flab Uccu Luau» on.) van I(eeping to the right is the rule of the road, and it applies alike to pedestrians and all kinds of vehicular traf- fic. As in numerous other cases the law ought to be made simple and emphatic and people should be made thoroughly familiar with it. Actually, however, neither side of a traveHed highxvay is a safe {flace today for a person on foot. _ .1 1 11,,L _-AJA-L..:n“n lUUL. Complaint is not unfrequently made that pedestrians are themselves often to blame for accidents that occur. This is undoubtedly true in numerous instances, and partiâ€" cularly in the night-time when many persons who walk on the road are as careless of their own safety as of the ease of mind of those operating cars. Under present con- ditions people ought to avoid so far as is possible walking on the road in the night and if they are obliged so to do to either carry a light or wear something that will plainly identify their presence. Little children, however, cannot be held accountable for their actions; they cannot be expected to take care of themselves in traffic. Drivers must think of them and protect them. Elderly persons are at an equal disadvant- age. The mind may be clear but the footsteps falter and the necessary nimbleness has left their limbs. Drivers must look out for them, too, if needless highway fatalities are to be prevented. BOYCOTTING BUTTER Toronto Housewives’ Association of Toronto want to go on the air to continue their fight to bring the price of butter down to 30 cents per pound or less. It will cost good money to rent time from a broadcasting station, but the campaign is under way and expenses must be faced. L , L A ~..L...:L&AA buc yuunyuuéu “.2 ‘4an- A copy of the proposed address will have to be submitted to the manager of the broadcasting station so he can see whether or not he approves of what is to be said. The proposal is that for a week the housewives should boycott butter, and that sounds tough. Especially for the individual who likes the stuff spread fairly thick "and who is fond of putting a block of butter inside a baked potato. Fact is butter is scarce just at this time, and we are not catching up rapidly nor approaching with speed the point where it will once more be declared we have a large surplus on hand. When the surplus period arrives prices will not remain high. They will drop as they have dropped before, and they may even go to the point where it is known and admitted to be utterly unprofitable to produce butter because of the low price, and when that time ar- rives we are certain the Toronto Housewives’ Association will have no further interest in the matter. The Toronto people have selected the wrong time to demonstrate the power of the boycott. If there is a slight dropping off in butter sales during the week it will make no appreciable difference and the amount which causes a surplus will not be increased. The amount of time and energy and the expenditure of money they are making would compensate fully for any increase they might have to pay for their butter. It is not possible apparently for them to see that the farmer is getting one of his much-4 needed breaks in securing a profitable rate for his butter fat, and that as the income of the farmerâ€"the primary producerâ€"increases, the prospects of some more money being spent in Toronto will also increase. If they could look far enough ahead the women in Toronto should be able to see that they are actually proposing to boycott themselves.â€"Peterboro Examiner. WHAT THE WAR HAS COST CANADA The cost to Canada of participation in the war of 1914â€"18 has been officially placed at one billion, six hunâ€" dred thousand dollars. “Lynn v vuvw..~. u..--.._~ That means, roughly, an average yearly [expenditure of 400 million dollars while the war was on. That is not far short of five times the annual expenditure of the Do- minion Government, for all purposes, eight years before the war began. - ._ . vvv 1-1 uxnv u an. Ivy Nor is this the end of the story. War expenditures while the war was in progress merely marked the beginning of the cost to Canada of participation in an old world con- flict. Pensions paid to Canadian war veterans amount, to the close of the last fiscal year, not far short of a bill- ion dollars and are now running at close to fifty millions a year. The taking over of what is now the Canadian National, in reality a war measure, has resulted in piling up of a National Railway debt of one billion dollars; and bonds represented by that debt are guaranteed by the Dominion Government. The direct national debt of Can- ada amounts to over three billion dollars; and at least three-fourths of that sum is directly or indirectly due to Canada’s participation in a war waged nearly three thouâ€" sand miles from our shores. Advertising Rates on Application. TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District not necessary to point out what the effect on this country would be of engaging in another like conflict. Austria annexed! Czechs Get French Pledge! Lonâ€" don Talks Conscription! Spain Collapsing! Navies Ready! War Fearedâ€"was ever human thought so bombarded with the world’s woes? What mental defenses are being raised against the constant impact of fear-spreadng headlines and radio reports? The remedy, of course, is not retreat from news, ex- cept in some cases where an appetite for excitement is fed by hourly doses of radio flashes. The remedy is better handling of the news by newspapers and broadcasters, and rational defense by listeners and readers. Those who pur- vey the news have an abiding obligation not to exploit a reasonable and right desire of the human mind for inform-t ation and interest. But the best of newspapers and radio commentators cannot protect the ultimate consumer un- less he keeps up his own guard and refuses to draw fear- ful or hateful conclusions from essential reports of major events. PAGE TWO The first step in defense is to recognize the need for THURSDAY, MARCH 3lst, 1938. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachem Smith, Manager DEFENSE AGAINST FEAR “THE LIBERAL†THE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO WHAT TO EAT TO BE HEALTHY Number One Great advances have been made in the scienCe of nutrition during the last few years, and no doubt further advances will be made in the future. However a number of fundamental principles essential for your good health have been established and are now universally recognized. In this series of articles entitled “What to Eat to be Healthy†we propose to tell you how our present knowledge can be applied in your life and the life of your family. ‘ Follow this series c105er and you will be in possession of absolutely reliable information on what foods you should eat and the importance they play in. maintaining normal health. mm [4.x IS 1 Many Andy's Many persons today, and you may be one of them, do not eat an ade- quate amount of all the food ele- ments necessary for the highest pos- sible level of health. As a conse- quence, malnutrition may result. But malnutrition is not a spectacular con- dition. For example, everyone knows that a lack of iron will result in the development of anaemia. The mildly anaemic person usually does not re- alize he is anaemia. His weight may be quite normal, and he may ‘be able to carry on with his every-day life, but he lacks energy and vigor. A deficiency of calcium in the diet may take years before it obviously affects your health, but eventually it will. ‘These are only two examples but many others might be given. There- fore, it behooves us to watch care- fully that our diet does c0ntain all the necessary food' elements in adeâ€" quate amounts. A HEALTH SERVICE or THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIF-‘E IncunANCE COMPANI IN CANADA What food elements are necessary for life and health? You may be surprised to know that there are no less than 30 â€"- iron, calcium, iodine, fat, carbohydrate, proteins, vitamins, and others. They may be arranged into five groups of food substances, the vitamins, the minerals, the pro- teins, the fats, and the carbohy- drates. A deficiency of any one of these essential food elements endan- gers your health. To gel. these five groups of foods and enjoy the highest possible level of health, take each day one-half to one pint of pasteurized milk (child- ren one and one-half pints), one egg, some meat, two vegetables besides potato, and some raw fruit. Vita- min D is also necessary in the win- ter months. to, will letter. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- 16 FISH ON ONE HOOK (Orillia Packet and Times) This is a real fish story and is vouched for. A young fisherman from 'Orillia the other day pulled up sixteen fish through the ice on one hook. That is something unique and worth of record. He caught a d'ogfish on his line and when he opened it there were fifteen herr- ing inside the dogfish. That is con- centrated fishing. An inspectb'r was examining a class in geography, and, addressing a small boy, he asked»: Inspectorâ€"“Now, sormy, would it be pOSSible for your father to walk around the earth?†Small Boyâ€"“No, sir!†Inspectorâ€"“Why not?†Small Boyâ€"“Because he fell down and hurt his leg yesterday.†it. Few of us realize how quick and how constant is the assault upon our thinking. _ - . Defense of course is active resistance. Efforts to igâ€" nore or dodge events are not defense. Behind the present wave of war fears, for instance, there are actual dangers. Dangers may be exaggerated by those who build their business on exciting reports. Defense may well begin with more than a grain of salt. It may well include a healthy skepticism which goes behind headlines and de-f mands facts, not rumors or “it is saids.†It should be equipped with the “long View of history†which often shows the superficiality of momentary alarms. iBut real defense against fear rnust be based on post tive confidence. And for many that is found ultimately only by turning to something greater than themselves. Ilothing cornbats fear er the cahn of reï¬gious contenr Iflation. Blost fear arises froni hehef in rnaternd injury or loss. blost hatred derives froni,rnaterial concepts of race or nationahty. VVhen thought is turned to spnï¬tual realities peace is achieved by the individual. And such peaceful thinking is not only a defense against the assaults of fear but a posï¬jve instrurnent for the destruction of the cause of fear. â€"â€" (From the Christian Science Mon- itor). be answered personally by HEALTHY Many writers are passing along Andy’s advice these days, telling us to “unlaxâ€. People are living under such strain and tension that according to Alvin i F. Harlow writing in Physical Cul-l ture for February the clenched or claw-like fist is the symbol of our times. Even our intern? tional rasp- ings are due to jittery nerves. We have ridden nature roughshod- and she is getting back at us by up-setting us with jumpy disposi- tion-s. Harlow tells of watching a human fly climbing a building a few years ago. Presently he noticed his own fingers were clenched, his palms sweating. We are warned. of the need of finding a few minutes each day to stretch out im a big chair or on the floor, permitting legs to straighten out limply. Palms of hands should be down, fingers nearly straight. We should let the body go limp. Another untangler of knotty nerves is slow walking, tarryinvg to look at whatever appeals for the moment. Hallow says, “With the same care of my nerves, I do not go to see dare-devils risk a ghastly death by way of public entertainment. I can find all the thrill I want in seeing a good baseball game, a sunrise in the country, a rare bird not often seen in my region and many other things which a more jaded palate might find tasteless.†Restless nights can become more restful by recalling a good play or movie or going over a happy even- in glistening to a good orchestra, an outing, a merry party, an automo- bile trip, a reunion with old friends or kinsmen‘, any happy experience. “What we need most of all to do is to loosen the strings a bit and tune to a somewhat lower tone; get off the raw whiskey-and-pepper sauce diet, find our thrills and our inter- ests in! less exciting thingsâ€"things of the mind: rather than the nerves; stop trying to travel two hundred miles an hour to some place where we don’t need to go; try to loosen the grip of the machine on our souls and recapture a little of the content- ment, the placidity of years not long past which many of us can still reâ€" member. And as a step in that di- rection, we must first cultivate the art of relaxation.†THIS YOUR TROUBLE? Canadian Pacific Has Newest In LOCOmotives Power, speed, an attractive semi- streamlined appearance, and the ability to haul heavy trans- continental trains more than 800 miles without change of engine are the outstanding features of 30 new 4â€"6-4 locomotives, numbering from 2820 to 2845), recently brought out by the Canadian Pa.â€" cific Railway. H. B. Bowen, chief of Motive Power and Rolling Stock, Cana- dian Pacific Railway, has em- bodied m the design of the loco- motives the popular semiâ€"stream- lined appearance which he first developed in the 3000 class Jubilee h'ne engines, as'well as many of are passing along Advertisement: i§;\§ARE AGUHSE 33‘? TO VALUE 60009099â€WOOMOOOONOWMOONOQOOMNW Tires from $1.00 up Glass installed While you wait â€"reasonable CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED “Tony Saves You Money†Phone Willowdale 272W York Auto Wreckers the other interesting details which were developed in connection with the Jubilee design, and which have been proven to be satisfactory in service. Even more important than the trim appearance of the new loco- motives, however, is their per- formance. Five of them, equipped with booster, each has a. tractive effort of 57,000 pounds, which means that one engine can haul 4,789 tons or a weight approxi- mating that of 100 loaded freight cars. As for staying powerâ€"they will be used on long runs such as the 813 miles of heavy grades and sharp curves between Tor- Experts can roughly estimate the value of a product by looking at it. More accurately, by handling and examining it. Its appearance, its texture, the “feel†and the balance of it all mean something to their trained eyes and fingers. But no one person can be an expert on steel, brass, wood, leather, foodstuffs, fabrics, and all of the materials that make up a list of personal purchases. And even experts are fooled, some- times, by concealed flaws and imperfections. There is a surer index of value than the senses of sight and touch â€" knowledge of the maker’s name and for what it stands. Here is the most certain method, except that of actual use, for judging the value of any manufactured goods. Here is the only guarantee against careless work- manship, or the use of shoddy materials. “IF IT’S FOR A CAR OR TRUCK WE HAVE IT†This is one important reason why it pays to read advertisements and to buy advertised goods. The product that is advertised is worthy of your confidence. MERCHANDISE MUST BE GOOD OR IT COULD NOT BE CONSISTENTLY ADVERTISED ‘ E 6189 Yonge St. [e 272W Newtonbrook Branch, Oak Ridges BUY ADVERTISED GOODS THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, 1938 Calgary, where they will operate without change of engine. Latest engineering developments are in- corporated in these newest Cana- dian locomotives, making them ideal either for fast passenger or heavy freight trains. This new group of locomotives together with 20 lighter locomo- tives of the 4-4-4 type now under construction, combined with the power already in service will give the Canadian Pacific Rail- way one of the largest fleets of powerful modern locomotives on the North American Continent.