Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1938, p. 4

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, PAGE FOUR â€"___â€"â€"______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Note and Comment The Weather on Tuesday, March 22 is said to be the warmest on record; Evidently the frogs thought that spring was here for they were singâ€" ing both on Monday and Tuesday evenings. We have heard of plow- ing in several instances already. PRESBYTERIAN \V.M.S. The Presbyterian W.M.S. are bold- ing their Easter meeting at the Manse on Thursday next, April 71h. A special Easter program is being prepared and Mrs. Wood, Supply Sec- retary, who has visited the stricken provinces will be guest speaker. Any donations of jam, jelly western #â€" W THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FARM BOYS' CLI'BS FOR 1938 It has .just been announced by the local Agricultural Representative. W. M. Cockburri. Newmarket, that the )l'U“‘I“¢ilillIle of boys' club work for; I :â€"~ . ‘last year will be carried on again for 1938, with the least club. 01 one new Formation l a new Boys' Potato Club in the ‘Mouiit ior marmalade will be very gratefully one Ontario woman has the unique , received at this meeting. These are to be sent along to Miss Murray who i distinction of being the daughter of , , . . a Congervative Senator and the wife is dorng a wonderful soc1al servicel of a Liberal cabinet minister. This work among the poor pimple as anl is Mrs Gordon Conant of Oghawa :Eastcr Offering from our society. We who is-a daughter of Senator}: D ‘ai‘e anxious that all the ladies of the Smith” 01 “.inOIH Ont (1nd Wife. Oil‘congrcgation will plan to attend this; Hon Gordon Conlart Attornewcem ‘meeting. Bring a friend and an Easâ€"i, eral of Ontario. tcr thank offering with you. TO FARMERS. A good supply of barley No. 21 suitable for seed. Also Banner and Victory Seed Oats. The above is all good grain. Phone 10. at the Elevator, I. D'. Rainer (3‘; Son. Ian Strachan, Liberal member of the Ontario Legislature for the St. George division of Toronto is a great grand son of Hon. Alexander Mc- Kenzie, who was first Liberal prime minister of Canada and who held that office from 1874 to 1878. He approached the judge with all kinds of politeness. He wanted a fayâ€"i or done. The judge asked what it was. “Your Honor. I'd like to get out of jury duty." Judgefi‘W’Vhy?" Manâ€"“I can only bear with one 'car." Judge (smiling and patting him on the backiâ€"“It's all right. We only hear one side 0f the case at a time." He (throwing stones into the wat- el‘)â€"“I’m just a little pebble in your life.” Sheâ€"“Then why not try being a little boulder?” We want the best and it is only fair that we should try also to furâ€" nish the best. ‘ Pl .0... AUCTION AE ‘ General Store and Dwelling Stock in trade, Store Equipment and Household Furniture The undersigned has received instructions to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH On the Premises, Highway No. 7, One Mile East of Langstaff The following property of the Estate of THE LATE PATRICK MAHER 1 Ice Refrigerator 1 Bed 1 Set Computing Scales Dresser Counters 1 Table Showcases 1 Bedroom Toilet Set Stock in trade 1 Suite, 3 Chairs and Table 1 Bookcase 1 Rug Store, Dwelling and Lot of one acre more or less situated at 1 Kitchen Glass Cupboard 1 Kitchen Table Oilcloth, Dishes and other articles ‘ . members bushels of rcgistcrcib oats or barley" corner of Sussex Ave. and NO. 7 Highway On this lot is a 4â€"room dwelling and store with good well of hard: water, a nurdber of fruit trees, house equipped with electric lights, also a woodshed and other outbuildings. Terms of PrOperty 10% cash and balance in 30 days. Property: sold subject to a reserve bid 3 Terms for Chattels, Cash ‘ Sale at 2 pm. Sharp KEN. PRENTICE, Auctioneer. W” Resourceful Men Consult LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS HE up-and-coming citizens who get things done know where to turn when they want something. . . . They consult the Classified Col- umns of The Liberal. . . . If they do not find it listed there they then turn to their phone, tell The Liberal to insert an ad . . . and get results. . . . If you want a job, a house, an automobile, a garage, a room, some work done, furniture re- paired or sell a house, automobile, horse, cow, radio, etc., etc. . . . Use The Liberal Classified Ads. . . . Try The Liberal Classified Ads. . . . . They are wonder workers. . . . THE LIBERAL Phone 9 Richmond Hill Aloert district was especially askt'd for by Mr. (‘orkburn and approval graiitcd by the Dept. of Agriculâ€" ' ture. The Calf Club which was so sucâ€" cessfully sponsored last year by the ‘Woodbridgc Agricultural Society for the boys west of Yonge St. will be operated for another year and sevâ€" eral of the boys have their calves already. Markham Foal Club, sponâ€" sored by the Agricultural Society thcrc, promises to have a member- ship still larger than last year. The north end oi" the (‘ounty offers lhc boys an opportunity through Grain ('lubs which we understand will like-, ly be sponsored by a local servicc club. The boys in the 19:37 ("lob will seed at least five acres the product of last year's acre which l N cw tw 0 was sown to registered soul, will start off with which the Agricultural tivc will assist them to s(‘ciii‘c. this seed will be treated by the boys with the new mercury dust treat- ment to prevent smut, root rot, crown rot, blights and other diseases. The agesin this club work are 12 to 20 inclusive, except in the Foal Club where the minimum age is fourteen. All boys interested should get in Representaâ€" touch with the Department of Agriâ€", culture at Newmarket or the secreâ€" tary of the sponsoring organizatiori. “DON'T ['SE BIG WORDS" (PictOn (N.S.) Arlyocate) In promulgating your esoteric cog- itatiorrs or articulating your super- ficial sentiincntalities and amicable philosophical or psychological obser- vations, beware of platitudinous ponâ€" derosity. Let your conversational communications possess a clarficd conciseness, a compact comprehen- . siibleness, coalescent consistency, and a concatenated cogency. Eschew all conglorirer‘ations of flatulcnt garrul- ity. jejune babblement and asinine af- fectations. Let your extemporancous descantings and unpremeditated ex- pectations have intelligibility and voracious vivacity without rhode- montade or phrasical bombast. Sedu- lously avoid all polysyllable profund- ity, pompous prolixity, psittaceous vacuity, ventriloquent vapidity. Shun I double entendres, prurient jocisity, and pestiferous profanity, observant or otherwise. In other words, talk plain, briefly, naturally, sensibly. Say what you. mean, mean what you say, and “Don't use big words.” VERSE-SPEAKING COMPETITION At the final meeting of the Lit- erary Society there will be a verse- speaking competition. Two contest- ants will be chosen from the twenty entries to represent the school at the Fourth Annual Verseâ€"Speaking Comâ€" petition to be held in Toronto on April 20 in the Auditorium of Har- bord Collegiate Institute. Five final- ists will be chosen from a prelimin- ary adjudication in the afternoon to participate in the evening programme at which the Provincial Champion will be chosen. The latter will reâ€" ceive a cup to be retained by his or her school; all five finalists will re- ceive some recognition. Each en- trant must prepare two selections, one from a group of Dramatic Poe- try and one from a group of Lyric Poetry. The local competition will be judged by Rev. Claude Secrett of Wiillowdale, Miss B. Pittman, M.A., principal of St. Agnes’ School, Al- bany, N.Y., and Miss Izzard. The purpose of this competition sponsored by the Theatrical Arts Committee of the Ontario Educational Association is to encourage an awakening of in- terest in spoken verse. One of our grocer‘ymen had a lot of explaining to do this Week. A lady walked into his store and asked for some spuds. The groceryman handed her a package of cigarettes. The lady happened to be a devout W. C. T. U. member and the poor grocery- man is not sure yet whether his ex- planation was all right or whether he lost a customer. The successful man is one who keeps his feet on the ground at all times, but who is never afraid to look up and ahead...Our immediate task is to do the work at hand the best we can...But we should still find time to dream of the plan for tomorrow. Vaughan Council . The regular April meeting the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall. Vellore Monday, April 4th 11.00 A.M. for the transaction of General Business DATED at Maple this 315t day of March, 1938. of addition of at‘ TESTON Charles Robson presided over the Y.P.U. meeting Sunday evening and also gave a l'tfi(lll’i,‘I. Scripture l 01‘. by Jean Robson on Temptation was interesting. ___â€"â€"â€"â€" lesson was read responsivelyz A poem ‘ The topic was taken by ‘ THURSDAY. MARCH 31st, 1938.. ; Classified Advs. THIS IS TIIE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST- OF IT RATESâ€"Five l;nes or loss, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per has extra. each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. with , All i ‘Mrs. (Rc\'.l McCrimmon of Maple FOR SA LE l on “Experiences as )Ii>.\icitial'_\' in; British Columbia" and was quite, . . W- thrilling ard many favorable comâ€"l :AY PERCIIERON GELDIXG. 1.; ments were made by those present. L. Clubine, Richmond 11111, telephone] On Good Friday evening Unionl4515, Lenten Services will be held in the, King United Church. Roy. McCrimâ€" ‘ MAMMOTH BRONZE inon of Maple will be in Charge ofllmo Burton, Cai'rville Road, the devotional service. Moving pic/Molde 7‘34. turcs will be shown, the theme of1 ‘onc set being “The Lord “'ill Pro- :vidc." All are welcome and should' ‘zrttcnd this fine service. COBBLER. phone WHITE PEKIN duck eggs for batchâ€" ing. Leo Burton, Carrvillc Road or phone Maple 764. 1 Friends are pleased to hear that. the Pastor. Rcv. D. Davis is improvâ€" irg in health. ROSELAVVN DAIRY HORSES. Apâ€" L. C. Burton, Carrville Road. 2" Yonge Street. , ply Stop GOOD GOOSE WHEAT for seed and a few bushels of peas. John Boy- .ington, phone AginCOurt 512. .0, April fool comes but once a year, ithe olhcr kind come every day. i The word “April” is ‘crivcd from ‘1hc Latin nporirc, to open, as the‘ ,bnds begin to open at this timc of the year. In Nero's time the month iwas calch Nt-roncus. HOUSE. six rooms, 1‘i_» acres of land, garage. other buildings, paved street, ; ncar Yonge St. Phone 1084â€"2 Thorn- ‘ l . hill. ’i-flwéfl’f GOOD HARDWOOD SLABS, $9.50 FOR SALE , per cord delivered, cut any length. La'ngstaff Supply Co., phone Thorn- Must be sold by May lst', two oneâ€" ‘ .quarter acre lots in Ilutt-onvillc, part hill ‘73. of lot l-i, con. 4. Markham Townâ€" ship. On one lot there is erected a frame dwelling. the other is an exâ€" cellent garden. Bids will be received for this propâ€" erty a whole or on each lot sep- aratcly. TERMSâ€"25'? of purchase price GOOD SEED BARLEY, O.A.C. N0. 21. Apply Pullan Bros., RR. No. 2, Maple, Ont., lot 34â€"35, concession 3, Vaughan. 1 AYRSHIRE COW, due April lst, young; 1 rubber tire buggy, good Apply John Bond, Gormley, phone Stouffville. upon acceptance of birl and balance Within 15 (lav: FORDSON TRACTOIR, in good con- dition, all overhauled, also For further particulars apply tot _ - . . . . ._ . hr lWalter Craig, Bu‘tonville. All bids Tlacml plow new ne“ App” J0 l ‘ . .. J. Lees, Gormley RR. No. 2. ‘must be made in writing and sent / before April 30th to the a‘b0ve or W. J. Petty, 405 Bay St., Toronto RED CLOVER SEED, N0. 1 grade, 920} germination, Gov. cert., N0. 47- 3987. Geo. Hoshel, lot 10, con. 2, Markham, phone Thornhill 5113. WANTED BAY HORSE, Clyde, 7 years old; Holstein Cow due March 27, 7 years old. Harold W. Mortson, Victoria iSquare, phone St<.uffville 9116. OPERATOR on men’s clothing. Ap- ply at once to Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. ' ' LAND ROLLER, good; farm trucks, WORK BY THE DAY by woman 9%" ‘ 10w wheels; plows, Deering binder, perienced in housework and practi- Odd wheels, axles. Langstaff Sup_ cal nursing. Apply at The Liberal ply, Railroad Tracks N0. 7’ Lang_ Office. staff. FARM HAND, experienced, good with horses and good milker. Apply to Henry Burnett, Yonge Street, Bond Lake. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatchâ€" ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. WANTED TO RENT IN THORNâ€" HI‘LL with option of buying 6 or '7 roomed house with conveniences and large garden, close to school. Mrs. M. F. Pridham, 53 Winthorpe Ave., Toronto, telephone Howard 4151. SEED GlRtAIN O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- ley, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade N0. 1; also Goose Wheat. Apply Bruce Brothers, Unionville, phone Stouffville 3602. CLYDESDALE TEAM, 8 and 9 yrs., guaranteed good workers, $210. Perâ€" cheron horse 3 years, well broken, $100. ‘3, Woodbridge. MISCELLANEOUS ‘ BUILDINGS raised and move: Langstat'f Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 73. SEED GRAIN, 25 bus. Alaska ()ats. 90c. per bus; 100 bus. O.A.C. NO. 21 Barley, 81.00 per bus. Apply Douglas Gee, RR. N0. 2, Gormley, Stouffville 6113. PLOUGH‘ING and CULTIVATING by the hour or by the day. Hay and straw baling. C. W. Stubbs, 71 Hor- sham Avenue, Willowdale. ANY KIND of TEAM WORK. Ob< servations taken .by hour or contract. Apply W. Morrison. Oxford St., El- gin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 90F. ONE AND A HALF ACRES in Sha- ron village, 6 room frame house, gar- age, outbuildings, good repair. Small fruits. Hydro, water. James Sey- mour-Taylor, Sharon. EXPERIENCED in Custom Hatch- ing. Let us give you the benefit of years of experience in hatching hen, duck and turkey eggs. Our mod- ern machines are in full swing. You will find our prices moderate. A. L. Brown, Unionville, telephone 3902 Unionville, 2620 Stouffville. TO RENT 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15 Cen tre Street East, Richmond Hill. 2 HOLSTEIN BUlLLS 12 months old, Rag Apple breeding, 4 per cent per annum R.O.P. test. Priced to sell. Geo. Cooper .& Son's, Spruce Grove Farm, Willowdale. BLACK HORSE 10 years old, youn-g cow and calf, 2 yearling heifers, Studebaker car, good tires. Apply De La Salle Farm, opposite CF‘RB station, phone 90 Aurora. LATHiAM RASPBERRY PLANTS in large or small quantities; Asparagus Roots and Strawberry Plants; also Garden Tractor. Agent for E. D. Smith, Winona. Apply M. J. Johnâ€" son, Thornhill, phone 19J. APARTMENT, 6 rooms. Apply 80 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. The Local Improvement Act§ Form 2 (Section 12) 200 ACRE FARM for sale or ex- change for good house in a good town or take small acreage as part payment. This farm on main Highway, is modern and upâ€"to-date. Apply H. McMillan, Richmond Hill, telephone 66. TAKE NOTICE:â€" 1. The Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Richâ€" mond Hill intends to construct a cement sidewalk between the north. limit of Dufferin Street to the north limit of Lot 305 as a local improve- ment and intends to especially as- sess a part, of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is 3484.16 of which $242.08 is to bl‘ paid by the Corporation, and the estimated cost per foot frontage is 44 cents. The special assessment is. to be paid in 10 annual instalments. 3. Persons desiring to petition a- gainst undertaking the work must do so on or before the 16th day of April, 1938. Dated at Richmond Hill the 16th day of March. 1938. A. J. HUME, Clerk. is BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant production-bred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. SEED GRAIN, Velvet Barley NO. 1 Gov. test, 999} germination, $1.00 per bu. Victory Oats grown from 2nd Germination Reg. Seed. No. 1 Gov. test, 90c. per bu. Banner Oats. grown from Reg. seed and from 1st prize field in competition, No. 1 Gov. test, 900., per bu. Terms cash. EClark Young. Millikcn, Bell phOne, Agincourt 45-21. Apply Herb Weatherill, R.R.v HEAVY HORSE. good worker. T. Bulimi, Thili‘i‘rliill. DL'RANT SEDAN. 1931. in good running order. Apply Eli Dcnnie, Victoria Square. HOLSTEIN BI'LI... Light Wagon, baled and loose hay. Apply '1'. Clark, Concord, thnL‘ Maple 2168. USED BEE SUPPLIES and chair with upholstered seat. Anderson’s, 92 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. ELECTRIC RANGETTE in first. class ('nl'u’llliwll. 2 plates and oven, will sell t-lrcap. Telephone Thornhill 5W. TWO PURE BRED AY‘R‘SHIRE ,yearling bulls, also a good grade- Ayrshire frein milch cow. I. D. Rainer & Son. Phone 10, 600 LB. DEMONSTRATOiRi Melotte Cream Separator for $75.00, regular price $115.00. If interested phone Maple 53. PENINSULAR RANGE with high! oven and 2 warming closets, will, sell with or without Oil burners in-r stalled. Apply Liberal Office. CARLOAD 0F HORSES will arrive Tuesday morning, April 5th, Bel. gians, Percherons and Clydes, teams. and mares in foal, good quiet work horses. J. W. Palmer, Richmond Hill, phone 4632. 2 GOATS with young; Quebec cook olive, stove with warming closet; Treasure- cook stove with warming closet; Ford Truck, stake body; Ford sedan, both in good shape and both have 1938 license. Apply Robert Quinn, Brook- side Road, opposite Orange Home on Yonge Street. 1 POLISHED OAK DRESSER (with- bevel plate mirror) and washstand, cost $35.00 for $12.00; 1 Kindergarten Set (table and 2 chairs) cost $6.00, for $2.50; 1 kitchen table with drawer and casters; 1 trunk; 1 bed (only) full size. These articles are in good condition and may be seen any time. Mrs. R. J. Neilly, 39 Temperance St., Aurora, Ont. WNW Painting ngPaperhanging' BEST MATERIALS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST PRICES Estimates Gladly Given Free BEST OF \VORKMANSHIP G. DAHL MAPLE PHONE 3I-r-3 R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed), T [J sed ' Cars $650.00 1936 FORD V-8 DeLU_XE SEDANâ€"- with Trunk. Good value. $595.00 1935 DODGE 2-TON TRUCK â€" In excellent condition. $595.00 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR with Trunk â€"Heater. Very nice. $475.07) 1934 FORD V-8 DeLUXE SEDAN. l $375.00 1933 FORD V-8 DeLUXE ROAD- ‘ STER. Rumble Heater. Very Nice. : $775.00 1928 FORD DeLUXE SEDANâ€"Small mileage. Worth the money. $175.00 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Ton). Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO PHONE 17 4~W ‘l. Seat.

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