THURSDAY. MARCH 31st, 1938. _________â€",________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- DIARY I THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO PAGE SIX // S “s I EWS AND INFORMATION L A T S’ OONOOWM‘MW 93 Yonge St. Richmond Hill C.N.R. Money Order Office conducted senior matches in I937. A ‘ mhm. am] last evning & thov tumt new branch was Ol‘EaniZOd 3t Ancas‘ ion the irajeo & was ardanceing when ter in WentWOl'ih Count.“ The Cd‘van her Pa arived home .8: embed Blist- and South Monaghan Branch was rcâ€" hrs & fhmg him threw the door. ThiS , . - , , . . .I v I . oiganizcd ard (nlaigu. umer tth .a- m_ the a,†god he]. Pa are deef new namt‘ Dmhdm (“um-\- ‘r'm‘m & so diddent here the Inusick. I June 14 and IS, and valuable prizes are being offered. The Property of GEORGE McKECHNIE Lot 5, C011. 6, Vaughan, on No. 7 Highway 1% miles West of Edgeley ‘ - By (Liv-r .\'. \Vurrui) I. ‘ T __ r V . LLT word I FOR THE BUSY FARMER ‘ E ‘ 1: DAM) My“ FL . I 'i J 1i . , . WM. MCDONALD H A , ‘ ) , , ' \ ,‘ I . I Sunday Aitt-I‘ l’lt' \I'I'IIIIIII at o 1 0 . ' in UOHDWXOIUIIQAD‘L “IQDOO III] 1 Aplmimed to board . 1,10“ mats cm“ mum“. . ichnrch as We ‘.\'.Is going out ck the 9 Teiephone 6" Thm‘nhlu i Janos Brandon, Forest, one Of the . OntarIO plowmen assembled In their I, prim,“ “ “a†lit g l‘ rom hlaple Gravel Pit . . .. ,, . . ' Eons: Iq'cninnnt ln-codr-rs of Clydcs- annual convention at Toronto eX- (hm. making I: GENERAL CARTAGE ° 'â€â€œ"° 9‘“ a I l J- ..1 " . H -I “:53 "~t » , , . . . ,. or lsxldplgnioss dugiétwqgiAgsig-K Sfliydonig‘TX-{XICTVTIJOH [i‘ii‘ hm'b m ({mmhf' in“ b32811) ,pItEK (1d "1“: ( 1H0)â€: 'IiIIl» \ A' :IsiIIiLr us 3 b3 Tl IlClx g FKDIPEWIOIG‘HDEW SuousaUUOD-X SS ’69 ' ‘ $21139in 501 i I » .' (i n‘wn‘. I 'r «I me .n 31‘1 .a nuance a tie it crna Iona nice I, H I .‘ e Empoorwdgvgx $1.9, _ _ Gamma 1.1:} . ‘ .I B711 0mm 1‘“ “V “_ Ty. ‘ ‘ i“ of W1, p, pm hm, MOMWWOWW mnuo ormdgyzï¬ 0U†_ . . . . WWI†Isninoi. lullltIlInin nan. acc I .b .ist (too I. I.> \\.is In .p. c T w hm: hm, hh, ‘08 W215§n:%&:5‘;l?1~6-x SOPS‘JIEOZLNbuiogggiMTSN ito I‘Iw. I‘. .\I. lit-wan, Ontziilo Mm- severe weather conditions which dcâ€" MHLhHL Th“ Hm. I & sot/tags larva aoxnaas Arm-ea 'Mm (If Agricnlium. Ile succeedsimonstratcd the fact that the public Aill‘ihh ht \wl a_ .â€", |___quH GNOWHOIH Myst-I Szav-‘I NHH'LHH MOrI ' iil‘t‘ late .I. M. Cardhouse as 21 memâ€" could DC attracted Without offering ,‘Um I“ \_]‘\ Then 1 I .a’ I; L 0. . _ ‘ ' . . . , , -. Ibcr (,f the Board. cmeminmcnt features. I 1.3 (m, MM 1“, RICHMOND HILL , -__ The site for the 1:»:38 (‘IIIII-DCIliltlI’ISI “5.1;: h (“Kl‘hln't Dealers in ‘ I'I'IZQS for Litters I 7 \\'ill. be northwest of Ban-1c. The; p SUM quite that [Mmben Lathv Shingles The my“,th of the On arro Xork- «how,» was made athei- ihpi-cscnn- H hwu. m th P1, Aghphalt Roofing. Gyproc chm. Hub have domded on a new tions had been made by a threeâ€"Ind“; Impnt twmy‘ pro†TelephOne 27 departure in «i’ferin;r $30 in 11117493 delegation from Snncoe County. Conï¬ â€˜ 1W 7 to owners of the three highest YoI-k- sidcratior.‘ was pyomisrd the request ,' \‘Inmhw Am F isl'lIe sows in advanced registry. conâ€" of a delegation of combined counties ,‘Z‘ImHV soâ€) at 39096966600060000066009.†Isldirt-d on slaughter tust only with of Leeds and Grenville, who askch th in & Hm eh .9 R 1 E z I . . . n I '~ ‘ ~ - ‘ 4 ~ rating decided on fOUI‘ DIE-i from a for the match In 1909. my of me now“ 2 ‘31 btate †*- ' ‘litter. There are about 1300 bi‘eellm‘s The secrctaryâ€"managcr, J. A. Car- 3 WWW hp works at g C Insurance with some 300 sows taking D0†“‘- roll. stated that in addition to the 'The ,.'m.1 .. . . - Onveyancmg SALE I ~ st" I'r "I tle' - ther activitiesi c y p l “.3 “me about “1.3011â€: 4’ Estates Managed 2 A. 0 advanced 1.g1. 1y. _ ng, maIci i re are 0 . , - [mf on a V591. and It “a; m the 9 R t C 11 t H C l I l t Sixtfcn breeders 102201;? sponsored by the Plowmcn s Assoctaâ€" i“mum hhdded City Inunhvementx é 91; 8* ’10:}: ed it in a carcass compt‘ 1 101 9 10“- IAnt are 2 partickeler. a s at the YOl'k-Shii'e Field Day. (IA-Cw There are X2 branches, 90 0f Whth ‘ Tuesday. Blisters called on a new é J. 2 GMOWNW†Breeding Light Horses In nine breeding station districts in Canada, saddle and hunter horses R. H. KANE and horses for police, remount, and ‘action has been proposed in North whose h0 thot Blisters were Oin light delivery purposes, are being i Siincoe. Application has been receivâ€" Slow at the gtart 2 fast. ’2 g TINSMITHING HORSES 1 Turnip Drill, 2 rows produced in considerable. numbers. ch for the organIzatIon of Branches Wedneï¬day The teecher 59d to FURNACES - PLpMBI‘NG I Grey Horse, 8 years old 1 Set. Dick Sleighs This type of horse is in keen demand, In I\ ellmgton and-chfrcw Counties. Jake to write a essay on the word HEATIN(llr 1' Bay Horse, aged 1 One-Horse Sleigh in Canada and in the United States, ,meg to unfavorable local COl’l(ll- . Spine_ In about 1 hr. Jake had it Sept“; Tanks Installed CATTLE 1 Fordson Tractor . and there is little likelihmd 0f any I t‘â€â€œ-"_“‘atChC-‘ we†“0t he“ by the Ircddy. He writ Your spine is a long Pumps A Number of Fat Steers 1 Oliver Tractor Plow decline in popularity. Horse breed-,Emfhgii‘ “hnfl Parry Sound south limber jointed bone that runs from, Barn 5L Stable Equipment IMPLEMENTS 1 DeLaval Separator, 500 lbs. int! Clubs among Canadian farmer-q ‘31:} “me “5' I ‘ . . Inorth to south threw eyry boddie.“ 74 Yonge Street 0 featuIc of the work Is more Your hed sets on 1 end of same &, Phone 92F increased from 126 in 1033 to £254“ 1 Massey-Harris Binder 1 Root Pulper . , . ‘ V 1 Land Roller 1 Bag Truck 1 Bag Holder in- 1037, while the number of pure I Important than the Instruction and you set on the other. That will do‘ 1 Fleury Riding Plow 1 Hay Rack bred SiaiiiOnS in 1937 Showed 3“ 1’“ oncolm‘gmwn.‘ “won ,t“, -]u“mâ€â€˜ sed the teecher. i ‘ 'fl ' 1 No. 3' Verity Walking Plow 1 Massey-Harris Rake crease of 21 per C(‘nt 0"(‘1‘ 1935- nom“ i‘lt‘ufqhmg competltfm†were Thursdcy: Jake & Blisters come :‘j y - 1 Masseyâ€"Harris 17â€"tooth Cultivatorl Daisy Churn »â€" cr‘n‘iucu‘d m l2 C‘m‘mumtms and 11 acrost a cnppel of bumbel boas after t S 1 Massey-Harris Hay TEdder 1 Set Steel Trucks and Hay Rack Quality of (‘hicks "1"‘,“â€{P‘Wgh“?Matches were held‘ “Mob The,\' diddcnt no what same I 1 McCormick Mower Large Quantity of Furniture, Forks, The lowest priced chicks are not A “‘an Comi’et‘t‘on was Conductâ€! was 8: got monkeycn with same & , If you're looking for qual- in Lanark County for the first time ity and workmanship at a 1 O.K. Potato Sprayer Shovels and other art'cles too always the cheapest in the end. It ' __ ‘ _ a f. . found out & lcrnt a lessen both at“ _ 1 Cruickshank Market Wagon numerous to mention man depend upon the production and ‘n 19:3" Dt‘lia‘ltm“t WWI“ 0 fie" \met. The lessen is not to enquire reasonable price call and see 1 Set Steel Harrows HARNESS health of the flock fwm \VhiCh the {ith m 3“ case'q' Last yom' owing to “melt in to other pepuls afairs, our stock Of hand made to limited appropriation, the numhcr harness and collars 1 Fanning Mill 1 Set Harness eggs are gathered, on the quality of Friday : It were warm & with 1 Set of Scales TERMS:â€"CASH J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer M AUCTION Reg. Horses, High Grade Cattle 1 igs, Implements, Furniture, Etc. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by Public Auction on - [Gt 5, Can. 5, Markham TwO. north Of Unionvilie Tuesday, April 5th, 1938?: THE PROPERTY OF BOND BROTHERS REG. HORSES 1 Reg. Clydesdale Mare, Lady May, aged bred 1 Reg. Clydesdale Mare, Laura Bell, rising 4 years old 1 Reg. Clydesdale Mare, Lady Hill- crest, aged, sup. to be in foal 1 Clydesdale Mare, rising 7 years old 1 Clydesdale Colt, rising 2 years old, eligible to Reg. Clydesdale Gelding, rising 8 yrs. old Clydesdale Filly. rising 3 years old Black Mare. G.P., 12 years old HIGH GRADE CATTLE Durham Heifer, 3 yrs. old, milking Red and White Cow, fresh, calf by side Red Durham Cow, supposed to calf May lst Brindle Cow. due time of sale Red Cow, milking 2 menths Black Cow, milking, bred July 10 Red Cow. milking, bred March 12 Roan Heifer, milking, bred Feb. 13 Roan Heifer. fresh, calf by side Durham Heifers, supposed to calf in May Heifers, 2 years old Heifers, 1 year old 9 Feeding Steers, rising 2 years old 1 Reg. Durham Bull, registered, 2 years - SWINE and FOWL 4 Vorkshire Sows, due In May 3 Pure Bred Tamworth Sows, in May 2 Chunks, weigh about 125 lbs. 28 Chunks. weigh around 100 lbs. 1 Registered Berkshire Boar 22 Rock Hens 8 Geese, laying 1 Gander HARNESS J BT‘FCC Mounted Set DOuble Harness 3 Sets Back Band Team Harness. good .7 Set Single Harness A number nf Horse Collars Quantihv of other Harness. etc. (3}? ATM, ROOTS and HAY About 150 bus. Seed Oats, good About 900 bus. Feed Oats, good About OED bus. of Parlev l/Al.‘("“t 000 lull: poll Whnaiï¬ grnnrl "uef’ritv of Turnins and Marigold: Onohfihv n? TInv nch 1 thok of Hav rum VII/TENTS. FTC. ‘ ‘ V-Ij pi‘v‘er 7 ft out nearly new " D'“i"'n0' “Iowan R ft. out, good T‘wnrirn‘ Mnn'or. 5 ff ("1r “‘7 Jr: hi?" T’lni" ‘Lf'nv‘vncv‘ new; marsh... Amy Fhafhaw F9â€â€œi“" Mill. Common Sense, with Grader n est. n...†uq‘urn“rg_ 1 li'ovm Cultivate“ p-AHâ€"A 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 2 due 1 V v 1 1 section: 2 Gang Plows Termszâ€"Cash J. Sale starts at 12 sharp This is a very large sale and wiI.‘ start on time NO RESERVE, FARM SOLD male birds used and on the care takâ€" en- of the eggs after being gatherâ€" ed and while in the hatchery. The ration fed the breeding flock not Only es the hatchability of the egg, but may influence the vigour of the chick from the fertile egg. Then there is the size of egg which may be a factor. It stands to reason that a chick from a 25-ouncc-to-the-dozen egg will be larger and stronger than one from 2 23â€"ounce lot. There is a reason for chicks from the largest size eggs being more expensive than chicks from smaller sized eggs. For instance, the eggs cost more in the first place. Tubs when buying chicks more than the priCe should be con- sidered. Collars, Bridles SALE AT 1 RM. influenc SALE of Seed Cleaning Plants Seed cleaning plants have been established in many centres ,and by their use the grain being sown is much improved in quality and in' freedom from weeds. These power plants not only make an excellent job of grading the grain so as to give a uniform sample, but by use of the proper screens and various attach- ments the weed seeds are practically all removed and it is p0ssible to fair- ly wcll separate the different varie- ties of grain. The Government as‘ sists in the purchase of these ma- chines when they are used for custom work. Up to the end of 1037 there were 63 seed cleaning plants in oper- Iation and last year over 700,000 buâ€" shels of grain were cleaned and near- ly 4â€; million pounds of clover and ’1 Steel Land Roller 1 Set III-throw Disc Harrows Set Farm Trucks, good Hay Racks, good Masseyâ€"Harris Drill, 12 hoe Deering Spring-tooth Cultivator, 9 tooth Set Spring-tooth Harrows, lT-tooth, new 1 Scuffler Sulkj; Plow, 1â€"furrow Turnip Drill 1 Iron Scuffler Wagon Box 1 Root Pulper, Corn Cultivator, 2 rOWs Drill Plow with Digger No. 12 Fleury Plow with wheels No. :21 Fleury PIOWs Bull Dog Plow, wide bottom MISCELLANEOUS H tâ€"Hâ€"ILH Pâ€"‘CADP-‘P-‘P-‘Iâ€"‘râ€"‘H 11 Set Wilson Scales, 2000 cwt. 1 Melotte Cream Separator ' grass seed; 11,794 farmers were 1 Fal'md Wagon and BOX, Pl‘mgleI served by these plants. There are ‘ goo many farmers in the vicinity of these Horse Bake, 10 ft. Large Cuttingbox Extension Ladder, 40 feet Democrat 3 Buggies Cart 1 Cutter Set Bob Sleighs, good, with BOX Emerys 1 Grindstone Truck Wagon Gear, low Quantity of Tile Quantity Lumber Nomi/.1" of Fence Posts Number of Iron Posts A number of Fence Rails Number Pig Crates 1 Brooder Stove 1 Colony House 12x10 , Number of Iron Kettles Large number Water Barrels, Boxes, Shovels, Hoes, Whiffletrees and numerous other articles FURNITURE, ETC. 1 Happy Thought Cook Stove 1 Sausage Machine and Press 1 Lawn Mower 1 Table 1 Butter Worker, Bowl and Ladle Number Kitchen Chairs 1 Couch . 3 Rocking Chairs 1 Glass Cupboard 1 Fall-leaf Table Quantity of Linoleum 1 Small Table 2 Dressers 1 Small Oilcloth 1 Washstand 1 Congoleum Rug 9x101/2 1 Linoleum Rug 9x12 1 Linoleum 1Rtug 9x101/2 1 Bed, Springs and Mattresses 6‘ Dining Room Chairs 1 Gramophone 1 Pair New Curtain Stretchers 1 Writing Desk Quantity Fruit Jars A large number of Household Effects not. mentioned Pails. Lanterns, Lamps, Dishes, etc. plants who might advisedly make use of them, but there are yet many cen- tres where cleaning plants are not available. The ordinary fanning mill did good service in its day, and with the use of the proper screenings and adjustâ€" ing the wind blast a good job can be done with the fanning mill, but we believe a better job is accomp- lished by the larger power unit. 1 I Htov-Hâ€"u-nâ€"n-uâ€"I TB. Cleanup Campaign Ontario farmers are becoming in- creasingly conscious of the necessity of eliminating b0vine tubercuIOsis from their herds. BrEeders of pureâ€" bred cattle have for years had their herds tested under the accredited herd plan and have received com- pensation for reactors, but under the restricted area plan for TB. clean- up now well under way, owners of both grade and pure-bred cattle re- ceive compensation f0r reactors. In Ontario there are sixteen counties under the restricted area at the pre- sent time, six counties have complet- ed the educational campaign and cir- culation of petitions. A campaign» is under way with nine or ten other counties and several others are hold- ing meetings and seeking the sanc- Ition of the county council to proceed with the preliminary work leading to a T. B. free area. The request first comes from the cattle owners and two-thirds of the cattle owners must be in favour of the area test .beforc the work is undertaken. n. PRENTICE & KEN. PRENTICE' Toronto, Markham, AUC’I'IONEERS of demonstrations was likely to be re- stricted. The executive thOught this unfortunate as demonstrations were considered perhaps the most effective method of education available. As a consequence, a committee was ap- pointed to interview the Deputy Minâ€" ister of Agriculture, and as a result an additional amount was made a- , vailable. Then there is the yarn about the hill-billy who was so dumb he didn’t know the difference between a squirâ€" rel and a hair brush. The only way & dusty ard etc. yesterday and I, were swetty. I supose I acqumulated , some of same as this a. m. Ma made me warsh my ears about 1/2 of I doz. times. I am sorrie for kids in the dust bole. Saturday: Life & luck and etc. is funney things. Last yr. on my 1st fishing trip I had a big lotta wirms to feed the fish and they wassent hungry. Not a tall. Today I had only 2 wirms ,& they diddent hardly last till they was gone. I reckon the fish was sorrie how they treeted me last yr. he could tell which was which was to place them both under a tree and see which one climbed it. ANY3 MAGAZINES FROM THIS LIST GROUP NO. 1 [j MACLEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) I YI‘. _ AND 3 BIG READ IT OR NOT~A 84 turkey recently flew through a $70 plate glass window in Granficld, Oklahoma. __.â€".â€"â€"â€"- Give yourself and offers. Either offer THIS NEWSPAPER for one year CHOOSE _ EITHER OFFER DCHATELAINE . . . . . In. - - - -- . [jNATIUNAL HOME MONTHLY In. “ï¬lmgwâ€. HI; [ICANADIAN MAGAZINE - - In. DPICTORIAI REVIEW combined wIIII [:IPICTORIAL REV.comhinedwiIh OELINEAIOR - - - - In. DELINEATOR- - - - In. EggtggflthRESIHOMEMAG. GEMIHORTI’RE &HOME MAG. In. - - - - - '- SILVER SCREEN - - - . In. DROD ANO GUN - - - _- In. D GROUP 3 . DAMERIDAN BOY - - - -8MOs. DTRUE STORY - -(-) - - In. [ISIIVER SCREEN - - . IYr DOPEN ROAD FOR BOYS - - 2m. [jPARENTS' MAGAZINE - - GMos. Elwmggfiï¬gmï¬- - - [jOPEN AOAO FORBOYS - IEMOs. EiSCREENLAND . . C '. 2 Hi: DAMERICAN FRUIT GROWER- IYI‘. DNEWSWEEK _ (missues) 5M05_ YOUR J',_ YOUR NEWSPAPER ' - NEWSPAPER ' 4 GENTLEMEN: I EN ST. 0 R R.F.D. . . . . . . . ment and entertainment the whole year through by selecting one of these special top-notch magazines together with --- [:1 MACIEAN’S MAGAZINE (24 issues) 1 Yr. [3 CHATELAINE .1- CLOSE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . PLEASE SEND ME [:1 OFFER NO. I (Indicate whicml] OFFER NO. 2. I AM CHECKING THE MAGAZINES DESIRED WITH A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER. . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . .--.............. TOWN AND PROVINCE Suhscritions taen at The Libera Collar fitting and repairing a specialty Shop Closed Mon., Wed. and Fri. at 6 p.m. ISAAC BAKER. Maple, Ont. R. R. No. 2 Telephone Maple 1063 :‘hone liYIand 2081 RV: I'bonc 9788 Johnston & Granston MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF CANADIAN & FOREIGN Granite Monuments 1849 Yonge St. (east side) Between Mertan & Balliol Sts. Open Evenings your family enioy- permits a choice of “FERN; I MAAZINE FRO GROUP A I MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B GRP (A) I Yr. â€" AND 2 BIG = MAGAZINES 2‘ y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . .