Residence 85

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