Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keffer and daughter Mildred of Hespeler visit~ ed last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Keffer. Miss Gladys McDonald of Toronto spent several days last week with her uncle, Mr. G. Lawrie. Mr. Wm. Ingram who has been ill and not able to work for the past five months, returned to work on Monday of this week at the Tele- phone Company. The Busy Bees Mission Band held their meeting at the home of Aileen Allen on Saturday afternoon with a large attendance of boys and girls present. A very interesting program was given in charge of Aileen Allen and Rhoda Polloek. At the close a dainty St. Patrick’s lunch was served by Mrs. Allen. Mr. Randolph Hoiles and Mr. Ross Freeman of Kingston who are at- tending the Canadian Mining and Metallurgical annual three day c011- vention at the ‘Rloyal York Hotel, Toronto. spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Themas. The Hope W.A. held their March meeting in the Sunday School room on Thursday, March 3rd. The pro- gram Was in charge of group 3, Mrs. Hutchison, Mrs. Cousins and Mrs. Currie. The Honorary President, Mrs. T. 0. Nixon presided and also gave an interesting paper on “JOyâ€. Mrs. Wilbert Crooks presented the W.A. with a beautiful Bilble. A quilt was quilted after which a chicken supper was served. Table collection amounted to $10.00. The March meeting of St. Steph- en’s Church W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Griffith, Concord on Wednesday afternoon. After the business and short program Miss 1‘. Watson on behalf of the WA. pre- sented Mrs. Charles Thompson with: a beautiful silver flower basket. A delicious supper was served by the hostess. Mrs. Smith of Toro‘nflco is visiting- her daughter, Mrs. D. Allen. The Softball Girls’ Club are holdâ€" ing a euchre and dance in the Ma- sonic Hall on Monday, March 21st. This is the last party for the winter. Everyone welcome. Ladies provide. Gents silver collection. A surprise party and presentation in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson who are moving this week was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rumble on Monday evening. Prizes for euchre were won by lad- ies, first Mrs. Robson, consolation Mrs. J. Denby; gents, first Roy Thompson, consolation Jack Weavers. The presentation on behalf of the friends and neighbors of a linen tablecloth and beautiful silver rese bowl was made by Mrs. A. Rumble and the address was read by Miss Minnie Line. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son. thanked their many friends for the lovely gifts and the evening came to a close by singing “Auld Lang Syne." The address follows: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family:â€" We are assembled here this evenâ€" ing to express to you our deeply felt regret on your departure from our nieghborhood. Your absence shall be missed by us all in a great many ways, but this loss shall be to the advantage of your new neighbors. Since your new home is such a shart distance away, we are sure that the constant friendship known to us in “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†VOL. LVII. â€" ADDED HIT â€"- GLENDA FARRELL in “ADVENTUROUS BLONDE†MO. 2172 â€" ADDED HIT â€" MARGARET LINDSAY in “SONG OF THE CITY†â€"â€" ADDED HIT â€"- JOSEPH CALLEIA in “MAN OF THE PEOPLE†ALICE FAY - GEORGE MURPHY ____1N__._ BURNS ALLEN ASTAIRE ‘YOU’RE A SWEETHEART’ SATURDAY - MONDAY, MARCH 19 - 21 Joel Frances Bob McCrea Dee Burns “DAMSEL in DISTRESS GEORGE TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 - 23 TODAY & FRIDAY, MARCH 17 - 18 ‘WELLS FARGO’ MAPLE NEWSY NOTES __1N___ GRACIE the past, shall conttinrue to flow un- checked and unchanged. We now ask you to accept this small token as a remembrance of this neighborhood. Lenten services are being held in the Parish Hall every Thursday ev- ening' during the Lenion season with Lantern Slides. The cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of MI‘S. C. Norman on Wednesday evening with 27 pre- sent. Rev. McCrimmon led the ser- vice and a violin and piano duet, “The Old 'Rlugged Cross†was given by Evelyn Forrest and Charles Robâ€" erts and “The Stranger of Galilee†sung by Mrs. Merritt. A joint meeting of the Women's Insltitutes of Maple Ed‘geley and‘ Vel- lore was held in the United Church Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Robeson of Maple presided. The roll call was answer- ed with “an Irish jokeâ€. After the business Mrs. Rutherford of Vellore introduced the speaker, Miss Slichter of Toronto, whq chose “Heusing†as her subject which Was very interest- ing and educational. A vote of thanks to the speaker was givem by Mrs. Phillips of degeley. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. A large crowd attended the lee- ï¬ure given- by Dick the Amateur Gar- dener in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening. The bottle garden made by Dick at the meeting Was won by Miss Doris Cook. Second lucky draw 2 doz. gladiolus buhbs, was Wom by Mrs. Rose andl 3rd prize drawn won by Mrs. R. Merritt. The prizes in the Bird House €0mpetition~ open, to children 16 years and under were won by: Wren’s House, lst Archie Cameron, 2nd Bettry Jackson; Blue- bird’s House, lst Joan Thomp90n, 2nd James Witherspoon; Woodpeck- er’s House, 1913 Harold‘ Keffer, 2nd- Anchie CamerOn; Robin’s Shelter; 151: Gordon Clapham, 2nd Betty Jack- son. Keffer ReuniOn .The Keffer family, descendants of two pioneer brothers, John Jacob and Michael, who came from Sumerset County, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. and] settled in Vaughan township in the year 1804, are holding a great re- union on the grounds surrounding the Lutheran Church, fourth concesâ€" sion, Vaughan: on June 11 and 12. At the inaugural representative meeting of the different families present, an executive committee was selected and the appointment of Thos. A. Keffer, Concord, President; Wilfred G. Keffer, Maple, Secretary; Egbert Keffer, Toronto; Wilbur Kefâ€" fer, Maple; Jesse Keffer, Maple. The Presbyterian Church Y.P.U. meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald Monday evening. After the Duslnesrs and program, crokinole was enjoyed and the prizes were won by ladies, first Dora McDonald; consolation Elsie Jarrett. Gents, first Henry McDon- ald; Consolation Bob McNeil. Lunch was served by the committee. At the March meeting of the Unit- ed Ohurch W.M.S. the ladies as- sembled at the home of Mrs. Morley Kinnee on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. A. Forrest presided. Mrs. S. Malloy gave the devotional leaflet and Mrs. Norman Lund synopsized a chapter from the Study Book. “The Golden of the United Sunday School FRED Yonge at Castlefield Key†Mission Band Church met in- the Hall Monday after- RICHMOND HlLL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Eisentials, Libert_y; In All Things, Charity" Clerk and Treasurer A. J. Hume Henored ByCeuneiI Members Mr. ’A. J. Hume, esteemed clerk} and treasurer of the municipality of Richmond Hill for the past thirty- three years, was surprised with a presentation by members of council last'Friday, on- the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Reeve J. A. Greene paid glowing tribute to the long years of faithful service rend- ered to this community by Mr. Hume as an official of the municipality and as a citizen, and express-ed the hope that he might continue to en- joy the best of health and serve in his present capacity for many more years. On behalf of the council members councillor Alex Little pre- sented Mr. Hume with a beautiful onyx desk set suitably engraved and councillor H. J. Mills presented Mrs; Hume with a basket of roses. Coun- cillors P. C. Hill and C. Nelson add- ed their words of congratulation and ‘the genial clerk in his usual gra- cious manner expressed sincere thanks on behalf of himself and- Mrs. Hume. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (By Sam Macd‘onald) And‘ so the annual commencement is now a matter of history. Perhaps it wasn’t the best in our history, but then we must remember that school was a month late in starting last fall and time is valuable with June not far distant. We hope all friends of the school enjoyed the evening. The school takes pride this year in the publication of The Tatler, which went on sale Commencement night. Congratulations to editor Eric Friday evening a baskeflball team from Orillia will play our seniors. Wilson and business manager Harâ€" old Sanderson and their assisting staff on a difficult job well done. Someone thought 01' the idea of a rifle club and already ten members are enrolled, one a member of the fair sex. The annual commencement ended with a presentation of bouquets to the teachers and a dance which was much enjoyed. MISS ETHEL LEGGE SPEAKS ON CHINA More than fifty ladies gathered at‘ the home of Mrs. Percy Hill on Tues- ' day evening to hear an address on China. Miss Legge has taken a keen interest in missionary work in China, 5 and during last. year was able to‘ visit many parts of that great land. Her picture of conditions in China was most interesting. Mrs. P. Hill, Miss E. Legg‘e and Mrs. W. F. Wrix- on received the many guests. In adâ€" dition to the memlbers of St. Mary’s Church, a number came from St. John’s Church, Oak Ridlgves. At, the close of a very profitable evening a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. noon with 43 present. Program was under the direction of Mrs. N. Lund’s group. A -druet was given by George and Billie Armstrong and was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Lund gave a talk on an- imaginary trip frOm Hali- fax to Trinidad and Mrs. McCrimâ€" mon told a very lovely story of a little girl, “Sanpathiaâ€, who was brought up in a missionary school. The meeting closed with prayer in unison led by Mrs. McCrim‘mon. In the future there will be weekly meet- ings held. Next Monday the work ings held. Next shop will be open On Wednesday, March 23 Dr. Ellis of Toronto will present a moving picture travelogue on Australia, “his native countryâ€, and the Romance of the South Sea Isles in technicolor in the auditorium of the United Church under the auspices of Mrs. A. Bowes’ group of the WA. In connection with this there will be a supper served in the Sunday School room from 5.30 to 8. The Maple Y. P. UmiOn was held in the Sunday School Hall on MOn- day night, the convener being Mar- jorie Bowes. A very interesting pro- gram was given, Miss Keffex; read the scripture and was explained by Gordon Orr, an instrumental duet by Evelyn Forrest and Mr. Roberts and the topic on Japan by Mrs. Norman. The meeting next Week is in charge of the citizenship convener, Douglas Crook. Everyone welcome, especially those in teen age as Rev. McCrimrmon is giving short talk on church memlbership during the Len- ten season. Parents are like nations and races. They spoil a kid till he becomes im- pudent and then lick him for it. Exclusion of women frOm bever- age rooms was advocated before the Legislature Wednesday by Morgan Baker (le., North York). Constru- ing such action as “a step in the right directionâ€â€"one which, in his belief, would aid immeasurably in curv'bing' the present drink trafficâ€" Mr. Baker argued that if it should‘ be interfere with tourist traffic business, then it might be limited to those hotels that weren’t: observing regulations as well as» they might. Morgan aker Urges Shack on Puhiic Drinking “Rights of both wets and drys must be maintained in this Province if we are to have a democratic form of government,†declared Mr. Baker, “:but I frankly would like to see something done to check the present drinking among the public." The North York merrIb-er claimed that a properly conceived, and oper- ated back-to-the-land: movement was the sole solution to the current unâ€" employment problem. The Govern- ment, he felt, should select good farms throughout Ontario and place thereon unemployed men, Who were not afraid to work, and supply them with agricultural training from spe- cially appointed tutors of practical experience. “Such a move,†he said, “will pay dividends in the future that cannot be reckoned in dollars and cents now.†The alleged sectional appeals of ‘the Conservative Party in recent ielection‘s also came in for his criti- Icism. While he would not attempt, he said, to fix responsibility for these appeals, there were “far too many 'bigots ready to saw the seeds of prejudice and distrustâ€"Something ,he added, which had no part in the )British Empire. Mr. Baker also urged registration of all married w0men as one means of ending a situation wherein hun- dreds of young girls were “walking the streets in poverty, without em- ployment.†He said' that it was quite unfair that women should hold jobs while their husbands! were likewise employed, all for the purpose of “liv- inug‘ in luxury and having 1 good time.†Suggests Women Be Barred From Beverage Rooms Large Audiences Enjoy Program at H. S. Commencement Richmond Hill High School fif- teenth annual commencement attract- ,ed- large audiences last Friday and Saturday evenings and the fine pro- gram provided .by the students was much enjoyed. A new feature this year was the contribution made by the recently organized Glee Club un~ der the leadership of Miss Jean B. Smith. The several numbers by the chorus and solos by Miss Doreen Johnson and Miss Jean Walwin were delightful features of the evening’s entertainment and the applause of the audience evidenced hearty apv- proyal of the efforts of the new organization. “Old Moore’s Almanac", a farce comedy in one act was presented by the following caste of characters: Announcer, Harold Sanderson; Lady Dullas Ditchwater, Madeleine Rum- :ble, Sir John Ditchwater, Jack Wellib; Daisy (a m-eah chorus-gal), Jean Robins-on; Hon. Algernon Ditchwatâ€" er, Bill Campbell; Evelyn Tent (ad- venturess), Marjorie Cunningham. “Brothers in Armsâ€, a one act drama, was presented with the fol- lowing taking part: Major J. Altrus Brown, Lorne Wells; Dorothea (his bride), Helen McGibbon; Syd (nat- ive, ex-C.E.F.), Eric Wilson; Charlie (another native), George Graham. Friday evening the following re- ceived scholarship prizes: Lower School, donated by the Board, Gor- don Cunningham; Middle School, doâ€" nated by the Board, John Harbinson; Upper School, donated by the Board, Isobel Oliver; Form III Girl, donated by Women’s Institute, Marie Hey- don; Form I, donated by Literary So- ciety, Billie Hodge; Art, donated by Mr. Stewart. Ruth Well-man and Murray Cunningham; Typewriting, donated by Miw Shaw. If you have something to sell, in- sert a classified “adԠin The Lib- eral. 17th, 1938. Wumookoeuoo0uomowumuoouw The weatherman is still playing pranks but “variety is the spice of life†so do not let us complain. The best is yet to come in the way of weather. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strachan and Mrs. Strachan's brother, Mr. John Trewin, took tea at the home of Miss Ethel Mortson on Sunday. On Sunday evening Mr. Trewin ad- dressed a large audience and showed slides on his workâ€"in Ethiopia. Mr. Trewin spent five years there and related to his listeners how he and the other missionaries with whom he men. After skating they all went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Caseley for coffee and lunch. An- other good time was spent there and they left for .home in the wee sma’ hours knowing the Jr. Farmers worked taught the EthiOpians and Skating Party was a huge success. how easy it was to grow fond of these people. Mr Ti‘vain’: On the suggestion of Mr. Rolph Boynton prayer meeting was held on address was much Tuesday night in the Sunday School. Mr. Trewin’s address was much enjoyeci as was Miss Emma Barker’s solos. The president, Miss BeSsie Valliere, and the missionary conven- er, Miss Jean Macdonald and her group, responsible for the program, appreciated the fact that so many of the senior members of the com- munity were present and also some friends of a neighboring church. Next Sunday evening the Y.P.U. program will be in charge of Miss Vera Nichols, convener of the citi- zenship department. She and her group are putting on a splendid pro- gram. The Misses Henderson of the “Brethren in Christ†church have kindly consented to sing. Further announcement will be given from the pulpit on Sunday. On March 27th another treat is in store for the ones who attend the service of the Y.P.U. The Rev. J. C. C‘ochrane of the north has promised to speak. Mr. Cochrane is a brilliant speaker and the youriâ€"g people are fortunate in securing his services. This service is to be held in the church and a very cordial in- vitation is extended to everyone and anyone to attend. The Headtford, Wesley, Melville, Mt. Pisgah anâ€. Brown’s Corners Societies are invit- ed to attend in a body. Miss Alma Attwood and her group are in charge of the program. Further not- ice next week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron. Robertson and Miss Bonnie spent the week-end in Toronto. ~ We are indeed pleased to be able to report that Mrs. Grace BOynton is able to be up again and is feeling extremely fit considering the length of time she was confined to her bed. Miss Alma Attwood spent the week-end at her home. A skating party under the aus- VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Enjay tea at its best TEA SINGLE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Lpices of the Jr. Farmers and Jr. lInstitute took place at Unionville llast Thursday evening. A hockey : game between the married and single men and played with brooms for sticks and a football for a puck pro- vided much fun both for the ones 'participating and the spectators. Score 2-1 in favor of the married men. After skating they all went A very gratifying number was pre- sent and plans were made to cqnâ€" tinue these meetings. Next Tuesday evening an invitation to hold the meeting at Mr. Egbert Avison’s was accepted. The friends of Mr. Donald Pick- ering will be sorry to learn that he suffered a somewhat serious accident last Saturday afternoon when he fell off a stepladder breaking a couple of bones in his foot and splintering others. His foot is now im a plas- ter cast but he is still confined to the house. We wish him a speech, recovery. Congratulations and good Wishes are extended! to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beatty who were recently married. On Sunday Mr. H. F. Collard gave a detailed report of the Temperance Convention held in Trinity Church last week. Also we were favoured with a couple of songs sung by the Jr. Steckley quartette. This was much enjoyed. The Horticultural meeting next Wednesday, March 2'31‘d. “Dick†the Amateur Gardener of CKO‘C, Hamâ€" ilton will address the society and friends. He will give a demonstra- tion of Bottle Planting and will anâ€" swer your questions about YOUR “growing†problems. Wednesday, 23rd inst. in the Municipal Hall at 8 o‘clock. Pay your 1938 fees now and order your premium. ’ The great International Flower Show takes place next week, March 24th and all through the following week. It is being held in the Auto- mobile Building, Exhibition Park. No flower lover will care to miss it. HORTICULTURAL NOTES No. 38.