Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1938, p. 1

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We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon who celebrat- ed their fifty-fifth wedding anniver- sary on Monday, March 2lst. Mrs. J. Woods who fell on the icy sidewalk two weeks ago returned home from the General Hospital on Saturday and we wish her a speedy recovery. The March meeting of Zion Luth- eran Ladies’ Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Line on Wed- nesday, March 16th. The President, Mrs. J. Montgomery, presided. The Twenty-Third Psalm was read in unison followed by prayer by Rev. Huenergard. The topic, '“My part of other people’s faults,” was given by Mrs. Roy Keffer. A short talk on “Meditation” was given by Mrs. Huenergard. Supper was served by the committee. Table collection a- mounted to $20.30. Miss Elva Rusk of Toronto and Mr. Gordon Clarke of North Bay spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ingram. We wish you prosperity, health and happiness in the future, and may each rising sun remind you of the pleasant days paSSed in Maple. Our earnest hope is that we shall often again be cheered by your genial smile and presence and while We are sorry to part with you, we pray that the presence of the blessed Jesus may go with you to your new home, to brighten your life and lighten your labors. Signed on behalf of Maple Girls’ Softball Club. Bertha thanked the girls for the lovely gift. Lunch was served fol- lowed by dancing. It might appear like fulsome flatâ€" tery to enumerate your many excelâ€" lent qualities both of head and heart, your genial dispOSition, your many noible qualities which in private life shone forth in full lustre and en- deared you to us. And now, realiz- ing as we do, how much you will be missed in our village, we desire to make a more practical demonstration of our esteem and affection for you, than by mere words. We therefore ask that you accept this clock, not as a measure, but as a token of the esteem in. which you are held by us. A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Orr on Saturday evening and With deep regret, we, your pals of Maple Girls’ Softball team, lately learned that it was your intention to remove from our midst, and We beâ€" gin to realize the loss We have sus- tained. We desire to take this op- portunity to express our apprecia- tion of you as a pal during the years, that We have been permitted to en- joy your friendship. A large crowd attended the euchre and dance in the Masonic Hall on Monday evening. Twenty-four tables of euchre were played. The prizes Were won by ladies, Mrs. W. Crane, consolation Doris Taylor; gents, lst, Ross Robson, consolation Nelson Bice. The travelling prizes were won. by Mrs. E. Hadwen and Carl Saigeon. A feature of the evening was the presentation of a bedroom clock to Miss Bertha Thompson, a member of the softball team for the past four years. The presentation was made by Verna Peirey and the address as follows read by Jean In- gram: Dear Bertha :â€" “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” VOL. LVII. SIMON Simone MO. 2172 MIRIAM HOPKINS RAY MILLAN D _ IN _ TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 - 30 MAE WEST â€" EDMUND LOWE Every Day’s a Holiday ADDED HIT Dorothy Lamour in “THRILL OF A LIFETIME" WISE GIRL ADDED HIT ANN SHERIDAN - ROBERT ARMSTRONG SHE LOVED A FIREMAN New “MARCH OF TIME” N0. 4 SATURDAY & MONDAY, MARCH 26 - 28 TODAY & FRIDAY, MARCH 24 - 25 2 GREAT TREATS LOVE and HISSES MAPLE N EWSY NOTES BERNIE Ben NEWS ' Maple United Young Peeple met in the Sunday School room on Mon- day night, Douglas Crook, convvener. Scripture was read by Garrow Nixon and explained by Art Shaw. Maple orchestra played 2 selections after which Rev. McCrimmon gave his weekly address on Church Member- ship. The topic on Citizenship was given by Mr. E. Bowen of Teston. A duet by Hattie Armstrong and Douglas Crook brought the meeting to a close. The official syllabus is now ready. It contains contest rules, classes to be entered, and details of test pieces. Every teacher and student, whether interested in vocal, piano or instru- mental classes are urged to write to the secretary, Miss Bertha Andrews, Aurora, 0nt., for their copy. Outstanding adjudicators, well known in the musical life of Canada, have been engaged. Most of them have given a lifetime of study to their profession, and with it all, they come offering cheerful encourage- ment and constructive criticism to all those taking part. held a surprise party for Mr. V. Orr and Mrs. A. Campbell who; cele- brated their birthdays that day. Eu- chre was enjoyed and the prizes were won by, ladies, first, Reta JRlumble, consolation, Mrs. J. Watson. Gents, first, Mr. N. Rumble, consolation, Russell Hilliard. A most successful Euchre party was held by the Vaughan and Rich- mond Hill Veteran» Ladies’ Auxiliary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jar- vis, south Yonge Street. Prize win- ners for the evening were, ladies, Mrs. G. Bishop, Mrs. E. Rowden, consolation Mrs. Pollard; gents, Mr. Cox, Elgin Mills, Mr. Stan Woods, Carrville, consolation Mrs. Good, playing as gentleman. A delicious lunch was served in.- cluding a two-storey birthday cake with candles. Dr. C. R. Boulding, mayor, was elected president for 1938 and he has pledged his full support to these in charge. The Golden Key MissiOn Band held their work meeting in the Sunday School Hall on Monday afternoon with a good attendance. Next Monday the meeting will be under the direction of Miss Jean Rumble and Miss Gertie Lund. Plans have been made by the com- mittee for the best musical festival ever to be held here, especially so when we are commemorating Au- rora’s golden anniversary as a town. A series of 4 euchres for an aggre- gate prize will be held by the aux- iliary, the next euchre being held on Monday, April 4th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, Stop 24, Yonge Street, commencing at 8.30. Everybody welcome. Next Monday night the Young People and Sunday School are unit- ing when pictures will be given by Mr. M. Kinnee on his trip thrOugh the ‘United States. Third York Musical Festival Will be Held May 9 to 13 This Year at Aurora United Church _]N_ BIG BROWN EYES Write for your entry form to-day‘ AUXILIARY EUCHRE PARTY MUSICAL FESTIVAL NE‘VS CARY GRANT JOAN BENNETT Walter WINCHELL Yonge at Casilefield RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1938 "In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity” The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Lions Club was held at the Hotel Richmond Tuesday evenâ€" ing. The main business consisted of making plans for the Charter Night which will be held Tuesday evening, April 5th. District Governor L. W. Peterson of Windsor will attend and present the charter to the local club, and guests will be present from To- ronto, and several other Ontario cen- tres. The evening’s program will in- clude a banquet and dance and the local members are putting forth ev- ery effort to make the night a mem- orable one. Big Night Planned For Tuesday, April 5th â€" Lions \Vill Provide Transptrtation For Flower Show Visit Jim Hunter Talks To Milk Producers Lions Club Plans Fm Charter Nighi The local club has volunteered to supply cars to transport the pupils of the three senior rooms of the public school to the big flower show in Toronto next Thursday morning. The club also will provide book cov- ers with safety rules. to all students at the local public and high schools. The success of the first annual banquet of divisions N0. 5 and 6 of the Toronto Milk Producers Associ- ation held on Tuesday, March 15 at Agincourt was such as will make it the forerunner of many such delight- ful occtsions- to be sponsored by the producers of the only perfect food. 'Two hundred and fifty members sat down together and enjoyed an abun- dance of delicacies such as only the ladies of. Knox W.A., Agincourt could prepare. - Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem completed the success of this first annual banquet. V Euchre and Dance n-ext Wednes- day, March 30th. Ten prizes to be given away. Euchre at 8.30 p. m. sharp. Dancing to 1 am. Royal Arcadian Orchestra. Billy Hole, floor manager. Duncan Cowan, well known enter- tainer, provided the lighter tones of the evening with song and jest. Professor Drummond of the O. A. C. was introduced by Dr. Reynolds, president of the Toronto Producers Association, and its guest speaker, dealt with the plans in our present system of competitive marketing. Dr. Drummond pointed out that whereas the farmer is forced to sell to and buy from a few pewerful concerns who have limitleSs opportunity for co-operative price setting, he still buys and sells ts only one tiny mem- ber of a disunited industry comp0sed of many separate units. The only solution he asserted is through co- operation of the farmers on a much vaster scale than is at present pro- moted by the industry of agriculture. A large crowd attended the Euchre and Dance held under the auspices of Richvale Social Club on Wednps- day evening. Prize winners for 2 frames, Mrs. P. Hill, Mr. W. Snider. Euchre prize winners, ladies, Miss Hudson, Mrs. Underhill; gents, Mr. W. Snider, Mr. Goldie; Spot Dance, Miss D. Taylor and Mr. G. Patter- son; Miss T. Allen and Mr. Girley. Mr. J. Darlington of Todmorden acted as toast master, and with the assistance of Mr. Wm. Clark and Mr. Wm. Spears proposed the toasts to the King, the Association, and the ladies, respectively. Short addresses -by the association’s acting secretary, Mr. Bill Wilmot, and Ruby Reesor of Markham replied to the toasts to the Association and the ladies. Jim Hunter of the Toronto Even- ing Telegram was introduced by Bill Champion and addressed the gath- ering on the possible effect extens- ive advertising might have on the further consumptibn of milk. Mr. Hunter was the lone representative of consumer interests on the program tnd as such he extended to the mem- bers his best wishes for their suc- cess, and his belief that if more per- fect understanding could be made to exist between consumer and produc- er, the interests of both could be better served from the point of view of more definite knowledge concern- ing- the disposal of the apparently overâ€"sufficient spread between the prices received by the producer and the distributor for the same product. RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB iDick the Amateur GardenerDelighls ‘ Large Audience A crowd which taxed the seating capacity of the Municipal Hall on Wednesday night listened with in- terest to a very instructive and en- tertaining address by “Dick, the ama- teur Garden-er” of'Hamilton. The genial Dick proved to be just as in- formal and informative as his many radio listeners had been led to ex- pect, and altogether it was an en- joyable evening. His advice on fer- tilizing and cultivating was invalu-.- able. “Before thinking of planting think of fertilizing. The ground is like a bank, you must put something in to get something out. Healthy growing plants are free from disease and insects, therefore seed heavily to get the joy out of your garden." The value of the demonstration of Bottle Gardening will be seen at the Fall Flower Show. Dick presented the following lucky prize winners with prizes of plant food, etc.: Mrs. A. A. Eden, Mrs. Vandyke, Mrs. Srig- ley and Arthur Barraclough. Important owling Meeting on Tuesday Dick stressed the beauty of the new Russell Lupins, seeds of Which are included in the premiums of the Horticultural Society this year, and the president, R. D: Little, urged all those who intend joining this year to give their membership fee to the secretary as soon as possible in order that they may obtain some of these seeds. A vote of thanks to the speaker was moved by_M1'. A. Teal. Address Popular'Featurc of Horti- cultural Meeting Wednesday Night An important meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Bowling Club will be held in the Municipal Hall next Tuesday evening, March 29th at 8 p.m. for the election of officers and other im- portant business. If there is to be bowling here in the coming summer it is essential that matters of organ- ization and plans for the fixing of the greens be attended to at once. The officers are anxious that every- one interested in seeing this pOpular summer game go ahead in\Rich1nond Hill this year make a special effort to attend this meeting. Y.P.U. on Sun-day evening was un- der the direction of Eleanor Hea- cock who gave a paper on the Life of Mr. Kellog. Mrs. Taggart also spoke on the topic “Christ or Chaos” and gave a poem, “The Little Pil- grim or Jesus Pays the Fare”. The Box Social on the evening of Tuesday, March 1i5th, was a very en- joyable event. Mr. Pratt auctioned and the bidding was good. There was an attendance of thirty. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. E. Carson with an enthusiastic gath- ering. Mrs. A. Constable read an article on “Joy” and Mrs. Neil Mal- loy also spoke on “Joy.” A social event was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rey Wilson on Friday evening, March 18, when over thirty guests assembled, the oc- casion being a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Cecil Walker, King. The evening passed pleasantly in eu- chre. Lunch was served with a birthday cake and all the good things that' go with it. (Cookstown Advocate) A large number attended B. M. Jebb’s sale of farm stock and im- plements. Exceptional prices were realized under the hammer wielded by L. M. Rutledge, auctioneer. The average price of horses was $180; cows brought an average of $80 and three sows were sold at $150. Mrs. Hopper who has been home for a few weeks with her sister and father, Mr. J. McLaughlin, has re- turned to Buffalo. Miss Dorothy Castator is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roy COOper. The many friends of Mrs. McGIus- key of Toronto, will be pleased to hear she is improving in health. Things work out. The woman who has the money to fill her house with fancy junk also has a servant to dust it. All Interested Urged STOCK PRICES GOOD TESTON to Attend POPULAR SCIENCE : M0660“00WMWO”MOM Well, has summer come? Prema-Ithy is extended to her in the 10s. ture summer, surely, but it is re- lof her brother. sponsible for a different topic of" Mr. Reynolds had resided in th‘l' conversation for the men and ladies, community for about six years namely, seeding and housecleaning. spending the past three at the hom And who does not welcome a change of Mr. R. E. Perkins. Quite a num of occupation- Report has it that ber from here attended his funera Spring never came in so warm for on Monday afternoon. The Sunda: ninety years. Here’s hOping it is School, Y.P.U., Jr. Farmers and Jr a forerunner of a pleasant season. Institute sent flowers. On Sunday. evening, March 27th at the usual hour of 7.30 Rev. J. C. Cochrane of the Home Mission Board will give an illustrated lecture on» his work in Northern Ontario at the regular Y.P.U. service, which will be held in the main body of the church. Several neighboring societies are giv- ing the accompanying programme. Everyone in the community and sur- rounding communities are cordially invited to attend. Messrs. Ernie Jackson and Charles Kerswell are in the General Hospital undergoing an operation. We wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Read and- family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sanderson: on Saturday evening last. Mr. Bill Thompson has been enâ€" gaged again to work for Mr. R. E. Sanderson this summer. Mrs; Bert Hayden of Hamilton, ac- companied by her friend, Mrs. Hogan, visited her son Bobby at the home of Mrs. A. Mortson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dennis with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke spent Sunday afternoon at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis. Miss Dorothy Oliver is spending a month’s vacation at the homes of her many friends. We regret to learn that Mrs. Lizzie BoyntOn is on the sick list. Great sympathy is felt for Mrs. Louis ,Stoutenburg in the recent loss of’vher sister, Miss Watson of New- market. We are glad to see Mr. Donald Pickering able to be out on crutches. We hope he will soon be as good as new. Miss Vera Nichols and her group are‘to be congratulated on present- ing such a splendid programme last Sunday- evening. MiSs BeSSie Valli- ere gave a splendid paper and led in a discussion. The Misses Henderson of Gormley sang twice very beauti- fully. We certainly appreciate the assistance given so willingly by the members of other churches. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frisby enter- tained some friends to tea last Sun- day evening. This community was saddened on learning of the death of M1“. James Reynolds on Saturday in the Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Reynolds was very ill in the hospital for sev- eral months prior to his last illness. He had apparently recovered from it but suffered a very heavy cold later which developed into pneumonia and after suffering for two weeks he passed away. Mrs. Whittendon, a sister, who lives in New York, was with him during the last week and when he passed away. Our sympa- Mr. Allbert Mortson and his moth- er called on friends in Victoria Square on Tuesday. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES SING‘LE COPIES 5c. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Robert Jones, a lifelong residen‘ of this district and for the past 2. years proprietor of the Maple Hote, died suddenly last Thursday, Marc‘; 17th. The funeral was held last Sat urday and was largely attended 1) friends and relatives. The servic- was conducted by Rev. J. R. MC Crimmon assisted ‘by Rev. C. H Bowman and hymns sung at the in: pressive service were “Nearer My God to Thee” and “Safe in the Arm of Jesus”. Miss Ruth Robinson 0 Toronto, formerly of Maple rendere the solo “Abide with Me” accom panied by Mrs. Barber of Torontc The late Mr. Jones who was it his 77th year was born in Devon shire, England and came to Mapl' district when he was eight years old He had been in ailing health sine last October but was able to get u" and around again about ‘three week ago. The end however came sudden 1y last Thursday. He is survived by his widow, :fcr~ merly Amanda Carlyle who was mar» ried to him thirty-eight. years ago. five daughters, Mrs. A. Leslie, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. J. Marshall, of To ronto, Irene and Eleanor at hOme. and four sons, Herb and Arthur (M Toronto and Percy and Robert at home. There are three brothers. Peter and Albert of Vaughan Town ship and Mr. J. Jinks 1n: Chicago also three sisters, Mrs. W. Brow; and Mrs. W. West of Toronto an. Mrs. A. Tiffen of Bracebridge. Interment took place in Maple C:- metery, the pallbearers being: J Shunk, S. Deagle, W. 0'. McDonald W. Cousins, W. Armstrong, F. Had low. “Scanning” enables you to read 9 whole line at once and finish a book in an hour. The only fault in it is that you can’t remember what the book was about. a wide circle of friends who join with The Liberal in extending sym« pathy to the bereaved family: T Eaton 00., Maple Girls’ Softball Club, Peter Jones and family, Sidnc,’ Jones and family, Nora Steele, In- gersoll; Mr. and Mrs. Back, Mr. and Mrs. Kearns, Albert Jones and fam- ily, Reynold Keffer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pilson, Martin family, Mr. anil Mrs. West and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs‘ Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Bone, Miss B, Den-nrie, Mrs. Tulton, Maple Women's Institute. The following floral tributes weri evidence of the sincere sympathy 0 LATE OBITUARY ROBERT JONES

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