Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1938, p. 6

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1 Black Jersey Cow, supposed due at sale time 1 Holstein Cow, supposed due at sale time 1 Gueréisey Cow, supposed due April 2n LHolstein Heifer, supposed calf by side 1 Jersey Cow, supposed to freshen April 29 6 F21 Steers, rising 2 and 3 years 5 Fat Heifers, rising 2 years old 2 Feeder Steers, rising 2 years old' 1 Part Jersey Calf, 1 year old 1 Jersey Calf, 1 year old 1 Holstein Calf GRAIN Quantity of Oats Quantity of’ Barley Quantity of Feed Wheat Number of Grain Bags POULTRY 55 Hens, mixed 3 Geese and 1 Gander CATTLE 1 Reg. Holstein Cow, fresh with calf by side TERMS;â€"-CASH Sale at 12.30 sh: No Reserve whatever, Mr. Lloyd is giving up farming due to ill health HORSES 1 Grey Mare, Percheron, '7 yrs., bred 1 Brown H.D. Horse, 6 years old 1 Biack Mare, G.P., 9 years old I. brown Horse, (LR, 10 years old 1 Bay Gelding, G.P., rismg‘ 4 years 1 Bay Filly, rising 3 years 1 Black Gelding! §;P.Lrising' 2 years HORSES 1 Grey Horse, 1] years 1' Bay Horse,_1_Q_y_eg_rs CATTLE 1 Black 311d) White Cow, bred Dec. 21 1 Blue Cow, good l Sow, bred Jan. 17- ' 10 Shoats SHEEP ‘1 Hampshire Ewes, due early in Apr. FOWL 4D Plymoqu Rock Hens ‘x‘m Bob Sleighs Pinv', 21 Fleury P‘Tflw. 12 Fleury tinkler ’ Mm‘ld Plow, Lea Potato Shear for Plow Scufflers Gang Plow Set Wagon Springs. Trench Cutter, Trench, gOOd Platform Scales Wucex Trough Quantity 2% in. Tile ‘ Quantity White Oak Fowhletrees thlâ€"lIâ€"H r-uâ€"u-u-u-nmI-l TERMS: â€"CASH 'as. Smith, Clerk April 7th 4 Whfise Brood Sow Fat Pigs 1 Shoats Black Sow April 2nd Black Sow April 7th White Sow CITIES SERVICE GARAGE IMPLEMENTS Masseyâ€"Harris Binder, 6 ft. Mower, Deering, 5 ft. Massey-Harris Drill. 11 Hoe Rake. Deering, 10 ft. Massey-Harris Cultivator Disc _ Set Heavy Harrows. 4 sect-Jon Turnip Drill, Pefer Hamilton Heavy Wagon, 3 in. tire, Baln Warren Box ‘ Fax; Rack, good as new vael Box JAMES COUPERTHWAITE Lot 18, Concession 4, Markham Township 1 Mile North of Buttonville , Reasonable Prices Headquarters for Goodrich Tires & Tubes Automobile Accessories General Repairs IMPORTANT SALE of GRAIN, HAY, ROOTS and POTATOES J. H. PRENTICE & K. PRENTICE, Auctsn WALTER LLOYD Lot 5, Conéession 3, King Township One Mile East of King City PAGE SIX Towing Anywhere TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND supposed supposedr supposed: PIGS FRIDAY, MARCH 18TH 14 Store Pigs RICHMOND HILL AUCTION SALE of FURNITURE, Etc. ANY TIME Phone 12 for THE PROPERTY OF THE PROPERTY OF fan-ow farrow farrow ATâ€" as new 1 Set Harrows, 16 feet 1 Disc Harrow 2 Fanning Mills ‘ ~ 1 M.-H. Root Pulpe'r,"lvike new Quantity of Oak and Pine Lumber Number of Tcngues 1 Land Roller, like new 2 Farm Wagons 1 Draw Rope 1 Stock Rack 1 Flat Rack 2 Hay Racks 1 Corn Rack 1 Washing Machine 1 Set Scales, 2000 Nb. capacity 1 Barrel Churn 1 Pig Box 1 Cream Separator, I.H.C. 1 Wagon Box 1 Cutter 1 Set Bob Sleighs Doubletrees, Neck Yokes, etc. Quantity of Ensilage‘ 1 Grind Stone 3 Rain Barrels Forks, Rakes, Chains, Shovels and other articles too numerous to mention 1 M.â€"H. Binder, nearly new 1 Corn Binder, giqu condition 1 Post Hole Auger 1 Grind Stone - ‘ 1 Heavy Logging Chain, 16 ft. 1 Pipe Wrench 1 Pick 1 Crowbar 3 Neckyokes 1 Set Dowbletrees 1 Cream Separator, Renfrew 1 Hay Knife .1 Scoop Shovel 1 Plough Wheel . ' 1 Hay Fork 5 Sling Ropes Quantity of Grain Bags 1 Chicken Crateâ€"coops HARNESS Quantity of Seed Potatoes, Hustlers Quantity of Eating Potatoes Quagtity of Seed Oats, Improved Banner Quantity of Barlev Quantity of Buckwheat Quantity of Hay 1 Wooden Single Bed 1 Bedroom Suite 1 Kitchen Table 6 Kitchen Chairs Quantity of Rag Carpet 2 Table Lamps 1 Beattv! Churn, No. 3, nearly new 1 Butter Print 2â€"Burner Oil Stove 1 Lawn bwing 1 Incubator, Little Daniels, 80 eggs 1 Imubator, 160 eggs Frost & Wood Mower, nearly new Horse Rake Uockshutt Drill, nearly new 1.11.0. Cultivator Wide SLiff Tooth Cultivator John Deer Corn: Cultivator Scuffler M.â€"H. Doulble Fu'rrow Plow Walking Plow, Fleury 2‘1 Fleury 13 Plow Fleury Gang Plow Set John Deer Iron Harrows, good Set Set Set Sale at 1 pm. K. PRENTICE, Auct. Set Heavm Harness Set Single Harness Horse Blankets Sale at 12.30 sharp Breeching Harness, good Breeching Harness Heavyr Single Harness Light Single Harness IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE HARNESS GRAIN {L ’EWS AND INFORMATION ulation numbered 356,000 and rural population 1,265,000 or 78 per cent of the total. In 1931 the urban pop- ulation had increased to 2,096,000, but the rural population was only 1,â€" 336,000, or 39 per cent of the total. The number of occupied farms in the same sixty years showed an increase from 172,000 to 192,000, while the size of the average farm rose from 93.8 acres to 118.9. These two 'changes indicate a decrease in size of the farm family and an increase in the total area of occupied land from 16,162,000 acres to 22,841,000 acres. The area improved, however, showed a much greater percentage gain, rising from 8,834,000 acres to Rural Population During the past sixty years the in- crease in populuation‘ in Ontario has been chiefly in the category desig- natett urban. In 1871 the urban pop- ulation numbered 356,000 and rural population 1,265,000 or 78 per cent of the total. In 1931 ’tJhe urban pop- 13,273,000 T. B. Areas For Ontario Ontario farmers are becoming in- creasingly conscious of the necessity of elimtinatdmg bovine tuberculosis from their herdls. A few years ago there was open hostility in many counties to the restnicted area plan fostered by Ontai‘io and Federal Governments, but this opposition has gradually been swept away until now there are fifteen counties in Ontario in the restricted area list, Grey, Sim- coe, Lanark, Victoria and Peterbor- ough counties have signed up for tests while petitions are being circu- lated in Lenmox and A‘d‘dlingtcn, Hast- ings, Wentwor’oh, Norfolk. Rainy River, Lincoln, ESSex, Welland and Bruce. Following educational meetings in Two meetings have been held in Elgin coulnty, one at Port Burwell, the other at Aylmer. Mr. F. S. Thomas, agricultural representative, is in charge of the campaign for in- structing farmers about the plan. The western part of the county will be canvassed later. Waterloo county is proceeding early next month to have cattle owners canvassed. Reforestation Planting or Natural Reproduction By I. C. Mar-ritt There has been an intense inter- est in conservation and reforestation the past two years in Southern 0n- tario. It is realized by many think- ing people that too great a percent- age-of the land has been cleared in the fine agricultural sections, and there are many thousands acres of sub-marginal lands that are growing practically nothing of value, but fair financial returns would be received if trees were growing. Much of this poor land has to 'be planted as there are no seed trees. Floods are liable to occur on many of the rivers and creeks, wells and springs go dry,_ and winds have an open sweep, thus making it more difficult to grow agricultural crops. cw Reforestation is a neceSSity in On- tario. The method and the agency that should do the work should be determined. Many think only of planting when reforestation is men- tioned. They do not realize that re- forektation includes natural repro- duction. An area can be reforested naturally ‘if there are trees growing on or adjacent to .the area that is to be reforested. Tree seeds ripen on the tree and fall to the ground. Some of thesevge‘rmdnate and a small tree has started to grow. It will grow into a large tree if it is protected from stock and fire, and if it sur- vives bhe competition of other trees The cost of reforestatiOn by nature is negligible when compared to plant- ing. The cost to the farmer is the loss of pasture and the fence to keep the stock out. Planting includes these and also nursery and planting costs. Another advantage of natural seeding is that 'it is more sure. This is especially true of poor sites. Trees will start and grow well on shallow soils, while it is very difficult to se- cure a stand {by planting. Deciduous trees require fairly close spacing (3- An advantage of planting over na- tural reproduction .is that only valu- able species may be grown, while the valuable and weed species grow in the woods that reproduces from seed. The reproduction: of the valuable spe- cies in a woods can be secured by removing the weed trees and leaving the more valuable to seed up the open places. The more valuable species would also be favoured in thinnings. 4‘feet) and the cost of planting at this spacing is very high. Many tree seeds .fell and' were blown around last fall and during the wflnter. Other species will have seed THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FOR THE BUSY FARMER ripening in early summer. Many of these seeds will germinate and they would grow into trees if the field is protected from fire and stock. Farmers who are fortunate to have woodland on the farm» should plan to do their part in refm‘estation by 'fencing at least from stock. Many have only a few acres left and they think that it, is hardly worthwhile._ ‘But even an acre of woodland will be a reservoir that will help to keep water in springs and wells. Preparing Report Milk Cost Production Carried on jointly by the Econom- ics Brainch, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and the Ontario i Agricultural College, Guelpl‘pJ thel technical work of the Farm Manage- ment and Millk Cost Project is (being promoted as rapidly as possible. This study was initiated by the organized milk producers of Ontario and was made possible by the cloaoperation of . 1,673 farmers located in all the ag-: ricuiltural sections of Ontario. Thes-e‘ farmers kept complete records of i ‘tlheir farm business for the year end- 'ing July 1, 1937. The field staff} :visited eacheo-operator to assist inl ,keeping the records, and‘ again, at! ' the year end, to check all details and ‘to make sure that the amounts were :complete. Eight hundred completed farm ac- counts have been received at the Otâ€" tawa office, and a representative group of completed account records had been secured from practically ev- ery Coulnty of Old Ontario, along with several records from producers who sell to the Whole milk markets of Northern Ontario towns and cities. The field staff began to collect re: cords in July, 1937, and cOmpleted the task in January, 1938. The farm account records which have been assembled, provide detail- ed information relative to milk pro- duction costs, along with a complete statement comceming the receipts and expemses of the whole farm busi- -..r V“ ness. It will be possible, for this reason, to prepare a report concern- ing milk production costs in all 10- calities and for all types of markets and, also, to present a full state- ment relative to the success or other- wise, of the Whole dairy farming business on each farm. The farm management phases of the study vw'll provide information relating to proâ€" duction yields per unit and will be particularly valuable as an aid to dairymen in increasing the net reve- nue of their farms. FQRNITL'RE', GARDEN TOOLS etc. The property of Saturday, March 26 Piano Atwater Kent Battery Radio in good shape 1 Low Dresser 1 Cuptboardl 1 Single Brass Bed, Springs and Mattress 1 Steel Bed 1 Folding Stretcher 1 Pull-out Couch 2 Bookcases 1 Chesterfield 1 Stand 2 Kitchen Tables 1 Steel Bed, Springs & Mattress 1 Large Chair 1 Cook Stove 1 Quebec Cook Stove 1 High Chair 1 Baby Crib Sip-rings and Mattress 1 Clothes Horse e 1 Sewing Machine, Domestic Quantity of Linoleum Electric Table Lamp Deering Mower, 5 ft. cut Gasoline Well Pump . Lawn Mower Curtains 2 Wheel Garden Hoe, good 1 Wheel Garden Hoe Pick, Shovels, Hoes Other articles too numerous to men- tion Also the material of a two story house, complete with joist, scantling, doors, windows, lath and plumbing will be offered for sale. Village of Maple Auction Sale TERMS:â€"CASH J. CARL SAIGEON. A . W. DEAN NORTH END A very successful supper party was held on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Leonard Harman, lead- er of the C.G.I.T. Thirteen members of' this newly organized group were present. Miss Edith Lewis of the Ontario Girls’ Work Board Associ- ‘ation was the guest speaker. A beau- ltiful solo was rendered. by Gertrude Henshaw, also a piano solo by Jean Umehara. Games were played which {brought a very happy evening $0 a i close. The Women’s Institute met last Wednesday afternoona’a the heme of Mrs. Robert Brown. The main fea- ture of the program; was an address given by Mrs, Phipps of Richmond Hill, County President of the W.C. ’I’EMPERAN (SEVILLE Don't forget the Benny Wilson, Champion and inspired leader of ex- convict men will be heard in St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges on- Monday, March 2lst. Everyfbodry welcome. A number from $15 community attended the euchre held in King Last Friday evening: A deVotional meeting of the A.Y. PA. was held on Monday evening at the Rectory. Lantern slides on Africa were shown'. Miss Nerb-em‘y gave a very interesting talk on Uganda. A duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Worrall. And if the Chinese win, you’ll soon be seeing» magazine articles headed : “Civilization menaced by increasing power of China.” Don’t blame the person who makes wise-cracks at your expense. His only chance to feel respectable is to belittle others. Lot 64, Rear of lst Concession, Whitchurch Twp. 1 Mile East of Yonge St., at Wilcox Lake WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23RD 1 Black Cow 1 Black Cow due March 25 Sale at 1 O’Clock CATTLE 1 Holstein Cow, lbred Nov. 26th 1 Ayrshire Cow, Abred Feb. 23rd 1 Black Cow, bred Dec. 29th 1 Red Cow, fat. 1 Jersey Cow, farrow 1 Steer, 1 year old 1 Heifer, 1 year old 12 Store Hogs 1 Binder, Deering 1 Mower, 5 ft. cut, Massey-Harris 1 Hay Tedder, McCormick 1 Hay Rake, Massey-Harris 1 Fertilizer Drill, 13 thoe, M.-H. 1 Seed Drill, 13 spouts, Frost; & Wood Cultivator, Masseyâ€"Harris Land Roller, 3 steel drums Clover Seed Table Set Pea Harvesters Harrow Cart Set 4 Section Harrows HHHHHH SALE AT 1.30 O’CLOCK TERMS:â€"CASH No Reserve as Farm Sold PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers Frost & Wood Binder, 6 ft. cut Deerin‘g Mower, 5 ft. cut Horse Rake Deering Drill, 13 Disc Stiff Tooth Cultivator, I.H.C. Spring Tooth Cultivator Disc Harrow, M.-H., Inthrow, near- Brown Gelding Black Mare Bay Mare 1y new No. 21 Fleury Plow; good; No. 21 Fleury Plow Bay Mare Set 4 Section- Barrows Set 3 Section Harrows Plow, No. 12 Fleury, tinlder Plow, No. 7 Wilkinson Plow, No. 7 Dick Gang Plow, Dick Big 4 Wagon, Speight pattern Wagon Box with spring seat Farm Truck Wagon with plank box Set Wagon Springs 4000 lbs. CARSON E. SMITH Lot 6, Concession 4, Vaughan Township (On No. 7 Highway at Edgeley) FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH Farm Stock, Implements WILLIAM SMITH IMPLEMENTS IMPLEMENTS HORSES CATTLE HORSES AUCTION SALE of Bay Horse AUCTION SALE of THE PROPERTY OF THE PROPERTY OF THURSDAY; MARCH 17th;.1.938; NBT QUITE: HOPEIJESS' Suithâ€"I would like_ to‘ marry your; daughter. Business Manâ€"Well” sir, you- can leave your name and‘ address, and' if nothing better‘ turns: up,» we «an notify you. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that WIL- FRED AUGUSTUS COTTLE STEAD of the City of Montreal, in the Com»- ty of Hcchelaga, in the Province of Quebec, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present or next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his Wife ELSIE MAY STEAD of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, onI the ground of adultery. DATED at Montreal, in the Prov- ince of Quebec, the 8th day of Feb- ruary, AD. 1938. No. 3 Wilkinson Plow Gang Plow, No. 5, Dick Set Harrows, 4 section Set Harrows Scuffler Heavy Wagon Set Wagon Springs Truck Wagon, iron wheels Hay Rack Top Buggy 1 Cut Set Sleighs Set Scale-s, cap. 2000 Lbs. Set Team Harness, nearly new Set Plow Harness Set Single Harness. Number of Horse Collars Number of Grain Bags Number of Sacks 1 Separator, Vega 1 Kitchen Table 1 Kitchen Cupboard Numerous other articles HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. er and Washstand ‘ 1 Single Bed: and Mattress 1 Extension Table 1 Kitchen Table 1 Cellar Table 1 Arm Chair 5 Dinner Chairs 6 Kitchen Chairs 1 Box Stove 2 Oil Heaters Number of Pictures 1 Iron Pot. 1 Meat Block 1 Large Meat Barrel Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles Ashphalt Roofing, Gyproc Telephone 27 A. S. FARMER, Auct. Pair Bob Sleighs, Speigh’t pattern Sleigh Box Hay Rack Cutter 2 Covered Buggies Democrat Wagon Fanning Mill, Kline Bag Truck Wheelbarrow 1 Pig Crate Grindstone 5 40-gal. Oil Drums Extension Ladder 18’ and 16’ Logging Chain Wheelbarrow FURNITURE Bed with Springs and Mattress Bed with Springs, Mattress, Dress- Ibreeching Set Double Harness, long tug Set Plow Harness Sets Single Harness Set Brass Mounted Harness OSMOND F. HOWE, 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario. RICHMOND HILL HARNESS

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