Rolling Star Specials“ 1938 1937 Oldsmobile Sedan, 6 Cylin- der. Beautiful condition. 1936 Dodge Sedan. Trunk. Very nice. 1936 Terraplane Coach, perfect. 1934 Oldsmobile Coach. 1935 Dodge meoaweonm Jones Coal Co. ‘ Phone 188 WWW Motor Sales RICHMOND HILL ‘ Barley O.A.C. No. 21 Victory and Banner Oats Stock Feeds and Poultry Mashes or your own Form- ula made up. Salt Blocks at 20c. each while they last PHONES: PAGE EIGHT ‘38 Buick Sedan Demonstrat- or. Very small mileage. THE MILL YONCE STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Lehigh Vailey ANTHRACITE “The Coal That Satisfies†THERE are E new Ford cars for 1938â€"â€"- the De Luxe and the Standardâ€"diï¬ering in appearance, appointments and priceâ€"â€" but built to the same high standard of mechanical excellence. Both are big, impressive cars, and thor- oughly modern in appearance. Both have the famous Centre-Poise Ride, Ford Easy- Action Safety Brakes, and the other dis- tinctive Ford features. V-type 8-cylinder engines Were used only in expensive cars before Ford made them available in The Universal Car. cyl- inders give great smoothness and flexibility. Compact V-tzpe construction leaves more Both bring you the basic advantages of the 85-horsepower Ford V-8 engine. room for passengers Coach, Tru’nk. $30 A MONTH, with reasonable down-payment, buys any new Ford V-8 car under T. F. C. National Finance Plan. and luggage daughte Cook. Mrs the w B. W Ml': Allen ton We are sorry to report that Mrs. John Keffer is ill and wish her a speedy recovery. Sympathy is extended to‘ers. M. White in the loss of her mother on Sunday last. Sunday last. Wedding ‘bells will ring early in Maple for a popular yOung couple in the Village. Mr. F. H. Farquhar, M.P., of Ot- tawa, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Bigford. Y.P.U. met Sunday night with Mr. Jack McCallum in charge of the pro- gramme. Mr. Ratcliffe of Concord was guest speaker. Scripture lasson by J. Mc‘Callum‘ and reading by Ruth ‘ Mr. C. E Friday last stock and i1 week. Many frcm this district attende< the Luncral of the late Walter Lum to Weston Cemetery on Monday af‘ ternoon Mr. and Mr son of Oakvill Mr. anj Mrs. Mr. end at We are ssrry to report Joe Keffer is confined to with cold. Y.P.U. next week will be in charge of Kathleen Whitmore. Mrs. Watson attended the Presi- dent’s meeting at Miss G. Wes‘tley’s home onr Wednesday night and on ‘Thursday night attended the Health Lecture in Eaton’s Auditorium, ac- companied by Miss G. Smith. sited on Sunday wun Mr. auu mm ‘C. Bailey. Miss Grace White returned to Wes: n last week where she has accept and A. Kellough and Mrs‘ em; the week-end with 110m . E. /Smith's auction sale on last was well attended and d implements sold well. Mr. 5111 be moving to Maple this EDGELEY mbert of Hornings Mills Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ey. lce White returned to WeSâ€" eek where she has acceptâ€" ion. sorry to report that Mrs. er is ill and wish her a :overy. .y is extended toers. M. the loss of her mother on st. ‘ ‘bells will ring early in a popular young couple in‘ ) H. Farquhar, M.P., of 0tâ€" ,L LL‘ "and. In“! uyfl'ln hr Designed“ by Art Director Anton‘ Grot, it covers two acres and took four weeks to build. It shoWs a sec- tion of Paris heretofore ignored by the screen, the portion of the city in which the working class lives. The setting is one, of five preten- tious ones constructed for the film. One set, showing the roof tops of Paris, covers an entire sound stage. Another, the market set, a copy of the French sidewalk markets, is two blocks long and to “dress†it with produce, the studio had to purchase ithe entire stock of a wholesale vegeâ€" Itable concern for two days. The fourth is a copy of the Fam- Rus-sian club in Paris and the l OHS nd Mrs. E. Palmer. Mrs. George Palmer and Jf Deseronto spent the rith Mr. and Mrs. George MAPLE IIr‘s. J. Jackson and Miss 0130 Mills spent Sunday mar h‘own of Toronto spent 1 with her mother, Mrs. iec Both new cars are economical to operate. Economy has always been a Ford tradition. The facts of Ford V-8 economy are con- ï¬rmed by the ï¬ndings of owners, who report 22 to 27 miles per gallon of gasoline. Value is also a Ford tradition. Both cars, in proportion to price, repre- sent true Ford value. The De Luxe costs slightly more than the Standard but pro- vides extra style. De Luxe closed Sedan body types have considerably more passenger room and luggage space. More people bought the 1937 Ford V-8 than any other 1937 make. It was a good car. But these are better cars, because Ford improvement goes on constantly. You’ll realize that when you see and drive either new Ford V-8 for 1938. spent the week- .s parents. cport‘ that Mrs. aed to her bed if} Bennett an "1 Surday with frie Mabel The studio “Tovarich†was directed by Ana- tole Litvak. Claudette Colbert and Charles Boyer are the stars. Robert Mitchell, for several years secretary of the Edgeley Farmers Club has been appointed manager of |the Woodbrid-ge Farmers Co. to suc- ceed John G. Whitmore when the :latter retires at the end of May. Mr. IMitchell who is well and favorably known in this district is a young man [and was selected from a list of ten ’ applicants. WILLIAM BERNATH William Bernath, a native of Vaughan Township, died on Monday, March let at the age of 74 years. Deceased was a brother of James Bernath of Nashville, who died a few weeks ago. In early years he v auguau Luvvuauny, un.“ v“ .v-r....... March 21st at the age of 74 years. Deceased was a brother of James Bernath of Nashville, who died a few weeks ago. In early years he was employed or: the Toronto and Owen Scund line of the C.P.R. and for 40 years worked on the Michigan Central out of St. Thomas. He is survived by one son and one daugh- ter. The funeral took place with service in Toronto (n Wednesday and interment at St. Thomas on Tues- day, March 24th. Robertâ€"Mitchell _ Appointed Manager Robert Mitchell, for several years secretary of the Edgeley Farmers Club has been appointed manager of the Woodbrid-ge Farmers Co. to suc- nn :L,. _.LA.. «Flux .ter, Mrs. A. W. Galbraith. The Woman’s Association will holdl, its regular monthly meeting next Thursday, April 7th in the United; Church S. S. hall. The Misses Atkinson of Bethesda are vi°7ting this week with their sis-l. Mrs. A. W. Stephenson attended a Birthday celebration last Saturday for Mrs. M. Adams of King. 'Mr. Reginald Grosgcry of C?b0urg was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. John Graham. Among those who attended the Spring Rally of Toronto Centre Pres- byterial W.M.S. in Richmond Hill United Church last Wednesday were: Mrs. A. W. Stephenson, Mrs. James Murray, Mrs. Soden, Mrs. R. F. Hicks, Miss A. Lever, Mrs. A. H. Halbert and Mrs. A. W. Galbraith. We are pleased to see Miss Mabel CAPITOL THEATRE NEWTONBROOK the HALF PARIS SHOWN IN ‘TOVARICH‘ he largest and most cempletl ever built, a copy of the Belle district in Paris. The set is for )pe‘ning sequence of “Tovamich,l showing at the Capitol Theatre set appears on the screen f0 t appears on tm an four minutes. gned' by Art Dil 1; covers two ac1 single brief film sequence, Bros. studio constructed one largest and most cemplete 1' built, a copy of the Belleâ€" :rin. in Paris. The set is for THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND ï¬ll-L. ONTARIO» fine French home built The Young People’s Union met last Monday evening with an attendâ€" ance of fifty. Mr. Harold Duggan presided and Miss Margaret Shaw led in the devotional service. A re- presentative from Brown’s Bread Co. showed moving pictures on “A tour around the world and how bread is .made in the different c0untries†‘which was both interesting and edu- cational. He also showed a reel on water sports which was also very fire. The meeting next Monday ev- ening will be in charge of the con- vener of Christian Fellowship. Lenten Services are held every Sunday in the United Church con- ducted by the pastor. The 14th Annual Good Friday Ser- WSce will be held in Newtonbrook United Church on April 1‘5th at 11 am. for worshippers between City. Limits and Thornhill. The Junior S. S. choir will render special music on Palm Sunday. At the evening service on April 10th th ' t ‘ hl - 1 t t= . . e 48 h ng andels Blass Quar e lited With Mrs. Frank Harrison last discussed principles of Japanese ar- rangements and nxplained how this could be applied to modern needs. He described flower groupings which gave the most beauty and grace. ‘ Some hints on the care of cati flowers and the suitability of diffâ€"i erent types of containers f0r various occasions and places concluded his in- teresting talk. The choir of the United Church are preparing a sacred cantata en- titled “Darkness and Dawn†to be presented on Easter Sunday night at the regular hour of worship. The story of the closing scenes of the life of Christ and the Victory of the Cross will -be told in song. John vArnott. tenor, of Toronto, will assist the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Pratt of To- ronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pratt. Thornhill Horticultural Society won three prizes at the National Flower and Garden Show. First prize for a table of potted plants, second prize for a basket of flowers and second for a vase of flowers. Mrs. J. J. Sparling .of Toronto called on old friends here on Wed- nesday. Miss Nellie Smiley of Toronto vis- will assist the choir and give sev-|Wednesday eral selections. Rev. A. H. Haibert is conducting a Church Membership Class in view The regular monthly meeting and Easter Thankâ€"offering of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on lTuesday, April 5th at 3 o’clock at of the Communion Service which will I the home of Mrs. MurraV McLeanl be held on Easter Sunday morning.lYonge St. A special speaker will be A‘,A 1_:I:,.- A: n.“ An“, A large number from here attendâ€" ed the National Flower and Garden Show in Toronto this week. We conâ€" gratulate the local Horticultural Soâ€" ciety on winning the second prize for Dining Table Bquuet and also third prize for a collection of house plants. The Young People’s Union met last Monday evening with an attendâ€" ance of fifty. Mr. Harold Duggan nresided and Miss Margaret Shaw We Brett tonsil The regular meeting of North York Red Cross Society will meet at the home of Mrs. J. C. Bales Friday, April lst at 2.30 pm. Flowers with their colourful, fra- grant beauty give added poise, con- fidence and the chicness that is so much desired by smartly dressed wo- men. Flowers make a perfect ac- cessory but, in wearing them, good taste is always expressed through simplicity and naturalness. Many varieties of suitable flowers may be seen at the National Flower and Gar- den Show which continues in the Automotive Building in Exhibition Park, Toronto, until April second. For sporting events, large flewers are to be preferred and these can be either pinned to the lapel of the coat or carried in the hand. For afternoon parties, flowers are dress- ier and may be worn anywhere on the frock but not too large to de- tract from the lines of the costume. For formal garden parties, a very sophisticated note is struck, with a flowing gown and large picture hat trimmed with the same material, while in! the hand is carried a bou- quet of spring flowers or delicately shaded roses tied together with the same material to complete the en- semble. If you are wearing a tailored suitl for street wear your flowers Should' be worn on the right lapel and for luncheons should be worn high so that they will not interfere With the table. Many dinner gowns do not call for accessories and so your flowers, which must be petite, should be wovn in the hair. Dark red roses or red carnations may be worn by platinum blondes, while white carnations, garâ€" denias or orchids look particularly devastating in these new coiffures when worn by a brunette. For formal wear at night the cor- sage should be as light as possible because heavy, bulky flowers Will pull a light flimsy frock out of shape. These can be worn either at the shoulder or the waist and can harmonize or contrast with the dress. For dancing, the flowers should be worn on the right shoulder so as to avoid crushing. Here again it is very important that the flowers should be light in weight. Orchids, carnations, roses, as well as hundreds of other flowers may be seen in all their splendour at the National Flower and Garden Show now in Toronto. HOW TO WEAR FLO‘VERS con- I SO- e for third Members and friends of the Amerâ€" ican Women’s Club enjoyed a de- lightful afternoon in Eaton’s Round Room when. E. Victor Graing‘er gave an address on “The Aesthetic Fundaâ€" mentals of Flower Arrangements.†He also gave a demonstration of these principles, using many levely blooms to illustnate. _1V£1'. Grainger blooms to illustrate. ldiscussed principles of . l‘angemenrts and nxnlain could be applied to m He described flower gro could be applied to modern needs. He described flower groupings which gave the most beauty and- grace. Some hints on the care of cat flowers and the suitability of diffâ€" erent types of containers f0r various occasions and places concluded his in- teresting talk. The choir of the United Church are preparing a sacred cantata en- titled “Darkness and Dawn†to be presented on Easter Sunday night at the regular hour_of worship. The story of the closing scenes of the life of Christ and»t_he_ Vlctory of? the AL“ llL'U v; \JIILAQU on. . . w . . . - . . , y Cross will -be told in song. John Arnott. tenor, of Toronto, w111 assist the choir. - .. “MA! u \, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Pratt of To- ronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pratt. Thornhiil HorticulturalA SocieEX won nesd‘ay. Miss Nellie Smiley of Toronto vis- ited with Mrs. Frank Harrison last Wednesday. The regular monthly meeting and Easter Thankâ€"offering of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on Tuesday, April 5th at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Murray McLean, Yonge St. A special speaker will be present and the ladies of the con- gregation are cordially invited to at- ten . VVAVAVTESS Emma Clubine is spending this week in Bradford with Mrs. W. Mrs. Wesley and Mrs. Jacques atâ€" tended the conference of the W.M.S. held in Richmond Hill United Church on Wednesday. - The Young Ladies’ Class of the United Church will hold their next meeting on Thursday, April 7th at the home of Miss Elizabeth Smellie. Mrs. McKean and Miss Schell will be in charge of the evening. A spe- cial Easter program will be given with Eester music. Rev. E. B. Cooke will take the devotional period and Mrs. N. L. Marwood will speak on .her trip South. ... ., fl Clubine IlCl UvMu--. Atuthle regular monthly meeting of the Thornhill Home and School As- sociation. Miss Power, Director of Health Education for the Dgpart- The ladies of the community are assured an enjoyable afternoon on Wednesday next, April 6th, in the Parish Hall, Stop 17A, when Mrs. Progress in medical science during the past 100 years was outlined by Dr. Malcolm T. MacEachern, of Chi- lcago, Canadian-born associate direc- itor of the American College of Sur- geons, at a meeting of the English- Speaking Union in the Royal York recently. “Medical science has done much in the last 100 years to bring happiness and the joy of living,†he said. “We need no longer live in dread of -p1agues, the mere mention of which struck terror into the hearts of our forefathers.†H. M. Aitken will give one of her popular cooking demonstrations. Af- ternoon tea will be served at the alese. Everybody most welcome Sees Medicine Far Advanced In 100 Years No More Dread of Plagues, But “Seven Killers†Must Be Fought Surgeon Declares Dr. MacEachern traced the history of anaesthesia and dealt with the life-saving research in anti-septic surgery by Lord Lister. He referred to Sir Frederick Banting’s Momen- tous discovery of insulin for the treatment of diabetes, and expressed the hope that a similar disc0very would be made for cancer. “Yes, medical science has gone far afield in the last 100 years,†he de- clared, “but we still have much fight- ing to do, a big battle ahead of us in combatting the seven ‘great killers )7) of the human race to-day. The “seven: killers†were, he said, heart disease, cancer, kidney diseases, accidents, pneumonia, high blood pressure and hardening of the ar- teries and tuberculosis. THO‘RNHILL Wednesday 7-9 pm. Toronto Office â€" 45 Richmond St .WA. 5923 THORN HILL Morgan L._ Filler Barris'ter, Solicitor, Etc. UNI‘ONVI'LLE Wednesday 3-6 cat and White store, is a satisfactory diff- improvement greatly appreciated by “9‘15 customers. 5 m' Presbyterian Church Shed Being lurch ' Wrecked . enâ€" A large section 0f the Presbyter- 0 be ian Church shed that for years dub. ht at ing the horse and buggy days she]- The . . ' the tered worshlppers’ horses and which has outlived its usefulness is being wrecked and transferred to some- where in Caledon. This is just more proof that time marches on and no- thing is that was. Moving Day is Here By the time that this week’s Libâ€" eral reaches its readers, April 151:, will be upon us and many movings will be in order. Villagers move from house to house and farmers very often change their 10cation at some distance where new neighbors are made and friendships cultivated. Children attending school meet with new school mates altOgether differ- ‘ent from those they have been- sep- ‘arated from. Truly April 151; is an eventful day. one of Broadway The listeners candle light on!) pre Frank O. Reeves, leading Humber Summit gardener, who spent a num- ber 0f weeks in Peel Memorial Hosâ€" pital, Brampton, is convalescinvg at his home. Mr. Reeves is a World War Veteran. Already planting and seed sowing has started on the 7‘5 acres cultivated by Mr. Reeves. Holstein Breeders Association Annual Banquet Holstein cattle breeders of York, Peel and Haltonl held their annual banquet in the Orange Hall on Wedâ€" esided. The change of store fixtures by art Cousins, manager of the Red nesday night of last week. The guest speaker was Mr. Walter Thompson of Toronto, Commissioner of the Milk Producers Association. Others who spoke were George Cle- mens, Guelph, Secretary for Holstein Assoclia’tion~ of Canada; Robert; Hall- by, Fieldmaru for Eastern Ontario; John McNeil, President of York County Jersey Clubs. Members of York County Calf Club Were guests. Altogether there were 200 partici- pants of the banquet. Catering was done by Woodbridge Junior Women’s Institute. Officers of the Associa- tion are Stanley Watson, A‘gincour’c, President, and Frank Ramsay, Shar- on, Secretary. Young Sonâ€"“Say, Dad!†Dadâ€"“Now what, young fellow?†Young Sonâ€"“Nothing much. I was just fighting these pesky flies and wondering if Noah had two flies in the ark." Dadâ€"“Why, I guess so. They say he had two of every kind of living creature on that old boat.†Young Sonâ€"“Then, what I can’t figure out is why he didn’t swat both of them when he had the op- portunity. SATURDAY, APRIL 2NDâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, furniture and other effects on Lot 8, Con. 5, Markham, property of Stephen Hands. No reserve. Sale at 1 pm. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- tioneers. FRIDAY, APRIL 8â€"â€"-Auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Frank L. Lloyd, lot 4, con. 5, King (Girl Guide Farm). Terms cash. No reserve as propri- etor is giving up farming. Sale at 1 p.m. C. E. Walkington, Auction-I eer. WOODBRIDGE SATURDAY, APRIL 9THâ€"Auction sale of 1 acre land, 5 room frame dwelling, small grocery store, house- hold furniture, etc. on No. 7 Highway 21 little east of Langstaff P.O. prop- erty of estate of Patrick Mahar. Terms for furniture, cash. Property subject to reserve bid. Prentice & Prentice, auctioneers. TUESDAY, APRIL 12THâ€"Auction sale of Implements, garden tools, furniture, etc., the property of W. H. Lever, corner of Steeles and Bay- view at the Old Mill, 1% miles east of Yonge Street. Terms: cash. Sale at 1 p.m. A. S. Farmer, Auction- eer. Successor to J. J. Deane Director of FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT Farm Implements, Machinery and Repairs Telephone Richmond Hill 39 Beatty Farm Equipment Wilfrid R. Scott Sale Register Charles Graham ned Off the Church 6'0- of the Vicâ€" Marriebta",