Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1938, p. 2

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If “you have that sort of grit. if you keep your temper and smile no matter what happens to you, you Will win. The grit to fall and start all over again; the grit to lose all and not lose faith; the grit to lose one’s friends; the grit to endure whekone is misunderstood, criticized, and blamed, even by those nearest and dearest to him, that is the grit that moves the world. Can you fail and still smile? That is the test which proves your mettle. If you can get up every time you are knocked down, with more fight in you than when you went down, there is no fear about your future; but, if you wilt when you meet rebuffs; if failures dishearten you; if you let go of your determination to win; if you don’t fight harder than ever every time you strike a snag, you are not made of successful material. Those by-roads and country lanes are soon to become one of the country’s finest assets. More and more the tourist will leave the big straight cement highways and find enjoyment in the countryside. Country people are learning not to scorn the tourists, and apart from the con- sideration of making their own homesites and their en- virons pleasant, is the incentive to prepare their district to bid for the profitable tourist traffic. The roadside dump is an insult and an economic loss to a community. There survives in places something of the old contempt for the roads. Here and there some unthinking person carts out a load of rubbish and throws it beside the road. Usually this occurs along a byway of unimproved road, and this fact reveals that the people have not arrived at the proper appreciation of the highest value of the roads to their community. In days gone by people regarded the highways as a sort of “No Man’s Land.” They pushed their fences out and stole part of the land that belonged to the munici- pality. That was nobody’s business; the road belonged to nobody, according to their way of thinking. They pastured their cows on the grass that grew at the roadside. Who cared? Nobody. The roads belonged to everybody. Any one could pick up the apples from roadside trees. Nobody could order one off the road. to read from this pulpit a list of those accounts which are still outstanding. The following week saw the grocer rehabilitated fin- ancially; not only that: other tradesmen found delinquent creditors paying up, and the Village generally noted more money in circulation. No doubt it would be regarded as a mean business to threaten with publicity all slow payers, but it wouldn’t be any mfganer than their own habit of ignoring smalloblig‘ations which they are well able to meet. “Bad debts” have been the ruination of many a too-trustâ€" ing merchant. This, of course, is an old story, but the condition creâ€" ated is serious, and no doubt, will persist. Meantime such debtors continue with a bold front. The grocer and the butcher note the “swank” but cannot collect their bills. There is a remedy â€" drastic and perhaps not generally‘ usable, but it works. A writer in The Times, London, tells the story of how a Devonshire Vicar pulled a local tradesâ€" man out of the red. From the pulpit he announced casuâ€" ally: Among the meanest citizens in any community are those who can, but Will not, pay their bills. gThis is the coolest kind of indifference to obligations, and perhaps accounts, in part for the development, especially in cities of the “cash and carry” plan of doing business. But it cannot be made effective by merchants in many towns and villages where the credit system is entrenched, nor can it he insisted upon by professional men. Doctors are num- erous among the victims of this neglect to pay bills; so are g’rocers, butchers and other tradesmen. “Let him wait. We need the money for something else” â€" something that can’t be “charged” â€" is the attitude toward bills present- ed. So accounts accumulate on the creditor’s books, and in turn he cannot meet obligations to those who sell him supplies. . He in whom ambition burns should remember that only the degree to which he proves himself true to the modest task of today can fit him, or inspire others to in- terest him with greater duties tomorrow.- Far away fields are always green. Only after many fruitless pilgrimages isthe simple truth borne home that if the field at our door is not attractive and verdant it is because we do not water its shrubs and grasses. If we love our field we will tend to it. And more important, if we tend it we will come to love it. _-_rr‘, -.- To be truly happy in our lot we need to be contented. Indeed. happiness and contentment, while we keep moving on life’s highway, are not to be reconciled. If we love the Work we do we shall be thrilled, not alone to do it well, but to do it better. Let us reverse the formula. “If you care enough for the things you have obtained, you will be supremely happy.” The farmer, on his farm â€" if he loves that farm â€" may be happy beyond compare. If he loves it well, he will till it well, intelligently, thoroughly and it will yield him rich store. The widowed mother, in the little cottage, has her children and if she loves them well, they will be her life. The clerk at the desk, if he loves his work, will be happy in it. “If you don’t care for the things you cannot obtain you will be fairly happy.” On the surface it is not an inspiring message. Not to care for the things we cannot obtain is to resign, give up, be supine and when we quit in life’s struggle we pay a dear price, for our meagre mite of happiness. Most of us, perhaps, would rather keep on fighting. There is joy in the fight; joy at least to know there is fight in us. A certain grocer in this neighborhood is in seri- ous financial difficulties through no fault of his own, but owing to the large number of overdue accounts on his books. On going through the books with him I am astonished to find that most'of his debtors are members of my own congregation and a number of them are listening to me now. Next Sunday I propose Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachern Smith, Manager Advertising Rates on Application. ,dvertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. ‘ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 PAGE TWO THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1938. ‘OUT OF DEBT, OUT OF DANGER Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District CARE OF THE BY-ROADS SMILING AT FAILURE “THE LIBERAL” TO BE HAPPY Few men at Ottawa Since this parliament convened have taken a more active part in the debates and none have shown to better advantage in skilful retorts against opponents who interrupt. I will relay to you two incidents to examplirfy his clever sallies. In referring to a governâ€" ment appointment in the West, who was not a farmer, Douglas said “Mr. Speaker, you might as well put a weasel in a hen coop to protect the chickens as to put a man off the grain exchange to look after the farmers.” This year in one of his venbal jousts with the Minister of Agriculture he said) “I was present at the Minister's meeting to which he has just referred.” The Minister‘ said- “If you were I didn’t see you. You must have hidden in a corner.” Douglas replied in these words â€"â€" “Like the Minister of Agriculture, even when I am standing up I am somewhat inconspicuous.” To appre- ciate this humorous passage, it should. be said that Mr. Gardiner, the Minister of Agriculture, is per- haps the shortest in stature of any- one in the House, and somewhat shorter than even the diminutive of his ancestry. Tommy was born in good? old Scotland. He is just thirty-three years old, which makes him one of the youngest representâ€" atives in the House and certainly the youngest in his own party. His own party, however, has now only six members in the Commons. ~This youth'ful member is married and has one child aged three. He got his life partner like a good many young ministers of the gospel. While per- forming the duties of a student pas- tor for the Baptist Church at Car- berry, Manitoba, Tommy fell a vic- tim to the old and continuing theory of ‘love at first sight’ and married a very beautiful and' talented young lady from that place in 1930. The Douglas family came to Can- ada in 1910 from their home at Fal- kirk in the Scottish Lowlands. Mr. Douglas, Senior, had seen military service in India and South Africa, and volunteered in the Great War. The family went back to Scotland in 1915 and immigrated Kere once more at the close of the War. Weyburni’s memlber in the\House has his union and as a linotype operator but was thirsty for further education and‘ found time to attend Brandon Col- lege and later McMaster University in Hamilton. He carries from this University the degree of Master of Arts and from a Chicago seat of learning he has part of his degree of Doctor of Philosophy. “Tommy” Douglas, C.C.F. member for Wey-burn, Sask, packs a wicked “punch” on the floor of the House of Commons._ He is not big in staâ€" ture; in fact he is one of the small- est men in the Chamber. In 1922 this diminutive future statesman cleaned up all comers in Manitoba to capture the lightweight amateur Boxing Championship of the Prov- ince. He is still a fighter for the rights of the underprivileged in Can- ada. The punch which won him an athletic crown sixteen years ago he still carries, ibut arguments and quick retort have replaced the clenched fists of former days. Many of my readers will say that his' success in the ministry, athletics and' politics comes from the nobility Tommy’s father was a supporter of the Labor party of Great Britain and later'of Mr. Woodsworth in Winnipeg. With this background, combined with a keen interest per- sonally in labor problems which gained impetus when he studied in the States, this C.C.F. memJber na- turally'gravitated into politics. Here is how it all came aboutzâ€"He was preaching in Weylburn at the Bap- tist Church there in 1934. A pro- vincial election was called. His party was seeking a suitable candidate. The young minister was able and popular. He got the nomination. Despite a hard fight defeat overtook him but he did not get discouraged. The Scottish people never lacked courage and fortitude. The 1935 genâ€" eral Dominion election saw Tommy Douglas, the skyâ€"pilot, in action a- gain. He put up a strong: fight and defeated by a comfortable margin the man who is' now head of the Labor and Industry Board of On- tario, Mr. C. J. Young. It Was‘ a strenuous battle with joint debates and all that goes to make an interâ€" esting election. Douglas had no money. My Minister readers will say that’s not unusual. A club in his riding bought a car for him to campaign with and soldl tickets for a lucky draw on it at so much a piece. The car, (what was left of it) went after the election to a man with a large family in the farming community outside of Weylburn city, who previously had no transporta- tion facilities at all. . c. F. Member Former Champion Amateur Boxer THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Next week â€" Mrs. Martha Louise Black, MP. for the Yukon. People in the East will be glad to know that in Tommy Douglas’ opinion'the clothing sent from our part of Canada enabled many child- ren to attend school. The vegetables and other supplies were a godsendI to his district, he stated. As I heard him sing the praises of the East for its generosity in this regard, I could not help thinking that this example of practical Christianity more close- ly knitted the West to the East than all mere talk of national unity ever could‘ have accomplished. Saturday: Mistress H‘ix was a teeching her babie to walk & I told Unkel Hen about it. He sed Why is she a doing it when p-raktikely no boddie walks now days. I thot about it a lot & come to the konklushen that I dont no. I wander if it are nessessary. south and does Dbl} extend far en- ough north to escape the withering drought conditions; Tommy told me recently that this intolerable situa- tion has existed for seven or eight years in [his section, which is 90 miles wide by 120 miles long. Soil is drifting everywhere covering fences and even small buildings. Schools in the main are kept open by the teachers getting their board at the farm homes and a g0vern- ing open only do so by support from the grants by the Home Mission or- }ganizations of the various churches. 1111 some communities 98 per cent ‘are on relief with‘only the station agent, elevator man. teachers and ministers receiving any money at all. Vouchers are given to a farm family according to its size. A fam- ily of 5 children andI mother and father receive about $20.00 a month through the voucher system, with a clothing order in the fall, a ton of coal a month during the cold sea- son, and feed for stock which is re- duced by regulation to the needs of each family. The picture is bright- er, however, this year. Last Fall the district had quite a bit of rain and the snow fall was heavy this winter. Prospects for a good crop this year were never better for eight years past. Let’s all hope so, for Western Canada has suffered long enough. & Eilsy in ice creem is The 01‘ I &- Blisters & Jakcs silver 1‘ Thursday : I got a- job p bills after school this p.m. & ladlie Do the dog bite. She s: d-iddent no becos she just go Come in the yd. & see she sed. should I care I thot & so 6 leave her no bill about the bi gen event at the hat & m' store. I bet she got sore but ‘ther they ‘bleev: finely Pa sed does. Entil the; a ofer mean 10 it mist him as Tuesday: At brekfest the fam'bly got to talking about dreems & whe- gen event at the hat & milenery store. I bet she got sore but I felt I done my duty. To yrs. trooly. Friday: Pa got a writeup for the nooseplaper where he works at as re- porter about a ladie witch shot her hus-‘bend. The editur ast him are she good looking & Pa replide & sed the jury will haft to pass on that. I was there & herd the eddtur laff out loud but I diddent see no thing to laff at. I supose I dont no the noosepaper langwidge or sum thing or am just dum. Wednesda si‘nves that 5‘ hot wether & fishen & ing ha to a teech‘er that don‘t no hardly no thing. 01‘ so I suppOSe as she asts so many ? ? & ect. I wisht we had a tcecher that new things without asting' us kids. Most "of the world’s trouble is caused by a sin that isn‘t forbidden 'by any law, except the Command- ment: “_Tlhou shalt not covet.” off second best in a debate The constituency of Weyburn is perhaps the driest of the dried-out areas of Saskatchewan». It touches the internfitional boundary at the Sunday: The preecher was asting‘ all the church members for dona- ' shens for mishen- aries and old Mis- ter Pinchpennie liddent give noth- ing. After the ser- veses the Rev. sed to him the Bible tells us to feed the hungry & Pa herd the old tite- wad reply. Well it lookt to him like they otto be fed on sum thing cheeper than mi- shenaries. SLATS’ DIARY (By Oliver N. Warren) 21' & no school & etc. But evry 1 cloud. How t< sed neerly ‘pring marl now to keep Jane em is the cloud to akes silver lineying. got a. job passing Monday : Well its back to school agem this a. m. .& in same 6 TIE te. She ‘sed she e just got him. se she sed. Why J u S' so d'iddent bodd‘ie line ba} not 2.30 p.m. This will be a Grand- motherS’ meeting and the entire pro- gram will be given by the Grandâ€" mothers. The g-uest speaker will be Mrs. B. M. Johnson of Toronto, Honâ€" orary Vice-President of the Toronto Conference Branch, who is an octo- genarian.‘ She will speak on “Rem- ini‘scences of the W.M.S.” She has been actively engaged in W.M.S. work for 55 years and is a very pleasing speaker. It is hoped that every mem- ber will attend. The ladies of the church are cordially invited. Visitors welcome. At this meeting the Grand- mothers will be our honored guests. A St. Patrick’s Supper is being held this (Thursday) evening com- mencing- at 6.30 o’clock in the Unit- ed Church Sunday School room un- der the auspices of the Woman’s As- The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold its March meeting at the Par- sonage next Tuesday, March 22nd at Temperance Sunday will be ob- served next Sunday, March 20th in the United Church Sunday School. Addresses will be given in the Sun- dlay School and afterwards in the Church Worship Service by Thomas Sheridan, Norma Graham and Fanny Utalak of Wesley Church, near Au- rora, who were winners of silver tro- phies in the oratorical c0ntest of North York Temperance Association at the convention held recently in Richmond Hill. I I). Ramer 85 Son NEWTON BROOK Adm-ea My drill was made by. and hashw . Richmond Hill QUOTATIONS ON BONDS, INDUSTRIALS AND MINING STOCKS. Investment Securities Dominion Bank Building, Toronto SABESTQN = HUJQHE J. R. HERRINGTON Representative THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1938. LIMITED The Girls’ Mission Circle of New- tonbrook United Church met last Tuesday evening at the home of their president, Mrs. W. Murchison, with. a large attendance. After the read~ ing of the minutes by the secretary, Miss Emma M'icPhail, reports were received from the various secretar- ies, Miss Edna Street on the Supply Work, Miss Irene Smith on Chris- tian Stewardship and Miss Doris VanLuven gave the treasurer’s re- port, which showed that quarter of the allocation had been raised. The study book chapters were very ably reviewed by Miss Cora Good and Mrs. Murchison followed by a ques- tionaire. The devotional tepic was taken by Miss Doris Newson, her theme being “The 'Worshi‘pping‘ Church.” Prayer was offered by Miss Irene Smith. Ten! members joined at this meeting and it is hOped that the membership will be doubled this year. Special] plans are being made for the Easter Thankoffering meet- ing which will be held Tuesday even- ing, April 12. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed and refresh- ments were served by the hostess. eral groups of songs, Miss Jessie Bishop, accompanist, Miss Ruth Douglas, piano solos and a vocal duet by Mrs. Allan Wiltshire and Mrs. Glen Shaw. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen of Carrville were guests last Sunday of their aunt, Mrs. F. Summers. At amazingly low cost, the Preston Fertilator converts your old seed drill into a com- bination seed and fertilizer sower! It simply bolts on the- grain hopper. Fits most stand- ard makes of seed-drill; sows. any “drillable” commercial fertilizer! It holds sufficient for one full round on the longest field. The fertilizer goes down the hoes with the grain, Where it does most good. Regulator attachment controls amount sown. The complete Fertilator can be easily removed and cleaned. ‘ Send coupon for descriptive folder giving full information. are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer Firsi THE LIBERAL OFFICE Saies 300393 Orders taken Phone 87 w

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