Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1938, p. 4

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East quarter of West Half Lot 13, con. 3, Vaughan ' 1'/z miles south of Maple tooth Set Steel Trucks, new M.-H. 12 hoe Drill Two-Furi'ow Plow M.-H. Manure Spreader Light Wagon 1 Cutter Cutting Box Brood'er, 506 capacity Brooder, 1006 capacity Set Harrows, 4 sections Disc Harrow 1 Souffler M.â€"H. Rake-Char Hay Loader Walking Plow, Wilkinson, good Set Brass Mounted Breeching Harâ€" ness, near new A Number of Horse Collars A Number of Whifflettees and Dou- bletrees 1 Cross Cut Saw Quantity of old harness 40 Plymouth Rock Hens, 1 year old, laying well HHHHHHHHHHHHH Mon., Mar. 28 1 Cosyhome Cook Stove 1 Kitchen Table 6 Kitchen Chairs 4 Bedsteads ' 4 Bed Springs 4 Washstand’s Quantity of Dishes Other articles of furniture No Reserve as proprietlor is giving up farming ORLAND. DOWNEY, Clerk. J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Harness, Furniture, etc. 8 Breeding Ewes 1 Gander 3 Geese 1 Drake 3 Ducks About 60 Rock Hens, laying TERMS:â€"CASH Sale at 1 pm. sharp HARRY TAYLOR. Clerk. J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer AT 1.30 P.M. HORSES Roan Horse, 8 years old Roan Horse, 8 years old Albove team well matched IMPLEMENTS M.-H. Mower, 51ft. cut, new M.-H. Binder, 7 ft. cut M.-H. Cultivator, 3 horse, sprin'g' Auction Sale Black Mare, H.D., 9 years old Bay Mare, H.D. Grey Mare, 8 years old Holstein Cow, fresh, calf by side Brindle Cow, fresh, calf by side- Holstein Cow, fresh Holstein Cow, in: fullflow, bred- Part Jersey Cow, in full flow, bred Holstein Cow, in full flaw, bred Ayrshire and Durham Cow, d-ue R. B. BANKS July Holstein Cow, milking, due July Brindle Cow, milking, bred Ayrshire Heifer, bred Young Cattle Young Bull Lot 23, Rear Concession 6, Vaughan Twp. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, SHEEP AND POULTRY No Reserve as Mr. Julian is giving up farming PAGE FOUR The Property of SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, 1938 FURNITURE HORSES CATTLE JOHN JULIAN The Property of Another vacancy now exists in the House of Commons at Ottawa. The existing vacancy was East Edmon- ton, Alta., and the latest in Queens in Prince Edward Island. Peter Sin- clair, the sitting memfber, died sud- denly in Ottawa last week at the- age of 50. Mr. Sinclair was a form-1 er member of the Island Legislature and was first elected to Ottawa in ‘1935. Both his father and a brother had also represented this constituâ€" ency in Ottawa. The brother, John- Silnclair is now a member of the Senate One of the remaining private banks in Ontario closed its doors recently. This was the bank of Graham and Knight which had operated in Allis- ton for more than 60 yearS. Beetom which at one time could boast four hotels now has no hotel at all. The Commercial Hotel, the last one to operate, was clased up a short time ago. By a vote of 34 to 9, the rate- payers of 8.5. No. 8, Caledon village authorized their trustees to proceed‘ with the erection of a continuation- school to cost $14,000. It is esti- matedI that the government will pay! about $3,000 of this amount. So, lacking horses any more With footgear to supply ‘He sets this Sign outside his door: “Tea, sandwiches and pie; Step in and hear the bellows roar; Don’t pass the old place by.” Perhaps you will see an ancient p10w While in the place you stOp; Perhaps the .blacksmith’s sooty brow He now and then will m0p, 'But ioes he run a smithy now? ' No, it’s a curio shop. Some Toronto women who like to have their husbands receive the very highest wages are now clamoring a- bout the high price of butter. Want- ing high wages and foodstuffs at low prices is surely wanting bread buttered on both sides. It would be ‘better for everyone if prices of all farm products Were proportionately as high as the price of cream is at present. Clarence Darrow, well known Aâ€" mericam criminal lawyer, died in Chi- cago on March 13th in his 8lst year. No person who he had ever defended) was executed. Probably] his most notable defenee was that of Loeb andl Leopold who were accused of slayâ€" ing‘ Bobby Frank. YE OLDE SMITHY Beneath the spreading chestnut tree The village smithy stood, The smith, a mighty man was he, While business still'was‘ good, And everylbody will agree, He did the best he could. But now that horses have gone out, Though still there are a few, The smith has had to look about For something else to do; For: any man who’s large and stout Must toil like me and you. SCOTCH CONCERT A Scotch concert and dance will be held in Maple Community Hall, Friday, March 18th under the aus- pices of Balmoral Pipe Band of Rich" mond Hill. Pipe band, Highland: dancers, Scotch singers, etc. Old’ time and modern dancing. Concert 25c. Dance 15 cents extra. Mower, M.-H. Horse Rake Seed Drill R‘oot Pulper Cultivator, M.-H. Cultivator, Frost.& Wood Gasoline Engine, 3" HP. Set Double Harnes: 3' Cutting Box, Cummings Set Sl-eighs Table for Mower ,Cultivator Plough Scufflers Set Harrows Set Scales, 3000 lbs. capacity Forks, Shovels, Doubletrees, Bags and other articles too numeroas to mention HHNDâ€"‘Dâ€"‘HHHHHHrâ€"Ilâ€"‘HHH 9 Store Pigs; 9 Sucking Pig-s Note and Comment IMPLEMENTS PIGS 1 Sow THEODORE G. MONTAGUE President of The Borden Company, whose annual report this year shows: profits of $1.43 per share, compare& with $1.80 last year. It is stated that the company was unable to Olb‘ tain any profit on its total sales in all markets of 780,000,000 quarts of fluid milk. This contrasts with a profit of one-ninth of a cent a quart in 1936. ' WELLS FARGO TRAIL THEME OF NEW FILM The historic Wells Fargo Trailâ€"â€" the lame which connected St. Louis with San Francisco in early gold days â€"â€" and the men who made and maintained it in the face of Indians, bandits and Nature, forms the dra- matic background for “Wells Fargo,” the motion picture which opens Sat- urday at the Capitol Theatre. Called by some “The Lifeline of Empire" because of the impOrtant part it played in_welding together the sprawling nation as it existed in 1860-70, the story of the Wells-Fargo Trail is one of the mest dramatic and romantic in American history. It came into being shortly after gold was discovered, when a swift and safe means had to be found to transport the gold from the mines and, equally important, to bring mail 'Trails were cut, way stations for the changing and watering of horses, were established and a veritable army ot heavily armed messengers was organized to protect the treaâ€" sure. The roads had to be kept Open in spite of the whims of weather. The task of planning and opening the trails is handled in» the picture by Joel MoCrea. A man of vision and courage, he is forced to leave his wife, played by Frances Dee, as the trail takes him farther and far- ther West Unable to understand her husband, a rift occurs. There are patch-ups and reconciliation ’but as time goes on â€" the story traces the fortunes: of the family for two generationsâ€"a break finally occurs. a. andl neWS into the roaring mining camps. The firm of Wells, Fargo & Company, fore-runners of today‘s Railway ExpreSS Agency, was, or- ganized to fill this need. In â€" The climax is reached after the War between the States when Mc- Crea and Miss Dee are brought to- gether again by their children, now grown to young manhood and wo- manhood. The (brilliant supporting cast of “Wells Fargo” is headed by Bob Burns in his first “straight” role. Others in the cast of over one hun- dred are Lloyd Nolan, Henry O’Neill, Porter Hall, Robert Cummings, Ralph Morgan, Mary Nash, John Mack Brown, Barlowe Borlandl and many others. Capacity Audience Sees Amateur Show The Orange Hall was packed to capacity and several hundred were reportedly unable to gain admission when the Woodlbridge Presbyterian Church staged an Amateur Show on Monday evening, March 14th. 'Be- tween- 40 and 50 amateur acts of high quality were competing for the $27.50 offered in cash prizes. The most outstanding competitor award went to Jean Calder, Toronto, who also placed first in the junior section. Following is the complete .list-of prizelwinners: Special class for‘those never previously having won a prize, 12 years and under, 1st Lucia Carri- ana, 3 years old, Weston; 2nd, Patsy O’Leary, West Toronto. Junior class, 10 years and under, 1st, Jean Cal- der, Toronto; 2nd, Gwen Robb, Wood- bridge; 3rd, Jackie Burns and Jack Rennie. Intermediate class, 18 yrs. and under, 1st, Bernice Ogden, To- ronto; 2nd, Andrew Stewart, Bolton; 3rd, Norma Mollison, Toronto. Senâ€" ior class, lst, Mr. and Mrs. Miulhal- land, Stroud; 2nd, the Woodbridge Male Quartette, Messrs. Arthur Har- per, Stanley Harper, William Law- rie and Jack Nattress; 3rd, The Au- ‘rora Mountaineers. Judges for the event were Mrs. I. J. Lawrence, ‘Claireville; Mr. James Algie, Bramp- ton, and Mr. W. McCutcheon, Noble- ton. Master of ceremonies was Mr. Carl Saigeon of Maple. suitable farm buildings. The lands will ‘be sold subject: to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE of farm: Twenty- five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mort- gage with interest at) four per cent per a-nrnum. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to W. ERIC STEWART, K.C., East Block, Parliament Bld'gs., TORONTO, Ontario. Dated at Toronto, this 4th day of March, 1938. Playing in a Toronto Hockey League game on Friday evening of last week the Humber Summit In- termediates defeated Bond's Fair- banks by a score of 4 goals to 1. THE MILL Hatching Mash, Chick Starter Developing Mash and Laying Mash Royal Richmond Brand All Feeds and Tonics for Stock and Poultry Bring your seed grain to clean before the rush WE BUY OATS - Telephones Res. 82W ' Mill 139 l name Elsie. 200 ACRE FARM for sale or ex- change for good house in a good town or take small acreage as part payment. This farm is on main Highway, is modern and up-toâ€"date. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill, telephone 66. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabredl chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. .__________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" SEED GRAIN, Velvet Barley No. 1 Gov. test, 99% germination, $1.00 per bu. Victory Oats grown from 2nd Germination Reg. Seed, No. 1 Gov. test, 90c. per bu. Banner Oats, grown from Reg. seed and from 151: prize field in competition, No. 1 Gov. test, 90c., per 'bu. Terms cash. Clark Young, Milliken, Bell phone, Agincourt 45-21. LOST STRAYED from Oak Ridges Kennels smooth black coated female dog, Telephone King 322. WWW Reward' CAPITOL THEATRE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ Mr. and Mrs. George Barker env- tertained the Y.P.U. on Monday ev- ening. There was a good attend- ance. Edgar James conducted the opening exercise and business. meet- ing. Gwen Smith, conrvener, then took charge. Edgar James read the lesson, Miss Helen Boynton gave a reading “English as Spoken,” the topic was taken by Ruth Bice on the subject, “It Really Happened,” Rev. McDonald led the prayer ser- vice. After the meeting closed a social hour was spent in‘ games and a dainty lunch served. A hear’ay vote of thanks to the host and best- ‘ess was voiced by all. This Friday evening' the Y.P.U. executive will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith. An invitation to visit Carrville Y. P.U. in the near future was acceptâ€" Mr. and, Mrs. Watford left this week on a trip to California. Miss Gwen Smith spent the week- end' 'n Toronto with Mr. and! Mrs. Galbfaith. RE COLLECTION OF REFUSE 1938 The Council has: decided that peri- odical collections of refuse will be made as follows: On the second Tuesday in April, on the second and fourth‘ Tuesdays in May, June, July, August and September and on the second Tuesday in each month there- after until fu-rther notice. ’ April, 1938 Dated at Richmond! Hill the 16th day' of March, 1938. for the performance of this Collec- tion Service will be received at the clerk’s office up to twelve o’clock noon on April 4th ‘next. The lowest or am; tender no't ne- cessarily accepted. Richmond Hill, March 10, 1938. UNDER AND BY VllRlTUE OF THE POWERS OF SALE contlal-nved in a certain mortgage, which will be pro- ducedl at the time of sale, {here will be offered for sale by G. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer at PUBLIC AUCTION ON TUESDAY MARCH 29th, 1938, at the hour 0% two o’clock in the afternoon at the farm of WILFRED F. KIRK, RE. No. 2, Maple, Ontario, the following propertv, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the TownL- ship of Vaughan, in the County f York, and being composed of part of Lot] Number 27, in the Second Concession of the said Township, containing ten acres. More particu- larly described in the above men- tioned mortgage. On the said farm there is said' to be erected! a dIWelling house with suitaBle farm buildings. The lands will ‘be sold subject; to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE of farm: TWenty- five per cent of the purchase money to ‘be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mort- gage with interest at) four per cent per a-nrn'um. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to W. ERIC STEWART, KLC.) East Block, Parliament B1d'gs., TORONTO, Ontario. Dated at Toronto, this 4th day of March, 1938. Playing in a Toronto Hockey League game on Friday evening of last week the Humber Summit In- termediates defeated Bond’s Fair- banks by a score of 4 goals to 1. The Local Improvement, Act MORTGAGE SALE Hatching Mash, Chick Starter Developing Mash and Laying Mash Royal Richmond Brand All Feeds and Tonics for Stock and Poultry H‘EADFORD Form 2 (Section 12) NOTICE TENDERS A. J. HUME, Clerk A. J. HUME, Clerk; MIXED HAY, Timothy and- Alfalfa J. Kerswill, Jefferson. HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET. Ap- ply Box 110, Liberal Office. CHILD’S CRIB, Size Phone Maple 64r4. COW bred July; Heifer bred Sep- tember lst. Apply W. Jans, Elgin Street, Thornhill. EEREBRED BULL CALF from high producing stock. Samuel Winger, R. R. No. 2, Maple. HOT WATER IN‘CUBAVI‘OR, 260 egg size, in good condition. Apply Jack Curtis, Green Lane, Thornhill. 1 TWO WHEEL 'ITRJAILER, 1 four wheel trailer. Apply N. Chartterly, Elgin Mills, telephone Richmond Hill 4412. REGISTERED CLYDE mare in foal; one two-year-old' Clyde filly, will make a show mare. J. W. Palmer, phone Richmond 'Hill 4632. old, male and female, also male 6 months old‘. Apply Mrs. J. C. Ed- wards, corner Yonge and Yon-gehurst Road. BABY CHICKS and CustOm Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 1021'13. FOUR MAMMOTH Bronze Turkey Hens and one Gobble‘r. One pure bred white Embdem Gander. Leo Burton, Carrville Rd., phone Maple 764. PEKINGESE PUPPIES, 3 momhs GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 per cord delivered, cut any length. Langstaff Supply Co., phone Thorn- 1hill 73. BROWN MARE good in all harness. Apply W. Morrison, Oxford Street, phone 90F Richmond Hill any day except Saturday. e1 in good Appl FRESH COWS, close springers and backward springers, all eastern cows. Also brown mare in foal. Apply Ed. Irish, Stop 9, Willowdale, ph'one 369J. FINDLAY C‘IR‘C‘ULA'I‘OR, late modâ€" FARM FOR SALE: 70 acres of land, wonderful soil, spring creek, large barns, eight roomed brick house, Un- ionville, Ontario. Apply 240 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Omrtario. 1 REGISTERED JERSEY CIOW drue to calf or fresh. Born May 18, 19-34, No. 88596, Willonyx Ellen, 2nd calf. Terms if required. Apply to Ken. Prentice, Markham, Ont, phene 3900 Markham. accredited and blood tested, 11 to pick from, 1 fresh one. Phil Payme, R.R. No. 2, Weston, telephone Wood- bridge 911-3. 3 CLOSE SPRINGERS, Holsteins, DORSET RAM, 1 pure bred York- shire hog, number of gand‘ers, pekin drakes. also goats. Fred Johnston, phone Stouffville 5220, lot 29, con. 5, Markham. TWO HOLS’I‘EIN COWS, fresh Feib- 1'uary 3, 1 Holstein Cow fresh Feb. 10th, 2 Hoistein Cows fresh Feb. 27, 1 Jersey Cow fresh Feb. 20, 5 H01- stein Spn-ingers. A11 cattle negative to blood test. J. S. Honey & SOn, Mliliken. , 200 ACRE FA‘RM for sale or ex- change for good house in a good town or take small acreage as part payment. This farm is 011 main Highway, is modern and up-toâ€"date. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill, telephone 66. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionabredl chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 1021-13. SEED GRAIN, Velvet Barley No. 1 Gov. test, 99% germination, $1.00 per bu. Victory Oats grown from 2nd: Germination» Reg. Seed, No. 1 Gov. test, 90c. prer bu. Banner Oats, grown: from Reg. seed and from 1th prize field in competition, No. 1 Gov. test, 90c., per 'bu. Terms cash. Clark Young, Milliken, Bell phonE, Agincourt 45-21. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISII‘I‘GfiMAKE THE MO_S'1:_OF Classified Advs. AMA-.1 A... ..--.._ ~.__ RATESâ€"Five lines (:1: 15;, résicents for first insertion and 15 celits for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. good condition; Hudson Coach, car in every way, any trial. y phone 'Ag-inlcourt 871'31. FOR SALE 42 by 24 inches THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1938. 2 PERCHERON MARES, 3 yrs. old; 1 Percheron gelding 6 years old, priced for immediate sale. Apply Le'echwood Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thornhill, 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway. 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 Gem tre Street East, Richmond Hill. COTTAGE and half acre, Garden Ave., Langstaff. Possession April 1, 1938. Apply MOhawk 8348 or Lib- eral O'ffice. LEGHORN PULLET‘S out of good laying strain. L Fredricksonv, R.R. No. 1, York Mills. EXPERIENCED WOMAN for gen- eral housework. Apply Mrs Byrne, Stop 21, Langsrtaff. USED TRACTOR for farm use. Must be in good shape and price right. Apply Rev 522, Libera‘l Office. LARGE QUANTITY OF APPLES, any variety, also table turnips. Fred Taylor, 74 Richmond Street, Richâ€" mond- Hill. YOUNG FARM HAND, experienced, good milker and feeder, work trac- tor, abstainer and nonâ€"smoker. Start April 1st. Apply Box 121, Liberal Office. RADIO, sales and service, guaran- teed work; tu'bes tested free. Hug’h Yer-ex, Markham Road, Richmond ing. Let us give you the benefit of years of experience in hatching hen, duck and turkey eggs. O-ur med- ern machines are in full swing. You will find our prices moderate. A» L. Brown, Unionville, telephone 3902 Unionville, 2620 Stouffville. Hill EXPERIENCED in Custom Hatch- Used Cars (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1937 FORD V-8 DeLL'XE COUPE- Ford Heater and Defmter. A smart car. - 1936 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDANâ€" 1935 DODGE 2-TON TRUCK â€"â€" In excellent candition. 1936 FORD V-8 TU'DOR with Trunk â€"-Heater. Very nice. 1934 FORD Vâ€"8 DeLUXE SEDAN. 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROAD- STER. Rumble Seat. Heater. 1932 FORD V-8 DeLUXE TUDORâ€"- An attractive buy. 1930 FORD TUDOR â€" Thoroughly Reconditioned. Little Brothers 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Ton). Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 174-W MISCELLANEOUS with Trunk. Good value. Very Nice. TO RENT WANTED $695.00 $595.00 $650.00 $595.00 $475.00 $195.00 $375.00 $295.00 $175.00

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