HORSES 1 Grey Mare, Percheron, 7 yrs., bred 1 Brown H.D. Horse, 6 years old 1 Black Mare, G.P., 9 years old 1. Brown Horse, G.P., 10 years old 1 Bay Gelding, G.P., rising 4 years 1. Bay Filly, rising 3 years 1 Black Gelding, G.P., rising 2 years CATTLE Quantity of Oats rTuanti’cy of Barley Quantity of Feed Wheat Number of Grain P223 2.5 Hens, mixed 3 Sense and 1 Gander TERMS:â€"CASH Sale at 12.30 snarl No Reserve Whatever, Mr. Lloyd is giving up farming due to ill health J. H. PRENTICE & K. PRENTICE, Auctsn HORSES 1 Team Grey Mares, 8 and 9 years, matched, GP. 1 Grey Mare in foal, 10 yrs., G.P. 1 Grey Mare, 9 years, HD. 14 Grey Gelding, 7 years, ED. 1 Grey Gelding, 12 years, H.D. 1- Grey Gelding, 8 years, G.P. 1: Brown Gelding, 10 years, ED. 1 Roan Gelding, 9 years, ED. 1- Brown Mare in foal, 9 yrs., RD. 1‘ Sorrell Geldingji gears, G.P. W. H. ANDERSON Lot 23, Concession 3 North York Township Duffel-in St. south of Fisherville, west of Yonge THURSDAY. MARCH 17TH CKTTLE 11 Black Cow, calf by side lack Cow, calf by s1de 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 ’ Red and White Cow, caLf by side Black Jersey Cow, calf by! side Red Cow, calf by side Red Cow, full flow IMPLEMENTS M.â€"H. ’h‘actor Culti lift, in good shape tiona}, in good- sha Manure Spreader, ' Fordson Tractor, new vator, power ‘ 2-}“urrow Tractor Plow, Interna- pe International, ‘3-“17érow Cockshutt Riding Plow Set 4 Section Harrows “ ‘1 ~f low Wagon Gears in good ape TERMS:â€"CASH No Reserve as farm rented “ï¬le at 1 pm. A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer Reg. Holstein Cow, fresh with calf by side Black Jersey Cow, supposed due at sale time ' Holstein Cow, supposed due at sale time Guerausey Cow, supposed due April An Holstein Heifer, supposed calf by side Jersey Cow, supposed to freshen April 29 Fat Steers, rising 2.and 3 years Fa: Heifers, rising 2 years old reader Steers, rising 2 years 0ch Part Jersey Calf, 1 year old Jersey Calf, 1 year old Holstein Calf PIGS April’ 7th White Brood Sow Fat Pigs 1 Shoats CITIES SERVICE GARAGE Black Sow April 2nd Black So-w April 7th White Sow Liv Loader. International, new M.-H. Stiff Tooth Cultivator, trac- tor hitch L, H. Spï¬ng Tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch / M.-H. Stiff Tooth Cultivator M.-H. Spring Tooth Cultivator 2-Furr0w Walking Plow. Wilkin- Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs IMPORTANT SALE of GRAIN, HAY, ROOTS and'POTATOES PAGE SIX 110W AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Emnlements Lot 5, Concession 3, King Township One Mile East of King City TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND Towing Anywhere POU LTRY GRAIN supposed supposed supposed WAL’TER LLOYD 14 Store Pig's RICHMOND HILL ANY TIME THE PROPERTY OF Phone 12 for THE PROPERTY OF 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 . 1 M.-H. 1 Hoov: atta .Lf by side 1 Hoove 1 Peter 1 Frost 1 Farm 1 Flat 1 1 Set 0 1 Set 01 1 Hay I, Intemaâ€" 1 trau mational, 1 Mxlk ‘ n-al, new 1 De labor, trac- Number 1 Grind Cultivator, 1 Wagc / 2 Potat ivator 1 Whe< [Itivator 1 Vess4 farrow farrow farrow ATâ€" IMPLEMENTS 1 M.-H. Binder, nearly new 1 Corn Binder, good; condition 1 Frost & Wood Mower, nearly new 1 Horse Rake as new 1 Set Harrows, 16 feet 1 Disc Harrow - 2 Fanning Mills 1 M.-H. Root Pulper, like new Quantity of Oak and Pine Lumber Number of Tongues 1 Land Roller. like new 2 Farm Wagons 1 Draw Rope 1 Stock Rack 1 Flat Rack 2 Hay Racks 1 Corn Rack 1 Washing Machine 1 Set Scales, 2000 lb. capacity 1 Barrel Churn ‘ W 1 Pig Box 1 Cream Separator, I.H.C. 1 Wagon Box 1 Cutter 1 Set Bob Sleighs Doubletrees. Neck Yokes, etc. Quantity of Ensilage 1 Grind Stone 3 Rain Barrel-s Forks, Rakes. Chains, Sh0vels and other articles too numerous to mention 1 Set Breeching Harness, good 1 Set Breeching Harness 1 Set Heavy Single Harness 1 Set Light Single Harness track 1 Set Platform Scales 1 Milk Cart 1 ‘Small Vega Separator 1 De Laval Cream Separator Number of Steel Barrels 1 Grind Style 1 Wagon Box 2 Potato Paris Green Sprayers 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Vessot Grinder 1 Coal Oil Heater 2 Tabl 2 Stoves, heaters M.-H. Double Furrow Pl‘ow Walking Plow, Fleury 21 Fleury 13 Flow Fleury Gang Plow Set John Deer Iron Harrows, good HARNESS 2 Sets Team Breeching' Harness, brass mounted 1 Set Team Breeching Harness Cockshutt Drill. nearly new I.H.C. Cultivator Wide Stiff Tooth Cultivator John Deer Com Cultivator Scuffler Corn Cultivators Hay Wagon and 'Rack lG-ft. Hay Rack 1â€"Horse Wagon and Rack Scufflers 16-ft. Ladder Model A Ford Cab ZOOâ€"gal. Wooden Tank Frost; and Wood 6 ft. Mower M.-H. Disc Harrows M.-H. Hay Rake M.â€"H. 3 Section Roller M.-H. 13 Hoe Drill Hoover Potato Planï¬ert fertilizer attachment, in good shape Hoover Digger, in good sha e Peter Hamilton» 13 Disc Dri‘l Frost and Wood 13 Hoe Drill Fanning Mill Flat Hay Rack Set of Heavy Sleighs Set of Light Sleighs Hay Fork and Car for wooden ï¬le at 12.30 sharp HARNESS 2 Tables Alsike Pnoduction Alsike has been a dependable seed crop in Ontario for generations [but its production has declined sharply in recent years due to abnormal 3weather conditions. It would: seem lopportune to revive the production iof this seed crop as market pros- ipects for the future are good. Alsike has brought profitable prices for many years in the United I Kingdom and the United States. iOther European: countries and New LZealand also buy Canadian alsike I seed. It is reasonable to expect that lgoodl prices Will continue for well- l grown alsike seed reasonably free of weed seeds. This clover usually pro- ’ duces from 4 to 10 bushels per acre, l and prices paid growers seldom have been lower than $5 per bushel for average seed in the rough. The {price in 1938 to the grower is about $12. Fertilizer Recommendations An Ontario Department of Agri- culture pulblication, "Fertilizer Re- commendations†‘ooked upon many progressive farmers as the most valuable of all booklets pub- lished‘ by the Department from year to year, is just off the press for 1938 and ready for distribution free to every farmer. This important pamphlet of 20 pages can be obâ€" tained, Mr. Farmer, from either your Agricultural Representative, the Chemistry Department, O.A.C., or by writing Publications Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto. Oibey that impulse and write for it now. It will mean money to you this year in the opinion of prominent agriculturists. The booklet does not contain any “hit or miss" information. It is the result of much careful work by the Advisory Board 'n conjunction with farmer users, government officials and manufacturers. It is considered rt'he most reliable information on fer- tilizers in the province. Every single recommendation is backed by experiâ€" mental data, in some cases gathered over a long period of years. It is checked and double checked 'by the Board, every memlber of which hav- ing been chosen for outstanding a- bilityi. One of the "board’s func- tions is “to examine tal- data from all reliable sources having to do with the use of ferti- lizers and methods of application, and to make recommendations justiâ€" fied by such data or by approved lfarm practices.†experimen-. l 'by‘ Space will not permit outlining the contents of the booklet 'in detail. The two pages on soil management and conservation of barnyard manure are distinctly wort‘h while. You grow general crops? Well, you will find general fertilizer recommendations for barley, beans, buckwheat, corn, fall wheat, mangels, mixed grain, oats, peas, late potatoes, spring wheat, sugar beets and' turnips. Dairy farmers and! beef menu will eral pages are devoted| to fertilizers to be placed on dairy and beef pas- tures as- well as for hay crops. Sev- eral pages are devoted' o fertilizers for market garden crops, while four pages are given to best fertilizer mixtures for grapes, raspberries, strawberries and tree fruits. There is information for the toâ€" bacco farmer too, whether he grows flue-cured, burley or dark tobacco. There is also valuable data on the home mixing of fertilizers; methods of application, and soil testing ser- vice. This lat'ter service can be ob- tained at O.A.C., Guellph; Kemptville Agricultural School, Kemrptville; Western Ontario Experimental Farm, Ridgetown‘; Horticultural Experiâ€" mental Station, Vineland‘; Dominion Experimental Station, Harrow. Ontario Potatoes i'n Oamario n’a‘ukcts (By J. T. Cassin, Potato Fieldman) Why are Ontario Poflatoes ‘being discriminated against to the extent of 25c to 3‘5c per bag on Ontario markets? Is it because potatoes of good cooking quality cannot be pro- duced in Ontario? No. But too many Ontario potatoes are poorly graded and‘ have not good cooking quality, resulting from im- maturity, frost injury and diseases. Many of the consuming public have been so dissatiisfiedl with Ontario po- tatoes that they refuse to 'buy them. In Toronto some chain stores and many ind‘ep-enldents do not handle OntariOS at all, others report that 75 per cent of their potato trade is with Maritime stock. It appears that in October and‘ November many potatoes affected with field‘ frost, Fusarium Wilt and Fusarium Eumartii and poorly g-rad- ed were rushed to market. They were unsatisfactory to the consum- ers and many of them turned to Maritime potatoes. The demand for Ontario potatoes twas fallen off and many growers are receiving only 35c to 40¢ per bag- While Prince Edmrd‘ Islands are selling at 90¢ per bag- in carloads on tract Toronto. Even SW S AND INFORMATION THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FOR THE BUSY FARM'ER iwell graded Ontarios of good! qualâ€" ; ity move slowly at 15c ‘below P.E.I.’s ibecause so many are afraid to buy {Ontario potatoes. Confidence once Host is difficult to regain. At: the ipresent time some well graded pota- ltoes are being offered] with 75 per [cent Fusarium Wilt and Fusarium Eumartii and’ some hollow heart. and frost injury to make conditions n worse. ' Where seed potatoes infected with these diseases are planted in the soil these fields will become infect- ed and another crop of diseased po- !tatc-es produced with results similar to those existing at present. The importance of using seed that is free from disease cannot be too strongly impressed upon potato growers. Far- mers who have potatoes bearing ithese diseases should cook them ’when feeding them to lives-flock. If :fed uncooked infection will be car- ried to the soil in the manure and ;succeeding potato crops will be im- vfected. ' I There is very little that can be done this season to correct or im- prove conditions, but efforts Should be made to make preparations for the 1938 crop. The amount of certified seed po- tatoes in Ontario is very limited. There were less than 1,300 acres of potatoes that received and passed in- spection in Ontario last year. This is less than 1 per cent of the On- tario crop. There were very few fields of uncertified stock that did« not have these diseases in them. Much of the certified< crop has been: marketed for table use. Growers who need a change of seed should not delay in arranging for their sup- plies, while it is yet) possible to get them. District Representatives will :be furnished with the names of certiâ€" fied seed growers and the varieties grown. Ohtario potato growers are losing many thousands of dollars by using seed that is disease incfected. They are also encouraging- Maritime grow- ers to increase their acreage, When' there is such a demand inIOn‘tario markets for their potatoes. Forty per cent of the P.E.I. crop was plant- ed from certified seed‘ and ‘less than 1 per cent of Ontario’s crop. This! very- well explains the difference in price in Ontario markets. Diseased! seed cannot produce good potatoes. During 1937, the number of pure bred livestock registered: with the Canadian National Live Stock Re- cords, approved by the Dominion Minister of Agriculture, was 79,303. Powers of Sale contained in a cert- ain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by at the hour of one-thirty o’clock in the afternoon at the farm of JOHN A. LEEK. three miles from Richmond Hill, Onâ€" tario, the following property; name- 15': ,# .___ ._.._-...-" .v. .1 . ,,,,L ALL AND SINGULAR that cert- ain parcel or tract of land and: prem- ises, situate, lying and being in-the Township of Markham, in the Counâ€" ty of York, being composed of the East half of Lot 16, in the Second Concession of the said Township of Markham, containing 100 acres more at less. TERMS OF SALE:â€"-Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale, the balance to be secured by a mort- gage with im-terest at four per cent per annum. _ For further particulars and Condu- tions of Sale ref-er to #h -_.._.. .“m 77 n v1 O‘xraxe said farm there is said to be erected a, bag-I1. A“ a reserve munp v; you» .~-v. -V W. ERIC STEWART, K.C., East Block, Parliament Bldgs Toronko, Ontario, Solicitor to the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this 19th day 0 February, 1938. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that WILâ€" FRED AUGUSTUS CO'I‘TLE STEAD of the City of Montreal, in the Coun- ty of Hochelaga, in the Province of Quebec, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife ELSIE MAY STEAD of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. DATED at Montreal, in the Prov- ince of Quebec, the 8th day of Feb- ruary, AD. 1938. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the FRIDAY. THE 11TH DAY OF MARCH. 1938 CA \‘VVVM NV“... The lands" will \be sold subject to G. PHILLIPS, at b'sMOND F. HOWE, 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario. PUBLIC AUCTION A uctioneer, Why do Europeans quarrel? Here at home we have no conflict except rbetween religions, races, rich and poor, young and old, town and coun- try and male and female. If he begins by telling you how important Jones: is, he is- going on to say that Jones agrees with him. 16 1 kitchen Buffet 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 Kitchen Table 1 Davenport 1 Wardrobe Beds, Dressers and Wash Stands Hanging Lamps Fruit Jars Wash Tubs and Boileyi 1 Fat Sow 4 Growing: Hogs 150 Laying Hens Positively No Reserve as Farm is Sold TERMS:â€"â€"CASH Sale starts at 12 sharp 415 Balliol St., N. TorOnto, HY. 0834 Bay Horse, aged Bay Mare, aged Percheron Mare, 5 years Percheron Mare. 67years Set F}y Net_s to calf May 12, 1938 Ayrshire Cow, milking Holstein Cow, fresh Holstein Cow, supposed to calf Collars, new Set of Old HarneSS and Collars- CATTLE Guernsey Cow, supposed to April 3 Holstein Cow, milking, bred- 18, 1937 Ayrshire Cow, supposed to time of sale Ayrshire Cow, milking, sup‘ to calf May 12, 1938 HARNESS Set Brass Mounted Harness and: April 8th Holstein Cow, full flow Roan Cow, supposed to calf time of sale Red and White Cow. supposed to calf April 12. 1938 Red’ Heifer, full flow Ayrshire Cow, milking, bred Oct. TERMS:â€"â€"CASH Jas. Smith, Clerk Potato Shear for Plow Scufflers Gang- Plow Set Wagon Springs. Trench Cutter, Trench, good Platform Scales 1 Water Trough Quantity 21/2 in. Tile Quantity White Oak Doabletrees Hp-n-n-ANM-Ar , 1937 Ayrshire Cow. bred Oct. 27, 1937 Red Heifer. bred Oct. 29, 1937 Ayrshire Cow, suppOSedr due time 28,. 1937 Holstein Cow, 15, 1937 Holstein Cow, 13, 1938 Black Heifer. bred Oct. 21, 1937 Red Cow. milking Yearling Ayrshire Heifers Bull, Ayrshire, 4 years, registered of sale Red Cow, supposed due April 14, 1938 Ayrshire Cow, milking, bred Jan. FURNITURE Electric Refrigerator, new Large Wooden Ice Refrigerator Good Kitchen Stove, coal Coal Stove and Gas attachment Stoves, old Kitchen Buffet Kitchen Chairs Grey Horse, 11 years Bay Horse, 10 years CATTLE Black a_r_1dJ White Cow, bred‘ Dec. 21 Blue Cow, m_il_kir3g good Dairy Cattle, Implements HORSES, PIGS, FURNITURE, Etc. Lot 18, Concession 4, Markham Township 1 Mile North of Buttonville JAMES WHITE Lot 11, Concession 4, North York Twp. DAWES AND YORK MILLS ROAD One Mile South of Lansing Road THURSDAY, MARCH 13TH JAMES COUPERTHWAITE J. H. PRENTICE & K. PRENTICE, Aucts. PIGS AND CHICKENS Farm Stock, Implements FURNITURE, Etc. HORSES HORSES milking, suppOSed 12, 1938 PIGS milking FRIDAY, MARCH 18TH milking AUCTION SALE of Fat Sow AUCTION SALE of 2 Roosters THE PROPERTY OF THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, 1938. bred Dec bred Oct THE PROPERTY OF Oct calf calf i1 Set of , 1 Marke1 .1 Circul: 1 Set 4 ' l Ever ‘1 Set S ‘ Ever ‘ ‘ 1 Farm .‘ 1 Hay F i2 Walkir 1 Cutter ‘1 Masse , I P10“ ' i 1 McCor SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER C0. Plow 1 McCormick Deering 10-20 Tractor 1 Drill Plow and Marker 1 Bag: Truck 1 Pulper 1 Potato Digger, 2-horse 1 Set Pea Harvesters 1 Set Grain Lifters 1 Set Platform Weigh Scales 1 Rubber Belt, 50 ft. - 1 Hay Rope, Pulleys and Hay Fork 1 Set Slings and‘ Ropes MISCELLANEOUS 2 Brooder Stoves and Pipes, good shape Water Fountains and Feeding Troughs 12 Barrels 1 Cross-cut Saw 1 Cream Separator 1 Churn 1 Hand Sprayer 1 Set Pots 1 Planet Land Drill Quantity of Cedar Posts 1 Set Fence Stretchers Quantity of Baskets and Hampers Ladders 1 Wire Cable Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone 27 2 Sets Doubletrees . Shovels, Forks and Quantlty of Bags ané other articles too numerous Massey-Harris S'ft. Binder, and forecarriage McCormick Deer‘ng Mower, new Massey-Harris Rake, 12 ft. Massey-Harris Tedder Massey-Harris Side Rake Massey-Harris Cylinder Loader Massey-Harris: No. 19, 17-Tooth Tractor Cultivator Massey-Harris Corn Cultivator, 2-row Masseyâ€"Harris 13 Hoe Grainu Drill Massey-Harris 13 Tooth Cultivator Massey-Harris Power Sprayer, 1% Massey-Harris No. 4 Low Spreader 1 Post Hole Auger 1 Grind Stone 1 heavy Logging Chain, 16 ft. 1 Pipe W'rench 1 Pick 1 Crowbar 3 Neckyokes 1 Set Dowbletrees 1 Cream Separator, Renfrew 1 Hay Knife 1 Scoop Shavel 1 Plough Wheel 1 Hay Fork 5 Sling Ropes Quantity of Grain Bags 1 Chicken Crateâ€"coops HARNESS Quantity Quantity Quarltity Fanning Mill Land Roller, 9 ft. International Double Disc Harrow Turnip Drill, 2 row Grain Grinder and Bagger, 11 in. International Ensilage Cutter and Banner Quantity of Barlev Quantity of Buckwheat Quantity of Hay 1 Wooden Single Bed 1 Bedroom Suite 1 Kitchen Table 6 Kitchen Chairs Quantity of Rag Carpet 2 Table Lamps 1 Beattw Churn, No. 3, nearly new 1 Butter Print 2-Burner Oil Stove 1 Lawn Swing 1 Incubator, Little Daniels, 80 eggs 1 Incubator, 160 eggs Pipes Set of Sleighs, 3 Knee Market Wagon, good shape Circular Saw, wood frame Set 4 Section Drag Harrov Evener Farm Wagon, 3 in. Tire Hay Rack 1 Flat Rack Walking Flows Cutter Massey-Harris 2-furrow Tractor Evener Sgt Spring Tooth Set Heavu Harness Set Single Harness Horse Blankets Sale at 1 pm. K. PRENTICE, Auct. to mention RICHMOND HILL Phone 3900, Markham, Ont. 1M PLEMEN TS Dealers in GRAIN of Seed Potatoes, Hustlers of Eating Potatoes of Seed Oats, Improved FURNITURE Haï¬-ows and Hal-row and truck 5 ft...