Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Apr 1938, p. 2

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bllClAl A“ Lunv yLLULu v -vwv.-v -_ V V The extent of the tax burden in this country demands that the cost of government should be reduced. The log- ical place to start is by abolishing the County Council. which as a part‘ of our governing system can be dispensed with, Without any loss in service to the people, and with a saving to the taxpayers. There are few if any functions of County Council which could not be more efficiently and more economically administered by the provincial govern- ment and the township or town council. ‘ u .1 '11 ALLUJLU uuu an“, uv . - . . v . . . r. - County Councils are onWay out, and there will be no mourning of the taxpayers when the end comes. Commenting editorially on the proposal to abolish County Councils the Globe and Mail says that opposition already expressed to the suggestion is easily understand- able from a personal View. “But it is not a matter to be decided on personal grounds. It is purely and simply a question of what can be done to remedy a governmental system already lopsided from overexpansion and which is becoming less and less efficient in proportion to its ever- increasing cost. A. . n. u 0-" , J “It may be true that the County Councils fill a need as things exist. But this is no logical explanation of why they should be continued if a better system can be found. Arguments of civil rights, proper representation, cries of Haitlerism, and so on. cannot hold up under any reason- able, unbiased analysis. The County Council, for example, is an administration superimposed on a collection of town-v ships, each of which is adequately represented. What is there in its relationships with them that cannot be handled more efficiently and less expensively by co-ordination under the various Departments of the Provincial Government ?" A CONTENTIOUS QUESTION ’ To-day the matter of sweepstakes for Ontario Will be dealt with by the Government and the matter has attract- ed considerable attention with opinion vastly varied. In Newmarket a goodly number, we imagine, would favour an Ontario Hospital Sweep as in the past three years near- ly thirty-five thousand dollars has been won by three local citizens from the Irish. Sweep. Of course this might not happen again in a thousand years and yet again it might repeat on the June lst Sweep, tickets which are now being offered for sale. The attitude taken by many is that peo- ple will buy the tickets anyway, so why not help institu- tions at home instead of sending our good Canadian dol- lars across the seas. It has also been pointed out that, while certain gentle- men (and we do not refer to the clergy) will condone the stock market and various other lotteries, they raise their hands in horror at the thought of an Ontario Sweep. The debate to-day will be hot, and no matter what the result, one faction the pros or cons will be greatly disappointed. In any event, you will still secretly or otherwise be able to send your money to Ireland.â€"Newmarket Express-Herald. TOURIST INDUSTRY Tourist expenditures in Canada last year showed an increase of 18 per cent., while expenditures of Canadian tourists abroad advanced 15%. According to preliminary figures the expenditures of tourists in Canada are esti~ mated at $295,000,000 in 1937 as compared with $249,- 000,000 in 1936. On the same comparison, expenditures of Canadians travelling abroad rose from $107,000,000 to $123,000,000. The tourist industry, ranking with the larg- est in the Dominion, should have special consideration from governments and citizens alike. That in Ontario during 1937 approximatelyUSOO peo- ple were killed‘by street and highway a'ccidents gamed by motor vehicles? Over a long period of years vocated the abolition of County have many times stated in thes viction that the County Council These accidents have injured between 12,000 and 513,- 000 men, women and children? , Ontario’s economic loss occasioned thereby reached the astounding total-of $40,000,000? Lt.-Col. W. P. Mulock, M.P., for North York, is one of those mentioned to succeed as Postmaster-General, Hon. J. C. Elliott, who may be forced to give up his Cabinet post because of illness. It might be fitting that a grandson of Sir William Mulock, who, as Postmaster-General in the Laurier Government introduced twoâ€"cent postage, should occupy the same office in the King Governmentâ€"Barrie Examiner. An interesting question is raised by Brown’s Weekly. The United States National Research Council has disoov. ered that auto drivers between the ages of 18 and 22 kill, twice as many persons in proportion to their numbers as all other drivers combined. They are also the group most frequently arrested for speeding and reckless driving. Possibly. suggests our contemporary. we should raise the age limits for drivers somewhat considerably. Advertising Ratesâ€"EnVApplication. ' TELEPHONE 9 THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RIGHMOND HILL Member Canadian Wefi Subscription $1.50 per year Covering Canada’s PAGE TWO THURSDAY, APRIL 7_th, 1938. BETTER SYSTEM NEEDED COUNTY COUNCILS GOING Establist 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY J. Eachern Smith, Manager THE DANGEROUS AGE “THE LIBERAL” DOYOU KNOW.... HEAR! HEAR! Weekly Newspaper Association vear -â€" To the United States $2 Best Suburban District [Resolved that the following ac- counts be approved and paid and that the Treasurer be hereby authorized to now issue his order in payment for same to the parties for the a- mount set opposite their respective names, and that the seal of the corpâ€" oration be attached to this resolu- tion.â€"â€"J. P. Jefferson, Reeve. Moved by E. M. Legge, seconde by L. B. Goodfellow, that Dan' Rowl~ ings and Aubrey Gordon be paid the sum of $1.40 and» $1.30 respectively being amount of tax credit note due them re taxes in the P.V.K. and that the seal of the corporation be at- tached to this resolution. Carried Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by L. B. Goodiellow, that the Reeve be and is hereby empowered to take up the matter of one (Mr. J. Sad- dler) who has become a squatter on the 01d Toll-gate Road at Holland Landing, with the Warden and Com- missioners of this County and have the necessary steps taken to have him removed as he has become a financial burden on the Township. Carri-ed Moved. by C. E. Walkington, sec- onded :by L. B. Goodfellow, the coun- cil in committee of the whole on ac- counts and bills, E. M. Legge in the chair. H. G. Rose, births, deaths, marriages, $2.00; Woodubridge and Vaughan Tel. Co., L.D. calls. $2.49; Boll Tele- phone Co., L.D. cal-ls reeve, 32.45; C. G. Electric Co., P.V.K.C. Electric supplies, $12.48; Gus. Farquhar, constable services Feb. 23, $30.00; Gus. Farquh'ar, constable services March 25, $41.00; Grain & Coal Lim- ited, wood re Brown, $3.40; W. L. McGowan; re Mrs. Busant, $1.57; F. M. Bayne, re Brown, $0.00; Mrs. A. Gillham, re rent for meeting, $5.00. Relief Account, $1340.06; Relief Voucher No. 1, $5126.41; Roafb Vouch- er No. 1-0, $401.64; Road Voucher No. 11, $169.69; Road Voucher No. 12, $385.16. Moved by L. B. Goodfellow, ‘Sec- onded by E. M. Legge, that the Trea- surer upon the further requisition of J. D. Lucas pay Fasken & Company the judgement obtain-ed in the action of Holland Marsh and King amount- ing to $2181.71. Carried Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by J. Jefferson, that the Colâ€" lector’s, time for collection of taxes be extended to April! 20th, 1938 and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried The regular meeting 0f the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town- ship of King was held in the Com- munity Hall, thbleton on Saturday, March 26th, 1938. All members present. GENERAL AOCOUNT Municipal World», Pound-keepers Act, $2.65; Municipal World, Sub- scription for 1938, $10.00; B. Gra- ham, salary, $10.00; E. B. Aitcheson, salary, $10.00; D. B. Davis, salary, $10.00; McLeod & Lloyd, insurance fire truck P.V.S., $22.50; Maurice King Twp. Council The regular meeting 0f the Coun- ' h C ‘ation of the Townâ€" I ell Of t 8 0mm imad’equate and whereas there is a ship of King was held in the Com- munity Hall, thbleton on Saturday, March 26th, 1938. All members present. GENERAL ACCOUNT Municipal World, Poundâ€"keepers Act, .165; Municipal World, Sub- scription for 1938, $10.00; B. Gra- ham, salary, $10.00; E. B. Aitchieson, salary, $10.00; D. B. Davis, salary, $10.00; McLeod & Lloyd, insurance fire truck P.V.S., $22.50; Maurice Haywood, constaible services, $7.50; Arthur Wellesley, school attendance work, $16.20; H. G. Rose, postage, $27.00; Canadian Bank of Commerce, safety deposit box rent, $10.00; Frank A-aum-‘n0'v‘nnt‘r wmm fm' meetina‘. $2.00; Moved by E. M. Legge, seconded by L. B. Goodifellow, whereas this council looks upon the present edu- cational gran-ts in this township as move on throughout the Province for such an increase. Therefore be it resolved that this Council strongly urges upon the Onw- tario Government the advisability of taking into consideration. such in- creases as in the general interest of the Ontario Ratepayers. and- that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister’ of Education at T0- ronto. Carried The meeting then adjourned to meet at Sutton’s- Hotel on April 30, 1938 at 10.00 a.m. ' NEVVTONBROOK W311 L r L‘IJ $27.00; Canadian Bank 01 L7on safety deposit box rent, $10.00 Armstrong, room for meeting H. G. Rose, births, deaths, ma $2.00; Woodubridg'e and V Tel. Co., L.D. calls, $2.49; Be phone 00., L.D. calvls reeve, C. G. Electric Co., P.V.K.‘C. Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- onded by E. M. Legge, that whereas certain ratepayers have approached this Council as to the Province tak- ing over the 8th Concession of King as a Provincial Highway and revertâ€" ing the 9th Concession of King as a Township Road. »'The council of the Township of King thereLfore requests the Depart- ment of Highways to arrange a con- ference to discuss this request at as early 3 date as possible, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Highways of Ontario. Carried Moved by Thos. MacMurchy, sec- ondedx by E. M. Legge, that the Trea-I sure? be and is hereby instructed to issue a cheque to W. W. Gardhouse, County Treasurer, re HospitalizatiOn as per account rendered! for $166.37. Carried THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Moved by L. B. Goodie-llow, sec- onded by E. M. Legge, that the Trea~ surer be authorized to iSsue a cheque to L. W. Stewart, Schomberg, On- tario for the sum of $2.00 same being amount omitted from his services as Stock Valuator for the year 1937. Carriedl Moved by L. B. Goodfellow, second- ed] by C. E. Walkin‘g'ton, that Trea- surer be authorized to iSSue a cheque to the Department of Health- of On- tario for the sum of $2.26 for in- sulin patients in- the Township of King. Carried Moved by Thos. MaoMurchy, sec- oncl-ed| by E. M. Legge, that the tenâ€" der of McLeod' & Lloyd for premium and) coverage as follows (Road In- surance, Pbulic Liability, $10,000»00 to $20,000.00 property damage, $2,- 000.00 for a premium of $342.14 be and it is hereby accepted= and that the Treasurer be hereby instructed: to issue a cheque for this amOunt, $343.14 to McLeodl & Lloyd, Schom- berg. Carried RESOLUTIONS The death of Mrs. George Harri- son- occurred at her home, 20 Finch’s Ave. West last Saturday evening af- ter a short illness in her 83rd year. The funeral service was held Tues- day afternoon. Interment to West- minster Cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, two daughters and two sons. To the be- reavedv family we extend deepest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd! Kerswill and Jimmie of King and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKay, Betty and John of York Mills were g'uesrts of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith last Sunday. Mrs. Alfredl Brown has returned home after visiting for the past week with friends at Waverly. Mrs. Robert Carson is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Neal at Richmond‘ Hill. The Fourteenth Annual Goad Fri- d‘ay Service will be held in Newt-on- brook United Church on April 15th at 11 a.m. Thornhill United Church choir will lead in the worship of song. The local clergy will also as- sist as usual in “the service. This service is for worshippers from Thornhill to City Limits. A cordial welcome to all. We are pleased to see Mrs. George Newman home again much improved in heaLLh after spending the past year and a half in Weston Hospital. Palm Sunday services will be held in Newtonrbrook United Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and! 7 pm. The Junior Sunday School choir will give special numbers at the morning ser- vice and the Sunday School children will occupy the centre .seats of the church auditorium. At the evening service the choir will be assisted bv the 48th Highlanders Brass Quartet from Toronto who will also give sev- eral musical numbers. A cordial in- vitation is extend-ed to all to attend these services. A song service will precede the evening service. 7 Miss Bertha‘Smith presid'ed at the organ last Sunday in the absence of the organist, Mrs. W. Johnson. Exhibits listed are Open and under. Work offered must be done ‘by exhibitor. Entry of one or more items free. Awards for lbest exhibit in each section w for. Forms for entry are available from any member of the Committee. Return of entry forms to Secretary by April 18th is requested. Exhibits are required to be on hand at School Room, United Church, (by noon, April 22nd. Admittance, adults and teen age ten cents. Exhibitors free. Show open to the public from 4.00 pm. until 10.00 pm. Demonstrative features will be included in the program. Exhibits from adults requested. No awards. SECTION lâ€"«CAMP, SCOUT AND WOODCRAFT A Scout knots and splices, mounted and named, eight specimens. B Personal equipment handicraft, such as decorative knife sheath, Turks head, scout staff, laynard, etc. C Woods, mounted to show bark, named; ten specimens. D Leaves, mounted. E Pos¢er or Chart, showing Scout signs, animal tracks, Indian signs, map signs, etc. SECTION 2â€"COLLECTIONS. A Coins, mounted- under glass or cellophane. B Bottle Caps, mounted in any design. 0 Scrap Books. D Paper Dolls. SECTION 3â€"STAMPS. A Album collections. B Collections otherwise arranged. SECTION 4â€"G‘R;APHIC ARTS. Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Halberb at- Executive Committeeâ€"Y. B. Tracy, Chairman; Jas. Lay,Advisory and Awardsâ€"Miss Jean Smith, Mr. Martin Jr., Secretary; A. Roy Plewman, Publicity. Caldwell, Miss Jean Middleton. ‘ FRIDAY, APRIL 22nd Pen and Ink sketch,‘ one each original and copied. Pencil drawings, one each original and copied. Poster Designs, one each original and copied. Water Color painting, one each original and copied. Charcoal or Crayon drawing, one each original and copied. RULES AND INFORMATION HOBBY SHOW each section will be provided entry :by boys and girls 18 SECOND AN N UAL RICHMOND HILL tended the Home Mission banquet held in Danforth United Church last Thursdhy evening. An Easter Cantata will be pre- senteé by the choir in the United- Church at the evening service on Easter Sunday. A communion and' reception service for new members will be held at the morning service April 17th. The C.G.I.T. met last Tuesday ev- ening with a good attendance. Anv address was given by Mrs. R. F. Hicks. The Golden Crest Concert Party will give a concertt in the United Church on Thursday evening, April 2lst. There will be a male choir of over 20 voices, also an-‘elocutionist. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to come. Last Sunday was missioinarv in the United Church Sunday School. After the Lesson period a short proâ€" gram was presented. Mists Irene Ridrd'ell gave a missionary reading and the Young Men’s. Bible Class contributed a vocal number which was much appreciated by all. The Girls’ Mission Circle will hold their Easter Thank-offering meeting next Tuesday evening, April 12th in the S. S. room. Mrs. Barnes, newly appointed secretary of Mission Cir- cles in Toronto Centre Presbyterial will be a guest speaker. Also Mrs. W. R. MacKay of South China. A Birthday Tea will follow the program as this is the sixth anniversary since the Circle was organized. A special invitation is extendedl to the C.G.I.T. group, the Auxiliary and the W0- man’s Assodation to be preSent on this occasion. The same fellow who can run a newspaper with all ease and please all the people, is having a heck of a time to keep people pleased in his own lime of business. Tires from $1.00 up Glass installed While you wait â€"â€"reasonable CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED York Auto Wreckers Phone Willowdale 272W “IF IT’S FOR A CAR OR TRUCK WE HAVE IT” “Tony Saves You Money” SECTION 6â€"WOODWORK AND INDUSTRIAL CRAFTS F Poster 14 by 22 inches illustrating any hobby, sport, etc. SECTION Sâ€"MODEL AIRCRAFT. A Flying- Model, subject to test. B Scale Model. A Wren House, limited to age 13 and under. B Robin House. C Any other type. D Model Sailboat. E Model Boat, other types. F Window Box, painted, size to suit home requirements. G Garden 0r lawn ornament. H Article for home decoration, use or ornamental. I Other Woodcraft articles. J Paper Masks. K Marionettes. L,Block Prints, linoleum or potato. M Model, clay or plasticene. A Crystal Set. B Short Wave Set. C Long Wave Set. SECTION 8â€"PHO’I‘OGRAPHY AND CAMERA CRAFT A Snapshots (six required) various subjects. B Snapshots, representing exhibitors effort in develop- ing and mounting. C Snapshot, colored, (one required) exhibitors effort in developing and mounting. SECTION 7â€"RADIO. A Tea Biscuits (3). B Cookies (3). C Tarts (3). D Candy (Three kinds). SECTION Qâ€"BAKING. SECTION 10â€"NE’EDLEWORK. A Apron, hand sewn. B mnfbroidery, towel or other article. 0 Darnring, white work on black. D Dressed doll. E Sample of sewing on wearing apparel. e 6189 Yonge St. le 272W Newtonbrook Branch, Oak Ridges THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1938. Tommy: “I don’t like the favori- tism that’s going on in our house.” Uncle: “What do you mean by favâ€" oritism ‘I " Tammy: “Well, if I bite my fin- gernails I get the very dickens, but when ba-by sticks his whole foot in his mouth, they think it’s cute.” A confirmed old bachelor insists that the difference between firmness and obstinacy is merely a matter of sex. BRAND” CORN SYRUP. They never tire of its delici- ous flavor and it really is so good for themâ€"so give the children “CROWN BRAND” every day. {W - 'H‘I'f. thrive on “CROWN Leading physicians pro- nounce “CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP almost satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infants and as an energy producing food for growing children.

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