It is with some diffidence that I continue the debate; when We stop to consider the social, industrial and financial condition of Ontario, as well as other provinces in the Dominion of Canada, the large number of peo- ple on relief, the ever increasing numbers receiving Old Age Pension and Mothers’ Allowance; the army of unemployed and the burden of debt and taxation resting on-those who are still able to pay. And then, we think of the industrial chaOS ex- isting- in the great republic to the south of us, and remember that con- ditions there reflect on our national life; and worse still, the jealousy, distrust and hatred that prevails in the whole of EurOpe, with war clouds hanging over the nations that may burst any moment and precipitate the world in the worst slaughter we have ever known. It makes us won- der just where we are heading, and what the end of it all will be. But, Mr. Speaker, I am c0nfident of this, that every Member of this House, if put to the test, will show by his words and actions that he has a keen sense of patriotism, and that his chief concern is for the welfare of the people of Ontario and Canada. During the three sessions of the last parliament, the Opposition were like a lot of hornets that had been disturbed in their nest, and saw fit to oppose every piece of important E. J. Davis, Sir Allan Aylesw0rth and the present Prime Minister of Canada. How weak anything I may say must seem in comparison. I can only claim a sincerity of purpOSe and a desire to serve faithfully those who have honored me with their con- fidence. Some-of the members have had a good deal to say about their ridings. North York has been represented by some of the leading lights in the na- tional life of Canada. A little more than one hundred years ago William Lyon- MacKenzie, the father of Re- sponsible Government: in Upper Can- ada, was fighting the battles of the people. He did not live to realise all for which he contended, but every reform for which he stood then, will he found written on the statute books of Canada today. Other great men who have represented North York have been Sir William Muloek, Hon. May I say at the outset that all the nice words said by those who have already spoken, on behalf of the mover and seconder of the ad- dress, the words of regret at the passing of the late member for East Lambton and the words of sympathy for those who are left to mourn the loss, have truly expressed my own feelings. The following is verbatim report of the speech delivered in the On- tario Legislature last week by“ Mor- gan Baker, M.-L.A. North York. Mr. Baker is recognized as one Of the ablest orators in the Legislature and he received compliments from mem- bers on both sides of the house on his address which reviewed many in- teresting items of provincial affairs. Mr. Speaker: Morgan Baker, North York MLA. Appears For United Eflori to j Solve Our Nationai Problems "YOR’K COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†VOL. LVII. O’BRIEN SHE‘I‘é'I‘bAN ï¬â€˜Ã©i'iiiï¬i†TO-DAY & FRIDAY, MARCH' 31 & APRIL 1 CLAUDETTE JOHN CHARLES COLBERT Barrymore BOYER MO. 2172 ADDED HIT_ Wendy Barrie “PRESCRIPTION FOR ROMANCE†EXTRA CHARLIE McCARTHY in “PURE FUED†TYRONE LORETTA YOUNG POWER “ SECOND HONEYMOON †TUESDAY & WEDEESDAY, APRIL SATURDAY & MONDAY, APRIL 2 PAT ANN HU1 ADDED HIT Preston Foster “DOUBLE DANGER†“ SAN QUENTIN †ADDED TREAT CLIFF EDWARDS in “BAD GUY†Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have been a member of the Government led by the Hon. M. F. Hepburn since 1934. I feel I can safely say that more has been accomplished in that time than in any like period during this century. The people owe a good deal to the fearlessness of our leader, and to his Cabinet as well. They found things in a pretty bad mess in 1934 because of the maladministra- tion of a former government. De- ficits were found in almost every de- partment, and debt increasing at a tremendous rate. To correct this re- quired ability, foresight and courage, and all these qualities the people found in: our leader. To uproot from the soil of the Province abuses to which the people had been too IOng subjected, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet did not take the easy way, but the hard road. Cancelling the Hydro contracts wasn’t the easy thing to do, but it was the right thing to do. The easy thing to have done was to have left the contracts as they were, and blame the govern- ment who betrayed the people by en- tering into them. But there would have been no reduction; in the cost of power, and industry in Ontario would have been at a serious disad- vantage. There would have been no (Continued on Page Seven) legislation enacted by the Govern- ment. The function of the opposi- tion is to criticizeâ€"I find no fault with that, but it is also their duty to assist and support legislation. The pe0ple so spoke on October the 6th. I think the Opposition have learned the lesson, for the three day session held a short time ago saw thOse who sit across the way co-Operating with the Government in passing legisla- tion necessary for the collection of Succession Duties, and also saw the Government accepting an amendment from the Opposition. This is as it should be, and I hope the same coâ€" operation will be shown throughout this entire Session. I feel that in view of the serious conditions con- fronting us, we should rise above partyism'and unite our efforts in passing legislation that will be of service to the people of Ontario, and so play our part in solving those problems that are national in their scope. HUMPHREY Yongé at Castlefield aï¬ RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 3lst, 193 I Thousands Attend I National Flower “Show This W953? (Dress for the Troops) Berets and Medals. The Committee reports a record attendance and it is expected that it will be the largest Banquet ever held by the Association. For further information refer to Major A. G. Condie, Chairman, James Muston, Treasurer, or James Butler, Secretary of ,Banquet Committee. A general meeting of the Banquet Comâ€" mittee will be held at the Carls Rite Hotel Thursday evening, March 31 at 8 pm. VETERANS ATTENTION ‘The York County Veterans Ban- quet in honour of Benjamin Frank- lin Cox will be held at the Carls Rite Hotel on. Saturday evening, Ap- ril 2, 1938 at 7.30 pm. The follow- ing gentlemen have accepted invita- tions to attend, The Rik. Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C., M.G., Mr. Mor- gan Baker, M.L.A., Major H. A. C. Breuls, P.C. Magistrate William Keith, Major Alexander McKenzie, Lt. Col. W. P. Mulock, K.C., M.P., Col. Burton, and many of the Reeves of the Municipalities and others. And evoke-interest it does. Never before in Canada has such a display of tropical orchids been seen. Never before such a profusion of multi- coloured tulips. Such a riot of c01- our is impossible to describe. A Wordsworth, 3 Shelley or a Keats would find great difficulty in doing justice with mere words to this c01- ourful array of Nature‘s handicraft. One must see the gorgeous gardens, the regal roses, the dazzling daffo- dils and the hundreds of other spe- cies, to really appreciate them. In Toronto, in the Automotive Building at the Exhibition grounds, the National Flower and Garden Show is a mecca of all flower lovers, and thousands will make their pil- grimage to this shrine of flowers and beauty. The visitors this week numbered many from Richmond Hill and, all parts of York County and all who have witnessed the spectacle have been loud in praise of its beauty. If you have not already visite<i the show we heartily recommend that you do so before it closes Saturday. Products of Richmond Hill nurseries and greenhouses are prominent a- mong the displays which creates add~ ed interest for local visitors to the big show. Here, at the Flower Show which runs until April second, one seems to get very close to nature. In a message from the Right Honourable W. L. Mackenzie King, P.C., C.M.G., LL.D., M.P., Prime Minister of Can'- ada, he says: “A flower showâ€"like a gardenâ€"is a partnership between man and nature, the aim of which is beauty. There is an ancient Chin- ese proverb which says: ‘If you have two loaves, sell one and buy a lily.’ In these days, when the material values of life threaten, at times, the Spiritual and aesthetic, it is a source of deep gratification that the Na- tional Flower and Garden Show, should evoke the widespread and acâ€" tive interest it does throughout the United States and Canada.†Last Thursday the National Flow: er and Garden Show opened its gates to an enthusiastic crowd of' flower lovers. Those who went expecting much were amazed to find’ their greatest expectations were far exv ceeded by the gorgeous blooms, the colourful plants, and the magnificent gardens. On every side we heard gasps of astonishment as some beau: tiful and exotic bloom flashed upon the eye. FLOWER SHOW OPENS AMID A BLAZE 0F COLOUR; “In Essenjialg, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity†area. Mrs. Roger ’Self presided over the gathering and Miss Evelyn Mit- chell, Travelling Secretary for the organization, gave the address at the luncheon hour; which was served in the school room by the ladies of the local organization. A most success- ful and delightful day was enjoyed by all the delegates present. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ ATTENTION Now is the time to prepare your exhibit for the Richmond Hill Hobby Show Friday, April 22nd. For par- ticulars see posters or communicate with Mr. James Ley Jr., Secretary, who will be pleased to furnish copies. W. M. S. RALLY Upwards of two hundred womenâ€"~ members of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the United Church of the Toronto Centre Presbyterial â€" held their Spring Rally in Richmond Hill United Church yesterday. A special car brought about one hundred lad- ies from Toronto, and as many more came from the churches in the rural It is regretted that for a period during the spring freshet the water is very turbid in appearance but this turbidity is not due intestinal conâ€" tamination. In contrast to the exâ€" cellent reports of examinations of town water, a number of tests have been made of private wells and many of these have tested D, which means that the water is unfit to drink with- out either boiling' 01' chlorinating‘. Wells are very liable to contaminaâ€" tion, with intestinal bacteria we to the increasing number of septic tanks used in the municipality. Tests done weekly by the Provin- eial Department of Health, show that Richmond Hill's water supply is in excellent condition. All tests for many weeks have been reported A, which means that methods being used in filtration and chlorination are sufficient to provide absolute safety in our drinking water. Among the feature attractions at the National, Flower Show in Toronto this week are the several displays of Endean. Nurseries of Richmond Hill, which have merited. the must coveted awards of judges and worn the praise of thousands of visitors. The Liberal joins with the citizens of this district in extending congraâ€" tulations to Endean, Nurseries in winning the following awards: Gold Medal for Rock Garden, Gold Medal for Formal Garden, Silver Medal for trade booth, first prize for Rack Garden and First fOr group‘ of flow- ering shrubs, second; prizes fOr- prim- ula Garden, Rhododendron or AzaIia garden, and for six specimen“ La- burnam, as well as special prizes for foundation planting and formal gar-â€" den. Richmond Hll Water Supply ELK. Endean Nurseries Win Many Awards at Flower Show An enthusiastic meeting of the Richmond Hill B0wling, Club was held in the Municipal Hall Tuesday even- ing when- plans for the coming sea- son were discussed and oï¬ficers for the year elected. L. H- Clement, president of the club for the past two years, presided for: the opening business when reports of last year's activities were presented. Mr. C. P. Wiley presided for the election of officers which resulted in the elec- tion of the following: Homorary Preâ€" sidents, Col. W. P. Mulock, MP. and Morgan Baker, M.L.A.; President, W". W A. Trench; Vice-President, J. E. Smith; Sec.-T'reas., James D- Mc- Lean. Steps are being taken imme- diately to put the greens in first class shape and J. A. Mabley was appointed as green-keeper. Memb- ership fees for the year were fixed at the following rates: men $5.00; ladies $2.00; junior bowlers (new or second year)‘ $3.00. W. W. Trench Elected Pres‘ulent and James D. McLean is Sec.-Treas. BOWLERS MAKE PLANS FOR THE COMING SEASON R. L. Langstaff, M.O.H hear him. Mr. Gordon Mortson, Misses Viola Avisonv and Eloise Perkins attended the “Red and White†banquet in To- ronto last week. We regret very much to report that Mrs. Grace Boynton is very, very ill. Her many, many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Stanley Boyntonx is very ill and has required the services of a nurse. Miss Annie Avison is the nurse in charge. We wish for her a very speedy recovery. Mr. Henry Macdonald and Miss Velma Carson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson on Sun- day afternoon. Rev. J. C. Cochrane, Mr.- Gordon and Miss Ethel Mortson were guests of Miss Mable Sanderson on'- Sunday last. Misses Annie and Viola Avison have returned home after‘s-pending a few days near Barrie. Mr. Pryer, an agricultural mis- sionary, is to be the guest "speaker at the church service next Sunday afternoon. Mr. Pryer is an excellent speaker and everyone is invited to hear him. several of the societies assisted in the splendid program. Mr. J. C. Cochrane of North Bay and repre- sentative of the United Church Mis- sion Board of the north, was guest speaker. He showed‘ his audience slides of his work and explained them in a very humorous and‘ impressive manner. Everyone enjoyed his talk and the collection showed the inter- est aroused in the people present. The collection Was given to Mix. Cochrane to carry on his work. in the north. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Lizzie Boyntom is very much im- proved. Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis paid a visit at the Western Hospital on Tuesday where their; daughter is a patient. Mrsr Samuel Raeburn (Kath- leen Dennis) has presented them with a lovely granddaughter, Isobel Kathleen. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn. Mrs. Byron Robertson is und‘er- the doctor’s care. We hope she wilt soon recover her usual‘ good health. The Young People’s Union appre- ciated very much the response given to their invitation to attend their meeting last Sunday evening. The church was filled to capacity and Well, is March going out like a lamb? A11 signs point that way so let us begin to make our plans for. spring housecleaning' and seeding, ladies and gentlemen. Canada’s Pawmzite Tea VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES SINGLE COPIES 50. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Another successful Euchre and Dance was held under the auspices of Richvale Social Club on Wednes~~ day evening. Prize winners were, ladies, Mrs. Stunden, Mrs. Norris. gents, W. Johnson, W. Adams. Win- ners for 2 frames, Mrs. Sparks, Mr. R. Evans. Spot dance, Mrs. Reid and J. Patterson. Euchre and Dance held next Wed- nesday evening in Richvale School. Euchre at 8.30 o’cloek sharp. Danc- ing to 1 am. Good prizes. Schooi Chiidren Visited Flower Show To-day One hundred: and twenty pupils from the three senior rooms of Rich- mond Hill Public School visited the National Flower Show in Toronto this morning. Transportation for the children was provided through the courtesy of the Lions Club and at 8.30 some twenty cars with police escort drew away from the school loaded with happy youngsters bound for the big show. The cavalcade was met at the city limits by City of Toronto motorcycle officers and the trip to the exhibition grounds was made with the minimum of inâ€" convenience, stop lights, street cars, and» everything in the way of traf- fic giving way to the Richmond Hill party. The children were escorted through the building and privileged to view all the w_onders of the big Show. Mr. Walter Ridley and Miss Alma Attwoodf attended the Miscellaneous Shower: given to Mr. and Mrs. LIOyd Beatty at Brown’s Corners last week. cial part after lunch. The Johnson orchestra will be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis, Masâ€" ters Isaac Williamson and Bobby Haydon motored to the home of 11‘s., Lizzie Williams of Pickering on Sunâ€" day. Next Tuesday evening will be a very special evening at the joint meeting of the Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute. Poplar Plains sOcieties are visiting the local societies and providing the pxogram. Also there will be the presentation of the prizes won by the, Jr; Farmers at the Seed Fair, Markham, a few weeks ago. Everybody welcome to this part of the program as well as to the so- RICHVALE SOCIAIL CLUB No. 40