R.&G. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) U sed Cars @000 '1936 FORD v.3. neu'xn SEDANâ€" with Trunk. Good value. $5 1935 DODGE 2-TON TRUCK â€"- In excellent condition. osesiï¬i 1936 FORD V-8 'l'L'l)OR with Trunk â€"Heater. Very nice. 95.00 $ 5 S 0 . 0 0 1935 Del.l'XE SEDAN â€"â€" Trunk. Heater. $375.00 1933 FORD V-‘i 301.1le ROAD- STEK‘. Rumble Seat. Heater. Very Nice. $175.00 1931 FORD PANEL DELIVERYâ€" (Half Ton). Little Brothers Ford Sales & Service it e RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174-W ONTARIO Auction Sale l FURNITURE The PrOperty of FRED GOODE MAPLE Sat., April 9th 1 Findlay Large Kitchen Range, ' nearly new 1 Large New Air Heater Stove 1 Small Wood Stove 1 Roll Oil Cloth, good 1 Poker Table, Oak 3 Kitchen Chairs 1 Library Table, solid Oak 1 Large Mahogany Rocking Chair 1 Large Oak Rocking Chair 1 Large Settee, Oak 1 Large Library Oak Chair 1 Victrola and nearly 100 Re- cords 1 Large Oak Davenport 1 Small Green Dresser 1 Oak Stool 8 Pictures 1 Oak Barrel Other articles too numerous to mention All Furniture is in First-Class Condition TERMSâ€"CASH SALE AT 1.30 P.M. J. C. SAIGEON, Auctioneer Note and Comment W. E. MacDonald of New who was warden of York last year has announced that wiii retire from municipal poliâ€" ’ties in June, he resign h.s position as Tit-\L‘ to enable irm to detote his entire time to his own Reeve Toronto county when will business. _ ‘i.ocai polities ar~ taken so >ti‘l- 0u.~.l\ in the >"_ll').l‘.“J‘.tll art-a that those an r l win disagree with a public mar. prone L" make :i personal issue of tile (5“:ee'i'et‘nie‘tt." Reeve Marllonâ€" 1.}(l ;.s~er‘;..‘.. “I sict‘ely believe that ii y professionz‘il anzl l1ll>illk'<s‘ stintss has chn hilmptred by reason ‘ .it' bad fr'endsliips l have made through municipal and poltical rev», vice." (I Ri‘Iill. Hon. George P. Graham. member of the Canadian Srr‘tito sin: ' 1’10 celebrated March 31st. Mr. Graham in Renfrew county. of the Ontario Legislature ville from lH‘JK to 1007. of 1007 he Liberal the Ontario Legislature. period he was provindal in the Ross Government which was defeated in 1905. In 1:107 he resign- ed his Hat in the legislature to be elected to the House of Commons by acclamaiion for the riding. of Brockâ€" ville. after having llCLIl Minister of Railways and Canals the Laurier Government. In general election of 1011 he was de- feated in Brockville and in a byâ€" election in 1912 was elected to the for Brut-l;â€" For a part leader in For a brief sccrt-tai'y \\' .l \‘ appointed in House of Commons in South Renâ€" . frew. In 1021 he was elected in South Essex. From 1021 to 1023 was Minister of Militia and Defence and from 1923 to 1925 was Minister of Railways and Canals. In June 1925 he was appointed a member of the Imperial Privy Council (from thence comes the designation “Right. ,Hon.") and in the general election of 1925 was defeated in South ESsex. In the following year he was ap- pointed to the Senate. In his first attempt to win a seat in the legis- lature he was defeated by Sir James P. Whitney in Dundas. If the provincial government would promise to assume all county coun- cil debenture debt, we feel that the proposal to abolish county councils would receive very strong public sup- port. Masons Annual Inspection Night Blackwolod Masonic Lodge held its annual inspection night on Tuesday evening when R.W. Bro. Ivan Mus- selman, D.D.G.M. paid his Official visit. The first degree was exem- plified by the W.M., Irkwood Shuhk and his officers. After the degree ceremony, a banquet was held in the United Church Sunday School room. The ladies in charge are to be con- gratulated for the splendid supper served. The toast to the Grand Lodge was proposed by R.W. Bro. George Shore and responded to by the D.D.G.M. The toast to the vis- itors was proposed by V.VV. Bro. S. Mayhew and responded to by Bro. MacGregor of Toronto. D. B. Davis, W.M. of Unity Lodge, Schomberg and Wm. Cannon of Peel Lodge, Caled‘on East. The toast to the canâ€" didate was proposed to by Bro. Alex Watson and responded to by Bro. Harry Watt. Three or four splen- did vocal selections with guitar ac- companiment and also some smart whip stunts were given by “Cowboy A1†of radio fame who was present. / AUCTION SALE of IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN TOOLS, FURNITURE, ETC. The Property of W. H. L E V E R Corner of Steeles & Bayview at the Old Mill 1% miles East of Yonge St. TUESDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1938 1 Plow 1 Set of Light HarrOWs 1 Scuffler, nearly new 1 Duck Foot Scuffler 1 Chatham Fanning Mill with bagger 1 Cutting Box, small 1 Chevrolet Truck, ca acity 1 ton 1 Lawn Mower, neary new 1 Vega Cream Separator, nearly new, N0. A3 Bench Model 1 Butter Bowl with Ladle and Print 1 Churn, small 1 Strainer Pail No. 4 quart Pails 1 Clothes Horse 1 Cross Cut Saw Quantity of Old Harness and Collars 1 Set Platform Scales, 1200 lbs. 1 Set Platform Scales, 1700 lbs. 1 Bag Trucks 2 Grain Bins 1 Colony House (8x10) 1 Dog Kennel No. of Poultry Troughs 2 Oil Drums, large 1 Oil Drum, 20 gal. 1 Extension Ladder, 30 ft. Step-ladders and others 2 Logging Chains and N0. Smaller Chains . TERMS:â€"CASH ‘ 1 Crowbar 1 Robe 1 Oil Can, 5 gal. 1 Croquet Set 1 Breachâ€"loading Gun Quantity of Belting, Pulleys and Shafting FURNITURE Large Fall Leaf Table Small Fall Leaf Table Secretary Music Cabinet Large Oil Lamp Bedroom Suites Set Bed Springs Feather Mattress Cane Chairs 2 Rocking Chairs 1 Washstand 1 Small Table No. Fruit Jars No. Crocks 1 Large Tapestry Rug Quantity of Gladioli Bulbs No. Boxes and Baskets Spades, HOe. Forks and No. of Grain Bags, Feed Bags and other art- icles too numerous to mention SALE AT 1 RM. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer his 710th birthday e‘i born. He was member 1\.'ith the f Hlackie ant léeldiie and Mrs. and son Keith visited CHI. at llornby ‘ Mrs. THE LIBERAL. CARRVILLE Mr. W. Wyin was in charge (if a group of l’lulco employ to ltttlllillt I: in Saturday where they \\KlL eemlu. Led thriugh the plant oft In. :\klll\‘li_\ of ('anada Ltd. by Mr. (5. Norir..r.. iii li‘l‘j. manager. They were Linn given a luncheon in the Liliik‘iWVrr-ls \Velit\\'i.‘l. Aiiiis llUlrl ‘.:':.itil.n:: to .\.;::;ii';i halls where .hey ‘. ~ .xeï¬. the tulle. “honeynimn Bridge". Mani-hie .\l:iti :llt'lll a few days last \\K‘\l\' \\itli her Qui‘ulpzirents Mr. and Mrs. L. llellii'<i.co. Mr. (Zaiuite \'zi'.‘.rtcrluiig and son 1: Roy spurt Saturnay :it'ivritoen nitli Mi, :iizl Alli. Vauderburg. Mrs. Albert Mirlizli't'in :iid Misses“ M).rle,('11ive.RLiI>y and Mastrr Lloyd Middleton visited Niagara l’alls last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .lans ard sun Jackie Thornhill Mr. Mrs. Antunae-i of Toronto spent Sut‘tlay Mr. and Mrs. Itellvroeeu. and Mrs. \V. \Vynn and sons Muyhi w it an“. and Mr. 'n. Sunday". MrJand Mrs. l‘eirini: tor-intrly of Toronto have moved into their new which they from Smith. Mr. ailn Mrs. Morris and son Allen home purchased ‘have returned to their home here alâ€" ‘ tcr til‘k‘llllll‘: the ointer in TorontO. Mr. illitl Mrs. Walter Edwards of Brampton in (‘arrville Sunday. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Bumble and fam-i ily tool; tea with Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker on Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Baker spent Tuesday af- ternoon with her aunt Mrs. Trieker at Dollar. TESTON Young People's Union was held last Firt?ay with a good attendi- aiice. Mr. C. Pratt was the speaker of the evening. Hazel Carson read a poem “God is Love". Margaret and Mary McQuarrie sang,r a duet. On the evening of Tuesday, March 29th, a Euchre and Dance was held at the home of Mr. E. Castator when a number of guests frOm Toronto. and other friends spent a very plea- sant social' evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyle motored to Flesherton to visit friends there. Mr. Pratt has been engaged by Mr. Wm. Monk for the summer. Keffer Clan Plain Reunion Next June Pioneer Residents of Vaughan Meet Near Maple A two-day reunion of the Keffer family, descendents of Jacob and Michael Keffer who settled on crown grants in Vaughan township over a century ago, will be held on June 11 and 12. Zion Lutheran Church, near Maple, has been secured for the occasion. A reunion committee was appoint- ed at a meeting in the home of Hima Keffer last week. Thomas Keffer, Concord, will act as chair- man, and Wilfred Keffer of Maple. will be secretaryâ€"treasurer. A SPELLING LESSON We’ll begin with box; the plural is lboxes, But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes. One fool is a goose, but two are call- ed geese, Yet the plural of m005e should never be moose. You may find a 10ne mouse, -r a whole nest of mice, But the plural of house is houses, not hice. The cow in the plural may be called cows, or kine; But. a how, if repeated, is never call- ed‘ bine; And the plural of vow is vows, never vine. If I speak of a foot and show my two feet, And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet? If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, Why shouldn’t the plural of booth the called beeth? If the singular’s this, and the plural is these, Should the plural of kiss ever be written keese? Then one â€"may be that, and the two would be those, ' Yet hat in the plural would never be hese, We speak of a brother and also of brethren, But though we say mother, we never say methren, Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imaging the feminine she, shis, and shim. So that English, I think you all will agree, Is the funniest language you ever did see. â€"â€"John O‘London’s Weekly. . Japan si finding out every day that “swallowing the dragon" is a man's size job. ees who went i I). . on- . RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ____.__â€"â€"- ___... [VETERANS TO HOLD VIMY DANCE AND DRA‘V , The Aurora Veterans ‘will hold their annual Vimy Dane: land Draw on I-‘rzday evening, April .\th in tlm MCrlliiiiies llall. Tickets are new or. ~ale art may be secured l , , . . ill'Hlll aiiv llittillnt' of the Assoe‘:iâ€"' l . lllOll. SHLT‘I OI†RIVOVlzRY I'ii'Itllllllll‘i. Marci. l veTl'lelrl'i’llC installat 1.1 s but now unwed the -i'.~ recur“. it' 1.13“. ii‘ii'ni-d in lL'f’ll. illllt' 1:. i1. llajimn imii ir-r. Tvli mm Co. ‘lllfiilflE‘i‘. T'l‘!“ "1‘. 'l'tl )esterday. lural l 'I..< :1, of >1‘l'Vii'i‘s illront’nued ‘duriuQ' «lento-Won jwai‘s 11"!’ included "a. the 1‘30 1.0; litmus in the last three i ‘ "oars .ro Mud it“ sold by May lsl; two one« quarter :irre lots in lluttonvllle, part. et' lot ll. con. 1. Markham Townâ€"i Whip. (in ore lirt thi-ve is erected‘ a .rzime il‘v'lllitlt’j. thi- other is an ex- Association . THURSDAY. APRIL 7th, 1938. I _ l l Tllls‘ 15 THE DAY RA'l ES 1 M: s . ‘ss. -2) con ior tail. sllll‘t‘l,‘ en. ,IirelilUn. 0v each i.~rit'ri: "f h, ( 5 V iii ski 14’ . EARLY COBBLER POTATOES from ‘ llavid certit'iul seed. Burns. phone lillapie 500. l .7»; .4.--“ V 1.. -_ , .‘ilAMMt‘iTll BRONZE t;<_)l§Bl.EP.. Leo Burton, lload. phone ‘ Maple 704. Cai'rville ,\\'illTll I’EKIN duel; eo'us t'-‘ l1IllL‘ll- l Leo Burton, tairviile Rind or Eng. iphone Maple 701. iRt)Sl‘iL.-\\V.\i DAIRY HORSES. Apâ€" iply l.. (. Burton, ('tti'i'ville Road. ‘Siop L’il, Yonge Street. ‘fitltlll GOOSE \VllEAT for seed and litls'llt‘ls' John Boy_i phone 512?. oft, pm. Agincourt to \v ll , la inn- reliant garden. l , . l Bids will he received for 't-itj; as a whole or on each lot sepâ€" iauatrly. ‘ Titans purchase aierptauee of bid and balance 23’, of price ‘up. n ‘within 15 days. I For further particulars apply to rVValter Craig, ’iu‘tonvillo. All bids must he made in writing and sent lit-fore April t‘.0'.h to the above or ,W. J. I‘ttty, .103 Bay St. Toronto , WA wrap GANIlER \VANTEII. Peter Jones, ‘Maple, telephone Maple 2860. 'OPERATOR on men‘s clothing. Ap- lply at once to Richmond Tailors, lRichmoiid Hill. Send Stream FEED OATS. and l prices. Silver 1N0. 2 Gormlcy. sample Farm, , .- _____ iRELIABLE GIRL as mother's help ,for home in North Toronto. :phone Hudson 0006. lWORK WANTED. Practical nurse; :and housework or spring cleaning. ’Apply Liberal Office. lVVANTED TO RENT small house or Bungalow, vicinity 01 Thornhill near car line, conveniences. Apply BOX 10, Thornhill. BUILDINGS raised and moved. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 73. ANY KIND of TEAM WORK. Ob- servations taken by hour or contract. Apply W. Morrison, Oxford St., El- gin Mills, phone ‘Richmond Hill 90F. PLOUGHING AND CULTIVATING by the acre or by the day. Hay and straw baling. C. W. Stub-b5, 171 Horsham Avenue, Willowdale, phone 369W. OPENING FOR LOCAL INSUR- ANCE representative. Good oppor- tunity for man with connection. Ex- tra special contract to the right man. Give full particulars. Box 110, Lib- eral Office. EXPERIENCED in Custom Hatch- ing. Let us give you the benefit of years of experience in hatching hen, duck and turkey eggs. Our mod- ern machines are in full swing. You will find our prices moderate. A. L. Brown, Unionville, telephone 3902 Unionville, 2620 Stouffville. TO RENT 6 ROOMED HOUSE. Apply 15'Ce1. tre Street East, Richmond Hill. APARTMENT, 6 rooms. Apply 80 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. LOST FEMALE BEA‘GLE HOUN‘D. Any information kindly telephone Rich- mond Hill 251. The Local Improvement Act Form 2 (Section 12) TAKE NOTICE:-â€" 1. The Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Rich- mond Hill intends L0 construct a cement sidewalk between the north limit of Diufferin Street to the nOrth limit of Lot 305 as a local improve- ment and intends to especially as- sess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work ‘is 3484.16 of which $242.08 is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated cost per foot frontage is 44 cents. The special assessment is to be paid in 10 annual instalments. 3. Persons desiring to petition a- gainst undertaking the work must do so on or before the 16th day of April, 1938. Dated at Richmond Hill the 16th day of March, 1938. A. .I. HUME, Clerk. RR. , Tele- ' No. 21. E. \Valkington. l . iKii‘g. Appl.v C. Phone 424â€"3. ,BARGAlN. No. l liay. l‘i'onqt-hurst Ave, Stop 24 Yonge St l ,telephone Richmond ilill 195121. '7 .\(‘K G‘ii DING 1‘ gears old, quiet I BI. ‘to ride and drive. P. VarrCn, D011- icaster Gardens. Stop 1415;, Yonge Street. GOOD HARDWOOD per cord delivered, cu Langstaff Supply (‘0., bill 73. tan GOOD SEED BARLEY, O.A.C. No. 21. Apply Pullan Bros, RR. No. 2, Maple, Ont., lot 3.1â€"3.6, concession 3, Vaughan. TEAM OF HORSES, dark grey Per- ! cheron 5 years old and Roan 7 years old. Apply Gordon Anderson, phone 'Maple 416. McCORMICK DEERING TRACTOR 10-20, entirely rebuilt, new tractor guarantee. M. A. Wilson, King, tele- l phone King 4800. †SEED GRAIN, Early Gopher 'and Velvet Barley. 1V. H. W'ellman, lot 16, con. 3, Markham, telephone [Richmond Hill 4723. 2 YOUNG SOVVS due April 20th. Apply A. Hansen, Bathurst Street half mile south of Wilson Avenue, phone HUdsonv9702. QUEBEC, in good COOK STOVE, shape, 1 Dresser, etc. perienced farm hand wants work. Apply G. Appleton, Oak Ridges. ’____.___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" PERCHERON GELDING 3 years old, a real good horse; Alfalfa seed, clean. R. Rodick, Gorinley, Lot 9, Con. 4 Markham, phone Agincourt 42r2. ./ RED CLOVER SEED, No. 1 grade, 92% germination, Gov. cert., No. 47- 3987, $16.00 per bus. Geo. Hoshel, ilot 10, con. 2, Markham, phone ‘ Thornhill 5113. BABY CHICKS and Custom Hatch- ing. Apply for prices and further particulars. Miss K. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. SEED GlRiAIN O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- ley, Gov. grade No. 1; Victory Oats, Gov. grade No. 1; also Goese Wheat. Apply Bruce Brothers, Unionville, phone Stouffville 3602. BANNER Seed Oats; Victory Seed Oats; O.A.C. N0. 21 Barley, all grown from registered seed. Apply to C. Rumlble, c/o T. H. Rae Farm, Maple, phone 1764 Maple. : ONE AND A HALF ACRES in Sha- ron village, 6 room frame house, gar- age, outbuildings, good repair. Small fruits. Hydro, water. James Sey- mourâ€"Taylor, Sharon. ________‘__â€"’â€"â€"â€"- LATHAM RASPBERRY PLANTS in large or small quantities; Asparagus Roots and Strawberry Plants; also Garden Tractor. Agent for E. D. Smith, Winona. Apply M. J. John- son, Thornhill, phone 19J. TEAM OF GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES, Percheron Colt 3 years old, $105, 3 young colts $60 each. Herb. Weatherill, Woodbridge R.R. N0. 1. COW freshening April 10; Heifer June lst. Apply W. Jans, Elgin Street, Thornhill. BARRED ROCK, White Leghorn, New Hampshire, Black Minorca, Jersey Giant productionâ€"bred chicks. Our prices are moderate and our - chick quality high. Custom hatching specialists. Yonge Street Poultry 'Farm, Richmond Hill, phone 102r13. SEED GRAIN, Velvet Barley No. 1 Gov. test, 99'} germination, $1.00 lper bu. Victory Oats grown from 2nd Germination Reg. Seed, N0. 1 Gov. test, 90c. per bu. Banner Oats. grown from Reg. seed and from lst prize field in competition, No. 1 Gov. test, 9%., per bu. Terms cash. ,Clark Young,’ Milliken, Bell phone, Agincourt 45â€"21. Classified Advs. )1“ ADVERTISINGâ€"VMAKE THE MOST OF IT {UARGED T CENTS PER Lthl. ,vxith ; View. phone Thorn- Gent‘s Also an ex-‘ Ls for first insertion and 15 cents er 5 lines .3 cents per line extra 1 M u i rhcad, Srllil‘. W. lelL‘plhn‘L' .-\:“.ncourt 21'1'4. an .i\. (IOV ,I, ll) YOUNG Sill 'l‘illi()\V.\' EWES R. \\hiit:ii~:ur. Dawns“ lanilis. ltl'IIAVI' Si’lMN. lL‘ill. Ln good runz’..ng App}. l'lil ltennie, Vittoria Ul'tli‘l‘. Square. QUANTITY li‘lll t‘l.il"l’.ll SEED. Apply .1. Iii-limp. lingila-g telephone 1Maple ‘35-'30. l Clark, telephone Rich- ln’ Sl't"l\'l.\'l; ‘Rll. N. > ( t liltiS. \Vt‘sley Iii'iulsj'. 701. imond llili IOLIVER TRAVTHR PLO‘iV, also fiflt'li of alfalfa hay. ,L‘il' d. lGormley, RR, No. 0 Y .i. Lees, - l “W W“)â€" l QUANTITY SEE" BARLEY' O'A'C' ‘ AvRsuu-tr nt'ii w ni..iiiii~1§ï¬i A1) ,ply C. \V. Gane. RR. No. 2, Maple, ltelephone Maple G414. ' QUANTITY VELVET BARLEY :Gov. cleaned. 55c. per hus., bags in- leluded. L. Chapman. Langstaff. :FO‘RDSON TRACTOR and Oliver iPlow; 2 cheap Work Horses. ,Quay Brothers, No. 7 Highway, Un- .L... ,_ i ionville. SLABS, $9.50 ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€" y length. i QUANTITY B ANN JR seed oats, 25 bus.; also 8 pigs 6 weeks old. R. Wideman, phone Richmond Hill 45112. per TWO PURE BRED AYlRlSHIRE yearling bulls, also a good grade Ayrshire fresh milch cow. Phone 10, I. D. Rainer & Son. GOO LB. DEMONSTRATORi Melotte Cream Separator for $75.00, regular price $115.00. If interested phone Maple 53. IMPROVED BANNER OATS, Vel- vet Barley, both government grade No. 1. Robert Watson, Woodbridge, telephone 2366. AT KING CITY Garage, service station, dWelling, tennis court, three acres of land. Price for quick sale, $2500. Wm. E. Barker, King. CARLOAD OF HORSES Will arrive Tuesday morning, April 5th, Bel- gians, Percherons and Clydes, teams and mares in foal, good quiet work thorses. J. W. Palmer, Richmond ,Hiii, phone 4632. REPOSSESSED 720 lbs. De Laval perfect shape, guaranteed, snap, 330, “Terms. Nearly new, low tank Me- lobte 600 lbs., trial, delivered, $45. Nice table separator, Aâ€"1 shape, $15. 1Vrite Harry Hulse, Aurora, Ont. EGISTERED AYRSHIRES. We can. spare a few Heifers bred to freshen in fall, R.O.P. backing, accredited. 1 Bull' Calf, splendid R.O.P. back- iing. 1 Bay Gelding 5 years old. 1 Bay Mare 11 years old. Apply M. B. Beynon, RE. No. 3, King. £LATHAM and VIKING Raspberry Canes, Dorset; Strawberry plants, one ‘of the finest varieties, also Senator Dunlop, Black Currants, Red Spirea plants and Irish Junipers, Gladiolus bulibs, good varieties. N. J. Smellie‘, phone 421, Thornhill. NOTICE Mr. George Smith would appreci- ate it if the party who came up on' his veranda at 3 Richmond Street last Friday night and removed his thermometer, would kindly return same. This thermometer has served its purpose, not only to Mr. Smith but to many of the residents on Richmond Street, for the past. twen- ty years, and it seems a pity that it could not be left in its accustomed place, to continue its, usefulness. Tenders for Gravel ‘Te‘nders will be received by the municipal council of Richmond Hill iVillage up until 5.30 pm. Friday, April 8th, for supplying 500 yards, more or less, of good road gravel. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. J. HUME, Clerk. Garbage Collection The first collection of the year will take place next Tuesday, April 12th and will on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month for the summer. Only cans and refuse which canâ€" not be burned will be gollected and all must be on the street ready for collection Monday night as collection twill start early Tuesday morning. 5. A. GREENE. Reeve.