MAKES RECORD The Jersey cow, Sylvan Golden Katie, bred by W. Lips, Inglewood, Ontario, and owned and tested by B. Wa'tford, Richmond Hill, Ont., has qualified for a Silver Medal certifi- cate, by producing as a junior two year old in 205 days 8,856 lbs. of milk, 410 lbs. of fat, 4.6392. ' Katie is a daughter of the splen-‘ did breeding sire, Gray’burn Lady Golden Son, he from the former long distance champion of the British Em-‘ pire, Pogis Lady Golden. THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1938 'Ilires from $1.00 up Glass installed while you wait ~reasonable CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED “Tony Saves You Money†U thrive on “CROWN BRAND†CORN SYRUP. They never tire of its delici- ous flavor and it really is so good for themâ€"so give the children “CROWN BRAND†every day. Leading physicians pro- nounce “CROWN BRAND†CORN SYRUP a most satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modiï¬er in the feeding of tiny infants and as an energy producing food for growing children. w R...†CHILDREN of all ages flu-400 nn “CROWN Phone Willowdale 272W When you place your insurance through this office you are assured of real service from Companies long estab- lished in business with plenty of reserves to meet all contingencies, and who settle claims satisfactorily and promptly. Get our rates on Fire, Automobile, House- hold Burglary, Plate Glass, Accident & Sickness, etc. Sun Insurance Office Limited . . . . . . Established 1710 (The oldest insurance office in the world) British American Assurance Co. . . . . Established 1833 Waterloo Fire Insurance Co. Established 1863 Hartford Fire Insurance Co. . . . . . Established 1810 Liverpool & London & Globe . . . . . Established 1836 Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co. Ltd. Established 1872 ‘Assets, $75,287,934 (Strongest purely casualty company in the world) Wellington Fire Insurance Co. Established 1840 A policy in any of the above Companies is your guarantee of service and security UNIONVILLE Office 93 Yonge St., Telephone 87 York Auto Wreckers “IF IT’S FOR A CAR OR TRUCK WE HAVE IT†INSURANCE ROY HERRINGTON 6189 Yonge St. .e 272W Newtonbrook Branch, Oak Ridges Accidents Injure Two Local Farmers 5 Mr. Bill Williams of HOusie Rap- iids is spending a few days with the [Burton boys. Two men suffered similar injuries near Woodbridge on Saturday, Mar. 12th when two accidents occurred on neighboring farms within a few hours of each other. Breaking a colt. to team harness, Harry Myers suffered severe facial injuries when kicked in the head by the colt. Knocked down, he was un- able to control the team and suff- ered several broken ribs and other injuries when the second horse swerved, tramping on his back. A few hours later, William Hun- ter, a neighbouring farmer, suffered severe facial bums when a gasolene engine exploded, throwing a SlhOWEI‘ of scalding water. Short of water for his stock Mr. After being confined to his bed since April 1935, as the result of a car accident, Walter Henry Ireland passed peacefully away at the resi- dence of his daughter, Mrs. A. Cam- eron, lot 12, concession 8, King Twp., on Friday, March 4th in his 85th year. He is survived by his wife Joanna Archibald, who is very ill; three daughters, Mrs. J. Ruthven, Alliston; Mrs. A. Cameron, King; Mrs. R. Murdoch, King; three sons, Harry, Vaughan Township; Will and John, King; 22 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren: A twin sister and a half sister also survive him. His youngest son, Norman, was kill- ed by lightning just six and a half months ago. Funeral service was held‘ at Las~ kay United Church on Sunday. In- terment took place in King City ce- metery. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Rear of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Hancock of Auâ€" rora vï¬sited at Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark’s on Sunday. We are glad to report that Chris- tina Delbrocco who underwent an up- eration for appendicitis in St. Mivh ael’s Hospital last week, is doing very well. ' visited at Mr Mrs. D. Hyslop and Mr. ELder Hyslop of Headford and Mrs. Milne ofRGormley spent Sunday with Mrs. D. Hyslop. evening. Mr. Bert Ban-ks visited' Mr Reaman on Sunday. Thé Y. P. will meet at the home of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Gane on Friday evening. Miss: Dorothy Durie spent the week-end with Miss Doreenl John- ston at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Drum of Toronto District Representative Richmond Hill, Ont. Walter Ireland CARRVILLE . . Established 1710 in the world) . . Established 1833 . Established 1863 . Established 1810 . Established 1836 Barton’s Sunday l Councillor H. J. Mills was in New York this week acting as judge at the FIOWer Shaw in that city. Miss Eleinor was the guest lett on Sunday The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church are planning a sup- per for Tuesday, April 5th. Watch for further announcement. ' visited on Sunday with his mother Mrs. B. Hoover and Mr. and Mrs; W. Jones, Church Street. Rev. W. S. Butt of Tottenham, Mr. L. Minkler of Lacomibe, Albenta and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Archinald were visitors at the United Church Par- sonage on Monday. The Rev. A. C. McCollum, Vicar of St. John’s Church, York Mills, visited St. Mary‘s Church, Richmond Hill for the Lenten service on Thurs- ‘ day last. A congregation of over fifty listened to a very inspiring message. It is expected that a largâ€" er congregation will greet the Rev.! A. J. Patstone of Newmarket on Thursday â€"â€" tonight â€"â€" on his first visit to Richmond Hill. ! The Presbyterian Manse was the scene of a happy occasion Monday evening when the members of the Thomhill congregation gathered to form a “Surprise Party†to celebrate Mr. Cilnningham’s‘ birthday. The evening was spent with amrusing games and ended with light refresh- evening w games and ments. Rev. C. W. Follett was the guest preacher at the fiftieth anniversary of Perth Ave. United Church Sun- day morning last, and is speaking this evening at their St. Patrick banquet. Mr. Follett was pastor of the church some years ago. The pre- sent building was erected during his pastorate. Mr. J. H. N. Morgan of New Westâ€" minster, president of the British C‘O- lumfbia Conservative Association who has been in Ottawa attending the Conservative rally called by Hon. R. B. Bennett, Dominion leader, was the guest cf his aunt, Mrs. H. A. Nich- ollr. fhis week. Mr. Morgan was well known: here having attended Richmond Hill High School, and was also a member of the staff of the Standard Bank, then located here. BRIDGE AND EUCHRE The Ladies’ Auxiliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill are holding a Eu- chre and Bridge on Tuesday, March 22nd at 8 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, Stop 24, Yonge Street, 2 doors north of store. Ad- mission 25c RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. W. Follvett, B.D., Pastor Sunday, March ZOUh 11 a.m.â€"â€"Specia1 Lenten‘ message. 2.45 p.m.â€"1$unday School. 7 p.m.â€"Service of song, sermon sub-- je-ct, “Despising the Church." In- spiring music and a cordial welâ€" come. The pastOr in charge. N.B.â€"Services every Wednesday ev- ening during the Lenten season and every evening during Passion Week. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. D. Cunning-Ham, B.D., Minister Sunday, March 20th 11 a.m.â€"“Doing the Impossible." 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"“Casting Out Fear." This surely is‘ a time to keep calrri, ~to look unto God and; to spend much time in prayer. Mr. E. R. Hoover of Petflboro Oak Ridges Rev.â€" E. W. G. Worrell, Rector . Sunday, March 20 ' 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 3 p.m.â€"Service. Bus leaves the corner at 2.15. Monday, March 21â€"Visit of Benny Wilson, Evangelist, showing Lan- tern Slides in the church. Wednesday, March 23rd at 8 pm.â€" Lenuten Service. in Parish Hall. Slides. ’Title, “At the Top of the World.†Social and Personal ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. Sunday, March 20 Lent 3‘ 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion and Ser- mon, “The Good Samaritan", third in series on, Parables of Our Lord. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Ser- mon, “The Sacred'ness of the Body†on the Seventh Commandment, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.†TONIGHT, THURSDAY, Tonight â€" Thursday â€" St. Patrick Service at 8 pm. Speaker, Rev. A. J. Patstone of Newâ€" market, Ontario. ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Archibald of Toronto of Miss Evelyn Fol- last. THE LIBERAL‘, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAB: the RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB A large crowd attended the St. Patrick Euchre and: Dance on Wed- nesday evening held by the Club. Prizes were won by Mrs. Viciet Woods, Mrs. W. Hall, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Morrison; prizes for four hands, Mrs. Craig, Mr. Morrison; Spot Light, Miss Hoover and Mr. Brown, Mrs. W. Bone and Mr. Billson. Euchre and Dance next Wednes- day evening, March 24th. Ten prizes will be given. Euchre at 8.30 sharp. Dancing to 1 a.m. Royal Arcadian Orchestra. Billy Hole, floor man- Band ager DIED SAVAGE, Florence T.â€"At Private Patients’ Pavilion, Toronto General haspital, on Friday, March 11, 1938, Florence T. Savage, widow of James Savage, and mother of Howard G. Savage, in her 73rd year. The funeral service was held at her residence, 163 Lisgar street on Monday, 2 pm. and interment fol- lowed in Presbyterian cemetery, Richmond Hill. WALLS, David G.â€"At the Private Patients’ Pavilion, Toronto General hospital, on. Tuesday, March 15th, 1938, David' G. Walls, dearly beloved husband of Selina Hall, in his 73rd year. Funeral frorn his late residence, Stouffville. on \Friday, March 18, at ‘2 n.1n. Interment Richmond Hill 2 p.m. Cemetery Sunday evening’s program at Y. P.U. was in charge of Frank Rob- son who opened the meeting and read the Scripture lesson. Jean Robsonl gave a poem “My Religionâ€, the[ topic “The Use of Profanity†Was‘ the topic taken by Frank Robson and was quite interesting, a duet by Miss E. Hatwood and Harry Cun- ningham, Maple, was much enjoycd. Mr. A. Forest, Maple, was the speaker at the morning church ser- vice in the absence of Rev. D; Davis who is having a much needed rest. You can cram education into the human head, but it never overcomes the fool idea that he group can get rich by ruining another that supâ€" ports it. Mr. and‘ Mrs. Huston visitei wit? Mrs. Taggart on Monday afterroon hile the rest of Canada. is V ski-ing, Victoria, BC, will be the scene of one of the Domin- ion’s most important â€"- and cer- tainly its most unusual â€"â€" golf Iournament of the year. Ten years ago Victoria produc- ed its first winter golf meet to prove that Canada too could have Winter golf. The idea caught on amazingly, with the result that the tournament has grown stead- ily. Entries have increased, more trophies are being given, and a. record_tu1‘nâ€"out is expected for this year. TESTON 'owd attended the St. re and: Dance on Wed- ng held by the CLub. won by Mrs. ViOIet W. Hall, Mr. Johnston, ; prizes for four hands, Mr. Morrison; Spot Golfers Ready for Victoria Meet SCHOOL BOARD ASKS YOUR CO-OPERATION 1 Arrangements have been made fori 1 the two Senior rooms of the Rich- ANTHRACITE mond Hill Puinc School to visit the} “ _ Flower Show on Thursday, March 31. ' The coal That sat-MW Anyone who can provide a car to assist in the transportation of pupils please advise any member of the Phone 188 " Board. g AAAALAAAAA mm 'OEO $030 Based on the novel by Rex Beach. with such‘a fresh, woodsy atmosphere all. The scenery is beautiful and so well pr a desire to be there and enjoy it first hand. It is transferred‘ b0 that it will be e esented that This is a .grand Infaid of entertainment, singing An evening of fun for all. A I-» n11 CVL’uAuB u; A...“ -_, _,, Also Our Gang Cc-medy and Walt Disney Colored S It sparkle and Bum TODAY. THURSDAY. MARCH 17TH LEO CARRILLO â€"â€"“JEAN PARKER â€" JAMES ELLISON mi!“ 11 A “DIED †Eddie The “BLUE†color is y a warmth. and comfort at such low cost. Order “Blue Coal†today. MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 21 â€"â€" 22 FRED ASTAIRE - GEORGE BURNS - GRACIE ALLEN in “ A DAMSELV IN DISTRESS †Already more than 30 entries have been received for the tour- nament, which commences March 7, from nearby Seattle, including Lee Steil, who won both handicap and scratch events last year, and from Winnipeg, Regina, Saska- toon, Edmonton, Calgary and Van- couver. A few Eastern Canadian golfers are also expected for this annual Empress Hotel fixture on the famous Royal Colwood course. The main event is‘ a. handicap competition for both men and hones â€" Yard 10 IN RICHMOND HILL THE BEST COAL IS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MARCH 23 WILL RODGERS â€"â€" ROCHELLE HUDSON “ “ JUDGE PRIEST †One of the late Will Rogers‘ best comedies THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT FRIDAY & SATURD: Cantor - Toni Mfr‘tin - n1 s with comedy, Gershvgin music and- lyrjcs, Ash 5. and Allen antics. Excellent, outstandmg. ANGLE, Chairma T‘H'i: ‘BAï¬RIER †AY, MARCH 18 -â€" 19 - June Lang 133131151 Young in WOWW .women for the Sir; Edward Beatty trophy. Other prizes include the Victoria Chamber of'Commerco open trophy, match play on a scratch basis; men’s and women’s interâ€"club team games; Jack Mat- son trophy for inter-district match; Rotary Club rosebowl for women’s best gross score; and special medal awards. .All in all, it adds up to ï¬ve days of golf and fun, with the Em- press Hotel and Royal Colwood clubhouse en fete to receive golf- ing visitors. Silly Symphony Cartoon and dancing humbers. erreds t)o the screen will be enjoyed 33y PAGE aire dances it éreates